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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”LSS-handläggares upplevelser av att tillämpa barnkonventionen och barnperspektivet” / “LSS administrators’ experience in applying children’s conventions and children’s perspectives”

Kadourah, Misam January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med arbetsstudien är att utforska och få en bredare syn på hur barns perspektiv beaktas och värderas, samt hur barns delaktighet hanteras av en LSS-handläggare utifrån ens upplevelser och erfarenheter. Det empiriska materialet har erhållits genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalet består av sex LSS-biståndshandläggare från tre olika kommuner i Sverige. Resultaten visar att dessa deltagande LSS-biståndshandläggarna är medvetna om sina skyldigheter att använda barnperspektiv i sina arbeten. Men att tolkningen och definitionen av barnperspektiven varierar mellan samtliga deltagare. Resultaten visade även att implementeringen av barnkonventionen har trappats upp hos kommun A, medan hos andra kommuner har man inte framkommit lika långt. Resultaten visar också att det finns ett antal olika tillvägagångssätt för en biståndshandläggare inom LSS att genom sitt arbete kunna befrämja barns delaktighet genom exempelvis miljö, dokumentation, möten och kommunikation. Dessutom visar studien att det finns ett visst antal utmaningar som har påverkat barns delaktighet och hindrat barnen till att komma till tals. Dessa resultat kategoriseras under rubriken Brist på kunskap och kommunikationshjälpmedel gällande dialog och samtal med barn med funktionsnedsättning. Resultaten visar även att det finns ett enormt intresse och en stor vilja hos studiedeltagarna att avlägsna en del av dessa hinder. Nuläget kräver därför nya arbetsmetoder och specialiserade utbildningar som kan möjliggöra för LSS-handläggarna att vidareutveckla arbetet med barnperspektiven för att ännu bättre kunna implementera barnkonventionen. / The aim of the work study is to investigate and gain a wider view of how children's perspectives are considered and appreciated and how children's participation is handled by the LSS administrator based on their own experiences and encounters. The empirical material was obtained by a qualitative method with partially structured interviews in which the sample consisted of six LSS development aid officials from three different municipalities in Sweden. The results showed that LSS development aid workers participating in the program are aware of their responsibilities to use the child's perspective in their work. But that the interpretation and definition of a child's perspective differs among all participants. The results also showed that the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was accelerated in municipality A, while in other municipalities it has not progressed as far. The results also show that there are several different approaches for a development assistance officer within LSS to be able to promote children's participation through, for example, the environment, documentation, meetings, and communication. In addition, the study shows that there are a few challenges that have affected children's participation and prevented children from speaking out. These results are categorized under the heading Lack of knowledge and communication aids regarding dialogue and conversations with children with disabilities. The results also show that there is an enormous interest and a great willingness among the study participants to remove some of these obstacles. The current situation therefore requires new working methods and specialized training that can enable the LSS administrators to further develop the work with the child perspective to be able to implement the children's convention even better.

Ledarens roll inom privat respektive kommunal handikappsomsorg : En kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan ledare inom privat och kommunal assistansverksamhet / The leader’s role in private and municipal care of the disabled : A qualitative comparative study between managers in the private and municipal assistance

Plakiqi, Rreze, Plakiqi, Liridona January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Since the Act Regarding Support and Service to Certain Functionally Handicapped Persons (LSS) were introduced in 1994, social care and service have increased inSweden(SFS 1993:387). The implementation of the act has caused many changes and also progress within the social care system. One main change is the division between public (provided by the municipalities) and private care providers. This division has led to many questions about how leadership is organized within different public and private organizations. The purpose of this study is to investigate differences between leader’s experiences of their role and working conditions within private and public assistance care for disabled. The study is based on a qualitative method and material e. g. literature and six interviews with leaders in middle position and who work within public and private assistance care for disabled. Based on this we have concluded that the leadership of these organizations is not different as such, but since the organizations themselves formulates rules and attitudes they also shape different styles for leadership. Some differences that emerged in the result was that private organizations have a beneficial interest in its activities to develop the company, while the municipal aims to meet the need and contentment for a certain cost. The leaders of the private organizations have more responsibilities and authority which is perceived by the leaders that while developing leaders from municipal organizations feel the opposite. Other differences that occurred in the result are that the leaders of the private organizations have more pressure to succeed and therefore less secure in their employment. The leaders from municipal organizations comply with rules, guidelines and practices that contribute to a more secure employment for them.

DE SKA INTE KÄNNA ATT VI ÄR DÄR FÖR VÅR EGEN SKULL, ATT VI FÅR NÅGON VINNING, UTAN VI UTÖR JU VÅRT JOBB! : En kvalitativ studie om hur LSS-handläggare hanterar maktskillnader i mötet med klienten.

Blade, Madelene, Kronman, Ruth, Lindh, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the power dynamics in the interaction between social workers specialized in working with people with disabilities and clients with disabilities, as well as how these social workers use themselves to manage these power differences. The study was conducted using a qualitative method where six social workers from three different municipalities were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The empirical material was then analyzed using thematic analysis. The results are presented and analyzed with the support of selected theoretical frameworks, and the findings are further discussed in relation to previous studies. The results of this study show that the informants are aware of the power perspective in their interactions with clients, as well as the challenges and beneficial factors identified to attempt to create a more equal relationship in meetings with clients. The study demonstrates how the informants use their room for manoeuvre to improve a safe atmosphere, implement individual adjustments, and apply helping aids in their meetings. The results also show that informants experience challenges in influencing power differences towards a more equal relationship—where complexities in role distribution, difficulties in building relationships with clients, and varying degrees of participation affect the interactions. The challenges also include individual difficulties in using and managing the room for manouevre that the social workers possess. / Denna studie belyser maktrelationen i mötet mellan LSS-handläggare och klienter med funktionsnedsättning, samt hur LSS-handläggare använder sig själva för att hantera dessa maktskillnader. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod där sex LSS-handläggare från tre olika kommuner intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det empiriska materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultatet redovisas och analyseras med stöd av valda teoretiska utgångspunkter, vidare diskuteras resultatet i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Resultatet av denna studie visar att deltagande LSS-handläggare är medvetna om maktperspektivet i mötet med klienter, samt vilka utmaningar och främjande faktorer som identifierats för att försöka skapa en mer jämlik relation i mötet. Studien visar på hur informanterna använder sitt handlingsutrymme för att främja en trygg atmosfär, genomföra individuella anpassningar samt tillämpningar av hjälpmedel i mötet. Resultatet visar även att informanter upplever utmaningar för möjligheterna att påverka maktskillnader i mötet till en mer jämlik relation - där en komplexitet i rollfördelningen, svårigheter att bygga relation med klienten och varierande grad av delaktighet påverkar mötet. Utmaningarna utgör även individuella svårigheter med att använda och förvalta det handlingsutrymme som handläggare besitter.

”…det är ingen som har klagat i alla fall att dem inte förstår” : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare inom LSS förhåller sig till sitt professionella handlingsutrymme i den skrivande praktiken

Nehlin, Ida, Johansson, Mikaela January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers within LSS relate to her professional space in the writing practice. The method we used to collect data was through qualitative semi structured interviews. Our study found that when there are no clear guidelines for writing an investigation text, the responsibility falls on the individual social worker. The social worker has the ability to customize the language so that a user with low reading comprehension understands, but they choose not to because they are hindered by a strong idea from the organization that a representative of a authority should write correctly and professionally, which becomes a form of power.

Delaktighetens och inflytandets förutsättningar : En rättssociologisk studie om barnperspektiv i LSS

Harlin, Annette, Jonsvreten, Sara January 2010 (has links)
This is a sociological jurisprudence study which focuses on "child perspective" in Law of Support and Service with Certain Functional Impairments, LSS. The purpose of the study was to clarify the meaning of child perspective in LSS and analyze it in relation to practice. The study was conducted with mixed strategies combining qualitative and jurisprudential methods. Both LSS and Law of Social Welfare, SoL, were studied. Social workers from dirrerent muncipalities in Sweden were interwiewed. To analyze the material we used "the child as a subject and actor or an object in need of protection" and "sociology of law - law as a political management control measure and conflict solver". The results showed that child perspective in LSS can be ambiguous and complex both within law and on the other hand children are pronounced as objects in need of protection. Disabled children´s participation in LSS is constrained because of several dilemmas such as colliding perspectives, communication impairments, scarce resources and, first and foremost, adult´s attitudes toward children.

Förmågodeprivation bland funktionsnedsatta människor : när lagen inte räcker till / Capability deprivation among people with disabilities : when the law is not enough

Arroyo Aita, Cecilia, Lind-Kärkkäinen, Kaisa January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa hur individer med funktionsnedsättning skapar sin förmågodeprivation, ”capability deprivation”, i relation till de möjligheter till utveckling som framkallas av strukturella och personliga faktorer. Förmågodeprivation innebär att människan upplever brist på friheter och rättigheter för att använda sina förmågor till att nå sina personliga mål. Dessa mål kan vara av ekonomisk, social och kulturell karaktär och kan betyda en utveckling hos individen som denne värderar högt. När förmågodeprivation uppstår likställs den med fattigdom. Denna uppsats är teoretiskt inriktad då den byggs på förmågoperspektiv, ”capability approach”, som är ett teoretiskt ramverk som används bland annat för att bedöma individens möjlighet till utveckling. Tidigare forskning som hänvisas här har som huvudfokus individens förmågor i förhållande till sin omgivning vilket anses som relevant till studieområdet. En egen analysmodell för att tolka empirin, det vill säga det insamlade materialet, har utvecklats med hjälp av den teoretiska ramen och tidigare forskningen. Analysmodellen tar hänsyn till strukturella, sociala och individuella faktorer vilka har delats in i mikro-, mellan- respektive makronivå. Dessa i sin tur utgör informationsbasen för att analysera det insamlade materialet och kan tala om huruvida människor med funktionsnedsättning upplever förmogodeprivation i de olika nivåerna. Empirin har samlats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning som bor i Stockholm. Resultaten tyder på att målgruppen kan uppleva förmågodeprivation huvudsakligen på grund av strukturella och sociala faktorer som utgör mellan- och makronivån, vilket i sin tur påverkar funktionsnedsatta även inom mikronivån. / The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how individuals with disabilities construct their capability deprivation in relation to the opportunities for development created by structural and personal factors. Capability deprivation means that people perceive a lack of freedoms and rights to use their talents to achieve their personal goals. These goals may be of economic, social and cultural nature and may involve the development of the individual that he or she values high. When capability deprivation occurs it is equated with poverty. This paper has a theoretically orientation since is based on the Capability approach which is a framework that is used, among other things, to assess the individual's opportunity for development. The previous researches cited in this paper have as their main focus the capabilities of the individual in relation to their environment, which is considered relevant to the study area. An analytical model to interpret the empirical data has been developed with the help of the theoretical framework and previous research. This analytical model takes into account the structural, social and individual factors which have been divided into micro, medium and macro level. These in its turn form the information base for analyzing the collected material and can tell us whether people with disabilities experience deprivation of their capabilities in the different levels. Empirical data were collected using qualitative methods like interviews with people with physical disabilities living in Stockholm. The results suggest that the target grupp can experience capability deprivation mainly due to structural and social factors that account for midel- and macro-level, which in its turn affects people with disabilitiesalso in the micro-level.

”Ett bra liv förutsätter att föräldrarna är rätt så aktiva” : Föräldrars perspektiv vid LSS-handläggning  för barn / “A good life requires parents to be quite active” : LSS-assessment for children and parents perspectives

Berggren, Anna, Karlsson, Aleksandra January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and understand parents’ perspectives in aid assessment for children according to The Swedish Act (1993:387) concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (Lag 1993:387 om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS). The study took place in the county of Kronoberg, Sweden, and was based on a total of nine qualitative interviews. Four interviews were made with parents’ of children who has interventions according to LSS (1993:387) and five interviews were made with LSS case workers. In our study we saw that parents’ perspectives often is the largest amount of information that case workers take into account when assessing aid and as a case worker you listen to the parents perspectives to capture the child’s and the family’s needs. It also came clear that the parents’ perspective is not only about the child’s needs, but also includes the parent’s own needs and their family’s needs. The parents in the study felt that they made the decision about the choice of aid and considered themselves as the one who decides the family’s requirements. It turned out that treatment and understanding from the case workers was important for gaining access to the best help and making parents feel listened to. Parental responsibility was of great importance for the assessment, and it often led to disagreement between parents and case workers. During the study, we saw that power existed in the relationship between case workers and parents, but that it could be moved and changed during the time of aid assessment.

Personlig Assistans : utifrån assistentens perspektiv / Personal Assistants : from the assistant's perspective

Andersson, Cecilia, Bergwall, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
Personal assistants ' descriptions of their own professional role are usually removed for the benefit of users ' description of the profession. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the assistants perceive their profession by providing assistants a possibility to talk about their experiences of the profession. Data has been collected by twelve interviews with active working personal assistants aged 22-57 years. Assistants interviewed have different experiences and working with people with various disabilities. The method used is a qualitative method with a narrative analysis method, where the twelve interviews have been merged into four fictional stories. The theoretical basis used is the role of theory in which personal assistant may act according to different roles. The result shows that the assistants in our study enjoy their profession more than previous studies have shown. However, experience also assistants in this study to the status of the profession and salary is low. / Personliga assistenters beskrivningar av sin egen yrkesroll glöms oftast bort till fördel för brukarnas beskrivning av yrket. Syftet med denna studie är därför att vi vill undersöka hur assistenterna uppfattar sitt yrke, genom att ge assistenter möjligheten att berätta om sina erfarenheter om yrket. Data har samlats in genom tolv intervjuer med aktivt arbetande personliga assistenter i åldrarna 22-57 år. Assistenterna som har intervjuats har olika erfarenheter och arbetar med människor med olika funktionshinder. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ metod med en narrativ analysmetod, där de tolv intervjuerna har satts samman till fyra fiktiva berättelser. Den teoretiska utgångspunkt som använts är rollteori, då man som personlig assistent får agera utifrån olika roller. Resultatet visar att assistenterna i denna studie trivs bättre med sitt yrke än vad tidigare studier visat. Dock upplever även assistenterna i denna studie att statusen på yrket samt lönen är låg.

Vilka möjligheter ges barn med funktionsnedsättning att komma till tals? : – ur LSS-handläggares perspektiv

Johansson, Maya January 2009 (has links)
About 29 000 different services was given by the Swedish welfare state to children with disabilities within the ages 0-22 years before October first in the year 2008. Studies about children with disabilities and their experiences of their situation have rarely been done and it is therefore difficult to know how they think and feel about their lives. Both Swedish law and the UN:s convention about children’s rights states that children have the right to tell their opinion in matters that are of their concern. Thus, we don´t know much about if and how the Swedish welfare state maintain this right towards children with disabilities. This is aimed to reveal if and how the Swedish welfare state, trough it´s municipality servants, give children with disabilities an opportunity to speak their mind trough the perspective of the municipality servant. This study is even aimed to reveal which difficulties, if any, the servants experience in their investigations of children with disabilities. The empirical material was analyzed trough a perspective of children as actors and trough the theoretical ideas; power-of-modeling and the organizations many hands. A qualitative method was chosen to collect the empirical data for this study because this method is the best method in order to get the deep information that was needed in order to achieve a deeper understanding for the problem. The result is that children with disabilities don´t get the opportunity to speak their mind in their own cases because of many aspects such as; communication problems, the limitations within the law called LSS, the organizations limitations of the servants and the children’s own parents.

Vilka möjligheter ges barn med funktionsnedsättning att komma till tals? : – ur LSS-handläggares perspektiv

Johansson, Maya January 2009 (has links)
<p>About 29 000 different services was given by the Swedish welfare state to children with disabilities within the ages 0-22 years before October first in the year 2008. Studies about children with disabilities and their experiences of their situation have rarely been done and it is therefore difficult to know how they think and feel about their lives. Both Swedish law and the UN:s convention about children’s rights states that children have the right to tell their opinion in matters that are of their concern. Thus, we don´t know much about if and how the Swedish welfare state maintain this right towards children with disabilities. This is aimed to reveal if and how the Swedish welfare state, trough it´s municipality servants, give children with disabilities an opportunity to speak their mind trough the perspective of the municipality servant. This study is even aimed to reveal which difficulties, if any, the servants experience in their investigations of children with disabilities. The empirical material was analyzed trough a <em>perspective of children as actors and trough the theoretical ideas; <em>power-of-modeling and <em>the organizations many hands. A qualitative method was chosen to collect the empirical data for this study because this method is the best method in order to get the deep information that was needed in order to achieve a deeper understanding for the problem. The result is that children with disabilities don´t get the opportunity to speak their mind in their own cases because of many aspects such as; communication problems, the limitations within the law called LSS, the organizations limitations of the servants and the children’s own parents. </em></em></em></p>

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