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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är alla föräldrar lika välkomna i förskolan? : En studie i hur samkönade föräldrapar upplevde deras barns start i förskolan / Are all parents equally welcome in preschool? : A study of how same-sex parent couples experienced their child's start at the preschool

Finell, Frida January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see a display on how family, gender and sexuality are produced in four same-sex parents’ stories about their children’s pre-school start. The question formulations that have been used were aimed to find out what expectations and concerns parents may have on the pre-school organization, if the parents have any saying regarding the organization, if the pre-school have worked with equality and how they have been treated as a family. The method used is a qualitative study based on interviews. Four lesbian women have been interviewed on their experiences of their children’s pre-school start and after finishing the interviews the content has been analyzed from different viewpoints found in the material. To back this study up theories as heteronormativity and stereotyping in general have been used. Heteronormativity is based on beliefs related to gender and sexuality. Even stereotyping is related to gender and sexuality but explains more an act performed, while heteronormativity is something prevailing. The conclusions reached in this study are that pre-schools are strongly characterized by heteronormativity, there are small ambitions of change of the organisation at the pre-school and the small changes that happen are moving forward slowly. The knowledge of rainbow families is low and the pre-school does not consider these questions before children from rainbow families start at their school. The change should occur before children from rainbow families start at the pre-school since children from other types of families need to meet this kind of questions in the organization. As long as the pre-school does not work with normative questions, children at pre-school will grow into heteronormative notions of family, gender and sexuality. As the pre-school work today, the children from rainbow families will keep on being invisible in the pre-school organization.

Psykiatrins förändrade syn på homosexualitet : Äldre homosexuella personers upplevelser samt implikationer för vården / Psychiatry's changed view on homosexuality : The experience of elderly gay people and implications for health care

Svensson, Jakob January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flera rapporter visar en   särskild utsatthet bland homosexuella patienter inom vården och livskvalitén   för denna grupp anses generellt försämrad jämfört med personer som definierar sig som heterosexuella. Äldre homosexuella har levt under en tid då   homosexualitet var mer tabubelagt vilket kan medföra en svår komma-ut-process. I vårdsammanhang finns inte tillräcklig förståelse för äldre homosexuellas historia och upplevelse vilket kan försvåra bemötandet och leda till ett vårdlidande för patienten. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva äldre homosexuella personers upplevelse av att leva under en tid då deras sexuella läggning   sjukdomsklassades. Metod:Semistrukturerade intervjuer ägde rum med sju personer över 65 år som alla tidigt blivit klara över sin homosexuella läggning.   Analysen genomfördes med kvallitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat:Övergripande beskrev informanterna en problematik kring bemötande och diskriminering från omgivningen. Erfarenheter av negativa känslor kring sin sexualitet uttrycktes, vilket kunde resultera i ett eget ifrågasättande kring sin situation. Det framkom en historisk och pågående problematik kring samhällets syn på homosexuella och hur detta påverkade informanterna. Diskussion:I diskussionen problematiseras företeelserna ”Att inte   leva öppet”, ”Negativa erfarenheter av sin sexuella läggning” och ”Att   existera som normbrytare”. Resonemangen byggs utifrån en argumentation kring stigmatisering och heteronormativitet. En vårdsituation kan medföra ett ökat lidande bland äldre homosexuella om sjukvårdspersonalens förhållningssätt och bemötande medför ett exkluderande. Sjuksköterskan kan minska detta lidande genom en ökad förståelse för äldre homosexuellas situation och utsatthet. / Background:Several studies   reports vulnerability amongst homosexual patients in the healthcare and the quality of life for this group is generally considered reduced when compared with people who define themselves as heterosexual. Older gay people have lived during a time when homosexuality was unthinkable which may cause a difficult coming-out process. In care settings, there is insufficient   understanding of older gay people’s experience and history, which can affect nursing quality and increase the suffering for the patient. Aim:The aim is to describe older gay people’s experience of living in a time when their sexual orientation was classified as a disease. Methods:Semi-structured interviews were held with seven people above 65 years of age, all who became aware of their homosexual orientation at young age. The data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results:The informants described a general problem regarding negative response and discriminating surroundings. Negative experiences were expressed with about their sexuality, which could result in a questioning about their own situation. The interviews showed a historical and ongoing problem concerning society's view of homosexuality and how this affected the informants. Discussions:The discussion problematizes the phenomena of "Not livening openly," "Negative experiences of your sexual orientation" and "Your bare existence is breaking the norms". The argument is backed-up around stigma and heteronormativity. A health care situation can lead to increased suffering among older gay people if hospital staffs have negative attitudes towards homosexuals and   the patient’s feelings are excluded. The nurse can reduce this suffering through an increased understanding of older gay people’s situation and vulnerability.

Som en "naturlig" kvinna : en studie om äldre kvinnor och sexualitet / Like a "natural" woman : a study about older women and sexuality

Alsterlind, Ingrid, Beck-Friis, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Jag sa att jag älskade han men jag har redan sagt förlåt för det : Ålder, genus och sexualitet i skolans tidigare år / I said I loved him but I’ve already said sorry for it : Age, gender and sexuality in the early school years

Bengtsson, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur föreställningar kring normalitet kommer till uttryck och förhandlas i de vardagliga praktikerna i skolans tidigare år. I särskilt fokus är normer kring ålder, genus och sexualitet. Det empiriska materialet är skapat genom deltagande observation och intervjuer med elever och lärare i två klasser i två skolor (årskurs 2 och 3). I studien används poststrukturalistiska teorier för att belysa hur makt verkar i det vardagliga, både i att göra begriplighet och meningsfullhet men också att definiera avvikelser och normalisera utanförskap och underordning. Analysen visar hur elever och lärare iscensätter och ifrågasätter olika förväntningar på hur man ska vara och agera som barn, vuxna, elever, lärare, flicka, pojke, etcetera. Detta "görande" av normer kopplas i studien till skapandet av olika tillhörigheter, formella och informella miljöer, skillnader mellan lektioner och raster, klassrum och omklädningsrum eller mellan allvar och skratt. Studien visar att sådana växlingar ger utrymme för förhandlingar och utmaningar i vad som kan betraktas som osäkra ormråden eller gränsland. Genom att rikta fokus mot hur normer samverkar visar studien vidare att utmaningar och ifrågasättanden av normer kring genus och sexualitet riskerar att trivialiseras i relation till elevernas position som barn. Detta innebär att även om normerna verkar som gränser för det möjliga och önskvärda, kan man inte likställa utmaningar och överskridande av gränser med omvandling av normer. Studien hävdar således att pedagogiskt arbete som syftar till att problematisera hur normer upprepas och utmanas i skolan måste överväga tvetydigheter och osäkra som en del av att skapa hierarkiska ordningar. / This dissertation examines how normality is performed and challenged in everyday practices in the early years of compulsory school, focusing primarily on norms of age, gender and sexuality. The empirical material is created through participant observation and interviews with pupils and teachers in two classes in two schools (school year 2 and 3). The study uses poststructuralist theories to highlight how power works in the everyday and the familiar, both in making comprehensibility and meaningfulness but also in defining deviations and normalize exclusion and subordination. The analysis shows how pupils and teachers perform and question different expectations of how to be and act as children, adults, pupils, teachers, girl, boy, etcetera. It appears that this 'doing' of norms is linked to the creation of different belongings, formal and informal settings, differences between class periods and breaks, classrooms and locker rooms or seriousness and laughter. The study shows that these changes create space for negotiations and challenges in what can be understood as uncertain or border areas. By taking note of how norms interacts the study further shows that challenges and questioning of norms around gender and sexuality are at risk of being trivialized by the pupils' position as children. This means that even if norms appears as boundaries of the possible and desirable, one cannot equate the challenges and the crossing of boundaries and transformation of norms. The study thus argues that pedagogical work that problematize how norms are repeated and challenged in school must consider ambiguities and the uncertain as part of creating hierarchical orders.

"De där två hade verkligen en sexuell läggning!" : om heteronormativitet i förskolan

Loord, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen har till syfte att belysa hur heteronormativitet kan ta sig uttryck i förskolan, och vad några femåringar säger om hur de ser på familjebildning och kärleksrelationer. Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer om familjeformer med åtta femåringar. Intervjuerna genomfördes med utgångspunkt i ett antal bilder föreställande människor i olika familjekonstellationer. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är en normkritisk pedagogik, med rötter i feministisk poststrukturalism och queerteori. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att barnen i studien hade ett starkt heteronormativt sätt att prata om familjebildning. I ljuset av den tidigare forskning som redovisas i uppsatsen, blir det tydligt att förskolans sätt att arbeta med frågor om sexuell läggning inte lever upp till de krav som läroplanen ställer.

Mamma, mamma, barn : lesbiska kvinnors upplevelser av mödravård samt förlossning

Andersson, Anna, Holm, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Det senaste årtiondet har inneburit stora förändringar för homosexuella när det gäller lagar och förordningar. Bland annat är rätten till att bli föräldrar numera juridiskt accepterat. Flera homosexuella par väljer därför att skapa familj. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva lesbiska kvinnors upplevelser i samband med mödravården och förlossning. Sammanställningen resulterade i fem huvudkategorier, Kommunikation, Bekräftelse, Försvar , Kunskap och Öppenhet, vilket bearbetades utifrån Imogene Kings omvårdnadsteori. Resultatet visade på att flera kvinnor hade upplevelser av positiv karaktär men att det även fanns många som berättade om negativa upplevelser. Heteronormativitet var ett ständigt återkommande tema som genomsyrade samtliga kategorier. Vårdpersonalen förutsatte ofta att de lesbiska kvinnorna var heterosexuella utan att ta hänsyn till andra möjligheter. Denna studie visar på att vårdpersonal bör vara medvetna om sitt sätt att kommunicera och att se det unika i varje individ. Positiva upplevelser framkom när barnmorskan tydligt bekräftade de lesbiska kvinnorna som blivande föräldrarna. En god omvårdnad förutsätter att vårdpersonal har kunskap om heteronormativitet och att det skapar hinder för vården av lesbiska kvinnor. / The last decade has brought great changes for homosexuals in laws and regulations. Among other things, the right to be parent is now legally accepted. Many gay couples have therefore decided to create a family. The purpose of this study was to describe lesbian women´s experiences in connection with prenatal care and childbirth. The compilation resulted in five main categories: Communication, Acknowledgment, Defense, Knowledge and Openness, which was worked up from Imogene King´s theory of caring. The results showed that several women had experiences of positive character, but that there also were many who talked about negative experiences. Heteronormativity was a constantly recurring theme that permeated all categories. Caregivers often assumed that the lesbian women were heterosexual without regard to other possibilities. This study shows that health professionals should be aware of their own way to communicate and to ensure the uniqueness of each individual. Positive experiences emerged when the midwife is clearly confirmed the lesbian women as prospective parents. Good care requires that health professionals are aware of heteronormativity, and that creates obstacles to the care of lesbian women.

Homosexuell i en heterosexuell social kontext : Homosexuella mäns upplevelser av fördomar, heteronormativ makt och möjlighet till öppenhet

Lindén, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka få en inblick i och förståelse för hur homosexuella män upplever fördomar, möjligheter att vara öppna och möjligheter att stå emot den makt som heteronormativiteten innebär. Studien är kvalitativ med hermaneutiken som vetenskaplig ansats, och jag har genomfört sex djupintervjuer med homosexuella män för att ta reda på hur synen på deras egna platser i tillvaron påverkas av samspelet med den sociala omgivningen. Resultatet visar att homosexualiteten som stigmat består av samt det offentliga samhällets struktur begränsar den homosexuella mannens livsmöjligheter, och hur väl den homosexuella mannen lyckas integreras i samhället beror på hur den sociala kontexten ser ut, men även på vilken relation den homosexuella mannen själv har till homosexualiteten. Ingen av respondenterna upplever dock ett omfattande utanförskap. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns flertalet olika strategier för att hantera sin öppenhet och att dessa varierar beroende på situation, och att männens band till vänner och familj i stor utsträckning inte påverkas negativt av stigmat. / The purpose of this article is by dint of using stigma theory try to get an insight into and understanding of how gay men feel about their place in the social environment. The intention of this paper is to try to get an insight into and an understanding of how gay men experience prejudice, opportunities to be open and opportunities to resist the power that heteronormativity means.The study is qualitative with a hermaneutic scientific approach, and I have conducted six in-depth interviews with gay men to find out how the perception of their own places in life is influenced by the interaction with the social environment. The result shows that the homosexuality that the stigma comes from and the public social structure limits the gay man's life chances, and how well the gay man succeeds in integrating into society depends on the social context, but also on what relationship the gay man himself has to homosexuality. None of the respondents, however, experienced a widespread alienation. Furthermore, the results show that there are several different strategies to deal with openness and that these vary depending on the situation, and that men's relationships to friends and family to a great extent is not adversely affected by the stigma.

”Det är ingen quickfix, utan någonting som man får jobba med varje dag” : en kvalitativ studie med ett poststrukturellt perspektiv om hur förskolepersonal beskriver normer och normkritiskt arbete angående kön och sexualitet i förskolan och öppna förskolan

Degerman, Marielle January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine discourses about norms and norm criticism regarding sex/gender and sexuality in preschool teachers’ and nursery nurses’ speech using a post-structuralist perspective. My two research questions are: How do the educators describe norms in general and norms about sex/gender and sexuality in relation to their work? How do the educators describe their work with norm criticism in relation to norms about sex/gender and sexuality? The theoretical base of this thesis is feminist post-structuralism and queer theory. Qualitative interviews were used as method to gather material and then a form of discourse analysis was made based on the transcribed interviews. Five preschool teachers and one nursery nurse participated in this study. Four of these educators work in two different open preschools, which are lgbtq-certified by RFSL, The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, and two educators work in a preschool that explicitly say that they work with a norm criticism perspective.   In this study I found that the main discourses about norms were that they can be both positive and negative, but controlling and often invisible. Norms concerning sex/gender and sexuality were mainly described as limiting and narrow. The main discourses found about norm criticism were that it is a work without specific methods but that there are still norms concerning it. That norm criticism is about broadening the meanings of different norms and also, that how teachers talk and respond to children and parents affects them and how they understand and create themselves and others. The conclusions are that many discourses contradict each other in ways that are necessary. That the discourses mainly focused on educator’s and adult’s impact on children, and that norms which are perceived by the educators as dominant in society affect the educators discourses.

Gênero e currículo: um movimento de (des)construção / Gender and curriculum: a movement of (de)construction

Izabella Marques Corrêa 29 August 2013 (has links)
Os estudos para a realização da presente dissertação estão contextualizados no campo epistemológico do currículo e pretenderam abordar questões relativas ao gênero, no contexto da prática. Para tanto, foi considerada a perspectiva de Elizabeth Macedo, que entende o currículo como espaço-tempo de fronteira e enunciação de sentidos. A pesquisa buscou destacar que sentidos de sexo, gênero e identidades são atribuídos e se mostram na prática curricular de profissionais que trabalham no segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental (8 e 9 anos) em uma escola privada de ensino regular localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, que anuncia um posicionamento não sexista no seu projeto político-pedagógico. A análise se propôs a mostrar caminhos de construção e desconstrução de concepções que tentam fixar identidades de gênero, acreditando na fragilidade dessas fixações, por considerar que as identidades estão em constante processo de fluidez. Para aprofundar a reflexão, além da interlocução com a teórica com o campo do currículo, o trabalho contou com os estudos queer para tratar sobre questões de gênero e processos de identificação, principalmente com Judith Butler e Guacira Lopes Louro. O corpus empírico da pesquisa é constituído por entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com profissionais da escola (professores e gestores). As falas dos entrevistados apontaram para a dificuldade de se trabalhar as questões de gênero, mas, ao mesmo tempo, indicaram movimentos de desnaturalização das identidades de gênero, destacando a heteronormatividade e considerando diferentes maneiras de viver as sexualidades. O estudo pretendeu abrir caminhos para que as diferenças de gênero não sejam limitadas a esquemas binários que pretendem operar a partir de oposições dicotômicas fixas, mas, sim, que se movimentam de acordo com os deslocamentos dos inúmeros processos contingentes de diferenciação, produzindo identificações provisórias. / The studies for the realization of this dissertation are contextualized in the epistemological field of curriculum and intend to address gender issues in the context of practice. Therefore, it was considered the prospect of Elizabeth Macedo, who understands the curriculum as a space/time border and enunciation of meanings. The research sought to emphasize that meanings of sex, gender and identities are assigned and are shown in curricular practice of professionals working in the final series of the second upper elementary school (8th and 9th ) in a private school located in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro which announces a gender-neutral position in its political - pedagogical project . The analysis aimed to show ways of construction and deconstruction of concepts that attempt to establish gender identities, believing the fragility of these fixations, considering that the identities are in a constant state of fluidity. For further reflection, beyond the dialogue with the theoretical field of curriculum, the work included the theoretical articulation and dialogue with queer studies to address issues of gender and identification processes, especially with Judith Butler and Guacira Lopes Louro. The methodology used for the elaboration of the work relied on semi - structured interviews with school personnel (teachers, director and coordinator). The statements of interviewees pointed to the difficulty of working on gender issues, but at the same time indicated the signaling cues for denaturalization of gender identities, highlighting heteronormativity and considering different ways of living sexualities. The study intended to pave the way for the understanding that gender differences are not limited to binary schemes wishing that operate with fixed dichotomous oppositions, but that they move according to the movements of the numerous contingent of differentiation processes, producing identities.

Diferença em disputa: os embates acerca do kit anti-homofobia (2004-2012). / Differences in fight: the issues around the anti-homophobia kit. (2004-2012).

Thalles do Amaral de Souza Cruz 29 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação é parte integrante da linha de pesquisa Currículo: sujeitos, conhecimentos e cultura e do grupo de pesquisa Currículo, cultura e diferença coordenado pela Prof Dr Elizabeth Fernandes de Macedo. Neste trabalho analisei os embates através das articulações discursivas em torno do kit anti-homofobia do Projeto Escola Sem Homofobia do Ministério da Educação. O objetivo deste trabalho era responder o que pode ter contribuído para que o discurso contrário à implementação deste projeto tenha saído hegemônico nesta disputa, e se seria este material um desestabilizador na discussão binária que envolve esta temática ou se reforçaria este binarismo. Para isso, utilizei como aporte teórico estudos pós-coloniais, estudos pós-estruturais, teoria do discurso, discussões do campo do currículo e teoria queer. Metodologicamente, acompanhei os argumentos dxs atorxs políticos que posicionaram-se favoráveis à utilização deste kit nas escolas e os argumentos dos que posicionaram-se contrariamente em alguns veículos de imprensa de relevância nacional e nos pronunciamentos nos plenários da Câmara e no Senado no período de novembro de 2010 a outubro de 2012. A análise evidenciou que os embates discursivos provocados por tais ações governamentais podem ser um convite às resignificações da tradição cultural brasileira tão marcada pelo sexismo e a homofobia. / This dissertation is an integral part of the research line Currículo: sujeitos, conhecimentos e cultura which is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Fernandes de Macedo. In this work I have analysed the conflicts that took place through discursive articulations on the anti-homophobia kit of the project Escola Sem Homofobia from the Ministry of Education. The aim of this work was to answer about what might have contributed for the discourse against the implementation of such project to have come out of these conflicts as a hegemonic one. Moreover, the work also aims at answering if this material would be a destabilizer in the binary discussion that is involved in this set of themes or if it world reinforce such binary frame. To that end, I used the following as theoretical resources: post-colonial studies, post-structural studies, discourse theory, discussions on the field of curriculum, and queer theory. Methodologically I followed both the arguments of the political actors who positioned themselves favourably to the utilization of this kit in schools and the arguments of those who positioned themselves against it in some nationally relevant media outlets, as well as in the pronouncements issued in the House of Representatives and the Senate plenary sessions, from November 2010 to October 2012. The analysis evidenced that the discursive conflicts provoked by such governmental actions may be an invitation to resignifying Brazilian cultural tradition, which is so marked by sexism and homophobia.

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