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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ny sjukdom, gamla bilder : En bildsemiotisk undersökning av parafrasers bildstrukturer och betydelser under coronapandemin / New disease, old images : A semiotic study of the structures and meanings of art paraphrases during the Covid-19 pandemic

Breding, Thi-Sofie January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the structures and contents of art paraphrases during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic through semiotics, intertextuality and intermediality, to create an understanding of what the reuse, or appropriation, of art can mean and which roles it could play in a contemporary visual culture. To achieve this, six “Covid paraphrases” are analysed alongside a rich complementary material collected from November 2021—February 2023 through netnographic methods focused on the social media platform Instagram. The study is centred around three categories of Covid paraphrases: positively modified paraphrases, negatively modified paraphrases and paraphrases modified through the act of substitution. The study finds that Covid paraphrases often build upon famous classical art works that contain human figures. These figures, as well as other elements of the image, are shown to be removed, relocated or replaced in the paraphrase. In other Covid paraphrases, new details are added to the image, often portraying objects connected to the pandemic, such as face masks or toilet paper. Most often, they are created, distributed and viewed through digital media, unlike the art works they build upon which generally take the shape of physical paintings. Surprisingly, the study of art paraphrases during the pandemic shows that the visual culture of Covid-19 consists of a considerable amount of humour despite the unstable state of the world. In this context, the Covid paraphrases play the role of the entertainer, and by reminding the public of the authorities’ restrictions in the fight against the new coronavirus, as well as of the long history of art, the paraphrases can also be seen as a source for information. Together with other new images, the Covid paraphrases create a new visual language filled with pandemic-specific signs. This reuse of images updates classical art works and gives them a new meaning in a modern setting, while simultaneously attaching the new paraphrase to an established history. These processes leave room for a revised and expanded art historical canon suitable for a global Internet culture.

Pandemins prövningar på offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskap på distans och tillit inom den offentliga sektorn / The pandemic trials in the public sector

Rughaven, Katarina, Jakobsson, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Att leda på distans har aktualiserats inom flera delar av den offentliga sektorn till följd av Covid-19 pandemin och dess tillhörande restriktioner. Tillitsbaserad styrning har varit en omdiskuterad styrform som från politiska beslutsfattare har försökt implementeras i offentlig sektor. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur ledarskapet har påverkats i den offentliga sektorn till följd av den plötsliga omställningen till distansarbete och hur arbetet med tillit kan ha påverkats. Studiens ändamål är att identifiera de möjligheter och utmaningar ett distansledarskap kan medföra samt hur tilliten påverkas när arbetet bedrivs bortkopplat från den fysiska kontorsmiljön. Det empiriskt insamlade materialet består av intervjuer med 17 ledare som är verksamma i olika delar inom den offentliga sektorn i Västra Götalandsregionen. Samtliga chefer har medarbetaransvar och har till största del utfört sitt arbete på distans under Covid-19 pandemin. Resultatet från datainsamlingen som intervjuerna bidrog med visade att cheferna har upplevt många möjligheter, men även utmaningar med att arbeta på distans. De största möjligheterna ansågs vara den ökade flexibiliteten i arbetsdagen, ökad tillit och upplevd närvaro från cheferna. Utmaningarna har varit att hantera gränsen mellan arbetstid och privatliv, att upprätthålla goda relationer när en viktig del av den sociala interaktionen försvinner och behöver ersättas, upptäcka medarbetares mående samt anpassa kommunikationen efter de förändrade förutsättningarna. Kopplat till tillit ansåg cheferna att den har ökat i arbetsgrupperna. Vidare visar studien att den plötsliga förändringen har bidragit till att en mer tillitsbaserad styrning lättare har kunnat implementeras och vara en naturlig del i arbetsvardagen. En avslutande reflektion i studien är att en medvetenhet, utformandet av alternativa kommunikationsvägar samt ett ökat känslomässigt och individuellt fokus minskar dessa risker som utmaningarna kan medföra. Ytterligare en reflektion vi kan konstatera är att tilliten spelar en central roll för att skapa en välmående arbetsgrupp och att en mer tillitsbaserad styrning är något som har upplevts positivt inom verksamheterna. Avslutningsvis kan vi fastställa att distansledarskap och tillitsskapande är en process som kräver mycket resurser samt behöver upprätthållas och underhållas över tid. / Distance leadership has become a more important aspect in several parts of the public sector as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and its restrictions. Trust-based governance has been a discussed form of governance that political decision-makers have tried to implement in the public sector. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how leadership has been affected in the public sector as a result of the fast readjustment to work from distance and how the trust has been affected. The intention is to identify opportunities and challenges of distance leadership and how the work of trust is being affected when the workplace is disconnected from the physical workplace. The empirically collected material consists of interviews with 17 leaders who are active in various parts of the public sector in the region of Västra Götaland. All managers have responsibility over employees and have for the most part performed their work on distance during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The results from the data collection from the interviews showed that the managers have experienced both opportunities and challenges during the distance work. The greatest opportunities were considered to be the increased flexibility in the working day, increased trust and higher presence from the managers during the workday. The challenges have been to manage the boundary between working hours and a private life, to maintain good relations when an important part of the social interaction disappears and needs to be replaced, to discover employees' moods and to adapt communication to the changed conditions. Linked to trust, managers felt that it had increased. Furthermore, the sudden change had contributed to a more trust-based governance being easier to implement and be a natural part of everyday work. A concluding reflection in the study is that an awareness, alternative communication paths and an increased emotional and individual focus may reduce these risks. Another reflection is that trust has a central role in creating a prosperous working group and a more trust-based governance is something that has been experienced positively in the businesses. In conclusion, we can state that distance leadership and trust building is a process that requires a lot of resources and needs to be maintained over time.  This thesis is going to be written in Swedish.

An Analysis of Lockdown and the Effect on Stock Returns : Does Lockdown during COVID-19 Serve as an Explanatory Variable in the Performance of the Danish Stock Market?

Björnemark, Julia, Lilja, Kimsy, Norenius, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates if the announcement of lockdown had a significant impact on stock market return in Denmark. The research approach used is quantitative and deductive and the sample consists of ​​daily adjusted close prices of stock from the 20 largest listed companies in Denmark, according to market capitalization rate. The time period studied is 28th of February 2020 till 27th of March 2020. Lockdown's effect on stock market return is studied using a Difference-in-Difference model, where daily adjusted close prices of stocks from the 20 largest companies in Sweden are used as a control group.  The COVID-19 pandemic has for the past two years had a huge impact on societies globally. At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, to try and stop the spread of the virus, governments around the world implemented lockdowns of varying degrees. Denmark was one of the first countries to implement lockdown. However, the culturally and market similar Sweden, opted for a different approach and did not implement a lockdown at all. It is therefore of interest to investigate whether lockdown announcements had a measurable impact on stock returns at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Previous research conducted by Vasileiou (2020), Baker (2020), Ichev and Marnič (2018), Hassing Nielsen & Lindvall (2021) and Ashraf (2020) on the subject have found that COVID-19 generally contributed to market uncertainty. This uncertainty in turn affected the stock market significantly, both positively and negatively. The major findings of this thesis suggest that the lockdown implemented in Denmark had no significant effect on stock returns during the investigated sample period.

Expérience des infirmières des soins intensifs durant la pandémie de la COVID-19 : une ethnographie ciblée

Jetten, Heïdi 08 1900 (has links)
La détresse morale est un phénomène observé en premier chez les infirmières . Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, la définition utilisée est celle de Morley et al. (2019, p. 3) d’« un lien causal entre l’expérience d’un événement moral et d’une détresse psychologique » [traduction libre]. La détresse morale peut entraîner plusieurs conséquences psychologiques, physiques et organisationnelles. La COVID-19 exacerbe et ajoute des éléments contraignants contribuant à la détresse morale des infirmières des unités des soins intensifs (USI). Le cadre de référence est la typologie de la détresse morale écrite par Morley, Sese et al. (2020). Le but vise à mieux comprendre l’expérience de la détresse morale vécue par les infirmières d’une USI adulte durant la pandémie de la COVID-19. Un devis qualitatif d’ethnographie ciblée de Bourbonnais (2015) est utilisé. Les méthodes de collectes de données sont des observations accompagnées de notes de terrain, des échanges informels avec des informateurs généraux, des entretiens semi-structurés et des questionnaires sociodémographiques auprès d’informateurs clés et un journal réflexif. La méthode d’analyse de données est celle de comparaison constante de Côté et al. (2020). Huit informateurs clés âgés de 26 à 50 ans ont participé. Quatre thèmes principaux en ressortent : temporalité, facteurs influençant, détresse morale ainsi que les besoins de formation à l’expérience et la détresse des infirmières. Les résultats de cette étude ont plusieurs retombées pour la discipline infirmière dont la formation, pratique, gestion, recherche et politique. / Moral distress is a phenomenon that was first observed in nurses. The definition used in this thesis is provided by Morley et al. (2019, p. 3) who define moral distress as "a causal link between the experience of a moral event and psychological distress." Moral distress can lead to several psychological, physical, and organizational consequences. COVID-19 exacerbates and adds to the constraining elements contributing to moral distress in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses. The framework of this thesis is the typology of moral distress written by Morley, Sese et al. (2020). The purpose is to better understand the experience of moral distress by nurses in an adult ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. To accomplish this, a qualitative focused ethnography design from Bourbonnais (2015) is used. The data collection methods are observations with field notes, informal exchanges with general informants, semi-structured interviews and sociodemographic questionnaires with key informants, and a reflective journal. The method of data analysis is the constant comparison method of Côté et al. (2020). Eight key informants between the ages of 26 and 50 participated. Four main themes emerged: temporality, influencing factors, moral distress, , and the need for education about nurses' experience and distress. The results of this study have several implications for the nursing discipline including education, practice, management, research and policy.

Digitaliseringens Påverkan på Rollspelsupplevelsen

Nguyen, Duc Thang, Jonsson, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Hur populära rollspel är har ökat kraftigt under en tid då digitaliseringen av rollspel är mycket vanligare än någonsin tidigare. Fler spelare upplever rollspel på ett sätt de inte var originellt utvecklade för. Detta digitala medium kan påverka deras upplevelse av rollspel kraftigt, och i sin tur ändra hur spelare upplever de sociala aspekterna av rollspel. Studiens mål är att undersöka vad för sorts påverkan digitalisering har på den sociala upplevelsen av att spela rollspel, på grund av att mer spelare påverkas av digitalisering än någonsin tidigare, vilket i sin tur påverkas av den generellt ökande populariteten av rollspel. Akademisk litteratur när det gäller spelupplevelser inom detta område är också väldigt få, så studien siktar på att motverka detta också. Frågeställningen som utvecklades från studiens problem var “Vad är deltagarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av de sociala aspekterna av digitala rollspel?”. En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes med en litteraturundersökning angående generella tankar kring digitalisering och att spela online, tagna från onlineforum Detta följdes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio rollspelare, som sedan analyserades via en tematisk analys. Det första steget för att besvara frågeställningen var att ta reda på mer information kring vilka delar av onlinespel som ansågs vara mer viktiga av spelarna, vilket i sin tur innebär att intervjun kan bli bättre strukturerad för att samla in mer relevant information. Detta gjordes genom litteraturundersökningen. Genomföringen av intervjun var det andra steget, vilket siktade på att samla så mycket information som möjligt angående spelarnas tankar, känslor, upplevelser och liknande när det kom till digital rollspelning. Det tredje steget var att genomföra de tematiska analyserna på anteckningar om intervjuerna, och tre teman skapades: Det Praktiska med att Spela Online, Rollspelning och Spelvärlden. De följande slutsatserna kunde dras från studien: Digital rollspelning har mycket att ge när det kommer till tillgänglighet, då spelare fann det mycket enklare att komma in i spelet, förbereda sessioner samt att organisera tider för när man faktiskt spelar tillsammans när en session kördes online. Trots detta sa spelare även att själva spelupplevelsen, speciellt när det kom till socialisering eller inlevelse, försämrades online jämfört med att spela på plats. Baserat på dessa slutsatser, så kan det sägas att digitaliseringen av rollspel har mycket att ge när det kommer till social tillgänglighet, men generellt försämrar den sociala upplevelsen jämfört med att spela på plats. En generell positiv eller negativ slutsats kan ej dras från detta, då det är upp till vad spelarna värderar mer inom sina rollspelsupplevelser som bestämmer vare sig digitalisering är en bra eller dålig sak för rollspel. / The popularity of roleplaying games has dramatically increased during a time when digitalisation of the medium is more common than ever before. More and more players are experiencing roleplaying games in a way that they were not originally designed for. This digital medium could affect their experience of the game significantly, and impact how players experience the social aspects of roleplaying games. This study aims to research what form of impact digitalisation has on the social experience of roleplaying games, due to more and more players being affected by digitalisation than ever before, thanks to the overall growing popularity of the hobby. Academic literature on experiences of play within this field is also sparse, so the study aims to expand that as well. The research question developed from this study’s problem was “What were the participant's experiences of the social aspects of digital roleplaying games”. A qualitative case study was conducted through a literature overview regarding general thoughts about digitalisation and online play, taken from online forum posts. This was followed by a semistructured interview with 10 Tabletop Roleplaying-Game (TTRPG) players, which was later analysed via thematic analysis. The first step to answer the research question was to find out more information about what aspects regarding online play people regarded to be more important and significant, in order to better structure the interview to obtain more relevant information. This was done via the literature overview. Conducting an interview was the second step, which aimed to collect as much information about the players' thoughts, feelings, and experiences surrounding digital roleplaying. The third and final step was conducting a thematic analysis of the interview notes, in which three main themes were created: The Convenience of Playing Online, The Role-Playing experience, and the Game World. The following conclusions were drawn from the study: Digital roleplaying has a lot to offer when it comes to accessibility and organisation, as players found it drastically easier to get into the game, prepare sessions, as well as organise times for when to play together when conducting a session online. However, players also stated that the actual experience of play, especially when it came to socialising and immersing themselves, was much worse when playing digitally compared to in person. Based on these conclusions, it can be stated that the digitalisation of roleplaying games has a lot to offer when it comes to social accessibility, but it does dampen the overall social experience compared to an in-person play session. Overall, generally positive or negative conclusions can’t be drawn, and it is up to what players value more in their roleplaying experiences that determine whether digitised play is a good or a bad thing.

Dopad pandemie Covid-19 na sexbyznys v České republice. / The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the sex business in the Czech Republic.

Frydrych, Štěpán January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a topic related to the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically the impact on the sex business, resp. to people who move in this segment of commercial sexual services. The work aimed to analyze and describe the possible effects in the defined areas, which arose from the available studied sources (mainly foreign). The impacts were examined using qualitative methods in the areas (psychosocial and socio-economic, health, safety, change of sex business, and legalization of sex business) about those who move in this area and earn their living, family security, and benefits other liabilities (e.g., debts). The analyzed areas and the described impacts resulting from the semi-structured interviews were compared in discussion with the results of foreign research reports or with Czech sources of helping organizations, and were suggested possible ways to mitigate these impacts or may be prevented by future measures.

"Det enda som är konstant är förändring" : Medarbetares förändringsprocesser under Covid-19 pandemin

Wallmyr, Pauline, Bunse, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om de förändringsprocesser som kontorsarbetande medarbetare fått erfarenhet av och upplevt vid distansarbete och vid återgång till den fysiska arbetsplatsen i samband med Covid-19 pandemin. Mezirows teori om transformativt lärande användes som teoretiskt perspektiv för studien och användes som tolkningsredskap för att besvara vilka faktorer som påverkat distansarbete och återgång till den fysiska arbetsplatsen och vilka erfarenheter medarbetare upplevt vid dessa förändringsprocesser i samband med Covid-19 pandemin. Studien baseras på åtta intervjuer med kontorsarbetande medarbetare där samtliga har erfarenhet av att till största del arbetat på distans under Covid-19 pandemin. Studien visade att det upplevda distansarbetet och återgången till den fysiska arbetsplatsen bidragit med erfarenheter. Resultatet visade att flexibiliteten vid distansarbete upplevs som den mest fördelaktiga faktorn samtidigt som tekniken är den faktor som ställer till mest problem. Dessutom framkommer saknaden av kollegorna och upplevd isolering som en av de främst utmanande faktorerna vid distansarbete och att få träffa sina kollegor igen upplevs vara den mest positiva faktorn vid återgången till den fysiska arbetsplatsen. De främsta utmaningarna med att komma tillbaka till den fysiska arbetsplatsen är både de störningsmoment som kontorsmiljön innebar och att behöva mötas i verkligheten och inte längre sitta trygg bakom en skärm. Slutligen visar studiens resultat att erfarenheterna från de upplevda förändringsprocesserna gällande arbetssituationen under Covid-19 pandemin resulterat i ett önskemål om att i framtiden arbeta utifrån en hybrid arbetsmodell som inkluderar både distansarbete och att arbeta på den fysiska arbetsplatsen. / This study aims to contribute with knowledge about the transformation process experienced by office working employees both during teleworking and returning to the physical workplace due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on Mezirow's theory of transformative learning, this study aims to answer what influencing factors and experiences employees experienced in transformation processes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on eight interviews with office working employees who were mostly teleworking during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study shows that both teleworking and the return to the physical workplace contributed with experiences and the results show that the perceived flexibility in teleworking was the main positive factor, while technology was the most problematic. In addition, the lack of colleagues and perceived isolation emerges as the main challenges in teleworking and meeting their colleagues again was considered the best thing about returning to the physical workplace. The main challenges in returning to the physical workplace were both the disturbances that the office environment entailed and the challenge of now facing people in real life. Finally, the results of the study show that the experience from the perceived transformation processes regarding the work situation during the Covid-19 pandemic, has resulted in a desire for a hybrid working model in the future that includes both teleworking and working in the physical workplace.


SABRINA MOURA KIFFER 15 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetos de estudo o currículo escolar e suas relações com as concepções de escola. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Queimados, município localizado na Baixada Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender as concepções de escola a partir das (re)elaborações do currículo escolar realizadas pelos professores, durante o processo de priorização curricular desenvolvido pela Rede municipal de Queimados no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19, no ano de 2021. Foram aplicados questionários com 79 questões fechadas e 3 abertas, respondidos por 48 professores dos anos finais do ensino fundamental que trabalham nessa Rede. Além disso, realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com 16 professores, respondentes dos questionários, para permitir aprofundamentos das análises. As análises realizadas a partir dos dados produzidos foram construídas baseadas na interlocução teórica com os estudos de Tomas Tadeu Silva, Sacristán, Moreira e Candau, acerca do currículo e os estudos de Dubet e Charlot a respeito da escola e de seus objetivos. Os estudos de Nóvoa sobre formação e profissão docente, antes e durante a pandemia, também fizeram parte do arcabouço teórico utilizado. Ao longo da investigação pode-se constatar que as concepções dos professores constituem três dilemas: entre conceber uma teoria tradicional de currículo e ser responsável pela formação de um currículo humanizador; entre defender uma priorização curricular, baseada nas necessidades dos alunos, e a necessidade de dar conta dos conteúdos escolares pré-estabelecidos; entre priorizar ou reduzir os conteúdos, mediante a nova e emergencial realidade imposta pela pandemia de COVID-19. Conclui-se que há uma multiplicidade de justificativas para as escolhas adotadas pelos professores em relação à concepção de currículo e aos objetivos da escola na priorização curricular. Tais escolhas são marcadas pela subjetividade dos professores, a tradição escolar e a influência dos documentos oficiais. Aponta-se que não há consenso entre os professores acerca dos objetivos da escola, o que reverbera na complexidade de se conceituar currículo. / [en] This Master s dissertation has as a goal the study of school curriculum and its relations with the conceptions of school. The research was developed in Queimados, which is a municipality located in Baixada Fluminense – Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, it has the intention of understanding the conceptions of school from the (re)elaboration of the school curriculum made by teachers during the process of the curriculum priorization developed by the Municipal System of Queimados in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the year of 2021. Questionnaires with 79 closed queries and 3 open ones were applied, which were answered by 48 teachers of the Elementary School final years, who work at this Educational System Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with 16 teachers,who answered the querries, were taken in order to allow a deepening in the analyzes.The analyses made from the data produced were created based on the theoretical interlocution with the studies of Silva, Sacristán, Moreira and Candau -regarding the curriculum, the studies of Dubet vand Charlot concerning schooland their objectives. The studies of Nóvoa on the academic education and profession of teachers, before and during the Pandemic, also made part of the theoretical framework used. Along the investigation it is possible to confirm that the conceptions of the teachers compose three dilemmas: between establishing a traditional theory of the curriculum and and being responsible for the elaboration of a humanizing curriculum; between defending the curriculum priorization, basedon the needs of students, and the necessity of coping with the pre-stablished educational contents; between prioritize or reduce the contents, upon the new reality emergency imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. It can be concluded that there is a multiplicity of justifications to the choices adoped by teachers in relation to the conception of curriculum and the objectives of school in the curriculum prioritization. Such choices are highlighted by the teachers subjectivity, school tradition and the influence of official documents. It is pointed out that there is noconsensus among teachers concerning the purposes of school, what reverberates in the complexity of conceptualizing a curriculum.

The Swedish way : How can employees be included in internal communication during a crisis?

Bringeskog Miller, Maria-Helena, Cederlöf Lundgren, Lina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is focused on internal crisis communication during the Covid-19 pandemic at the medical faculty of a major Swedish university (MSU). This thesis aims to examine how the use of internal communication channels at MSU contributed to including employees in internal crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research questions are “How did the organization utilize internal communication channels during the COVID-19 pandemic?”, “What did the employees feel was especially challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the internal communication in the organization?” and “How did the employees perceive that the internal communication channels during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to inclusion? “. Through semi-structured interviews with a convenience sample of eight employees, empirical data was collected and codified using the direct qualitative content analysis approach and applied to the Triage and Assessment System Model and the Contingency Theory of strategic conflict. The methodology is constructivist with a critical epistemology. The cultural environment of an organization utilizing a Scandinavian management style during the crisis highlights the extreme shift in the need and desire for a more apex-driven informational directive approach during the crisis. Our findings suggest that improving value-added feedback channels throughout the organization can increase employee inclusion in crisis communication. Employee inclusion could be further increased by developing a professional development curriculum and establishing clear policies and guidelines.


[pt] A partir do crescimento da internet e da formação da cibercultura um novo espaço está sendo reconhecido como local propício para as relações interpessoais: o ciberespaço. Sendo assim, os jovens de hoje estão se desenvolvendo em um campo em que as redes sociais são a base para a sua socialização. Assim, este estudo realizou uma pesquisa qualitativa e utilizou como base teórica uma interlocução entre a GestaltTerapia e a Teoria Bioecológica do desenvolvimento humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner. Este trabalho buscou compreender o processo de socialização de jovens a partir de suas interações nas redes sociais através do discurso produzido pelos participantes, no período da pandemia da COVID-19. Foram entrevistados 24 adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 18 anos que residiam na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, na tentativa de investigar o sentido que dão às suas experiências dentro das redes sociais. A partir das falas, foi estruturado um corpus textual que foi analisado pelo software Iramuteq. A partir desta análise, os dados foram agrupados em 3 classes de palavras identificadas por: classe 1 – o uso das redes no período da pandemia, classe 2 – a experiência de uso das redes sociais e classe 3 – a finalidade das redes sociais. Seguir os pressupostos das abordagens escolhidas em uma pesquisa qualitativa tem o benefício de renunciar aos pré-conceitos existentes na literatura para poder compreender e valorizar as experiências, únicas, dos participantes e ampliar o estudo do fenômeno escolhido. Foi possível concluir que diferentes campos possibilitam diferentes formas de ser adolescente, e que o processo de socialização a partir das redes sociais é visto como algo natural e indispensável para essa faixa etária. Foi reconhecido que as redes sociais são parte significativa na experiência social destes adolescentes e com isso pôde-se defender que direta, ou indiretamente, atuam como mecanismos propulsores do desenvolvimento destes jovens. Foi defendido neste trabalho a importância de se estudar o fenômeno dentro de um contexto específico e em determinado recorte de tempo a fim de reforçar a singular experiência de ser adolescente na atualidade. Além de ter contribuído para a ampliação dos estudos na área da psicologia do desenvolvimento e para a compreensão da socialização dos jovens. / [en] With the growth of the internet and the formation of cyberculture, a new space is being is being recognized as a place for interpersonal relationships: the cyberspace. Thus, today s teenagers are developing in a field where social medias are the basis for their socialization. This study performed a qualitative research and used as theoretical basis an interlocution between Gestalt-Therapy and the Bioecological Theory of human development by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This work sought to understand the socialization process of teenagers from their interactions on social medias through the discourse produced by the participants in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Were interviewed 24 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 years, who lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in an attempt to investigate the meaning they give to their experiences within the social medias. From the speeches, a text corpus was structured and analyzed using the Iramuteq software. From this analysis, the data were grouped into 3 classes of worlds, identified by: class 1 – the use of social medias in the pandemic period; class 2 – the experience of using the social medias and class 3 – the purpose of social medias. Following the assumptions of the approaches chosen in a qualitative research has the benefit or renouncing the preconceptions existing in the literature to be able to understand and value the unique experiences of the participants and broaden the study of the chosen phenomenon. It was possible to conclude that different fields enable different ways of being adolescents, and that the socialization process from social medias is seen as something natural and indispensable for this age group. It was recognized that social medias are a significant part of the social experience of these adolescents, and with this it was possible to argue that directly or indirectly, they act as mechanisms that propel the development of teenagers. This work defended the importance of studying the phenomenon within a specific context and in a specific time frame to reinforce the unique experience of being an adolescent nowadays. Besides having contributed to the expansion of studies in developmental psychology and to understanding the socialization of teenagers.

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