Spelling suggestions: "subject:"move story"" "subject:"love story""
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The Body as a Grenade : Illness Metaphors, The Suffering of Others and Conservativism in Contemporary Sick-FlicksGregory, Christian January 2023 (has links)
Film has since its inception been a potent storytelling tool, and the concept of illnesses and death havebeen a critical element in the stories mankind has told through cinema since the beginning. While theearly years of film saw few titles which directly named or featured diseases such as cancer, the 1980’sand 1990’s saw a vast increase in illness narratives being produced. By the beginning of the newmillennium, a new subgenre of film was beginning to emerge, specifically targeted at youngaudiences: Sick-Flicks.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Sick-Flick subgenre, and scrutinize the films which the author has identified according to how they handle a variety of factors. These include the portrayal ofmale and female sufferers in accordance with the feminist theoretical observation of masculinity beingrepresented as active, while femininity is typically passive in nature. Beyond this, the essay alsoattempts to add to Susan Sontag’s essay Illness as Metaphor, exploring how the portrayal of illnessmay have shifted since the essay’s publication in 1978. Finally, this thesis also concerns itself with thereoccurring narrative trend of featuring talented adolescents as terminally ill sufferers and how thismay tie into neoliberalism and belief in the meritocracy.This thesis concludes that while there has been a shift in the metaphorical portrayal of diseases,especially as it pertains to cancer, which Susan Sontag concludes unsuitable for romanticization,overall, many of the criticisms and potentially problematic commonalities which both Sick-Flicks andtheir literary counterpart Sick-Lit have featured through the years remain. There is a remaining focuson heteronormative and racially homogenous victims, and innate talents and intelligence are present,arguably in order to make the eventual loss of the ill characters more tangibly tragic. The authorconcludes that while it is debatable whether or not filmmakers should feel any responsibility to portrayillnesses accurately, they should at least likely strive to reflect the current reality as far as survivalrates are concerned.
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The Young & The Dying : The Continued Romanticization of Terminally Ill Adolescents in Contemporary American CinemaGregory, Christian January 2020 (has links)
This essay examines how the past decade’s wave of young adult films portraying termi-nal illnesses compare and contrast with similar works from both film as well as literary works commonly referred to as “sick-lit”. By viewing three prominent films released be-tween 2014 and 2019 and applying both literature dealing with sick-lit as well as texts fo-cused on how cinema tends to portray serious illnesses such as cancer, I attempt to dis-cern whether significant change in the way which contemporary film handles severe ill-nesses has occurred.What this study reveals is that while certain narrative traits have been altered and various problematic elements addressed, film still vastly prefers portraying illnesses such as can-cer and cystic fibrosis as bleak, death sentences. The “sick-flicks” of modern-day cinema have also failed to address critique of the sub-genre as being both heteronormative and racially homogenous in nature.However, compared to films depicting terminal illnesses in teenagers from the 2000’s the recent wave of films in general dedicate more time to spotlighting their diseases. No longer relegating them to emotional revelations toward the end of the film.Overall, the findings are that most criticisms of cinema’s portrayal of terminal illnesses remain, yet progress has also been achieved in certain respects. Filmmakers more inter-ested in utilizing illnesses as a way to examine coming-of-age topics than the full experi-ence of terminal illness, notwithstanding.
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L'hybridation dans l'oeuvre de Jeannette Winterson / Hybridization in Jeanette Winterson's worksMihajlovska, Lupka 16 November 2012 (has links)
Nous définissons l’hybridation littéraire comme la combinaison d’éléments a priori disparates aboutissant à la création d’un ensemble à la fois un et multiple, qui garde les traces de ses parties constitutives tout en étant autre, différent, nouveau. L’hybride englobe les sphères de représentation de ses éléments-parents tout en les dépassant. Par conséquent, l’hybridation tend vers l’extension de toutes les frontières, littéraires et culturelles, dans le but de nous offrir une vision du monde et du sujet toujours plus complète. Dans Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body et The PowerBook de Jeanette Winterson, l’hybridation se manifeste à tous les niveaux du texte. L’hybridité physique et sexuelle des narrateurs est ainsi une des manifestations de leurs identités et vies plurielles et paradoxales. Ces hybrides incarnés (monstres, travestis ou androgynes) se construisant au fil de leurs histoires, qui s’inspirent toujours de récits antérieurs, narrateurs et narrations se démultiplient conjointement, s’entremêlent et se redéfinissent sans cesse. Le texte fluctue au gré de l’hybridation générique et de l’intertextualité. De l’entrecroisement de genres réalistes – tels que l’autobiographie, le récit historique ou le discours scientifique – et fictionnels – tels que le conte ou la romance – naît un hybride générique à résonances parodiques représentant la nature du sujet, de sa vie, de la réalité et de la vérité. Enfin, en hybridant des textes préexistants à des motifs personnels, l’auteur élabore une narration originale qui réécrit les schémas sexistes relayés par ses ancêtres et retranscrit sa vision de l’individu, du monde et de l’art. / We understand literary hybridization as the combination of seemingly different elements resulting in the creation of an entity that is simultaneously single and multiple. Indeed, while it is utterly other and new, the hybrid still shows the marks of its constituents. The hybrid incorporates its ‘parents’’ initial fields of representation while reaching beyond them. Consequently, hybridization is a process that pushes all boundaries, be they literary or cultural, to offer an ever more complete vision of the subject and his/her life. In Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body and The PowerBook, hybridization permeates every level of the text. Thus, the narrators’ physical and sexual hybridity is a manifestation of their plural and paradoxical identities. These hybrid creatures (monsters, transvestites or androgynous beings) build their identities through the stories they tell and that are always inspired by existing narratives. Therefore, the narrators and their narratives proliferate conjointly, intermix and redefine each other constantly. The shape of the text fluctuates with generic hybridization and intertextuality. Realistic narratives – such as autobiographical, historical or scientific discourses – and fictional ones – such as fairy tales or romances – interact to produce generic hybrids with parodic undertones that represent the nature of the subject, his/her life, reality and truth. Finally, by hybridizing existing texts and personal literary devices, the author elaborates original narratives that rewrite her ancestors’ sexist discourses and reflect how she perceives the individual, the world and art.
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L'hybridation dans l'oeuvre de Jeannette Winterson / Hybridization in Jeanette Winterson's worksMihajlovska, Lupka 16 November 2012 (has links)
Nous définissons l’hybridation littéraire comme la combinaison d’éléments a priori disparates aboutissant à la création d’un ensemble à la fois un et multiple, qui garde les traces de ses parties constitutives tout en étant autre, différent, nouveau. L’hybride englobe les sphères de représentation de ses éléments-parents tout en les dépassant. Par conséquent, l’hybridation tend vers l’extension de toutes les frontières, littéraires et culturelles, dans le but de nous offrir une vision du monde et du sujet toujours plus complète. Dans Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body et The PowerBook de Jeanette Winterson, l’hybridation se manifeste à tous les niveaux du texte. L’hybridité physique et sexuelle des narrateurs est ainsi une des manifestations de leurs identités et vies plurielles et paradoxales. Ces hybrides incarnés (monstres, travestis ou androgynes) se construisant au fil de leurs histoires, qui s’inspirent toujours de récits antérieurs, narrateurs et narrations se démultiplient conjointement, s’entremêlent et se redéfinissent sans cesse. Le texte fluctue au gré de l’hybridation générique et de l’intertextualité. De l’entrecroisement de genres réalistes – tels que l’autobiographie, le récit historique ou le discours scientifique – et fictionnels – tels que le conte ou la romance – naît un hybride générique à résonances parodiques représentant la nature du sujet, de sa vie, de la réalité et de la vérité. Enfin, en hybridant des textes préexistants à des motifs personnels, l’auteur élabore une narration originale qui réécrit les schémas sexistes relayés par ses ancêtres et retranscrit sa vision de l’individu, du monde et de l’art. / We understand literary hybridization as the combination of seemingly different elements resulting in the creation of an entity that is simultaneously single and multiple. Indeed, while it is utterly other and new, the hybrid still shows the marks of its constituents. The hybrid incorporates its ‘parents’’ initial fields of representation while reaching beyond them. Consequently, hybridization is a process that pushes all boundaries, be they literary or cultural, to offer an ever more complete vision of the subject and his/her life. In Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body and The PowerBook, hybridization permeates every level of the text. Thus, the narrators’ physical and sexual hybridity is a manifestation of their plural and paradoxical identities. These hybrid creatures (monsters, transvestites or androgynous beings) build their identities through the stories they tell and that are always inspired by existing narratives. Therefore, the narrators and their narratives proliferate conjointly, intermix and redefine each other constantly. The shape of the text fluctuates with generic hybridization and intertextuality. Realistic narratives – such as autobiographical, historical or scientific discourses – and fictional ones – such as fairy tales or romances – interact to produce generic hybrids with parodic undertones that represent the nature of the subject, his/her life, reality and truth. Finally, by hybridizing existing texts and personal literary devices, the author elaborates original narratives that rewrite her ancestors’ sexist discourses and reflect how she perceives the individual, the world and art.
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Arns makt : Representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål i berättelserna om tempelriddaren Arn / The Power of Arn : Representations of Power, Positive Capital and Aims in Life in the Narratives about Arn the Knight TemplarSärnbrink, My January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar böckerna och filmerna om Arn och undersöker genom berättelserna vilka representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål som gestaltas. Uppsatsen baseras på den teoretiska tanken att populärkultur innehåller representationer med budskap, värderingar, normer och föreställningar gällande vår verklighet och därigenom påverkar vår uppfattning om världen, vår plats i samhället, vår identitet och vår uppfattning om vad som är värdefullt, viktigt och sant. / My Särnbrink hette tidigare My Ravin.
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