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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie om byggteknik och kulturhistoriska värden för medeltida takkonstruktioner i kyrkor / A study of building technology and cultural-historical values ​​of medieval roof constructions in churches

Kajtazi, Jeton, Berg, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att öka kunskapen om de medeltida takkonstruktioner och hur de är uppbyggda. Genom att göra en inventering och byggnadsundersökning av två takkonstruktioner i medeltida kyrkor. Resultatet av studien är tänkt att öka kunskapen av denna typ av byggnadsverk, dess kulturhistoriska värden och ge underlag för en långsiktig och hållbar förvaltning. De två kyrkorna som har undersökts är Drevs gamla kyrka och Hemmesjö gamla kyrka. I Sverige finns det många exemplar av välbevarade takkonstruktioner från medeltiden vilket är unikt. Examensarbetet genomfördes med hjälp av platsbesök, litteraturstudier och intervjuer, vilket var en bra kombination som gav ett tillförlitligt resultat. De personer som valdes att intervjuas är kunniga inom området och det var Samuel Palmblad från Kulturparken Småland samt timmerman och forskare Mattias Hallgren från Traditionsbärarna. Resultatet visar att båda kyrkorna är konstruerade i en romansk stil vilket är en arkitektonisk stil som var vanlig bland sockenkyrkorna under den tidiga medeltiden (1100-talet). Byggnadsteknikerna utvecklades under medeltiden vilket sakristian i Hemmesjö gamla kyrka visar med sin gotiska takkonstruktion från 1400-talet. Resultatet påpekar att båda dessa kyrkor är en del av Sveriges kulturarv och måste därefter bli behandlade på ett korrekt sätt för att dess kulturhistoriska värde inte ska förstöras. Resultatet påvisar även vikten av att dokumentera denna typ av takkonstruktioner då det ska fungera som en hjälp för förvaltningen av denna typ av bebyggelse. Detta examensarbete har svarat på varför det är viktigt att bevara de medeltida kyrkornas takkonstruktioner, dess byggnadstekniker samt vilken betydelse de kulturhistoriska värdena har. / The work aims to increase knowledge of the medieval roof structures and how they are built. By making an inventory and building survey of two roof structures in medieval churches. The result of the study is intended to increase knowledge of this type of building, its cultural-historical values ​​and provide a basis for long-term and sustainable management. The two churches are Drevs gamla kyrka (The old church of Drev) and Hemmesjös gamla kyrka (The old church of Hemmesjö), both are in Småland Sweden. The churches are well-preserved and have a history to tell through themselves. The study was possible through onsite study, article study and two interviews with Samuel Palmblad, Kulturparken Småland and Mattias Hallgren, Traditionsbärarna. The results have shown that the churches are built in a Romanic style which is an architectural expression on a building technology used during the early medieval time (12th century), with one part of the old church of Hemmesjö being built by using a later found building technology also called gothic style which was more common during late medieval time. During the interviews it was mentioned that these churches are heritage to Sweden and therefore need to be treated accordingly. There is still knowledge to be found and understood which will help with the preservation of the churches and their historical value. If the knowledge does not exist, there can be faults that happen which means that the values can be lost or misused which will lead to the destruction of a part of history. With little to no documents from the time they were built, it will be difficult to maintain for the people who work with the preservation if responsibility is not taken to learn more about these churches.  This study will look at the importance of preserving these churches and their roof constructions with the help of explaining the building technology and the culture-historical values.

Förtätning i kulturhistoriska miljöer / Urban densification in cultural-historical enviroments

Ehrling, Linnea, Wibroe, Wictoria January 2020 (has links)
Studien grundar sig i den ständigt ökade stadsbefolkningen vilket bidrar till att städerna behöver utvecklas. En lösning på detta kan vara förtätning. Det kan leda till konsekvenser i de befintliga kvarteren med nya byggnader som oftast ska placeras i känsliga miljöer som i detta fall är ett kulturhistoriskt värdefullt område. För att inte förvanska kulturhistoriska miljöer är det viktigt att förtätning sker varsamt. Studien behandlar ett kvarter i centrala Växjö som är av högt kulturhistoriskt värde. Syftet i följande studie är att undersöka vilka prioriteringar som sker vid utformning av nybyggnation vid förtätning av kulturhistoriska miljöer. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur en förtätning i ett kulturhistoriskt område kan gå till. Undersökningen baseras på en enkätundersökning och områdesanalyser samt litteraturstudier. Resultatet visar att exploatering kan genomföras om det sker på ett varsamt sätt. Det sätter synnerligen höga krav på fasadutformning, detaljer, material, kulörval, markanslutningar, volym, skala och proportioner samt samspelet med omkringliggande byggnader och miljöer. Att visa respekt för de befintliga områdena och ha ett varsamt förhållningssätt vid förtätningsprojekt för nutida och framtida behov är väsentligt. / The study is based on the ever-increasing urban population, which contributes to the development needs of cities. A solution to this can be densification. This can lead to consequences in the existing neighborhoods with new buildings, which will often be placed in a sensitive environment, which in the case of this study is a cultural-historical area. In order not to distort cultural-historical areas, it is important that densification takes place with care. The study deals with a current area in central Växjö which is of high cultural and historical value. The purpose of the following study is to examine what priorities take precedence while designing new constructions during densifying in cultural-historical environments. The goal is to suggest how densification in a cultural-historical area can look like. The study is based on a survey and observations. The results show that exploitation can be achieved gently. It places truly high demands on facade design, details, materials, color choices, ground connections, volume, scale and proportions as well as interaction with surrounding buildings and environments. Showing respect for existing areas and maintaining a gentle approach when developing cities for contemporary and future needs is essential.

“To Tie Both Hands Behind Your Back . . . is Really Unjust and Disheartening”: Neoliberalism, Expansive Learning, and the Contradictions of Kindergarten Readiness

McCloskey, Tricia A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Historical Values to Enhance Public Places : A case study of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg / Användning av adaptive reuse på kulturhistoriska värden för att främja allmänna platser : En fallstudie av Artilleristallet i Göteborg

Häger, Maria, Pehrson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The construction business has a negative impact on the environment, where the biggest impact comes from construction of buildings, material production and transportation. It is inevitable for a city not to construct new buildings as it expands and develops new needs. However, it is not always necessary to demolish buildings with an outdated function, to build new ones. To maintain the identity of a city, it is important to preserve its historical character. This can be done by revitalising cultural historical valuable buildings and environments through adaptive reuse. The concept of adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing a building for a new purpose rather than demolishing it. It gives new life to old buildings, offers them a chance to survive by changing their function and gives a greater understanding for future generations to relate with their history. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how adaptive reuse of cultural historical values in the built environment can contribute to revitalisation of underutilised areas and create social and thriving places. To gain background knowledge to the subject, a literature review and document analysis was made. To investigate what factors contributes to success of a cultural historical project, a case study was done of the quarter of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg. Further, it is difficult to measure success through people’s perceptions and experiences of a place. Therefore, to help analyse and understand the case, a theoretical framework based on place theory was established. The framework was complemented by interviews and observations which helped lead to the results of the study. Two of the qualities that were found to contribute to the successfulness of Artilleristallet were preservation of its historical traits of character and its sense of place. Additionally, the businesses in the quarter complement and reinforce each other making it attractive and inviting for a wide range of people. Further, the preconditions found to be of importance for the successfulness of Artilleristallet were its cultural value and location. It was shown that having an extensive detailed development plan and good communication with and from the municipality was significant. Also, the close collaboration and communication between all actors involved in the project was shown to be important for the success. The qualities and preconditions found are all valuable but need the reinforcement of each other to create a social and thriving place. / Byggbranschen har en negativ påverkan på miljön, där den största påverkan kommer från uppförandet av byggnader, materialproduktionen och transporten. Det är oundvikligt för en stad att inte bygga nytt när den expanderar och utvecklar nya behov. Dock är det inte nödvändigt att riva byggnader med en utdaterad funktion för att bygga nya. För att bibehålla stadens identitet är det viktigt att bevara dess historiska karaktär. Detta kan göras genom vitalisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader och miljöer med hjälp av adaptive reuse. Begreppet adaptive reuse syftar till processen att återanvända en byggnad för en ny funktion istället för att riva den. Det ger nytt liv till gamla byggnader, erbjuder dem en chans att överleva genom att ändra deras funktion och ger en större förståelse för framtida generationer att relatera till deras historia. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur adaptive reuse av kulturhistoriska värden i den byggda miljön kan bidra till vitalisering av outnyttjade områden och skapa sociala och blomstrande platser. För att erhålla bakgrundsinformation om ämnet, utförs en litteraturstudie och en dokumentanalys. För att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång i ett kulturhistoriskt projekt, utfördes en fallstudie i kvarteret Artilleristallet i Göteborg. Då det är svårt att mäta framgång genom människors upplevelser och erfarenheter, har ett ramverk tagits fram baserat på platsteori för att analysera och förstå fallet. Ramverket kompletterades med intervjuer och observationer vilket bidrog till studiens resultat. Två av kvaliteterna som bidrog till framgången av Artilleristallet var bevarandet av dess historiska karaktärsdrag och bevarandet av platskänslan. Dessutom kompletterar och förstärker kvarterets verksamheter varandra, vilket bidrar till att skapa en attraktiv och inbjudande miljö för olika typer av människor. Utöver dessa, identifierades även viktiga förutsättningar som bidrog till Artilleristallets framgång. Dessa var bland annat dess kulturella värde och placering. Att ha en utförlig detaljplan och god kommunikation med kommunen visade sig vara viktigt, samt ett nära samarbete mellan alla involverade aktörer i projektet. De identifierade kvaliteterna och förutsättningarna är alla viktiga men behöver samverka för att skapa en social och blomstrande plats.

Leveraging Social Media for Professional Learning During the Covid-19 Global Pandemic

Lutz, Mary Denise 22 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ljus associerat till trygghet i kulturmiljöer / Investigation of the Relationship between Light and Perceived Safety in Cultural Environments

Holmén, Ella, Peelae, Liam January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker den roll ljuset spelar för att skapa en trygg upplevelse i en kulturmiljö. Undersökningen genomförs i Tändsticksområdet som är ett före detta industriområde i Jönköping och har ett kulturhistoriskt värde. Målet med studien är att få kunskap om vilka regelverk som rör belysningen i Tändsticksområdet och vilka delar av regelverken som är viktigast gällande belysningen, ur ett trygghetsperspektiv. En fallstudie utfördes i Tändsticksområdet. Metoder i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, trygghetsanalys med hjälp av en litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Intervjuerna genomfördes med fyra sakkunniga personer. Analyser utfördes i Tändsticksområdet vid ett flertal tillfällen. Resultatet visade att det viktigaste med arbete av belysning i kulturmiljöer är att belysningen ska passa in och framhäva det som redan finns där. I Tändsticksområdet är det kulturmiljölag (1988:950) som skyddar områdets kulturhistoriska värde. Vissa delar av belysningen i området kan bidra till en otrygg upplevelse då de bländar och ger obehag. För att ändra på belysningen i området måste förslaget tas upp via länsstyrelsen som kan diskutera och reagera på förslaget tillsammans med antikvariat. / The study examines the role that lighting roles in creating a safe experience in a cultural environment. The investigation was done in Tändsticksområdet, a former industrial area in Jönköping with cultural-historical value. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge about the regulations concerning lighting in Tändsticksområdet and identify the most significant aspects of these regulations in terms of lighting, from a safety perspective. A case study was conducted in Tändsticksområdet using methods such as semi-structured interviews, safety analysis, with help of an literature review. The interviews were conducted with four people that had experience within the area. Analyses were carried out in Tändsticksområdet in several occasions. The result showed that the most important thing when working with lighting in cultural environments is that the lighting should highlight what is already there. In Tändsticksområdet, it is the kulturmiljölag (1988:950)  that protects the area´s cultural-historical value. Certain parts of the lighting in the area can contribute to an unsafe experience as they cause glare and discomfort. To change the lighting in the area, the proposal must be taken up via the country administrative board, which can discuss and react to the proposal together with the antiquarian authority.

TILLGÄNGLIGHET I KULTURHISTORISKA BYGGNADER : En fallstudie om Hospitalsgatan, Långgatan och Kyrkogatan med fokus på kulturvärdet, säkerhetsrisker och tekniska åtgärder för ramp, hiss och dörr i Strängnäs kommun

Al-Dabbagh, Lara, Noel, Miriam, Matti, Fadi January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This study aims to assess the three cultural historical buildings located in the municipality of Strängnäs, that doesn’t meet the accessibility requirements currently.  Therefore, the aim is to suggest solutions for each three buildings that could be useful to different authorities in the future. The focus is on wheelchair users using the buildings with the help of technical installations such as ramp, elevators, and accessible doors. The study will be based on the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk. Method: The method for this study is based on a literature study, and a case study, alongside with reference objects which will be the inspiration for our results. The literature study is based on fact-gathering from books and the internet which provides the study with information on cultural historical buildings, laws and regulations concerning the private buildings, cultural values, and with various safety risks. While the reference objects inspired our proposals for the measures, the case study was used to gather information in form of an interview, site visits, and communal document analysis. Results: The result of thisstudy provides measures for each of the three studied objects. Changes made to the first building, Hospitalsgatan 15, focuses on the side entrance with a ground slope pointing down towards it. Thereby the following indoor changes presents threshold ramp, and a stairlift. For the secondary building, Långgatan 9 E-F, there was suggestions made such as using an outer ramp with an idle plan. There should also be an indoor loose ramp, and a stairlift. The third building, Kyrkogatan 13, had suggestions by installing an outdoor platform lift with an adjusted idle plan in front of the outer stairs and threshold ramp. In comparison to the first mentioned building, the focus for the last two buildings were on the main entrance. All these measures were considered to reach an accessibility in cultural historical building while also keeping in mind the cultural value of the building and its safety risks. Conclusions: The study concludes that the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk works a crucial role in shaping the proposed solutions for the three buildings and contributes to the accessibility improvements. By adopting appropriate technical installations and considering the cultural significance of these structures, accessibility in cultural historical buildings can be achieved effectively.


RONNY MACHADO DE MORAES 06 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo teve como foco investigar como se dá o processo de formação de conceitos científicos, especificamente no ambiente de uma sala de aula, utilizando como metodologia a Teoria Geral da Atividade do psicopedagogo russo Alexei Nikolaivich Leontiev (1903-1979), apoiado pela Teoria Histórico-Cultural do bielo-russo Lev Semienovich Vigotski (1896-1934), com interlocução com a Teoria da Assimilação de Piotr Yakovlevich Galperin (1902-1988). Orientou-se pelo pressuposto de que o ensino estruturado, segundo os princípios da Teoria Histórico-Cultural, converge para o processo de formação dos conceitos científicos, promovendo o desenvolvimento das funções complexas, da estruturação da consciência e da constituição da personalidade. Partiu-se da seguinte questão: como se dá o processo de construção dos conceitos científicos, especificamente no ambiente de uma sala de aula? A parte empírica da pesquisa foi desenvolvida na cidade de Corumbá (MS), numa escola estadual, com três turmas do primeiro ano do ensino médio e suas respectivas professoras. Foram acompanhadas e analisadas diversas sequências didáticas na disciplina de biologia. O método empregado foi o dialético. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: entrevistas semi estruturadas, questionários e diário de campo. A pesquisa trouxe evidências de que as questões relativas à motivação, à contextualização dos conceitos, à função da avaliação e ao papel do ensino médio na educação básica compõem aspectos fundamentais a serem considerados no processo ensino aprendizagem dos conceitos científicos. Também demonstrou que a Teoria Geral da Atividade constitui um valioso recurso para a análise do processo educativo, especialmente aquele relacionado à formação de conceitos científicos. / [en] The main objective of the study was to investigate the process of building scientific concepts, specifically in a classroom environment, using the methodology of the General Theory of Activity from the Russian psychopedagogist Alexei Nikolaivich Leontiev (1903-1979), supported by the Historical-Cultural Theory from Byelorussian Lev Semienovitch Vigotski (1896-1934), with interlocution with the Assimilation Theory from Piotr Yakovlevich Galperin (1902-1988). The assumption that conducted the research was that structured teaching, according to the principles of Historical-Cultural Theory, favors the process of building scientific concepts, by promoting the development of higher psychological functions, the structuring of consciousness and the formation of personality. It started with the following question: how does the process of constructing scientific concepts, specifically, in the classroom environment, take place? The empirical part of the study was developed in the city of Corumbá (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), in a state school, in three first-grade secondary school classes and their teachers. Some teaching sequences where accompanied and analyzed during the Biology classes. The method used was dialectical; the data collection instruments were: semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and field diaries. The study provided evidence that the issues related to motivation, contextualization of concepts, evaluation function and the role of secondary education in basic education are fundamental aspects to be considered in the teaching-learning formation process of scientific concepts. It also demonstrated that the General Theory of Activity constitutes a valuable resource for the analysis of the educational process, especially the one related to the formation of scientific concepts.

The utilization of assistive technology to enhance educational support for all learners in a mainstream school

Rowlands, Trudi 11 1900 (has links)
This study focused on the use of Assistive Technology (AT) in enhancing the educational support of all learners in a mainstream school. The theoretical frameworks used in this study were Wellness Theory and Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). The main aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Assistive Technology in promoting the educational support of all learners in a mainstream school. This use of AT thus benefiting inclusion and inclusive practices and enhancing learning and support for all students in a mainstream school. The study was embedded in an interpretivist paradigm and used a qualitative research approach. Sampling was purposive and participants were selected based on the researcher’s pre-defined purpose for the study. Ethical approval was sought from the University of South Africa and prior to conducting research consent forms were signed by all participants. Data were collected using questionnaires with open-ended questions, face to face interviews and document analysis. Data analysis was done through thematic coding (noting recurring patterns of information) and the development of major themes based on qualitative data collected. Findings revealed the need for more technology in the research site (such as iPads and laptops), as well as the need for staff training in order to effectively use the technology. Furthermore, having more educational assistants to support students with more complex needs was also highlighted. Findings from face-to-face interviews indicated themes articulating with the above mentioned. This included the need for time to plan for the use of Assistive Technology in the classroom, along with time to familiarize oneself with the various forms of technology available. Training to effectively implement and support the technology was highlighted, as was time to engage with other colleagues and develop a collegial enquiry for the effective use of Assistive Technology to support all learners in the mainstream class. Findings from documents reviewed showed significant focus on the need for diagnosis to be able to select intervention strategies for the classroom and instruction. When staff were aware of a child’s medical, cognitive or mental health diagnosis, appropriate supports could be explored. The school support documents reviewed indicated a clear requirement for updated testing and setting of goals for students, to be supported by the strategies. Recommendations made for the effective use of AT included the promotion of professional development in staff and the establishment of professional learning communities which value the sharing and exchange of information regarding knowledge and skills. Furthermore, a framework is proposed which may be used by schools using assistive technology in supporting learners in mainstream schools so that learning may be enhanced. A further longitudinal study was recommended for the future to determine the impact of the use of AT to support inclusion when relevant staff training is available, applicable and ongoing. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Escrita em língua estrangeira no ensino fundamental I: ensino, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento por meio do texto persuasivo / Writing in foreign language in elementary school: teaching, learning and development through persuasive texts

Martinelli, Lilian de Melo Fernandes 13 March 2014 (has links)
O ensino de Língua Estrangeira para Crianças (LEC) bem como sua pesquisa encontram-se em expansão no Brasil e no mundo (Cameron, 2003; Gimenez 2010). Entre os estudos na área de LEC faltam pesquisas que avaliem e analisem dados que provenham de intervenções do ensino de escrita em LEC para crianças alfabetizadas entre 8 e 10 anos (Figueira, 2010). Com o intuito de contribuir para o ensino da escrita em inglês para o nível fundamental, esta dissertação objetiva demonstrar como uma intervenção pedagógica, realizada com alunos do 5º ano em uma escola particular paulista, ensinou o texto persuasivo em inglês e quais foram as implicações desse ensino para os participantes. Nesta pesquisa de mestrado, a professora-pesquisadora objetivou intervir na compreensão de texto de opinião dos alunos de modo a propiciar a expansão do conhecimento (Daniels, 2011; Magalhães, 2009) e o aprimoramento da escrita deles. Conforme as ações de aprendizagem de Davydov (1988), os alunos responderam à pergunta-problema elaborada para o curso, formularam representações sobre as características da persuasão, analisaram textos biográficos e textos persuasivos e, ao final da intervenção, redigiram textos persuasivos sobre o real inventor do avião. A intervenção pedagógica teve suas bases na Teoria da Atividade Sócio Histórico e Cultural, conforme os teóricos Vygotsky (2007) e Davydov (1988). Para Vygotsky (2007), as funções intelectuais dos seres humanos não são tidas como meros resultados de maturação biológica, como algo natural e inato a todos os seres humanos, pois são construídas socialmente com o auxílio fundamental da linguagem. Isso revela que as funções mentais superiores advêm da interação social, das práticas sociais e da história. Desse modo, a cognição não surge apenas do funcionamento biológico, pois advém da integração do corpo biológico com as práticas sociais (Vygotsky, 2007). Outra base teórica para a intervenção foi a Escola Australiana de Gêneros Textuais. Nessa perspectiva, o gênero textual se materializa no uso da língua, que é um meio pelo qual o ser humano constrói significados em um dado contexto social (Eggins, 2004; Halliday & Matthiessen, 1994; Martin, 2008). Dessa forma, o gênero pode servir como uma ferramenta utilizada para criar Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal e expandir o conhecimento dos alunos. As perspectivas teóricas adotadas, portanto, objetivaram agir no campo em que atuaram (Lantolf, 2000, 2007; Spinoza, 1998; Vygotsky, 2007). Os resultados obtidos após a realização da intervenção pedagógica apontam para a conscientização dos alunos em relação à função persuasiva dos textos de opinião. Além disso, a análise de dados demonstrou que os alunos melhoraram sua escrita de texto de opinião em relação ao pré-teste, realizado antes da intervenção pedagógica. A conclusão aponta que ainda há muito a ser feito na área do ensino da escrita em língua estrangeira, mas que a criança deve ser sensibilizada a produzir textos de opinião ainda na escola primária (Souza, 2003: 73), uma vez que a argumentação e a persuasão estão presentes nas situações cotidianas, escolares ou familiares, das crianças / The teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Children as well as its research are in expansion not only in Brazil but all over the world (Cameron, 2003; Gimenez 2010). Among the studies in the area of teaching English as a Foreign Language to children there is a lack of researches that evaluate and analyze data that come from interventions in the teaching of writing to literate children aged between 8 and 10 (Figueira, 2010). With the objective of contributing to the Teaching of Writing in English as a Foreign Language to Elementary School Children, this dissertation aims to demonstrate a) how a pedagogical intervention, that was held at a private school in São Paulo, taught the persuasive text and b) to discuss the implications of this teaching to the participants were. In this master research, the researcher and teacher aimed to intervene in the students comprehension of opinion writing in order to provoke the expansion of students comprehension (Daniels, 2011; Magalhães, 2009), as well as to promote their writing improvement. In conformity with Davydov´s learning actions (1988), students answered the problem-question elaborated for the course, formulated representations about the characteristics of persuasion, analyzed biographical and persuasive texts and, in the end of the intervention, wrote persuasive texts about the real inventor of the airplane. The pedagogical intervention had its basis on the Cultural Historical Activity Theory, in conformity with the theories of Vygotsky (2007) and Davydov (1988). For Vygotsky, the intellectual functions of human beings are not mere results of biological maturation, as if they were something natural and innate for all human beings. Instead, the intellectual functions are socially constructed with the fundamental assistance of language. This reveals that higher mental functions derive from social interaction, from social and historical practices. In this sense, cognition emerges not only from biological functioning, but also from the integration of biological and social practice (Vygotsky, 2007). Another theoretical basis used for the intervention was the Australian School of Genre. In this perspective, the textual genre is materialized through language, which is a means through which human beings make meanings in social contexts (Eggins, 2004; Halliday & Matthiessen, 1994; Martin, 2008). In this way, genre can be seen as a tool to build Zone of Proximal Development and expand students knowledge. These goals are connected with the theoretical perspectives adopted since their objective is to promote agency in the field they act upon (Lantolf, 2000, 2007; Spinoza, 1998; Vygotsky, 2007). Analysis of data revealed that the intervention promoted awareness of students in relation to the persuasive function of opinion texts. Moreover, the data analysis showed that students improved their opinion writing in relation to the pre-tests realized before the pedagogical intervention. The conclusion remarks that there is still much to do in the area of writing as a foreign language to children, but children must be sensitized to write opinion texts in primary school (Souza, 2003: 73), since argumentation and persuasion are present in everyday school or family children situations

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