Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fodern history"" "subject:"amodern history""
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Κατοχή και Αντίσταση στην Αχαΐα : κοινωνικές και εκπαιδευτικές διαστάσειςΦιλοσόφου, Μαρία 13 July 2010 (has links)
Στόχος της εργασίας μας ήταν η μελέτη, μέσα από πρωτογενείς κυρίως πηγές, της περιόδου κατοχής στην Αχαΐα. Ειδικότερα θελήσαμε να δείξουμε πως επηρεάστηκαν η ζωή του άμαχου πληθυσμού και η εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία από την κατάκτηση, την Κατοχή και την Αντίσταση. Υπό το πρίσμα αυτό διερευνήσαμε τις σχέσεις του άμαχου πληθυσμού με τους κατακτητές και την Αντίσταση και τη θέση του σχολείου,εκπαιδευτικών και μαθητών/φοιτητών στις νέες συνθήκες. Όπου κρίθηκε απαραίτητο αναφερθήκαμε σε άλλες περιοχές της Ελλάδας με στόχο την συγκριτική ανάγνωση των τεκταινομενων στην Αχαΐα.
Η έρευνά μας περιστράφηκε γύρω από τρία βασικά ερωτήματα: τις επιπτώσεις της Κατοχής και της Αντίστασης στην καθημερινότητα των ανθρώπων, τις αντιδράσεις των Αχαιών στην προπαγάνδα και τα αντίποινα των κατακτητών και, τέλος, τα προβλήματα της εκπαίδευσης και τις πρακτικές του εκπαιδευτικού κόσμου.
Από την έρευνά μας καταλήξαμε στα εξής συμπεράσματα:
Α) Η αντίσταση στην Αχαΐα υπήρξε σχεδόν καθολική. Ήταν ηπιότερη απέναντι στους Ιταλούς, περισσότερο οργανωμένη και καλυμμένη απέναντι στους Γερμανούς. Αναλύονται διεξοδικά οι λόγοι της γενικευμένης αντίστασης και αναφορέρονται οι επιπτώσεις των αντιποίνων.
Β)Στην αντίσταση κατά των κατακτητών, επισημαίνεται ο ιδιαίτερος ρόλος του ΕΑΜ, το οποίο κατάφερε να πλησιάσει τους πολίτες κάθε κοινωνικής ομάδας, μέσα από ένα πλήθος οργανώσεων οι οποίες κάλυπταν κάθε πτυχή του κοινωνικού βίουκαι απαντούσαν σε σύγχρονες και χρόνιες ανάγκες του πολίτη,ανάγκες στις οποίες το επίσημο κράτος δεν μπόρεσε ποτέ να ανταποκριθεί.
Γ) Η κατάκτηση άλλαξε τα δεδομένα του σχολείου. Απάντηση στα τρέχοντα και τα χρόνια προβλήματα της εκπαίδευσης προσπάθησαν να δώσουν οι αντιστασιακές οργανώσεις ΕΔΕΣ και ΕΑΜ, κυρίως η δεύτερη. Το ΕΑΜ πρωτοστάτησε, επιπλέον, στην αντίσταση στον εκπαιδευτικό χώρο. Η συμμετοχή των φορέων της εκπαίδευσης στην Αντίσταση ήταν σχεδόν καθολική. / The goal of our research is the investigation (through unpublished sources mainly) of the period of the Italian - German occupation in Achaia. In particular, we tried to show how people's everyday life and the educational process was affected by the occupation and the Resistance. In this light we investigated people's relation with the conquerors and the Resistance and the school's, teachers' and pupils'/students' situation under these circumstances. When it was needed, we was mentioned to the other regions of Greece, focusing on a comparative look of what happened in Achaia.
Our investigation ran on three basic questions: the impact of the Italian-German occupation and the Resistance on people's everyday life, their reactions to the conquerors' propaganda and reprisals and, finally, the educationl problems and the acts of educational world.
The conclusions of this study are:
A) The resistance in Achaia was widespread. The struggle against Germans was orginized and clandestine. The resistance to the Italians was less intense. The reasons of this general resistance are analyzed in detail in this study and also the impacts of the reprisals.
B) The exeptional role of EAM in the resistance to conquerors is pointed out. Eam managed to embrace people from every social class through a large number of organizations that covered every aspect of social life and addressed the current and chronic needs of the citizens, needs to which the official government could never respond.
C) The conquest changed the school in many ways. EDES and EAM, mainly the second, tried to address the problems in education. In particular, EAM played a leading role in the organization of the resistance of teachers and other education authorities and achieved their board participation.
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Hugh Broughton (1549-1612) : scholarship, controversy and the English BibleMacfarlane, Kirsten January 2017 (has links)
This thesis provides a revisionist account of the relationship between Latin biblical criticism, vernacular religious culture and Reformed doctrines of scriptural authority in the early modern period. It achieves this by studying episodes from the career of the English Hebraist Hugh Broughton (1549-1612). Current orthodoxy holds that Broughton's devotion to the tenets of Reformed scripturalism distinguished him from contemporary biblical humanists, whose more flexible attitudes to the Bible enabled them to produce cutting-edge scholarship. In challenging this consensus, this thesis focusses on three areas. The first is chronology. Recent work has presented chronology as divided between technical, philological practitioners, who drew from astronomy and humanism alike in their efforts to date the past, and scripturalists, who relied on the Bible alone. Using the chronological controversy between Broughton and the Oxonian John Rainolds, this thesis complicates this picture by arguing that both approaches to the discipline were equally derived from humanistic traditions, and that confessional, rather than intellectual or methodological, factors informed the most important decisions chronologers made. The second area is biblical criticism. There is still a broad assumption that Reformed beliefs about scripture were incompatible with the most advanced biblical scholarship. This thesis questions such assumptions by reconstructing Broughton's research into the Hebraic contexts of the New Testament. By demonstrating that it was possible to produce innovative and influential work without challenging and indeed, while endorsing the principles of Reformed scripturalism, this thesis disputes current teleological presumptions about the development of modern, historical biblical criticism. The third is the history of lay reading. Both chronology and biblical criticism have often been viewed as specialised pursuits, studied only by a Latin-reading elite and irrelevant to lay people. For Broughton and his followers, however, biblical scholarship and lay piety were inseparable. The thesis demonstrates this by piecing together Broughton's radical plans for a new English Bible, including his work with John Speed on biblical genealogy, and his revisions of the Geneva New Testament. Using numerous neglected manuscript sources, it gives an account of the sixteenth-century biblical translation that foregrounds the unexpected ways in which groundbreaking neo-Latin, continental biblical scholarship expanded scholars' concepts of what vernacular translation could achieve.
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The Huntley and Palmers biscuit company (Reading, 1841-1977) : a history / Histoire de la biscuiterie Huntley and Palmers (Reading, 1841-1977)Délen, Claire 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace l’histoire de la biscuiterie Huntley and Palmers, implantée à Reading de 1841 à 1977. Elle étudie le développement de l’entreprise à travers ses successives innovations et modernisations, d’une firme familiale traditionnelle à une entreprise moderne qui finit absorbée par de plus grands groupes. Ce travail examine l’impact de ce géant de l’industrie biscuitière sur la société britannique et plus largement le monde à travers une étude de sa production alimentaire ainsi que de sa production visuelle, en mobilisant des éléments de culture matérielle des archives officielles de la firme ainsi que d’autres fonds originaux. La thèse étudie également en profondeur la question du paternalisme tel qu’il est pratiqué par Huntley and Palmers, afin de re-situer ces pratiques et l’idéologie qui les motive dans un contexte national. Elle évalue ces pratiques à l’aune des différentes variétés de paternalisme existantes et retrace l’évolution d’une forme de paternalisme typique du dix-neuvième siècle vers un « nouveau paternalisme » institutionnalisé puis un « post-paternalisme » propre aux entreprises modernes. Enfin, le travail porte un intérêt tout particulier à mêler la perspective des employeurs à celle des employés, afin de dépasser la vision de l’entreprise donnée par les archives officielles. / This thesis recounts the history of the Huntley and Palmers biscuit company, based in Reading from 1841 to 1977. It examines the development of the company through the successive innovations and modernisations, from the traditional family firm to the modern firm that would eventually be absorbed by larger groups. This work studies the impact of the biscuit giant on British society and on the world at large by a survey of its production, in terms of food as well as visual production, by using elements of material culture present in the company’s official archives as well as original collections. It also investigates the question of paternalism and paternalist practices at Huntley and Palmers’, so as to locate these measures and the ideology behind them in a national context. These practices are assessed in the light of the different varieties of paternalism and enable us to map the evolution from a typical nineteenth-century brand of paternalism towards institutionalised “new paternalism” followed by a form of “post-paternalism” characteristic of modern companies. Finally, the thesis lays emphasis on combining the employers’ perspective with that of the employees in order to go beyond the vision of the company that transpires from the official archives.
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Artemisia Gentileschi : trajetória, gênero e representações do feminino (1610-1654)Tedesco, Cristine January 2018 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato ha come obiettivo centrale quello di comprendere come la pittrice Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654) si è inserita ed ha svolto il suo lavoro in alcune delle città europee dove c’erano più finanziamenti per le arti plastiche, come Roma, Firenze, Venezia, Napoli, e Londra nella prima metà del XVII secolo, e quello di analizzare le varie costruzioni di sé e le rappresentazioni del femminile nelle sue corrispondenze epistolari e nella sua opera pittorica. A questo fine, saranno utilizzate fonti scritte, che ci permettono di indagare sulla traiettoria di vita di Artemisia, sul suo lavoro come pittrice in diverse aree della penisola italiana e dell’Europa; e fonti visuali, che mostrano la dimensione della sua opera pittorica in generi diversi, come per esempio i temi della tradizione veterotestamentaria, storici, mitologici, ritratti, autoritratti. Le fonti rivelano la permanenza di Artemisia in diversi spazi di consumo delle immagini, in ritagli di regno, vice regni, ducati, repubbliche, così come in luoghi gestiti da figure ecclesiastiche e tra rilevanti collezionisti privati con i quali negoziò. In questo senso, l’utilizzo dei concetti di rappresentazione e di genere furono cardinali per la tesi e contribuirono ad evidenziare il dialogo della pittrice con la cultura dell’epoca ed il suo lascito nella storia dell’arte/pittura, così come i conflitti messi in moto dall’artista di fronte alle questioni di genere vigenti al tempo. / A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo central entender como a pintora Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654) se inseriu e atuou em algumas das cidades europeias em que mais havia o financiamento das artes plásticas, como Roma, Florença, Veneza, Nápoles e Londres, na primeira metade do século XVII; e analisar as construções de si e representações do feminino em suas correspondências e em sua obra pictórica. Para tal, utilizamos fontes escritas, que nos permitiram problematizar a trajetória de vida de Artemisia, assim como sua atuação como pintora em diferentes regiões da península italiana e da Europa; e fontes visuais, que dão a ver a dimensão de sua obra em diferentes gêneros, a exemplo dos temas da tradição veterotestamentária, históricos, mitológicos, retratos e autorretratos. As fontes revelam a permanência de Artemisia em diferentes espaços de consumo de imagens, em cortes de reinos, vice-reinos, ducados e repúblicas, bem como nos lugares administrados por figuras do clero e entre relevantes colecionadores particulares com os quais negociou. Nesse sentido, os usos dos conceitos de representação e gênero foram norteadores para a tese e contribuíram para evidenciar os diálogos da pintora com a cultura de sua época e seu legado para a história da arte/pintura, bem como os embates travados pela artista frente às questões de gênero vigentes em seu tempo. / The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to understand how the painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654), in the first half of the 17th century, was inserted and acted in some of the European cities where there was more financing of plastic arts, such as Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples and London; and analyze the constructions of self and representations of the feminine in her correspondence and pictorial work. For that, we used written sources, which allowed us to problematize the life trajectory of Artemisia, her work as a painter in different regions of the Italian peninsula and Europe; and visual sources, which make it possible to visualize the dimension of her pictorial work in different genres, such as the themes of the Old Testament tradition, historical, mythological, portraits and self-portraits. The sources reveal the permanence of Artemisia in different spaces of consumption of images, courts of kingdoms, viceroys, duchies, republics, as well as in the places administered by figures of the clergy and among the relevant private collectors with whom she negotiated. In this sense, the uses of the concepts of representation and gender were guiding the thesis and contributed to highlight the dialogues of the painter with the culture of her time and her legacy to the history of art / painting, as well as the clashes waged by the artist regarding the gender issues in force in her time.
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Daniel Defoe e as representações do Novo Mundo: um diálogo entre romances e relatos de viagem (1697-1729) / Daniel Defoe and the representations of the New World: a dialogue between novels and travel accounts (1697-1729)Inácio Neto, José [UNESP] 26 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by José Inácio Neto (neto_jin@hotmail.com) on 2016-10-27T19:02:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-26 / Daniel Defoe foi uma figura importante para as transformações literárias que caracterizaram a difusão do romance na Inglaterra setecentista, gênero em formação durante este período. Entre as características de sua obra ficcional, notamos a semelhança com alguns relatos de viagens – como os de Drake, Raleigh, Poyntz, Narborough, Dampier e Rogers – e representações recorrentes do continente americano – territórios nunca visitados pelo autor. Os textos publicados por estes viajantes contêm representações de regiões da América como o Caribe e os litorais ocidentais da América do Sul que, por sua vez, também aparecem como cenários nas obras ficcionais do romancista. Por outro lado, conhecido pelo engajamento político e pela participação nas discussões sobre os rumos da expansão do Império Britânico, o autor também lança mão desta literatura em seus ensaios para sustentar seus argumentos sobre as possibilidades de avanço imperial no Novo Mundo. Partindo de reflexões teóricas importantes para a História Cultural, sobretudo aquelas ligadas às noções de representação e apropriação debatidas por Roger Chartier, a presente pesquisa intenta estabelecer relações entre as obras de ficção de Defoe e os relatos de viagem lidos por ele. Neste sentido, a análise se orientará por alguns questionamentos centrais: como e por que estas representações de domínios coloniais de outros Impérios aparecem na ficção de Defoe? De que maneira estas representações se relacionam com os relatos de viagem que são mencionados pelo autor em suas obras não ficcionais? Em que medida as obras ficcionais do autor apresentam questões pertinentes à expansão do Império Britânico no início do século XVIII? Nosso objetivo principal, portanto, é tentar sustentar a hipótese de que os romances de Defoe contêm representações do Novo Mundo que, em certa medida, foram construídas por meio de apropriações dos relatos de viagem por ele lidos. Ademais, tentaremos perceber de que forma tais representações inserem suas obras de ficção nas discussões sobre as possibilidades de expansão do comércio e da colonização no continente americano. / Daniel Defoe was an important writer for the literary transformations that marked the spread of the novel in eighteenth-century England, genre that was in making during the period. Among the features of his fictional work, we note the similarity with some travel accounts – like those of Drake, Raleigh, Poyntz, Narborough, Dampier and Rogers – and recurring representations of the American continent – territories never visited by the author. The texts published by these travelers contain representations of regions of America as the Caribbean and the western coasts of South America, which, in turn, also appear as scenarios in the fictional works of the novelist. On the other hand, known for political engagement and participation in discussions on the directions of expansion of the British Empire, the author also makes use of this literature in his essays to support his arguments about the possibilities of imperial advance in the New World. Starting from important theoretical reflections for Cultural History, especially those related to the notions of representation and appropriation discussed by Roger Chartier, this research attempts to establish relations between the works of Defoe’s fiction and travel reports read by him. In this sense, the analysis is guided by some central questions: how and why these representations of colonial domains of other empires appear in fiction of Defoe? How these representations are related to the travel accounts that are mentioned by the author in his non-fiction works? To what extent the fictional author’s works have issues related to the expansion of the British Empire in the early eighteenth-century? Our main objective, therefore, is to try to support the hypothesis that Defoe’s novels contain representations of the New World, to some extent, that were built by appropriation of elements found in travel accounts read by him. Furthermore, we will try to understand how such representations insert their works of fiction in discussions about trade expansion possibilities and colonization in the Americas.
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Luz sobre o fundo escuro: Caravaggio, São Mateus e o Anjo e Amor Vitorioso (1601-1602)Costa, Rodrigo Henrique Araújo da 06 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:23:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Between 1601 and 1602, the Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, received one of his most important orders. It was the last job to finish the series dedicated to the apostle Matthew in Contarelli Chapel in Rome, a painting called St. Matthew and the Angel. By decision of the Church, Caravaggio's version lacked decorum and had to be replaced. With a new contract, Caravaggio painted a second version of St. Matthew and the Angel, which was immediately put in its destination place. Following this event, a Marquis from the Roman nobility named Vincenzo Giustiniani, who had bought the unwelcomed version of St. Matthew and the Angel, ordered Caravaggio a painting that excelled all of the paintings in the world, Love Triumphant (Amor Vincit Omnia). The reason for the change in perspective between the three paintings, the representation of subjects so diverse among themselves and the abrupt transformation of approach, aesthetic and configuration, formed the scope of this work. These three paintings by the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) revealed in this dissertation a dissident and provocative artist between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in a Rome recognized in historical literature for its splits and political-religious conspiracies, deeply marked by the Religious Reforms of the period. In this conjuncture, the paintings of Caravaggio made it possible to study not only the Baroque artist, but also the social relations involved, the influences of the Baroque, the idiosyncrasies of Caravaggio, the Artistic Culture, expanding what we understand as History of Paintings and covering concepts pertinent to objectives and methodology adopted, as evidence-based analysis (Clue Paradigm), Memory, Imaginary and the allegorical and pictorial representations. Notably, in the production of historical consciousness of work, we permeate our writing with printed sources from the seventeenth century and the fundamental and specific works on Caravaggio and Art History. Through the performance of the object of study we came to conclusions on Modern History, Tridentine Rome, Catholic cosmogony, the body, religious beliefs, paganism, sacred and profane, signs and clues that reveal the clash between the artist's vision and the vision of Church and society. / Entre 1601 e 1602, o pintor italiano Michelangelo Merisi, conhecido como Caravaggio, recebeu uma de suas encomendas mais importantes. Era o último trabalho para a finalização da série dedicada ao apóstolo Mateus na Capela Contarelli, em Roma, pintura chamada São Mateus e o Anjo. Por decisão da Igreja, a versão de Caravaggio não possuía decoro e teve de ser substituída. Diante de novo contrato, Caravaggio pintou uma segunda versão de São Mateus e Anjo, que prontamente foi posta no lugar de destino. Em seguida a este certame, um Marquês do seio nobiliárquico romano de nome Vicenzo Giustiniani, que havia comprado a versão malquista do São Mateus e o Anjo, encomendou a Caravaggio uma pintura que sublimasse a todas do mundo, o Amor Vitorioso (Amor Vincit Omnia). O porquê da mudança de perspectiva entre as três telas, a representação de temas tão diversos entre si e a transformação abrupta de abordagem, estética e configuração, formaram o escopo do presente trabalho. Estas três pinturas do artista italiano Michelangelo Merisi, o Caravaggio (1571-1610) revelaram na presente dissertação um artista dissidente e provocativo entre os séculos XVI e XVII, em meio a uma Roma reconhecida na literatura histórica como de cisões e conchavos político-religiosos, profundamente marcada pelas reformas religiosas do período. Através desta conjuntura, as pinturas de Caravaggio possibilitaram estudar não somente o artista barroco, mas também as relações sociais envolvidas, as influências do Barroco, as idiossincrasias de Caravaggio, a Cultura Artística, ampliando aquilo que entendemos como História das Pinturas e abrangendo conceituação pertinente aos objetivos e metodologia adotados, como Indiciarismo, Memória, Imaginário e as representações alegórica e pictórica. Notadamente, na produção de consciência histórica do trabalho, permeamos nossa escrita com as fontes impressas do século XVII e com as obras fundamentais e específicas sobre Caravaggio e a História da Arte. Por meio do desempenho sobre o objeto de estudo chegamos a conclusões sobre a História Moderna, Roma tridentina, cosmogonia católica, o corpo, concepções religiosas, paganismo, sagrado e profano, signos e indícios que revelaram o choque entre a visão do artista e a visão da Igreja e da sociedade.
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Artemisia Gentileschi : trajetória, gênero e representações do feminino (1610-1654)Tedesco, Cristine January 2018 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato ha come obiettivo centrale quello di comprendere come la pittrice Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654) si è inserita ed ha svolto il suo lavoro in alcune delle città europee dove c’erano più finanziamenti per le arti plastiche, come Roma, Firenze, Venezia, Napoli, e Londra nella prima metà del XVII secolo, e quello di analizzare le varie costruzioni di sé e le rappresentazioni del femminile nelle sue corrispondenze epistolari e nella sua opera pittorica. A questo fine, saranno utilizzate fonti scritte, che ci permettono di indagare sulla traiettoria di vita di Artemisia, sul suo lavoro come pittrice in diverse aree della penisola italiana e dell’Europa; e fonti visuali, che mostrano la dimensione della sua opera pittorica in generi diversi, come per esempio i temi della tradizione veterotestamentaria, storici, mitologici, ritratti, autoritratti. Le fonti rivelano la permanenza di Artemisia in diversi spazi di consumo delle immagini, in ritagli di regno, vice regni, ducati, repubbliche, così come in luoghi gestiti da figure ecclesiastiche e tra rilevanti collezionisti privati con i quali negoziò. In questo senso, l’utilizzo dei concetti di rappresentazione e di genere furono cardinali per la tesi e contribuirono ad evidenziare il dialogo della pittrice con la cultura dell’epoca ed il suo lascito nella storia dell’arte/pittura, così come i conflitti messi in moto dall’artista di fronte alle questioni di genere vigenti al tempo. / A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo central entender como a pintora Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654) se inseriu e atuou em algumas das cidades europeias em que mais havia o financiamento das artes plásticas, como Roma, Florença, Veneza, Nápoles e Londres, na primeira metade do século XVII; e analisar as construções de si e representações do feminino em suas correspondências e em sua obra pictórica. Para tal, utilizamos fontes escritas, que nos permitiram problematizar a trajetória de vida de Artemisia, assim como sua atuação como pintora em diferentes regiões da península italiana e da Europa; e fontes visuais, que dão a ver a dimensão de sua obra em diferentes gêneros, a exemplo dos temas da tradição veterotestamentária, históricos, mitológicos, retratos e autorretratos. As fontes revelam a permanência de Artemisia em diferentes espaços de consumo de imagens, em cortes de reinos, vice-reinos, ducados e repúblicas, bem como nos lugares administrados por figuras do clero e entre relevantes colecionadores particulares com os quais negociou. Nesse sentido, os usos dos conceitos de representação e gênero foram norteadores para a tese e contribuíram para evidenciar os diálogos da pintora com a cultura de sua época e seu legado para a história da arte/pintura, bem como os embates travados pela artista frente às questões de gênero vigentes em seu tempo. / The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to understand how the painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654), in the first half of the 17th century, was inserted and acted in some of the European cities where there was more financing of plastic arts, such as Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples and London; and analyze the constructions of self and representations of the feminine in her correspondence and pictorial work. For that, we used written sources, which allowed us to problematize the life trajectory of Artemisia, her work as a painter in different regions of the Italian peninsula and Europe; and visual sources, which make it possible to visualize the dimension of her pictorial work in different genres, such as the themes of the Old Testament tradition, historical, mythological, portraits and self-portraits. The sources reveal the permanence of Artemisia in different spaces of consumption of images, courts of kingdoms, viceroys, duchies, republics, as well as in the places administered by figures of the clergy and among the relevant private collectors with whom she negotiated. In this sense, the uses of the concepts of representation and gender were guiding the thesis and contributed to highlight the dialogues of the painter with the culture of her time and her legacy to the history of art / painting, as well as the clashes waged by the artist regarding the gender issues in force in her time.
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O último Avis: D. Antônio, o antonismo e a crise dinástica portuguesa (1540-1640) / The last Avis: D. Antonio, antonismo and the portuguese dynastic crisis.Carlos Jokubauskas Coral 02 July 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objeto de estudo o fenômeno conhecido como antonismo, nome dado ao movimento de apoio à reivindicação de D. Antônio, prior do Crato (1531-1595), à coroa portuguesa após a morte de D. Sebastião (1555-1578). A luta de D. Antônio e dos antonistas pelo trono foi assunto de controvérsia e polêmica na historiografia, ora compreendido como um surto patriótico, ora como uma revolta popular, mas sempre circunscrito aos eventos da crise dinástica. Nesta dissertação, buscaremos demonstrar que este fenômeno corresponde a uma linha de força interna da política portuguesa quinhentista, que tem origem nas disputas e conflitos entre o infante D. Luís e D. João III e de diversas facções descontentes com a política do reino que aos poucos construíram a pretensão de D. Antônio, prior do Crato, à coroa portuguesa e, portanto, sendo uma possibilidade política concreta antes e depois da crise dinástica portuguesa (1578-1581). / This dissertation has as its object of study the phenomenon known as antonismo, name given to the movement to support the claim D. Antônio, prior of Crato (1531-1595), to the Portuguese crown after the death of D. Sebastião (1555-1578). The struggle of D. Antônio and the antonistas for the throne was the subject of dispute and controversy in historiography, now understood as a patriotic outbreak, now as a popular revolt, but always limited to the events of dynastic crisis. This dissertation demonstrates that this phenomenon corresponds to an inner power line of the sixteenth-century Portuguese policy, which has its origins in disputes and conflicts between the infante D. Luís and D. João III and from various factions discontented with the policy of the kingdom that gradually built up the pretense of D. Antônio, prior of Crato, to the Portuguese crown, and thus being a real political possibility before and after the Portuguese dynastic crisis (1578-1581).
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Calibã se liberta: o setor externo da economia brasileira (1999 a 2013) / Caliban liberates itself: the external sector of brazilian economy (1999 to 2013)Apoena Canuto Cosenza 19 February 2018 (has links)
A presente tese possui como questão central: quais foram os mecanismos que permitiram a recuperação econômica ocorrida no Brasil, entre 2003 e 2010? A hipótese proposta é que a recuperação aparente da economia local foi resultado da alta dos preços dos bens primários (as chamadas commodities). Para verificação da hipótese, foi analisado o balanço de pagamentos brasileiro, dando-se destaque especial para o balanço comercial. Estudou-se a composição do balanço, e a relação entre o setor externo e alguns dos indicadores macroeconômicos da atividade econômica local. Ainda, verificou-se qual foi a relação entre o desempenho brasileiro no comércio internacional e a distribuição de renda local. Os dados encontrados indicam que tanto a aparente recuperação econômica quanto a distribuição de renda favorável às camadas de menor rendimento se fizeram possíveis graças à alta da demanda chinesa pelas commodities. No entanto, a recuperação econômica não foi acompanhada de investimentos produtivos significativos, o que resultou no não aumento da produtividade local. A tese proposta é que, na ausência de investimentos significativos, os problemas estruturais da economia brasileira, em especial a dependência econômica e a baixa capacidade de acumulação de capital, não foram superados, e até se aprofundaram. / The present thesis has the following central question: what were the mechanisms that allowed to the economic recovery occurred in Brazil between 2003 and 2010? The hypothesis proposed is that the recovery of the local economy was a result of the rise of commodities prices. To verify this hypothesis, the brazilian balance of payments was analyzed, with special emphasis on the trade balance. The composition of the balance of payments and the relationship between the external sector and some of the macroeconomic indicators of local economic activity were studied. The relation between the Brazilian performance in international trade and the distribution of local income was also analyzed. The data found indicates that both the economic recovery and the income distribution favorable to lower income population were made possible by the rise in chinese demand for commodities. However, the economic recovery was not followed by significant productive investments, which resulted in no increases in local productivity. The thesis proposed here is that, in the absence of significant investments, the structural problems of brazilian economy, especially the economic dependence and the low capital accumulation capacity, were not overcomen but actually increased.
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The Value of Books: : The York Minster Library as a social arena for commodity exchangeKelly, Luke January 2018 (has links)
To the present-day reader texts are widely available. However, to the early modern reader this access was limited. While book ownership increased in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was not universal – even libraries were both limited in their collections and exclusive to the communities they served. Libraries were to be found all over Early Modern England, from city libraries to town subscription libraries. One could gain access to books but these collections were often rather limited in the variety and number of books they offered. Undoubtedly many libraries purchased books for their collections, but frequently books were also given to them by benefactors. One fine example of a community library which reflects its readers and members is the library of St Peter’s Cathedral, York Minster. York Minister library owes its existence to traceable benefactors and donations. One could study the collection to give an insight into reading practices and interests of the Early Modern Period. But in doing so we fall foul of becoming static and failing to develop the historiography of Book History. Instead, we can re-evaluate this collection by drawing from the old focus of genres but shifting this focus and approach the collection from a different path: a material path. These books resonate value. Not solely due to their genres and subject matter, but their value is also generated in how the books became accessible, through generosity and donation. As donations from benefactors these books should not be considered solely as works of literature, but as gifts from one agent to another. Gifts given with both intention and purpose.
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