Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endender system."" "subject:"wendender system.""
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Tonade armar och definierade magrutor : Hur könsnormer kan synliggöras i design av hälso- och träningsapplikationerBartmar, Hannah, Borgersen, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Samhället vi lever i är uppbyggt av ett genussystem som baserar sig på könsnormer. Könsnormerna bygger på bland annat principen separation, som bygger på tanken att män och kvinnor utgör två separata grupper som anses ha olika könsspecifika egenskaper. Genussystemet skapar därmed en skillnad där det maskulina anses som en standard och det feminina som avvikande från denna standard. Hälsa och träning är ett bekönat område, där hälso- och träningsapplikationer ofta kodas utifrån normer om maskulinitet och femininitet. För att utmana och skapa medvetenhet om dessa könsnormer, kan kritisk design användas. Den kritiska designansatsen bygger därför på tanken om att designelement kan användas för att synliggöra könsnormer. På sikt kan detta leda till att individer blir medvetna om dem och kan bidra till en förändring i samhället genom att skapa ett mer jämställt samhälle. I denna studie har det utforskats hur könsnormer kan synliggöras i design av hälso- och träningsapplikationer. Studien har genomförts med en kritisk designorienterad ansats, där en prototyp har utvecklats med hjälp av metoden dekonstruktion i syfte att undersöka hur normerna kan synliggöras. Studien har resulterat i kunskaper om hur metoden dekonstruktion kan användas för att synliggöra könsnormer, samt ett antal designriktlinjer som beskriver hur designelement kan kombineras för att synliggöra normerna. / The society we live in is made up of a gender system based on gender norms, including the principle of separation. This principle is based on the idea that men and women constitute two separate groups that are considered to have different gender-specific characteristics. The gender system thus creates a society where masculine qualities are considered to be the standard and the feminine qualities as deviating from this standard. Health and workout applications are often built upon these norms about masculinity and femininity. To challenge and create awareness of these gender norms, critical design can be implemented. The critical design approach is based on the idea that design elements can be used to make gender norms visible. In the long run, this can lead to individuals becoming aware of these norms and can contribute to a change in society by annihilating them. In this study, it has been investigated how gender norms can be made visible in the design of health and workout applications. The study has been conducted with a critical design-oriented approach, where a prototype has been developed using deconstruction as a design method in order to investigate how the norms can be made visible. The study has resulted in knowledge about how the deconstruction method can be used in order to create awareness of gender norms, as well as design guidelines which describe how design elements can be combined in order to achieve this awareness.
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Madame arkivvetenskap & herr kontra : En undersökning om genus och representation i tidskriften Archival Science mellan 2001–2020Wiberg, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Archive profession, just like other professions, has not so long ago observed the lack of women in the archive world. The old patriarchal order and other power relations kept women out of archives and the labor market. Today, the labor market and the archive world look completely different as women just like men, are treated equally. There is even talk of a shift, that the norm of male archivist has instead become a norm of women archivist. The aim of this studie was to discover if a possible shift can be expressed within the international archival journal Archival Science, by examining what the gender distribution looks like among writers and how gender issues are addressed in the articles. With a qualitative and quantitative content analysis as method and a theory of gender systems by Yvonne Hirdman, the studie where able to obtain gender statistics and scheme from the contributing writers in the journal, and also what the writers dealt with when gender was mentioned in their research. The main result showed that women, both when it came to gender distribution among Archival Science writers and which of them touched on gender in their articles, the gender distribution of the various subject categories based on what was treated subjectively when gender was raised, were most numerous in all results. On the other hand, it was clear that both gender issues and women became more towards the end of the study period, and that the gender category of men shrunk in number, at the same time as the number of writers who wrote articles together regardless of gender, grew. Which means that the gender order changed during the period examined.
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I första hand människa : En intersektionell analys av fyra berättelser om att komma ut som lesbisk med muslimsk bakgrundAndersson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyse the stories of four homosexual women with Muslim backgrounds about coming out as homosexuals, from an intersectional perspective. The experience of coming out as lesbian and the intersectionality are related to different social contexts. The homosexuality becomes a problem in connection to family and countrymen while the Muslim background becomes more of a problem in relationships. Heteronormativity and gender system appear to be cooperating systems of oppression. These women don’t describe themselves as oppressed, but potential oppression is still something that influences their lives. They strive for freedom to be themselves in all everyday situations. The quest for freedom to be able to express their sexuality risks relationships with families and girlfriends. But freedom and symbiosis don’t have to be in opposition. These women have found contexts, for example among friends, where none of the social categories are problematic and where they can experience symbiosis. They can choose certain contexts where they are allowed to express their sexuality. The experiences of coming out is analysed as linked to development in late modernity.
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Man får inte slå den man älskar! : Fokusgruppsintervjuer med högstadieungdomar om våld i nära relationRöör, Malin, Höök, Jonna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the perception of female and male high school students regarding perpetrators and victims of teen dating violence. The purpose was furthermore to examine how the interviewees biological sex effects their description of the perpetrator and victim. The empirical material has been gathered through three groupintervies with a total of twelve interviewees. The main result shows that both girls and boys had easier to see boys as perpetrators and that high school students condemn teen dating violence. The high school students discussed the victims responsibility to handle the situation and that they diminishes the actions of the female perpetrator. The high school students also expressed that the victim may suffer negative consequences if he or she decides to leave the abusive relationship. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka kvinnliga och manliga högstadieungdomars föreställningar om gärningsperson och offer gällande ungas våld i nära relation. Syftet var dessutom att undersöka hur respondentens kön påverkar beskrivningen av gärningsperson och offer. Insamling av empiri har skett genom tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med totalt tolv respondenter. Huvudresultatet visar att både tjejer och killar hade lättare att se killar som förövare och att högstadieungdomarna fördömde våld i nära relation. Högstadieungdomarna beskrev också att offer har ett ansvar för att hantera situationen och att dom förminskar den kvinnliga gärningspersonens agerande. Högstadieungdomarna uttryckte också att den våldsutsatta kan drabbas av negativa konsekvenser vid separation.
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Sveriges mäktigaste kvinnor är fortfarande underordnade män : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag upplever maktförhållanden inom politiken i relation till det globala delmålet 5.5 / Sweden's most powerful women are still subordinate men : A qualitative study on how women in the Swedish Parliament perceive power relations in politics in relation to The Sustainable Development Goal 5.5Ericsson, Ellen, Jarlén, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Jämställdhet är någonting som diskuteras flitigt i politiska debatter. Det blir bättre och bättre världen över men kvinnor ses fortfarande inte ha lika mycket inflytande över beslutsfattande processer som män. Maktpositionerna domineras än idag av män och Sverige är ett av de länder som ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. Den här studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda med kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag. Studien identifierar vilka upplevelser kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag har gällande förväntningar på kvinnor, bemötande mot kvinnor samt deras möjligheter till höga positioner i politiken. Den ser också över hur de själva upplever sin maktposition samt hur makten är könad. Studien undersöks med de Globala Målen, närmare bestämt delmål 5.5, som grund. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnor har det betydligt svårare än män gällande att både ta sig in och stanna kvar i politiken samt uppnå ledarskapsroller. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv är i stort sett frånvarande i den tidigare forskningen, därför har den här studien ett fokus på det. Genom en analys utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna homo- och heterosocialitet, glastak, intersektionalitet, ojämlikhetssystemet samt genussystemet identifieras problematik kring det motstånd kvinnor inom politiken möter samt den rådande könsmaktsordningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att kvinnor i riksdagen i stort begränsas inom politiken men att de trots detta ändå är de mäktigaste kvinnorna i Sverige. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för olika maktförhållanden inom svensk politik samt ger en insyn i hur det egentligen kommer sig att Sverige ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. / Gender equality is something that is frequently discussed in political debates. It’s getting better all over the world, but women are still not seen to have as much influence over decision-making processes as men. The positions of power are still dominated by men and Sweden is one of the countries that has not yet had a female prime minister. This study is based on a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews conducted with women in the Swedish Parliament. The study identifies what experiences women in the Swedish Parliament have regarding expectations of women, treatment towards women and their opportunities to reach high positions in politics. It also focuses on how the women themselves perceive their position of power as well as how the power is gendered. The study is examined with The Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically sub-goal 5.5, as the basis. Previous research shows how women have a much harder time than men in terms of both entering and stay in politics and achieving leadership roles. An intersectional perspective is to a high degree absent in previous research, so this study has a specific focus on it. An analysis based on the theoretical principles of homo- and heterosociality, glass ceiling, intersectionality, the inequality system and the gender system identifies problems regarding the resistance women in politics encounter and the prevailing gender power system. The results show, among other things, that women in the Swedish Parliament are largely limited in politics, but that they are nevertheless the most powerful women in Sweden. The study contributes to an increased understanding of different power relations in Swedish politics and gives an insight into why Sweden has not yet had a female prime minister.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En tematisk analys av fyra kvinnors självbiografier / Men’s violence against women in intimate relationships : A thematic analysis of four women’s autobiographiesBjörklund, Sara, Eriksson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld av män i nära relationer beskriver sina erfarenheter och hur det kan förklara svårigheten att lämna den våldsamma relationen. Datamaterialet består av fyra kvinnors självbiografier som analyserats utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visar på att mäns våld i nära relationer är en komplex problematik som kan ses utifrån olika perspektiv och påverkas av olika faktorer. Det framgick att den våldsform som samtliga kvinnor blev utsatt för var psykiskt våld men det framkom även att det psykiska våldet kombinerades med någon annan form av våld och att de olika våldsformerna förstärkte varandra. Merparten av kvinnorna gav uttryck för beskrivningar som är förenlig med normaliseringsprocessen men resultatet av analysen påvisade att det inte alltid behöver vara så. Det känslomässiga bandet som skapas i relationens inledning har en betydande faktor genom hela relationen och är en förklaring till varför kvinnan stannar kvar i relationen. Utifrån kvinnornas beskrivningar av det upplevda våldet kan mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer tolkas som ett uttryck för makt, kontroll och dominans över kvinnan. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how women who have been subjected to violence by men in close relationships describe their experiences and how it can explain the difficulty of leaving the violent relationships. The data material consists of four women's autobiographies that has been analyzed based on a thematic method of analysis. The result shows that men's violence in close relationships is a complex problem that can be seen from different perspectives and influenced by various factors. It emerged that the form of violence that all women were exposed to was psychological violence, but it also emerged that the psychological violence was combined with some other form of violence and that the various forms of violence reinforced each other. Most of the women expressed descriptions that are compatible with the normalization process, but the results of the analysis showed that this does not always have to be the case. The emotional bond that is created in the beginning of the relationship has a significant factor throughout the relationship and is an explanation for why the woman stays in the relationship. Based on women's descriptions of perceived violence, men's violence against women in close relationships can be interpreted as an expression of power, control and dominance over the woman.
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"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistikHöjer, Joakim, Svensson, Ivar January 2013 (has links)
The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people’s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for. The material being used consists of a total of 241 articles taken from the first domestic news article in each third paper 2012. Furthermore the study contains a supplementary qualitative part consisting of two interviews with female journalists working on the examined newspapers. The analysis of these interviews takes on a Bourdieuan approach, which focuses on the journalistic field, it’s doxa and the symbolic values within the field. The questions at issue in this study are whether it exists a male interpretive precedence within the Swedish domestic news, what type of norms within the journalistic culture that potentially can affect the representation regarding journalists and main sources and lastly we intend to assess the impact of the gender system on the media and subsequently the medias reproductive affect on the gender system as a whole. The core, quantitative, study indicates a substantial difference regarding gender related representation within the examined material concerning journalists, pictures and main sources. The results reveal a significant female underrepresentation both amongst journalists (36,5 percent) and main sources (34,9 percent). Our quantitative study as well as our interviews prove a pattern where an elite orientated praxis, when it comes to choosing sources, is dominant. Since the elite sources are predominantly male this has a negative impact on the female representation amongst the sources. The underrepresentation of women, both as sources and journalists, combined with theories such as agenda-setting and framing indicates the presence of a male interpretive precedence. The gender related structures of society are reflected in the media, and as a consequence of this occurrence the structures themselves are also reproduced, and consolidated, through medias impact on popular values and opinions.
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"Hon sitter i en jäkla rävsax" : Professionellas erfarenheter av hur ekonomiskt våld påverkar kvinnor som bryter upp från relationer med våldsutövande män / "She's trapped in a fox shears" : Social workers experiences of working with women subjected to economic abuse in the context of VAWArvidsson, Matilda, Pavlov, Anna-Maria January 2022 (has links)
Among all the types of violence against women the economic abuse does not always appear that often in the context of domestic abuse. Previous research interprets and categorizes economic abuse as physical violence and controlling behavior and is not distinguished for what it can imply for the life of the woman. Men’s economic abuse against women can therefore affect women’s life in a lifelong and/or life sacrificing way. The aim of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of social workers experiences of men’s economic abuse against women in heterosexual relationships and which consequences it may have for the women. The study is based on eight individual qualitative interviews with social workers and women shelter employees, both with and without a bachelor’s degree in social work. The empirical findings have been thematically analyzed with Yvonne Hirdman’s theory of gender system as a foundation. The result shows that the connection between the theory of gender system and men’s economic abuse against women, forms for example in gender contracts. The result also shows that social workers' experiences are that abused women suffer from multiple consequences of economic abuse, even after a separation, which can have lifelong negative impact for women as victims of violence. The gender perspective is useful in social work, to understand and interpret men’s economic abuse against women, and to prevent reproducing these systems. It is also important to acknowledge the consequences, for women, that emerge after the separation to create a stronger safety network for women that have been victims of men’s economic abuse.
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