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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux : facteurs associés aux recommandations d’experts et aux verdicts à la cour

Gratton, Évelyne 05 1900 (has links)
Les facteurs associés aux recommandations d’experts psychiatres-légistes et aux verdicts à la cour de non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux ont peu été étudiés au Canada. Une collecte de données sociodémographiques, criminologiques et psychologiques a été réalisée à l’Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel et au Palais de justice de Montréal sur 100 dossiers médicaux et plumitifs. Des analyses de régressions logistiques ont été exécutées afin d’identifier les facteurs sociodémographiques, criminologiques et psychologiques associés aux recommandations et aux verdicts de non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux. Les psychiatres ont recommandé la non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux pour 49% des sujets alors que les tribunaux ont reconnu 45% de l’échantillon comme étant non criminellement responsable. Les résultats suggèrent qu’une désorganisation cognitive et une perte de contrôle causée par un état psychotique au moment du crime, ainsi qu’un historique de verdicts de non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux sont associés aux recommandations psychiatriques de non-responsabilité criminelle. De plus, les résultats indiquent que de ne pas avoir d’information concernant la présence ou l’absence d’idées délirantes au moment du crime est associé aux verdicts de non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux. Cette étude permet de mettre en lumière les biais possibles dans le processus d’évaluation de non-responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux ainsi que les définitions et éléments du processus décisionnel qui mériteraient d’être précisés. / To our knowledge, factors associated with experts’ recommendations and courts’ verdicts of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder (NCRMD) have received little attention in Canada. Sociodemographic, criminological, and psychological variables were coded from 100 medical files at the Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel and court dockets of Montréal's provincial court. Logistic regression analyses were carried out to identify factors associated with experts’ recommendations and courts’ verdicts of non-criminal responsibility on account of mental disorder. Psychiatrists recommended non-criminal responsibility on account of mental disorder for 49% of subjects while the court found 45% of the sample to be NCRMD. Results show that disorganized cognition and psychosis-associated loss of control at the time of the offence, as well as having prior NCRMD verdicts, are predictive of a psychiatric recommendation of non-criminal responsibility on account of mental disorder. Results also suggest that not having information regarding the presence or absence of delusional ideation is associated with receiving a verdict of non-criminal responsibility on account of mental disorder. This study paves the way for the forensic mental health and legal fields to better understand the current clinical operationalization - and its shortcomings - of section 16 of the Criminal Code - not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder.

Étude sur le châtiment corporel des enfants chez les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec : conflit entre loi séculière et loi divine?

Pacheco Espino Barros, Adriana January 2010 (has links)
Résumé La recherche présentée ici porte sur la manière dont les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec évaluent la compatibilité entre leurs croyances religieuses et les lois qui limitent le recours au châtiment corporel à l’égard des enfants. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse à la façon dont ils résolvent les conflits éventuels entre leurs croyances puisées dans la Bible et ces lois. En ce sens, la Bible prescrit dans plusieurs de ses versets, notamment dans le proverbe 22 :15, d’utiliser le châtiment corporel comme moyen pour chasser une inclination au mal qui serait innée chez les enfants et d’effectuer ce châtiment à l’aide d’une verge. De ce fait, de nombreux protestants conservateurs emploient des objets (cuillers en bois, bâtons, baguettes) pour administrer ce châtiment à leurs enfants. Or, ces pratiques entrent en contradiction avec l’article 43 du Code criminel du Canada qui limite et encadre le recours au châtiment corporel et avec la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse du Québec qui protège les enfants contre des traitements pouvant s’apparenter à de la maltraitance et qui risquent de compromettre leur développement. La méthodologie utilisée est une méthodologie qualitative mixte basée d’abord sur une série d’observations non participantes in situ à des services religieux et des ateliers d’enseignement doctrinal dans quatre congrégations protestantes conservatrices (deux Églises évangéliques, une Église pentecôtiste et une Église baptiste) suivie d’une série d’entretiens auprès de trente-neuf protestants conservateurs québécois francophones appartenant à ces congrégations. Ce matériel a été complété par une analyse documentaire des écrits produits par ces groupes et des écrits d’autres organisations conservatrices consultés par ces groupes. L’analyse des données a permis de dégager chez les protestants conservateurs à l’étude trois différentes attitudes face à l’incompatibilité entre leurs préceptes religieux et les lois séculières : une attitude de conciliation qui se traduit par un effort d’accommodement de ces préceptes à la loi ; une attitude d’omission face à la loi séculière où l’individu opte pour une désobéissance passive de la loi ; et une attitude contestataire face aux autorités où la désobéissance aux lois est envisagée comme une forme de militance. Nous examinons les éléments qui influencent ces différents positionnements face aux lois. En plus de répondre aux objectifs visés, la présente recherche constitue une étude approfondie du discours des protestants conservateurs québécois francophones sur le châtiment corporel des enfants et de leurs pratiques. / Abstract The goal of this research is to study how French-speaking conservative protestants from Quebec evaluate the compatibility between their religious beliefs and the laws and regulations limiting corporal punishment of children. The specific issue is how they resolve eventual conflicts between their beliefs derived from the Bible and the legal framework. Several verses from the Bible, in particular Proverbs 22:15, prescribe corporal punishment with a rod in order “to drive it far from him” a supposedly innate child’s inclination to evil. Hence, many members of conservative Protestant groups use objects (wooden spoons, sticks, rods) to inflict corporal punishment to their children. This practice puts them in contravention of article 43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which limits and frames the use of physical punishment, as well as with Quebec’s Youth Protection Act, that protects children from mistreatment, or whose security or development is or may be in danger. The study applies a hybrid qualitative methodology based on a series of non- participant observations in situ of the religious services and doctrinal workshops at four conservative protestant congregations (two Evangelical churches, a Pentecostal one and a Baptist one) and interviews with 39 French-speaking members of such congregations from Quebec. Observations and interviews were supplemented with documentary analysis of material written or consulted by these groups. From the analysis of the data, we derived three different attitudes of the protestant groups considered in the study when contradiction arises between religious doctrine and the law: conciliation, with an effort to accommodate religious beliefs to the precepts of the law; omission, which results in a passive disobedience of the law, and a challenging attitude vis-à-vis the authorities where disobedience to the laws is considered a form of militancy. Different elements are taken into consideration in the decision-making process that leads to the different attitudes. In addition to its original goals, the research constitutes a detailed description of the doctrine of corporal punishment of children by conservative protestant French- speaking congregations from Quebec and several examples of its practices.

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entities

Hudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.

Étude sur le châtiment corporel des enfants chez les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec : conflit entre loi séculière et loi divine?

Pacheco Espino Barros, Adriana January 2010 (has links)
Résumé La recherche présentée ici porte sur la manière dont les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec évaluent la compatibilité entre leurs croyances religieuses et les lois qui limitent le recours au châtiment corporel à l’égard des enfants. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse à la façon dont ils résolvent les conflits éventuels entre leurs croyances puisées dans la Bible et ces lois. En ce sens, la Bible prescrit dans plusieurs de ses versets, notamment dans le proverbe 22 :15, d’utiliser le châtiment corporel comme moyen pour chasser une inclination au mal qui serait innée chez les enfants et d’effectuer ce châtiment à l’aide d’une verge. De ce fait, de nombreux protestants conservateurs emploient des objets (cuillers en bois, bâtons, baguettes) pour administrer ce châtiment à leurs enfants. Or, ces pratiques entrent en contradiction avec l’article 43 du Code criminel du Canada qui limite et encadre le recours au châtiment corporel et avec la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse du Québec qui protège les enfants contre des traitements pouvant s’apparenter à de la maltraitance et qui risquent de compromettre leur développement. La méthodologie utilisée est une méthodologie qualitative mixte basée d’abord sur une série d’observations non participantes in situ à des services religieux et des ateliers d’enseignement doctrinal dans quatre congrégations protestantes conservatrices (deux Églises évangéliques, une Église pentecôtiste et une Église baptiste) suivie d’une série d’entretiens auprès de trente-neuf protestants conservateurs québécois francophones appartenant à ces congrégations. Ce matériel a été complété par une analyse documentaire des écrits produits par ces groupes et des écrits d’autres organisations conservatrices consultés par ces groupes. L’analyse des données a permis de dégager chez les protestants conservateurs à l’étude trois différentes attitudes face à l’incompatibilité entre leurs préceptes religieux et les lois séculières : une attitude de conciliation qui se traduit par un effort d’accommodement de ces préceptes à la loi ; une attitude d’omission face à la loi séculière où l’individu opte pour une désobéissance passive de la loi ; et une attitude contestataire face aux autorités où la désobéissance aux lois est envisagée comme une forme de militance. Nous examinons les éléments qui influencent ces différents positionnements face aux lois. En plus de répondre aux objectifs visés, la présente recherche constitue une étude approfondie du discours des protestants conservateurs québécois francophones sur le châtiment corporel des enfants et de leurs pratiques. / Abstract The goal of this research is to study how French-speaking conservative protestants from Quebec evaluate the compatibility between their religious beliefs and the laws and regulations limiting corporal punishment of children. The specific issue is how they resolve eventual conflicts between their beliefs derived from the Bible and the legal framework. Several verses from the Bible, in particular Proverbs 22:15, prescribe corporal punishment with a rod in order “to drive it far from him” a supposedly innate child’s inclination to evil. Hence, many members of conservative Protestant groups use objects (wooden spoons, sticks, rods) to inflict corporal punishment to their children. This practice puts them in contravention of article 43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which limits and frames the use of physical punishment, as well as with Quebec’s Youth Protection Act, that protects children from mistreatment, or whose security or development is or may be in danger. The study applies a hybrid qualitative methodology based on a series of non- participant observations in situ of the religious services and doctrinal workshops at four conservative protestant congregations (two Evangelical churches, a Pentecostal one and a Baptist one) and interviews with 39 French-speaking members of such congregations from Quebec. Observations and interviews were supplemented with documentary analysis of material written or consulted by these groups. From the analysis of the data, we derived three different attitudes of the protestant groups considered in the study when contradiction arises between religious doctrine and the law: conciliation, with an effort to accommodate religious beliefs to the precepts of the law; omission, which results in a passive disobedience of the law, and a challenging attitude vis-à-vis the authorities where disobedience to the laws is considered a form of militancy. Different elements are taken into consideration in the decision-making process that leads to the different attitudes. In addition to its original goals, the research constitutes a detailed description of the doctrine of corporal punishment of children by conservative protestant French- speaking congregations from Quebec and several examples of its practices.

Zpovědní tajemství v kontextu trestního práva ČR / The Seal of Lantescien in the Context of Criminal Law

KOMÁROVÁ, Vendula January 2007 (has links)
The thesis provides a concise explanation of the notions of confession and the seal of confession and observance of the same by Czech Republic criminal law. The seal of confession is especially provided for by Act No. 3/2002 Coll. on churches and religious societies. In my thesis, I also address the issue of protecting other types of non-disclosure recognized by the Czech Republic. The main topic covers respecting the seal of confession in the context of criminal law. I particularly concentrate on respecting the seal of confession in relation to Sections 167 and 168 of the Criminal Code concerning failure to prevent an offence and failure to report an offence. I also take note of the duty to testify and exceptions to the same. Whereas one of the exceptions{--}prohibition of interrogation{--}does indicate protection of the seal of confession, the other{--}the right to refuse testimony{--}includes no such unequivocal protection. Generally, Czech laws do recognize the seal of confession, and it is impossible to punish observance by priests of the seal of confession.

Korruption und Kick-backs im Gesundheitswesen

Woskowski, Silvia 05 July 2021 (has links)
Während die Bestechung und Bestechlichkeit von, in öffentlichen Krankenhäusern angestellten Ärzten, als Folge des „Herzklappenskandals“ und der darauf beruhenden Reform des Korruptionsstrafrechts bereits seit 1997 nach den §§ 331 ff. StGB strafbar sind, unterfielen niedergelassene Vertragsärzte auch nach der Rechtsprechung des Großen Strafsenats bis zum Inkrafttreten der §§ 299a ff. StGB am 04.06.2016 nicht den Korruptionsdelikten. Thematisch damit verbunden war und ist die Frage, ob Vorteilsgewährungspraktiken in diesem Bereich vom Tatbestand der Untreue erfasst sein könnten. Ihrer Beantwortung dient der erste Teil der Arbeit. Der zweite Teil fokussiert die Relevanz der Korruptionsvorschriften für das gewählte Arbeitsthema. Die Einbettung der Gesamtthematik in den Kontext der Korruptionsdelikte führt die Ausgangsbetrachtungen zur Untreue fort und ergänzt diese durch eine Bewertung nach den neuen Gesetzesregelungen. Das gewählte Arbeitsthema zeigt, wie wesentlich die Beschäftigung mit den relevanten Normen des Rechts der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung für die strafrechtlichen Bewertungen in diesem Bereich ist. Dies gilt umso mehr, wenn mit sozial- und beziehungsweise oder berufsrechtlichen Verstößen strafrechtliche Konsequenzen einhergehen und die fehlerhafte Anwendung der einschlägigen Rechtsnormen anderer Rechtsbereiche zwangsläufig auch zu falschen strafrechtlichen Schlussfolgerungen führt. Dieser Kritik sieht sich auch die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes zur sogenannten Vertragsarztuntreue ausgesetzt. Auch hier wurden die Besonderheiten des Sozialversicherungsrechts nicht mit der notwendigen Sorgfalt eruiert und stattdessen eine - seit mehreren Jahren - nicht mehr vertretene Rechtsprechung des Bundessozialgerichts zur Grundlage der strafrechtlichen Bewertungen gemacht. Dass dies weder den Anforderungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts entspricht, noch mit den sozial- und strafrechtlichen Vorgaben vereinbar ist, zeigen die Ausführungen der Arbeit. In der Form eines kritischen Ausblicks werden abschließend, die Grenzen zulässiger verordnungsbezogener Vergütungen durch die Krankenkassen aufgezeigt und deren strafrechtliche Relevanz eingeordnet. Letzteres erfolgt am Beispiel eines Vertrags zur Förderung sog. biosimilarer Arzneimittel durch die Zahlung einer prozentualen Einsparbeteiligung als Gegenleistung für deren bevorzugte Verordnung. Die Konstellation verdeutlicht, dass auch die monetäre Einflussnahme der Krankenkassen auf das Verordnungsverhalten der Vertragsärzte strafrechtsrelevante Wirkung haben kann, wenn sie zu unberechtigten Wettbewerbsverzerrungen führt. / As a consequence of the so-called “heart valve scandal”, and the reform of the German criminal law on corruption that followed in the wake of the scandal, it has been a criminal offence under sections 331 et seqq. of the German Criminal Code [Strafgesetzbuch – StGB] since 1997 to give bribes to medical practitioners employed in public hospitals, or for such medical practitioners to take bribes. However, until sections 299a et seqq. StGB entered into force on 4 June 2016, acts committed by medical practitioners in private practices were not deemed to be corruption offences under the Criminal Code. This was also affirmed by the case-law of the Grand Criminal Panel of the German Federal Court of Justice [Großer Senat für Strafsachen]. A topic that has been repeatedly discussed in connection with the aforementioned issue is whether the practice of granting benefits in healthcare might constitute an offence of embezzlement. The first part of this dissertation provides an answer to that question. The second part focuses on the significance that corruption provisions have for the topic discussed herein. Following the initial analysis of the issue of embezzlement mentioned, this issue is expanded by a discussion of the overall topic in the context of corruption offences, supplemented by an assessment of the topic in the light of new legislation introduced. An analysis of the topic chosen for this dissertation shows how important it is to study the relevant legal provisions of the law on statutory health insurance in order to be able to carry out an assessment of the topic from the perspective of criminal law. This applies all the more so in cases where a breach of social law and/or the law of professional rules and regulations might have consequences under criminal law, and the faulty application of applicable legal rules from legal areas outside criminal law would inevitably also lead to wrong conclusions being drawn on the basis of criminal law. The case-law of the German Federal Court of Justice [Bundesgerichtshof] on so-called “embezzlement by medical practitioners in private practice” [Vertragsarztuntreue] has been criticised in this respect. The Federal Court of Justice did not take account of the specifics of German social security law in a sufficiently diligent manner, and instead used outdated case-law of the German Federal Social Court [Bundessozialgericht] as a basis for its criminal-law assessment—precedents that were overruled by the Federal Social Court itself many years ago. This dissertation shows that this does not meet the requirements of the German Federal Constitutional Court [Bundesverfassungsgericht] and that such an approach is incompatible with requirements under social and criminal law. Finally, the limits of admissible prescription-related remuneration by health insurances are discussed and demonstrated from a critical, future-oriented perspective, together with the significance these limits have from a criminal law perspective. The significance of such limits is discussed using as an example a selective-agreement model designed to promote so-called “biosimilar medicines” by paying medical practitioners a percentage of the savings achieved in return for practitioners prescribing such medicines rather than more expensive ones. The circumstances discussed illustrate that the monetary influence that health insurances exert over the way in which medical practitioners in private practice prescribe such things as medicines may have consequences under criminal law if such influence may lead to competition being distorted. In the light of the above, health insurances should not be provided with additional criminal-law-related exceptional provisions that would enable them to exert further influence over the neutrality of decision-making in the area of medical prescriptions.

A Pragmatic Standard of Legal Validity

Tyler, John 2012 May 1900 (has links)
American jurisprudence currently applies two incompatible validity standards to determine which laws are enforceable. The natural law tradition evaluates validity by an uncertain standard of divine law, and its methodology relies on contradictory views of human reason. Legal positivism, on the other hand, relies on a methodology that commits the analytic fallacy, separates law from its application, and produces an incomplete model of law. These incompatible standards have created a schism in American jurisprudence that impairs the delivery of justice. This dissertation therefore formulates a new standard for legal validity. This new standard rejects the uncertainties and inconsistencies inherent in natural law theory. It also rejects the narrow linguistic methodology of legal positivism. In their stead, this dissertation adopts a pragmatic methodology that develops a standard for legal validity based on actual legal experience. This approach focuses on the operations of law and its effects upon ongoing human activities, and it evaluates legal principles by applying the experimental method to the social consequences they produce. Because legal history provides a long record of past experimentation with legal principles, legal history is an essential feature of this method. This new validity standard contains three principles. The principle of reason requires legal systems to respect every subject as a rational creature with a free will. The principle of reason also requires procedural due process to protect against the punishment of the innocent and the tyranny of the majority. Legal systems that respect their subjects' status as rational creatures with free wills permit their subjects to orient their own behavior. The principle of reason therefore requires substantive due process to ensure that laws provide dependable guideposts to individuals in orienting their behavior. The principle of consent recognizes that the legitimacy of law derives from the consent of those subject to its power. Common law custom, the doctrine of stare decisis, and legislation sanctioned by the subjects' legitimate representatives all evidence consent. The principle of autonomy establishes the authority of law. Laws must wield supremacy over political rulers, and political rulers must be subject to the same laws as other citizens. Political rulers may not arbitrarily alter the law to accord to their will. Legal history demonstrates that, in the absence of a validity standard based on these principles, legal systems will not treat their subjects as ends in themselves. They will inevitably treat their subjects as mere means to other ends. Once laws do this, men have no rest from evil.

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