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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem / Parties to the arbitration agrément.

Cardoso, Paula Butti 04 June 2013 (has links)
A convenção de arbitragem pode possuir uma abrangência subjetiva maior do que aquela que aparentemente lhe é conferida pelo contrato no qual está inserida. Podem ser partes sujeitos que a ela não aderiram expressamente, o que não contraria a autonomia da vontade, pois o fato de não terem consentido por escrito não impede que o tenham feito de maneira tácita. Dessa forma, é possível que não signatários sejam partes da convenção de arbitragem. A prática arbitral identificou algumas situações que frequentemente colocam os julgadores diante da missão de determinar se há consentimento por parte de não signatários: a existência de um grupo de sociedades ou de um grupo de contratos; a incorporação por referência; a estipulação em favor de terceiro; a existência de representação; a transferência de um contrato por meio de cessão ou sucessão e a subrogação; e o desvio da personalidade jurídica, que pode levar à sua desconsideração. Além disso, os tribunais norte-americanos se utilizam da teoria chamada estoppel, de acordo com a qual um sujeito, sob determinadas circunstâncias, fica impedido de negar a aplicabilidade da cláusula compromissória. Os limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem são objeto de estudo no meio arbitral há bastante tempo, mas não faz muitos anos que a questão começou a ser debatida no Brasil. A análise da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira demonstra que muitas das lições aprendidas no cenário internacional podem ser aproveitadas no país. / The arbitration agreement may have a larger subjective scope than the one that is actually conferred to it by the agreement in which it operates. Individuals who have not adhered expressly to the arbitration agreement may be subject to it, and such situation does not imply that referred arbitration agreement is against their free will, since the fact that they have not consented in writing does not mean that they have not done so tacitly. Thus, it is possible that non-signatories are parties to the arbitration agreement. The arbitral practice identified several situations in which judges and arbitrators often have to determine whether there is a consent by non-signatories: the existence of a group of companies or a group of contracts; incorporation by reference; the stipulation in favor of third party; the existence of representation; the transfer of an agreement by assignment or succession and subrogation; and the abuse of legal personality, which can lead to the piercing of the corporate veil. Moreover, U.S. courts make use of a theory called estoppel, according to which an individual, under certain circumstances, is estopped from denying the enforceability of the arbitration clause. The limits of the arbitration agreement have been object of study in the arbitration scene for a long period of time, but only recently the question began to be discussed in Brazil. Analysis of the Brazilian Arbitration Law demonstrates that many of the lessons learned in the international arena may be applicable in Brazil.

Otimização do processo de inserção automática de componentes eletrônicos empregando a técnica de times assíncronos. / Using A-Teams to optimize automatic insertion of electronic components.

Rabak, Cesar Scarpini 22 June 1999 (has links)
Máquinas insersoras de componentes são utilizadas na indústria eletrônica moderna para a montagem automática de placas de circuito impresso. Com a competição acirrada, há necessidade de se buscar todas as oportunidades para diminuir custos e aumentar a produtividade na exploração desses equipamentos. Neste trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento de otimização do processo de inserção da máquina insersora AVK da Panasonic, implementado em um sistema baseado na técnica de times assíncronos (A-Teams). Foram realizados testes com exemplos de placas de circuito impresso empregadas por uma indústria do ramo e problemas sintéticos para avaliar o desempenho do sistema. / Component inserting machines are employed in the modern electronics industry for the automatic assembly of printed circuit boards. Due the fierce competition, there is a need to search for all opportunities to reduce costs and increase the productivity in the exploitation of these equipment. In this work we propose an optimization procedure for the insertion process of the AVK Panasonic inserting machine, implemented in a system based on asynchronous teams (A-Teams). Tests were conducted using as examples both printed circuit boards used by a particular industry of the realm and synthetic problems for the evaluation of the system.

Le dessaisissement en droit privé : étude de droit civil et de droit des affaires / Divestment in private law : a civil and business law study

Désert, Marc 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le dessaisissement est une notion aux contours incertains, comme en témoignent la diversité de ses occurrences et les domaines variés dans lesquels il évolue. A l’étude, il semble qu’il puisse être conçu de manière autonome comme étant la mesure, judiciaire ou contractuelle, par laquelle le titulaire d’un droit voit celui-ci amputé de tout ou partie des pouvoirs qui y sont attachés, ceux qui lui sont ainsi retirés étant transférés à une autre personne, le saisi, qui les exerce seul ou conjointement avec lui, le dessaisi. Le dessaisissement est principalement mis en œuvre par deux techniques : la représentation judiciaire et le transfert fiduciaire. Il y est chaque fois animé par une double idée. D’un côté, la réponse à un souci de compétence et d’efficacité juridique, qui impose de circonscrire les cas dans lesquels le dessaisissement peut être judiciairement imposé ou contractuellement consenti. D’un autre côté, la protection du dessaisi. La mesure confère au saisi des pouvoirs attachés à des droits dont il n’est pas titulaire. Ce transfert présente le risque de permettre au saisi de conclure des actes qui engagent le dessaisi, sans que ce dernier ne puisse en être, seul, valablement l'auteur. Tout cela mérite de prêter attention à la manière dont le dessaisissement est mis en œuvre, exécuté, contrôlé et cesse. Mais la dualité de la notion de dessaisissement empêche l’unification parfaite de son régime. / Divestment is a concept with uncertain contours, as evidenced by the diversity of its examples and the various fields in which it evolves. In the study, it seems that an autonomous notion of divestment emerges as the measure, judicial or contractual, by which the holder of a right sees that right removed of all or part of the powers attached to it. Those powers being transferred to another person, the granted person, who exercises them alone or jointly with the divested. Divestment is mainly implemented by two techniques: judicial representation and fiduciary assignment. It is always driven by a double idea. On the one hand, the concern for competence and legal efficiency which requires that the cases in which divestment may be judicially imposed or contractually consented be limited. On the other hand, the protection of the divested of his powers. This measure confers on a person, the person granted, the powers attached to the rights of which he or she is not the holder. This transfer presents the risk of allowing the person to whom the powers are granted to act in a way which binds the divested, without the latter being the sole and valid author. All this merits attention to the way in which divestment is implemented, executed, controlled and terminated. The duality of the notion of prevents a one-size-fits-all solution to its implementation.

Méthodes de décomposition pour la résolution des PCSP (Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problem) : application aux problèmes FAP et coloration de graphes / Decomposition methods for solving PCSP (Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problem) : application to FAP and graph coloring problems

Sadeg, Lamia 30 October 2016 (has links)
Les applications réelles liées aux problèmes de satisfaction partielle de contraintes (PCSP : Partial Constraints Satisfaction Problem) sont de plus en plus nombreuses, ce qui justifie l’intérêt croissant des chercheurs pour cette classe de problèmes. La résolution d’un PCSP revient à affecter des valeurs à toutes ses variables tout en maximisant (ou minimisant) une fonction objectif prédéfinie. Ces problèmes sont NP-difficiles, par conséquent il n’existe aucune approche aussi bien exacte qu’heuristique efficace sur les grandes instances. Pour résoudre efficacement les instances difficiles, une multitude de solutions sont proposées, allant de l’hybridation à l’apprentissage en passant par la décomposition. Dans notre travail, nous nous intéressons à cette dernière proposition, qui consiste à fractionner le problème PCSP en plusieurs sous-problèmes PCSP de tailles raisonnables, puis proposer des algorithmes de résolution pour les problèmes décomposés. Cette approche a pour but de bénéficier de la structure du problème afin d’accélérer sa résolution tout en garantissant des solutions optimales ou sous-optimales. Deux grand axes sont explorés : les approches basées sur la décomposition et celles guidées par la décomposition. Les approches basées sur la décomposition consistent à résoudre séparément les parties difficiles du problème décomposé, puis combiner les solutions partielles obtenues en vue d’atteindre une solution globale du problème d’origine. Les approches guidées par la décomposition consistent à développer des métaheuristiques qui tiennent compte de la structure du problème décomposé. Les algorithmes proposés sont testés et validés sur des instances réelles des problèmes PSCP, comme le problème d’affectation de fréquences et le problème de coloration de graphes / The wide range of potential applications concerned by the resolution of Partial Constraints Satisfaction Problems (PCSP) justifies the growing interest of scientists in this class of problems. Solving a PCSP means searching for values to assign to the decision variables in order to maximize (or minimize) a predefined objective function. These problems are NP-hard, so there isn’t an exact approach nor an efficient heuristic able to provide the optimal solution for large instances. In order to solve effectively the difficult instances, numerous approaches based on hybridization, learning or decomposition are proposed. In the present work, we focus on the latter proposal, which consists in splitting the PCSP into several smaller size PCSPs and we propose some methods to solve the decomposed problem. Two wide axes are explored : the resolution based on the decomposition and the one guided by decomposition. The former solves separately the difficult parts of the decomposed problem (cuts or clusters) and then combines partial solutions obtained in order to achieve a global solution for the original problem. The latter aims at benefiting from the structure of the problem to be decomposed in order to accelerate its resolution while ensuring optimal or near optimal solutions. All the proposed algorithms are tested and validated on the well-known benchmarks of PCSP problems such as Frequency Assignment Problem (FAP) and graph coloring problem


Coelho, Livia Alves Visnevski Fróes 03 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Livia Alves Visnevski Froes Coelho.pdf: 555623 bytes, checksum: 8376d5ab915cc209cf20c0ffb8f50df2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-03 / The intention of this study is to carry out an analysis of securitization in Brazil and, therefore, it will present an analysis of the securitization terminology and appearance, first in the United States of America and then in Brazil. Thereafter, the legal nature and the concept of securitization will be studied pursuant to the Brazilian legislation, after which we will verify its legal structure, including (i) the incorporation of a specific purpose vehicle, consisting of an investment fund or a special purpose company, the latter usually incorporated as a joint-stock company, (ii) the assignment of credits from the company which originates the assets to the specific purpose vehicle, at which point the issue regarding the effective segregation of the applicable specific purpose vehicle s assets from the originator s assets will be analyzed, and (iii) the issuance of asset backed securities. The roles and responsibilities of the other agents which are part of the securitization process will be verified: the institution providing the structure of the operation, the fiduciary agent, the independent auditor and the rating agency. Finally, the specific securitization structures and regulations in Brazil will be described, as follows: export securitization, real estate securitization, financial credit securitization and receivables securitization in general / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise da securitização no Brasil e, para tanto, analisa a sua terminologia e o seu surgimento, inicialmente nos Estados Unidos da América e, posteriormente, no Brasil. Após, serão abordados a natureza jurídica e o conceito de securitização dentro da legislação pátria, para, então, tratar de sua estrutura jurídica, que compreende (i) a constituição de um veículo de propósito específico, que pode ser um fundo de investimento ou uma sociedade de propósito específico, esta última geralmente constituída sob a forma de sociedade por ações, (ii) a cessão do crédito da sociedade originadora dos ativos para o veículo de propósito específico, analisando-se aí especialmente a questão que diz respeito à efetiva segregação dos ativos do patrimônio da originadora, e (iii) a emissão de valores mobiliários lastreados nos ativos cedidos. Serão então analisados os papéis e as responsabilidades dos demais agentes presentes na securitização, a saber, o estruturador, o agente fiduciário, o auditor independente e a agência de classificação de risco. Finalmente, serão descritas as estruturas específicas e a regulamentação de cada um dos tipos de securitização atualmente utilizados no Brasil, quais sejam, a securitização de exportações, a securitização imobiliária, a securitização de créditos financeiros e a securitização de recebíveis em geral

Alienação fiduciária em garantia de bem imóvel: uma análise comparada / Fiduciary assignment for the guarantee of real estates: a comparative law analysis

Negrato, Gustavo Scudeler 18 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Scudeler Negrato.pdf: 480261 bytes, checksum: 598474fdb76a08ad5f74d626d157ba4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / After twelve years since the approval of the Law of Real Estate Financing System (9,514/97) many controversial issues remain, either in doctrine or in case law, regarding the contractual form that established the new in rem guarantee right, extending the fiduciary property to real estates. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the main aspects of the fiduciary assignment for the guarantee of real estates, in order to improve the understanding of the concept of such institute. The prospect adopted is the comparative law, analyzing the origin of fiduciary business by means of the fiducia of Roman law, the pledge of Germanic law, the trust of Anglo-Saxon law, the use of atypical fiduciary business in modern law by countries with Roman tradition and, finally, the institute as regulated in Brazilian law. The main conclusions appoint the unique character of the fiduciary assignment adopted by the Brazilian legislation, despite the undeniable influence of foreign law, indicating the solution for controversial questions regarding the institute, its finalities and consequences. It concludes for the constitutionality of the procedure for extrajudicial execution established by the law under discussion, its compability with standards of the Code of Consumer Protection, and the impossibility of determining the civil prision of fiduciant, because of the recent case-law in the Supreme Court Federal and Superior Court of Justice / Decorridos doze anos da aprovação da Lei do Sistema Financeiro Imobiliário (9.514/97) ainda há muitas controvérsias, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência, sobre a modalidade contratual instituidora do novo direito real de garantia, estendendo a propriedade fiduciária aos bens imóveis. Este trabalho pretende examinar os principais aspectos da alienação fiduciária em garantia de bem imóvel, com o objetivo de melhor compreender o conceito desse instituto. A perspectiva adotada é a do direito comparado, analisando-se a origem dos negócios fiduciários através da fidúcia do direito romano, do penhor do direito germânico, do trust no direito anglo-saxônico, da utilização de negócios fiduciários atípicos no direito moderno pelos países de tradição romanista e, por fim, o instituto positivado no direito brasileiro. As principais conclusões apontam para o caráter singular da alienação fiduciária adotada pela legislação brasileira, apesar das inegáveis influências do direito estrangeiro, indicando-se a solução para as questões controvertidas de maior relevância envolvendo o instituto, suas finalidades e consequências. Conclui-se pela constitucionalidade do procedimento de execução extrajudicial previsto na legislação em comento, sua compatibilidade com normas do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, e pela impossibilidade de se determinar a prisão civil do fiduciante, em razão da recente jurisprudência pacificada no âmbito do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça

Algoritmos para alocação de banda em redes de acesso GPON / Algorithms for bandwidth allocation in GPON access networks

Santos, Alex Ferreira dos 26 February 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho propomos e analisamos algoritmos de alocação dinâmica de banda para rede óptica passiva (PON) de acesso padrão GPON (Gigabit PON). Estes algoritmos utilizam dados oriundos de SLA (service level agreement) para gerenciar a alocação de banda e classificar em 4 contêineres de tráfego (T-CONT) o tráfego gerado em 16 ONUs (optical network unit). Na transmissão upstream é utilizada a técnica de multiplexação por divisão de tempo (TDM) para gerenciar o acesso ao meio, evitando colisões. O primeiro algoritmo proposto aloca banda garantida para as ONUs e distribui a banda não utilizada de acordo com critério baseado em três SLAs. A taxa de bit upstream é 1,25 Gbps e o desempenho do algoritmo é analisado com base na variação do atraso de pacotes em função do tráfego gerado nas ONUs. O segundo algoritmo proposto utiliza ponderação de tráfego. Neste, analisamos o comportamento dos atrasos e a quantidade de banda solicitada e atendida por ONU quando as bandas garantida e extra são alteradas. Por fim, acrescentamos em nossa implementação um intervalo para o processamento do algoritmo de alocação dinâmica de banda (DBA) e resposta do hardware relacionado ao ciclo de interrogação. Então, analisamos o atraso de pacotes quando variamos o intervalo de processamento do DBA. Ao final, propomos uma solução preliminar para minimizar estes atrasos. Os resultados obtidos por meio de simulação computacional mostram a versatilidade dos algoritmos. / In this work we propose and analyze the performance of dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for optical passive networks (PON) in GPON standard (Gigabit PON). These algorithms use data from SLA (service level agreement) to manage bandwidth allocation and classify in 4 traffic containers (T-CONT) the traffic generated by 16 ONUs (optical network unit). In the upstream transmission the time division multiplexing (TDM) technique is used to manage the medium access, avoiding collisions. The first proposed algorithm allocates guaranteed bandwidth for the ONUs and distributes the bandwidth not used according to the criteria based on three SLAs. The upstream bit rate is 1.25 Gbps and the algorithm performance is analyzed based on the packets delay variation versus the traffic generated by ONUs. The second proposed algorithm uses weighted traffic. In this, we analyze the delay performance and the required bandwidth for each ONU and how much it is served when the guaranteed and extra bandwidth are changed. Finally, we added in our implementation an interval for the processing of the dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm (DBA) and response of the hardware related to the interrogation cycle. In the end, we propose a preliminary solution to minimize these delays. The results obtained by means of computational simulation show the versatility of the algorithms.

A cessão fiduciária do direito do acionista aos dividendos no direito privado brasileiro / The fiduciary assignment of shareholderss right to dividends under Brazilian private law.

Contin, Rafael Arsie 31 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação examina a cessão fiduciária do direito do acionista aos dividendos, bem como a titularidade fiduciária (garantia real) dela resultante. A razão para a análise desses institutos deve-se ao aumento no uso desta forma de garantia em operações financeiras complexas realizadas no mercado nacional. Primeiramente, é feita uma análise das diversas acepções (perfis) que o direito do acionista ao dividendo pode assumir no contexto do ordenamento jurídico nacional, para daí concluir que tal direito é passível de cessão tanto em sua condição de crédito, presente ou futuro (a depender, justamente, da existência ou não de lucros sociais já deliberados), quanto em sua condição de direito expectativo. Isto é, de direito que o acionista detém, a partir do momento em que se torna titular de ações, de vir a adquirir direitos de créditos de dividendos a serem distribuídos pela companhia de tempos em tempos. Em razão da necessidade da imediata constituição da garantia real, especialmente diante de uma eventual falência ou recuperação judicial do devedor, este trabalho conclui que a titularidade fiduciária deve recair sobre o direito expectativo aos dividendos, visto ser ele um direito já existente e que permite ao seu respectivo titular se tornar, direta e imediatamente, proprietário dos créditos de dividendos que vierem a ser futuramente distribuídos pela companhia, desde que estes estejam limitados a certos valores e/ou períodos previamente acordados entre o credor/financiador e o devedor/acionista. Ademais, apesar de ser um direito inerente à participação social, o destaque e a cessão autônoma do direito expectativo aos dividendos não conflita com o disposto no art. 28 da LSA. O presente estudo argumenta também que o credor fiduciário pode, nos termos do art. 113 da LSA, exercer certos direitos de voto na companhia, desde que (1) o objeto da garantia seja o direito expectativo aos dividendos e (2) a sua influência nas deliberações sociais restrinja-se a estabelecer a forma como o lucro social será apurado e distribuído pela sociedade. Por fim, é argumentado também que, por ser uma garantia que recai sobre direitos patrimoniais pagos em dinheiro, duas consequências imediatas revelam- se aplicáveis: (i) durante o período em que não existe qualquer inadimplemento ou vencimento regular da dívida garantida, os dividendos que vierem a ser pagos pela companhia deverão ser destinados ao acionista devedor, podendo o credor deles se beneficiar apenas quando existir o efetivo vencimento ou inadimplemento da dívida; e (ii) durante o período de inadimplemento ou na data de vencimento regular da dívida, o credor pode reter os recursos necessários à satisfação de seu crédito, desde que restitua o eventual excedente ao acionista devedor, não havendo, por isso, razão que justifique o enquadramento da excussão da garantia como sendo uma violação à proibição do pacto comissório, conforme prevista no Direito brasileiro. / This dissertation examines the fiduciary assignment of shareholders rights to dividends, as well as the fiduciary ownership (security interest) resulting from it. The reason for the analysis of these legal institutes comes from the increasing use of this type of security interest in complex financial transactions carried out in the local markets. Firstly, this works conducts the analysis of the various meanings (perspectives) which shareholders\' rights to dividends may have in different contexts of the Brazilian legal system, concluding that this right may be transferred either as a credit right, existing in the present or in the future (depending precisely on the existence of corporate profits already distributed or not), or as an expectance right. By this last one, we mean the right held by the shareholder as soon as he/she/it becomes the owner of the shares issued by a certain company that enables him/her/it to become the owner of the dividends distributed by the company from time to time. Due to the importance of the immediate granting of the security interest, especially in light of a possible bankruptcy or judicial reorganization process involving the debtor, this paper concludes that the fiduciary ownership should have the expectance right to dividends as its underlying asset. This is so because such right is already an existing right that allows the shareholder to become, directly and immediately, the owner of the dividends to be distributed by the company in the future, as long as those dividends are limited to certain amounts or periods previously agreed between the creditor/financier and the debtor/shareholder. Furthermore, despite being an inherent right to the equity stake, the detach of the expectance right to dividends from the shares which comes from, following by its assignment to other parties, does not conflict with the provision set forth in Section 28 of the Brazilian Corporation Act. This study also argues that the secured creditor may exercise certain voting rights in the company responsible for the payment of the dividends, pursuant to Section 113 of the Brazilian Corporation Act, provided that: (1) the underlying asset of the security interest is the expectance right to dividends; and (2) his/her/its influence in the companys decisions is limited to the manner according to which the corporate profits will be accounted and distributed by the company. Finally, it is also argued that, for being a security interest that has receivables as its underlying assets, two consequences turn out to be applicable. (i) Over the period in which there is no default or regular maturity of the secured debt, dividends paid by the company shall be allocated in favor of the shareholder/debtor. The creditor will be able to receive them in the maturity date or upon the occurrence of a default only. (ii) Over a default period or on the regular maturity date, the creditor may retain the necessary amount of dividends to satisfy his/her/its credit, provided that any excess cash shall be transferred to the shareholder/debtor, reason for which there are reasonable grounds to sustain that this foreclosure mechanism does not violate the non-retention of collateral assets convention rule (pacto comissório) provided under Brazilian law.

Space disaggregation in models of route and mode choice : method and application to the Paris area / D?sagr?gation de l?espace dans les mod?les de choix d?itin?raire et de mode : m?thode et application ? la r?gion Ile-de-France

Samadzad, Mahdi 18 January 2013 (has links)
La repr?sentation spatiale de l?aire de mod?lisation dans les mod?les de la demande de transports a peu chang? au cours des derni?res d?cennies. A cet ?gard, l??tat-de l?art repose encore largement sur le syst?me de centro?de-connecteur qui est utilis?e dans les mod?les classiques. Elle est une approche agr?g?e qui ignore la variabilit? physique li?e ? la dispersion des lieux d?sagr?g?s de r?sidence et d?activit? dans l?espace local. En cons?quence, le pouvoir explicatif des mod?les quant aux comportements de choix d?itin?raire et de mode demeure limit? ? l??chelle locale : Par exemple, la localisation d?sagr?g?e influence sur le choix entre une autoroute dont l??changeur est ?loign?, et un autre itin?raire non-autoroutier. Egalement, le rabattement terminal influence sur le partage modal auto vs. transports en commun. Nous pr?sentons une approche d?sagr?g?e pour la repr?sentation spatiale. Dans un d?coupage zonal, l?espace ? l?int?rieur d?une zone est repr?sent? de mani?re d?sagr?g?e stochastique. Pour chaque zone, les points d?ancrage sont d?finis relative aux n?uds du r?seau qui peuvent ?tre utilis?s pour acc?der au r?seau. Un itin?raire entre une paire de zones est ensuite consid?r? comme une chaine, compos?e de deux trajets terminaux, correspondants aux sections intrazonales de l?itin?raire, et d?un trajet principal correspondant ? la section entre deux points d?ancrage. En cons?quence, le mod?le de choix d?itin?raire est transform? ? un mod?le de choix conjoint d?une paire de point d?ancrage. Le vecteur des temps al?atoires terminaux est Normal Multidimensionnel donnant lieu ? un mod?le Probit de choix conjoint de points d?ancrage.Pour ?tendre au cadre multimodal, un mode collectif composite est d?fini comme une chaine compos?e des trois trajets modaux d?acc?s, principal, et de sortie, et les stations sont consid?r?es comme les points d?ancrage, connectant les trajets de rabattement au trajet principal. Un mod?le Logit Multinomial de choix de mode est estim? ? partir de l?Enqu?te Globale de Transport de 2001 pour le mode auto et le faisceau des modes collectifs composites, et est combin? avec les deux mod?les Probit correspondants au choix des stations / Spatial representation of modeling area in travel demand models has changed little over the course of last several decades. In this regard, the state-of-the-art still widely relies on the same centroid-connector system that has been used in classic models. In this approach continuum bidimensional space is lumped on centroids. It is an aggregate approach which ignores the physical variability linked to the scatteredness of disaggregate residence- and activity-places over the local space. Consequently the modeling performance in explaining route and mode choice behavior degrades at local scales: In route choice, disaggregate location influences the propensity between a distant interchange to a highway, or a nearby road. In mode choice, feeder service to public transportations influences the auto vs. transit modal share. We propose a disaggregate approach for spatial representation. Based on a zoning system, a stochastic disaggregate representation is used to characterize the space within a traffic analysis zone. For each zone, anchor-points are defined as the network nodes that are used for accessing to the network from within the local space. An itinerary between a pair of zones is then considered as a chain of legs composed of two terminal legs, corresponding to the intrazonal route sections, and one main leg between two anchor points. The route choice problem is transformed to a joint choice of a pair of anchor points. The vector of random terminal travel times is Multivariate Normal resulting in a Multinomial Probit model of choice of a pair of anchor points. To extend to the multimodal context, a transit composite mode is defined as a chain of access, main, and egress modal legs, and transit platforms are considered as anchor points connecting the feeder legs to the main line-haul leg. A Multinomial Logit mode choice model is estimated based on the 2001 Paris Household Travel Survey for the auto mode and the composite transit modes. It is joined with the two Multinomial Probit models corresponding to the choice of anchor points. The result is a joint model of mode and station choice with a disaggregate representation of the local space

Les contrats d'exploitation des biens immatériels : étude de droit français et marocain / The contract of exploitation of intangible property : study of French law and Moroccan law

Ben Ali - Prieur, Nabila 04 December 2014 (has links)
Les biens immatériels que possèdent les entreprises, sont le plus souvent des droits de propriété industrielle ou un savoir-faire tenu secret. Leur exploitation indirecte, nationale ou internationale, s’effectue à travers la conclusion de différents contrats d’exploitation. Avec la mondialisation, ces contrats sont au cœur de l’économie moderne et constituent l’un des outils de transfert de technologie. Cette thèse propose une analyse globale des contrats d’exploitation des droits de propriété industrielle et de savoir-faire en droit marocain et en droit français. Dans la première partie, on expose leur régime général, en droit des contrats, droit de la propriété industrielle et droit de la concurrence. La deuxième partie propose une analyse unitaire de chaque type de ces contrats dans ces deux systèmes et traite leurs régimes spécifiques. / Intangible property owned by companies consists most often of the industrial property rights or a secret know-how. Their indirect exploitation, national or international, is made through the concluding of various contracts of exploitation. With the globalization, these contracts are at the heart of the modern economy and constitute one of the most important tools of technology transfer. This dissertation offers a global analysis of the various contracts of exploitation of the industrial property rights and know-how in Moroccan law and in French law. The first part of the thesis exposes their general regime under contract law, industrial property law and competition law. The second part proposes a unitary analysis, which views the problems raised by each type of these contracts in these two legal systems and treats their specific regimes.

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