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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensamstående, ensamgående, enastående! : -en kvalitativ studie om ensamstående mödrars syn på sin situation med fokus på stigma och social exklusion / Stand out, walk out, outstanding! : -a qualitative study about single mother’s view of their situation with focus on stigma and social exclusion.

Lindén, Nadia January 2020 (has links)
Ensamstående mödrar kan utifrån samhällets normer betraktas som ett socialt problem, eller en social framgång. Forskning har funnit att ensamstående mödrar ofta har sämre livsvillkor än andra samhällsgrupper, även i jämförelse med ensamstående fäder. Följande studie undersökte hur de ensamstående mödrarna själva såg på sin situation, utifrån stigma och social exklusion i det svenska samhället. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, med sju ensamstående mödrar. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av informanterna har upplevt stigmatiserande och socialt exkluderande behandling från såväl samhällsinstanser som övriga samhällsgrupper. Resultaten visade också på att samtliga informanter upplever att den generella förståelsen och det tillgängliga stödet för deras livssituation är bristfällig.

Föreningars betydelse för integrationsprocessen. En kvalitativ studie om ungdomar med utländsk bakgrund och deras väg in i det svenska samhället. / The importance of sports associations for the integration process. A qualitative study of young people with foreign background and their way into the Swedish society.

Orfanos, Dionysios, Elmkvist, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to study how sports associations or support associations that practice sports, work to include young people with a foreign background in their activities, what activities such associations organize to help these young people create new contacts with other social arenas and what measures they take to counteract or prevent social exclusion. We studied whether and to what extent the members' participation helps them to integrate more easily into the Swedish society by learning the language and getting acquainted with Swedish culture. The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews. We interviewed two leaders and two coaches who are all active in associations that aim to assist the young people with foreign background. This selection of respondents gave us a broad spectrum of what is going on inside these associations. With the interviews as a starting point, we have tracked various positive and less positive topics. Young people with a foreign background can end up in various difficult situations, such as unemployment, which can lead to exclusion or other exclusionary factors that in a broader sense will affect both young people and society. Our study results in that participation in sports or support associations can help young people with a foreign background to integrate more easily into Swedish society, but it is crucial that societal resources are not deficient.

Ermittlung von Mobilitätsbedürfnissen bei sozial benachteiligten Bevölkerungsgruppen

Huber, Kerstin 12 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Bisher finden subjektive Bewertungen von Erreichbarkeiten durch individuelle Verkehrsnutzer in den Verkehrswissenschaften und der Verkehrsplanung noch kaum Beachtung. Objektive Maßzahlen bestimmen einen Großteil der Theorie und Praxis. Auch die Zusammenhänge zwischen Mobilität und Wohlbefinden einerseits und zwischen Mobilität und gesellschaftlicher Inklusion andererseits sind noch wenig erforscht. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf benachteiligte, von Exklusion betroffene Menschen bestehen große Wissenslücken. Diese Arbeit sucht sich theoretisch und methodologisch den Mobilitätsbedürfnissen sozial benachteiligter Bevölkerungsgruppen anzunähern, um zu helfen, die vorherrschenden Defizite abzubauen. Ergebnis soll ein umfassender Katalog aus Empfehlungen für ein Forschungsdesign sein, der zukünftigen wissenschaftlichen Projekten Anleitung bietet. Neben der interdisziplinären Studie wissenschaftlicher Literatur stellen Experteninterviews die zentrale methodische Herangehensweise dar. Obschon für das Forschungsdesign bei bisherigen Forschungsarbeiten zu thematisch verwandten Themenstellungen vielfach Anleihen genommen werden können, muss ein eigenes methodisches Vorgehen gestaltet werden. Denn Eigenschaften, die häufig bei sozial Benachteiligten vorkommen, machen ein ganz der Zielgruppe angepasstes Verfahren notwendig. Zahlreiche weitere Schritte, insbesondere Testläufe der methodischen Empfehlungen, werden notwendig sein, um Mobilitätsbedürfnisse angemessen erheben zu können.

Net Divide : eine systemtheoretische Beschreibung der Exklusionen im Netz

Hafner, Johann Evangelist January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Äldrefattigdom : Ekonomisk utsatthet i yngre ålderspensionärers vardag / Elderly poverty : Economic hardship in young pensioners' everyday lives

Thelin, Angelika January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige omfattas äldre personer av ett historiskt och internationellt sett generöst offentligt ekonomiskt grundtrygghetssystem. Trots det ökade risken för relativ fattigdom bland unga ålderspensionärer (65 till 74 år) under 2000-talets första decennium. Det nya pensionssystemet, tillsammans med den demografiska och ekonomiska utvecklingen, förväntas bidra till att denna trend fortsätter. Inom ramen för dessa omständigheter undersöker avhandlingen yngre ålderspensionärers relativa ekonomiska utsatthet, vad den får för konsekvenser i deras vardag och hur de hanterar situationen. Särskilt vikt läggs vid hur människors livshistorier inverkar på problematiken. Avhandlingen baseras på 30 intervjuer med ekonomiskt utsatta och 17 intervjuer med ekonomiskt trygga yngre ålderspensionärer. Ekonomisk utsatthet preciseras till att motsvara ekonomiska förutsättningar som återfinns bland yngre ålderspensionärer med bostadstillägg. Ekonomisk trygghet definieras följaktligen som bättre ekonomiska förutsättningar än så. Tidigare forskning förklarar ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen med att socioekonomiska nackdelar samverkar och följer på varandra i en negativ spiral över tid. De ger intryck av att det finns en väg fram till ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen. Denna väg tar sin början i en svår ekonomisk situation i barndomen som sedan förvärras allt eftersom tiden går. I kontrast till det visar denna avhandling på fyra vägar fram till ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen – kontinuitet, sluttning, fall och berg- och dalbana. Tre av dessa inkluderar erfarenheter av relativt goda ekonomiska förutsättningar tidigare under livshistorien. Tidigare forskning visar även att äldre personer som lever med ekonomisk utsatthet har anpassat sina preferenser efter små ekonomiska förutsättningar över tid och därför är nöjda med sina vardagsliv trots ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen. I kontrast till det är målen i vardagen likartade bland ekonomiskt utsatta och ekonomiskt trygga pensionärer i avhandlingen. Ju sämre ekonomiska förutsättningar pensionärerna har, desto mer exkluderas de från möjligheten att nå mål om ett hälsosamt åldrande, oberoende, valfrihet och meningsfullhet. Avhandlingens visa också hur äldre personer hanterar den ekonomiska utsattheten på flera olika sätt – genom att hushålla med resurser, försöka öka inkomsterna, använda tillgångar, acceptera situationen, fokusera på positiva aspekter av vardagslivet och anpassa anspråken efter vad som blivit möjligt att uppnå. Hanteringen framträder företrädesvis som resultatet av yngre ålderspensionärers inlåsning i ekonomisk utsatthet under den resterade förväntade livstiden och inte som resultatet av deras tidigare livshistoria. I avhandlingen diskuteras slutligen hur 40-talisternas eller den så kallade rekordgenerationens ålderspensionering kan komma att påverka den ekonomiska utsatthetens betydelse i ålderdomen. Dessutom lyft standardindexering av den skäliga levnadsnivån för äldre personer samt ytterligare subventioner på utgiftssidan fram som möjliga socialpolitiska insatser mot social exklusion bland yngre ålderspensionärer. / During the first decade of the 21st century in Sweden, inequality and risk rates of poverty have increased among young pensioners (between 65–74 years of age). A new public pension system, combined with demographic and economic developments, is expected to add further to these trends. Following this context, the aim of the present dissertation is to survey and understand patterns of economic hardship and its meaning in young pensioners’ everyday lives. The study design is qualitative and takes “subtle realism” as its philosophical theoretical starting point. Economic hardship represents the economic conditions faced by young pensioners who receive the housing supplement for pensioners. It is examined through a relative perspective on poverty. The empirical data primarily consists of interviews with 30 people who live with economic hardship and 17 people who live with comparatively better economic conditions. The theoretical framework consists of theories of social exclusion, coping and life course. The participants’ life histories show four paths to economic hardship – continuity, slope, fall and roller coaster. The last three have not been explicitly described in research before. In elderly life, young pensioners describe experiences of exclusion from the possibility to achieve healthy aging, independence, freedom of choice and meaningfulness, due to their economic hardship. When combined with psychological illness, social isolation, alcohol misuse, and restricted mobility, this exclusion becomes more severe. By focusing on favourable aspects of life and adjusting preferences to fit what has been achieved, young pensioners manage to feel satisfaction with their lives despite consequences of economic hardship. In conclusion, it was primarily situational factors earlier in life that explained economic hardship among young pensioners. In contrast, the findings indicate that it is the present and future – not the past – which for the most part shape young pensioners’ coping with economic hardship. This last finding is at odds with previous assumptions. Finally, as consumption becomes increasingly central in young pensioners’ everyday lives in general, the consequences of economic hardship become more striking within the age group. / <p>Ett erratablad medföljer avhandlingen, se separat fulltextdokument.</p>

Kulturstråk Nissan : En kvalitativ studie om inklusion och deltagande genom en kreativ utveckling av ett offentligt rum i staden Halmstad

Olsbacka, Sabina, Zlojutro, Bojana January 2017 (has links)
Städer är en plats där många individer lever tillsammans och det urbana offentliga rummet utgör en viktig plats där en rad olika utmaningar så som segregation påverkar hur individer möts. Halmstad kommun har tagit fasta på en kreativ och kulturell gestaltning när de ska förnya stadens kärna, Nissan. Målet är att sammanföra befolkning från båda sidorna av Nissan, istället för att vattnet ska vara en skiljande barriär. Detta ska de göra genom Kulturstråk, en slinga på åtta kilometer. Syftet med vår studie handlar om att undersöka hur medborgarna och projektledningen har upplevt sitt deltagande och inflytande över Kulturstråk Nissan samt hur projektet kan bidra till social sammanhållning och social hållbarhet för invånarna i Halmstad. I den teoretiska begreppsramen har vi använt oss av Jönhills (2012) begrepp exklusion/inklusion, Floridas (2006) teori om den kreativa klassen och Mitchells (2003) begrepp representation ur rätten till staden. Studien har tagit sin utgångspunkt i hermeneutiken med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 intervjupersoner. Resultatet visar att alla invånare inte varit inkluderade men att de som deltagit känt sig inkluderade. / Cities are a place where many individuals live together and the urban public space is an important place where a variety of challenges such as segregation affect how individuals meet. The municipality of Halmstad has established a creative and cultural approach when renewing the city's core, which they mean is at Nissan. Their goal is to bring together the people from both sides of Nissan, instead of the water being a separating barrier. They will make this through a cultural passage, an area of eight kilometers. The purpose of our study is to investigate how the citizens and project management have experienced their participation and influence over Kulturstråk Nissan and how the project can contribute to social cohesion and social sustainability for the inhabitants of Halmstad. In the theoretical conceptual framework, we have used Jönhills (2012) concept exclusion / inclusion, Floridas (2006) theory of the creative class and Mitchell's (2003) concept representation in the theory of the right to the city. The study has taken its starting point in hermeneutics with qualitative semistructured interviews. The result shows that all residents were not included but that those who participated felt included.

Faktory sociálního vyloučení na trhu práce / The factors of social exclusion on the labour market

Caithamlová, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation "The Factors of Social Exclusion on the Labour Market" is aimed on groups of people who have for some reason complicated access to the labour market - women, elder people, people with disabilities, Roma people, foreigners, and partly on disintegrated persons (particularly people after imprisonment). It discourses their position on the Czech labour market and describes problems they often face. That is especially low rate of employment and lack of appropriate jobs. There are mentioned measure proposals that could improve the situation of people excluded from the labour market, and the European Union policy in this sector too. Attention is also contributed to the concept of social exclusion, dimensions and mechanisms of social exclusion and social inclusion. The dissertation refers to the labour market and factors influencing the labour market margination, law regulations of discrimination on the labour market (in the Czech Republic and the European Union).

Ojämlika livsvillkor i pensionsåldern : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om pensionärer med begränsade ekonomiska förutsättningar

Sundgren, Agnes, Bergenholtz, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to highlight inequality among elderly. The study increase the understanding of poverty and financial vulnerability in elderlies life. This study describes what their living conditions look like for themselves and what their financial situation can have in their everyday lives and consequences. The aim is to understand the patterns and paths that lead to financial vulnerability in retirement. Seven retired people in the age between 65-80 years were interviewed. The result shows that there are large differences in income between men and women when retired. Some of the main reasons for this are that the women have worked unpaid by living as housewives and taking a bigger responsibility for children and the home. The unpaid work has had an impact on the income when retired and affected their living conditions. The majority of the respondents answer that planning and limitations are needed to cope up with everyday life as retired person. Some of the respondents have to continue to work extra after retirement to succeed financially. Generally the finances of the elderly are worse after retirement than before and this has negative consequences, it will not get better when they are retired as many of them thought, but they still manage to get their lives to work out even if they have limitations in their everyday life. Gender, individualization and social exclusion are used to analyze the results in the essay.

Kvinnor i den jemenitiska fredsprocessen : en  innehållsanalys av kvinnligt deltagande i ljuset av reella makthierarkier och hegemonier

Cetinkaya, Dilara January 2021 (has links)
Women’s participation in peace processes has become increasingly important as the UN resolution 1325 was adopted in 2000. The resolution encourages women’s participation in peace processes and validates that increased female participation builds sustainable peace. This master thesis provides an in-depth case study of women’s participation in Yemen’s peace process. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze what kinds of Yemeni women are participating in the peace process, and who are not, as well as investigating why there might be a difference in inclusion. Additionally, an interpretation is offered on what these results may say about peace processes in general. To answer the research questions, empirical material in terms of reports, articles, documents, and semi-structured interviews have been gathered and processed through a qualitative content analysis. The empirical data has been analyzed through a theoretical framework consisting of theories on intersectionality and hegemonic femininity. The results of this thesis show that Yemeni women who participate in the higher track levels of the peace process mainly consist of women holding a high level of education and stemming from higher social classes, while women from the countryside, women who have a lower degree of education and stem from lower social classes, are mainly excluded. However, the results also show that the inclusion of women in the peace process is hybrid, as participating women are being excluded from meaningful participation. The thesis also concludes that women are included and excluded according to different specific power dynamics. This thesis finalizes in a discussion on what these results say about peace processes in general, and reflect upon possible continuous research.

Rätt till jämlik äldreomsorg : En kvalitativ studie av omvårdnadspersonal och enhetschefers upplevelser av att bemöta och hantera språkbarriärer / Right to equal elderly care : A qualitative study of nursing staff and unit managers experiences of responding to and managing language barriers

Sjöholm, Kelly, Medin, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine and increase the understanding for how the nursing staff and unit managers in the municipality “Emmaboda” experience language barriers impact on their work and their opportunity to give equal care to the elder who do not master the Swedish language. Through the choice of qualitative method eight semi structured interviews have been held, two of these interviews were held with unit managers and six of these were held with nursing staff. The result has been analyzed on the basis of the qualitative analysis method, previous research and the concepts of inclusion and exclusion. The results show that the majority of the respondents experience that they can not give equal care to the elders regardless of which language the elders speak. The nursing staff experience also shows that the resources the municipality has in place is not enough to manage language barriers in elderly care. The result also shows that elders who do not manage the Swedish language are at risk of being affected by exclusion. Through Emmabodamodellen’s unique work, the municipality can in some ways promote the needs of the individual at the center and also promote inclusion. Our conclusion is that the right to equal care remains but it will take further more research to investigate which resources is needed to make it possible for the nursing staff to offer equal care, contribute to inclusion and counteract exclusion.

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