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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lima, Letícia Oliveira de 27 February 2015 (has links)
This work aims to investigate through the analysis of contextual, lexicogrammatical and semantic-discursive elements the representations for women in chronicles of the book Doidas e Santas by Martha Medeiros. Therefore, it is based on the theoretical perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics, particularly on the experiential ideational metafunction and interpersonal metafunction of the Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014) and on Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). The corpus of this research consists of 20 chronicles of the book Doidas e Santas by Martha Medeiros. The methodological approach consisted of two steps: contextual analysis and linguistic analysis. The first referred to the contextual information that pervades the texts from the corpus. The second referred to the following methodological steps: a) segmentation of the texts into clauses; b) selection of clauses concerning women; c) classification of clause elements into process, participant and circumstance; d) identification and analysis of lexicogrammatical functions played by woman, followed by the interpretation of the data obtained from this analysis in search of representations; e) verification and analysis of occurrences of appraisal; and f) categorization of the representations for women from the data obtained in the analysis. The results of the analysis of the chronicles that constitute the corpus pointed to the existence of 13 representations for women, which were systematically presented from five daily themes found in these chronicles: i) loving relationship; ii) physical appearance; iii) maternity; iv) expression of desires and v) expression of feelings. With these results, we can conclude that there is a diversity of women's behaviors that constitute different ―types‖ of contemporary women, but all still somewhat constrained by socially established standards. / Este trabalho tem como propósito principal investigar, por meio da análise de elementos contextuais, léxico-gramaticais e semântico-discursivos, representações para a mulher em crônicas do livro Doidas e Santas de Martha Medeiros. Para isso, embasou-se na perspectiva teórica da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, sobretudo nas metafunções ideacional experiencial e interpessoal da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY e MATTHIESSEN, 2014) e no Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN e WHITE, 2005). O corpus desta pesquisa é constituído por 20 crônicas do livro Doidas e santas, de autoria de Martha Medeiros. O percurso metodológico foi composto por duas etapas: análise contextual e análise linguística. A primeira referiu-se às informações contextuais que perpassam os textos do corpus. A segunda referiu-se aos seguintes passos: a) segmentação dos textos em orações; b) seleção das orações que se referem a mulher; c) classificação dos constituintes oracionais em processo, participante e circunstância; d) identificação e análise das funções léxico-gramaticais desempenhadas pela mulher, seguida da interpretação dos dados obtidos dessa análise em busca de representações; e) verificação e análise de ocorrências de avaliatividade e f) categorização das representações para a mulher a partir dos dados obtidos na análise. Os resultados da análise das crônicas que constituem o corpus apontaram para existência de 13 representações para a mulher, as quais foram apresentadas sistematicamente a partir dos cinco temas do cotidiano encontrados nessas crônicas: i) relacionamento amoroso; ii) aparência física; iii) maternidade; iv) manifestação de desejos e v) manifestação de sentimentos. Com esses resultados, pode-se concluir que há uma diversidade de comportamentos femininos os quais configuram diferentes ―tipos‖ de mulheres contemporâneas, mas todas ainda, de certa forma, condicionadas por padrões estabelecidos socialmente.


Farencena, Gessélda Somavilla 02 March 2011 (has links)
This paper assumes that language is the primary means of socialization of individuals. Considering its functionality, more than just allowing the simple exchange of information, it allows us to establish interpesonal relationships, to express and to build representations of experiences. Thus, this study presents an analysis of seven fables originally attributed to Aesop and seven versions revisited by Millôr Fernandes. With twenty-five-century distant productions, these texts are studied from the perspective of its Generic Structure Potential (GPS), in order to examine, through contextual and lexical-grammatical description, the representations of the characters in Aesop‟s and Millôr Fernandes‟s fables. For this, the fundamental theoretical assumptions used are notion of genre from Hasan (1989), the concept of situational context from Halliday (1989), the lexical-grammatical categories of the transitivity system from the Systemic Functional Grammar from Halliday & Matthiessen‟s (2004 ), the lexico-semantical categories of the Appraisal Theory from Martin & White (2005), the theory of social representations from Moscovici (2009) and the three-dimensional model from Fairclough (2001). The results show that, concerning to the genre, fables produced by Millôr Fernandes presented a stage we call [E # 3.3] Consummation and / or continuation to completion, nonexistent in Aesopian‟s fables, which brings different outcomes. In relation to the social contexts in which the fables were produced, the analysis showed similarities and differences when regarding to situations of oppression experienced by Aesop in the conditions of a slaver, and the ones lived by Millor Fernandes during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship. Moreover, the nature and consequences of these oppressions are distinct in the context of each author. In relation to the linguistic analysis, the lexico-grammatical roles played by the main characters, and the evaluations expressed by the marks of affection, trial, assessment and force point to representations such as reflections of cultural and situational contexts experienced by fabulists. In Aesop's fables, the characters represented as the winners, who have achieved their goals, use more the imposing of physical strength than their linguistic resources. In the fables of Millor Fernandes, instead, the victorious characters use more of the resources of language to overcome the strongest ones. In this sense, the representation pointed to the classical society is that the force stood out the word, being used more frequently and efficiently. The representation that is configured to the contemporary society of Millôr, however, is that language is used as the main resource for solving problems and overcoming the strongest ones. / Este trabalho parte do pressuposto de que a linguagem é o principal meio de socialização dos indivíduos. Haja vista sua funcionalidade, mais do que permitir a simples troca de informações, ela permite estabelecer relações interpessoais, manifestar e construir representações de experiências. Nesse sentido, este estudo apresenta a análise de sete fábulas originalmente atribuídas a Esopo e sete versões revisitadas por Millôr Fernandes. Produções distantes vinte e cinco séculos, esses textos são estudados sob a perspectiva de seu Potencial de Estrutura Genológica (PEG), com o objetivo de analisar, por meio da descrição contextual e léxico-gramatical, representações dos personagens em fábulas esopianas e fábulas de Millôr Fernandes. Para isso, os pressupostos teóricos fundamentais utilizados são a noção de gênero de Hasan (1989), a concepção de contexto situacional de Halliday (1989), as categorias léxico-gramaticais do sistema de transitividade da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday & Matthiessen (2004), as categorias léxico-semânticas da Teoria da Avaliatividade de Martin & White (2005), a teoria das representações sociais de Moscovici (2009) e o modelo tridimensional de Fairclough (2001). Os resultados evidenciam que, no que tange ao gênero, as fábulas produzidas por Millôr Fernandes apresentam um estágio que denominamos [E#3.3] Consumação e/ou continuação da conclusão, inexistente nas fábulas esopianas, o que traz desfechos diferentes. Em relação aos contextos sociais nos quais as fábulas foram produzidas, a análise apresentou semelhanças e diferenças no que se refere às situações de opressão vividas por Esopo na condição de escravo e vividas por Millôr Fernandes no período de Ditadura Militar brasileira. Por outro lado, a natureza e as consequências dessa opressão são distintas no contexto de cada autor. Em relação à análise linguística, os papéis léxico-gramaticais desempenhados pelos personagens principais e as avaliações manifestadas pelas marcas de afeto, julgamento, apreciação e força apontam para representações como reflexos dos contextos situacionais e culturais vivenciados pelos fabulistas. Nas fábulas de Esopo, os personagens representados como vitoriosos, que têm seus objetivos atingidos, usam mais a imposição de sua força física do que recursos linguísticos. Nas fábulas de Millôr Fernandes, ao contrário, os personagens vitoriosos utilizam-se mais dos recursos da linguagem para vencer os mais fortes. Nesse sentido, a representação apontada para a sociedade clássica é a de que a força se sobressaía à palavra, sendo utilizada com mais frequência e eficiência. A representação que se configura para a sociedade contemporânea de Millôr, em contrapartida, é a de que a linguagem é utilizada como principal recurso para solucionar problemas e superar os mais fortes.


Nichele, Alessandra Medianeira Ilha 25 February 2014 (has links)
Through language we represent, under many ways, our emotional reactions. This way, verbalization of human experience takes the realization of meanings construction system. In this perspective, under Systemic Functional Grammar light (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 1989; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and, specially, from The Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), we have investigated which evaluative marks are recurrent in the discourse of people who experience cancer. In this sense, this research emphasis is on semantic valuation of suffering discourse, which is supported by Martin e White (2005) theoretical framework. The aim of this study is to chart which lexical choices and attitudinal resources build, by recurrence, the discourse of people who experience cancer. The corpus is composed by 10 interviews collected from Oncoguia portal, from the link Aprendendo com Você . In this context, the interviews take a great social relevance, in the humanistic sense, as a sharing of experiences, since they act breaking group, individual, social isolation; they can also serve to the pluralization of voices and to the democratic distribution of information (MEDINA 2008, p. 8), specially for being a huge fragility situation. The methodological procedures encompass the following stages: (1) elaboration of a list of words, through WordList resource (SCOTT, 2008); (2) identification and quantification of the most recurrent lexico-grammatical categories; (3) identification and categorization of the semantic subsystems of affect, judgment and appreciation; (4) semantic-interpretative data analysis. The results indicate a great recurrence of tenacity judgment categories and positive capacities, followed by affect for insecurity. Through judgment recurrences it is evident that overcoming is the watchword for the experiencers, who are determined to face and win cancer, since this is the only way of not submitting to mortality. The affect recurrences, focusing on the insecurity semantic field, indicate that the suffering experience triggers feelings of vulnerability and despair, bringing great sorrow for the fear of finiteness of life. The lexico-grammatical level investigations, more specifically in the ideational metafunction (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) indicate frequency of lexical marks in the first person, of relational processes (mainly to be ) and the intensifiers, which contributes for the painful experience manifestation the interviewees go through. / Pela linguagem, representamos, de várias maneiras, nossas reações emocionais. Dessa forma, a verbalização da experiência humana assume a realização do sistema de construção de significados. Nessa perspectiva, sob a luz da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 1989; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) e, especialmente, do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), investigamos as marcas avaliativas recorrentes no discurso de sujeitos que experienciam o câncer. Nesse sentido, o enfoque desta pesquisa recai sobre a valoração semântica do discurso do sofrimento, sustentada pelo arcabouço teórico de Martin e White (2005). O objetivo deste trabalho é mapear quais escolhas lexicais e recursos atitudinais constroem, pela recorrência, o discurso de pessoas que vivenciam o câncer. O corpus é constituído por 10 entrevistas coletadas do portal Oncoguia, do link Aprendendo com Você . Neste contexto, as entrevistas assumem grande relevância social, no sentido humanístico, como compartilhamento de experiências, pois atuam quebrando isolamentos grupais, individuais, sociais; pode também servir à pluralização de vozes e à distribuição democrática da informação (MEDINA, 2008, p. 8), especialmente por se tratar de uma situação de grande fragilidade. Os procedimentos metodológicos compreendem as seguintes etapas: (1) elaboração de uma lista de palavras, por meio do recurso WordList (SCOTT, 2008); (2) identificação e quantificação das categorias léxico-gramaticais mais recorrentes; (3) identificação e categorização dos subsistemas semânticos de afeto, de julgamento e de apreciação; (4) análise semântico-interpretativa dos dados. Os resultados apontam para a grande recorrência das categorias de julgamento de tenacidade e de capacidade positivas, seguidas de afeto por insegurança. Pelas ocorrências de julgamento fica evidente que a superação é palavra de ordem para os experienciadores, que estão determinados a enfrentar e vencer o câncer, posto ser essa a única maneira de não se submeter à mortalidade. As ocorrências de afeto, com foco no campo semântico de insegurança, indicam que a vivência do sofrimento desencadeia sentimentos de vulnerabilidade e desesperança, trazendo grande pesar pelo medo da finitude da vida. As investigações do nível léxico-gramatical, mais especificamente na metafunção ideacional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) evidenciam frequência de marcas lexicais em primeira pessoa, de processos relacionais (principalmente ser ) e de intensificadores, o que contribui para a manifestação da experiência dolorosa por que passam os entrevistados.

A systemic functional analysis of two Truth and Reconciliation Commission testimonies: transitivity and genre

Hattingh, Nathalie January 2011 (has links)
Masters of Art / This thesis examines how two narrators construe their experiences of the same events differently through the linguistic choices that they make, through a systemic functional analysis, as well as a genre analysis of two testimonies. The Human Rights Violations (HRV) hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) allowed testifiers to tell stories of their experiences during apartheid. The selected testimonies refer to the events that led up to the arrest and eventual torture of Faried Muhammad Ferhelst, as told by himself and his mother, Minnie Louisa Ferhelst. Theframeworks used to analyse the testimonies are drawn from the transitivity and genre theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics. A clausal analysis of the transitivity patterns is used to compare the ways in which the testifiers construct their identities and roles when recounting their stories. The transitivity analysis of both testimonies shows that both Mrs Ferhelst and Faried Ferhelst construe themselves as the Affected participant through Material, Mental and Verbal clauses, and construe the police as the Causers, mostly through Material clauses. A genre analysis revealed that both testimonies took the form of narratives, in particular the Recount, a typical genre for relating narratives of personal experience. This research project also explores how the original Afrikaans versions of the testimonies differ from the translated English versions, available online on the TRC website. The Afrikaans versions were transcribed by the researcher from audio-visual records. A transitivity analysis reveals that the interpretation of the Afrikaans testimonies is fairly accurate, with a minimum loss of meaning. Thus in the case of these testimonies, the actual online record in English is an accurate reflection of their stories. / South Africa

Negotiating a new centre: multilingualism and identities in a Cape Flats Primary School

Bellononjengele, B.O. January 2009 (has links)
Masters of Art / Meaning in human relations has always been based on inferred similarities (Holyoak & Thagard,1995). We are quick to liken the new to an old type. In this study, South African bi- or multilingual citizens post-1994 are perceived to hold the same ethno-linguistic perceptions as their progenitors. This explains the growing amount of literature on bilingual language ideology which is dissected upon the language attitude and space table. Following the same line but from a different perspective, Rampton (1995, 1999, 2003) discusses the relativity involved in labelling a bi- or multilingual repertoire. He suggests that the performative act of a bilingual through his/her linguistic repertoire should be structured according to expertise (instrumental), affiliation(integration) or inheritance (ethnicity). Starting with a note on the attitudinal myth, and closing with possible implications for various educational strata, the research explores Rampton’s notions in a rapidly changing educational context and proposes a revised understanding of ‘appellation’ as a complementary concept, an agentive and non-essentialist form of approaching bi- or multilingual identity enactment. It asserts that each enactment is informed by and carries an element of one or all the other facets of the bi-or multilingual multiply identity. Central to the study’s argument is that a bi-or multilingual is not oblivious of the socio-cultural elements that come with each linguistic capital. So, while earlier literature on identity views appellation as ‘other- ascribed’ identity, this study defines appellation as the construction of ‘self’ using all the elements provided by one’s linguistic basket.Further, with its innovative use of spoken interactional data, the study is able to contribute to the ongoing research on the appropriate medium of instruction in the South African educational system. With a special focus on the primary stage, the study sheds light on the fluidity of bi- or multilingual identity formation and enactment inside and outside the classroom. It uses an analytical framework based on Conversation Analysis, the Ethnography of Speaking, Systemic Functional Linguistics, and Critical Discourse Analysis to test the fit of Rampton’s original categories of inheritance, expertise, and affiliation with learners’ actual conversations.In all, the study in a linguistically substantiated stance, argues for more situated perspectives on the mother tongue based educational policy.

A systemic functional linguistics (SFL) analysis of Yoruba students’ narratives of identity at three Western Cape universities

Adetomokun, Idowu Jacob January 2012 (has links)
Masters of Art / There has been a great deal of research exploring Halliday’s (1978, 1994, 2004)Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. However, there has been little work that specifically targets SFL to explore African discourse. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) views language as “social semiotic”, that is, language is functional in terms of what it can do or what can be done with it; and semantic in that it is used to make meanings (Halliday’s, 1978). This study explores SFL to analyse narratives of identity as told by Yoruba students at three Western Cape Universities: University of the Western Cape (UWC), University of Cape Town (UCT) and University of Stellenbosch (SUN). This research is both quantitative and qualitative in outlook and results of the study are presented. I used the qualitative method to collect and analyse the data; but a certain amount of quantitative analysis was presented as well in order to determine the predominant identity options favoured by the students. A total of 14 Yoruba students were interviewed for data collection which was analysed with SFL interpersonal metafunction theoretical approach. Specifically, the study examines linguistic choices that the students utilize to maintain and reconstruct their identities in Cape Town. This concentrates on the aspects of Mood component combining Subject and Finite element, Residual component comprising Predicator, Complement and Adjunct as well as Modality in participants’ narratives. Besides, an important aspect of the study was the consideration given to ethical issues. Analyses are presented on tables showing the frequencies of the interpersonal elements as configuration for preference use of different Subjects, Finites, Predicators, Complement and Adjuncts to either strengthen or weaken positions. Equally, the metaphorically expressions of objectivity to highlight the continuities and contradictions in the students’ narratives of identity in the diaspora was considered. These serve as interpersonal elements used by participants for stylizing and personalizing different identities options. Also, the study presents how the students organize their message for cohesion/coherence in their narratives. Thus, SFL establishes how the linguistic choices of the students reflect identity options in their new environment. The study shows the strengths of systemic-functional approach in its integration of what the students said, with what they might mean within the situation in which they said them. Finally, I conclude that these elements of interpersonal metafunction framework make participants’ narratives coherent while revealing the different identities they appropriated in the diaspora.

Nereferenční to v češtině jako expletivum? / Non-referential to in Czech as an expletive?

Janoušková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyses expletive usage of Czech word to (it). The aim is to contribute to the current description of Czech expletive to in the subject position and to compare it with English expletive subject it. Theoretical part of this thesis is dedicated to definition of the term reference, and other terms associated with it, and referential, modifying and non- referential functions of to in Czech academic literature. Important part of the theoretical background is definition of semantic criteria for identification of the Czech expletive to by Ivana Kolářová. In Czech academic literature, the term expletive is not widely described, therefore this thesis also gives a brief overview of description of English expletive it. For the purposes of comparison of the Czech and English expletives, this thesis is partly dedicated to a description of partial pro-drop languages and to an explanation how it is connected to the Czech language. There are two types of Czech expletive to defined as a basis for a qualitative analysis: formal expletive subject to in raising constructions and inferential expletive subject to. The analysis is based on 300 manually excerpted examples of constructions with expletive subject to from spoken corpora ORAL2013 and ORTOFON. Both types of expletives are described separately on...

Narrativ skrivkompetens i årskurs sex : Analys och bedömning av elevtexter ur ett genrepedagogiskt perspektiv / Written Narrative Competence in year six of Swedish Primary School : analysis and assessment of pupils’ texts through a genre pedagogic perspective

Bjarneborg, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
This essay analyzes the written narrative competence of some pupils in the sixth year of Swedish primary school. Using an assessment tool rooted in the genre pedagogy that stems from systemic functionals linguistics view on language, the author provides a situated picture of the current narrative competence of the previously mentioned pupils through a genre pedagogic perspective. Through a qualitative text analysis, the study focuses on the genre pedagogic register in which field, tenor and mode are examined in each pupil’s written work. Furthermore, by combining the qualitative text analysis with a comparative method the study compares the pupils written narrative competence to a model text that fulfill all requirement for the highest possible grade in the Swedish school system.The conclusions of the study found that the included texts spans from a higher to a lower quality. Some showcased a wide range of lexical resources in creating the narrative register while others hardly use any lexical resources at all. The most eye-opening conclusion does not stem from the qualitative analysis, but rather from the lapse of potential texts due to the pupil’s ineptitude in writing stories that contains a complication as well as a resolution. Considering these findings, the author of the essay argues that there is a more fundamental flaw in the genre specific structure of a narrative text.Considering the findings associated with this essay a study that examines a wider range of pupils is proposed. This in order to determine if the fundamental flaws in genre specific structure and language that the pupils in this study showcase is just a local phenomenon of if it is a more common flaw in the sixth year of the Swedish primary school.

Hur samspelar multimodala resurser i läromedel för svenska som andraspråk? : En kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i SFL:s metafunktioner / How do multimodal resources interact in teaching materials for Swedish as a second language? : A qualitative study based on SFL´s metafunctions.

Asima, Curkic January 2021 (has links)
SammandragSyftet med studien var att undersöka förkomsten av olika typer av semiotiska resurser som har betydelse för förståelsen av texten i läromedel, med fokus på hur bild och text samspelar som stödstrukturer. Två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk för kurs 1, 2 och 3 framställda efter den aktuella läroplanen (Gy 11) undersöktes (Sätt full fart och Språkporten). En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där bild, text och faktarutor analyserades utifrån en analysmodell (Björkvall 2009) som är baserad på metafunktionerna i Systemic functional linguistics (SFL). Studiens resultat visade att bildernas placering gav reellt (specifikt) informationsvärde samt att deras interaktion med läsaren var av erbjudande karaktär. Studien visade på att det finns stora likheter mellan läromedlen gällande på vilket sätt bild/faktarutor/verbaltext används, men att Språkporten använder layout i högre utsträckning. Läromedlens variation av semiotiska resurser, i synnerhet i Sätt full fart, kan antas fungera som stöttning för helhetsförståelsen, vilket i tidigare studier har visat sig vara ett stöd för elever generellt men för andraspråkselever i synnerhet. / nej

Developing discourse structure analysis for use on conversations that include people with aphasia

Gulick, Eleanor 28 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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