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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religiosität und häusliche Arbeitsteilung

Mühler, Kurt January 2017 (has links)
Daraus leitet sich folgende Forschungsfrage ab: Hat die Intensität der religiösen Überzeugung einer Person Einfluss auf eine ungleiche Arbeitsteilung im Haushalt? Die Basishypothese dieses Aufsatzes besteht in Folgendem: Je religiöser sich eine befragte Person einschätzt, desto häufiger werden in einem partnerschaftlichen Haushalt als weiblich konnotierte Haushaltstätigkeiten von der Ehefrau bzw. Lebenspartnerin ausgeführt. Auf die methodischen Implikationen wird später ausführlich eingegangen. Aus der Basishypothese werden nun empirisch prüfbare Hypothesen gebildet, die weiterführend eine Grundlage für die Prüfung von Interaktionseffekten bilden. Damit soll herausgefunden werden, in welchem Umfang Religiosität mental vernetzt ist, also nachweisbare Wirkungen moderiert und damit als eine zentrale Variable in der Verarbeitung sozialer Bedingungen angesehen werden kann.

La conciliation études-famille et son influence sur l’alimentation des ménages de mères étudiantes

Delorme, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique de recherche. Les parents salariés doivent faire une conciliation entre la sphère familiale et celle du travail. Plusieurs de ceux-ci vivent une difficulté à répondre aux besoins des deux sphères sans que l’une empiète sur l’autre. Ils ressentent des conflits de conciliation travail-famille, et ceci peut avoir un effet sur les choix alimentaires. On peut se demander quel est l’effet de cette conciliation chez les parents étudiants qui constituent une portion non négligeable de la population étudiante et qui sont dans une condition différente, possiblement plus difficile à concilier, des parents salariés. La présente étude porte plus spécifiquement sur les mères étudiantes, qui s’occupent historiquement et encore aujourd’hui davantage des tâches liées à l’alimentation et qui sont surreprésentées chez les parents étudiants. Objectif de recherche. L’objectif principal est d’explorer la conciliation études-famille des mères étudiantes de l’Université de Montréal et leurs relations avec l’alimentation. Méthodologie. En se basant sur un cadre conceptuel inspiré de la littérature, une approche mixte quantitative et qualitative a été utilisée. Un sondage a été effectué auprès de 169 mères étudiantes à l’automne 2021. Des entrevues individuelles avec huit mères étudiantes ont ensuite permis d’obtenir des informations complémentaires. Résultats. Les mères étudiantes rapportent des indicateurs témoignant d’un conflit études-famille, tel qu’un manque de temps disponible. Quoique la répartition des tâches entre la mère aux études et leur partenaire soit semblable à celle des ménages québécois, elles perçoivent effectuer davantage de tâches liées à l’alimentation. Les stratégies alimentaires des mères pour sauver du temps sont variées, certaines vont vers des aliments prêts-à-manger ou de la restauration rapide, d’autres favorisent la cuisine maison à l’aide de recettes simples, d’utilisation d’équipements de cuisine (mijoteuse, robot culinaire…), de la planification et de la préparation à l’avance. La majorité des mères se disent satisfaites des décisions alimentaires prises pour leur famille, mais une proportion d’entre elles vivent parfois de la culpabilité face au choix effectués. Les données obtenues lors du volet qualitatif ont pu attester de celles obtenues lors du volet quantitatif et offrent certaines pistes de réflexion, comme l’aspect temporaire des choix alimentaires puisque les études ne durent que quelques années. Conclusion. Cette étude permet d’avoir un regard sur l’alimentation des mères étudiantes pour mieux comprendre leur réalité. Cela facilitera le choix d’interventions qui seraient les plus adéquates pour correspondre à leurs motivations et leurs contraintes. / Context. Employed parents must balance their family and work spheres. Many of them find it difficult to meet the needs of both without one encroaching on the other. They experience work-family conflicts, and this can impact their food choices. One may wonder what the effect of this reconciliation is on student parents who constitute a significant portion of the student population and who are in a different situation than employed parents. This study focuses more specifically on student mothers, who historically and still today take more care of food-related tasks and who are overrepresented among student parents. Research objective: The main objective is to explore the study-family balance of student mothers at the University of Montreal and their relationship with food. Methodology: Based on a conceptual framework inspired by the literature, a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach was used. A survey of 169 student mothers took place in the fall of 2021. Individual interviews with eight student mothers then made it possible to obtain additional information. Results: Student mothers perceived indicators of a study-family conflict, such as a lack of available time. The distribution of tasks between the mother and their partner is like Quebec households: mothers perceive that they do more food-related tasks. Mothers' food strategies to save time are varied, some go for ready-to eat foods or fast food, while others promote home cooking with simple recipes, the use of kitchen equipment (slow cooker, food processor…), planning and preparation in advance. Most mothers are satisfied with the food decisions made for their families, but at the same time, a significant portion of them sometimes experience guilt over their choices. The qualitative data obtained could confirm those obtained in the quantitative part and could identify certain avenues for reflection, such as the temporary aspect of food choices for some mothers since studies last only a few years. Conclusion: This study allows us to have a look at the diet of student mothers to better understand their reality. This will facilitate the choice of interventions that would be most appropriate to match their motivations and constraints.

高齡志工傳統性別角色的再製:以台南市志工為例 / A study of reproduction of the gender role among elder volunteers: the case of volunteers in Tainan

蕭郁蓁, Hsiao, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在人口漸趨高齡化的社會中,高齡議題逐漸受到學術研究與政策實務界的關注,本研究則關心高齡志願服務場域的性別隔離現象。本研究企圖從性別的角度出發,探討高齡人口參與志工服務的經驗,探究傳統性別秩序是否在高齡志工領域中產生影響力,進而形成高齡志工領域中性別角色的再製。既有文獻多以女性志工為分析對象,鮮見男性志工的研究資料,因此本研究以台南市醫院志工與社區巡守隊志工為例,透過立意取樣蒐集來自男/女性高齡志工之深度訪談資料,嘗試分析高齡志願服務場域中是否存在水平與垂直之性別隔離現象,並探究其成因,旨在顯示傳統性別秩序是如何影響高齡志工領域性別秩序的建構。研究結果發現,不論是在以女性志工為主的醫院或者以男性志工為主的巡守隊,皆存在水平與垂直性別隔離現象。水平性別隔離現象顯示出男/女性志工或者出於己意或由服務單位所安排,男性志工多集中於體力、應變性質強、具保衛意義的工作上;而女性志工則多集中在情感關懷、家務勞動性質、溝通聯繫等相對單純的任務。水平性別隔離的成因和職場性別隔離之成因相仿,男性多被認為具有理想的勞動身體,以及豐富的社會經驗及膽識;女性則多被認為是需要受到保護、適合單純工作性質的族群。垂直性別隔離的現象尤為明顯;本研究發現,志工隊隊長一職由男性擔任居多,女性主要因為顧慮家庭及質疑自我能力而對領導職務產生退卻的態度而甚少擔任志工隊長。本研究結論為高齡志工領域中的確出現傳統性別分工秩序的再製。 / Ageing is a pressing issue in many societies that has attracted attentions from the academic circle and policy makers. Extensive studies have been conducted to discuss the issue from various perspectives. Few studies discuss from the gender perspective. With the case of volunteers in Tainan City and drawing upon theories about gender segregation, this study aims to critically examine the phenomenon of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in the field of elder voluntary services. Through literature review and in-depth interviews with 17 elder volunteers, female and male, from a hospital and community patrol team, this study seeks to answer the following questions: does gender segregation, vertical as well as horizontal, exist in the field of elder volunteering services? If it does, what are the main factors that contribute to the existence/ reproduction of the traditional gendered division of labour in this field? It is found that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation does exist. Female elder volunteers tend to take up those jobs that are thought to be ‘women’s jobs’ in hospital and community patrol team whilst male elder volunteers tend to do those jobs that are considered as suitable for men. Besides, both in the hospital and community patrol team, men are more confident than women to serve as leaders.


Herrmann, Jeremia 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation nimmt die ungleiche Verteilung und Präsenz von Gruppen nach dem Merkmal Geschlecht innerhalb verschiedener Sphären der Erwerbsarbeit (bspw. in Betrieben, Berufen, Berufsfeldern oder auf Hierarchieebenen) in den Blick. Die Geschlechtersegregation hat fast immer negative Auswirkungen (z.B. schlechtere Bezahlung oder geringere Aufstiegschancen) auf Frauen*. Generell wird zwischen horizontaler und vertikaler Segregation unterschieden. In der Forschung hat sich der Blick auf geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation von akteurszentrierten über strukturkategoriale hin zu sozial-konstruktivistischen Ansätzen entwickelt.

Systemmänniskan : En studie om människan, automationen och det senmoderna förnuftet

Bodén, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
How did the conformist “organization man” of modern welfare society turn into the restless and flexible market-rational individualist of late-modernity? And what role did technology play in this transformation? Drawing from inquiries like these, this doctoral thesis deals with topics such as technology, culture, and the production of social consciousness. The aim of the study is to elucidate the historical emergence of late-modern reason, visible in the socio-material process of automation. The study takes two mundane technical innovations as starting points to investigate dominant social values and rationalities embedded in, and emerging from material transformations in the production process of two late modern, Swedish organizations. Covering a period of roughly fifty years (1960–2013), the analysis relies on the interpretation of a variety of both contemporary and archived sources, including interviews, observations, witness accounts and archived material in the form of staff magazines, newspapers, photographs and official documents. While following a hermeneutical tradition of European ethnology the study is also an attempt to enrich its synchronous cultural analysis of everyday life with theory grounded in historical (dialectical) materialism. Along this line of thought the thesis suggests that many of the qualities, values and everyday experiences attributed to late-modernity, such as “flexibility”, “creativity” and “flat organizations” depend on the reification and embedding of modernist social forms, ideas and relations, such as instrumental rationality, routine labour and bureaucratic taxonomy into the material foundation of daily life.

The role of ‘Shared Memories’ in shaping nationalist movements : a comparative historical analysis of the Flemish and Québécois nationalist movements

Berman, Benjamin 09 1900 (has links)
Les mouvements nationalistes flamands et québécois divergent en concernant leur structure; par exemple le nationalisme flamand s'est développé comme un mouvement chrétien-démocrate, alors que le nationalisme québécois contemporain s’est galvanisé autour d'une idéologie laïque de gauche. Par ailleurs, il existe un contraste entre les poids sociodémographique, politique et économique portés par la région de Flandres en Belgique, et ceux portés dans la province du Québec au Canada. Cependant, malgré les influences divergentes structurelles et systémiques, les mouvements nationalistes flamand et québécois ont développé et maintenu des profils très similaires. Par exemple, les deux mouvements nationalistes se définissent par une distinction ethnolinguistique, les deux ont un discours nationaliste parallèle axé sur la nécessité de préserver et de protéger la langue et la culture de la communauté nationale, et les deux se concentrent sur l'obtention d'une redistribution des pouvoirs culturels et politiques. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons que le profil nationaliste ressemblant du mouvement nationaliste flamand et québécois puisse être expliqué par le développement d'un « nationalisme ethnolinguistique de contestation », qui était initialement mis en place par les nationalistes flamands et québécois cherchant à corriger les effets d'une « division culturelle du travail ». Ce sentiment d’un nationalisme de contestation ethnolinguistique est instrumentalisé et perpétué par les nationalistes flamands et québécois en évoquant certains « souvenirs partagés », qui sont trouvés dans le récit historique de la communauté nationale. Ces souvenirs partagés, ainsi que leurs représentations symboliques, reflètent les sentiments de protestation, injustice et victimisation, qui sont vitaux pour les nationalistes flamands et québécois dans le maintien de leur expression parallèlement à un nationalisme de contestation ethnolinguistique en Flandres et au Québec. / The Flemish and Québécois nationalist movements diverge in terms of their structural nature; for example, Flemish nationalism developed as a Christian democratic movement, whereas contemporary Québécois nationalism was galvanized around a secular-leftist ideology. There is also a significant contrast in the socio-demographic, economic, and political realities of Flanders in Belgium compared to those of Québec in Canada. However, despite the differing influences on the Flemish and Québécois nationalist movements, they have developed and maintained very similar nationalist profiles. Both nationalist movements are defined by a sense of ethno-linguistic distinctness, both have a paralleling nationalist discourse focused on the need to preserve and protect the language and culture of the national community, and both have been focused on obtaining a redistribution of cultural and political power through constructing an alternative political structure from that of the federal state. This thesis proposes that the mirroring nationalist profiles of the Flemish and Québécois nationalist movements can be traced to the development of a similar type of ethno-linguistic nationalism of protest, which was initially established by nationalists wanting to rectify the effects of a linguistically based ‘cultural division of labour’. As a means of instrumentalizing and perpetuating this sense of ethno-linguistic nationalism of protest, both Flemish and Québécois nationalists have relied on evocating and shaping key ‘shared memories’ found within the historical narrative of the national community. These shared memories, as well as their symbolic representations, reflect sentiments of struggle, injustice, and victimization, and have been vital for Flemish and Québécois nationalists in maintaining their paralleling expressions of an ethno-linguistic nationalism of protest in Flanders and in Québec.

Klonální integrace Agrostis stolonifera v živinově heterogenním prostředí / Clonal integration of Agrostis stolonifera in heterogeneous soil environment

Duchoslavová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Clonal plants may be able to cope with spatial heterogeneity due to the physiological integration of ramets. Previous studies demonstrated that benefits of clonal integration increase with patch contrast between individual ramets. However, the same magnitude of contrast may be perceived differently in rich and poor environments. According to the theoretical work of Caraco and Kelly (1991), I expected these benefits to be the greatest in overall poor conditions and high between-patch contrast. To test this hypothesis, I conducted experiments with pairs of ramets of a stoloniferous grass, Agrostis stolonifera, grown in variously nutrient rich conditions. The experiment with pairs of ramet of similar developmental age showed only very weak effect of integration on growth of ramets, although integration significantly improved survival of ramets and also affected root-shoot ratio of ramets. Nevertheless, there were considerable benefits of integration in the experiment with developmentally older mother ramets and their daughter ramets. Contrary to the predictions, the benefits of integration were bigger in rich conditions and they decreased with increasing between-patch contrast. In addition, effect of integration on root-shoot ratio of ramets was opposite to the expected specialization for acquisition...

Enthésopathies et activités des hommes préhistoriques : recherche méthodologique et application aux fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique / Enthesopathies and prehistoric human activities : methodological approach and application to european upper palaeolithic and mesolithic human fossils

Villotte, Sébastien 03 October 2008 (has links)
Les enthésopathies sur le squelette sont considérées comme des "marqueurs d'activité" en anthropologie biologique. L'étude de tels "marqueurs" pour des fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique offre l'opportunité d'enrichir notre connaissance des comportements et des modes de vie de ces populations et d'en illustrer certains aspects inconnus, notamment la division sexuelle du travail. Les lacunes méthodologiques (absence de référence médicale et de validation) que présente cette approche m'ont conduit à proposer une nouvelle méthode d'étude. Cette méthode, composée de 4 systèmes de cotation, a été testée sur un échantillon de référence (âge au décès, sexe et activité connus). L'analyse a permis de caractériser une relation entre les modifications osseuses et l'activité physique pour l'un des systèmes. Ce dernier a ensuite été appliqué à un ensemble de fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique (n = 95) dont les caractéristiques biologiques (âge et sexe) ont été réévaluées au moyen de méthodes fiables. Les résultats attestent de l'intérêt de la démarche. D'une part, ils permettent d'avancer l'hypothèse d'une division sexuelle du travail à ces périodes, avec une pratique du lancer dévolue aux hommes. Ils révèlent d'autre part des différences comportementales entre les populations gravettiennes et celles des périodes plus récentes, impliquant notamment une réduction des distances parcourues et une intensification de l'exploitation du milieu à la fin du Paléolithique supérieur et au Mésolithique. / In bioarchaeology, enthesopathies i.e. "musculoskeletal stress markers" are assumed to reflect the activity of the attaching musculature. The study of enthesopathies in European Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic human fossils offers the opportunity to improve our knowledge of the behaviours and lifestyles of these populations and to reveal some unknown aspects like sexual division of labour. The methodological gaps in this approach (e.g. absence of medical reference and validation) led me to propose a new method of studying enthesopathies based on current medical data. This method consists of four scoring systems and has been tested on a reference sample of known age at death, sex and activity. The analysis has established a link between osseous modifications and physical activity for one of the systems. The latter has been applied to a sample of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic fossils (n = 95) after a new assessment of their sex and age at death by using reliable methods. The results give evidence of the relevance of this approach. First, they allow to propose the hypothesis of a sexual division of labour during this period, with throwing activities devolved to men. Second, the results reveal behavioural differences between Gravettian populations and more recent ones, implying a reduction in mobility and an intensification of subsistence activities at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic and during the Mesolithic.

La fonction de coordinateur dans les internats de l’éducation spécialisée : une approche sociologique des dynamiques professionnelles et des enjeux organisationnels du secteur social et médico-social / The occupation of coordinators in residential care homes in specialised education : a socialogical approach to the professional dynamics and organisational issues in the social and medico-social sector

Janson, Valérie 11 March 2016 (has links)
Les réformes et la nécessité de réduction des coûts dans le secteur médico-social amènent à repenser la logique des qualifications en fonctions des tâches à exercer. depuis une dizaine d'années, certains établissements ont introduit dans leur organisation des « coordinateurs », éducateurs spécialisés ayant des tâches supplémentaires, visant à faire le lien entre les chefs de service et des équipes de professionnels moins « coûteux » sur le terrain. cette fonction, très floue, n'est pas la résultante d'une formation, n'a pas d'existence dans les diverses conventions, et pose souvent question à la fois aux personnes exerçant ce rôle, et aux collègues ne l'exerçant pas. ces questionnements, fréquents dans les sites d'éducation spécialisés, ne bénéficient pourtant d'aucun écho dans la presse spécialisée depuis 10 ans. ma thèse visera à étudier de façon plus approfondie, et questionner ces fonctions dans les établissements, en me rapprochant de tous les acteurs en présence. / This thesis concerns the role of coordinators as created and developed within residential care homes in specialised education during the 21st Century. We will be investigating a role that is invisible in the professional sector, existing neither in legislation or in Collective Agreements, and to which very few industry journals are devoted. This research was carried out against a historical perspective of professions in the specialised education industry, but also from a multiscalar perspective, articulating macro-, meso- and microsocial perspectives to gain a better view of the changes associated with the division of labour within organisations. By mobilising the sociology of professions and the sociology of organisations, and via an ethnographical survey, this thesis shows that the role of coordinators reveals a shift in the references of professionals in the closed sector of specialised education towards the commercial world. This analysis is centred on two major themes, which depict a role founded in the logic of competence. The former theme considers the plurality of formal attributes, activities and profiles amongst coordinators. The latter theme reveals a genuine activity governed by institutional contexts, changes in the division of labour, interplay among actors and interactions with professionals, coaching and field work. We will thus show that, by modelling themselves on the organisation, coordinators fulfil a role of translation and crystallisation that facilitates relations between professionals. We view the silence on the subject of this role as a strategic choice, facilitated by an individualisation of the role, an isolation of coordinators, and by determinist statements addressed to professionals in the field.

Does Anybody Care? : Public and Private Responsibilities in Swedish Eldercare 1940-2000

Brodin, Helene January 2005 (has links)
Since the 1980s, practically all of the western welfare states have developed social policies, which aim at shifting the responsibilities for welfare services from the state to the family, the civil society or to the market. In Sweden, this political transformation has particularly hit the public eldercare. In the last twenty years, the percentage of the population 65 years and older receiving public home help services in Sweden has decreased from 23 to 8 per cent at the same time as the number of beds in hospitalized eldercare has been heavily reduced. Moreover, during the course of the 2000s, the majority of the Swedish municipalities have reintroduced means testing of the eldercare based on whether the elderly have relatives or not that can perform the services. Parallel with these downsizes in the publicly financed and organized eldercare; privately produced eldercare services have increased, carried out by large and internationally own business corporations. Based on an theoretical framework, which combines the historical approach within the neo-institutional research tradition with a discursive method of analysis, this thesis explores if the period from the 1980s and onwards has been a formative moment in Swedish eldercare during which new ideas have become embedded in the institutional frameworks regulating the division of responsibility for eldercare services between the state, the family and the market. To examine if and how the municipalities, which are principally responsible for organizing and financing the public eldercare in Sweden, have implemented the change in ideas that have emerged in national politics since the 1980s, the thesis also examines how the eldercare has developed in two of Sweden’s municipalities since the 1980s. The results of the thesis demonstrates that the period from the 1980s and onwards has been a formative moment in the Swedish eldercare during which new ideas regarding the public responsibility for eldercare service have emerged and become institutionalized. Since the 1980s, senior citizens’ need for care has increasingly been re-interpreted from a public to a private issue with the consequence that today, their need for certain services, in particular those related to housework, are no longer regarded to be a public responsibility but a private matter that the elderly will have to solve, either by buying the services on the market, or, by asking relatives for help and assistance. The main problem connected with this reprivatization of senior citizens’ need for care is, however, that as the state has withdrawn its responsibility, women, in their role of being wives, daughters, or daughters-in-laws, have been forced to step in as informal and unpaid providers of care. Therefore, regardless of political reigns and modes of production, women have been forced to taken on an increasingly larger responsibility for their elderly relatives.

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