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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möjlighet till lika möjligheter : En kvalitativ studie om resursskillnader bland barn på förskolan

Chamoun, Marleine, Utter, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
Child poverty in Sweden as a social phenomenon has been highlighted in various debates and in poverty research during the recent years. Children's economic vulnerability has gotten more place in research. An interest to highlight child poverty awakened and this study highlights child poverty through a resource perspective among children in preschools. This study aims to examine how preschool teachers perceive the child's assets to various resources as well as how preschool teachers perceive the impact of the preschool where they work on children's access to these resources. The study is qualitative and has used interviews as a tool. The respondents' answers were analyzed using previous research, and Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concepts capital, field and habitus as analytical tools. Four preschool teachers in two different preschools in the area Norsborg were interviewed. The results show that preschool teachers perceive that there are differences between children in access to different resources. Some lacks in resource assets has proven to be clearer than others, such as children's clothing. However, the causes of children's access to various resources have been harder to understand. Another result of this study is that preschools in various ways contribute to children's different resource assets by example that all activities that kids do with preschools will be free for children and their parents. Another way for preschools that affect children's access to resources is the way preschools informs the children’s parents about different activities. But there are also differences between the preschools where one of the preschools in this study allows kids to bring their own toys from home, which can contribute to resource differences between the children in the preschool. / Barnfattigdom i Sverige som ett samhällsfenomen har på senare år lyfts fram i olika debatter. Inom fattigdomsforskning har studier om just barns ekonomiska utsatthet fått allt större plats. Utifrån detta väcktes ett intresse att belysa barnfattigdom bland barn på förskolor genom ett resursperspektiv. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur förskolepedagoger uppfattar barns tillgångar till olika resurser samt om förskolepedagogerna uppfattar om den förskola de arbetar på påverkar barns tillgång till dessa resurser. Studien har använt sig av kvalitativa intervjuer där respondenternas svar har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och Pierre Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp fält, habitus och kapital som analysverktyg. Fyra förskolepedagoger på två olika förskolor i området Norsborg har intervjuats. Resultaten visar att förskolepedagogerna uppfattar att det finns skillnader mellan barn avseende tillgång till olika resurser. Några bestämda brister i resurstillgångar har visat sig vara tydligare än andra så som barns kläder. Däremot har det varit svårare att kartlägga orsakerna till barns olika tillgångar. Ett annat resultat av denna studie är att förskolorna på olika sätt bidrar till barns olika resurstillgångar genom exempelvis att alla aktiviteter som barnen gör med förskolorna är kostnadsfria för barn och deras föräldrar. Ett annat sätt för förskolorna att påverka barns tillgång till resurser är att förskolorna sprider information om olika fritidsaktiviter till barnens föräldrar. Men det finns även skillnader mellan förskolorna där en av förskolorna för denna studie tillåter barn att ta med egna leksaker hemifrån, vilket kan bidra till resursskillnader mellan barnen på förskolan.

Inkludering och exkludering i en förskoleklass : En observationsstudie om maktförhållanden i den fria leken

Lindqvist, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to the field of social access in children's free play in the pre-school class, by looking at how children are included and excluded and how power structures arises in the free time. In order to capture the events that occur among the children, observations were chosen as research method. The results show that the children wanted to play with each other, and that the most common way to facilitate play was to ask "Can I join?". There were also other strategies being practiced regularly. It was also common to exclude other children from playing, and this was especially when the children wanted to protect their ongoing game, or that someone was not allowed to join because he or she ruined it for the others. Other aspects that affect which status the children had in the group was when they compared their skills with each other, to see who could jump the farthest, draw the best and so on. Knowledge on how to read and write were two other abilities that gave high status in the pre-school class. / Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur socialt tillträde och makt visas i en förskoleklass, och då titta på hur barn inkluderas och exkluderas och de maktpostitioneringar som uppstår i den fria leken. För att kunna fånga händelser som sker mellan barnen, valdes observationer som undersökningsmetod. Resultatet visar att barnen gärna ville umgås med varandra, och att det vanligaste för att få vara med och leka var att fråga "Får jag vara med?", men det fanns även andra strategier som förekom regelbundet. Att exkludera andra barn ur den sociala gemenskapen var också vanligt, och då framförallt för att barnen ville skydda sin pågående lek eller att någon inte fick vara med för att den förstörde för de andra. Andra aspekter som påverkade vilken status barnen hade i barngruppen handlade om att de jämförde sina färdigheter med varandra; vem som kunde hoppa längst, rita häftigast och så vidare. Här kom även kunskaper som att läsa och skriva in, vilket var två förmågor som gav hög status i förskoleklassen.

Sociální patologie z pohledu sociálně vyloučených Romů / Social pathology from the perspective of socially excluded Roma

JUREČKOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis has been focused on the chosen socio-pathological phenomena in terms of socially excluded Roma adolescents. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part there I clarify first of all concepts as a social standard, a deviation and its basic theories, a culture of the poverty, I also deal with a delinquent and criminal behaviour in a context of the ethnicity, further I describe a social pathology in the Roma minority, a social exclusion of the Roma ethnic group including issues of social-excluded localities and in the end of the theoretical part I deal with an explanation of the concept Romany or the Roman ethnic group. An aim of the diploma thesis is to identify how Roma adolescent men and women living in social excluded localities perceive the social pathology. Because of the objectives and particularity of the research sample as well as the research investigation, I chose a qualitative research, a method of an interview and a technique of a half-standardized dialogue with open questions. The target sample includes 14 respondents aged 13 to 20 years. I addressed respondents in two socially excluded localities as follows: ? a dormitory of defaulters ? a dormitory of the housing estate type The result of the thesis is a recognition which phenomena are perceived by the social excluded Roma adolescents as pathological ones and which are their standard and whether they represent a factual standard for them or in what extent they have a personal experience with them.

Lärares språkutvecklande arbetssätt med flerspråkighet i fokus på en gymnasiesärskola

Fungmark, Margret January 2014 (has links)
SyfteSyftet med denna studie var att beskriva och uppnå en förståelse för lärares språkutvecklande arbetssätt med fokus kring hur pedagogiken främjar språkutvecklingen både hos flerspråkiga elever och hos elever som har svenska som modersmål. Dessutom var syftet att uppnå en förståelse för hur lärarna anpassade pedagogiken utifrån samtliga elevers kognitiva funktionsnedsättning. Frågeställningar•Vilka aspekter av språkutvecklande strategier återfinns i lärarnas arbetssätt?•I vilken utsträckning anpassar lärarna det språkutvecklande arbetssättet i förhållande till om eleverna har svenska som första, respektive andraspråk?•På vilket sätt anpassar lärarna den pedagogiska praktiken i relation till elevernas funktionsnedsättning?TeoriStudien förankrades i Vygotskjis teori om att individens sociala- och intellektuella utveckling är förenade med varandra och att den proximala utvecklingszonen kan nås via interaktion. Det andra teoretiska perspektivet som studien förankrades i var Skidmores tankar om en inkluderande, respektive en exkluderande klassrumspraktik.MetodMetoden var kvalitativ med en hermeneutisk ansats. Det hermeneutiska förhållningssättet syftar till att uppnå en förståelse av olika skeenden. Studien var en fallstudie. Populationen utgjordes av ett tillgänglighetsurval som i första hand bestod av lärarna i en gymnasiesärskoleklass men även eleverna i klassen samt elevernas assistenter utgjorde populationen. Vid datainsamlingen användes tre forskningsinstrument; lärarenkät, observationer och fokuserad gruppintervju. Lärarenkäten var ett kompletterande metodiskt redskap för att samla in bakgrundsinformation om deltagarna. Observationerna och den fokuserade gruppintervjun utgjorde studiens huvudsakliga metodredskap. Analysen var deduktiv med i förväg bestämda huvudteman vilka justerades något under arbetets gång. ResultatFör att optimera språkutvecklingen hos elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska efterfrågas stöttning på modersmålet. Interaktivt meningsskapande förekommer i synnerhet i horisontella sammanhang. Kollektivt begreppsbildande återfinns i lärarnas arbetssätt, vilket gynnar samtliga elevers språkutveckling. Assistenterna stöttar eleverna i språkutvecklingen på individnivå. Genom att visualisera och verklighetsanpassa pedagogiken ökar KASAM- känslan av sammanhang för eleverna. Det förekommer både att lärarna individualiserar pedagogiken, respektive justerar pedagogiken efter hela klassens behov. Genom samverkan mellan hem, skola och habilitering utformas anpassade kompensatoriska hjälpmedel för eleverna.KonklusionStrategier som gynnade språkutvecklingen förekom i lärarnas arbetssätt men pedagogiken anpassades inte efter elevernas modersmål. Ett individuellt pedagogiskt upplägg kan vara avgörande för att elever med en utvecklingsstörning ska lyckas i skolan och lärarnas pedagogik justerades efter elevernas kognitiva funktionsnedsättning på individnivå. Lärarna anpassade dessutom pedagogiken efter klassens kollektiva behov av stöttning. Lärarnas arbetssätt var både inkluderande och exkluderande. Denna flexibilitet gynnar kunskapsinhämtningen hos elever med specialpedagogiska behovSpecialpedagogiska implikationerAv tradition utförs specialpedagogiskt stöd i exkluderande sammanhang och flerspråkiga elever studerar ofta ämnet svenska som andraspråk, åtskilt från elever som har svenska som modersmål och istället studerar ämnet svenska. Elever med speciella behov bör i större utsträckning erbjudas stöd i en inkluderande kontext. För att realisera detta krävs inte nödvändigtvis specialutbildad personal. Det avgörande är istället lärarens intention att avvärja skolproblematiska situationer.

”Jag vill vara självförsörjande” : - En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av arbetslösheten

El-hessi, Tagred, Ismaili, Vildane January 2012 (has links)
This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study’s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age. A coach from the project was also involved and gave us his view of the project, its goals and objectives. Through all the interviewees statements regarding unemployment, it was confirmed that work has a significant impact on the identity of the elaboration and socialization. Knowing the community, to be useful to society and to earn their own money, are some of the important factors that can be accomplished by a employment. Young people experience work and activities as positive and developing. Being unemployed affects how individuals perceive themselves and their living situations. Young people who fall outside of the labor market has found difficulties to reengage themselves into work and society, and thus risking a life of alienation with bad economy and poor living conditions as a result.

Socialpedagogiskt arbete i rollen som skolkurator / Social pedagogy in the role of the school counselor

Drott, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Socialpedagogiken är ett relativt outforskat område i skolans värld och det råder olika meningar kring vad socialpedagogiken skulle kunna och faktiskt redan bidrar med ute i det svenska skolsystemet. Studien som är en uppsats på C-nivå syftar att fånga socialpedagogiskt arbete ur en specifik yrkesgrupps perspektiv, nämligen skolkuratorns. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade forskningsintervjuer med 5 skolkuratorer som alla är utbildade socialpedagoger. Studien har ett explorativt syfte där kärnan alltså består i att ge en bild av hur skolkuratorerna själva uppfattar att de använder socialpedagogiken i sin yrkesroll som skolkuratorer. Studiens teoretiska ramverk bygger på socialpedagogiskt traditionella tankemodeller om individen som formar sin identitet i relation till sin omgivning och de lärandeprocesser som finns att hitta i denna växelverkan mellan individ och samhälle. Socialpedagogiska perspektiv om gemenskap, delaktighet, empowerment, dialog, inklusion och exklusion har fungerat som utgångspunkter att betrakta skolkuratorernas erfarenheter utifrån. Materialet har analyserats med analysmetoden IPA och resulterade i 4 övergripande teman: Relationsbyggande, Skapandet av insocialiserande processer, Inklusion och Fokus på det som fungerar. I diskussionsdelen diskuteras studiens relevans för det sociala fältet och för den aktuella situationen i dagens svenska skola. / Social pedagogy is a relatively unexplored area in the Swedish school-system and there are different opinions about what social pedagogy could, and indeed already contribute with out in the Swedish schools. The study, a thesis C-level aims to capture the social pedagogical work out a specific profession perspective, the school counselors. The empirical material consists of semi-structured research interviews with five school counselors who are all trained social pedagogues. The study has an exploratory purpose where the core is to provide a picture of how the school counselors themselves perceive that they use social pedagogy in their professional role as school counselors. The theoretical framework is based on a social pedagogical perspective built on traditional social pedagogical thoughts and theories. These theories and concepts all focuses on the individual that shapes their identity in relation to their environment and the learning processes that can be found in the interaction between the individual and society. Theories about community, participation, empowerment, dialogue, inclusion and exclusion has served as starting points to consider the experiences given by the school counselors. The material was analyzed with the analytical IPA and resulted in four broad themes: Relationship building, Creating socializing processes, Inclusion and Focus on what works. In the discussion section the study's relevance to the social field and the current situation in Swedish schools today is addressed.

“Because their feet also used to be swollen... For those people their feet don’t use to fit in the shoes, so they used to tease them.” : - A qualitative study on the experience of being a pregnant teenager and young mother in Rundu, Namibia. / "För deras fötter brukade vara svullna... deras fötter brukade inte passa i skorna, så de brukade bli retade." : - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara gravid tonåring och ung mamma i Rundu, Namibia.

Samuelsson, Jonna January 2012 (has links)
Namibia, as most countries on the African continent, is facing a high rate of teenage pregnancies. It is one of the biggest social issues challenging contemporary society, contributing to social problems such as illegal abortions, baby dumping and suicide attempts. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to focus on young women and their experiences of being pregnant teenagers and young mothers. During this research process young mothers have elaborated on their own life situation discussing ideas that could have helped them during the pregnancy. They also give ideas on what could be helpful for them today. The research also pays attention to the attitudes that the young mothers face in their communities. The town were this research was carried out, Rundu, is situated in the Kavango region, which has the far highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the country. This is a qualitative research and data was collected through daily observations, conversations and semi-structured interviews. In the understanding of my results, I have used gender theory, social exclusion, social construction, stigmatisation and an intersectional perspective. According to the results six of my seven respondents were struggling during pregnancy and still do today. They struggle/struggled mainly due to lack of resources and money as well as not having enough people helping them taking care of the baby. Most of the young women left school at an early stage of the pregnancy. This either because school policies would not let them proceed or because school uniforms and shoes were getting too small. Attitudes present and the discourse on pregnant teenagers among young and old people in Rundu prevented some of the pregnant girls from taking part of a social life. They got blamed for falling pregnant. Some of them were feeling very ashamed over their condition and started living more isolated lives, not going in to town anymore and thereby missing health controls at the hospital. / Namibia har, som de flesta afrikanska länderna, en hög grad av tonårsgraviditeter. Tonårsgraviditeter är ett av landets största sociala bekymmer, eftersom det leder till andra sociala problem så som illegala aborter, ”baby dumping” och självmordsförsök. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att lägga fokus på de unga mödrarna och deras upplevelser av att vara gravida tonåringar och unga mammor. I uppsatsen får de unga mammorna möjlighet att resonera kring sina egna livssituationer och kring vad som hade kunnat hjälpa dem under tiden då de var gravida. De berättar också om vilken sorts stöd de behöver idag. Uppsatsen lägger vidare fokus på attityder som de unga mammorna möter i de olika sammanhang där de befinner sig. Staden Rundu, som är platsen där empirin har samlats in, är belägen i Kavangoregionen, som har den absolut högsta siffran tonårsgraviditeter i hela landet. Detta är en kvalitativ studie och empiri har samlats in genom dagliga observationer, samtal och semi-strukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av resultaten har teorier kring genus, social exklusion, social konstruktion, stigmatisering samt ett intersektionellt perspektiv använts. Resultaten visar att sex av de sju informanterna hade det svårt under sin graviditet och fortfarande har det svårt idag. De har det kämpigt främst på grund av att de saknar ekonomiska tillgångar och människor omkring dem som kan hjälpa dem att ta hand om barnet. De flesta av informanterna lämnade skolan vid ett tidigt stadium av graviditeten. Det berodde antingen på att policies på de olika skolorna inte lät dem fortsätta eftersom de var gravida eller för att deras skoluniformer och skor blev för små. Attityder mot tjejerna och diskursen kring tonårsgraviditeter i Rundu hindrade en del av informanterna från att ta del av ett socialt liv. De fick skulden för att ha blivit gravida och vissa av dem skämdes väldigt mycket över sin situation. Detta ledde till att de började leva mer isolerat och inte gärna vistades inne i centrum. Vissa av tjejerna missade därmed kontroller på mödravården.

"Det är inte så ofta jag känner mig delaktig för jag räcker inte upp handen så ofta så det är egentligen mitt eget fel kanske" : En kvalitativ studie om sex elevers egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av dialog och delaktighet i årskurs ett / "It is not very often that I feel involved because I don’t raise my hand very often so that might be my own fault" : A qualitative study about six students own experience in dialogue and participation in first grade.

Pettersson, Camilla January 2011 (has links)
According to the curriculum Sweden’s elementary school is to educate students in subjects such as "Listening, debating and argumentation". I ask myself if this is actually something that every student is being provided with. The purpose of this study is to gain additional information about children’s participation in the classroom. This is done from the children’s perspective by examining how students in first grade experience their roll in the conversation between and in relation to the teacher. In order to get subjective as well as an objective perspective qualitative methods are used in this essay. First I observed the children in the classroom and then I interviewed six of them. The main questions at issue are: How do children in first grade experience their own participation in the classroom? In what situations do the children in first grade sense they are allowed to speak with the teacher in the classroom? What is significant for the different situations in which the children in first grade get to have a conversation with the teacher? Dialogue and Participation is two essential concepts throughout the study and according to research highly associated and therefore necessary to examine together. As showed in the results of the study several students in first grade didn’t feel participant enough in the classroom and all of the students wanted to converse more during the lesson. Results also show that the students who raised their hands were the ones who had well functioning social capacity and they also got more attention than other students.

"Jag förstod ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om sex ungdomars upplevelser av att ha dyslexi i grundskolan

Johansson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
One of the most important goals of school is to teach children how to read and write. But there are also children with great problems in reading and writing/dyslexia at school. In the Swedish School Plan you can, for example, read that one of the school’s most important goals is to give these children with special needs the help that they need. This study will investigate how six young people with reading and writing problems/dyslexia experienced the first nine years at school. There has been very little research regarding students´ experiences of having reading and writing problems/dyslexia early in school, which is strange because school is a place where children spend most of their time. This study will raise the questions about how young people were treated by their teachers, what they think of having a diagnosis, what kind of individualization they received and how they think about continuing their education. To fulfil the study’s purpose I did six qualitative interviews with young people between the ages of 18 and 24 years. The primary theoretical basis in this study was identity formation, inclusion, exclusion and integration. The results show, for example, that five out of the six young people sometimes experienced that their teachers didn’t understand their writing and reading problems and that resulted in inappropriate treatment from the teachers. The young people could feel anxiety which often led to low self-confidence. The diagnosis was difficult for three of them, but none of the interviewed felt that the diagnosis had affected them. The results also show that a good individualization was difficult for the teachers to accomplish in practice, and it also showed that previous experiences in school perhaps influenced whether they chose to continue their studies or not. One of the conclusions is that it is very important to discover a child’s reading and writing problem at an early age and to give the child a lot of help. Otherwise the child can develop a low self-esteem, and it is negative for a child’s identity formation.

Sociální determinanty zdraví vybraných romských komunit / Social determinants of health in select romani communities

KAJANOVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation thesis titled ``Social Determinants of Health in Selected Romany Communities{\crqq} adverts to the issues of relationship between the health condition and social and economic factors, as well as other external or culture-conditioned influences affecting them. I have based my work on the concept of ten social determinants of health by Wilkinson and Marmot (2005). The theoretical section adverts to the interrelation of particular determinants in the Roma communities and the specific role of stress affecting all determinants. Thereat, I have based my study on generally available findings, primarily those acquired from research surveys, against which I have compared the results of my research section. The objective of this presented thesis is to describe the influence of social determinants of health in the wider context of everyday living in selected Roma communities. In doing so, I have primarily focused on impediments to the full participation of the described target population in the living of the majority society due to social exclusion. The target population consists of five multi-generation Romany families from two separate locations. Two families enjoy a higher stratification status (including a representative of the Romany elite) and three live in socially excluded locations. Having considered the specifics of the target population and orientation on the common day of the respondents, I have opted for socio-ethnographic field research, i.e. a qualitative by a research method, with the prevailing technique being participative observation and interviews. Processed research data is presented, alongside discussions, in subchapters following upon the topics of the theoretical part of my thesis, i.e. particular groups of health determinants. The results indicate that it is not only the underprivileged socio-economic conditions that take a share in the worsened health condition of persons living in socially excluded locations but these also involve therefrom originating stressors, which are often specific (symbolic element of social exclusion, alternative sources of livelihood). I also attribute a special meaning to culture-conditioned norms and opinions that, in some cases, bear a negative influence on the health condition via behavioral factors (such as a low number of Roma mothers lactating their children or attitude to the abuse of habit-forming substances). Apart from the identification of the influence proportions breakdown by social determinants of health in Roma communities, I see the benefit of my thesis in its qualitative nature, predestining it for utilization in a wider, longitudinal quantitative research of the target Romany group.

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