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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metoo-effekten : En kvalitativ studie rörande nyhetsrapporteringen kring metoo-kampanjen / The effects of metoo : A qualitative study on news reporting regarding the metoo campaign

Hedström, Isabelle January 2018 (has links)
Sexuella trakasserier på grund av kön är något som förekommer frekvent, det påvisar inte minst #metoo-rörelsen som startades i USA. Hashtaggen #metoo spred sig fort över hela världen, tusentals och åter tusentals kvinnor slöt samman och bildade egna hashtaggs för att uppmärksamma sexuella trakasserier på grund av kön inom deras specifika arbetsområde. Kvinnan har under lång tid blivit sedd på som det svagare könet och har inte haft samma rättigheter som män, varken i samhället eller över sig själv. Med tiden har lagar för att samhället ska bli mer jämställt stiftats, och även lagar gällande sexuella trakasserier. Denna studie berör #metoo-rörelsen och nyhetsrapporteringen kring den och det empiriska materialet är en kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan en svensk och en norsk dagstidning. Syftet med studien är att se om nyhetsrapporteringen gällande #metoo skiljer sig åt mellan länderna och i så fall på vilket sätt. Vidare har en kvalitativ deskriptiv analysmetod genomförts på åtta artiklar, där fyra artiklar är från Dagens Nyheter i Sverige och fyra artiklar kommer från Aftenposten i Norge. Artiklarna har därefter parats ihop i fyra olika teman och ställts mot varandra. I studien analyserades differenserna i artiklarna, hur de framställer #metoo och således också jämställdhet, sexuella trakasserier och kopplingen till sociala medier. I resultatet går det att utläsa att en viss skillnad finns mellan nyhetsrapporteringen gällande #metoo mellan Dagens Nyheter i Sverige och Aftenposten i Norge. De artiklar från Dagens Nyheter lämnar ofta läsaren med obesvarade frågor medan de från Aftenposten i större utsträckning besvarar de frågor man inledningsvis får. De artiklar från Aftenposten har också större fokus på just Sverige och andra länder jämfört med vad de artiklar från Dagens Nyheter har.  Nyckelord: #metoo, sexuella trakasserier, jämställdhet, kvinna, man, nyhetsrapportering / Sexual harassment due to gender is something that is frequent and the #metoo-movement that has its roots in USA is an excellent example for that. The hashtag metoo spread through out the world in a rapid pace. Thousands of women merged, and formed their own hashtags to acknowledge sexual harassment due to gender in their specific workplace. For a long period of time the woman has been seen as the weaker gender and have not had the same rights as men, either in society or over themselves. The time has passed and with it laws have been established that seeks to a more equal society, and laws against sexual harassment due to gender is also a fact. This study affects the #metoo-movement and the news reporting around it, the empirical material is a qualitative comparative study between a Swedish and Norwegian newspaper. The purpose of the study is to see if the news reporting regarding the #metoo is different compared between the two countries, and if so in what way. Furthermore, a qualitative descriptive analysis method has been implemented on eight articles were four is from Dagens Nyheter in Sweden and four articles are from Aftenposten from Norway. The articles have been paired together in four different themes, and then objected to each other. In the study the articles are depth analyzed in aspect for their difference how they are producing #metoo and furthermore equality, sexual harassment and the connection to social media. In the result, it can be seen that there is a certain difference between the news report on #metoo between Dagens Nyheter in Sweden and Aftenposten in Norway. The articles from Dagens Nyheter often leave the reader with unanswered questions whilst the ones from Aftenposten often answer the questions the reader initially gets. The articles from Aftenposten has more focus on Sweden and other countries compared to the articles from Dagens Nyheter  Keywords: #metoo, sexual harassment, equality, woman, man, news reporting

Způsoby vyhodnocovnání důvěryhodnosti zpravodajských zdrojů čerstvě dospělými a zvyklosti při jejich užívání / Methods for evaluating the credibility of news sources by yound adults and habits in their use

Křížek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate young people's approach to media consumption. The presumed objective of the thesis is to ascertain the method that young users apply to evaluate the credibility of news sources in the media. In the first theoretical part the thesis explains the status of the media in the information age and changes related to the field. It also discusses the need for media literacy and its possible development via media education. The chapter finishes with an overview of the most important data from recent studies concerning young people and the media. Second part consist of a qualitative research that is inspired by the research design of the theory by Strauss and Corbin (1999). Data for this research were obtained from 21 in depth interviews among 18 and 19 years old Czech citizens. The open coding was used for the analysis. The outcome of the analysis was interpreted through the method of constant comparation. The result of the research is a creation of four typological user groups according to the type of use of the news resources in the media.

Massmedias påverkan på destiantionsimage : En studie om researrangörernas hanterande och agerande gällande destiantionsimage

Gustafsson, Angelica, Frammin, Cornelia, Wangärd, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Turistindustrin är en viktig industri ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv samtidigt som den är mycket sårbar för negativa händelser som sker runt om i världen. Då information och nyheter sprids snabbare än någonsin, på grund av den enkelhet som finns att ta till sig information, är det lätt att destinationers image påverkas av det som förmedlas via media. Föreliggande studie fokuserar därmed på att, ur ett producentperspektiv, försöka kartlägga på vilket sätt som destinationers image påverkas av negativ nyhetsrapportering. Detta görs genom att erhålla en förståelse kring vad det är som gör att en image förändras. Samtidigt ligger ett fokus på att försöka förstå om olika strategier tillämpas av researrangörer för att förändra destinationers image samt om de arbetar med att hantera medias påverkan på destinationers image. Det med ambitionen att erhålla en kunskap kring vad som kan göras för att minska att resmönster påverkas i lika stor utsträckning som det gör idag.   För att göra detta fokuserar studien på följande forskningsfrågor:   <ul type="disc">Hur påverkas destinationers image av negativ nyhetsrapportering? Finns det några strategier som researrangörerna tillämpar för att förändra en destinations image och i så fall vilka?   De slutsatser som studien kommer fram till är följande:   <ul type="disc">Destinationer påverkas av negativ nyhetsrapportering till följd av att personer påverkas av det media rapporterar om. Destinationer påverkas i olika utsträckning beroende på dess internationella status, geografiska läge, resenärernas familjära känsla gentemot platsen samt själva händelsens karaktär. Alla individer påverkas olika av massmedias rapportering, beroende på tidigare erfarenheter och kunskap om platsen. Alla kriser och händelser kräver olika strategier, både storleksmässigt och beroende på vad för typ av händelse som inträffat. Researrangörer hjälper destinationer under en kortsiktig period men under ett längre perspektiv så anpassar sig researrangörerna främst till efterfrågan på marknaden. Det är en skör balansgång vad gäller att tillämpa externa aktörer vid arbetet med att förändra destinationers image. Baserad på situation tilltas olika marknadsföringsstrategier i form av kampanjer, annonser och rabatter, vilket kortsiktigt kan påverka att försäljningen ökar och resmönster påverkas. Ansvaret ligger hos oss människor hur vi erhåller rätt information via rätt kanaler som följaktligen påverkar våra uppfattningar och därmed destinationers image. / The tourist industry is important to the industry economically. But at the same time it is very vulnerable to negative happenings and events from around the world. Since information and news is spreading faster than ever before, and due to the simplicity there now is to take parts of the information about a destination, it is easy for the destinations image to be affected badly by what is being mediated throughout the media. This study therefore aims to map out in what ways destinations images are affected by negative news, reporting through a producer perspective. This is done by examining what there is that makes an image change. At the same time this study focuses on trying to understand if different strategies are being used by tour operators in order to change the image of destinations and if they are trying to handle the media's effect on such image. Therefore the ambition is to gain knowledge about what can be done to minimize the effect media has on travel patterns and reduce the extent there is today.   In order to do this, the following study focuses on these two research questions:   How is destinations images affected by negative news reports? Are there any strategies that travel agencies apply in order to change destination images, and in that case which?   The conclusions that can be drawn are following:   Destinations are affected by negative news reports because people are affected by media reportings. Destinations are affected to various degrees depending on its international status, geographical location, travelers' family feelings towards the place and the nature of the event itself. All individuals are affected differently by the media reportings, depending on previous experience and knowledge of the site. All crises and events require different strategies, both in size and depending on what type of event that has occurred. Tour operators help destinations in the short term rather than the longer term perspective, as tour operators adapt primarily to market demand. It is a tough balance in terms of applying external factors in the process of changing the image of destinations. Based on situation, different marketing strategies are used in the form of campaigns, ads and discounts, which can shortly affect sales and travel patterns. The responsibility lies on each individual and how we get the right information through the right channels, which consequently affects our perceptions and thus the image of destinations.

The human-nature relationship in news reporting on environmental issues : A qualitative framing analysis of three news programmes for children

Weber, Hannah Lena January 2021 (has links)
Humans depend on nature to survive and are simultaneously crossing planetary boundaries (Raworth, 2017). Humans’ relationship to nature is, according to constructionist theory, connected with natures’ framing in the public discourse, and therefore also through the media (Hansen,2019). This thesis focuses on the human-nature relationship on children’s news programmes. Through a qualitative framing analysis material of three news programmes was examined and four overarching frames were found, suggesting an ambiguous relationship of humans and nature.

Sex sells - does child sexual abuse? : A quantitative study examining the history ofevocative language use in Swedish newspapersregarding child sexual abuse

Orneklint, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine and analyze the news valuetheory and framing of news regarding child sexual abuse. The researchquestions for this study were:What changes can be found in the use of evocative language in crimejournalism regarding cases of sexual abuse towards children?Are there any clear differences in the language used when investigating theperspectives of objective, sensational and local journalism?The study has been conducted via a quantitative analysis, analyzing 1460articles, from three different newspapers archives. From 1994 up until 2020.The newspapers in the analysis are three Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet,Dagens Nyheter and Barometern. To arrive at my conclusion, I measured thefrequency of a selected group of evocative words, measuring across the threenewspapers how often the words occurred as well as during what timeperiods.Through the analysis I found that Swedish newspapers, no matter theirdirection towards sensationalism, kept a neutral and objective tone regardingchild sexual abuse in most cases. With not so many cases of purely evocativewords.

Využívání umělé inteligence ke generování zpráv v České tiskové kanceláři / Utilization of Artificial Intelligence to Generate Reports in the Czech News Agency

Sýkora, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the use of artificial intelligence tools and automated journalism in the Czech News Agency. Specifically, it deals with the very first use of algorithmically generated news reports, which the agency published during the election in 2018. It compares municipal and Senate elections from this year with the outputs of ČTK news from municipal elections in 2014 and Senate elections in 2016. It uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The diploma thesis also deals with the method how the generation of reports in 2018 worked in ČTK and shows and explains examples of source codes by which the report generator was programmed. It will also offer other ways and areas in which the Czech News Agency uses or is about to use automated journalism and its tools. One part of the thesis is also an interview with the technical director of ČTK Jan Kodera, who explained how automated journalism works in the Czech media environment of the press agency. The author also outlines some scientific disciplines related to artificial intelligence, which are required for the needs of this thesis. At the same time, he will also offer a number of examples of how automation tools are used in other newsrooms around the world.

Working for the Devil : A Case Study on Social Media Use in Journalism in Iceland and Sweden

Stefánsson, Ingólfur January 2022 (has links)
This case study presents research on social media operations in the news media in lceland and Sweden. Social media channels have become a big part of everyday life in western countries and have simultaneously become a big part of how individuals consume news. This case study looks into how social media channels are utilised in everyday work at legacy media companies and how media professionals perceive the effects of these channels on the news industry in Iceland and Sweden. The case study consists of interviews with six media professionals from six legacy media companies in Iceland and Sweden. Results show that legacy news media companies are cautious towards being reliant on social media channels in their operations but are dependent on using social media channels to some extent as public discourse is increasingly taking place on these channels. / I denna fallstudie presenteras forskning om sociala medier i nyhetsmedier på Island och i Sverige. Sociala mediekanaler har blivit en stor del av vardagen i västländerna och har samtidigt blivit en stor del av hur individer konsumerar nyheter. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur sociala mediekanaler används i det dagliga arbetet på medieföretag och hur mediefolk uppfattar effekterna av dessa kanaler på nyhetsbranschen på Island och i Sverige. Fallstudien består av intervjuer med sex medieexperter från sex medieföretag på Island och i Sverige. Resultaten visar att nyhetsmedieföretag är försiktiga med att vara beroende av sociala mediekanaler i sin verksamhet, men att de är beroende av att använda sociala mediekanaler i viss utsträckning eftersom den offentliga diskursen i allt högre grad äger rum på dessa kanaler.


郭恆祺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區近十年來大型火災死傷頻傳。每逢相關事件發生,大眾媒介總會增加版面或時段擴大報導。而過去研究針對此類災難報導的社會功能評價不一,認為其雖可協助社會大眾了解環境風險,但報導內容有時亦過度強調危險,未來應蒐集更多相關資料以滿足讀者知的權利。本研究之動機與目的,即在觀察災難事件中消息來源與議題類型的關聯性,藉以了解媒介之議題建構過程與特徵。 過去有關消息來源研究多著重與媒介之關係,研究取徑常著重討論哪些消息來源有較多機會接近媒介,或掌握社會權力詮釋社會事象,而議題建構過程之研究則多觀察議題之類別、產生要素和影響機制,以了解不同議題彼此競爭以詮釋媒體或社會真實的機會多寡。本研究認為單從「消息來源」或「議題內容」進行觀察,殊難呈現議題整體建構過程的重要性。根據文獻探討可知,社會議題之建構成功與否,須視媒介是否尋找足夠消息來源詮釋事件因果、進行社會爭論與批評、並提出解決問題以引起大眾之問題意識。社會學家Beck即指出,媒介透過挑選消息來源與議題重點,因而影響了「災難」這類社會問題的定義。由此可知,消息來源和議題兩者似須同時觀察討論,方能了解事件建構的整體過程。 而災難事件正包含豐富之消息來源與議題,適合作為本研究主題。但有關災難報導之研究不多,相關研究曾發現媒介多選擇官方、警方及專家(科學、法律學者)為主要消息來源,而議題內容多以受災反應、受災衝擊情況及檢討責任歸屬為主。 本研究以上述理論推導為基礎,合併「消息來源」和「議題」與「生命週期」三者為研究架構,觀察災難報導之議題建構特徵,並以《中國時報》及《聯合報》有關「衛爾康餐廳大火」(民國84年2月16日至3月15日)之純淨新聞中有關消息來源之引述內容進行文本分析,歸納巨命題並進行編碼與製圖;以下是研究問題及主要研究結果。 1. 在災難新聞報導中,各種消息來源類型主要提供哪些議題? 研究發現,兩報多偏向找尋「評論/涉入者」作為主要引述之消息來源,「當事人」之頻次則偏低。而議題類型出現頻次以「責任歸屬及調查」與「其他」議題為主,「災禍現場描述與逃生情況」與「災因與傷亡損失等檢討」出現頻次最少。在事件發展過程中,消息來源角色所提出之議題類型多與其採取之行動情節相近。 2. 在新聞報導之事件發展過程中,各類消息來源出現是否有其順序與消長? 本研究發現,在事件發展過程中之消長順序在兩家報紙中皆以「當事人」為首日主要引述消息來源,但其出現機會隨即快速減少。接棒之消息來源在整體事件中則往往成為主要引述角色。 3. 在新聞報導之事件發展過程中,個別議題出現是否有順序與消長? 本研究發現,兩報之議題類型長順序皆為「災禍現場描述與逃生情況」→「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」→各項議題交互出現→「責任歸屬與調查」→「其他」。 4. 不同消息來源所提供的議題是否也有不同消長順序? 「當事人」所涉及之主要議題類型,依序為「災禍現場描述與逃生狀況」與「救援及善後行動」。「處理者」所涉及之主要議題類型順序,兩報均為「災禍現場描述與逃生狀況」與「救援及善後行動」為主要議題,而以「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」議題為後續主要議題。「評論/涉入者」皆以「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」為各階段主要議題,以「責任歸屬與調查」為事件結尾之主要議題。

Katastrofal rapportering : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om jordbävningen i Haiti respektive översvämningen i Pakistan 2010

Andersson, Lisette, Lundin, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
This study deals with the distinct difference in media attention the earthquake-disaster in Haiti and the flood-disaster in Pakistan got in 2010. There may be many reasons to this divergence, but this study focuses on how news articles can create compassion.    This study, with its critical perspective, examines how two daily papers in Sweden portray the suffering of the victims of the catastrophes in Haiti and Pakistan, and create compassion for them. Furthermore it asks the question who benefits from the newspaper’s description of human suffering in the third world.    The result shows that the manner of which Swedish daily newspapers report from the catastrophe in Haiti creates an emotional involvement, which most likely leads to compassion. Furthermore it shows potential to lead the readers to identify with the suffering people in Haiti.    The Swedish daily newspapers report of the catastrophe in Pakistan on the other hand, does not involve the reader on an emotional level, but gives them the role of a spectator. However the result also indicates that the distance between the victim and the reader is reducing. In that remark the report have potential to create compassion for the victims in Pakistan, although it is more likely that this does not occur.    In conclusion the study shows that the Swedish daily newspapers report of the catastrophes in Haiti and Pakistan is embedded in an ideology, which reproduces a global hierarchy of suffering by reproducing the construction of an Us and Them. In addition this study reveals a social conception of the West as more worthy compassion than the third world, and therefore the Swedish daily newspapers report of the catastrophes reproduces the West’s dominance and power in the society.

Djävulen sitter i detaljerna: Etiska överväganden bakom svenska redaktioners rapportering om gängkriminalitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ansvariga utgivare / The devil lies in the details : Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors

Hampus, Skoglund, Eric, Heller January 2024 (has links)
Abstract "The devil lies in the details": Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors. This study investigates how Swedish newsrooms, through their editors-in-chief, manage ethical considerations in reporting on gang-related crime. With a combination of qualitative interviews, literature review, theoretical framework including the Social Responsibility Theory by the Hutchins Commission and the Theory of Consequence Neutrality by Erik Fichtelius, which help understand the ethical dilemmas and processes editors face. The essay explores how editors-in-chief balance the need to inform the public with the responsibility to avoid unnecessary fear and stigmatization. The study addresses the following questions: How do editors-in-chief ensure ethical reporting on gang-related crime? What ethical considerations are made by Swedish newsrooms when choosing to report on gang-related incidents? How do societal expectations shape local newsroom reporting on gang crime? The findings reveal that editors-in-chief face significant challenges in navigating ethical dilemmas, such as avoiding glorification of criminal lifestyles and managing the potential impact of their reporting on public perception. Ethical considerations in sensitive publications are paramount, with editors carefully weighing the impact of naming and picturing individuals involved in gang crime. Editors emphasize the importance of ethical guidelines and the need for a careful, balanced approach to reporting that respects personal integrity and avoids sensationalism. The study also identifies areas for future research and development, emphasizing the importance of continuous adaptation to the evolving media landscape and societal expectations. Keywords: gang crime, media ethics, news reporting, editors-in-chief, public perception.

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