Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emissions brading atemsystem"" "subject:"emissions brading systsystem""
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The Compatibility of EU State Aid for Environmental Protection with the Polluter Pays Principle : In the Context of the EU Emissions Trading SystemArnqvist, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
This thesis, examines three research questions concerning the coherence between the European Union (EU) rules about State aid for environmental protection and the “polluter-pays-principle” (PPP) in the context of the free allocation practice in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The aim of the first research question is to study whether the free allocation of emission rights within the EU ETS is compatible with the EU State aid rules. The conclusion to this research question is that the free allocation practice does fulfil the criteria to constitute State aid but that the Commission has permitted derogations against this prohibition, provided certain conditions such as necessity and proportionality are fulfilled. The second research question is whether the free allocation method is compatible with the PPP. The PPP can be divided into an economic dimension and a legal dimension and it is concluded that the free allocation practice is contrary to at least the legal dimension of the PPP. According to the OECD, exceptions from the principle can be made but the EU has not established conditions for when such derogations from the PPP can be made. The third research question concerns the compatibility between the EU State aid rules and the PPP. Generally there is no disharmony between the State aid rules and the PPP, since the PPP should not be seen as a mere prohibition against aid to polluters, but can also be considered a complement to State aid rules. However in the specific case of the free allocation rules in the EU ETS, State aid measures contrary to the PPP are carried out. Since the EU has not established conditions for whether derogations from the PPP can be made, it is concluded that the free allocation practice within the EU ETS does expose a disharmony between the PPP and the State aid rules. It is suggested that the EU clarifies the conditions for permitting derogations from the PPP, in preparation for the fourth phase of the EU ETS.
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It’s Complicated : A quantitative analysis explaining member state compliance with the EU’s 2020 emission target.Gewecke, Hanne January 2017 (has links)
The European Union’s climate mitigation is highly dependent on member state compliance with EU climate policy. This paper therefore investigates the effect of different factors on national compliance with the EU’s emission target of a 20 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to 1990. This target is further divided into additional ones, covering different sectors: a 21 percent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2020 compared to 2005 in the sectors covered by the Emissions Trading System (ETS), and differentiated targets for each member state under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) during the same period. Common operationalizations of compliance in quantitative research are associated with problems since the available data mostly concern policy output. This paper measures compliance in terms of outcome instead, by comparing the emission targets to the actual reductions made by the member states. The results indicate that compliance with the nation-specific targets in the ESD sector is mostly decided by how much a state is required to reduce their emissions. Regarding the ETS target, compliance appears somewhat likelier in member states where a larger share of citizens are members of an environmental organization, and a little more unlikely in states where the industry contributes economically with a larger share of GDP.
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Šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos tobulinimo galimybių įvertinimas / Possibilities for improvement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading SystemNaujėkaitė, Julija 16 January 2007 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo pirmojoje dalyje iškeliama klimato kaitos problema, apžvelgiami pagrindiniai tarptautiniai susitarimai, kurių pagrindu formuojama šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistema Europos Sąjungoje. Šioje dalyje nagrinėjamos taršos mažinimo priemonės – lankstieji Kioto protokolo mechanizmai (bendro įgyvendinimo ir švarios plėtros) bei jų metu sukuriami šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos objektai.
Antrojoje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama, kas yra šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistema - aptariami jos įkūrimo Europos Sąjungoje etapai ir ypatybės. Aiškinamasi, kokie šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemą reglamentuojantys teisės aktai yra priimti Lietuvos Respublikoje bei kokie mechanizmai nėra numatyti. Šioje dalyje išsamiai nagrinėjami šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos objektai ir jų sukūrimą reglamentuojančios Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvos 2004/101/EB dėl Kioto protokolo projektų mechanizmų principai. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos teisės aktais, daromos apibendrintos išvados dėl dar nenumatytų šiltnamio dujų prekybos galimybių nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose.
Trečiojoje magistrinio darbo dalyje pateikiama pirmųjų šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos metų Lietuvoje analizė, pateikiami 2005-2007 ir 2008-2012 metų laikotarpių nacionalinių paskirstymo planų pagrindiniai skirtumai. Šioje darbo dalyje analizuojamos taršos mažinimo priemonių įgyvendinimo galimybės bei apžvelgiamos Lietuvos šiltnamio dujų prekybos administravime dalyvaujančios institucijos. Remiantis atlikta analize ir šiltnamio dujų... [to full text] / The problem of climate change is raised in the first part of the thesis and the main
international treaties are overviewed. These treaties lay the basis for emissions trading system in
the European Union. Means for emissions reduction: Kyoto mechanisms (joint implementation
and clean development) and created objects of emissions trading system while implementing
mechanisms are reviewed.
In the second part of the thesis greenhouse gas emissions trading system is described
and stages and features of its creation in the European Union are discussed. Legal acts of
emissions trading system of the Republic of Lithuania are explained and not foreseen possibilites
for implementation of Kyoto mechanisms are overwied. Objects of emissions trading system are
described detaily together with principles of Kyoto mechanisms and Directive 2004/101/EC of
the Eurpean Parliament and of the Council for Kyoto Protocol‘s project mechanisms. Refering to
legal acts of the European Union, conclusions for possibilities of implementation of Kyoto
mechanisms which are not foreseen in national law system are drawn.
In the third part of the thesis the analysis of the first year of emissions trading system in
Lithuania are overwied, main differences of national allocation plans for 2005-2007 and 2008-
2012 periods are presented. The possibilities for emissions reduction are analysed and
administrative system of institutions of emissions traning system in Lithuania is overviewed.
Conclussions and... [to full text]
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Klimaträttvisa inom EU:s system för handel med utsläppsrätter : Den gröna given- en rättvis grön omställning? / Climate justice in the EU Emission Trading System : The Green Deal- a fair green transition?Ky, Julianne January 2024 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) evolved in response to the European Green Deal, with a particular focus on climate justice. In previous trading periods, the ETS faced extensive criticism from researchers and international environmental organizations, who argued that the system exacerbated social and economic inequalities. However, as part of the Green Deal, the ETS underwent reforms with stricter regulations, clearer targets, and the inclusion of more sectors. The aim of this thesis is to analyze these changes and assess whether the system could now be considered just. The analysis is conducted using a critical approach and an ideal-type analysis, evaluating the ETS according to two justice-based criteria: effectiveness and the equitable distribution of climate change responsibilities. The results indicates that the current form of the emission trading system fails to meet the standards of fairness on both criteria.
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L'utilisation de la technique de marché en droit de l'environnement. L'exemple du système européen d'échange des quotas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre / Using the market-based instrument in environmental law. The example of the European Union emission trading systemRotoullié, Jean-Charles 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d’appréhender, à travers l’exemple du système européen d’échange des quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre, les conditions d’efficacité d’un instrument particulier de réalisation du développement durable : la technique de marché. Définie comme un instrument de police consistant en la poursuite d’un objectif de politique publique, préalablement défini par les pouvoirs publics, au moyen de la création volontaire d’un marché, c’est-à-dire l’organisation d’échanges d’« unités » entre opérateurs économiques, la technique de marché est utilisée de manière privilégiée en matière environnementale. La création ex nihilo d’un marché pour protéger l’environnement ne doit pas induire en erreur : la technique de marché ne conduit pas à une substitution de la liberté à la puissance publique. Au contraire, la technique de marché n’est efficace que si elle est sous-tendue par une action publique forte. Une intervention permanente – au stade de l’élaboration et de la mise en oeuvre de cet instrument – et multiforme – au niveau international, régional et national – de la puissance publique est nécessaire. La « main invisible » du marché ne produit ses effets que grâce à la « main visible » de la puissance publique. / By taking the example of the European Union emission trading system, the objective of the present study is to understand the conditions of effectiveness of a specific tool: the market-based instrument. Market-based instrument is defined as a tool of policing aiming at the achievement of a public policy objective (pre-established by public authorities) with the creation of a market, i.e. the organisation of exchanges of “units” between economic operators. This tool is widely used in environmental law. The ex nihilo creation of a market in order to protect the environment must not mislead: the market-based instrument does not lead to a shift from public action to freedom. To the contrary, the effectiveness of the market-based instrument depends on a strong public action. A permanent (i.e. both during the preparation and the implementation of this tool) and multifaceted (i.e. at international, regional and national levels) public intervention is therefore required. The “invisible hand” of the market could only be effective with the “visible hand” of public authorities.
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Value of CO2 neutrality for sustainable engineering steel: A case study of Ovako ABLarsson, Erik, Smith, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Steel production is today one of the most CO2-demanding activities and causes 8% of the global emissions of GHG. It is crucial for the industry to reduce its emissions radically in order to be in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Science-Based Target initiative. Ovako AB, one of the leading producers of high-strength engineering steel, has been at the forefront when it comes to sustainability initiatives within the industry. Heavy investments are being made into sustainable steel production methods and technologies and to make this viable, the company has, from January 1st, 2022, started to put a price premium on their steel products of 30 € per tonne. This study aims to answer the question of how Ovako's customers, based on the three different industries of mining, automotive, and bearing, experience this price premium and how a green steel can justify this surcharge. Furthermore, this case study aims to understand the extent to which those customers require carbon neutrality when sourcing steel. Connected to the findings from the innovation theories and the literature, this study aims to answer the question of how sustainable innovations may influence future competitiveness regarding engineering steel. To answer these questions, interviews with key individuals from different customers of Ovako were conducted. Moreover, focus groups at Ovako with relevant employees have been held at the same time as a literature study has been conducted. Based on the answers obtained from the data collection, a thematic analysis has been performed where overarching themes have been identified. Additionally, a carbon impact calculator has been used to calculate the carbon reduction potential of using a carbon-neutral engineering steel in three different applications connected to the three industries investigated, namely a complete bearing, a drill bit, and a final drive unit. The results from the calculations as well as the answers obtained regarding the research questions will be presented in the conclusion chapter of the report.
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Parisavtalets inverkan på utsläppsrättigheter : En undersökning av handeln med utsläppsrätter och dess förenlighet med Parisavtalets klimatmål / The impact of the Paris agreement on emission rights : An analysis of emissions trading and its compatibility with the Paris Agreement’s objectiveEkstrand, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten av utsläppsrätter samt om dessa kan inskränkas under åberopande av Parisavtalet. Parisavtalet är ett internationellt klimatavtal som trädde i kraft år 2016. Avtalet innebär huvudsakligen att ingående parter ska uppnå målet att begränsa den globala temperaturökningen till 1,5 grader Celsius, genom att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser. Avtalets målsättningar innebär inga skyldigheter för parterna, men trots det lades avtalet till grund för en nederländsk dom mot energikoncernen Shell år 2021. Domen innebär för Shell att minska utsläppen med 45 % fram till år 2030 i syfte att uppfylla Parisavtalet, vilket inskränker Shells utsläppsrättigheter. I artikel 3 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren av en utsläppsrätt har en rätt att släppa ut ett ton koldioxidekvivalenter. I artikel 12 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren har en rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter till fysiska och juridiska personer inom unionen. När domen mot Shell inskränker nämnda artiklar, väcks intresset för dels hur exklusivt utsläppsrätter ägs, dels hur rätten att överlåta kan inskränkas. I Sverige regleras utsläppsrätter i lag (2020:1173) om vissa utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige har under lång tid framstått som en förebild i att visa resten av världen att man kan föra en offensiv klimat- och miljöpolitik och att fortsätta vara ett välfärdsland. Trots det, kommer Sverige under år 2022 inte lyckas uppfylla sin del av Parisavtalet om inte kraftigare minskningar genomförs, varför rättigheter om utsläpp kan komma att inskränkas även här. Kortfattat framgår följande av uppsatsen. Endast innehavandet av en utsläppsrätt innebär inte en juridisk rätt att släppa ut. För det erfordras tillstånd. Tillståndet är villkorat och utsläppsrätten måste nyttjas inom den tilldelade handelsperioden, vilket innebär att ett exklusivt ägande inte kan anses föreligga. Således uppfyller inte en utsläppsrätt Elgebrants villkor för begreppet egendom. Överlåtelserätten, som innebär en oinskränkt rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter, faller emellertid under ett undantag vid tillämpning av Parisavtalet. Vidare har överlåtelserätten betydelse för statliga intäkter och företags överlevnad. En successiv minskning av växthusgaser är nödvändig för ett hållbart samhälle. Parisavtalet visar sig kunna inskränka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten i Sverige under vissa förutsättningar. Försiktighetsprincipen, i 2 kap. 3 § miljöbalken, får även betydelse i frågan.
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