Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metabolic syndrome."" "subject:"etabolic syndrome.""
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GREBP, un nouveau facteur de transcription contrôlant l’expression de la guanylate cyclase A, récepteur de l’ANP, via l’élément de réponse au cGMPMartel, Guy 12 1900 (has links)
La découverte du système des peptides natriurétiques (NP), au début des années 80, fut une découverte majeure qui révéla le rôle endocrinien du cœur. Les connaissances sur la relaxation vasculaire, la diurèse et la natriurèse provoquées par ce système ont évolué vers un niveau de complexité insoupçonné à cette époque. Nous savons à présent que les NP sont impliqués dans plusieurs autres mécanismes dont la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose, l’inhibition du système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (RAAS) et le métabolisme des adipocytes. Le métabolisme des lipides est maintenant devenu une cible de choix dans la lutte contre l’obésité. Cette condition aux proportions pandémiques est un facteur de risque majeur dans l’apparition de l’hypertension et du syndrome métabolique (MetS). La compréhension des mécanismes et des défauts de la voie des NP pourrait avoir un impact positif sur le contrôle du MetS et de l’hypertension.
L’expression du récepteur des peptides natriuretiques de type 1 (NPR1/GCA) est contrôlée par plusieurs agents incluant son propre ligand, le peptide natriurétique de l’oreillette (ANP). La découverte d’une boucle de retro-inhibition, dans les années 90, a été un événement majeur dans le domaine des NP. En effet, suite à une stimulation à l’ANP, le NPR1/GCA peut inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle de son propre gène par un mécanisme dépendant du cGMP.
Notre groupe a identifié un élément cis-régulateur responsable de cette sensibilité au cGMP et mon projet consistait à identifier la ou les protéine(s) liant cet élément de réponse au cGMP (cGMP-RE).
Nous avons identifié un clone liant le cGMP-RE en utilisant la technique du simple hybride chez la levure et une banque d’ADN complémentaire (ADNc) de rein humain. Ce clone provient d’un ADNc de 1083-bp dont le gène est localisé sur le chromosome 1 humain (1p33.36) et codant pour une protéine dont la fonction était inconnue jusqu’ici. Nous avons nommé cette nouvelle protéine GREBP en raison de sa fonction de cGMP Response Element Binding Protein. Des essais de liaison à l’ADN ont montré que cette protéine possède une affinité 18 fois plus élevée pour le cGMP-RE que le contrôle, tandis que des expériences de retard sur gel (EMSA) ont confirmé la spécificité des interactions protéine-ADN. De plus, l’immuno-précipitation de la chromatine (ChIP) a prouvé que GREBP lie le cGMP-RE dans des conditions physiologiques. La liaison de GREBP au cGMP-RE inhibe l’expression du gène rapporteur luciférase sous contrôle du promoteur de npr1/gca. L’inhibition de GREBP à l’aide d’ARN interférant active le promoteur de npr1/gca. Dans les cellules NCI-H295R, l’ANP stimule l’expression de grebp de 60% après seulement 3 heures et inhibe l’expression de npr1/gca de 30%.
GREBP est une protéine nucléaire surtout exprimée dans le cœur et ayant le facteur eIF3F comme partenaire. Les variations nucléotidiques du gène sont plus fréquentes chez les patients hypertendus que chez des patients normotendus ou hypertendus souffrant de MetS.
Nous rapportons ici l’existence d’un gène spécifique à l’humain qui agit comme répresseur transcriptionnel de npr1/gca et potentiellement impliqué dans le développement de l’hypertension. / The natriuretic peptide (NP) system was a milestone discovery that revealed the endocrine role of the heart for the first time in the early 1980s. From its vasodilatory, natriuretic and diuretic actions, knowledge about this system has evolved to a degree of complexity unsuspected at that time. Now, through cGMP generation, NPs are involved in several other mechanisms, such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, renin-angiotensine-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibition, and fat cell function. The latter point is of growing interest in lipid metabolism and has become an important issue in the fight against obesity. This pandemic condition is one of the main risk factors leading to hypertension development and metabolic syndrome (MetS) progression. Thus, understanding, at least in part, the lipid mobilization pathways controlled by NPs could have a positive impact in MetS management. As with hypertension, identifying defects in signaling pathways will certainly help to identify mechanisms implicated in lost sensitivity of the NP system.
Natriuretic peptide receptor 1 (npr1/gca) expression is controlled by several agents including its own ligand, the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). A major finding in NPs field occured in the mid-90s when a mechanism involving a retro-inhibition loop was described. Indeed, after ANP stimulation, NPR1/GCA down-regulates the transcriptional activity of its gene via a cGMP-dependent mechanism.
Since our group previously identified a cis-acting element responsible for this cGMP sensitivity, I proceeded to explore novel putative protein binding to the cGMP-response element (cGMP-RE).
Using the yeast-one-hybrid technique with a human kidney cDNA library, we identified a strongly positive clone able to bind cGMP-RE. The clone was derived from a 1083-bp long cDNA of a gene of yet unknown function localized on human chromosome 1 (1p33.36). We named this new protein GREBP for cGMP-Response Element-Binding Protein. DNA-binding assays showed 18-fold higher cGMP-RE-binding capacity than the controls while electromobility shift assay (EMSA) indicated a specific binding for the cGMP-RE and chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP) confirmed the binding of GREBP to the element under physiological conditions. By acting on cGMP-RE, GREBP inhibited the activity of a luciferase-coupled NPR1 promoter construct. In H295R cells, ANP heightened GREBP expression by 60% after just 3 hours of treatment while inhibiting npr1/gca expression by 30%. Silencing GREBP with specific small interfering RNA increased the activity of the luciferase-coupled NPR1/GCA promoter and NPR1/GCA mRNA levels.
GREBP is a nuclear protein mainly expressed in the heart and has the eIF3F factor as partner. Its nucleotide variations are more frequent in non-obese hypertensive patients than normotensive subjects or hypertensive patients suffering from MetS.
We report here the existence of a human specific gene acting as a transcriptional repressor of npr1/gca gene that could be implicated in hypertension development.
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Monitoring obezity u mužů středního věku v Hradci Králové / Obesity monitoring in middle aged men in Hradec KrálovéSenecký, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Title: Obesity monitoring in middle aged men in Hradec Kralove Targets: The targets of thesis is to determine prevalence of the obesity in men at age 30 - 50 years in Hradec Kralove. The necessary data for this empirical research will be obtained on the basis of the questionnaires distributed among 30 active athletes and 30 pacients of prof. Martinik's diabetology office, who suffer from obesity and undergo treatment in his office. Subsequently, I will perform a deep analysis of all the data obtained from the questionnaries, in order to identify hazard factors for obesity, stress management, physical aktivity, fixed daily routine and life management or the prevalence of the genetic load in the group of surveyed athletes and surveyed obese patients of prof. Martiník's diabetology office. These data will be then compared in order to identifily the main differences between active athletes and obese patients. Methods: The empirical research was conducted at 30 randomly selected active athletes (at age 30 - 50 years), who live in Hradec Kralove and at 30 random patients (also at age 30 - 50 years) of prof. Martiník, who also live in Hradec Kralove and undergo medical treatment on the basis of the questionnaire, which I created myself and filled personally with the patients and athletes in order to...
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Genetics and molecular epidemiology of metabolic syndrome-related traits:focus on metabolic profiling of lipid-lowering therapies and fatty liver, and the role of genetic factors in inflammatory loadSliz, E. (Eeva) 14 May 2019 (has links)
Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of metabolic abnormalities predisposing to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), type 2 diabetes, and increased mortality. Due to the high prevalence and severe co-morbidities, metabolic syndrome constitutes a major burden for both public health and the global economy. Improved understanding of the detailed molecular mechanisms could provide novel strategies for the treatment and preferably prevention of the metabolic syndrome-related health issues.
Recent advancements in ‘omics’ technologies have facilitated the development of novel tools to examine the links between genetic variation and human health. The new techniques allow determination of millions of genotypes or quantification of hundreds of metabolic measures from a single blood sample. In this thesis, genomics and metabolomics approaches are coupled to improve our understanding of the metabolic syndrome-related health issues. More precisely, my projects evaluate the metabolic effects of two lipid-lowering therapies and non-alcoholic fatty liver, as well as assess genetic determinants of chronic inflammation.
The present results indicate generally consistent metabolic effects of statins and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) genetic inhibition. The subtle discrepancies observed could potentially contribute to differences in the efficacy to lower CVD risk between statins and PCSK9 inhibitors. The dissimilar metabolic effects of the four genetic variants that increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) highlight the heterogeneity of the molecular mechanisms involved in NAFLD pathogenesis. The results further suggest that fatty liver by itself might not promote unfavourable metabolic aberrations associated with fatty liver on a population level. The newly identified loci associating with inflammatory phenotypes elucidate the genetic mechanisms contributing to the inflammatory load. In particular, the present results suggest the important role of the locus determining the ABO blood types in the regulation of the soluble adhesion molecule levels.
To conclude, this thesis successfully complements the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in metabolic syndrome-related traits and provides examples of how to couple omics technologies in the study of complex traits or in the evaluation of drug effects. / Tiivistelmä
Metabolinen oireyhtymä on tila, jossa useiden aineenvaihdunnallisten riskitekijöiden kasautuminen suurentaa riskiä sairastua tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin sekä lisää kokonaiskuolleisuutta. Vakavista liitännäissairauksista ja suuresta esiintyvyydestä johtuen metabolinen oireyhtymä kuormittaa merkittävästi sekä terveydenhuoltoa että kansantaloutta. Jotta metabolisen oireyhtymän hoitoon ja ennaltaehkäisyyn voitaisiin kehittää uusia keinoja, on tärkeää ymmärtää paremmin oireyhtymän syntyyn vaikuttavat täsmälliset molekyylimekanismit.
Niin sanottujen ’omiikka-tekniikoiden’ viimeaikainen kehitys tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia tutkia geenimuutosten vaikutuksia terveyteen. Uusien tekniikoiden avulla voidaan määrittää miljoonia genotyyppejä tai satoja aineenvaihdunnan merkkiaineita yhdestä verinäytteestä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä yhdistetään genomiikan ja metabolomiikan menetelmiä metaboliseen oireyhtymään liittyvien terveysongelmien tutkimiseksi. Väitöskirjani osatöissä arvioin kahden lipidilääkkeen sekä ei-alkoholiperäisen rasvamaksan aineenvaihdunnallisia vaikutuksia sekä pyrin tunnistamaan krooniseen tulehdukseen vaikuttavia geneettisiä tekijöitä.
Tulosten mukaan statiinien ja PCSK9:n (engl. proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) geneettisen eston aineenvaihduntavaikutukset ovat hyvin samankaltaiset. Kuitenkin havaitut pienet poikkeavuudet tietyissä merkkiaineissa voivat vaikuttaa eroavaisuuksiin siinä, kuinka tehokkaasti lääkeaineet alentavat sydäntautiriskiä. Suuret erot rasvamaksan riskiä lisäävien geenimuutosten vaikutuksissa aineenvaihduntaan korostavat rasvamaksaan liittyvien molekyylimekanismien monimuotoisuutta. Tulosten perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että rasvan kertyminen maksaan ei luultavasti itsessään aiheuta suuria muutoksia verenkierron aineenvaihduntatuotteiden pitoisuuksiin. Tulehdusmerkkiaineisiin assosioituvat uudet geenialueet täydentävät tulehduksen molekyylimekanismeihin liittyvää tietoa. Tulokset korostavat ABO-veriryhmän määräävän geenin vaikutusta liukoisten adheesiomolekyylien pitoisuuksiin.
Kaiken kaikkiaan väitöskirjan osatyöt tuovat uutta tietoa metaboliseen oireyhtymään liittyvien terveysongelmien molekyylimekanismeihin. Projektit havainnollistavat, miten omiikka-tekniikoita voidaan hyödyntää monitekijäisten fenotyyppien tutkimuksessa sekä lääkeaineiden aineenvaihduntavaikutusten arvioinnissa.
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Relação entre peso de nascimento e ganho pondoestatural no primeiro ano de vida e fatores de risco para a doença cardiovascular em adultos nascidos entre 1977 e 1989 acompanhados no Centro de Saúde-Escola \"Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa\" do Butantã, cidade de São Paulo / Relationship between birth weight and infant growth in the first year of life and risk factors to cardiovascular diseases of adults followed at Health Center School Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa from Butantã neighborhood, São Paulo, born between 1977 and 1989Gomes, Filumena Maria da Silva 17 August 2010 (has links)
A ocorrência de doença cardiovascular não pode ser explicada somente pelo estilo de vida do adulto. Estudos ecológicos e epidemiológicos dos últimos vinte anos demonstraram maior incidência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em indivíduos que nasceram com baixo peso e tiveram um ganho de peso inadequado nos dois primeiros anos de vida. A hipótese aceita atualmente é a de que agravos, principalmente nutricionais, ocorridos durante a gestação alteram a programação de órgãos e sistemas para preservar, principalmente, o desenvolvimento cerebral, levando ao sacrifício metabólico de vários órgãos, como rins, fígado, coração, pâncreas, que ao serem solicitados na vida adulta, teriam menor capacidade funcional. Esta teoria foi chamada Hipótese de Barker ou do Fenótipo Poupador. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o peso de nascimento e do primeiro ano de vida de adultos usuários do Centro de Saúde-Escola Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa, que foram matriculados quando lactentes e que estão atualmente em seguimento nesta unidade de saúde, correlacionando com a sua condição de saúde atual, para tentar demonstrar a teoria das origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e da doença em nosso meio. A anamnese clínica, medidas da cintura abdominal, cintura quadril, pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca, e exames laboratoriais, tais como colesterol total e frações, triglicérides, glicemia de jejum foram estudados. Constituiu-se um grupo de 298 usuários, com média de idade de 25 anos, sendo 212 mulheres e 86 homens. Após a execução do estudo observamos que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação a anamnese e aos exames laboratoriais alterados dos adultos, quando se compararam aos grupos com baixo peso de nascimento, nem quando comparados aos grupos com peso baixo com um ano de idade. O acompanhamento destes de adultos, por duas a três décadas, poderá trazer dados que venham a ajudar a comprovar a teoria das origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e da doença em nosso meio. A prevenção primordial, isto é, antes do nascimento, das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis será o objetivo futuro da Pediatria Preventiva / The appearance of a cardiovascular disease cannot be explained only by the adults lifestyle. Ecological and epidemiological studies from the last twenty years show a more frequent incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases in individuals that were born under the ideal weight and had an inadequate gain of weight during their first two years. The hypothesis initially accepted is that certain deficiencies, mainly nutritional, that occurred during pregnancy alter the programming of organs and systems in order to preserve the cerebral development. This process may lead to metabolic sacrifice of many organs, including liver, kidneys, heart and pancreas, which will have a worse functional capacity when necessary in adult life. This theory was called Barker Hypothesis or Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis. This research project has for objective the comparation of the weight at birth and during the first year of life from adults whose health is followed at Health Center School Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa. This group of adults was subscripted when its members were infants. A correlation between their present health and their health conditions when infants was made during this study in order to try to demonstrate in our environment the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. The basis of the study was the clinical anamneses, the measures of the abdominal waist, hip, arterial pressure, cardiac frequency and some laboratorial examinations, such as total and fractional cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose levels. A group of 298 patients was formed, with an average age of 25 years-old members. 212 of them were women and 86 were men. After this study, it was concluded that the underweight at birth and underweight during the first year of life do not lead to alterations statistically relevant in the anamneses and in the laboratorial examinations. The following of these adults during two or three decades may bring data that might help to prove the developmental origins of health and disease theory in our environment. The primordial prevention (before the child is born) of non-communicable chronic diseases will be the future target of Preventive Pediatrics
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Doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) em pacientes morbidamente obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica : correlação entre os achados histopatológicos das biópsias hepáticas intraoperatórias e estado glicêmico basalSouto, Kátia Elisabete Pires January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica (DHGNA) tem como causa principal a obesidade. Atualmente não existe tratamento medicamentoso específico para DHGNA. A cirurgia bariátrica surge como uma alternativa de tratamento em pacientes morbidamente obesos. Objetivos: Analisar, através de biópsia hepática intra-operatória, o grau de comprometimento hepático em obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, correlacionando os achados histopatológicos com o estado glicêmico dos pacientes. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectivo incluindo 521 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica de julho de 2001 até dezembro de 2016. Os pacientes foram classificados em três grupos de acordo com o status glicêmico basal: 167(32,05%) diabéticos tipo 2 (G1), 132 (25,33%) pré-diabéticos (G2) e 222 (42,61%) obesos normoglicêmicos (G3). Foram obtidas biópsias hepáticas transoperatórias, as quais foram classificadas conforme os critérios de Brunt e do NASH-CRN. As variáveis clínicas e bioquímicas e histológicas foram comparadas antes da cirurgia e durante o seguimento pós-operatório. Resultados: A prevalência de DHGNA nesta coorte foi de 95%. Não houve diferença quanto ao gênero e IMC entre os grupos. Observaram-se taxas mais altas de fibrose (56,4% G1 vs 29,2% G2 vs 28,6% G3 p<0,001) e Esteatohepatite Não Alcoólica (EHNA) (59,4% G1vs 49,2% G2 vs 36% G3 p <0,001) nos pacientes diabéticos. Apenas 1,5 %, dos diabéticos apresentaram histologia normal (vs 7,76% G2 vs 15,7% G3). / Introduction: Obesity is the main cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), for which there is currently no specific medical treatment. Bariatric surgery is a treatment alternative for morbidly obese patients. Objectives: Use an intraoperative liver biopsy to analyze the degree of liver damage in obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery and correlates the histopathological findings with glucose status. Methods: Prospective cohort study of 521 morbid obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery from July 2001 to December 2016, classified into three groups according to their baseline glucose status: 167 (32.05%) type 2 diabetes (G1), 132 (25.33%) pre-diabetic (G2) and 222 (42.61%) normoglycemic obese (G3). Patients using potentially hepatotoxic medications and a history of ethanol consumption or viral hepatitis were excluded. Intraoperative liver biopsies were obtained and classified in accordance with Brunt and NASH-CRN criteria. Clinical, biochemical and histopathological variables were compared before surgery and during postoperative follow-up. Results: The prevalence NAFLD was 95%. There was no intergroup difference for sex and BMI. Higher rates of fibrosis (56.4% G1 vs. 29.2% G2 vs. 28.6% G3 p<0.001) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (59.4% G1vs 49.2% G2 vs. 36% G3 p <0.001) were observed in the diabetic patients. Only 1.5 % of diabetics showed normal histology (vs. 7.76% G2 and 15.7% G3).
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Relação entre peso de nascimento e ganho pondoestatural no primeiro ano de vida e fatores de risco para a doença cardiovascular em adultos nascidos entre 1977 e 1989 acompanhados no Centro de Saúde-Escola \"Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa\" do Butantã, cidade de São Paulo / Relationship between birth weight and infant growth in the first year of life and risk factors to cardiovascular diseases of adults followed at Health Center School Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa from Butantã neighborhood, São Paulo, born between 1977 and 1989Filumena Maria da Silva Gomes 17 August 2010 (has links)
A ocorrência de doença cardiovascular não pode ser explicada somente pelo estilo de vida do adulto. Estudos ecológicos e epidemiológicos dos últimos vinte anos demonstraram maior incidência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em indivíduos que nasceram com baixo peso e tiveram um ganho de peso inadequado nos dois primeiros anos de vida. A hipótese aceita atualmente é a de que agravos, principalmente nutricionais, ocorridos durante a gestação alteram a programação de órgãos e sistemas para preservar, principalmente, o desenvolvimento cerebral, levando ao sacrifício metabólico de vários órgãos, como rins, fígado, coração, pâncreas, que ao serem solicitados na vida adulta, teriam menor capacidade funcional. Esta teoria foi chamada Hipótese de Barker ou do Fenótipo Poupador. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o peso de nascimento e do primeiro ano de vida de adultos usuários do Centro de Saúde-Escola Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa, que foram matriculados quando lactentes e que estão atualmente em seguimento nesta unidade de saúde, correlacionando com a sua condição de saúde atual, para tentar demonstrar a teoria das origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e da doença em nosso meio. A anamnese clínica, medidas da cintura abdominal, cintura quadril, pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca, e exames laboratoriais, tais como colesterol total e frações, triglicérides, glicemia de jejum foram estudados. Constituiu-se um grupo de 298 usuários, com média de idade de 25 anos, sendo 212 mulheres e 86 homens. Após a execução do estudo observamos que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação a anamnese e aos exames laboratoriais alterados dos adultos, quando se compararam aos grupos com baixo peso de nascimento, nem quando comparados aos grupos com peso baixo com um ano de idade. O acompanhamento destes de adultos, por duas a três décadas, poderá trazer dados que venham a ajudar a comprovar a teoria das origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e da doença em nosso meio. A prevenção primordial, isto é, antes do nascimento, das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis será o objetivo futuro da Pediatria Preventiva / The appearance of a cardiovascular disease cannot be explained only by the adults lifestyle. Ecological and epidemiological studies from the last twenty years show a more frequent incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases in individuals that were born under the ideal weight and had an inadequate gain of weight during their first two years. The hypothesis initially accepted is that certain deficiencies, mainly nutritional, that occurred during pregnancy alter the programming of organs and systems in order to preserve the cerebral development. This process may lead to metabolic sacrifice of many organs, including liver, kidneys, heart and pancreas, which will have a worse functional capacity when necessary in adult life. This theory was called Barker Hypothesis or Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis. This research project has for objective the comparation of the weight at birth and during the first year of life from adults whose health is followed at Health Center School Prof. Samuel B. Pessoa. This group of adults was subscripted when its members were infants. A correlation between their present health and their health conditions when infants was made during this study in order to try to demonstrate in our environment the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. The basis of the study was the clinical anamneses, the measures of the abdominal waist, hip, arterial pressure, cardiac frequency and some laboratorial examinations, such as total and fractional cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose levels. A group of 298 patients was formed, with an average age of 25 years-old members. 212 of them were women and 86 were men. After this study, it was concluded that the underweight at birth and underweight during the first year of life do not lead to alterations statistically relevant in the anamneses and in the laboratorial examinations. The following of these adults during two or three decades may bring data that might help to prove the developmental origins of health and disease theory in our environment. The primordial prevention (before the child is born) of non-communicable chronic diseases will be the future target of Preventive Pediatrics
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Hipogonadismo associado à obesidade: efeitos do tratamento com citrato de clomifeno / Obesity related hypogonadism: clomiphene citrate treatment effectsSoares, Andressa Heimbecher 26 March 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma das causas de hipogonadismo (HG) secundário no homem. A terapia de reposição padrão de testosterona (TRT) é associada à melhora dos parâmetros metabólicos, mas pode levar à infertilidade. Apenas recentemente indicou-se que não há novas evidências nível 1 para apoiar uma conexão definitiva entre TRT e eventos cardiovasculares (CV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do Citrato de Clomifeno (CC) em homens jovens com hipogonadismo associado à obesidade diagnosticado por testosterona total (TT) <= 300 ng/dL em duas ocasiões, sintomas positivos no questionário ADAM, hormônio Luteinizante (LH) baixo ou inadequadamente normal (VR: 1,7 - 8,6 UI/L). MÉTODOS: Estudo randomizado, duplo cego, controlado por placebo (PLB), longitudinal em centro único. Setenta e oito pacientes com idade entre 36,5±7,8 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) 46,2±8,5 kg/m2 foram randomizados (1:1) para receber CC 50 mg ou PLB durante 12 semanas. Os pacientes foram avaliados através de: 1) Parâmetros clínicos: Questionário ADAM, número de intercursos sexuais, queixa de insatisfação com a vida sexual; 2) Parâmetros hormonais: dosagem sérica de TT, testosterona livre, Estradiol (E2), LH, hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), SHBG, relação TT:E2; 3) Parâmetros de composição corporal: IMC, circunferência abdominal (CA) e análise de bioimpedanciometria; 4) Parâmetros metabólicos: pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, glicemia em jejum (GJ), hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), índice HOMA-IR, colesterol total e frações, triglicérides; 5) Parâmetros de resposta CV: dilatação fluxo mediada artéria braquial (FMDAB), níveis circulantes de sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, Selectina-sE e quantificação de células endoteliais progenitoras (CEPs) por citometria de fluxo; 6) Efeitos adversos: hematócrito, antígeno prostático específico sérico (PSA), questionário internacional de sintomas prostáticos (I-PSS), dosagem sérica de alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), e efeitos adversos autorreferidos. RESULTADOS: Na randomização os dois grupos foram semelhantes em relação à idade (CC: 35,5±7,8 anos, PLB: 35,6±7,8; p= 0,951), IMC (CC: 45,5±11,3 kg/m2; PLB: 47,2±9,6; p= 0,470), CA (CC: 137,5±17,9 cm; PLB: 140,2±19,6; p= 0,526) e testosterona total (CC: 225,8±70,0 ng/dL; PLB: 216,0±72,1; p= 0,543). Não houve diferenças nos parâmetros de resposta clínica, exceto com relação à queixa de perda de vigor nas ereções (p < 0,001). Observou-se elevação significativa (p= < 0,001) de TT, Testosterona livre, E2, LH, FSH e SHBG no grupo CC em comparação com PLB. Houve um aumento significativo (p < 0,001) na massa magra e na massa muscular; e também na massa livre de gordura (p= 0,004). O CC reduziu HDL em comparação com PLB (p < 0,001) e não mostrou efeito em outros parâmetros metabólicos. Não houve significância estatística nos parâmetros CV, indicando efeito nulo do tratamento. CC reduziu ALT (p < 0,001) e aumentou o PSA (p= 0,023) dentro dos limites da normalidade. CONCLUSÕES: CC foi efetivo para melhorar os parâmetros de resposta hormonal e afetou positivamente um parâmetro de resposta clínica (perda de vigor nas ereções). Apesar das alterações na composição corporal, não se observou melhora do perfil metabólico. No entanto, o CC não ocasionou resposta adversa nos parâmetros CV. O tratamento CC para HG parece ser uma alternativa efetiva em jovens obesos que desejam preservar sua fertilidade, mas ensaios clínicos de seguimento em longo prazo e com maior número de participantes são necessários para melhor análise do perfil metabólico e de sintomas, além de impactos CV / INTRODUCTION: Obesity can cause secondary hypogonadism in man. The standard testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) improves metabolic parameters but can lead to infertility. Only recently TRT was not clearly associated with adverse cardiovascular (CV) events, but its impacts on endothelial function are still controversial. AIM: To evaluate the effects of Clomiphene Citrate (CC) in out clinic young man with obesity related hypogonadism: total testosterone (TT) <= 300 ng/dL on two occasions, positive symptoms in ADAM questionnaire, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) low or inappropriate normal (RV: 1.7-8.6 IU/liter). METHODS: This is a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, single-center study. Seventy eight patients aged 36.5±7.8 years, Body mass index (BMI) 46.2±8.5 kg/m2 were randomized (1:1) to receive CC 50 mg or Placebo (PLB) during 12 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: 1) Clinical symptomology: ADAM Questionnaire, number of sexual intercourses and satisfaction with sexual life; 2) Hormonal monitoring: serum TT, Free testosterone, Estradiol (E2), LH and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), SHBG, TT/E2 ratio; 3) Body composition and anthropometric measurements: BMI, waist circumference (WC) and Bioelectric Impedance analysis parameters; 4) Metabolic response parameters: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides; 5) CV assessment by endothelial function parameters: Flowmediated dilatation of the brachial artery (FMDAB), circulating levels of sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, E-selectin and flow cytometry endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs); 6) Adverse outcomes: Hematocrit, serum Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) and Selfreported Adverse Effects. RESULTS: Two groups were similar with regard to age (CC: 35.5±7.8 years; PLB: 35.6±7.8; P=0.951), BMI (CC: 45.5±11.3 kg/m2; PLB: 47.2±9.6; P=0.470), WC (CC: 137.5±17.9 cm; PLB: 140.2±19.6; P=0.526) and total testosterone (CC: 225.8±70.0 ng/dL; PLB: 216.0±72.1; P=0.543) in baseline data. There was an improvement in one sexual complaint (weaker erections) (P < 0.001) and there were significant improvements (P < 0.001) in TT, Free Testosterone, E2, LH, FSH and SHBG in CC group (vs. PLB). There was a gain in lean mass (P < 0.001), free fat mass (P=0.004) and muscle mass (P < 0.001). CC reduced HDL compared to PLB (P < 0.001) and showed no effect in other metabolic parameters. No statistical significance was seen in CV parameters. CC reduced ALT (P < 0.001) and increased PSA (P=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: CC was effective in increase hormonal response parametersand improved one sexual complaint (weaker erections). Despite body composition changes, CC did not improved metabolic profile and lowered LDL cholesterol. CC showed no adverse response in CV parameters. CC treatment for HG appears to be an effective alternative in young obese men wishing to preserve their fertility but long-term follow-up trials to better analyze the metabolic profile and CV outcomes are needed
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Associations of low HDL cholesterol level and premature coronary heart disease with functionality and phospholipid composition of HDL and with plasma oxLDL antibody levelsPaavola, T. (Timo) 01 October 2019 (has links)
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis. It is a major cause of mortality and morbidity both in Finland and globally. Even after the best known treatments a significant residual risk of CHD remains. A low plasma HDL cholesterol level (HDL, high-density lipoprotein) is a common lipid abnormality in patients affected by premature CHD and also a component of the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors for atherosclerosis associated with central obesity.
In this study, a phenotype of low HDL cholesterol level and premature CHD was investigated in two Northern Finnish family populations. The aim was to find new biological factors accounting for the elevated CHD risk in the phenotype. In the subjects of family population I, plasma levels of antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA) against experimental epitopes (malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde-modified, copper-oxidized) of oxidized LDL (low-density lipoprotein) particles were measured. In the subjects of family population II, capacity of HDL fractions (total HDL, HDL2 and HDL3) to accept cholesterol from a THP-1 experimental foam cell model was assayed (cholesterol efflux). In addition, a phospholipid composition of their HDL fractions (HDL2 and HDL3) was measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
The antibody levels were not related to CHD or to HDL cholesterol level. Instead, the cholesterol efflux to HDL2 fraction was clearly impaired in CHD, which was associated with the low HDL cholesterol level of the patients. The impaired cholesterol efflux to HDL2 fraction was primarily in conjunction with the metabolic syndrome. The phospholipid composition of HDL fractions was different between the affected and the non-affected subjects. As an example, characteristic of the metabolic syndrome were elevated contents of palmitic, palmitoleic or oleic acids relative to linoleic acid in lysophosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylcholines.
In conclusion, the HDL fraction is both functionally and compositionally modified in the phenotype of low HDL cholesterol level and premature CHD. Especially the cholesterol efflux capacity of the HDL2 fraction and thus its many functional properties may be impaired. There are many characteristic features in the phospholipid composition of the HDL in the phenotype which were detected in HDL2 and HDL3 fractions. / Tiivistelmä
Sepelvaltimotauti on ateroskleroosin kliininen ilmenemismuoto. Se on merkittävimpiä kuolleisuuden ja sairastavuuden aiheuttajia niin Suomessa kuin maailmalla. Parhaillakin tunnetuilla hoidoilla sepelvaltimotaudille jää huomattava jäännösriski. Plasman matala HDL-kolesterolitaso (HDL, high-density lipoprotein) on yleinen lipidipoikkeavuus varhaista sepelvaltimotautia sairastavilla ja myös eräs metabolisen oireyhtymän, eli keskivartalolihavuuteen liittyvän ateroskleroosin riskitekijäkasauman, komponentti.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin matalan HDL-kolesterolitason ja varhaisen sepelvaltimotaudin fenotyyppiä kahdessa pohjoissuomalaisessa sukuaineistossa. Tavoitteena oli löytää uusia biologisia tekijöitä fenotyypin kohonneen sepelvatimotautiriskin taustalta. Ensimmäisen aineiston henkilöiden plasmasta mitattiin vasta-ainetasoja (IgG, IgM, IgA) LDL-hiukkasten (LDL, low-density lipoprotein) kokeellisia hapettuneita epitooppeja (malonidialdehydi-asetaldehydi-modioitu ja kuparilla hapetettu LDL) vastaan. Toisessa aineistossa mitattiin henkilöiden HDL-fraktioiden (kokonais-HDL, HDL2 ja HDL3) kykyä saada aikaan kolesterolin ulosvirtausta kokeellisesta THP-1 vaahtosolumallista. Lisäksi heidän HDL-fraktioidensa (HDL2, HDL3) fosfolipidikoostumus mitattiin nestekromatografi-massaspektrometri-laitteistolla.
Vasta-ainetasot eivät liittyneet sepelvaltimotautiin tai HDL-kolesterolitasoon. Sen sijaan kolesterolin ulosvirtaus HDL2-fraktioon oli selkeästi alentunut sepelvaltimotaudissa, mikä liittyi potilaiden pieneen HDL-kolesterolipitoisuuteen. Alentunut ulosvirtaus HDL2-fraktioon liittyikin ensisijaisesti metaboliseen oireyhtymään. HDL-fraktioiden fosfolipidikoostumus erosi terveiden ja sairaiden välillä. Esimerkiksi metabolisessa oireryhtymässä tunnusomaista oli lysofosfatidyylikoliinien ja fosfatidyylikoliinien sisältämän palmitiinihapon, palmitoleiinihapon tai oleiinihapon suurentunut määrä suhteessa niiden sisältämän linoleenihapon määrään.
Loppupäätelmä on, että matalan HDL-kolesterolitason ja varhaisen sepelvaltimotaudin fenotyypin HDL-fraktio on sekä toiminnaltaan että koostumukseltaan muuntunut. Erityisesti HDL2-fraktion kyky saada aikaan kolesterolin ulosvirtausta ja näin ollen sen monet toiminnalliset ominaisuudet voivat olla alentuneet. Fenotyypin HDL:n fosfolipidikoostumuksessa on monia tunnusomaisia piirteitä, joita havaittiin sekä HDL2- että HDL3-fraktiossa.
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Diet and Cardiometabolic Disease : Dietary trends and the impact of diet on diabetes and cardiovascular diseaseKrachler, Benno January 2007 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in most industrialised countries and in developing countries the trend in cardiovascular-related deaths is increasing. World-wide, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an emerging cause of disability and premature death. Both these conditions are closely associated with the consumption of energy-dense foods and food products that are poor in nutrients, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle. Pharmacological and surgical interventions can improve the outcome and delay the progression of the disease, but in terms of population-level prevention there is no substitute for the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. SETTING The underlying studies were conducted in Västerbotten (the VIP study), and in Norrbotten and Västerbotten combined (the MONICA Project). Norrbotten andVästerbotten are the two northernmost counties in Sweden. Since the mid-1980sthe prevalence of cardiovascular disease has decreased and diabetes rates haveremained stable in this region, despite of an unbroken trend of increasing body weight. OBJECTIVE The aim of this thesis is to describe changes in reported dietary habits, estimatetheir relative importance as risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and finally to identify lifestyle components as potential targets for intervention. RESULTS The first paper describes changes in self-reported food consumption between 1986 and 1999. During this period, the population in question switched from products with high saturated fatty acid content (e.g. milk containing 3% fat, butter) to foods containing less saturated fat (e.g. milk containing 1.5% fat, vegetable oil, low-fat margarine); pasta and rice were consumed more often, and potatoes were consumed less. Convenience foods (e.g. hamburgers, snacks, sweets) became more popular, whilst traditional dishes (e.g. potato dumplings, black pudding, blöta) decreased in popularity. Fruit and vegetable intake remained low. In paper two we study the effects of these changes in food intake on the risk of developing T2DM using body fat distribution as an early indicator. Increased consumption of convenience foods was associated with unfavourable changes (smaller hip circumference and larger waist circumference), whereas the increased consumption of vegetable oil and pasta was associated with low-risk fat distribution. In the third paper we report studies on the association between fat consumption and T2DM. We used the pattern of fatty acids in the membranes of red blood cells as a marker of fat intake. In addition to confirming earlier findings (markers of the intake of saturated fat are associated with increased risk of T2DM and markers of unsaturated fat are associated with reduced T2DM risk), we also identified associations between two markers of milk-derived saturated fat intake and enterolactone, a biomarker of dietary fibre intake, and the risk of developing myocardial infarction. Our results indicate that moderately high levels of enterolactone intake in men are associated with lower risk of experiencing myocardial infarction. Manuscript 5 ranks education level, physical activity, smoking status, and self-reported intake of dietary fibre and fatty acids according to their effects on body fat distribution. Increased levels of physical activity, a higher education level and a reduced intake of saturated fat from meat were ranked as the most strongly associated factors in both men and women. Increased intake of dietary fibre from grains in women, and increased intake of dietary fibre from fruits and vegetables in men, was also inversely associated with average waist circumference. CONCLUSION Both questionnaire-based and biological markers of the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease have been identified. Based on available population level measurements, reduced consumption of convenience foods, increased consumption of whole-grain products, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil and pasta as well as increased physical activity are potential goals for interventions in northern Sweden.
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L’impact d’une diète néonatale déficiente en nutriments essentiels à la défense antioxydante sur le métabolisme énergétique à long termeTurcot, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
Les prématurés subissent un stress oxydant qui résulte d’une défense antioxydante faible et/ou d’une charge oxydante. Des données suggèrent qu’un stress oxydant peut affecter le métabolisme énergétique et mener au syndrome métabolique.
Hypothèse: Une faible défense antioxydante tôt dans la vie est suffisante pour affecter le métabolisme énergétique à long terme.
Méthodes: Quatre groupes de cobayes (n=21) ont reçu entre leurs 3e et 7e jours de vie une diète standard (C-1sem, C-14sem) ou une diète déficiente (DC-1sem, DC-14sem). À 7 jours, les groupes C-1sem et DC-1sem ont été sacrifiés, le plasma et le foie collectés. Les groupes C-14sem et DC-14sem ont reçu la diète standard jusqu’à 14sem de vie. La glycémie et les triglycérides plasmatiques ont été mesurés à 1, 3, 11, et 13-14sem. La tolérance au glucose a été évaluée à 13sem. Les antioxydants hépatiques et les protéines régulant le métabolisme énergétique ont été analysés à 1 et 14sem.
Résultats: Un statut redox oxydé du glutathion était associé avec la diète déficiente et était maintenu oxydé au moins jusqu’à 14sem (p<0.01). Les faibles niveaux de triglycérides plasmatiques et de glycémies, ainsi qu’une meilleure tolérance au glucose à 14sem (p<0.05) étaient associés avec un statut redox plus oxydé.
Conclusion: Le faible taux de glutathion observé chez les prématurés a été reproduit dans notre modèle. Puisque nos données suggèrent un rôle protecteur d’un redox plus oxydé et que l’environnement redox est un important régulateur métabolique influençant le développement, il faudrait faire attention avant d’initier des traitements antioxydants agressifs chez les prématurés. / Preterm infants are faced to oxidative stress resulting from a low antioxidant defence and/or a high oxidant load. Datas suggest that an oxidative stress may impair energy metabolism leading to metabolic syndrome development.
Hypothesis: A weak antioxidant defence early in life such as observed in preterm newborns is sufficient to impair energy metabolism later in life.
Methods: Four groups of guinea pigs (n=21) received between their 3rd and 7th days of life a control diet (C-1week, C-14weeks) or antioxidant deficient diet (DC-1week, DC-14weeks). At 7 day-old, 1week-groups were sacrificed for plasma and liver sampling whereas 14week-groups were fed with the control diet until 14 week-old. Blood glucose and plasma triacylglycerol were determined at 1, 3, 11 and 13-14 week-old. Glucose tolerance test was performed at 13 week-old. Hepatic antioxidant defences and key proteins regulating lipid and glucose metabolism were measured at 1 and 14 weeks.
Results: The oxidized redox status of glutathione associated with the neonatal deficient diet was maintained until at least 14 week-old (p<0.01). The low plasma triacylglycerol, low blood glucose and better tolerance to glucose at 14 weeks (p<0.05) were associated with an oxidized redox status.
Conclusion: The low glutathione observed in newborn preterm infants has been reproduced in our animal model. Since the oxidized redox state observed here seems to be protective against impaired energy metabolism and since the cellular redox environment is known to be an important rheostat of metabolism influencing development, it suggests being careful before adopting aggressive antioxidant treatments in preterm infants.
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