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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Låt arkiven berätta!

Gunnarsson, Mikaela, Johnson Johnen, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats har utformningen av ett utvecklingsarbete och presenterar en lektionsplanering för ett mindre tema som berör andra världskriget och Förintelsen. Planeringen är avsedd för elever i årskurs nio och behandlar de flyktingströmmar som nazisternas förtryck och folkfördrivningar skapade under andra världskriget. Syftet med vårt utvecklingsarbete är att eleverna, med hjälp av arkivmaterial, ska få möta verkliga människors berättelser, vilket betonas i kursplanerna i form av historiska berättelser. Vi anser att genom att arbeta med arkivmaterial förmedlas historisk kunskap samtidigt som olika förmågor hos eleverna utvecklas, vilka ligger till grund för att ett historiemedvetande ska kunna utvecklas. Utifrån det insamlade arkivmaterialet har vi tagit fram olika arbetsmetoder och dessa utgår från en teoretisk diskussion om hur elevers historiemedvetande kan utvecklas. Vi drar slutsatsen att vår planering kan komma att fungera som en del i att utveckla elevers historiemedvetande. Arbetet kan användas i sin helhet eller mindre delar, men även inom andra teman.

Hur representeras män respektive kvinnor i historieläromedel för lågstadiet? hur påverkar detta elevers historiemedvetande och identitetsskapande? / How are men and women represented in history textbooks for elementary school? How does this affect students historical consciousness and identity formation?

Ridvall, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Historiebruk i läroböcker : En undersökning om hur historiebruk framställs i historieläroböcker / The Uses of History in Textbooks : An investigation into how the use of history is presented in history textbooks.

Bursell, Linus, Radsten, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of our degree project is to create an understanding of how three history textbooks and the textbook publishers make use of the use of history. The questions that we have started from are: How is the use of history presented in the textbooks? Is the depiction of history use the same between the books? When we were investigating we used the method called text analysis, and we analyzed the textbooks SOL NOVA HISTORIA 9, Utkik historia 7-9 and Fundament historia 7-9. When we have analyzed we have used books on theory by professor of History Klas-Göran Karlsson and professor of social sciences didactics Kenneth Nordgren. The conclusion of our degree project is that the history textbooks seem to have traces of both our theorists but Klas-Göran Karlsson's theory is the one that has more room in comparison to Nordgren. The reason is because the history books' description of different ways of using history is often closer to Karlsson's typology than to Nordgren´s. We can also see this because one of the books has used one of Karlsson's typologies, the moral use of history. An example of a similarity that we have seen between the books is that the use of history is a conscious act that people or groups do in order to achieve their purpose. Another similarity is that the books use similar examples when it comes to using history. An example with a similar theme between the textbooks are on the usage of ancient history such as Alexander the Great and how the use of history has an impact on Macedonian and Greek identity today. An example of a difference between the books, is that the use of history is given different amounts of space. Another example of a difference that we have seen between the books is that one of them has mentioned in its description of the use of history that history can also be used unconsciously. This is interesting because our theorists have described the use of history as a conscious act.

Hur man bevisar historia : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fem läroböcker i historia på gymnasiet och dessa framförande av historiska källor / How to prove history : A Qualitative Content Analysis of Five History Textbooks and Their Presentation of Historical Sources

Tingström, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
A central aspect of Swedish history teaching is to develop one's ability to use history and to develop historical awareness. As a support for the teacher, there are several different textbooks, but the content may differ in terms of both factual knowledge and methods. With this as a starting point and with focus on using history, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how source management can be applied to different historical events and people, as well as how historical awareness can be developed with the help of different thinking tools. The questions that will be answered are which people and events the books cover withthe source management chapters that exist, how source management methods can be applied to this course of events and how historical awareness can be developed through these books.The method that will be used is a qualitative content analysis to analyze and interpret theteaching books. To examine these issues, Peter Seixa's thinking tool guide and Niklas Ammert's learning material theory will be used as the theoretical framework. With the help ofthese, the content must be assimilated to investigate how the development of historical thinking. Based on previous research, there are abilities and knowledge students must develop through history teaching, but how textbooks can be used is not presented to the same extent.

Stadsarkeologi, Förmedling och Skolan : Bortom historieämnets horisont

Dutra Leivas, Ivonne January 2020 (has links)
The title of this licentiate thesis is: Urban contract archaeology, public outreach and schools. Beyond the horizons of history teaching.   The aim of my licentiate thesis is to investigate how educational programs for schools are implemented within the framework of contract archaeology. I study the underlying incentives that motivate public outreach within contract archaeology, who carries out the outreach and what impact educational programs have on schools. My research project also aims to explore how public outreach within contract archaeology can be organized to meet schools´ demand for knowledge and activities. With an interdisciplinary approach, taken from archaeology and educational sciences, the goal is to instigate a dialogue between the scientific community and contract archaeology, as well as between contract archaeology and schools. As a primary goal, midway into in my doctoral degree, I have chosen in this licentiate thesis to study the practices of public outreach on urban excavation sites in Sweden, specifically studying outreach practices towards schools. The research queries in the licentiate thesis are:   What are the purposes and objectives with public outreach in contract archaeology? What are the preconditions for working with public outreach in contract archaeology? How are the practices of public outreach aimed at schools conducted at urban excavation sites? How do educational programs within contract archaeology address the needs and goals of school education?   Based on these queries, I also discuss how contract archaeology in the future can make possible broader collaborations with schools. This serves as an introduction to how archaeo-didactics can evolve bringing together contract archaeology's goals and potential in an educational situation, with the needs and goals of school education.

Bortom läroböckerna: Förstärkning av historieundervisningen genom film : En översikt av forskning om film i historieundervisningen / Beyond textbooks: Enhancing History Education through Film : An overview of research concerning movies in teaching history

A. Malinsdotter, Elin, Nilsson, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
This project is about commercial history use with educational purpose, focused on film and whether it contributes to students' knowledge or can only be seen as an entertaining break in the regular education. This project focused on two types of films, featured films and documentaries. The work process started with an idea of the theme film and got more focused by searching on different keywords to find academic texts. The purpose of this academic text is mainly to investigate the different sides of film as a pedagogical tool, with focus on history education. What does the research say about what challenges exist in using feature films and documentaries in the classroom, as well as what solutions exist to the challenges? And What does the research say about the areas in which feature films and documentaries can be used to strengthen history teaching? are the two questions this overview answers. The method used for this project was a systematic search of different keywords and the project is based on previous research. The results shows that there are challenging aspects that need to be considered when using film in the classroom, for example watching a film can be time consuming. However there are solutions to the majority of the challenges. Other than that there are advantages with using film as a pedagogical tool in the history classroom since films can be used to develop source criticism, historical consciousness and historical empathy. Even the motivation and engagement increases when the students watch films. This text concludes that films can be beneficial if used in the best possible way.

Lokalhistoria som resurs : en studie av lågstadielärares användning av lokalhistoria för att utveckla historiemedvetande. / Local history as a resource : a study of primary teachers´ use of local history to develop history awareness.

Hammar, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of my investigation is to see if and, if so, how teachers for the younger ages work with local history as a resource in history teaching. And if the teachers believe that the use of local history gives a greater historical awareness and makes it easier to remember the knowledge when the teaching becomes closer to the students compared to the more nationally adapted textbook.The focus is on the concepts of historical awareness, time perspective and place identity.The method I used is semi-structured interviews with teachers. I even took part in their planning, how they carried out the teaching and assessed it, based on the teachers' own stories. I have also analyzed the curriculum for the history subject and the textbook used as a basis.The results of the work are linked to previous research results and strengthen the previous theories that concrete teaching where the students are more involved and can relate to their local environment strengthens their awareness of history and gives a greater interest in their own history and in their home village.The survey is important when teachers plan their teaching in the subject of history and can give inspiration to how the teaching can be carried out to increase students' knowledge and commitment to the subject in both a national and a local context.

En interventionsstudie i historieämnet för elever i årskurs 2 / An Intervention Study in History for Pupils in Second Grade

Akhlaqi, Mansoora, Hassoun, Intissar January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekten av två olika undervisningsmetoder, interaktion under högläsning och interaktion efter högläsning, på elevers förståelse av och intresse för historieundervisning. Med utgångspunkt från tidigare forskning om historieundervisning och fördelarna med högläsning, syftar studien till att belysa metodernas roll i elevers lärande och intresse för historia. Genom att analysera och jämföra de två undervisningsmetodernas påverkan på elevers förståelse av historieämnet och deras intresse för ämnet, bidrar studien till förståelsen av hur olika undervisningsmetoder kan påverka elevers lärande och utveckling. Tidigare forskning har betonat vikten av att anpassa historieundervisningen för att möta elevers behov och intressen samt stödja lärare i deras roll som handledare. Genom en interventionsstudie deltog två grupper av elever i högläsningspass om vikingatiden, där en grupp upplevde interaktion under högläsningen och den andra efter. Tester och intervjuer genomfördes för att utvärdera elevernas historiska förståelse och intresse. Resultatet indikerar att eleverna i den interaktiva högläsningsgruppen presterade bättre på tester och visade större intresse för ämnet jämfört med den traditionella högläsningsgruppen. Studien understryker därmed betydelsen av interaktiva undervisningsmetoder för att främja elevers förståelse och intresse för historieundervisning. Slutsatsen är att interaktiv högläsning kan vara en gynnsam metod för att främja elevers förståelse och intresse för historieundervisning.

Läroboksgranskning i Historia : En kritisk granskning av Läroböcker i Historia 1b kursen / Textbook review in History : A critical review of textbooks in the History 1b course

Brinckmann, Michel January 2024 (has links)
Läromedel i alla ämnen måste alltid vara anpassade efter den nuvarande kursplanen. I ämnet historia är läroböcker fortfarande materialet som huvudsakligen används i undervisning. Därför är det viktigt att dessa böcker blir granskade och analyserade efter det centrala innehållet av den aktuella kurs- eller ämnesplanen. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att granska 6 aktuella läroböcker i kursen historia 1b och jämföra dem med den nuvarande kursplanens centrala innehåll. Resultatet visade att alla 6 läroböcker uppfyller de kraven för det centrala innehållet, mer eller mindre utförligt, speciellt med hänsyn till de historieteoretiska begrepp som framförs i historia1b ämnesplanen. Resultatet visar dessutom att författarna av de olika läroböckerna har olika åsikter om vad elever skall lära sig. / Learning materials in all subjects must always be adapted to the current curriculum. In the subject of history, textbooks are still the material mainly used in teaching. Therefore, it is important that these books are reviewed and analyzed according to the central content of the current course or subject plan. The purpose of this essay is to review 6 current textbooks in the history 1b course and compare them with the core content of the current curriculum. The result showed that all 6 textbooks meet the requirements of the central content, more or less extensively, especially with regard to the theoretical concepts of history presented in the history 1b subject plan. The result also shows that the authors of the different textbooks have different opinions about what students should learn.

Historisk verkstad som undervisningsform : Lägerskolan på Stavgard, en fallstudie / Historical workshop as teaching method : Stavgard camp school, a case study

Andersson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken roll de estetiska lärprocesserna i historisk verkstad kan spela för att utveckla elevers historiemedvetande och historiska empati. Detta har undersökts genom att intervjua sex lärare som varit på Stavgards järnålderslägerskola med sina klasser. I undersökningen konstateras att historiska verkstäder är uppskattade bland lärare och elever och att det prioriteras i undervisningen trots att det innebär en stor ekonomisk ansträngning för skolan. De estetiska lärprocesserna representeras på Stavgard genom praktiskt arbete, berättelser och i viss mån drama. Vistelsen på Stavgard skapar en gemensam referensram för lärare och klass, utifrån vilken historiemedvetande byggs under kommande historieundervisning. På lägerskolan lever eleverna järnåldersliv under två dagar och undersökningen visar att eleverna genom att själv få uppleva järnåldersmänniskornas umbäranden utvecklar historisk empati. Utöver detta beskrivs också hur för- och efterarbetet i samband med Stavgardsvistelsen utformas av de olika lärarna. / The aim of this study is to investigate what role the aesthetic learning processes in historical workshops can play in developing students' historical consciousness and historical empathy. This has been investigated by interviewing six teachers who have been at Stavgard iron age camp school with their classes. The survey found that historical workshops are appreciated among teachers and students and that it is a priority in the teaching, even though this means a great financial effort for the school. The aesthetic learning processes are represented at Stavgard through practical work, stories and to some extent drama. The stay at Stavgard creates a common frame of reference for teachers and class, based on which historical consciousness is built during future history teaching. At the camp school, the pupils practice iron age life for two days, and the study shows that the pupils themselves by experiencing the hardship of the Iron Age people develop historical empathy. In addition to this, it is also described how the pre- and post-work in connection with the stay at Stavgard is designed by the different teachers.

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