Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metabolic syndrome."" "subject:"etabolic syndrome.""
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Efeito do consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras na saúde cardiovascular em adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática / Effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular health in adolescents: a systematic reviewTatiana Sadalla Collese 10 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras é pouco frequente entre os adolescentes, e o possível efeito deste consumo na saúde cardiovascular durante esta faixa etária é indefinido. Objetivo: Verificar se existe associação entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes (obesidade abdominal, hiperglicemia, hipertrigliceridemia, dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, e síndrome metabólica). Métodos: Registrou-se esta revisão sistemática no PROSPERO (CRD42013004818) para realizar uma revisão sistemática em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science). Considerou-se o período desde a criação destas bases de dados até sete de Dezembro de 2015 como data mais recente para a atualização das buscas. A estratégia de busca utilizou os seguintes grupos de descritores: faixa etária; frutas, legumes e verduras; indicadores de risco cardiovascular; estudos transversais ou coorte. Os critérios de elegibilidade foram: Artigos em Inglês, Espanhol e Português? estudos originais? amostra composta de adolescentes (dez a 19 anos de idade segundo a organização mundial de saúde); descritores de acordo com os indicadores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos para adolescentes. Artigos potencialmente elegíveis foram selecionados por dois revisores separadamente. Resultados: Foram identificados 5632 artigos. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, 102 artigos potencialmente relevantes permaneceram para a leitura na íntegra. Após seleção, 11 artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos (dez transversais, uma coorte). As principais razões para a exclusão dos estudos foram classificação da adolescência diferente da preconizada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras analisado como parte de um padrão alimentar (por exemplo, juntamente com peixes, laticínios ou cereais), e os indicadores de risco cardiovascular que não foram especificados ou que diferiram das definições estabelecidas. Os artigos avaliaram a ingestão de frutas, legumes e verduras em diversas unidades de medida, utilizando-se questionários de frequência de consumo alimentar (54.5%), recordatório alimentar de 24 horas (27.3%) e registro alimentar (18.2%). Além disso, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras foi avaliado separadamente (54.5%), em conjunto (36.4%), apenas legumes e verduras (9.1%), e um estudo incluiu suco de frutas (9.1%). Um terço dos estudos mostraram associações significativas entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a pressão arterial sistólica, obesidade abdominal, triglicérides, HDL colesterol e síndrome metabólica. Conclusão: As associações entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes são inconsistentes. Isto se deve provavelmente à heterogeneidade nos métodos utilizados para avaliar/classificar o consumo e/ou definir o risco cardiovascular neste grupo etário. Uma vez que os benefícios deste consumo já são bem estabelecidos na saúde cardiovascular de adultos, ainda são necessários estudos adicionais que abordem alta qualidade metodológica para melhor compreender esse fenômeno nos adolescentes / Background: Fruit and vegetable consumption is infrequent among adolescents, and the possible effect of this consumption on cardiovascular health during this age group is undefined. Aim: To investigate the association between fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular risk indicators in adolescents (abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension and metabolic syndrome). Methods: This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42013004818), and a systematic review searching electronic databases (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science) from inception to December 7, 2015 was conducted. The search strategy used the following sets of descriptors related to: age group; fruits and vegetables; cardiovascular risk indicators; cross-sectional and cohort studies. Eligibility criteria were: Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese; original studies; sample of adolescents (10-19 year-old according to World Health Organization); descriptors according to the cardiovascular risk indicators. Potentially eligible articles were selected by two reviewers separately. Results: A total of 5632 articles were identified. After reading the titles and abstracts, 102 potentially relevant articles remained for full reviewed. After selection, 11 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were included (10 cross-sectional; 1 cohort). The main reasons for study exclusion were misclassifying adolescence, assessing fruits and vegetables as part of a food pattern (for example, together with fish, dairy, or cereal), and cardiovascular risk indicators that were not specified or that differed from the definitions established. Articles evaluated fruit and vegetable intake in diverse units, using food frequency questionnaires (54.5%), 24-hour-dietary-recalls (27.3%), and food records (18.2%). In addition, fruit and vegetable consumption were assessed separately (54.5%), together (36.4%), or only vegetables (9.1%); and 1 article included fruit juice (9.1%). A third of the studies showed significant inverse associations of fruit and vegetable intake with systolic blood pressure, abdominal obesity, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: The associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and adolescent cardiovascular risk indicators are inconsistent. Since the benefits of this consumption are well established in adult cardiovascular health, further studies are necessary, addressing high methodological quality to better understand this phenomenon in adolescents
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Comportamento sedentário e desfechos na saúde de idosos: uma revisão sistemática / Sedentary behavior and health outcomes among older Adults: a systematic reviewLeandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende 04 June 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Idosos passam a maior parte do dia em comportamento sedentário. Apesar dessa alta exposição, o impacto do comportamento sedentário na saúde dessa população ainda não foi aprofundado. Objetivo: Revisar sistematicamente as evidências de associação entre o comportamento sedentário e desfechos relacionados à saúde de idosos acima de 60 anos de idade. Métodos: Foram revisadas as bases de dados Medline, Embase, Lillacs, Web of Science, SportsDiscus, PsychInfo, Cinahl e Sedentary Behavior Research Database por estudos observacionais publicados até o mês de maio de 2013, bem como os membros do Sedentary Behaviour Research Network, para identificar artigos potencialmente elegíveis. Após a inclusão, a qualidade metodológica da evidência de cada estudo foi avaliada, utilizando-se o GRADE. Resultados: Foram identificados 23 artigos elegíveis, dos quais apenas 2 (8%) apresentaram alta qualidade de evidência. O tempo gasto em comportamento sedentário foi relacionado a um aumento no risco de mortalidade por todas as causas. Estudos com qualidade moderada de evidências indicaram relação entre o comportamento sedentário e síndrome metabólica, circunferência da cintura e excesso de peso/obesidade. Os resultados de outros desfechos como saúde mental e câncer de rim ainda são insuficientes para conclusões definitivas. Conclusão: Esta revisão sistemática defende a relação entre o comportamento sedentário e aumento da mortalidade em idosos. Futuros estudos com alta qualidade metodológica serão necessários para a verificação de demais desfechos em saúde e para a criação de diretrizes e recomendações sobre comportamento sedentário de idosos / Background: In the last decade, sedentary behavior has emerged as a new risk factor for health. The elderly spend most of their awake time in sedentary activities. Despite this high exposure, the impact of this sedentary behavior on the health of this population has not yet been reviewed. Purpose: We systematically reviewed evidence for associations between sedentary behavior and multiple health outcomes in adults over 60 years of age. Methods: We searched the Medline, Embase, Web of Science, SportsDiscus, PsycInfo, Cinahl, LILACS, and Sedentary Research Database for observational studies published up to May 2013. Additionally, we contacted members of the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network to identify articles that were potentially eligible. After inclusion, the methodological quality of the evidence was assessed in each study. Results: We included 24 eligible articles in our systematic review, of which only 2 (8%) provided high-quality evidence. Greater sedentary time was related to an increased risk of all-cause mortality in the older adults. Some studies with a moderate quality of evidence indicated a relationship between sedentary behavior and metabolic syndrome, waist circumference, and overweightness/obesity. The findings for other outcomes such as mental health and renal cancer cells remain insufficient to draw conclusions. Conclusion: This systematic review supports the relationship between sedentary behavior and mortality in older adults. Additional studies with high methodological quality are still needed to develop informed guidelines for addressing sedentary behavior in older adults
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Estimativas do consumo de sódio no Brasil, revisão dos benefícios relacionados à limitação do consumo deste nutriente na Síndrome Metabólica e avaliação de impacto de intervenção no local de trabalho / Estimates of sodium consumption in Brazil, review of benefits related to limiting the consumption of this nutrient in the Metabolic Syndrome and assessment of impact of intervention at the workplaceFlavio Sarno 05 October 2010 (has links)
Introdução: O consumo excessivo de sódio tem se associado com vários efeitos prejudiciais à saúde, como aumento da pressão arterial (PA) e doença cardiovascular. Objetivos: Os objetivos da tese foram avaliar a disponibilidade de sódio no Brasil, analisar os efeitos de dietas com teores reduzidos de sódio em indivíduos com Síndrome Metabólica (SM) ou resistência à insulina (RI) e avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção que promoveu a redução da adição de sal aos alimentos. Sujeitos e métodos: A tese está composta de três artigos. O primeiro deles avaliou as aquisições de alimentos e bebidas realizadas pelos domicílios na Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar de 2002/2003 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O segundo artigo revisou a literatura de forma sistemática acerca dos ensaios clínicos realizados em adultos entre anos de 2004 e 2008. E o último artigo avaliou o impacto de uma intervenção, baseada no modelo ecológico de promoção de saúde, na redução da adição de sal nos alimentos consumidos por trabalhadores de empresas da cidade de São Paulo. Resultados: A quantidade diária de sódio disponível para consumo nos domicílios brasileiros foi de 4,7 g per capita e para uma ingestão diária de 2.000 kcal. A maior parte do sódio disponível para consumo proveio do sal de cozinha e de condimentos à base desse sal (76,2%). A fração proveniente de alimentos processados com adição de sal representou 9,7por centodo total de sódio no quinto inferior da distribuição da renda per capita e 25,0por centono quinto superior. A restrição no consumo de sódio associou-se ao aumento da RI em dois artigos e à diminuição em três outros. Em sete dos nove artigos, uma dieta com teor reduzido de sódio determinou redução da PA e em dois artigos ocorreram efeitos adversos em marcadores da SM. Nas análises multivariadas, homens (IRR = 0,51) e aqueles considerados normotensos (IRR = 0,61) alocados no grupo intervenção no momento final apresentaram taxas menores de adição de sal ao prato quente. Conclusões: O consumo de sódio no Brasil excede largamente a recomendação máxima para esse nutriente. A maioria dos estudos da revisão sistemática mostrou efeitos benéficos da restrição moderada de sódio da dieta, associada ou não a outras modificações nutricionais ou ao aumento da atividade física. A intervenção realizada no ambiente de trabalho reduziu a taxa de relato de adição de sal no prato quente entre trabalhadores do sexo masculino e entre aqueles categorizados como normotensos / Introduction: The excess of sodium consumption has been associated with several adverse health effects, such as increased of blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular disease. Objectives: Evaluate the availability of sodium in Brazil, analyze the effects of diets with reduced sodium content in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MS) or insulin resistance (IR) and evaluate the impact of an intervention which promoted the reduction of adding salt to foods. Subjects and Methods: The thesis is composed of three articles. The first one assessed the food and beverage purchases made by households in the Household Budget Survey of 2002/2003, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The second article reviewed the literature in a systematic way about clinical trials performed in adults between the years 2004 and 2008. And the last paper assessed the impact of an intervention, based on the ecological model of health promotion, in reducing the added salt to foods consumed by employees of Sao Paulo based companies. Results: The daily amount of sodium available in Brazilian households was 4.7 g daily per person for 2,000 kcal intake. Most of the sodium available for consumption comes from the salt and salt based seasonings (76.2 per cent). The fraction derived from processed foods with added salt represented 9.7 per cent of total sodium intake at the bottom of per person income distribution and 25.0 per cent at the top fifth. The restriction in sodium intake was associated with increased IR in two articles and the decrease in three others. In seven of the nine articles, the salt intake restriction had caused decreased in BP and in two articles have occurred adverse effects on markers of MS. In multivariate analysis, men (IRR = 0.51) and those considered normotensive (IRR = 0.61) allocated in the intervention group at the final moment had lower rates of salt addition in the hot meal. Conclusions: The results indicate that sodium intake in Brazil far exceeds the maximum recommended intake for this nutrient. Most studies have shown beneficial effects of a diet with moderate sodium restriction, with or without other nutritional modifications or increased physical activity. The intervention carried out at the workplace reduced the reporting rate of salt addition in the hot meal by male workers and those categorized as normotensive
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Bloqueio do receptor mineralocorticoide em hipertensos com síndrome metabólica: estudo da vasodilatação fluxo-mediadaLovisi, Julio Cesar Moraes 09 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-08T11:21:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-09-09 / INTRODUÇÃO: A epidemia de obesidade e de síndrome metabólica (SM) observada nos últimos anos se associa a uma série de agravos clínicos como neoplasias, diabetes mellitus e doenças cardiovasculares, notadamente a hipertensão arterial (HA). Diversos mecanismos etiopatogênicos têm sido descritos na HA associada à SM entre os quais citam-se a participação da aldosterona (ALDO) e da disfunção endotelial. OBJETIVOS: avaliar os efeitos do bloqueio do receptor mineralocorticoide (RMC) na função endotelial, na pressão arterial (PA) e em parâmetros inflamatórios e renais de indivíduos com SM. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 42 pacientes elegíveis para o protocolo. Todos os voluntários foram submetidos a exame clínico, avaliação laboratorial com dosagens de mediadores inflamatórios e de excreção urinária de albumina, além de avaliação cardiológica, com monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA), ecocardiograma e estudo da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada (VDFM), antes e após o tratamento. Destes, 28 indivíduos foram tratados com espironolactona (ESPIRO) na dose de 25-50 mg/dia e 14 com amlodipina (AMLO) na dose 5-10 mg/dia por 16 semanas (Resultados 1). Após essa avaliação, com objetivo de homogeneizar os grupos para melhor comparação dos parâmetros de VDFM, inflamatórios e renais, foram selecionados 27 indivíduos alocados em dois grupos por meio da aplicação da técnica do Propensity Score (PS). Deste modo foram constituídos dois grupos homogêneos, a saber: 16 pacientes em um grupo tratado com ESPIRO e 11 no grupo controle, tratados com AMLO, por um período de 16 semanas (Resultados 2).
Resultados 1: Os dados iniciais mostraram que o tratamento da HA com ESPIRO e com AMLO resultou em redução significante da PA em ambos os grupos. No grupo ESPIRO foi observado aumento da VDFM, enquanto no grupo AMLO houve redução significativa desse parâmetro. Observamos ainda redução significativa da microalbuminúria e de mediadores inflamatórios no grupo ESPIRO, o que não ocorreu no grupo AMLO. Finalmente, observou- se aumento significativo do colesterol HDL no grupo ESPIRO o que não foi observado no grupo AMLO.
Resultados 2: com a aplicação do PS e consequente maior homogeneidade entre os grupos houve a confirmação desses achados nos 2 grupos (ESPIRO e AMLO) e, adicionalmente, permitiu a subdivisão destes em inflamados (PCR>3,0 mg/dL) e não inflamados (PCR < 3,0
mg/dL). Quando se avaliaram a VDFM, o comportamento pressórico e de parâmetros metabólicos e renais observou-se aumento da VDFM, maior redução da PA, aumento do colesterol HDL e redução da albuminúria que foram significativas no grupo ESPIRO, notadamente no subgrupo não inflamado em comparação ao grupo inflamado.
CONCLUSÃO: O bloqueio dos RMC em hipertensos com SM melhorou a função endotelial e reduziu a pressão arterial, com impacto favorável sobre marcadores metabólicos, inflamatórios e na excreção urinária de albumina. Estes achados apontam para efeitos benéficos adicionais à redução pressórica em pacientes portadores de SM tratados com bloqueadores dos RMC. / INTRODUCTION: The epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS) described in recent years is associated with a series of clinical conditions such as malignancy, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases, chiefly systemic arterial hypertension (AH). There are several mechanisms proposed to explain the development of MS-associated AH, among which the role of aldosterone and endothelial dysfunction are noteworthy. OBJECTIVES: assess the effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade (MRB) on endothelial function, blood pressure (BP) and inflammatory and renal parameters of individuals with the MS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-two eligible patients were selected. All volunteers underwent clinical examination, laboratory determination of inflammatory mediators and urinary albumin excretion, and cardiologic examination with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (24-h ABPM), echocardiography and assessment of the flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) at baseline and after treatment. Twenty-eight individuals received spironolactone (SPIRO), 25-50mg/day, and 14 individuals received amlodipine (AMLO), 5-10mg/day, for 16 weeks (Results 1). In order to homogenize the groups and better compare the FMD and the inflammatory and renal parameters, 27 individuals were selected and allocated to two groups according to the propensity score (PS) technique: 16 individuals treated with SPIRO and 11 controls, treated with AMLO, for 16 weeks (Results 2).
Results 1: Both SPIRO-treated and AMLO-treated groups had significant BP reductions. While the SPIRO-treated group had increased FMD, the AMLO-treated group had a significant reduction of this parameter. There was also a significant reduction of microalbuminuria and inflammatory mediators in the SPIRO-treated group, but not in the AMLO one. There was a significant increase of HDL-cholesterol in the SPIRO group, but not in the AMLO one.
Results 2: With the PS technique, and consequent better homogenization of the groups, we confirmed these findings in the two groups (SPIRO and AMLO) and further subdivided them into those with inflammation (CRP>3.0mg/dl) and those without inflammation (CRP<3.0mg/dl). There were significantly increased FMV, greater BP reduction, increased HDL-cholesterol, and significant reduction of albuminuria in the SPIRO group, notably in the subgroup without inflammation, as compared with that with inflammation.
CONCLUSION: MRB in hypertensive subjects with the MS improved endothelial function and reduced blood pressure, with a favorable impact on metabolic and inflammatory markers and on the urinary albumin excretion. These findings point to MRB as a new option for treatment of AH in individuals with the MS.
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Genetic and epidemiological studies on the role of adiponectin and PTP1B in the metabolic syndromeSantaniemi, M. (Merja) 21 May 2010 (has links)
The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of components predisposing to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance seem to be central in the metabolic syndrome, although no unifying pathophysiological mechanism is available. The aim of this thesis was to determine out how the variation in PTP1B and adiponectin gene as well as variations in the plasma adiponectin concentration contribute to the risk of obesity related diseases.
PTP1B is a negative regulator of insulin signalling and therefore considered a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes. In the first study, it was found that three PTP1B polymorphisms studied have not strong impact on type 2 diabetes. However, one SNP may be slightly protective against type 2 diabetes, since it was more frequent in the healthy group compared to group of patients with type 2 diabetes. Another SNP was associated with body mass index (BMI). The combination of certain alleles of PTP1B and LEPR (leptin receptor) genes was also associated to BMI.
Adiponectin is an adipocytokine expressed in adipose tissue. It has insulin sensitizing effects in liver and muscle and it has also beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. In the second study, the contribution of adiponectin genotypes with obesity-related phenotypes was studied. In Caucasians, the carriers of rare allele of Tyr111His polymorphism were more insulin resistant and at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In African-Americans, other polymorphisms were associated with BMI and lipids. Thus, the effects of polymorphisms on obesity related phenotypes seemed to be different between ethnic groups.
Plasma adiponectin levels were measured from different study groups. In the third study, it was found out that low plasma adiponectin levels associated with different components of the metabolic syndrome and there was a trend towards reductions in adiponectin with an increasing number of components. Fourth study indicated that baseline low adiponectin level associated with a more than 2-fold risk for developing impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes in the follow-up study of normoglycemic middle-aged Finnish subjects. In the fifth study, plasma adiponectin levels were measured from postmenopausal women receiving estrogen replacement therapy. We observed a reduction in adiponectin levels in women having peroral estradiol which could be part of the "early harm" profile on cardiovascular risk factors of the peroral estrogen replacement therapy detected in clinical trials.
These studies further strengthen the role of plasma adiponectin in the obesity related diseases and bring new information of polymorphisms in the adiponectin and PTP1B genes in different populations. / Tiivistelmä
Metabolinen oireyhtymä on kertymä tekijöitä, jotka altistavat tyypin 2 diabetekselle ja sydän- ja verisuonitaudeille. Keskivartalolihavuus ja insuliiniresistenssi, eli insuliinin heikentynyt teho, vaikuttavat olevan keskeisiä metabolisessa oireyhtymässä. Kuitenkaan taustalla olevaa syntymekanismia ei täysin tunneta. Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia PTP1B- ja adiponektiinigeenin muuntelun sekä plasman adiponektiinitason yhteyttä metaboliseen oireyhtymään, sen osatekijöihin ja seurauksiin.
PTP1B on insuliinin toimintaa soluissa estävä molekyyli. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa havaittiin että kolme tutkittua PTP1B-geenin nukleotidimuutosta eivät ole vahvasti yhteydessä tyypin 2 diabetekseen. Eräs nukleotidimuutos saattaisi olla lievästi suojaava tyypin 2 diabetesta vastaan, sillä se oli yleisempi terveillä kuin tyypin 2 diabetesta sairastavilla. PTP1B:n ja leptiinireseptorigeenin eräiden alleelien yhdistelmä oli yhteydessä painoindeksiin.
Adiponektiini on rasvakudoksen erittämä hormoni, jolla on suotuisia, insuliinin vaikutusta edesauttavia vaikutuksia elimistössä sekä edullisia vaikutuksia verenkiertoelimistössä. Toisessa työssä havaittiin että Amerikan valkoihoisilla, joilla oli eräs harvinainen adiponektiinigeenin alleeli (Tyr111His), oli heikompi insuliinin teho kuin henkilöillä joilla ei ollut kyseistä muutosta. Tämä alleeli oli yleisempi suomalaisilla tyypin 2 diabetesta sairastavilla kuin terveillä, mikä saattaa tarkoittaa että se liittyy suurentuneeseen riskiin tyypin 2 diabetekselle. Afroamerikkalaisilla taas toiset nukleotidimuutokset olivat yhteydessä lihavuuteen ja plasman rasva-arvoihin.
Adiponektiinin pitoisuutta plasmassa mitattiin erilaisissa aineistoissa. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että matala pitoisuus oli yhteydessä metabolisen oireyhtymän eri osatekijöihin ja pitoisuus oli sitä matalampi, mitä enemmän osatekijöitä henkilöllä on. Neljännessä tutkimuksessa havaittiin että matala plasman adiponektiinipitoisuus oli yhteydessä suurentuneeseen riskiin saada huonontunut glukoosin sietokyky tai tyypin 2 diabetes tulevaisuudessa. Viidennessä tutkimuksessa adiponektiinitaso määritettiin naisilta jotka olivat ohittaneet vaihdevuodet ja saivat estrogeenikorvaushoitoa. Havaittiin että plasman adiponektiinitaso laski niillä naisilla, jotka saivat korvaushoitoa suun kautta. Tämä saattaisi osittain selittää suun kautta annettavan estrogeenikorvaushoidon epäedullista vaikutusta sydän ja -verisuonitautien riskitekijöihin.
Tutkimus vahvistaa edelleen adiponektiinin merkitystä lihavuuteen liittyvissä sairauksissa ja tuo uutta tietoa adiponektiini- ja PTP1B-geenien muuntelun merkityksestä eri väestöissä.
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Depression in association with birth weight, age at menarche, obesity and metabolic syndrome in young adults:the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort StudyHerva, A. (Anne) 13 February 2007 (has links)
Depression is a common mental disorder in the Finnish population. There are several biological, psychological and social factors in the background of depression. The aim of this study was to investigate depression in association with birth weight, age at menarche, obesity and metabolic syndrome using data from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort.
A large, prospectively collected general population-based birth cohort of originally 12058 liveborn children was used as study population. The database provided information on birth characteristics and features of the primary family. The follow-up studies were performed at the age of 14 years by postal inquiry, and at the age of 31 years by postal inquiry and clinical examination. Information on age at menarche and weight and height was obtained from the postal questionnaire at 14 and 31 years and clinical examination at 31 years. Data on abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome were gathered from the clinical examination. Data on depressive symptoms measured by the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), self-reported physician-diagnosed lifetime depression and the use of antidepressants were gathered from the postal questionnaire at 31 years.
Females with high birth weight and high ponderal index (index of the birth measures, kg/m3) had a higher risk of depressive symptoms at 31 years measured by the HSCL-25 compared with females with normal birth weight and ponderal index. Males with ponderal index belonging to the lowest 5 percentile had an increased risk for physician-diagnosed depression at 31 years. Females with late menarche (≥ 16 years) had an elevated risk of depression measured by the HSCL-25, the use of antidepressants and self-reported physician-diagnosed depression compared with females with menarche at 12–15 years. Obesity measured by BMI at 14 years increased the risk of depressive symptoms measured by the HSCL-25 at 31 years among both males and females. Females who were obese both at baseline and at follow-up had an increased risk of depressive symptoms, and the proportion of those who used antidepressants was higher among females who had gained weight compared to females who had stayed normal-weighted. Males with abdominal obesity measured by waist-to-hip ratio had an increased risk of depressive symptoms and physician-diagnosed depression, and the proportion of those who used antidepressants was higher compared with subjects without abdominal obesity. Abdominal obesity did not associate with depression in females. Metabolic syndrome did not associate with depression.
The results indicate an increased risk of depression at 31 years in females with high birth weight, late menarche, adolescent obesity and weight gain and in males with adolescent obesity and abdominal obesity. / Tiivistelmä
Depressio on yleinen mielenterveyden häiriö suomalaisväestössä. Depression taustalla on monia biologisia, psykologisia ja sosiaalisia tekijöitä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia depressiota selvittäen, onko syntymäpainolla, menarkeiällä, lihavuudella ja metabolisella oireyhtymällä yhteyttä depressioon Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohorttiaineistossa.
Tutkimusaineistoon kuului alun perin 12058 elävänä syntynyttä lasta. Tietokantaan oli jo aiemmin kerätty aineistoa syntymään ja primaariperheeseen liittyen. Kohortin jäsenten ollessa 14-vuotiaita tehtiin seurantatutkimus postikyselynä ja 31-vuotiaana tehtiin sekä postikysely että kliininen tutkimus. Tiedot menarkeiästä kerättiin 31-vuotispostikyselystä, paino- ja pituustiedot sekä 14- ja 31-vuotispostikyselyistä että kliinisen tutkimuksen tiedoista. Kliininen tutkimus sisälsi tiedot myös keskivartalolihavuuden ja metabolisen oireyhtymän määrittämiseksi. 31-vuotispostikyselyssä depressio-oireita kysyttiin HSCL-25 -oirekyselyllä; lisäksi kysyttiin, oliko lääkäri todennut aiemmin masennusta sekä oliko tutkittavilla käytössä masennuslääkkeitä.
Naisilla, joiden syntymäpaino ja ponderaali-indeksi (syntymäpainon ja pituuden suhdetta kuvaava indeksi, kg/m3) oli korkea, depressio-oireiden riski 31-vuotiaana mitattuna HSCL-25:lla oli suurentunut verrattuna naisiin, joilla oli normaali syntymäpaino ja ponderaali-indeksi. Miehillä, joilla oli hyvin alhainen ponderaali-indeksi kuuluen alimpaan 5 % ryhmään, riski lääkärin toteamaan masennukseen oli suurentunut. Naisilla, joiden menarkeikä oli 16-vuotta tai myöhemmin, riski depressio-oireiden esiintyvyyteen, depressiolääkkeiden käyttöön ja lääkärin toteaman depression esiintyvyyteen oli suurentunut verrattuna naisiin, joiden menarkeikä oli 12–15-vuotta. Lihavuus 14-vuotiaana lisäsi masennusoireiden riskiä mitattuna HSCL-25:lla sekä 31-vuotiailla miehillä että naisilla. Naisilla, jotka olivat lihavia sekä 14- että 31-vuotiaana, masennusoireiden riski oli suurentunut. Naisilla, joiden paino oli noussut, masennuslääkkeitten käyttö oli yleisempää verrattuna naisiin, joilla paino oli pysynyt normaalina. Keskivartalolihavuus oli miehillä yhteydessä suurentuneeseen depressio-oireiden ja lääkärin toteaman masennuksen riskiin, ja he käyttivät yleisemmin masennuslääkkeitä verrattuna miehiin ilman keskivartalolihavuutta. Naisilla keskivartalolihavuus ei ollut yhteydessä masennukseen. Metabolinen oireyhtymä ei ollut yhteydessä masennukseen.
Tulokset osoittavat korkean syntymäpainon, myöhäisen menarkeiän ja nuoruusiän lihavuuden sekä painon nousun lisäävän masennusriskiä 31-vuotiailla naisilla, 31-vuotiailla miehillä nuoruusiän lihavuus sekä keskivartalolihavuus olivat yhteydessä suurentuneeseen masennusriskiin.
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Ghrelin, metabolic risk factors and carotid artery atherosclerosisPöykkö, S. (Seppo) 12 April 2005 (has links)
The increasing prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the consequent cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerotic diseases and type 2 diabetes, are a cause of public concern worldwide. This development has stimulated an active search for novel risk factors and new candidate genes. The hormones regulating energy balance and the polymorphisms associated with them are of special interest as potential risk factors for metabolic syndrome.
Ghrelin is a novel peptide hormone from stomach with strong growth hormone releasing activity. It is also able to modify glucose and insulin metabolism, blood pressure levels, cardiac function, adipogenesis and inflammatory processes in experimental conditions. Whether ghrelin and ghrelin gene variations have a role in the development of metabolic syndrome and the associated diseases, is not known.
In the present study, the associations between fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations, ghrelin gene mutations (Arg51Gln and Leu72Met), features of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and carotid artery atherosclerosis were analysed. In addition, the relationship between ghrelin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentrations was studied. The study population consisted of 1045 middle-aged subjects of the hypertensive and the control cohorts of the OPERA project from the City of Oulu, Finland.
Low ghrelin concentrations were found to be associated with several components of metabolic syndrome: adiposity, low HDL cholesterol levels, high insulin concentrations and high blood pressure levels. The prevalence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes was increased amongst the subjects with low ghrelin concentrations. Out of the individual factors tested, IGF-I concentration was the most significant predictor of ghrelin concentrations. This negative association was strongest in the subjects with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, which suggests that changes in ghrelin/IGF-I interactions might be involved in the development of these conditions. The subjects with the Gln51 allele of the ghrelin gene had lower ghrelin concentrations and, consistent with the findings mentioned above, higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension compared with the subjects homozygous for the Arg51 allele. No correlation between ghrelin and C-reactive protein concentrations was seen. However, there was a positive association between ghrelin concentrations and carotid artery intima-media thickness. This association was independent of the commonly recognised risk factors of atherosclerosis and was only seen in men, who also had more advanced atherosclerosis than women. These observations call for further studies to clarify the potential causative role of ghrelin in the etiology of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. / Tiivistelmä
Metaboliseen oireyhtymään liittyy kohonnut riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin kuten tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja sepelvaltimotautiin. Metabolisen oireyhtymän nopea esiintyvyyden kasvu on johtanut aktiiviseen uusien riskitekijöiden etsintään. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat olleet energia-aineenvaihduntaa säätelevät hormonit ja niihin liittyvät polymorfiat.
Greliini on ensisijaisesti vatsalaukusta erittyvä hormoni, joka lisää voimakkaasti kasvuhormonin eritystä. Koeolosuhteissa sillä on myös vaikutuksia sokeriaineenvaihduntaan, verenpaineeseen, sydämen toimintaan, rasvakudoksen kehittymiseen ja tulehduksellisiin tapahtumiin, minkä perusteella on syytä epäillä greliinillä olevan osuutta metabolisen oireyhtymän ja siihen liittyvien sairauksien synnyssä.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selviteltiin greliinin paastoplasmapitoisuuksien ja greliinipolymorfioiden (Arg51Gln ja Leu72Met) yhteyksiä metabolisen oireyhtymän piirteisiin, tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja kaulavaltimoiden ateroskleroosiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin greliinin ja insuliinin kaltaisen kasvutekijän (IGF-I) pitoisuuksien yhteyksiä. Tutkimusväestö koostui 1045 oululaisesta keski-ikäisestä OPERA tutkimukseen kuuluvasta henkilöstä.
Tutkimuksessa matalien greliinipitoisuuksien havaittiin olevan yhteydessä useisiin metabolisen oireyhtymän piirteisiin: lihavuuteen, alhaisiin HDL kolesterolin pitoisuuksiin, korkeisiin insuliinipitoisuuksiin ja kohonneeseen verenpaineeseen. Matala greliinipitoisuus yhdistyi myös tyypin 2 diabeteksen ja verenpainetaudin esiintyvyyteen. Tutkituista tekijöistä IGF-I -pitoisuudet selittivät parhaiten greliinipitoisuuksia. Tämä käänteinen yhteys oli erityisen vahva tyypin 2 diabeetikoilla ja insuliiniresistenteillä henkilöillä viitaten greliinin ja IGF-I:n mahdollisen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvän näiden tilojen kehittymiseen. Lisäksi havaittiin, että greliinigeenin Gln51-alleelia kantavien henkilöiden greliinipitoisuudet olivat alhaiset, ja että he sairastivat enemmän diabetesta ja verenpainetautia kuin henkilöt jotka olivat homotsygootteja Arg51-alleelin suhteen. Greliinipitoisuudet ja C-reaktiivisen proteiinin pitoisuudet eivät korreloineet keskenään. Kaulavaltimon seinämäpaksuus korreloi positiivisesti greliinipitoisuuksien kanssa miehillä riippumatta perinteisistä ateroskleroosin riskitekijöistä. Tutkimustulokset tukevat olettamusta, että greliinillä saattaa olla merkitystä metabolisen oireyhtymän, tyypin 2 diabeteksen ja ateroskleroosin kehittymisessä. Jatkotutkimukset ovat tarpeen tämän yhteyden osoittamiseksi.
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Effets d'une alimentation hyper-fructosée et rôle de l'activité physique comme moyen de prévention chez le rat Wistar / Effects of a fructose enriched diet and their prevention by physical activity on Wistar ratsDupas, Julie 12 December 2016 (has links)
L'augmentation récente de la prévalence du diabète de type 2 (DT2) et du syndrome métabolique est actuellement au coeur des préoccupations des organismes de santé publique ; ces deux maladies métaboliques favoriseraient le développement des maladies cardio-vasculaires. Ce rapide accroissement peut être relié aux changements de nos modes de vie, notamment la surconsommation en sucres et la sédentarité. L’impact de ces deux paramètres à différents niveaux physiologiques a été évalué grâce à la mise en place d’un modèle murin. Des rats Wistar ont été nourris à l'aide d'une boisson enrichie en fructose (20-25% w/v), induisant le développement progressif d'un syndrome métabolique (résistance à l'insuline, hypertension, dyslipidémie, hyperglycémie à jeun), sans pour autant présenter de DT2 (pas d'intolérance au glucose). Le régime hyper-fructosé entraîne des perturbations du système antioxydant (Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Glutathion Peroxidase) et l'apparition tardive d'une dysfonction endothéliale de l'aorte thoracique.La pratique d'une activité physique modérée permet de prévenir l'apparition de la résistance à l'insuline et améliore le fonctionnement vasculaire de l'aorte thoracique. Ce dernier effet serait en lien avec un fonctionnement du système antioxydant plus performant. Malgré tout, l'entraînement associé au régime hyper-fructosé engendrerait des effets délétères au niveau hépatique. / The recent increase of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and metabolic syndrome prevalence is a key concern of public health organizations. Both diseases can promote the development of cardiovascular diseases. This steep increase can be linked to lifestyle changes, such as sugar overconsumption and lack of physical activity. The effects of these two parameters can be evaluated at various physiological levels using a murine model. For this purpose, Wistar rats were fed with a fructose-enriched drink (20-25% w/v), which results in the progressive development of a metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, fasting hyperglycemia). These rats did not present T2D (no glucose intolerance). The fructose-enriched diet promotes perturbations in the antioxidant system (SOD, CAT, GPx) as well as a late endothelial dysfunction on the thoracic aorta.Moderate physical activity prevents the development of insulin resistance and increases thoracic aorta vascular function. This later may be link to the best performances of the antioxidant system. However, exercise training associated with fructose-enriched diet may be deleterious for hepatic health.
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Impact du syndrome métabolique sur la sphère oro-digestive : effets préventifs d'un mélange combinatoire de micronutriments / Impact of the metabolic syndrome on the oro-intestinal tract : prevention by a mix of micronutrientsButtet, Marjorie 10 February 2014 (has links)
La protéine CD36 est un senseur aux AGLC au niveau des papilles gustatives et des entérocytes, impliqué dans la détection gustative des lipides et dans l’optimisation de la synthèse des CM. Notre 1er objectif a été de déterminer si le syndrome métabolique (MS) était associé à une altération de la détection oro-intestinale des AGLC. A l’aide de modèles murins de MS (régimes riches en AGS), nous avons montré que le MS est associé à une moindre sensibilité gustative aux sucres et aux lipides et à une altération de la synthèse des CM à l’origine d’une hypertriglycéridémie postprandiale. Cette modification est associée à une absence de dégradation de CD36 classiquement médiée par les AGLC. Cette altération conduit à un retard d’induction de l’expression des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse de CM moins bien dégradés au niveau sanguin. Selon nos résultats l’hyperinsulinémie en MS pourrait être à l’origine de l’absence de dégradation de CD36. Au niveau oral il a aussi été montré que l’absence de dégradation de CD36 est associée à une altération de la signalisation calcique probablement à l’origine d’un seuil de détection plus élevé des AGLC. Le MS se caractérise donc par un problème de détection des lipides au niveau de la sphère oro-digestive qui favoriserait hyperphagie et hypertriglycéridémie postprandiale. Le 2e objectif a été de déterminer si le XXS (polyphénols) pouvait prévenir le MS. La supplémentation en XXS diminue la prévalence du MS, du fait d’une action anti-obésité associée à un maintien du seuil de détection des lipides et une augmentation de l’activité. Ainsi, la détection oro-intestinale des lipides semble être une cible pertinente pour lutter contre la mise en place du MS / CD36 is a LCFA sensor in gustatory papillae and enterocytes. CD36 is implicated in the gustatory detection of lipids and in optimized CM synthesis. Our first goal was to determine if the metabolic syndrome (MS) was associated with alteration of the oro-intestinal detection of LCFA. Using a murine model of diet induced MS (saturated high fat diets) we shown that the MS is associated with a decrease in lipids and sugar gustatory sensitivity and an alteration in CM synthesis which contributes to the postprandial hypertriglyceridemia. This modification is associated with an absence of CD36 protein degradation classically triggered by LCFA. This alteration leads to a delay in the stimulation of the gene expression involved in the synthesis of CM less well cleared into the blood. Our data shows that the hyperinsulinemia on MS could cause the abolition of CD36 protein degradation. Other data obtained on gustatory papillae demonstrates that the absence of CD36 degradation is associated with an alteration of the LCFA induced calcium-signaling and that probably causes the increase in LCFA detection threshold. Thus, the MS is characterized by an alterated dietary lipids detection by the oro-intestinal tract which could promote overeating and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia. The second goal was to determine if the XXS (polyphenols) could prevent the appearance of the MS. The XXS supplementation decreases the syndrome prevalence, by exerting an anti-obesity activity associated with a LCFA detection threshold preservation and an increased activity. Thus, dietary lipids detection by gustatory papillae and intestine could represent a relevant target in order to prevent MS appearance
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Proteína C reativa na deficiência isolada monogênica do hormônio de crescimentoMarques-santos, Celi 12 September 2006 (has links)
The present research has the objective to determinate the seric PCR concentrations in the monogenic isolated deficiency of the growth hormone (DIGH), test the hypothesis that DIGH is associated to the exacerbation of the inflammatory profile,
identify the PCR elevation predictors, and evaluate the existence of an association between PCR and premature atherosclerosis. The growth hormone (GH) has as its
main function the post-natal longitudinal growth; it interferes in the bone apposition, muscle mass growth, opposes to the action of insulin in the carbohydrates and lipids metabolism, and, in the cardiovascular system, helps the vascular and myocardial
remodeling. IGF-I, GH primary mediator, plays a fundamental role in the growth regulation, cellular apoptosis and differentiation. The GH/IGF-I axis acts in the resistance to insulin and phenotypical expression of cardiovascular risk factors,
associated to metabolic syndrome. IGF-I avoids the endothelial dysfunction, causes the increase of sensitivity to insulin, and avoids post-prandial dyslipidemia, besides presenting anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities. The decrease of IGF-I is associated to premature atherosclerosis and high cardiovascular risk. IGF-I role is controversial and its increase is related to the premature atherosclerosis in carotids.
The deficiency of GH is associated to the increase of cardiovascular and brain vascular mortality. The inflammation plays an essential role in the atherosclerosis physiopathology from its initial phase up to atherotrombotic events in acute coronary syndromes. C - reactive protein, acute phase reagent of the inflammation, is produced by the liver, due mainly to the interleukin-6 stimulus. As a predictor and a mediator of atherosclerosis, among all circulating inflammatory markers, it is the most stable, the most studied and the one which presented the most constant relationship to future cardiovascular risk in various clinical situations, including asymptomatic individuals. In Itabaininha, Sergipe state we described a population with DIGH, with extremely low levels of IGF-I, high LDL-c and systolic arterial pressure and central obesity, a cluster of risk factors, highly susceptible to atherosclerosis ideal to this research. From this population, eighteen individuals were studied, eight male and ten female, with an average age of 45, compared to a control group composed of twenty individuals of the same region. After the clinical and metabolic characteristics were
analyzed, the most relevant results were: PCR showed a meaningful difference between the groups (4,9 mg/l (4,7) vs 1,4 mg/l (2,2)); and IGF-I extremely low (1,0 ng/ml (1,0) vs 164,0 ng/ml (135,0)). The group predicts that PCR is independent from
the other metabolic variables (R² = 0, 42), and that IGF-I is the main responsible for the increase of PCR in the DIGH. No association between PCR and the intimatemedia thickness of the carotids could be observed. Conclusion: it was demonstrated
that the DIGH present high levels of PCR when compared to the control group; the variable group predicts this variation and IGF-I is the main responsible for the PCR variability. High PCR is not associated to premature atherosclerosis in this high risk
differentiated group. / Esta pesquisa demonstra de forma original o grau de inflamação relacionado à deficiência isolada monogênica do hormônio de crescimento (DIGH) através da determinação das concentrações plasmáticas da proteína C reativa (PCR), testa a
hipótese de a DIGH estar associada à exacerbação do perfil inflamatório, identifica os preditores da elevação da PCR e avalia a associação de inflamação com aterosclerose precoce. O hormônio de crescimento (GH) tem como função principal,
o crescimento longitudinal pós-natal; interfere na aposição óssea, crescimento da massa muscular, opõe-se à ação da insulina no metabolismo dos carboidratos e lipídios e, no aparelho cardiovascular, atua no remodelamento miocárdico e
vascular. A sua deficiência está associada ao aumento de mortalidade por doenças cardio e cérebro vasculares. O IGF-I, mediador primário do GH, desempenha papel fundamental na regulação do crescimento, diferenciação e apoptose celular. O eixo GH/IGF-I interfere quanto à resistência à insulina e na expressão fenotípica dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares, associados à síndrome metabólica. O IGF-I evita a
disfunção endotelial, promove o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina previne a dislipidemia pós-prandial, além de possuir atividade anti-inflamatória e antiapoptótica. A diminuição do IGF-I está associada à aterosclerose prematura e elevado risco cardiovascular. O papel do IGF-I é controverso e o seu aumento está associado ao aparecimento precoce de aterosclerose em carótidas. A inflamação exerce papel fundamental na fisiopatologia da aterosclerose. A PCR, reagente de fase aguda da inflamação é produzida pelo fígado, em decorrência principalmente do estímulo da interleucina-6. Entre os marcadores inflamatórios circulantes, é a mais estável, a mais estudada e a que apresentou relação mais constante com o
risco cardiovascular futuro em diversas situações clínicas, incluindo indivíduos assintomáticos; A PCR é considerada preditora e mediadora da aterosclerose. Em Itabaianinha, Sergipe, foi descrita uma população com DIGH, níveis extremamente baixos de IGF-I, LDL e pressão arterial sistólica elevados, obesidade central, portanto, uma população com múltiplos fatores de risco, altamente susceptível à
aterosclerose. Este estudo inseriu 18 indivíduos DIGH, oito do sexo masculino e dez do feminino, idade média de 45 anos, e 20 controles (CO) da mesma região. Analisadas as características clínicas e metabólicas, o grupo DIGH apresentou PCR
de (4,9 mg/l (4,7) vs controles (CO) 1,4 mg/l (2,2) com importante diferença significativa (p<0,0001); o IGF-I dos DIGH foi extremamente baixo, 1,0 ng/ml (1,0) vs 164,0 ng/ml (135,0) dos CO, p< 0,0001. O grupo é que prediz ser a PCR
independente das outras variáveis metabólicas (R2 = 0,42) e o IGF- I é o principal responsável pelo aumento da PCR nos DIGH. Não houve nenhuma relação de associação entre a PCR e a espessura média-íntima das carótidas do DIGH. Conclusão: ficou demonstrado que os DIGH apresentam níveis muito elevados de
PCR que denota um perfil inflamatório exacerbado; o grupo é que prediz esta variação e, o IGF-I é o principal responsável pelo variabilidade da PCR. A PCR elevada na DIGH não está associada à aterosclerose precoce.
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