Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bygränser."" "subject:"dosgränser.""
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”Vi hade ju aldrig sex, vi skrev bara lite olämpliga saker…” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om otrohet över sociala medier / “We never had sex, we just wrote some inappropriate stuff…” : A Qualitative Interview Study about Infidelity over Social MediaCarrington, Elin, Rova, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Människor har genom alla tider alltid varit otrogna, även långt innan sociala medier fanns. Det finns idag en uppsjö av sociala medier och appar som människor kan använda sig av för att interagera med varandra och hitta nya bekantskaper. Sociala medier har tveklöst förändrat människors sexuella beteenden, och gjort det lättare än någonsin att skapa sexuella kontakter. Vi ställde oss då frågan om denna tillgänglighet var något som lockade även när det kommer till otrohet? Syftet med studien var således att undersöka människors erfarenheter av att vara otrogna över sociala medier. Vi ville med hjälp av intervjuer få fram hur synen på otrohet ser ut bland personer som använder sociala medier och har egen erfarenhet av otrohet på nätet, samt på vilket sätt de sociala medierna kunde användas för detta ändamål, och hur detta kan förstås ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. För att få svar på dessa frågor genomfördes tio kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som varit otrogna med hjälp av sociala medier någon gång under de senaste tio åren. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats med en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att otrohet som sker över sociala medier är svårdefinierat och gör det svårare med gränsdragningarna för vad som klassas som otrohet och inte. Det visar även på att sociala medier har förändrat våra sexuella script, och att de sociala mediernas lättillgänglighet och känsla av anonymitet är en bidragande faktor till detta. Vår studie visar att det behövs mer forskning inom området för att ytterligare undersöka hur den ökande användningen av sociala medier kan komma att påverka etablerade partnerrelationer, och för att få en bredare samsyn kring vad som kan räknas som otrohetspraktiker online. / People have always been unfaithful, even long before social media existed. Today, there is a plethora of social media and apps that people can use to interact with each other and find new acquaintances. Social media has undoubtedly changed people's sexual behaviors, making it easier than ever to make sexual connections. We then asked ourselves if this availability was something that also attracted when it comes to infidelity? The aim of this study was thus to examine people’s experiences of online infidelity. We wanted to interview people who had been unfaithful with the help of social media and investigate their view on online infidelity. And also to get an idea of how the different types of social media were used for this specific purpose, and how it can be understood using a social constructivist perspective. To get the answer to these questions we held ten qualitative interviews with people who had been unfaithful with the help of social media at some point during the last decade. The collected data has been analyzed with a thematic analysis. The results show that infidelity that takes place over social media is difficult to define and makes it more difficult to draw the boundaries of what is classified as infidelity and not. It also shows that social media has changed our sexual scripts, and that social media's ease of access and sense of anonymity is a contributing factor to this. Our study shows that more research is needed in this area to further investigate how the increasing use of social media may affect established partner relationships, and to get a broader consensus on what can be counted as infidelity practices online.
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"’Ibland känns det som att man skolkar" : en kvalitativ studie om tjänstemäns upplevda balans mellan arbete och övrigt liv till följd av distansarbetet / "Sometimes it feels like skipping school" : a qualitative study of civil servants' perceived balance between Work and other life as a result of TeleworkTapper, Emily January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att övergången från kontorsarbete till obligatoriskt distansarbete innefattar både positiva och negativa aspekter. Trots att tjänstemännen i den här studien sedan innan pandemin har upplevd en hög grad av autonomi i sitt arbete, har det obligatoriska distansarbetet ställt det på sin spets. Jag har därför valt att genomföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio deltagare, med syftet att öka kunskapen om hur distansarbetet under pandemin har påverkat anställdas balans mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv. Resultatet bearbetades genom en tematisk analys och tidigare forskning för att tolka och förklara tjänstemännens erfarenheter och upplevelser. Resultatet visar att arbetstagare utvecklar individuellt anpassade strategier för att hantera balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv. De sociala interaktionerna en viktig roll för arbetstagarna, att det uteblir under en period på grund av distansarbetet har påverkat de medverkande i olika utsträckning. Resultatet har även visat på att distansarbetet har skapat en önskan från de anställda att fortsatt arbeta på distans på deltid då de upplevda fördelarna med distansarbetet, så som kontroll och flexibilitet. Tjänstemännens samlade erfarenheter tyder på ett ökat intresse för det hybrida arbetssättet för att ta del av både det kontors- och distansbaserat arbetssättet.
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Mellan närhet och distans. Lärar-elevrelationen som kunskapsinnehåll i grundlärarutbildningWistrand, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation takes its point of departure in a relational perspective on education, which means that the relationship between teacher and student is seen as fundamental for students’ knowledge- and personal development. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the teacher-student relationship in teacher education at national and local levels and the different meanings of closeness in this context. The theoretical basis of the study is curriculum theory-based didactics, where questions about knowledge content and teaching as offering meaning are central. The thesis consists of three separate studies. The first investigates closeness in the teacher-student relationship by means of a thematic conceptual analysis of the field of research in educational science on teacher-student relationships. Four different dimensions of closeness were identified: closeness as presence, closeness as care, closeness as feeling and closeness as responsibility. The results show a nuanced way of understanding closeness in the teacher-student relationship and that closeness is challenging for teachers in that it makes their relational work more complex. The central question in curriculum theory - ‘What opportunities do students have to learn about the teacher-student relationship in teacher education?’ - is used as the point of departure in the analysis of educational policy documents at national and local levels. The second study investigates content knowledge at the national level and shows a limited and simplified view of the relationship between teacher and student. By using the dimensions of closeness as analytical tools, a multifaceted teacher-student relationship is constructed as an alternative meaning offering. In the third study, eleven Swedish universities participated in the study of curriculum documents at the local level. The analysis showed three types of knowledge content: relational theory, relational work and relational quality. In this study, the local documents together provided a broad range of knowledge content, but individually a reduced and simplified knowledge content. The study also confirmed the differences between universities in their teacher education programmes and that there are often discrepancies in the knowledge content that is offered. The thesis as a whole contributes to a nuanced understanding of closeness in the teacher-student relationship and provides a set of theoretical tools that can be used in an analysis of different types of research studies. It also indicates that the policy documents relating to teacher education at the national and local levels contain simplified and limited notions about the teacher-student relationship and teachers’ relational work as knowledge content. This restricted knowledge content could limit student teachers’ abilities to create, build and maintain good and close teacher-student relationships and to address the relational challenges in their complex relational work.
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Det är också så här...Varför ska han komma till frivården? : Frivårdsinspektörers upplevelser i arbete med irreguljära migranter dömda för brott / “It Is Also Like This… Why Should He Come to the Probation Office?” : Experiences of Probation Inspector´s Working with Irregular Migrants Convicted of CrimesErixon, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka manifestationer av en exkluderande migrationslagstiftning i en inkluderande frivårdspraktik. Fokus har legat på frivårdsinspektörers egna upplevelser av möjligheter att utföra sitt uppdrag i relation till irreguljära migranter dömda för brott, samt de sätt på vilka man förhåller sig till svårigheter och dilemman i det praktiska arbetet. Syftet har även varit att försöka förstå frivårdsinspektörers uppdrag och roll som frontlinjebyråkrater vid välfärdsstatens gränser. insamling av empiri har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta frivårdsinspektörer som arbetar med övervakning i samband med skyddstillsynsdom eller efter villkorlig frigivning. Studien visar på att frivårdsinspektörer upplever sina möjligheter att utföra sitt återfallsförebyggande och (åter)integrerande arbete som begränsade i relation till aktuell målgrupp. Att irreguljära migranter i hög utsträckning exkluderas från hjälp och stöd inom välfärdssystemen och samtidigt saknar rätt att arbeta anges som huvudanledningar. Denna exkludering förefaller även bidra till att den rationalitet med betoning på individens ansvar för val och beteenden och som ligger bakom implementerad arbetsmetod utmanas. Genom att den stöttande delen av uppdraget begränsas urholkas uppdraget till att främst omfatta den kontrollerande delen. Det visar sig även att avsaknad av riktlinjer och stöd i uppdraget kring målgruppens specifika förutsättningar bidrar till att nya praktiker skapas för gruppen irreguljära migranter som ej ligger i linje med myndighetens generella policy och målsättning. Genom analys med hjälp av gränsteorier blir det tydligt att frivårdsinspektörer blir delaktiga i en gränspraktik som genom de sätt på vilka dessa använder sitt handlingsutrymme bidrar till att antingen utmana eller befästa gränser för tillhörighet och rättigheter.
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Minimal Cantor sets / Minimala Cantor mängderNordin Gröning, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
A Cantor set is a topological space which admits a hierarchy of clopen covers. A minimal Cantor set is a Cantor set together with a map such that every orbit is dense in the Cantor set. In this thesis we us inverse limits to study minimal Cantor sets and their properties. In particular, under certain hypothesis we find an upper bound for the number of ergodic measures for minimal Cantor set. / En Cantor mängd är ett topologiskt rum med en hierarki av slöppna täcken. En minimal Cantor mängd är en Cantor mängd tillsammans med en avblidning så att varje omlppsbana är tät. I den här uppsatsen använder vi omvända gränser för att studera minimala Cantor mängder och deras egenskaper. Särskilt under vissa omständigheter hittar vi en övre begränsning på antalet ergodiska mått på minimala Cantor mängder.
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Vem har ansvar? : En studie om institutionella logiker inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken / Who Has Responsibility? : A Study of Institutional Logics within Labour Market PolicyStriby Burman, Rebecka, Carvajal Winberg, David January 2024 (has links)
Arbetsmarknadspolitiken har historiskt sett varit både ett kommunalt och statligt ansvar som från mitten av 1900-talet koncentrerats till en statlig nivå och till myndigheten Arbetsförmedlingen. Både forskning och statliga utredningar har konstaterat att kommuner mer och mer tagit sig an arbetet med arbetsmarknadspolitik och idag har merparten av Sveriges kommuner en arbetsmarknadsavdelning med fokus på insatser för arbetssökande. Vår forskningsöversikt och de utredningar som presenterats som vår empiri visar att det råder en oklar ansvarsfördelning mellan stat och kommun inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken. Vi har presenterat tidigare forskning på området arbetsmarknadspolitik som både avhandlat ansvarsfrågan gällande Arbetsförmedlingen och kommunerna, men även mellan organisation och individ. Denna uppsats har, genom en teorikonsumerande ansats, undersökt denna oklara ansvarsfördelning med fokus på kommuner och Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom det teoretiska ramverket institutionella logiker har vi studerat offentliga utredningar gällande organiseringen av arbetsmarknadspolitiken samt remissvar från berörda aktörer. Resultatet av studien har visat att dessa aktörer formulerar ansvar utifrån olika institutionella logiker som i många fall är motstridiga. Uppsatsen bidrar vidare till att ge en bild av vad dessa logiker ger för ingång till ansvarsbegreppet och förklarar olika möjliga orsaker till att ansvaret kan ses som oklart. / Labour market policy has historically been both a municipal and state responsibility, which since the mid-20th century has been concentrated at the state level and managed by the Public Employment Service. Both research and government inquiries have found that municipalities have increasingly taken on the work of labour market policy, and today the majority of Sweden's municipalities have a labour market department focused on measures for job seekers. Our research overview and the inquiries presented as our empirical data show that there is an unclear division of responsibilities between the state and municipalities in labour market policy. We have presented previous research in the area of labour market policy, which has addressed the issue of responsibility concerning the Public Employment Service and municipalities, as well as between organization and individual. This thesis, through a theory-consuming approach, has examined this unclear division of responsibilities with a focus on municipalities and the Public Employment Service. Through the theoretical framework of institutional logics, we have studied Swedish Government Official Reports regarding the organization of labour market policy and responses from relevant stakeholders. The study's results have shown that these stakeholders formulate responsibilities based on different institutional logics, which are often conflicting. The thesis further contributes by providing an understanding of what these logics imply for the concept of responsibility and explains various possible reasons why responsibility can be perceived as unclear.
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Implementing Particle-Surface Interactions in WarpX for Spacecraft Charging Problem / Implementering av partikel-ytinteraktioner i WarpX för laddningsproblem för rymdfarkosterDammak, Eya January 2024 (has links)
This report summarizes the work conducted during a six-month internship at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The main objective was to implement the interactions between particles and surfaces in the particle-in-cell code WarpX. This work specifically addressed the scenario where particles collide with embedded surfaces, which can potentially result in the emission of secondary particles. The implementation represents a significant advancement in the development of WarpX, enabling users to include interactions such as secondary particle emission and reflection in their simulations. Furthermore, this work also offered initial insights into the spacecraft charging problem and other scenarios involving particle-surface interactions. / Denna rapport sammanfattar det arbete som utförts under en sex månader lång praktikperiod vid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Huvudsyftet var att implementera interaktionen mellan partiklar och ytor i partikel-i-cell-koden WarpX. Detta arbete behandlade specifikt scenariot där partiklar kolliderar med inbäddade ytor, vilket potentiellt kan leda till utsläpp av sekundära partiklar. Implementeringen utgör ett betydande framsteg i utvecklingen av WarpX, vilket gör det möjligt för användare att inkludera interaktioner som emission och reflektion av sekundära partiklar i sina simuleringar. Dessutom gav detta arbete också inledande insikter i rymdfarkostens laddningsproblem och andra scenarier som involverar interaktioner mellan partiklar och ytor.
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La identidad híbrida en poesía : Una comparación entre un poema de Gloria Anzaldúa y uno de Julia Alvarez / The problems with a hybrid identity expressed in poetryPersson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
El propósito de la tesina presente es analizar la manera de expresar las dificultades de una identidad híbrida en dos poemas contemporáneos de dos escritoras de origen latinoamericano, Gloria Anzaldúa y Julia Alvarez. Se han analizado los dos poemas elegidos teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de una identidad híbrida y los problemas que ello conlleva en una sociedad llena de normas y fronteras entre grupos étnicos, culturales y sexuales. Después del análisis de los poemas sigue una comparación entre los resultados de la investigación y finalmente presentamos nuestras conclusiones. El estudio muestra que a pesar de que los poemas parezcan muy diferentes se han encontrado puntos de relación, como por ejemplo la similitud de los mensajes principales de los poemas; que necesitamos aceptar las mezclas de culturas, etnias y sexos. / The purpose of this study is to analyse the expression of the difficulties with a hybrid identity in two contemporary poems written by two authors from Latin America, Gloria Anzaldúa and Julia Alvarez. The analysis of the two poems take into account the perspective of a hybrid identity and the problems that this entails in a society filled with rules, standards and boundaries between different ethnic, cultural and sexual groups. The analysis of the two poems is followed by a comparison of the results of the investigation and ultimately is presented the conclusions. The study shows that the poems share several respects, despite that they at first seems very different. An example is the similarities of the main messages that the poems convey, that we need to accept the mix of cultures, ethnics and sexualities.
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Sustainable Tourism Development in Gjirokastra : a current situation analysis / Hållbar Turismutveckling i Gjirokastra : en nulägesanalysGrevsjö, Sara, Noorzaei, Mehran January 2014 (has links)
The typical tourism planning and development process can be divided into different phases: preparation (goals and objectives), research, conclusions, recommendations, implementation, monitoring & evaluation. This thesis is a part of such a development process and position itself in the research phase with the aim to create a knowledge base for future sustainable development of tourism in the world heritage city of Gjirokastra in the southern part of Albania. To create the socio-environmental map of the thesis, the authors lived two months in Gjirokastra, and with a holistic approach collected, compiled and analyzed an immense amount of data. Thus this thesis is only providing the first piece in the puzzle of the bigger project: to create a sustainable tourism development plan for the city of Gjirokastra. Gjirokastra has special conditions for tourism since it is a World Heritage site, elected in 2005 for its rare type of Ottoman stone houses which the old bazaar/old town is dominated by. The management of a World Heritage site is both a national and a global concern involving many stakeholders exhibiting different desires and requests. World heritage management and tourism destination aspirations are only two of many other issues facing the city of Gjirokastra and the nation of Albania. Like many other post-communist countries Albania is struggling between a fast economic development and the restraints of preserving heritage: modernization vs. tradition. In Gjirokastra this is evident through the city’s division in a new and old town – each fighting for attention and resources. The results of the thesis contains information on the tourism resources of Gjirokastra; this is described in chapters of supply research and culture-, economy- and natural resources. The current status and potential of each has been described and analyzed, data being collected through participant observation, analyzing written material and through interviews with visitors, local businesses and stakeholders. The result describes a city facing many problems due to lack of laws and regulations creating a variety of issues both in nature, culture and economy: poverty, “brain-leakage” through migration, waste, water and pollution, unemployment, poor stakeholder collaboration, abandoned houses and traditions, bureaucracy, corruption, management issue, a lack of tourism activities and information, poor marketing and poor tourism services. Tourism development is identified as an important tool for problem solution and societal development by the stakeholders, however the municipality’s actions are focused on the citizens and by catering to them it is considered that tourists will also benefit. This approach results in interest conflicts between the stakeholders where the municipality is focusing on improving the new town and the cultural organizations on the old town. Even though many elaborate tourism strategies already exists amongst the different stakeholders no one has so far been successfully implemented due to unclear responsibilities, action time frame issues and a lack of funds. Since there is no budget for tourism the different strategies turns into wish-lists from which money is sought. The result is a few successful short term projects funded by various different European organizations. The problem of restoring houses is also the following revitalization of them. The citizens of Gjirokastra want a modern life which the old houses cannot under the world heritage regulation provide. Here is where tourism is considered to be the solution – creating an attractive living and business area that will revitalize the old town. As of now the world heritage suffers from not having a management plan, the old houses are stuck in after-communism-legal issues in many cases then abandoned or modernized. There is no waste management in Gjirokastra and the effects of this is not being researched. The observation and interview result shows that there are multiple environmental problems that now accumulate, in this study the tourist satisfaction was affected by the waste appearance. Without laws and restrictions on tourism, heritage and environment it is easy to turn the eyes away from carrying capacity and focus on short term solutions. Tourism is in the meanwhile driven by private local entrepreneurship and innovation but without strategies, regulations or market research an imbalance in the tourism system is evident in the market and supply match. A bench marketing tradition or “copy & pasting” has so far resulted in restaurants, hotels, cafes and souvenir shops selling indistinguishable products and only a few other activities than sightseeing are being offered. In the visitor surveys from time to time it is apparent that tourists think Gjirokastra has great potential but the city’s problems are surfacing and affecting the level of satisfaction. There is thus a pressing need for collaboration between the different stakeholders to create one sustainable tourism development plan, to define roles and responsibilities and action implementation. The natural and cultural resources and its potentials for tourism are huge but without these regulatory bodies tourism impacts might be irreversible negative. It is in this moment of time, before goals are decided upon, ideal that ideas of sustainability, in this case meaning that the environment’s, culture’s and economy’s interests are also taken in account and incorporated to shape the development process. This is highlighted throughout the thesis.
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Geographic Disparities in Future Global Food Security : Exploring the Impacts of Population Development and Climate ChangeHelander, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Meeting the food demands of a growing population is one of the currently most critical issues for the world community. Additionally, negative impacts of climate change on agriculture are expected in some densely populated regions of developing economies. In this thesis, I examine spatial patterns of future impacts of population development and climate change on food security and how these impacts correlate with current patterns of food security and poverty. I aim to assess the global spatial patterns of food insecurity, concerning the current situation and future prognosis, to quantify the impact of population development and climate change on food security, and to examine to what extent poverty can explain spatial patterns. To identify spatial patterns, I performed a multiple correlation analysis. The aggregated impact estimate of population development and climate change was calculated by adding their respective national predictions. The explanatory power of poverty was evaluated using regression models which contained population development predictions and current food security as functions of poverty rate. Based on the my results and a literature review I discuss the future geographic disparities of food security and the corresponding consequences for combating hunger. My results show that global geographic disparities are likely to increase substantially, mainly because population, and in turn food demand, will increase strongly in sub-Saharan Africa, the region with the highest decline of resources in relation to population. Impacts of climate change show a similar geographic pattern where foodinsecure regions will be affected the most. I found that poverty is a significant explanatory variable for both population growth and food security. The literature review support causality between variables, which places poverty at the core of food security issues. Poverty causes both a barrier to access food markets and population growth,which ultimately decrease food availability. In order to reach zero hunger for the coming generations, there is an urgent need to redistribute resources, change direction in agriculture practices and implement extensive political measures that carefully consider both local and global contexts.
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