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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokytojo profesinė kompetencija organizuojant mokymo(si) procesą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Teacher's competence in organizing the teaching process

Starkus, Edvardas 24 September 2008 (has links)
The change of teacher's role in society and new roles in educational process in the context of learning paradigm is stipulated by changed standpoint of the nature of learning as well as national educational aims. Lithuania is becoming a part of global economy, common information, technological and cultural space which is rapidly joining into Western democratic world undertaking common responsibility for preserving its value, development of traditions and renewal. The analysis of scientific literature allows to claim that in order to enable teachers to develop the competence of organization of the learning process, not only concrete demands have to be be made but also conditions to renew and develop their competence have to be created, giving particular attention to development of organization, planning, realization or didactic competence. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to research currently prevalent level of competence of teachers learning organization so that it would be possible to purposefully plan the actions of the development of their didactic competence. The quality of upbringing (education) as well as organization of learning process is determined by teacher's knowledge, skills, value of regulations, whereas qualification category is merely formal acknowledgement. Unfortunately, by far namely the competence of organization of learning process, the procedures justifying its acquiring and psychological characteristics of the teachers influencing the... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The change of teacher's role in society and new roles in educational process in the context of learning paradigm is stipulated by changed standpoint of the nature of learning as well as national educational aims. Lithuania is becoming a part of global economy, common information, technological and cultural space which is rapidly joining into Western democratic world undertaking common responsibility for preserving its value, development of traditions and renewal. The analysis of scientific literature allows to claim that in order to enable teachers to develop the competence of organization of the learning process, not only concrete demands have to be be made but also conditions to renew and develop their competence have to be created, giving particular attention to development of organization, planning, realization or didactic competence. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to research currently prevalent level of competence of teachers learning organization so that it would be possible to purposefully plan the actions of the development of their didactic competence. The quality of upbringing (education) as well as organization of learning process is determined by teacher's knowledge, skills, value of regulations, whereas qualification category is merely formal acknowledgement. Unfortunately, by far namely the competence of organization of learning process, the procedures justifying its acquiring and psychological characteristics of the teachers influencing the... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų biologijos mokytojų sveikatos žinių poreikis / The need for health knowledge for biology teachers at secondary schools

Venckevič, Evelina 25 June 2014 (has links)
Vienas iš Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų biologijos programos tikslų yra mokinių sveikos gyvensenos mokymas. Suvokdami vaikų sveikatos saugojimo ir stiprinimo reikšmę, pedagogai turi suteikti ugdytiniams žinių apie sveikatą, padėti suprasti sveiko gyvenimo būdo privalumus ir pripažinti sveikatą kaip vieną iš svarbiausių vertybių žmogaus gyvenime. Mokyklose dažniausiai sveikatos dalykų moko būtent biologijos mokytojai. Jie diskutuoja su vaikais sveikatos temomis, kurios kartais gali būti labai sudėtingos. Norint kad biologijos pamokų metu mokiniai gautų žinių apie sveikatą, visų pirma būtinos sveikatos žinios biologijos mokytojams. Tam mokytojas turi tobulinti žinias, gerinti savo dalykinę kompetenciją, siekti jos pripažinimo mokykloje bei įgyti aukštą pedagoginį meistriškumą. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų biologijos mokytojų sveikatos žinių poreikį. Metodai. Atlikta anketinė anoniminė 632 biologijos mokytojų, dirbančių Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, apklausa. Rezultatai. 60,4 % biologijos mokytojų mano, kad jiems neužtenka žinių apie mokinių sveikatos problemas. Pagrindinės sritys, kuriose biologijos mokytojams labiausiai trūksta žinių, yra psichikos sveikata (39,1 % respondentų) ir lytinė sveikata (9,3 % respondentų). Pagrindinės priežastys, trukdančios gauti profesinių žinių, yra: laiko stoka (74,1 % respondentų), seminarų stoka (40,5 % respondentų), tobulinimo kursų stoka (24,2 % respondentų). Respondentų nuomone, žinias apie sveikatą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the aims of Lithuanian secondary school biology curriculum is to teach healthy life style. Perceiving the importance of health care and strengthening for children, teachers have to broaden students‘ knowledge of health, to help them understand the necessity of healthy way of life and to acknowledge health as one of the most important values in human life. At schools health subjects are mostly taught by biology teachers. They discuss health topics, which somethimes could be very difficult, with piupils. First of all, teachers should have great knowledge of health care so that during biology lessons piupils get knowledge about health .Therefore, teachers have to advance their knowledge, to improve their professional competence and also, they should achieve its recognition and become great masters of health care teaching. Research aim: To appraise the health needs for biology teachers at schools. Methods: 632 teachers working at schools were questioned during the anonymous questionnaire. Results: 60,4 % of the biology teachers think, that they lack knowledge about health problems of their pupils. The main spheres they note are mental health (39,1 % respondents) and sexual health (9,3 % respondents). The valid reasons preventing teachers from gaining professional knowledge are: lack of time (74,1 % respondents), shortage of seminars (40,5 % respondents), shortage of teacher professional development courses (24,2 % respondents). According to the respondents, health... [to full text]

Mokytojo bendravimo su mokiniais pamokoje ypatumai / Features of communication between the teacher and the students in the lecture

Randis, Mantvydas 04 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra analizuojamas bendravimas jo ypatybės. Mes žinome, kad mokykloje pamokos metu bendravimas yra labai svarbus, nes tai yra mokytojo įrankis. Darbe buvo apžvelgta kokie yra bendravimo būdai, kas tai yra produktyvus bendravimas, apžvelgtos bendravimo funkcijos, kas tai yra pedagoginis bendravimas, sužinojome kokie yra mokytojo stiliai. Buvo pažvelgta kodėl tarp mokinio ir mokytojo kyla konfliktai. Šiame darbe buvo atliktas tyrimas kuris leido dalinai nuspręsti, kad labiausiai tinkantis bendravimo tipas pamokoje yra humaniškasis. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dvejos mokyklose (a) ir (b) kurio metu buvo stebėta 30 pamokų ir vertinamas mokytojų bendravimas su mokiniais, kurio metu buvo nustatyta, mokytojų klaidos bei geri bendravimo bruožai. Tyrimo metu gautų rezultatais buvo galima spręsti kurioje mokykloje bendravimas yra humaniškesnis, labiau pedagoginis. / This thesis analyses the features of communication. We know that communication during classes at school is very important because this is the primary tool employed by a teacher. This thesis discusses the types of communication, defines productive communication, overviews functions of communication, discusses pedagogical communication and points out teacher’s styles. The reasons of conflicts arising between the teacher and students are analyzed. The research has been carried out which partially proves that the most suitable type of communication in class is the humanistic one. The research has been carried out in two schools (a) and (b), 30 lessons were observed and teacher-student communication was assessed; the teachers’ mistakes and positive features of communication were identified. The results provided by the research proved which type of communication employed by the schools was more humanistic and pedagogical.

Mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykiai mokymo procese (konflikto aspektas) / Relationship between teachers, schoolchildren and parents during educational process (the aspect of conflict)

Jackevič, Juzef 07 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykius mokymo procese konflikto aspektu. Uždaviniai: 1. Apibendrinti mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų santykių ypatumus; 2. Aptarti konfliktus tarp mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų, jų prevencijos galimybes; 3. Aptarti konfliktų mokykloje pasekmes ugdymo procesui, galimus jų sprendimo būdus; 4. Atlikti tyrimą, kurio metu būtų nustatytas ugdymo proceso bei konflikto vaidmens jame vertinimas mokytojų, moksleivių ir tėvų požiūriu. Tyrimo objektas: moksleivių, tėvų bei pedagogų konfliktų, konfliktinių situacijų vertinimas. Hipotezės: 1. Daugelio respondentų nuomone, konstruktyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas mokykloje įtakoja moksleivių mokymosi rezultatyvumą; 2. Pedagogų nuomone, efektyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas turi įtakos mokyklos bendruomenės sutelktumui; 3. Visų grupių respondentų nuomone, konstruktyvus bei pagrįstas bendradarbiavimo strategija konfliktų valdymas turi įtakos mokytojų, moksleivių bei jų tėvų produktyviai komunikacijai, sprendžiant moksleivių socializacijos problemas Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad: visos trys respondentų grupės – socialiniai darbuotojai, socialiniai pedagogai bei pedagogai mano, kad pedagoginiai konfliktai, vaidina svarbų vaidmenį ne tik ugdymo procese, bet ir santykiuose tarp ugdytojų, ugdytinių. Todėl ypatingai svarbu juos išspręsti, o dar geriau – taikyti jų prevenciją. Visos trys respondentų grupės nebuvo linkusios teigti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of the work is to analyse teachers’, schoolchildren’ and parents’ relationships during educational process in the aspect of conflict. Tasks: 1. To summarize the specialties of teachers‘, schoolchildren’ and parents’ relationship. 2. To discuss conflicts between teachers, schoolchildren and parents, their prevention possibilities; 3. To discuss the consequences of conflicts in school to the educational process, the possible ways of solution. 4. To fulfill the investigation and to ascertain the teachers’, schoolchildren’ and parents’ evaluation of educational process and the role of conflict in it. The object of investigation: the evaluation of conflicts between schoolchildren, parents and pedagogues, evaluation of conflict situations. Hypotheses: 1. In a lot of respondents’ opinion, the constructive and based upon collaboration strategy the management of conflicts at school influence the learning results; 2. In pedagogues’ opinion, effective and based on collaboration strategy the management of conflicts influence the muster up of the school community; 3. In all the respondent’ groups’ opinion, the constructive and based on collaboration strategy the management of conflicts influence the productive communication between teachers, schoolchildren and parents, solving the socialization problems of schoolchildren. During the investigation it emerged that all three respondents’ groups – social workers, social pedagogues and pedagogues think that pedagogical conflicts play... [to full text]

Technologijų mokytojo profesinė raiška / Professional expression of technology teacher's

Jacevič, Jolanta 23 June 2005 (has links)
Professional expression of technology teacher’s is important in nowadays society and educational system, especially when new educational paradigm is becoming stronger. The teacher of technology has to help pupils to understand the value of present time life: to set pupils’ sights on country’s production and use policy, individual usage culture, healthy living, ability to develop creatively the national ethnic cultural traditions and their integration into work and housekeeping, and also to educate individual and social ecological culture. All these things are parts of technology teacher’s professional expression. The actual pedagogical problem has to be solved in this context. The main aim of master thesis is to find the main features of the technologies teachers’ professional expression. According to conceptions and researchers provided by other authors, the main objects were to find and convey the main features of the technologies teachers’ professional expression, to create example of technologies teachers’ professionalism model. During the preparation of master thesis Lithuanian educational laws and bills, according to which educational and others professions work is regularized, were studied. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used for setting tendencies of technologies teachers’ professional expression. The statistical importance of new results was found too. The research helped to find the main features of technologies teachers’ professional expression:... [to full text]

Mokytojų motyvavimas dalyvauti projektuose: prielaidos ir galimybės / The prerequisites and possibilities of teacher motivation to be involved in projects

Baltakys, Virgilijus 19 October 2007 (has links)
Viena ryškiausių pastarojo meto vadybos tendencijų, stiprėjančios tarptautinės integracijos procesų dėka pasiekusi ir Lietuvą, - vis dažnesnis įvairių darbų organizavimas projektų forma. Šiuo metu daugėja įvairiausių mokyklinių, tarp Lietuvos mokykl�� ir tarptautinių projektų. Projektų privalumas labai didelis, jie suteikia galimybę mokytojams praplėsti ryšius su kolegomis, padaryti mokymo procesą įdomesnį, taip pat ši veikla suvienija mokyklos darbuotojus. Projektų metu įgytos žinios padeda pedagogams gerinti ugdymo kokybę, skatina tobulinti profesinę kvalifikaciją. Svarbiausia, kad pedagogai įsitrauktų į projektų dalyvavimą. Pedagogų darbo kokybė žymia dalimi priklauso nuo jų motyvacijos, o pastaroji – nuo to, kaip pedagogai motyvuojami dirbti. Taigi pedagogų motyvavimas – viena iš švietimo vadovų funkcijų ir reikšminga švietimo vadybos problema. Pedagogų motyvavimo pažinimas yra nauja, aktuali, teorinę ir praktinę reikšmę turinti tyrinėjimų sritis. Temos aktualumas ir naujumas. Mokykloje svarbu ne tik taikyti efektyvias vadovavimo formas ir būdus, bet ir sukurti efektyvią darbuotojų pažinimo ir motyvavimo sistemą, kuri leistų pažinti darbuotojų veiklos motyvus, sudarytų sąlygas jiems realizuoti savo tikslus bei lūkesčius. Todėl mokyklos vadovai, siekdami įgyvendinti steigėjo deleguotus tikslus ir uždavinius, didelį dėmesį skiria darbuotojų motyvavimui, kaip vienai iš proceso valdymo dalių. Taigi mokytojų motyvavimo dalyvauti projektuose tyrimas aktualus, nes sudaro... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The organization of various activities in the form of projecting is the most significant management tendency that has reached Lithuania recently due to the strengthening international integration. A number of various within-school and inter-school projects is increasing. Projecting gives many advantages, enables teachers to expand their relations with colleagues, make teaching and learning process more interesting, it unites school staff. The knowledge gained during projects helps pedagogues to improve the quality of education, encourage improving professional qualification. The quality of pedagogues’ activity strongly depends on their motivation and the latter – on how pedagogues are motivated to work. Thus, the motivation of pedagogues is one of the functions for education managers and a significant problem of education management. Learning the motivation of pedagogues is a new and urgent area of research, possessing theoretical and practical significance. Relevance and novelty of the topic. It is very important to apply effective management forms and tools, as well as to create an effective system for staff learning and motivation that would allow learning the motives of staff activity, creating conditions for them to fulfill their aims and expectations. Thus the topic of pedagogues’ motivation to participate in projects is a relevant research as it creates prerequisites for the teachers to become active in teaching process by using experience and methods from various... [to full text]

Smurto prieš mokytojus raiškos ypatumai šiuolaikinėje mokykloje (Druskininkų „Atgimimo“ vidurinės mokyklos atvejis) / Peculiarities of expression of violence against teachers in modern schools

Vasiukonytė, Miglė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Mokytojas yra svarbiausias švietimo paslaugų teikėjas. Nuo jo kvalifikacijos, sociokultūrinio pasirengimo priklauso ne tik teikiamų paslaugų kokybė, bet ir konkrečios švietimo institucijos realios galimybės deramai atlikti savo funkcijas. Niekas kitas taip gerai nejaučia ir nemato, kuo gyvena, kaip auga, vystosi ir bręsta mokinys mokykloje, kaip jo mokytojas. Todėl mokytojo vaidmuo šiuo atveju yra labai svarbus. Deja, gyvenime yra ir kita pusė, kuri tiesiog šaukte šaukia, kad šiandien mokytojai nesijaučia saugūs dirbdami mokykloje. Šio baigiamojo magistrinio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti smurto prieš mokytojus ypatumus šiuolaikinėje mokykloje, išnagrinėti kaip ir kodėl pasireiškia smurtas prieš mokytojus. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti tokie uždaviniai: pateikti smurto sampratą ir išanalizuoti sociologines nusikalstamo elgesio teorijas, aptarti smurto pasireiškimo formas, aptarti smurtą prieš mokytojus skatinančius veiksnius, aptarti smurto prieš mokytojus atsiradimo ir gyvavimo prielaidas švietimo institucijoje bei remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis nustatyti mokinių, tėvų ir mokytojų požiūrį į smurtą prieš mokytojus ir galimas prevencines priemones. Darbe buvo iškeltos tokios hipotezės: 1. Mokinių smurtas prieš mokytojus yra realiai egzistuojanti socialinė problema. 2. Mokytojai bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose patiria smurtą iš mokinių ir nesijaučia saugūs savo darbo vietoje. 3. Tėvai toleruoja vaikų smurtinį elgesį prieš mokytojus. 4. Dauguma moksleivių smurtą prieš... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A teacher is the main source of education services. Quality of such services and actual abilities of particular educational institution to function properly depend on teacher’s qualification and social-cultural readiness. No one else can feel and see what makes schoolchildren tick or how they grow, develop and mature at school but their teacher. Hence the role of teacher is of extreme importance in this case. However, there is a dark side of life, which rants and raves that teachers do not feel safe working at school today. The aim of the MA thesis was to find out peculiarities of violence against teachers in modern schools, analyze how violence against teachers expresses itself and why it is so. The following tasks were put in order to achieve the abovementioned goals: to present a conception of violence and analyze sociological theories of criminal behaviour, discuss expression forms of violence, subject factors stimulating violence against teachers, scrutinize premises of origin and existence of violence against teachers in educational institutions and, based on survey data, gathered by the author of the thesis, ascertain attitudes of schoolchildren, their parents and teachers towards violence against teachers and possible preventive measures to be taken. The following hypotheses were raised: 1. Schoolchildren’s violence against teachers is an actually existing social problem. 2. Teachers in secondary schools undergo violence from the part of schoolchildren and do not feel... [to full text]

Švietimo sistemos mokomosios programinės įrangos specializuotos duomenų bazės projektavimas ir tyrimas / The Specialization Database Design and Analysis of Training Software in Education System

Mežanskienė, Gintarė 10 September 2004 (has links)
Educational institutions make the biggest impact to the foundation of the information society. School participates in bringing up the competent citizen of the information community. According to international research, modern training tools may enhance the teaching and learning process: applying information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education process is tended to improve children results, atitudes and their relationships with teachers and coevals. „Create conditions for software industry producers and suppliers to prepare and suggest computer training appliances (CTA), for teachers and pupils to choose good quality CTA, which satisfies their demands“ is one of the main „Computer training appliances supply for schools (CTA)“ strategy goals. After the current situtation analysis, this work suggests the decision to put this method into practice. Database model and it's managing software, dedicated to remote users, was implemented. This software realizes database of CTA information review, comprehensive search engine, database managing operations (insert, remove, editing) using the internet browser.

Mokytojo vaidmenys organizuojant darbą heterogeninėse klasėse / The roles of teachers organizing the work in heterogeneous classes

Svotaitė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra iškeltas tikslas išsiaiškinti mokytojų vaidmenis organizuojant darbą heterogeninėse klasėse. Buvo išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairūs Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių vadybinės, pedagoginės, psichologinės srities darbai. Atlikta Lietuvos Respublikos teisinių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių švietimo ir specialiojo ugdymo organizavimą, analizė. Darbo tikslui ir uždaviniams pilnai atskleisti buvo naudojamas anketinės apklausos metodas. Tyrimo duomenys patvirtino literatūros apžvalgoje minimus mokytojo vaidmenis, atskleidė dominuojančius pedagogų, dirbančių heterogeninėse klasėse, vaidmenis, jų realizavimo dažnumą. Taip pat tyrimo duomenys atskleidė rečiausiai arba ne taip intensyviai atliekamus mokytojo vaidmenis, į kuriuos derėtų atkreipti dėmesį, įdėti daugiau pastangų jiems atlikti. / The aim of this master‘s final paper is to clear up the roles of teachers organizing the work in heterogeneous classes. Different works of Lithuanian and foreign author‘s management, pedagogics, psychology spheres were analised and structured. The analysis of the Republic of Lithuania documents, regulating education and special education, was done. The method of questionnaire was used to reveal the aim and the objectives of the work fully. The resuls of the research confirmed the teacher‘s roles mentioned in literary review, relealed the dominant teacher‘s working heterogeneous classes roles, and the frequency of these roles. The results of the research also shuowed rarely or not so intensively performed teacher‘s roles, which one shuold pay more attention at, and make more effors to perform them.

Technologijų mokytojų novacinės veiklos ypatumai / The peculiarity for innovation activity of technology teachers

Babravičienė, Vaida 09 June 2005 (has links)
In modern, rapidly changing society, the systems of education had become variable, situation of activity for schools and pedagogues. In Lithuania, as in many other countries, economical, political, cultural life interdependence becomes stronger. Rapidly established informational society. Obviously, because of that always changes the content of training, increasing innovations and it’s spreading need. The object of investigation – is an innovation activity of technology teachers. The aim of investigation – is to analyze peculiarity of innovation activity of technology teachers. The objects of investigation: 1. To detect the conception of innovation activity for pedagogues, while analyzing scientific educational and psychological literature. 2. To detect the conception of innovation for technology teachers. 3. To investigate the point of view for innovation activity of technology teachers. 4. To investigate the peculiarity for innovation activity of technology teachers. The investigated: 100 pedagogues working in Lithuania, teaching technology subject: 80%-woman, 19%-man. The methods of investigation: Theoretical: studying and analyzing science literature sources. Empirical: questionnaire test was applied trying to achieve the conception of innovation activity for technology teachers. Statistical: was used to achieve the statistic results of investigation information. Information was processed with computer statistic program SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for... [to full text]

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