Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ccc"" "subject:"cacc""
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La diffusion du droit international pénal dans les ordres juridiques africainsNgameni, Herman Blaise 14 October 2014 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, l’Afrique est sans aucun doute la partie du monde la plus affectée par la commission des crimes internationaux les plus graves. Pourtant, depuis des décennies, il existe des mécanismes juridiques visant à sanctionner les responsables des crimes qui heurtent la conscience humaine. Seulement, l’échec relatif de ces mécanismes peut pousser l’observateur à se demander s’il est possible de garantir la diffusion du droit international pénal sur le continent africain. Cette interrogation est loin d’être incongrue, car même si un nombre important d’états africains ont ratifié le Statut de Rome qui organise la répression du génocide, des crimes contre l’humanité, des crimes de guerre et même du crime d’agression, il n’en demeure pas moins que l’application de ce Statut dans les différents ordres juridiques concernés est très souvent compromise. La principale raison à cela c'est que, le droit international pénal ne tient pas forcément compte des particularismes juridiques des états qui ont pourtant la primauté de compétence, en vertu du principe de subsidiarité, pour sanctionner la commission des crimes internationaux selon les règles classiques de dévolution des compétences. De plus, il faut préciser que l’Afrique est le terrain de prédilection du pluralisme juridique qui favorise la juxtaposition de l’ordre juridique moderne et de l’ordre juridique traditionnel. Si le premier est en principe réceptif aux normes internationales pénales, le second qu’il soit musulman ou coutumier avec l’exemple des Gacaca rwandais, repose sur une philosophie juridique différente de celle du droit international pénal. Dans tous les cas, l’articulation du droit international pénal avec les ordres juridiques africains est une des conditions de sa diffusion. Cette articulation pourrait d’ailleurs être favorisée par le dialogue entre les juges nationaux et internationaux qui doivent travailler en bonne intelligence pour édifier un système international pénal ; d’où l’intérêt pour les états africains de favoriser une coopération effective avec les juridictions pénales internationales. Il va sans dire que, tout ceci ne sera possible qu’au sein des régimes politiques démocratiques capables de renoncer aux règles et pratiques juridiques anachroniques pour s’appuyer sur une politique criminelle pouvant favoriser, dans un avenir plus ou moins lointain, un véritable universalisme du droit international pénal. / Today, Africa is undoubtedly part of the world most affected by the commission of the most serious international crimes. Yet for decades, there are legal mechanisms to punish those responsible for crimes that shock the conscience of humanity. But the relative failure of these mechanisms can push the viewer to wonder if it is possible to ensure the dissemination of international criminal law on the African continent. This question is far from being incongruous, because even if a significant number of African states have ratified the Rome Statute that governs the fight against genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression even, the fact remains that the application of the Statute in the different legal systems involved is often compromised. The main reason for this is that international criminal law does not necessarily take into account the legal peculiarities of the states that have yet the primacy of jurisdiction under the subsidiarity principle, to sanction the commission of international crimes by the conventional rules devolution of powers. In addition, it should be noted that Africa is the stomping ground of legal pluralism that promotes juxtaposition of the modern legal system and traditional law. If the first is normally receptive to criminal international standards, the second whether Muslim or customary with the example of the Rwandan Gacaca is based on a different legal philosophy from that of international criminal law. In all cases, the articulation of international criminal law with African legal systems is one of the conditions of release. This link could also be encouraged by the dialogue between national and international judges who must work in harmony to build an international criminal system; hence the need for African states to promote effective cooperation with international criminal courts. It goes without saying that all this will be possible only in democratic political systems which can waive the rules and legal practices anachronistic to press a criminal policy that can promote in a more or less distant future, a true universalism of international criminal law.
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Defining the crime of aggression : cutting the Gordian knot ?Turner, Allison 04 1900 (has links)
Le crime d'agression se veut etre un des quatre crimes internationaux sous la
juridiction de la CPI. Lorsque les delegues a la Conference de Rome n'eurent point
atteint de consensus sur une definition du crime, celui-ci resta, depuis, indefini en
droit. En consequence, la CPI n'aura juridiction pour entendre des causes portant
sur le crime d'agression qu'une fois la definition sera adoptee par l'Assemblee des
Etats Parties au plus tot en 2009.
Ce memoire traite trois problematiques liees au crime d'agression : la question de la
responsabilite penale individuelle, le role du Conseil de securite de l'ONU, et les
parametres du crime en tant que tel. La responsabilite penale individuelle est
analysee, inter alia, du point de vue du principe des sources du droit international.
Quant al'eventuelle implication du Conseil de securite dans le champ de
competence de la CPI sur le crime d'agression, l'auteure soutient tel que suit: Si le
Conseil de securite se voit accorde un pouvoir plus large que celui dont il est
presentement dote en vertu des articles 13(b) et 16 du Statut de Rome, chaque
membre permanent aura un veto sur toute situation d'agression qui serait autrement
portee devant la Cour. Ceci aura pour consequence de politiser la CPI en ce qui a
trait au crime et rendra hypothethique toute definition eventuelle. Si la definition est
bien con9ue et redigee, on fait valoir, qu'il n' est point necessaire de limiter
davantage la competence de la CPI. Les parametres de la definition du crime
proposes par l'auteure sont etablis selon les conclusions d'une analyse des notions
composantes de l'agression. L'essentiel du concept se veut un recours illegal et
non-necessaire qui constitue une rupture ala paix. Amoins qu'il ne soit exerce en
« legitime defence» ou en vertu d'un mandat du Chapitre VII, Ie recours ala force
constitue prima facie une agression et s'il est suffisamment grave, il s'agira d'un
crime d'agression. Ce memoire termine avec un projet de definition du crime
d'agression en vue d'avancer Ie discours vers un consensus sur ces problematiques
majeures. Non seulement est-il possible d'arriver aun consensus sur la definition,
croit l'auteure, mais nous sommes plus que jamais al'aube d'y parvenir. / The crime of aggression is one of the four international crimes under the jurisdiction
of the ICC. When delegates at the Rome Conference were unable to agree on the content of a definition, the crime was left undefined. As a result, the ICC can only
begin prosecuting individuals for the crime of aggression once a definition is
adopted by the Assembly of States Parties in 2009, at the earliest.
This thesis examines three issues associated with the crime of aggression: the
question of individual criminal responsibility, the role of the UN Security Council
and the general scope of the definition of the crime of aggression itself Individual
criminal liability is reviewed, inter alia, from the perspective of international
sources doctrine. Regarding the role of the Security Council in relation to the crime
of aggression, the author concludes: if the Security Council is vested with more
powers than it already has under Articles 13(b) and 16 of the Rome Statute, each
permanent member will have a veto over any situation of aggression that might
otherwise be brought before the Court. This would result in a complete
politicization of the ICC and render moot any future definition of the crime of
aggression. If a definition for the crime of aggression is properly conceived and
constructed, it is argued, there is no need to further limit the Court's exercise of
jurisdiction. The author proposes general parameters for the scope ofthe definition
based on conclusions reached in the analysis of the conceptual components of
aggression. At its essence, the act of aggression is the unnecessary, unlawful use of
force which constitutes a breach ofthe peace. Unless employed in "self-defence" or
under a Chapter VII mandate, the use offorce constitutes prima facie an act of
aggression, and if it is sufficiently grave, a crime ofaggression. This thesis
concludes with a working definition ofthe crime of aggression to promote dialogue
and ultimately a consensus on these core issues. Not only is a definition is within
reach, the author believes, we are closer to it than we ever have been before. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. en Maîtrise en droit Option recherche"
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La lettre de crédit commerciale : facilité de crédit désuète ou incomprise ?Béland, Marie-France 03 1900 (has links)
Plus de soixante-quinze ans après la création des Règles et usances uniformes relatives aux crédits documentaires par la Chambre de commerce internationale, pouvons-nous parler d'un véritable succès international de la lettre de crédit commerciale à titre d'instrument de paiement fiable et sécuritaire ? Nonobstant sa triple finalité et l'application formaliste de ses principes d'incessibilité, de stricte conformité et de double autonomie qui ont su, au cours des années, répondre aux besoins résultant de l'évolution du commerce international, il nous semble utopique de parler d'un tel succès. Mais pourquoi ? Confrontées aux réglementations nationales ainsi qu'aux pratiques nationalistes et protectionnistes des états qui ont pourtant adhéré aux Règles et usances relatives aux crédits documentaires, la malléabilité de ces règles semble avoir dénaturé la lettre de crédit commerciale de ses principaux attributs. À cet égard, nous pouvons nous demander si la lettre de crédit commerciale est une facilité de crédit désuète ou incomprise ? La présente thèse est le fruit de maintes réflexions sur les problèmes liés à l'application et l'interprétation de la lettre de crédit commerciale à titre d'instrument international et plus particulièrement sur les lacunes des Règles et usances uniformes relatives aux crédits documentaires. / More than seventy-five years after the creation of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits by the International Chamber of Commerce, can we talk about a true international success of the commercial letter of credit as a reliable and secured instrument of payment? Notwithstanding its triple functions and the formalistic application of its principles of non-assignability, of strict compliance and of dual autonomy, which have answered the needs resulting from the evolution of international commerce, it seems unrealistic to talk about such success. But why? Confronted with the national regulations as well as nationalist and protectionist practices of the states which have nevertheless ratified the Uniform Customs and
Practice for Documentary Credits, the malleability of those rules seems to have been misrepresented of the principal attributes of the commercial letter of credit. ln that respect, we can ask ourselves if the commercial letter of credit is an outdated or misunderstood credit facility? The present thesis is the fruit of many reflections on the problems linked with the application and the interpretation of the commercial letter of credit as an international instrument of payment and more particularly, on the gaps of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits.
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信用狀統一慣例UCP 600相關問題之研究-以定義解釋及單據條款為中心 / Studies on issues related to UCP 600 - Focusing on the articles regarding the definitions, interpretations, and documents馬翠吟 Unknown Date (has links)
國際貿易實務上,「信用狀」係往來銀行提供信用狀擔保付款之模式,確保跨國貿易之順利完成、加速貿易進行,為當今世界重要付款方式。「信用狀統一慣例(UCP)」係國際商會(ICC)制定之信用狀交易實務慣例,自1933年首次頒布以來,目前已成為全世界公認遵行之信用狀標準處理方針。2007年,國際商會公佈最新修訂版本之第600號出版物“UCP 600”,明定因應銀行及航運實務發展、檢討UCP 500之規範文字及語體、抑制銀行拒絕付款率等為主要修訂目標。
鑑於UCP 600對於未來國際貿易發展之影響力,實有全面且深入研究UCP 600條款內容及規範目的之必要。本文以UCP 600新增定義解釋條款、審查單據條款、及運送單據條款為研究主題,透過闡釋條文涵義、比較與UCP 500之差異、探究新條款影響、檢討修訂目標之成效等,俾使信用狀當事人及相關銀行正確理解及適用UCP 600條款內容。
本文首先介紹信用狀之特性、經濟功能及信用狀統一慣例之定位適用等基本概念;其次從文義解釋、法律性質及當事人間法律關係等觀點切入,闡釋UCP 600本次新增之定義及解釋條款;並研究銀行實務最常發生爭議之審查單據程序,詳盡分析UCP 600規定之審單標準、符合提示、拒付瑕疵單據等重要條款。此外,本文探討UCP 600所規定國際航運常見之提單、多式運送單據、不可轉讓海運單及傭船提單等運送單據條款。最後,本文針對UCP 600條款之重要修訂內容予以彙整,嘗試提出該等條款之修正趨勢及未來發展。 / In international trade practice, “letter of credit”which is the most important type of payment in the world is the means of settlement that an issuing bank independently undertake to honour a complying presentation , and that ensures international trade to successfully completed, and speeded up the transactions.“ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit(UCP)”is the rules of international letter of credit practice promulgated by the Commission on Banking Technique and Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC).The 2007 Revision, UCP 600, is the latest of a series of revisions of these ICC rules that date from 1933 and have in their evolution become the universal norm for commercial letter of credit. The introduction of UCP 600 expressly indicated the main revised objective was to address developments in banking and transport industries, to look at the language and style used in UCP 500, and to reduce the rejections of the documents presented under letter of credit.
In consideration of the influence of UCP 600 for the development of international trade in the future, it was necessary to generally and deeply research the clauses and provisions of UCP 600 and the revised objective. This paper’s research subjects include the formal definitions and interpretations of UCP 600, the provision regarding examination of documents, and the provisions regarding transport documents. In order to make the parties of letter of credit and the relevant banks correctly understand and apply the UCP 600 clauses, this paper interprets the meaning of UCP 600 clauses, compares the differences between UCP 600 and UCP 500, analyses the influence of new provisions, and look at the achievements of this revision.
This paper first introduces the fundamental concepts
included the characteristic of letter of credit, the economic functions of letter of credit, and the position and application of UCP 600.The second part is to discuss the formal definitions and interpretations that UCP 600 new formulated from the perspectives of language interpretation, quality of law, and the law relationship of the parties. Then this paper discusses the rules for the examination of documents that most controversial in banking industries, and analyses the important provisions regarding standard for examination of documents, complying presentation, and rejection of discrepant documents. Moreover, this paper is referring to the general transport documents clauses stipulated in UCP 600, including bill of lading, multimodal transport document, non-negotiable sea waybill, and charter party bill of lading. Finally, this paper synthesizes the significant revised provisions, and recommends several suggestions about modifying the relevant provisions in UCP 600 and development in the future.
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Comportamento das variáveis ventilatórias, cardiocirculatórias e metabólicas de homens saudáveis e com disfunções cardiorrespiratórias crônicas em repouso e durante o exercício físico dinâmicoReis, Michel Silva 07 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-07 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) present significant exertional dyspnea. The peripheral muscle dysfunction appears to be the greatest impact on the inability to perform physical exercise. Additionally, there is respiratory muscle weakness caused by a limited supply of O2 and alteration of mechanical ventilation. In this context, in order to better understand the manifestations of these disorders and to establish management strategies, we have proposed the development of three studies. The first study was entitled Deep breathing heart rate variability is associated with respiratory muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the influence of respiratory muscle strength on autonomic control of heart rate variability (HRV) in these patients. Ten COPD patients (69±9 years; forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) 59±12% and FEV1 41±11% predicted) and nine age-matched healthy male volunteers (64±5 years) participated in this study. The maximal inspiratory pressure was obtained in the sitting position. Then, electrocardiography signal was obtained in three conditions: 1) lying position for 15 min; 2) lying position during the respiratory sinusal arrhythmia maneuver (RSA-M) for 4 min; and 3) sitting position for 15 min. Data was analyzed by the time (RMSSD and SDNN indexes) and the frequency domains, in total power, low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) absolute (ab) and normalized (nu) units and LF/HF ratio. Regarding the RSA-M indexes, the expiratory/inspiratory ratio (E/I) and the inspiratory/expiratory difference (ΔIE) were calculated. The patients with COPD demonstrated significantly impaired cardiac autonomic modulation at rest and during RSA-M when compared with healthy subjects (ratio E/I: 1.1±0.06 vs. 1.2±0.1 e ΔIE: 7.0±3.5 vs 12.7±4.2, respectively). Moreover, significant and positive correlations between maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the inspiratory-expiratory difference (ΔIE) (r = 0.60, p<0.01) were found. In conclusion, patients with COPD presented impaired sympathetic-vagal balance at rest and during RSA-M. In addition, cardiac autonomic control of heart rate was associated with inspiratory muscle weakness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Based on this evidence, future research applications of respiratory muscle training may bring to light a potentially valuable target for rehabilitation. The second study was entitled to Deep breathing heart rate variability xviii is able to reflect the respiratory muscle weakness in chronic heart failure . The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the influence of respiratory muscle strength on autonomic control in these patients. Ten CHF (62 ± 7 years left ventricle eject fraction of 40 ± 5% and NYHA class I-III) and nine matched-age healthy volunteers (64±5 years) participated in this study. Heart rate variability (HRV) was obtained at rest and during RSA-M by electrocardiograph (as previously described). CHF patients demonstrated impaired cardiac autonomic modulation at rest and during RSA-M when compared with healthy subjects (p<0.05). Moreover, significant and positive correlations between MIP and IE-differences (r: 0.79), E/I ratio (r: 0.83), RMSSD (r: 0.77), SDNN (r: 0.77), LFab (r: 0.77), HFab (r: 0.70) were found during RSA-M. At rest, significant correlations were also found. Patients with CHF presented impaired sympathetic-vagal balance at rest. In addition, cardiac autonomic control of heart rate was associated with inspiratory muscle weakness in CHF. Based on this evidence, recommendations for future research applications of respiratory muscle training can bring to light a potentially valuable target for rehabilitation. Finally, the third study: "Behavior of heart rate on determination of anaerobic threshold in healthy men: comparison with cardiopulmonary exercise testing and near-infrared spectroscopy" aimed to identify the anaerobic threshold (AT) obtained from the V-slope method , visual method on oxihemoglobin (O2Hb) and deoxihemoglobin (HHb) and compare the method with heteroscedastic (HS) applied to VCO2, HR and HHb data. Secondly, to assess the degree of agreement between the methods for determination of AT. Fourteen healthy men were subjected to incremental cardiopulmonary test (CPT) in the electromagnetic cycle-ergometer until physical exhaustion. At the same time they obtained the following biological signals: (i) ventilatory and metabolic variables - a breath to breath - measured by the Cardio2 System (Medical Graphics Corporation, St. Paul, MO, USAI), (ii) spectroscopy, quasiinfrared rays - NIRS (NIRO 300 - Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan), and (iii) heart rate through cardiofrequencymeter (Polar S810i). We observed temporal equivalence and similar values of power (W), absolute O2 consumption (mL/min) and relative O2 consumption (mL/kg/min) and HR (bpm) on determination of AT by the methods performed. In addition, by the Bland-Altman plot, HR (bpm) confirmed the good agreement between the methods with biases between -1.3 and 3.5. In conclusion: (i) all methods were sensitive in identifying the AT1, including the HS applied to FC, and (ii) the methods showed a good correlation in the identification of AT1. Thus the xix results support the FC, a methodology that is simple and economically feasible, seems to be a valid parameter in determining the AT of the individuals in our study. Therefore it remains to be clarified if these results can be replicated in patients with chronic cardiopulmonary disorders, contributing in safe, individualized and adequate prescribing physical exercise in rehabilitation programs. / Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica (ICC) e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) apresentam significativa dispnéia exercional. A disfunção muscular periférica parece ser a causa de maior impacto na incapacidade de realização de exercício físico. Adicionalmente, pode coexistir a fraqueza muscular respiratória provocada pela limitada oferta de O2 e a alteração da mecânica ventilatória. Neste contexto, com intenção de compreender melhor as manifestações dessas disfunções e estabelecer estratégias de manejo, foi proposto o desenvolvimento de três estudos. O primeiro intitulado por Deep breathing heart rate variability is associated with respiratory muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease teve como objetivo, avaliar a influência da fraqueza muscular inspiratória sobre a o controle autonômico da frequência cardíaca (FC) de homens com DPOC. Foram estudados 10 pacientes (69±9 anos; FEV1/FVC 59±12% and FEV1 41±11% do predito) e 9 homens saudáveis (64±5 anos). Na posição sentada, foi medida a pressão inspiratória máxima (PIMax) dos voluntários. Na sequência, em repouso, o sinal eletrocardiográfico foi obtido em três situações: 1) 15 min na posição supina; 2) quatro min durante a manobra de acentuação da arritmia sinusal respiratória (MASR) na posição supina; e 3) 15 min na posição sentada. Os dados foram analisados no domínio do tempo (índices RMSSD e SDNN) e da freqüência, pela densidade espectral total (DET), bandas de baixa (BF) e alta freqüências (AF) - absolutas (ab) e normalizadas (un), e a razão BF/AF. Durante M-ASR foram calculadas a razão expiração/inspiração (E/I) e a diferença inspiração/expiração (ΔIE). Os pacientes com DPOC apresentaram valores significativamente menores da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) quando comparados ao grupo controle em repouso e durante a M-ASR (razão E/I: 1,1±0,06 vs. 1,2±0,1 e ΔIE: 7,0±3,5 vs 12,7±4,2, respectivamente). Adicionalmente, foi observado correlação positiva entre PIMax e ΔIE (r = 0.60, p<0.01). Em conclusão: (i) pacientes com DPOC apresentam prejuízos da modulação autonômica da FC em repouso e durante a M-ASR; e (ii) a fraqueza muscular inspiratória parece influenciar no desbalanço simpato-vagal desses pacientes. Em similaridade, no segundo estudo, intitulado com Deep breathing heart rate variability is able to reflect the respiratory muscle weakness in chronic heart failure o objetivo foi avaliar a influência da PIMax no controle autonômico da FC de pacientes com ICC. Foram estudados 10 pacientes com ICC xv (62±7 anos Fração de Ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo de 40 ± 5% e classificação IIII da NYHA). Seguindo a metodologia descrita no estudo anterior, os resultados mostraram que os pacientes com ICC também apresentaram menores valores da VFC em repouso e durante a M-ASR e correlações positivas e significativas entre PIMax e diferença expiração-inspiração (r: 0,79), razão expiração/inspiração (r: 0,83), RMSSD (r: 0,77), SDNN (r: 0,77), BF (r: 0,77), AF (r: 0,70). Em conclusão: (i) pacientes com ICC apresentam prejuízos da modulação autonômica da FC em repouso e durante a M-ASR; e (ii) a fraqueza muscular inspiratória parece influenciar no desbalanço simpato-vagal desses pacientes. Por fim, o terceiro estudo: Comportamento da frequência cardíaca na determinação do limiar de anaerobiose em homens saudáveis: análise comparativa com o teste cardiopulmonar e a espectroscopia por raios quasi-infravermelhos objetivou identificar do limiar de anaerobiose (LA) obtido pelo método padrão-ouro, método visual pelo comportamento da oxihemoglobina (O2Hb) e deoxihemoglobina (HHb) e comparar com o método heteroscedástico (HS) aplicado aos dados de VCO2, HHb e da FC. Secundariamente, avaliar o grau de concordância entre os métodos de determinação do limiar de LA. Quatorze homens saudáveis foram submetidos ao teste cardiopulmonar (TCP) incremental em cicloergômetro de frenagem eletromagnética até a exaustão física. Concomitantemente foram obtidos os seguintes sinais biológicos: (i) variáveis ventilatórias e metabólicas respiração a respiração - medida pelo sistema CardiO2 System (Medical Graphics Corporation, St. Paul, MO, USAi); (ii) espectroscopia por raios quasi-infravermelhos - NIRS (NIRO 300 Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan); e (iii) frequência cardíaca por meio do cardiofreqüencímetro (Polar S810i). Foram observadas equivalências temporais e das variáveis potência (W), consumo de O2 absoluto (mL/min) e relativo (mL/kg/min) e FC (bpm) na determinação do LA pelos métodos empregados. Em adição, pela análise de Bland-Altman, a FC (bpm) confirmou a boa concordância entre os médotos com viéses entre -1,3 e 3,5. Em conclusão: (i) todos os métodos mostraram-se sensíveis na identificação do LA1, inclusive o HS aplicado a FC; e (ii) os médotos apresentaram boa correlação na identificação do LA1. Assim os resultados suportam que a FC, uma metodologia mais simples e economicamente viável, parece ser um parâmetro válido na determinação do LA dos indivíduos do nosso estudo. Agora, basta saber se estes resultados podem ser replicados em pacientes com disfunções cardiorrespiratórias crônicas, contribuíndo na prescrição xvi segura, individualizada e adequada de exercício físico em programas de reabilitação.
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Modulação autonômica da freqüência cardíaca de homens saudáveis e pacientes com disfunções cardiorrespiratórias crônicasReis, Michel Silva 26 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:19:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-26 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The changes on the heart rate sympathetic-vagal balance caused to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic heart failure, as well as, the hemodynamics change induced by the non-invasive ventilation were unclear. In this context, we proposed to develop two studies. The first study was titled by The heart rate autonomic control in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure patients on the rest and during the respiratory sinusal arrhythmia maneuver . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the heart rate (HR) autonomic modulation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients as well as chronic heart failure (CHF) patients on the rest as well as during the respiratory sinus arrhythmia maneuver (M-RSA); and to correlation the HR autonomic modulation and seriousness levels of both pathologies. Twenty-seven male volunteers were subdivided in three groups: ten presented COPD (69±9 years); seven presented CHF (62±8 years) and; ten were healthy with 64±5 year-old (control). When resting, the three groups electrocardiography signal was obtained in three conditions: 1) lying position for 15 min; 2) lying position during the M-RSA for 4 min; and 3) sitting position for 15 min. The data was analyzed by the time (RMSSD and SDNN indexes) and the frequency domain, in total power, low frequency, high frequency absolute (ab) and normalized (nu) units and LF/HF ratio. Regarding the M-RSA indexes, the expiratory/inspiratory ratio (E/I) and the inspiratory/expiratory difference (∆IE) were calculated. The main results showed that the CHF and the COPD patients presented lower E/I ratio values (0,03±0,01 vs 0,09±0,04 e 0,04±0,02 vs 0,09±0,04) and ∆I/E values (0,67±0,13 vs 1,09±0,13 e 0,81±0,20 vs 1,09±0,13), when compared to control group. Strong correlations were observed between the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and the RMSSD (r=-0,73) and between the FEV1 and the BF absolute (r=-0,71) in the COPD patients. At same, strong correlations were observed between the ejecting fraction and the RMSSD (r=0,83) in CHF patients. Concluding, the results of this study suggest that both, the COPD and the CHF patients, presented parasympathetic activity reduction and there is a relation between the seriousness levels of both pathologies and the HR autonomic activity. The second study was titled to The acute effects of the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in the heart rate autonomic control of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure patients . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute continuous positive pressure airway over the heart rate (HR) autonomic control and the respiratory variables behavior in COPD as well as CHF patients. Twenty-eight male volunteers were sub-divided in three groups: ten presented COPD (69±9 years); eight presented CHF (62±8 years) and; ten were healthy with 64±5 year-old (control). The electrocardiography signal was obtained for 10 min in the sitting position with spontaneous breath (SB) and following randomly conditions: CPAP Sham, CPAP 5, and CPAP 10 cmH2O. Additionally, the breath rate, the endtidal of carbon dioxide, and the peripheral oxygen saturation were obtained. The HR and it variability data were analyzed by the time and the frequency domain, in according with previous describe. The main results showed that the ETCO2 reduced in all groups during the CPAP application. COPD group were significantly lower values of the RMSSD index in the Sham (1.06), CPAP 5 (1.08), and CPAP 10 (1,01) than SB (1,22). In addition, they presented increased in the LFnu (1.60 vs 1.82) and decreased in the HFab (1.90 vs 1.55) from the SB to CPAP 10. The CHF group RMSSD index and TP increased to SB (1.31 and 2.62) to CPAP 5 (1.44 and 2.87) and the CPAP 10 (1.48 and 2.97), respectively. Concluding, the CPAP caused modification in the HR autonomic control and improvement in the alveolar ventilation of COPD, CHF patients and healthy individuals. / As modificações do balanço simpato-vagal da freqüência cardíaca (FC) provocadas com o curso da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e da insuficiência cardíaca crônica (ICC), bem como, as que ocorrem em função dos ajustes hemodinâmicos induzidos pela aplicação da ventilação não invasiva são bastante contraditórias. Neste contexto, propusemos o desenvolvimento de dois estudos que poderiam contribuir com novas informações. O primeiro intitulado por Controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou insuficiência cardíaca crônica em repouso e durante a manobra de acentuação arritmia sinusal respiratória teve por objetivos avaliar o controle autonômico da FC de pacientes com DPOC ou ICC em repouso e durante uma manobra de acentuação da arritmia sinusal respiratória (M-ASR), bem como, relacionar a atividade autonômica da FC com a gravidade das patologias. Vinte e sete voluntários do sexo masculino foram subdivididos em três grupos: 10 com DPOC (GD) e 69±9 anos; 7 com ICC (GI) e 62±8 anos; e 10 saudáveis (GC) com 64±5 anos. Em repouso, o sinal eletrocardiográfico foi obtido em três situações: 1) 15 min na posição supina; 2) 4 min durante M-ASR na posição supina; e 3) 15 min na posição sentada. Os dados foram analisados no domínio do tempo (índices RMSSD e SDNN) e da freqüência, pela densidade espectral total (DET), bandas de baixa (BF) e alta freqüências (AF) - absolutas (ab) e normalizadas (un), e a razão BF/AF. Durante M-ASR foram calculadas a razão expiração/inspiração (E/I) e a diferença inspiração/expiração (∆IE). Os principais resultados em logaritmos decimais (média±desvio-padrão) mostraram que os pacientes com ICC e DPOC apresentaram menor razão E/I (0,03±0,01 vs 0,09±0,04 e 0,04±0,02 vs 0,09±0,04) e ∆IE (0,67±0,13 vs 1,09±0,13 e 0,81±0,20 vs 1,09±0,13), respectivamente, comparados ao GC durante a M-ASR. Correlações fortes foram observadas entre volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo com o RMSSD (r=-0,73) e com a BF absoluta (r=-0,71) nos pacientes com DPOC; e entre fração de ejeção e o RMSSD (r=0,83) nos pacientes com ICC. Em conclusão, os resultados sugerem que tanto a DPOC como a ICC levam a redução da atividade parassimpática e que a gravidade de ambas está relacionada com o controle autonômico da FC. O segundo estudo com o titulo: Efeitos da aplicação aguda da pressão positiva continua nas vias aéreas sobre o controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou insuficiência cardíaca crônica , objetivou avaliar o efeito agudo da pressão positiva continua nas vias aéreas (CPAP) sobre o controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca (FC) e o comportamento de variáveis respiratórias de pacientes com DPOC ou ICC. 28 homens foram subdivididos em três grupos: 10 com DPOC (GD) e 69±9 anos; 8 com ICC (GI) e 62±8 anos; e 10 saudáveis (GC) com 64±5 anos. O sinal eletrocardiográfico foi obtido por 10 min na posição sentada com respiração espontânea (RE) e randomicamente nas condições: CPAP sham, CPAP 5 e CPAP 10 cmH2O. Adicionalmente, foram obtidos os valores da freqüência respiratória, o volume de dióxido de carbono no final da expiração (ETCO2) e a saturação periférica de oxigênio. A FC e sua variabilidade foram analisadas no domínio do tempo e da freqüência, conforme descrito anteriormente. Os principais resultados mostraram que o ETCO2 reduziu em todos os grupos durante a aplicação da CPAP. O GD apresentou menores valores do RMSSD durante a CPAP sham (1,06), 5 (1,08) e 10 (1,01) em comparação a RE (1,22), bem como, aumento da BFun (1,60 vs 1,82) e redução da AFab (1,90 vs 1,55) da RE para a CPAP 10. No GI, o SDNN e a DET aumentaram da condição de RE (1,31 e 2,62) para CPAP 5 (1,44 e 2,87) e 10 (1.48 e 2,97), respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que a CPAP melhorou a ventilação alveolar e provocou atenuação da atividade simpática sobre a FC de pacientes com ICC, bem como redução do tônus vagal de pacientes com DPOC.
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La recevabilité des actions devant la Cour pénale internationaleDoëns, Christine 25 November 2011 (has links)
La recevabilité est le cœur de la procédure judiciaire. Elle permet d’étudier la pénalisation de la vie internationale. Elle semble pouvoir rendre compte de la réponse judiciaire à la rancœur internationale au regard des grands faits criminels ; quel qu’en fut le territoire de commission.Cette thèse porte sur la notion de recevabilité devant la Cour pénale internationale. Avec la création de la CPI, la justice pénale internationale prend une dimension nouvelle. La pratique de la Cour est encore récente. L’étude est le prétexte pour examiner le fonctionnement de la Cour pénale internationale. Les Etats ont tenté de limiter la capacité de recevoir de la Cour. Ils l’ont ainsi fondée sur le principe de la complémentarité. Elle supplée l’inaction ou l’action défaillante des Etats, qui ont le devoir de poursuivre les auteurs de crimes internationaux. L’article 17 du Statut de Rome énonce les exceptions permettant de déclarer une affaire recevable devant la CPI. Ainsi, la recevabilité d’une affaire ayant fait l’objet d’une enquête ne sera retenue que s’il est prouvé que les Etats n’ont pas l’intention de mener véritablement à bien les poursuites. Et, que par ailleurs, le seuil de gravité de l’affaire est atteint. Le caractère universel de la compétence de la CPI est battu en brèche par les conditions de recevabilité. On analyse la recevabilité comme une condition de compétence à juste titre, car c’est bien le manquement de l’Etat à assurer l’effectivité des poursuites qui justifie que l’affaire soit déclarée, par la Cour elle-même, recevable. Les conditions requises pour que la Cour puisse agir, force est de constater l’implication du système de recevabilité tant sur l’organisation de la Cour que sur ses rapports avec les Etats. Celles-ci ne sont pas négligeables. De fait, le système de recevabilité est amené à évoluer. Il se caractérise par sa capacité à influencer le droit interne. Ainsi, la décision de recevoir doit amener les Etats à adapter leur droit interne. La viabilité de la Cour, à long terme, dépend du maintien d’une synergie de coopération avec les juridictions nationales, des États parties et d'autres Etats. Le système de recevabilité tend à mettre en évidence des indicateurs émergents dans la pratique de la Cour pénale internationale. C’est notamment le réalignement frappant des rôles des acteurs internationaux et la relation nouvelle qui s’instaure entre les Etats et la Cour. Le système de recevabilité de la Cour tend à éroder le principe de la souveraineté de l'Etat, sans être elle-même balayée par l'opposition catégorique des Etats souverains. / Admissibility is the heart of the judicial process. It studies the criminalization of international life. It seems to account for the judicial response to the international resentment against the great criminal acts, whatever was the territory of commission.This thesis deals with the notion of admissibility before the ICC. With the creation of the ICC, International Criminal Justice is a new dimension. The practice of the Court is still new. The study is an excuse to investigate the operation of the ICC. States have tried to limit the ability to receive from the Court. They did so based on the principle of complementarity. It compensates the action or inaction of failing states, which have a duty to prosecute international crimes. Article 17 RS sets out exceptions to declare a case admissible before the ICC. Thus, the admissibility of a case which is the subject of an investigation will be accepted only, if it is shown that States did not intend genuinely to carry out prosecutions. And that furthermore, the threshold of gravity of a case is reached. The universal nature of the jurisdiction of the ICC is undermined by the conditions of admissibility. Analyzing the admissibility of competence as a condition rightly, for it is the failure of the state to ensure effective prosecution to justify that the case will be declared by the Court itself, admissible. The requirements for the Court to act, it is clear involvement of the system of admissibility as on the organization of the Court that its relationship with the United States. These are not insignificant. In fact, the system will evolve admissibility. It is characterized by its ability to influence the law. Thus, the decision to receive should encourage States to adapt their domestic law. The viability of the Court, in the long run depends on maintaining a synergy of cooperation with national courts of States Parties and other States. The system of admissibility tends to highlight indicators emerging in the practice of the International Criminal Court. This is especially striking realignment of the roles of international actors and the new relationship established between the States and the Court. The system of admissibility of the Court tends to erode the principle of state sovereignty, without itself being swept by the opposition of sovereign states.
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Algoritmy přepočtů gamutů ve správě barev / Gamut mapping algorithms in color managementSvoboda, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with colors - their representation in digital devices and how to provide the best color preservation accross different devices. In the first part of the work, the knowledge of colors and human vision is briefly summarized. Then color models and color spaces are elaborated, mainly those device independent. Spectrum of colors viewable or printable on a device - the gamut - is different for every device and there's a need of precise reproduction or record of color. That's why the system of color management is described further and especially the gamut mapping approaches and algorithms are mentioned. In the second part of the work, the implementation of how two algorithms of color gamut mapping (HPMINDE, SCLIP) can be implemented in MATLAB is described. In the third and last part of the work, the results of implemented algorithms are presented and discussed. These results are compared to results of commonly used color gamut mapping technique (Adobe Photoshop).
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THE CRIMINALISATION OF NGO-LED SAR OPERATIONS : A Contributing Factor Towards Crimes Against Humanity Against Migrants in LibyaKaur, Maanpreet January 2023 (has links)
In the perilous waters of the Mediterranean Sea, migrants find themselves facing limited choices when in distress. Their options are stark: either to rely on the lifesaving efforts of Non- Governmental Organisations (NGO) aid workers conducting Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations, to be intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) and subsequently detained in Libya where their human rights are gravely violated, or to face the tragic fate of perishing at sea. Unfortunately, the criminalisation of SAR Operations, spearheaded by NGO aid workers, hinders the rescue of migrants, thereby exacerbating the risks they face and leaving them vulnerable to interception by the LCG. This interception, as argued in this thesis, inevitably leads to the perpetration of Crimes Against Humanity (CAH) against these vulnerable migrants. This thesis sheds light on the issue of Italy’s increasing criminalisation and vilification of humanitarian aid workers engaged in SAR missions in the Mediterranean Sea. It critically examines the consequences of such criminalisation on the lives and rights of migrants, exploring the complex dynamics between SAR Operations, interception by the LCG, and the commission of CAH. Drawing upon a comprehensive lens of interpretation that integrates legal analysis, human rights principles, and the international legal framework, this study concludes that criminalisation of SAR operations is indeed a contributing factor towards the CAH faced by migrants in Libya. Moreover, it identifies the potential liability of Italian State Officials (ISO) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for their role in enacting legislations that effectively criminalises SAR operations.
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Defining the crime of aggression : cutting the Gordian knot ?Turner, Allison 04 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. en Maîtrise en droit Option recherche" / Le crime d'agression se veut etre un des quatre crimes internationaux sous la
juridiction de la CPI. Lorsque les delegues a la Conference de Rome n'eurent point
atteint de consensus sur une definition du crime, celui-ci resta, depuis, indefini en
droit. En consequence, la CPI n'aura juridiction pour entendre des causes portant
sur le crime d'agression qu'une fois la definition sera adoptee par l'Assemblee des
Etats Parties au plus tot en 2009.
Ce memoire traite trois problematiques liees au crime d'agression : la question de la
responsabilite penale individuelle, le role du Conseil de securite de l'ONU, et les
parametres du crime en tant que tel. La responsabilite penale individuelle est
analysee, inter alia, du point de vue du principe des sources du droit international.
Quant al'eventuelle implication du Conseil de securite dans le champ de
competence de la CPI sur le crime d'agression, l'auteure soutient tel que suit: Si le
Conseil de securite se voit accorde un pouvoir plus large que celui dont il est
presentement dote en vertu des articles 13(b) et 16 du Statut de Rome, chaque
membre permanent aura un veto sur toute situation d'agression qui serait autrement
portee devant la Cour. Ceci aura pour consequence de politiser la CPI en ce qui a
trait au crime et rendra hypothethique toute definition eventuelle. Si la definition est
bien con9ue et redigee, on fait valoir, qu'il n' est point necessaire de limiter
davantage la competence de la CPI. Les parametres de la definition du crime
proposes par l'auteure sont etablis selon les conclusions d'une analyse des notions
composantes de l'agression. L'essentiel du concept se veut un recours illegal et
non-necessaire qui constitue une rupture ala paix. Amoins qu'il ne soit exerce en
« legitime defence» ou en vertu d'un mandat du Chapitre VII, Ie recours ala force
constitue prima facie une agression et s'il est suffisamment grave, il s'agira d'un
crime d'agression. Ce memoire termine avec un projet de definition du crime
d'agression en vue d'avancer Ie discours vers un consensus sur ces problematiques
majeures. Non seulement est-il possible d'arriver aun consensus sur la definition,
croit l'auteure, mais nous sommes plus que jamais al'aube d'y parvenir. / The crime of aggression is one of the four international crimes under the jurisdiction
of the ICC. When delegates at the Rome Conference were unable to agree on the content of a definition, the crime was left undefined. As a result, the ICC can only
begin prosecuting individuals for the crime of aggression once a definition is
adopted by the Assembly of States Parties in 2009, at the earliest.
This thesis examines three issues associated with the crime of aggression: the
question of individual criminal responsibility, the role of the UN Security Council
and the general scope of the definition of the crime of aggression itself Individual
criminal liability is reviewed, inter alia, from the perspective of international
sources doctrine. Regarding the role of the Security Council in relation to the crime
of aggression, the author concludes: if the Security Council is vested with more
powers than it already has under Articles 13(b) and 16 of the Rome Statute, each
permanent member will have a veto over any situation of aggression that might
otherwise be brought before the Court. This would result in a complete
politicization of the ICC and render moot any future definition of the crime of
aggression. If a definition for the crime of aggression is properly conceived and
constructed, it is argued, there is no need to further limit the Court's exercise of
jurisdiction. The author proposes general parameters for the scope ofthe definition
based on conclusions reached in the analysis of the conceptual components of
aggression. At its essence, the act of aggression is the unnecessary, unlawful use of
force which constitutes a breach ofthe peace. Unless employed in "self-defence" or
under a Chapter VII mandate, the use offorce constitutes prima facie an act of
aggression, and if it is sufficiently grave, a crime ofaggression. This thesis
concludes with a working definition ofthe crime of aggression to promote dialogue
and ultimately a consensus on these core issues. Not only is a definition is within
reach, the author believes, we are closer to it than we ever have been before.
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