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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chefers organisatoriska förutsättningar att implementera psykosociala                                  hälsofrämjande insatser : En kvalitativ studie inom en kommunal organisation

Lindström, Amanda, Jacobsson, Linnéa, Ewens, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Studien handlar om att studera villkor och förutsättningar att implementera psykosociala hälsofrämjande insatser på en kommunal organisation. Syftet var att undersöka chefers organisatoriska förutsättningar att implementera psykosociala hälsofrämjande insatser. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ ansats och empirin samlades in genom sex semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer, med en intervjuperson från varje utvald förvaltning. Förvaltningarna valdes utifrån våra villkor och deras organisatoriska uppbyggnad. Studiens resultat har analyserats deduktivt genom ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv. Den teoretiska referensramen grundar sig i pedagogiska och hälsofrämjande områden med fokus på arbetsplatslärande, genom erbjudande och engagemang. Den pedagogiska och hälsofrämjande ansatsen innefattar aktörskap, empowerment, praktikgemenskap samt samspelsmodellen. Studien berör lärande i sammanhang och ur individperspektiv, genom till exempel sociala relationer och delaktighet. En slutsats av studien visar att oföränderliga villkor kan hanteras på olika sätt utifrån olika förutsättningar. Förutsättningarna påverkas av kompetenshöjande insatser och kognitiva egenskaper samt erfarenheter. / The study is about studying conditions and implementing psychosocial health promotion efforts in a municipal organization. The purpose was to examine the organizational conditions of managers to implement psychosocial health promotion efforts. The study was based on a qualitative study and the material was collected through six semi-structured individual interviews, with an interviewee from each chosen management. The administrations were chosen based on our terms and their organizational structure. The study results have been analyzed deductively through a health promotion perspective. The theoretical frame of reference is based on educational and health promotion areas with focus on workplace learning, through offer and commitment. The educational and health promotion theories included Agency, Empowerment, Communities of Practice and  an interaction model. The study relates to learning in context and from an individual perspective through, for example, social relations and participation. A conclusion of the study show that unchanging conditions can be handled in different ways based on different conditions. The conditions are influenced by skills enhancing efforts and cognitive properties as well as experiences.

Chefer i PR-branschen : en studie om hur män & kvinnor ser på sin kommunikation / Managers in the PR-Industry : a thesis about men’s and women's point of view of their communication.

Olsson, Amelia, Moberg, Lena January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera chefer i PR-branschen. Genom definierade kommunikationsstilar, vill vi ta reda på chefernas syn på deras sätt att kommunicera. Vi vill även se om det finns någon skillnad i hur kvinnor respektive män kommunicerar på sina arbetsplatser. Metoden som använts i studien är en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer på åtta PR-bolag i Göteborg och Stockholm. Chefer samt anställda har intervjuats. Det resultat som vi kommit fram till i denna studie är att det inte är stor skillnad i hur männen respektive kvinnorna ser på sin kommunikation. De två kommunikationsstilar chefer - både män och kvinnor i PR-branschen anser sig kommunicera genom, är tydlighet och inspiration. Att vara så konkret som möjligt är något som alla cheferna vi intervjuat värderar högt, men det finns en skillnad i hur det framförs mellan könen. / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate managers in the PR-industry. We want, through defined communication styles, define managers’ point of view of their communication. We also want to see if there is any difference in how women and men communicate in their working places. The methodology that is used is a qualitative research method, and the empirical material is collected through semi structured interviews, at eight PR-companies in Gothenburg and Stockholm. Managers and employees have been interviewed. The findings of this thesis are that there is no big difference in women’s and men’s point of view of their communication. The two communication styles that managers - both men and women - in the PR-industry consider themselves to use is through preciseness and inspiration. To be as concrete as possible is something that all the managers we interviewed value highly but there is a difference in how it is conducted between the genders.

Les compétences du chef de chœur : enquête sur les attentes déclarées des choristes et des chefs / Competences of choir directors : survey on expectations as expressed by choir members and directors

Saavedra, Rafael 29 June 2015 (has links)
Ce travail propose une étude du domaine de la direction de chœur. Il est centré sur les compétences du chef et les conditions d’une performance optimale, selon attentes déclarées des acteurs du monde choral. Il s’agit de compétences souhaitées par les choristes et les chefs. Les questions du répertoire, du contexte social et historique de la direction sont abordées, ainsi que les aspects épistémologiques de l’interprétation musicale. Les origines du concept de compétence, son évolution, son approche selon différentes perspectives, son emploi pédagogique précèdent l’observation empirique qui prend la forme d’une enquête menée sur un vaste échantillon dans six pays : l’Allemagne, l’Autriche, l’Espagne, les Etats-Unis, la France et le Venezuela. L’analyse critique donne une image psychologique des compétences du chef, décrit sa position culturelle et sa performance dans le contexte social. En découlent des considérations liées à l’héritage historique de la direction de chœur et une réflexion relative à la formation du chef. / The work consists in a study related to the field of choral direction. The study focuses on the competences and the conditions of choir directors to achieve optimum performance in the opinion of constituents of the choral world as desired by choir members and directors. Choice of repertoire, social and historical context of choral direction, and epistemological issues of the musical interpretation have been addressed.The origins of the concept of competences, their evolution and approach according to different perspectives and their educational use precede the empirical observation. The latter study consists of a wide survey in six countries, namely Austria, France, Germany, Spain, United States of America and Venezuela. The critical analysis of this study reflects the psychological image of choir director’s competences, describing the cultural position and its performance in the social context. This study triggers assumptions relating to the historical legacy of choral direction as well as a framework of considerations related to the professional qualification of choir directors.

Le pouvoir exécutif en République centrafricaine depuis l'indépendance / Executive power in Central African Republic since Independance

Erenon, Dominique Désiré 26 January 2015 (has links)
Du Ier décembre 1958 au 15 décembre 2014, l'évolution constitutionnelle, institutionnelle, et sociopolitique de la République Centrafricaine est caractérisée par une instabilité chronique. [...] Tandis que la Constitution Française de la Cinquième République brille depuis le 4 octobre 1958 par sa longévité, le Centrafrique totalise 6 Constitutions en 56 ans (soit en moyenne une Constitution tous les neuf ans), plusieurs Révisions Constitutionnelles, douze Actes Constitutionnels, et une Charte Constitutionnelle de Transition adoptée le 18 juillet 2013, sans oublier l'adoption projetée de la Constitution de la septième République en 2015. Les six Constitutions successives ont établi chacune un régime parlementaire, sauf que celui-ci est hétérodoxe, et n'a jamais fonctionné dans un système parlementariste, mais plutôt dans un système présidentialiste, caractérisé par une hypertrophie de la fonction présidentielle, une concentration et une personnalisation du pouvoir au profit du Chef de l’État. Contrairement à la logique parlementaire, le Chef de l’État nomme et révoque ad nutum le Premier Ministre, et même les Ministres ignorant le pouvoir de proposition du Premier Ministre en la matière. Ce présidentialisme prégnant et omniprésent constitue à n'en pas douter le principal facteur explicatif de l'échec de la greffe du parlementarisme en Centrafrique depuis la première Loi Fondamentale, la Constitution du 16 février 1959. Tout en constituant une des caractéristiques d'une pratique institutionnelle et politique inadéquate et non démocratique, le présidentialisme est source de déformation du pouvoir exécutif. L'effet de contagion jouant, il est aussi facteur de déformation institutionnelle générale. La déformation institutionnelle est également le fait d'une insuffisante considération de l'environnement sociologique sur le plan constitutionnel et institutionnel, d'un défaut de conscience citoyenne favorable, et d'un mimétisme constitutionnel et institutionnel tronqué. Des pans entiers de la Constitution apparaissent souvent comme virtuels. L’exécutif centrafricain dans son ensemble souffre d'un déficit de légitimité, mais est pourtant très puissant et pratiquement quasi-irresponsable. C'est l'évidence du déséquilibre au sein du triptyque constitutionnel pouvoir-légitimité-responsabilité. Le principe de la séparation des pouvoirs reste formel, donc illusoire. Grâce au culte qui lui est voué, le Chef de l’État investit les autres institutions et capte leurs pouvoirs. C'est alors l 'assainissement du Premier Ministre et des Ministres, la domestication des pouvoirs législatif et judiciaire, et même le ravalement du pouvoir médiatique. Cette thèse se veut une modeste contribution à une ingénierie constitutionnelle et institutionnelle adéquate, une nécessité exigée par ce qui est unanimement reconnu en 2014 comme un État complètement failli, et donc un État Centrafricain à refonder. Sous ce rapport, il est clair que c'est la Constitution qui devra être non seulement la fondation et le pilier principal du nouvel État, mais aussi la sève irriguant et nourrissant les futures institutions. Or, les réflexions et analyses menées dans cette Thèse sont susceptibles d'inspirer les rédacteurs de la Constitution de la septième République dont l'adoption est projetée en 2015. / From December 1st, 1958 to December 15th, 2014, constitutional, institutional and socio-political evolution of the Central African Republic is characterised by a permanent instability. […] While the French Constitution of the Fifth Republic is still applying since its adoption on October 4th, 1958, Central Africa totalizes no less than 6 Constitutions within only 56 years (for a life's duration of 9 years in average for each one). Central Africa counts several constitutional reviews, 12 Constitutional Acts, and a Constitutional Charter of Transition adopted on July 18th, 2013. Furthermore, the country planned to adopt by 2015 another Constitution for the Seventh Republic in place. The 6 successive Constitutions established each one a parliamentary regime, however the latter is strange and never worked as a real parliamentary system but as a presidential one where the President of the Republic concentrates all the powers in his hands as well as he practices a form of personalisation of the presidential function. Contrary to the parliamentary logic, the Chief of State appoints and dismisses ad mitum the Prime Minister, and even the Ministers who actually ignore the power allocated to the Prime Minister to make proposals in the process of appointing the Ministers. This strong and omnipresent presidentialism constitutes the main factor that explains the failure of the idea of a parliamentary system in Central Africa since the first Fundamental Law known as the Constitution of February 16th, 1959. The presidentialism in Central Africa constitutes one of the characteristics of a non­democratic and political inadequacy in the practice of powers, and at the same time, it is also the origin of the deformation of the executive power. This situation produces a contagion's effect. It contributes to a general deformation of the political institutions. The institutional deformation is also the fact of an insufficient consideration of the sociological environment in terms of respect of the Constitution and the normal functioning of institutions, and of a lack of awareness of citizens in favour of it, and of a shortened constitutional and institutional imitation. Some entire provisions of the Constitution often appear as virtual. The Central African executive as a whole suffers a deficit of legitimacy, but nevertheless it is a powerful State and mostly practically irresponsible. This is clearly the fact of the imbalance of the necessary constitutional triptych Power-Legitimacy-Responsibility. The principle of separation of powers remains formal, and so imaginary. Because of his personality cult well celebrated, the Chief of State vests the other institutions with his authority and at the same time takes their powers. Then this is the subjection of the Prime Minister and Ministers, the domestication of legislative and judiciary powers, and even the media suffer the same fate. This thesis that aims to be modest is a contribution to a constitutional and institutional engineering that is appropriate and necessary for Central Africa, which is considered in 2014 as a State completely failed, and then as a country to be rebuilt. Under this report, it is clear that this is the Constitution that shall be not only the foundation and the cornerstone of the New State, but also the sap irrigating and feeding the future institutions of the country. Yet, the reflexions and analyses raised in this thesis may inspire the writers of the future Constitution of the Seventh Republic which adoption is planned for 2015.

"Det givande samtalet" : En fallstudie om medarbetarsamtal inom bankbranschen

Pham, Maria, Jarlheden, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Formal dialogues between an employee and a manager have long existed as a tool to achieve organizational goals and to develop employees as well as the organization. Development requires the exchange of feedback between employees and managers which is considered as one of the most important parts of the performance appraisal talk. Despite the purpose of the talk, previous research proves a dissatisfaction with the talks among the employees and an uncertainty with its practical usefulness. It is of significance that employees have a positive attitude towards the performance appraisal talk and its use in order to create favorable effects for the organization. Therefore, this study aims to understand employees and managers perception of the performance appraisal talk and to form an understanding with the parties receptivity towards feedback during the talks.   The purpose of this study has been fulfilled through a total of eight interviews with employees and managers in Handelsbanken.   The result of the interviews show that all respondents have a positive attitude towards performance appraisal talks, and both managers and employees agreed that the talk is of high significance. The purpose of the talk is to notice, develop and support the employees, create common goals and to exchange feedback between the parties. The interviews indicate that all respondents are receptive towards both positive and negative feedback during the performance appraisal talk. According to the managers and employees, the receptivity to feedback depends on the individual and the current situation. Positive feedback is preferred and feels easier to receive and process, but at the same time, negative feedback is also regarded as needful. / Formella samtal mellan medarbetare och chef har länge existerat i organisationer som ett verktyg för att nå satta mål i organisationen och bana väg för utveckling av både medarbetare och organisation. Utveckling förutsätter att feedback utbyts mellan parterna vilket bedöms som ett av samtalets viktigaste funktioner. Trots samtalets syfte, påvisar tidigare forskning attdet finns tveksamhet och missnöje bland anställda kring samtalets praktiska användbarhet. Det är av betydelse att anställda har en positiv inställning till medarbetarsamtal och dess funktion för att det ska skapa gynnsamma effekter för organisationen. Studien syftardärmed till att förstå medarbetares respektive chefers uppfattning om medarbetarsamtal samt skapa förståelse för parternas mottaglighet för feedback i samtalen. Forskningsmetoden följer en kvalitativ ansats och en fallstudiehar genomförts på olika kontor i Handelsbanken. För att uppnå studiens syfte har totalt 8 semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts med chefer och medarbetare på kontorsnivå. Resultatet visaratt samtligarespondenter har en positiv inställning till medarbetarsamtal på arbetsplatsen och både chefer och medarbetare var ense om att samtalet är betydelsefullt. Resultatet tyder på att medarbetarsamtalet handlar om att uppmärksamma, utveckla och stödja medarbetarna. Samtalet syftar även till att skapa en gemensam syn kring mål samtattförmedla feedback mellan chef och medarbetare. Samtliga respondenteri studienär mottagliga för både positiv och negativ feedback i samband med samtalen. Enligt både chefs-och medarbetarperspektivet är mottagligheten för feedback beroende av individen och situationen. Positiv feedback föredras och upplevs vara lättare att motta samt bearbeta, men samtidigt anses det behövligt att även motta negativ feedback.

Första linjens chefers erfarenheter och reflektioner kring sitt arbete med strukturella förutsättningar till distriktssköterskor : en intervjustudie

Liljekvist Södergren, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Första linjens chefers stöd och förståelse för distriktssköterskor är viktigt för att befrämja en god arbetsmiljö och tillfredsställelse på arbetsplatsen. Faktorer som kan påverka: resurser, att känna sig delaktig, att veta vad som händer, utvecklingsmöjligheter. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva erfarenheter och reflektioner första linjens chefer vid hälsocentraler hade kring sitt arbete med strukturella förutsättningar till distriktssköterskor. Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design. Semistrukturerade intervjuer, med åtta första linjens chefer inom primärvården, utfördes och bearbetades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Information framhölls som svårt. Vanligast sättet att föra ut information på var mail. Vikten av att distriktssköterskorna gavs förutsättningar att själva söka information påtalades. Cheferna höll olika möten, vilket tog mycket tid. Cheferna gjorde sitt yttersta för att det skulle finnas tillräckligt med personal. Cheferna litade på distriktssköterskornas bedömningar vad gällde material, utrustning och att planera sin tid. Cheferna uttryckte att distriktssköterskornas tid var knapp. Cheferna kände att de hade en hög närvaro och tillgänglighet. Feedback gavs på olika sätt, flera chefer ville förbättra sig på detta. Cheferna var positiva till utbildning och ansåg att möjligheter till utveckling fanns. Slutsats: Första linjens chefer inom primärvård upplevde att de var ett gott stöd till distriktssköterskor och avsikterna var att ge möjlighet till strukturella förutsättningar. De upplevde ibland att de var styrda uppifrån. De upplevde att vissa distriktssköterskor inte hade samma intresse som organisationen, vilket kunde försvåra anpassning av exempelvis utbildning på individuell nivå. / Background: First line managers' support and understanding for district nurses is important to promote good work environment and satisfaction at the workplace. Factors that may affect: resources, feeling involved, knowing what's happening, development opportunities. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences and reflections first-line managers’ had concerning their work on structural empowerment for district nurses in primary care. Method: The study had a qualitative approach with descriptive design. Semi-structured interviews, with eight first-line primary care managers, were performed and analyzed through qualitative content analysis based on an inductive approach. Result: Information was highlighted as difficult. Most common way to convey information were by mail. It was important to give district nurses opportunity of seeking information themselves. The managers held different meetings, which took a lot of time. The managers did their utmost to ensure that there were enough staff. The managers trusted the district nurses' assessments regarding materials, equipment and planning their time. The managers expressed that the time of district nurses was scarce. The managers felt they’d high attendance and availability. Feedback was given in different ways, managers would like to improve on this. The managers were positive about education and felt that opportunities for development were available. Conclusion: First-line managers in primary care experienced themselves as good support to district nurses and their intentions were to provide opportunities for structural empowerment. Sometimes they experienced being controlled from top. They found that some district nurses didn’t share the same interest as the organization, which may make it difficult to adjust at individual level.

Le rôle des chefs d’établissement scolaire catholique dans un milieu islamo-chrétien au Liban / The presence in Lebanon of religious person as responsable of catholic school in the middle of Muslim-Christian society

Ouba, Charbel 16 October 2015 (has links)
Étudier le système éducatif ou la pédagogie au Liban impose une différenciation de ce qui peut être écrit en France, au Canada ou dans d’autres pays du monde occidental ou oriental. La société libanaise constitue en effet une société pluraliste au niveau politique ainsi qu’au niveau religieux. Au Liban coexistent deux grandes religions, le christianisme et l’islam. Cette coexistence au sein d’un même pays implique, de par son histoire des rapports entre deux grandes religions, deux conceptions de l’homme et deux cultures différentes, dont l’une trouve sa pleine expression dans la civilisation judéo-chrétienne et l’autre dans la civilisation musulmane. Dès lors, l’enseignement religieux est d’une importance majeure pour les écoles catholiques au Liban qui accueillent des élèves non catholiques dans un pourcentage de 40% et sont dirigées par une majorité des religieux (90%).Le statut du chef d’établissement (CE), religieux ou laïc, ses responsabilité et sa façon de les assumer, son style de direction et ses missions pédagogiques, éducatives et missionnaires jouent-ils un rôle important et lequel dans la motivation des parents d’élèves musulmans qui inscrivent leurs enfants au sein de l’école catholique au Liban (ECL) ?La spécificité de cette recherche consiste à caractériser rôles et missions du chef d’établissement scolaire catholique dans un milieu islamo-chrétien, et à déterminer si la direction assurée par un religieux diffère de celle assurée par un laïc au regard des différents acteurs du système. C’est pourquoi nous avons formulé ainsi la problématique de notre recherche : dans un milieu islamo-chrétien, quel genre de chef d’établissement permet à l’école catholique au Liban d’atteindre ses buts éducatifs, pédagogiques et missionnaires dans le respect de la liberté de conscience des élèves et des familles ?Une enquête de terrain a été menée, par questionnaire et par entretiens semi-directifs, auprès des chefs d’établissement scolaire catholique, religieux et laïcs, des directeurs adjoints, des enseignants, des parents d’élèves, chrétiens et musulmans, et des élèves musulmans. Des perspectives d’avenir ont été émises concernant l’éducation religieuse et l’éducation aux valeurs assurées au sein de l’ECL ainsi que la formation et la professionnalisation des futurs chefs d’établissement dans le cadre de leur recrutement. / To study the educational system or pedagogy in Lebanon imposes a differentiation of what can be written in France, Canada or in other countries of the Western or eastern world. Lebanese society is indeed a pluralistic society on both political and religious levels. In Lebanon two great religions co-exist, Christianity and Islam. This coexistence within one country implies something different from the history of relations between the two great religions, two conceptions of man and two different cultures. One finds full expression in the Judeo-Christian civilization and the other in the Muslim civilization. Therefore, religious education is of major importance for Catholic schools in Lebanon that host non-Catholic students with a percentage of 40% and is managed by a majority of religious leaders (90%).Do the status of the head-teacher, whether religious or secular, his role, his leadership style and his educational missions, educational and missionary play a role and which one in motivating parents of Muslim students who enrol their children in Catholic schools in Lebanon?The specificity of this research is to characterize the roles and missions of the Catholic head-teacher in a Muslim-Christian environment and whether the leadership provided by a religious head-teacher differs from that provided by a layman for the different actors of the system. That is why we formulated the problem of our research as such: In a Muslim-Christian environment, what kind of school head allows the Catholic school in Lebanon to achieve its educational, pedagogical and missionary goals, with respect to the freedom of conscience of students and families?A field survey has been conducted through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with heads of Catholic, religious and laic schools, deputy heads, teachers, parents, Christians and Muslims, and Muslim students. Prospects for the future have been made regarding religious education and education to values provided in the ECL as well as the training and professionalization of future school heads as part of their recruitment.

食酷SCOOP廚師共享平台創業計畫研究 / The study on the SCOOP Chef's sharing platform entrepreneurship plan

梁愷元, Leong, Kai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為創業計畫,以共享經濟為商業模式基礎,發展食酷獨立廚師共享平台網站。並藉爬梳文獻與過往研究,以此解決研究者在執行本專案時所遭遇到的困境,此外,將藉由商業企劃書(BP)帶領讀者快速進入本研究及策略面,最後將相關執行狀態、網站介面、行銷成果呈現於本研究中,並給予未來有志創業的夥伴作為參考。 本研究可以發現創業是一個變動的過程,隨著實際執行與環境改變,會發現有許多困境在路上阻礙團隊前行,尤其對多數想以全新商業模式進入市場的新創來說,為了使企業存活,初衷與最終企業走向可能會是完全不同的。 對平台創業來說,最大的問題常常是蛋生雞與雞生蛋的問題,需要時刻思考應該先培養消費者還是服務提供者。若要求供應者更多商品或時間時,若沒有足夠的消費力,則會造成生產者的損失;若平台中商品選項與種類較少的話,也無法滿足消費者需求。不論先有雞或蛋,如果只靠平台辛勤推動,而實際市場對平台商品並無興趣或必須的話,平台的成長速度將相當緩慢。 另由消費者層面來說,當理念與消費者固有習慣不同時,企業應該應該堅持自己的道路,抑或是針對市場環境作出相應的調整呢?而這樣的調整會不會損害到原本創業初衷?為剖析當中關鍵與決策過程,本研究以商業企劃書為基礎,加入後續執行情境與記錄,希望讓讀者可以了解並思考食酷團隊在面對情境時的解決方式與邏輯,並成為來研究者或餐飲創業者成長的養分。

Banque chef de File, syndicat bancaire et introduction en bourse : application aux marchés boursiers européens / Lead bank, banking syndicate and IPO : application to European stock markets

Bernoussi, Achraf 07 December 2012 (has links)
L’introduction en Bourse est une opération de financement majeure dans la vie d’une entreprise. Le choix des intermédiaires-conseils revêt une importance capitale, particulièrement celui du syndicat bancaire dont les responsabilités sont importantes, à l’image de la certification du prix d’émission et la réussite du placement des titres. Les multiples asymétries d’information et les anomalies des marchés boursiers impliquent pour l’émetteur de prendre les bonnes décisions. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à la compréhension des critères de sélection utilisés par l’entrepriseémettrice dans le choix de la banque chef de file. Parmi ceux-ci, le critère de réputation dont les travaux empiriques, majoritairement outre-Atlantique, ont mis en évidence l’impact positif dans l’atténuation des déviations observées sur le marché boursier. La démarche suivie pour argumenter cette thèse nous a conduits, dans le premier chapitre à justifier notre positionnement théorique et à développer notre cadre de recherche. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous présentons une étude de cas de l’introduction en Bourse d’Electricité de France, opération européenne majeure réalisée durant cette dernière décennie et entreprenons une démarche qualitative dans laquelle nous prenons en compte la réalité économique et financière. Enfin, la vérification empirique de cette problématique est développée dans le troisième chapitre. Nous réalisons une étude statistique sur un échantillon d’introductions en Bourse européennes afin d’apporter des éclaircissements sur la structure de la syndication bancaire et examinons le lien de cette structure avec la réputation de la banque chef defile. / The initial public offering is a major financing operation in a company’s life. The choice of advising intermediaries is of paramount significance. This is the case in particular for the underwriting syndicate whose responsibilities, such as the certification of the issue price and the successful placement of securities are important. Multiple information asymmetries and anomalies in stock markets involve the issuer making the right decisions. We pay particular attention to a thorough understanding of the selection criteria used by the issuing firm in the choice of the lead manager. One of these is the reputation criteria, observed in empirical studies, mostly from across the Atlantic, which have highlighted its positive impact in mitigating stock market deviations. The approach we followed to develop this thesis led us, in the fist chapter, to justify our theoretical positioning and to develop our research framework. In the second chapter, we carried out a case study of the Electricité De France IPO, a major European issue during this last decade and undertook a qualitative approach in which we covered the economic and financial realities. Finally, the empirical verification of this issue was developed in the third chapter. We carried out a statistical study based on a sample of European IPOs in order to clarify the structure of theunderwriting syndicate and explore the relationship of this structure with the lead manager reputation.

Fler kvinnor till toppen : Management för att främja jämställdhet på ledande positioner inom byggbranschen

Halldin, Alice, Andersson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Research question: How can JM Construction (sv. JM Entreprenad) work to encourage women to reach leading positions within the organization based on a management perspective? Purpose:                The purpose of this study is to describe how a male-dominated organization within the construction industry, from a management perspective, can work towards gender equality in leading positions within the organization. Method:                 The study was of a qualitative nature based on a deductive approach, which enables interaction between theories and empirical findings. The theoretical framework was based on scientific articles and books. Empirical data collection was conducted through 21 interviews, a focus group and meetings at JM Construction as well as reports and observations. Based on theoretical framework and empirical findings, a thematic analysis was conducted. Conclusion:            A male-dominated organization within the construction industry can, from a management perspective, work towards gender equality in leading positions by actively communicate and illustrate the importance of gender equality. An organization with few women in leading positions should work with increasing the representation of women in leading positions and exemplify female role models, because there may exist a glass ceiling in the construction industry. An organization that wants to implement gender equality in leading positions needs to formulate clear gender goals and strategies for gender quality and formulate a gender equality plan. It is important to consider gender equality as an organizational change. In order to promote women, specific support for women can be implemented, such as role models, encouragement, individual career plans and access to personal contacts through networks and mentoring programs. It is important that an organization in the construction industry considers structural capital alongside with personal qualities within a recruiting process. / Syfte:                          Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur en mansdominerad organisation inom byggbranschen, ur ett ledningsperspektiv, kan arbeta för att främja jämställdhet på ledande positioner inom organisationen. Metod:                        Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär med utgångspunkt i en deduktiv ansats, vilket möjliggjorde en interaktion mellan teori och empirisk datainsamling. Teorin var baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Empirisk datainsamling genomfördes via 21 intervjuer, en fokusgrupp och möten vid JM Entreprenad samt via rapporter och observationer. Utifrån teori och empiri genomfördes en tematisk analys.      Slutsats:                      En mansdominerad organisation inom byggbranschen kan, ur ett ledningsperspektiv, arbeta med att främja jämställdhet genom att aktivt kommunicera och belysa problematiken vikten av jämställdhet. En organisation med få kvinnor i ledande positioner bör arbeta med att öka representationen av kvinnor på ledande befattningar och lyfta kvinnliga förebilder, då ett glastak kan existera inom byggbranschen. En organisation som vill främja jämställdhet på ledande positioner bör utforma tydliga jämställdhetsmål och strategier samt formulera en jämställdhetsplan. Viktigt är att jämställdhetsarbete betraktas som en organisationsförändring. För att främja kvinnor kan specifika stöd riktade mot kvinnor implementeras, exempelvis förebilder, uppmuntran, individuella karriärplaner och tillgång till personliga relationer via nätverk och mentorskapsprogram. Det är viktigt att en organisation i byggbranschen väger strukturkapital mot personliga egenskaper vid rekrytering.

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