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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Управление рисками участников гражданского оборота при оказании интернет-услуг : магистерская диссертация / Risk management of civil traffic participants when providing internet services

Машковцев, Д. С., Mashkovtsev, D. S. January 2019 (has links)
Master's work consists of 100 pages, 97 bibliographic lists are used. The relevance of the research topic is revealed in three interrelated aspects: doctrinal, economic and rule-making. The doctrinal aspect is manifested in the fact that today in the Russian Federation there are no special normative acts that would have a regulatory effect on public relations taking shape between entities on the Internet. The rule-making aspect is expressed in the fact that the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation on the accelerated development of the economy and social sphere give particular relevance to this work. The most significant legislative adjustment will be required in connection with the development of the digital environment. Finally, the economic aspect is due to the need to strengthen government regulation in the field of digital technologies. All this together determines the relevance of the research topic and determines its choice. The aim of the study is a comprehensive, comprehensive study and study of the legal nature and legal characteristics of obligations arising on the Internet when providing Internet services with the aim of generating theoretical and practical conclusions that can be taken into account when reforming the law and improving judicial and law enforcement practice in the analyzed public relations. In pursuance of the research goal, the following specific tasks are set in the work: to consider the legal regulation of Internet services in the Russian Federation; define the concepts of “Internet service” and “legal risk”, substantiate the legally relevant criteria for their classification in order to increase the efficiency of their management; conduct a comprehensive analysis of legal risks associated with the protection of intellectual property; to offer a range of measures to improve legislation in the field of Internet services management. Research methods include general scientific and private scientific methods, in particular the formal legal, comparative legal, logical, statistical method, as well as other methods of economic analysis of private law. / Магистерская работа состоит из 100 страниц, использовано 97 библиографических списков. Актуальность темы исследования раскрывается в трех взаимосвязанных аспектах: доктринальном, экономической и нормотворческом. Доктринальный аспект проявляется в том, что на сегодняшний день в Российской Федерации отсутствуют специальные нормативные акты, которые бы осуществляли регулирующее воздействие на общественные отношения, складывающиеся между субъектами в сети «Интернет». Нормотворческий аспект выражается в том, что особую актуальность настоящей работе придают поставленные руководством Российской Федерации задачи по ускоренному развитию экономики и социальной сферы. Наиболее значимая перестройка законодательства потребуется в связи с развитием цифровой среды. Наконец, экономический аспект обусловлен потребностью усиления государственного регулирования в сфере цифровых технологий. Все это в совокупности обуславливает актуальность темы исследования и определяет ее выбор. Целью исследования является всестороннее, комплексное изучение и исследование правовой природы и юридической характеристики обязательств, возникающих в сети «Интернет» при оказании Интернет-услуг с целью формирования теоретических и практических выводов, которые могут быть учтены при реформировании законодательства и совершенствовании судебной и правоприменительной практики в анализируемой сфере общественных отношений. Во исполнение поставленной цели исследования в работе ставятся следующие конкретные задачи: рассмотреть правовое регулирование интернет-услуг в Российской Федерации; определить понятия «интернет-услуга» и «правовой риск», обосновать юридически значимые критерии их классификации для цели повышения эффективности управления ими; провести комплексный анализ правовых рисков, связанных с защитой интеллектуальной собственности; предложить комплекс мероприятий по совершенствованию законодательства в области управления интернет-услугами. Методы исследования включают в себя общенаучные и частные научные методы, в частности формально-юридический, сравнительно-правовой, логический, статистический метод, а также иные методы экономического анализа частного права.

La protection des secrets commerciaux des entreprises canadiennes : la perspective canadienne sur les secrets commerciaux et les nécessités d’adaptation

Leung Lung Yuen, Sabrina 08 1900 (has links)
La protection juridique des idées générées par les entreprises au Canada ne répond que partiellement à leurs besoins et préoccupations. Ces idées qui se traduisent en des informations confidentielles ou des secrets commerciaux représentent une valeur économique considérable et croissante pour de nombreuses entreprises. C’est en l’absence d’une législation uniforme portant sur les secrets commerciaux en droit civil au Québec et en common law dans les autres provinces au Canada que sont créés des défis juridiques pour les entreprises. Une réponse conventionnelle à de tels défis consiste à prôner des réformes statutaires afin de renforcer le droit applicable relativement aux secrets commerciaux et leur protection. C’est précisément la solution qui a été retenue aux États-Unis avec l’adoption de législation portant sur les secrets commerciaux, telles que le Uniform Trade Secrets Act et le Defend Trade Secrets Act. L’entrée en vigueur au Canada de l’Accord Canada-États-Unis-Mexique a donné lieu à l’adoption de nouvelles dispositions criminelles, qui est en soi, une première étape vers la codification plus élargie de la protection juridique des secrets commerciaux. Ce mémoire porte, dans un premier temps, sur les notions d’informations confidentielles et de secrets commerciaux, ainsi que de l’absence de cohérence sur la nature juridique de ceux-ci. Dans un deuxième temps, ce mémoire traite des régimes de protection juridique des secrets commerciaux au Canada, tant en droit civil qu’en common law. Nous abordons comment le rapport de confiance joue un rôle déterminant sur les obligations de confidentialité à respecter en présence ou en absence d’un contrat. Par la suite, nous analysons les clauses essentielles qu’une entreprise doit prévoir dans un contrat commercial ou de travail ainsi que les mesures pratiques de sauvegarde à implanter pour contrôler la diffusion des informations confidentielles et des secrets commerciaux. / The legal protection of ideas generated by companies in Canada only partially meets their needs and concerns. Such ideas translate into confidential information or trade secrets representing considerable and growing economic value for a great number of companies. It is in the absence of uniform trade secret legislation under civil law in Quebec and common law in other provinces in Canada that legal challenges are created for companies. A conventional response to such challenges is the advocacy of statutory reforms to strengthen the applicable law with respect to trade secrets and of their protection. This is precisely the solution instituted by the United States with the adoption of trade secret legislation per the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and the Defend Trade Secrets Act. The coming into force in Canada of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement has resulted in the adoption of new criminal provisions, which, is a first step towards the broader codification of the legal protection of trade secrets. Firstly, this masters’ thesis discusses the concept of confidential information and trade secrets, as well as the lack of consensus as to their legal nature. Secondly, the present thesis deals with the legal protection of trade secrets in Canada, under civil law and common law. We discuss the decisive role that trust occupies in the obligation of confidentiality that is to be respected in presence or absence of a contract. Subsequently, we analyze the essential clauses that a company must include in a commercial or employment agreement along with practical safeguard measures to be implemented to control the dissemination of confidential information and trade secrets.

Intelligence artificielle et droit d’auteur : le dilemme canadien

Jonnaert, Caroline 03 1900 (has links)
En 2016, un « nouveau Rembrandt » a été créé par intelligence artificielle dans le cadre du projet The Next Rembrandt. Grâce à la méthode d’apprentissage profond, un ordinateur a en effet permis la réalisation d’un tableau qui, selon les experts, aurait pu être créé par le maître hollandais. Ainsi, une création artistique a été conçue avec un programme d’intelligence artificielle, « en collaboration » avec des humains. Depuis, de nouvelles créations algorithmiques ont vu le jour, en minimisant chaque fois davantage l’empreinte créatrice humaine. Mais comment le droit d’auteur canadien encadre-t-il ou, le cas échéant, pourrait-il encadrer ce type de créations ? Voici la question générale à laquelle notre projet de recherche souhaite répondre. En dépit des récentes avancées technologiques et d’un certain abus de langage, l’intelligence artificielle n’est pas (encore) entièrement autonome (Chapitre liminaire). Il en résulte qu’un humain crée les dessous de l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire les règles dans le cadre duquel les créations sont produites. À l’heure actuelle, les créations « artificielles » sont donc issues d’un processus où l’algorithme agit comme simple outil. Partant, les principes classiques de droit d’auteur doivent s’appliquer à ces créations assistées par intelligence artificielle (Chapitre premier). En l’espèce, les critères d’originalité et d’autorat constituent les principaux obstacles à la protection de (certaines) créations algorithmiques. En outre, le processus collaboratif de création ne permet pas d’identifier systématiquement des co-auteurs faisant preuve « de talent et de jugement » (Chapitre deux). Dans ce contexte singulier, des juristes étrangers ont proposé des « solutions », afin de protéger les créations produites « artificiellement » par leurs régimes de droit d’auteur respectifs (Chapitre trois). La réception des propositions étrangères en sol canadien n’est toutefois pas souhaitable, car elle risque de fragiliser la cohérence interne de la Loi, ainsi que les fondements du régime. Dès lors, ces solutions ne permettent pas de résoudre la « problématique » des créations algorithmiques. Quelle devrait donc être la réponse canadienne ? Il s’agit de la question à laquelle nous répondons au Chapitre quatre. Afin de respecter l’intégrité du régime de droit d’auteur canadien, nous concluons que seules les créations répondant aux critères de la législation canadienne sur le droit d’auteur doivent être protégées. Les productions ne parvenant pas à respecter l’une ou l’autre des conditions de protection tomberaient, pour leur part, dans le domaine public. En dépit de ce constat, nous croyons que la constitution d’un régime sui generis, propre aux créations algorithmiques, pourrait être appropriée. Il appartiendra cependant au gouvernement canadien de décider si l’édification d’un tel régime est pertinente. Pour ce faire, il sera nécessaire d’obtenir des données probantes de la part des différentes parties prenantes. Il s’agit-là du dilemme auquel le Canada fait face. / In 2016, a « new Rembrandt » was created with artificial intelligence as part of The Next Rembrandt project. Thanks to the deep learning method, a computer has indeed made it possible to make a painting that, according to experts, could have been created by the Dutch Master. Thus, an artistic creation was designed with an artificial intelligence program, « in collaboration » with humans. Since then, new algorithmic creations have emerged, each time further minimizing the human creative footprint. But how does or could the Canadian copyright regime protect this type of creation ? This is the general question that our research project wishes to answer. Despite recent technological advances and a certain abuse of language, artificial intelligence is not (yet) autonomous (Preliminary Chapter). As a result, a human creates the underside of the work, that is, the rules within which the creations are produced. At present, « artificial » creations are therefore the result of a process where the algorithm acts as a simple tool. Therefore, the classical principles of copyright should apply to such creations produced with computer assistance (Chapter One). In the present case, the conditions of originality and authorship constitute the main obstacles to the protection of (certain) algorithmic creations. In addition, the collaborative creative process does not systematically allow the identification of coauthors (Chapter Two). In this singular context, foreign authors have proposed solutions to protect these creations by their respective copyright regimes (Chapter Three). However, the adoption of these proposals in Canada is not desirable, as it may weaken the internal scheme of the Canadian copyright regime, as well as its foundations. As such, these solutions do not solve the « problem » of algorithmic 5 creations. What should be the Canadian response ? This is the question we answer in Chapter Four. In order to protect the integrity of the Canadian copyright regime, we conclude that only creations that meet the criteria of the Copyright Act should be protected. Productions that fail to comply with any of these conditions should fall into the public domain. Despite this observation, we believe that the constitution of a sui generis regime specific to algorithmic creations could be appropriate. Yet, it will be up to the Canadian government to decide whether the creation of such a regime is pertinent. This will require gathering evidence from different stakeholders. This is the dilemma that Canada is facing.

Droit d'auteur et jeu vidéo : approche comparée droit canadien et droit japonais

Allouch, Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
Le jeu vidéo est une œuvre hybride difficilement qualifiable. À la frontière entre forme d’art et divertissement, il s’est imposé dans toutes les classes sociales et auprès d’individus de tous âges depuis les années 1980, et ce, partout dans le monde. Au Canada, l’industrie vidéoludique s’est installée dans les années 1990 et a pris une importance considérable depuis le début des années 2000. Or, la loi canadienne sur le droit d’auteur ne prévoit rien quant au jeu vidéo. Est-il protégé ? Si oui, comment le qualifier ? Est-ce un programme d’ordinateur ou une œuvre cinématographique ? Nous verrons que sa qualification n’est pas si aisée, notamment en raison des catégories d’œuvres prévues dans la loi canadienne sur le droit d’auteur. Aussi, il est intéressant de voir comment un pays comme le Japon, dont l’industrie vidéoludique est établie depuis le début des années 1980, conçoit le jeu vidéo selon sa loi sur le droit d’auteur et surtout le qualifie. Nous verrons d’ailleurs que la qualification proposée par la jurisprudence japonaise soulève également des questions. De plus, le jeu vidéo, étant donné son aspect interactif, soulève également des enjeux en ce qui a trait à la titularité des droits d’auteur et voisins. Au Canada, les enjeux tournent davantage autour des contenus générés par les utilisateurs, à savoir les joueurs, dont les formes sont très variées. Au Japon, les enjeux de titularité sont davantage dus à l’ancienneté de l’industrie vidéoludique japonaise et à la difficulté d’en localiser les titulaires afin de développer des remakes et remasters. Nous verrons d’ailleurs que le gouvernement japonais a pris en considération ce problème et est en train de réformer la loi japonaise sur le droit d’auteur afin de répondre aux besoins de l’industrie vidéoludique. / Video games are a hybrid work that is difficult to describe. Straddling the border between art form and entertainment, they have become popular with all social classes and individuals of all ages since the 1980s, all over the world. In Canada, the video game industry took root in the 1990s and has grown considerably since the early 2000s. However, Canadian copyright law is silent on video games. Are they protected? If so, how can they be qualified? Are they computer programs or cinematographic works? We will see that its qualification is not so easy, in particular because of the categories of works provided for in the Canadian copyright law. It is also interesting to see how a country like Japan, whose video game industry has been established since the early 1980s, conceives of video games under its copyright law and, above all, how it classifies them. We will see that the classification proposed by Japanese jurisprudence raises questions as well. In addition, video games, given their interactive nature, also raise issues with respect to copyright and neighbouring rights ownership. In Canada, the issues revolve more around user-generated content which takes many different forms. In Japan, copyright ownership issues are more due to the long-standing nature of the Japanese video game industry and the difficulty of locating rights holders in order to develop remakes and remasters. We will see that the Japanese government has taken this problem into consideration and is in the process of reforming the Japanese copyright law in order to meet the needs of the video game industry.

The Perception of Knowledge Management System Implementation to Employee Performance is Measured With Balanced Scorecard at PT Vale Indonesia TBK

Febriyani, Yeni 01 April 2016 (has links)
Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a necessary concept as knowledge possessed by each individual employee is an intellectual property asset that will provide benefits for any organization. In a company, in terms of KMS, employees’ performance holds an important role in helping run the business of the company becoming sustainable and successful. Therefore, the measurement of employees’ performance based on a balanced scorecard is needed to understand the current business situation. This research helped focus on the perception between the KMS and employee’s performance based on a balanced scorecard (BSC) regarding a financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning & growth perspective. A survey was conducted at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk (Vale) to ascertain these perspectives and perceptions of employees regarding performance based on a BSC. These perception data were analyzed, and conclusions were drawn regarding hypotheses. The findings section of this thesis shows the results in details. The results of the survey showed that the employees had a good perception of the value and benefits of KMS as measured with the BSC with the exception of the financial aspect. The interpretation of the results created recommendations to further implement KMS, and to improve employees’ performance at Vale.

The international political economy of the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety

Du Plessis, Marthinus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of the global biotechnology industry largely coincided with the development of the US biotechnology industry. This resulted in this industry's oligopolistic and centralised nature where only a few multinational chemical and pharmaceutical companies control most biotechnology processes and production of commodities emanating from these processes. The governance of biotechnology has, until recently, been dominated by state actors who have endeavoured to secure national interests, including those of large multinational corporations (MNCs) based within their boundaries. The technological ability of developed states to exploit and use unevenly distributed resources to their advantage means that an uneven relationship exists between these and poor developing countries. This has been highlighted by differences in public opinion about the role and application of biotechnology in society. While some opinions favour the use and application of biotechnology to enhance food supplies and boost production levels and trade, other opinions caution against the possible hazards that genetically manipulated organisms (GMOs) hold for the environment and human existence. The commercialisation of biotechnology has resulted in the exponential growth of genetically manipulated crops in especially the United States and countries like Argentina and Canada. These countries produce large surpluses of staple grains such as corn and soya and try to sell these to countries with food supply problems. The clash in commercial interests stemming from developed countries' insistence on the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) on genetically manipulated (GM) seeds has caused considerable conflict with poor farmers who will not be able to sustain their livelihoods if they cannot save seeds for future harvests. This is one aspect of the problems surrounding the protection of knowledge products that is exacerbated by the scientific uncertainty pertaining to the risk involved with biotechnology. While some observers agitate for precaution with the use of GMOs, others feel that a lack of scientific proof of harm is sufficient grounds for proceeding with developments in biotechnology. Conversely, there are some that feel that biotechnology is market driven instead of human needs driven, ultimately resulting in developing countries receiving very little benefit from it. The Cartagena Protocol on biosafety was drafted to address some of the difficulties involved with the transboundary movement of GMOs. Although it holds very specific advantages for developing countries, as a regulatory framework it is limited in its scope and application. Developing countries are limited in their policy options to address their need to protect biodiversity and secure their food supply. This means that considerable challenges and constraints await these countries in utilising global governance of public goods and building their human and technological capacities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van die globale biotegnologie-industrie het grootliks saamgeval met die ontwikkeling van die Verenigde State se biotegnologie-industrie. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot hierdie industrie se oligopolistiese en gesentraliseerde aard waar slegs enkele multinasionale chemiese en farmaseutiese maatskappye die meeste biotegnologie prosesse en die vervaardiging van kommoditeite uit daardie prosesse beheer. Die regering van biotegnologie was tot onlangs oorheers deur staatsakteurs wie gepoog het om nasionale belange te beskerm, insluitend die belange van multinasionale korporasies (MNK) wat vanuit hulle grondgebied funksioneer. Die tegnologiese vermoë van ontwikkelde state om oneweredig verspreide hulpbronne tot eie gewin te benut beteken dat 'n ongelyke verhouding bestaan tussen hierdie en arm ontwikkelende state. Dit word beklemtoon deur verskille in openbare mening oor die rol en aanwending van biotegnologie in die samelewing. Terwyl sekere opinies ten gunste van die aanwending van biotegnologie vir die verbetering van voedselbronne en produksievlakke en handel is, dui ander opinies op die moontlike gevare wat geneties gemanipuleerde organismes (GMOs) vir die omgewing en menslike voortbestaan inhou. Die kommersialisering van biotegnologie het gelei tot die eksponensiële groei van geneties gemanipuleerde gewasse in veral die Verenigde State en state soos Argentinië en Kanada. Hierdie state produseer groot hoeveelhede stapelgrane soos mielies en soja en poog om dit te verkoop aan state met voedselvoorsieningsprobleme. Die botsing in kommersiële belange wat spruit uit ontwikkelde state se aandrang op die beskerming van intellektuele eiendomsreg op geneties gemanipuleerde saad veroorsaak beduidende konflik met arm landbouers wie nie hulle lewensonderhoud kan verseker as hulle nie saad kan berg vir toekomstige saaiseisoene nie. Dit is een aspek van die problematiek rondom die beskerming van kennisprodukte wat vererger word deur die wetenskaplike onsekerheid wat gepaard gaan met die risiko's van biotegnologie. Terwyl sekere waarnemers vir waaksaamheid pleit in die gebruik van GMOs, is daar ander wat voel dat 'n gebrek aan wetenskaplike bewyse van skade genoegsame gronde is vir die voortsetting van ontwikkelings in biotegnologie. Insgelyks is daar diegene wat meen dat biotegnologie markgedrewe in plaas van menslike behoefte gedrewe is, wat uiteindelik daartoe lei dat ontwikkelende state baie min voordeel daaruit trek. Die Kartagena Protokoloor bioveiligheid is opgestel om van die probleme betrokke by die oorgrens verskuiwing van GMOs aan te spreek. Hoewel dit spesifieke voordele vir ontikkelende state inhou is dit as reguleringsraamwerk beperk in omvang en aanwending. Ontwikkelende state het beperkte beleidsopsies om hulle behoefte om biodiversiteit te beskerm en voedselvoorsiening te verseker, aan te spreek. Dit beteken dat beduidende uitdagings en beperkings hierdie state in die benutting van globale regering van openbare goedere vir die bou van menslike en tegnologiese kapasiteite in die gesig staar.

Copyright law and the Internet : in modern South African law

Ital, Eric Guy 09 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Internet is coming more and more into focus of national and international legislation. Especially with regard to copyright law, the rapid growth of the Internet, its global character, its novel technical applications and its private and commercial use by millions of people makes the control over a work complicated and raises copyright problems all over the world. Present legislation is therefore challenged to avoid gaps in the law. Considering the rapid growth of online providers and users in South Africa, it is likely that copyright disputes with regard to the Internet will evolve here soon. In this dissertation, the "world" of the Internet and its lawfulness with regard to existing South African copyright law will be examined. The examination tries to establish whether South African copyright law is able to cope with the present Internet problems and whether it leads to reasonable results. The first chapter of this dissertation will give an overview of the basic principles of the Internet, including the history, development and function of the Internet. Furthermore the changing aspects by means of diqital technology will be discussed. Because the global character of the Internet lead to "international" infringements, governments are considering the prospect of reaching international accord on the protection of intellectual property in the digital era. In chapter two, the present international harmonisation of copyright law will be introduced. Especially the quick adoption of the World Intellectual Property Organisation Treaties in December 1996 demonstrated that an international realisation for a call for action is existing. In chapter three, the application of South African copyright law with regard to the Internet will be discussed. First, it will be examined if a digital work on the Internet is protected in the same way as a "traditional" work. Second, the various rights of the copyright holder are discussed in connection with the use of a work on the Internet. Third, the potential application of the exclusive rights of the copyright holder to various actions on the Internet, such as caching, Web linking and operating an online service will be discussed. The Internet is a worldwide entity, and, as such, copyright infringement on this system is an international problem. The scenario of global, simultaneous exploitation of works on the Internet conflicts sharply with the current system of international copyright protection, which is firmly based on national copyright laws with territorial effects. Section four provides therefore an overview of the applicable law on an international net and analyses the necessity and borders of protection. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nasionale en internasionale wetgewing fokus in In toenemende mate op die Internet. Die versnelde groei van die Internet, sy wêreldkarakter, sy nuwe tegnologiese aanwendings en sy private en kommersiële gebruik deur miljoene mense maak beheer oor In werk baie gekompliseerd en skep veral outeursregprobleme regoor die wêreld. Wetgewing soos dit tans is, word dus uitgedaag om die leemtes in die reg te ondervang. Gegewe die vinnige groei van gekoppelde verskaffers en gebruikers in Suid-Afrika, is dit waarskynlik dat - outeursreggeskille met betrekking tot die Internet binnekort ook hier gaan ontwikkel. In hierdie verhandeling gaan die "wêreld" van die Internet en sy wettigheid onder bestaande Suid-Afrikaanse outeursregwetgewing ondersoek word. In die ondersoek word gepoog om vas te stelof Suid-Afrikaanse outeursregwetgewing geskik is om die Internetprobieme wat tans bestaan te hanteer en of dit lei tot aanvaarbare resultate. Die eerste hoofstuk van die verhandeling sal In oorsig gee van die basiese beginsels van die Internet, insluitende die geskiedenis, ontwikkeling en funksie van die Internet. Verder sal die veranderende aspekte as gevolg van digitale tegnologie bespreek word. Die wêreldkarakter van die Internet gee aanleiding tot "internasionale" inbreukmakings en om hierdie rede oorweeg regerings die moontlikheid van internasionale ooreenkomste oor die beskerming van intellektuele eiendom in die digitale era. In hoofstuk twee word die bestaande internasionale harmonisering van outeursreg bespreek. Veral die vinnige aanname van die World Intellectual Property Organisation se verdrae in Desember 1996, illustreer dat daar In internasionale bewustheid is dat iets in die verband gedoen moet word. In die derde hoofstuk word die aanwending van die Suid-Afrikaanse outeursreg met betrekking tot die Internet bespreek. Eerstens word ondersoek of a digitale werk op die Internet op dieselfde wyse as 'n "tradisionele" werk beskerm kan word. Tweedens word die verskillende regte van die outeursreghebbende in verband met die gebruik van 'n werk op die Internet, bespreek. Derdens word die potensiële aanwending van die eksklusiewe regte van die outeursreghebbende op verskillende aksies op die Internet, soos byvoorbeeld kasberging, web koppeling en die werking van 'n gekoppelde diens, bespreek. Die Internet is 'n wêreldwye verskynsel en sodanig is outeursreginbreukmaking op hierdie stelsel 'n internasionale probleem. Die scenario van 'n wêreldwye, gelyktydige uitbuiting van werke op die Internet is in skerp konflik met die huidige stelsel van internasionale outeursregbeskerming wat stewig gegrond is op nasionale wetgewing met territoriale werking. Hoofstuk vier bied daarom 'n oorsig oor die toepaslike reg op 'n internasionale netwerk en analiseer die nodigheid en ook grense van beskerming.


謝福源 Unknown Date (has links)

我國動畫產業之智慧財產管理與授權探討 / The Research of Intellectual Property Management and License of Animation Industry in Taiwan

黃鈺晴, Huang,Cindy Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,知識與創新是全球企業核心競爭力的關鍵。有鑑於知識內容產業在於數位經濟時代發展之重要性,行政院經濟部宣布將2002年訂為「數位元年」,並提出「新世紀兩兆雙星產業發展計畫」,其中,「數位內容產業」不但被選為新世紀全力發展的明星產業,其預期產值於2006年將達到3,700億新台幣。我國政府正積極推動數位內容產業的發展,但在資源與經費有限的情況下,目前選擇以「電腦動畫」及「線上遊戲」為我國的重點推動產業。在消費者日益重視視覺享受的今天,如果要發展內容產業,動畫產業的發展勢必成為關鍵之一。本研究即針對數位內容產業的「電腦動畫」作個案研究分析。 由於我國動畫產業之業務以往多為代工模式,缺乏內容授權、智財保護與行銷等相關知識經驗。故儘速發展我國動畫產業之智慧財產管理與授權業務,實乃當務之急。 有鑑於新興產業環境尚未成熟,因此本研究採取個案深入訪談法,個案對象之選取,乃從國內動畫產業中各選取具有代表性與業界口碑良好之廠商共三家。本研究針對「電腦動畫」廠商所涉及之智慧財產管理與授權管理,做一體系性的介紹並探討廠商目前之做法,同時探討動畫製作流程中可能會遇到之相關智慧財產問題。其研究建議茲分述如下: 一、國內動畫廠商應加強智慧財產觀念,妥善處理智慧財產問題,避免產生不必要之糾紛。 二、國內動畫廠商應建立動畫與其衍生商品之授權策略。 三、國內動畫廠商須依照自身能力、已有資源、關係與定位來選擇最合適的發展模式。 四、政府應檢討現行數位內容法案對於動畫廠商之實際效益,並參酌各國政府建立產業環境與機制之做法,衡量台灣目前之狀況,選擇合適之做法。 / The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy. Knowledge and innovation are crucial for global companies in order to enhance their core competency. Because of the importance of knowledge content industry in this digital economy age, the Taiwan government has announced the year 2002 “the First Digital Year,” and has formulated its "Two Trillion and Twin Star Industries Development Plan”. This plan indicated that the digital content industry is a promising area of which the expected production value will reach NT$ 370 billions in 2006. Right now our government are promoting digital content industry positively, but due to limited resource and money, choose ”3D animation” and “on-line game” as our country’s key industry. Nowadays, consumers pay more attention to enjoyment of vision, if we want to develop content industry; the develop of animation industry is the key point. Therefore, this study explores the current situation of animation companies in Taiwan. Because of the lack of content license, intellectual property protection, marketing, and other related knowledge and experiences, it’s the most important thing to expand intellectual property management and license of animation companies in Taiwan. As a result of the environment of oncoming industry has not matured as yet, this study uses ”in-depth interviews” of case study, selecting three representative and well-known companies from animation industry in Taiwan. This study explores the current situation of intellectual property management and license of animation companies in Taiwan, furthermore, searches for the related intellectual property problems in the course of animation creation. Major suggestions are stated as follows: 1.Animation companies in Taiwan should strengthen intellectual property concepts, and handle the related intellectual property problems properly, to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 2. Animation companies in Taiwan should establish licensing strategy of animated cartoon and derivative products. 3. Animation companies in Taiwan should select a suitable develop model according to their own capability, resources, relationship and position. 4.The government should review the actual benefit of current digital content law and deliberate about other countries’ methods of establish industry environment; Consider current situation of Taiwan and select a suitable method.

最適仿冒品查緝率的制定 / Establishment of the optimal enforcement rate of counterfeit

陳盈竹 Unknown Date (has links)
在這多元化社會,資訊及科技的高度發展除了帶給全民便利以及更充足完整的資訊外,卻也帶來了侵權與犯罪。本文根據王智賢與楊敦雅 (2008) 一文做進一步的延伸,採用 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 的菜單式拍賣模型,探討當智慧財產權等無形資產為外國正版商所擁有時,外國正版廠商、國內仿冒商,以及國內部份消費者所組成的團體,三者的利益分配相互衝突時,本國政府將如何制定國內的仿冒查緝率。此外,我們將模型設定了外生變數查緝率下限以盼能更貼近現實社會,透過本研究我們可以發現在增加查緝率下限後,雙方共同遊說之下均衡查緝率可能由原先的零大幅提高至仿冒商品剛好可以生存的門檻,並且在均衡時只會有一方願意提供給本國政府政治獻金。 / In this multiple society, although highly developing information and technology not only make all the people more convenient but also earn more sufficient information, it has brought the tort and crime as well. In this essay, we extend the essay written by Jue-Shyan Wang & Tun-Ya Yang (2008) and adapt a simple framework based on the Menu-auction Model of Grossman and Helpman (1994). Discussing about how a domestic government decides optimal enforcement rate of counterfeit when intellectual property is held by a foreign company and foreign company、domestic consumers and domestic illegally copied company had a conflict between their benefit distribution. Furthermore, we are going to add a lower bound of enforcement rate as an external variable to close reality. After this study, we found that under the lobby of both foreign company and domestic consumers, the equilibrium of enforcement rate may change from zero to the entry barrier; what’s more, only one of the sides will be willing to pay political contributions to domestic government under equilibrium.

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