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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

(Im)permanent body ink: the fluid meanings of tattoos, deviance, and normativity in twentieth-century American culture

Fabiani, Christina 31 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the symbiotic relationship between the meanings of tattoos and social norms through a comparative analysis of three distinct periods in twentieth-century American history. I use extensive archival material and an interdisciplinary approach to explain how the meanings of body ink shifted and to identify factors that influenced the public’s perceptions of tattoos as deviant or acceptable. In the 1920s and 1930s, tattooing practices among favored social groups, specifically military personnel, middle- and upper-class white men and women, and circus performers, generally received more positive reactions than those among lower-class and criminal subcultures. In the 1950s and 1960s, body ink became practiced primarily by marginalized individuals, such as criminals, bikers, and sex workers, and the general public’s understandings of tattoos as indicators of deviance and dangerous immorality strengthened. The new clientele and practitioners of the 1970s and 1980s mainly came from a high socio-economic status and reframed their tattooing practices as artistic expressions of individuality. I argue that, although body ink aesthetic by and large supported American values of patriotism, heteronormativity, and racial advantage, tattooing practices among ‘respectable’ groups were more accepted than those by ‘deviant’ subcultures. My research shows that the fluctuations between public rejection and appreciation of tattoos in these periods rested principally on the appearance and function of the inked design and on the position of the tattooed body in the social hierarchy. This thesis demonstrates that tattooing practices created and perpetuated but also destabilized and influenced gender-, race-, and class-based American ideals, and my research exposes the nuanced connections of body ink with deviance and normativity, the malleability of social conventions, and a complex web of power relations constantly in flux. / Graduate / 2018-08-23

Confronting the Normativity Objection: W.V. Quine’s Engineering Model and Michael A. Bishop and J.D. Trout’s Strategic Reliabilism

Moghaddam, Soroush 04 September 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine how W.V. Quine, Michael A. Bishop and J.D. Trout confront the normativity objection against naturalized epistemology. In Chapter One, normativity in epistemology is introduced, followed by a brief look over Quine’s grievances against the traditional approach to epistemology. Quine rejects traditional epistemology and assimilates epistemology with science. The second chapter assesses how Quine naturalizes epistemology, and the third chapter evaluates his engineering response against the normativity objection. Bishop and Trout’s theory, founded upon the Aristotelian Principle, concentrates on reasoning and epistemic excellence instead of belief justification. Strategic Reliabilism’s attempt to dissolve the naturalistic challenge and resolve the normativity objection is inspected in Chapter Four. The final chapter, succinctly, summarizes its preceding chapters and ends by suggesting a closer exploration of the link between epistemology and cognitive sciences, to better understand the underlying mechanics of the objections that face naturalized epistemology. / Graduate / 0422 / 0621 / soushi@gmail.com

La problématique de l'Etat de droit en Afrique de l'ouest : analyse comparée de la situation de la Côte d'Ivoire, de la Mauritanie, du Libéria et de la Sierra Léone

Cissé, Losseni 28 May 2009 (has links)
La question de l’Etat de droit se pose de plus en plus avec beaucoup d’acuité en Afrique en général et en Afrique de l’ouest en particulier. Le déficit observable d’Etat de droit dans certains pays de cette sous région, est une des causes fondamentales de situations de belligérance et de crise avec leurs conséquences dramatiques : violation des droits de l’homme, désinstitutionnalisation, refus d’alternance démocratique, impunité, pauvreté, insécurité etc.La Côte d’Ivoire, la Mauritanie, le Liberia et la Sierra Léone n’échappent pas à ce constat. Ces pays se caractérisent par des situations particulières au regard des crises qu’ils connaissent et ont connu, ainsi que par des enjeux communs dans la longue et difficile quête de l’établissement de l’Etat de droit.Ce processus, émaillé d’obstacles majeurs, donne naissance à une production normative réelle avec les interventions combinées des communautés sous régionales, panafricaine et internationale. Et pour autant, des « conflits de normativité » ne sont pas à exclure. D’où la nécessité d’envisager des perspectives d’harmonisation normative dans les dynamiques de gestion et de règlement des crises, en vue d’établir l’Etat de droit en Afrique de l’ouest. / The question of the Rule of law arises more and more with much acuity in Africa in general and in West Africa in particular. The observable deficit of Rule of law in certain countries of this region is one of the root causes of belligerence and crisis with dramatic consequences: violation of Human rights, desinstitutionalization, refusal of democratic alternation, impunity, poverty, insecurity, etc…Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are not immune to this. These countries are characterized by particular situations in the light of the crisis they encounter and have encountered, as well as common issues in the long and difficult quest for the establishment of the Rule of Law. This process, with major obstacles, gives rise to a real normative production with the combined intervention of the regional, pan African and international communities. And provided, the “conflict of norms” are not to be excluded. Hence the need to consider prospects for resolving crises, to establish the Rule of law in West Africa.

La décentralisation au prisme de l'identité locale : étude à partir de la rébellion Touareg au Mali / Decentralization through the prism of local identity : study from the Tuareg rebellion in Mali

Kemesso, Aly 21 December 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse aura pour objet d’appréhender la complexité du concept de décentralisation au regard de la construction de l’État au Mali. Pour mener cette analyse, nous adopterons la méthode dialectique. Celle-ci nous permettra de comprendre comment la décentralisation, entendue comme outil et modalité d’organisation territoriale, mobilise des « moments » de la formation de l’État qui apparaissent comme nécessairement réciproques et peuvent faire l’objet d’un double emploi entre l’unité et le pluralisme. Cet outil technique offre les moyens d’une instrumentalisation politique qui va former l’usage de la décentralisation au Mali ainsi que la possibilité d’une réflexivité des intérêts locaux dans la mise en œuvre de la décentralisation susceptible d’informer juridiquement cette pratique. En ce sens, la décentralisation se développe, initialement, dans le cadre de l’État malien au sein d’un processus ou l’État se trouve - ou se rencontre lui-même – dans la négation des identités locales ; le prix qui sera à payer sera la perte irrémédiable de son identité « à soi ». Dans cette perspective dialectique, la première phase de la décentralisation exprime le passage de l’État « en soi » à l’État « pour soi » au Mali. Cette première phase va se caractériser par l’intégration de la décentralisation dans une « grammaire politique » [Première partie]. C’est cette dissonance initiale et inhérente à la constitution même de l’État qui implique la seconde phase d’instrumentalisation de la décentralisation au Mali. Cette dernière sera ainsi appréhendée non plus dans une perspective politique mais donnera lieu à une réappropriation juridique de la décentralisation qui devrait favoriser l’intégration de ces différences et des singularités territoriales dans l’État malien [Seconde partie]. C’est cette dialectique qu’exprime selon nous l’usage malien de la décentralisation et l’influence du problème Touareg qui va pousser ce système à ses limites: ce concept apparaissant comme un outil plastique devant évoluer au regard des conjonctures et permettant d’inscrire la continuité de l’État dans la durée. / Our thesis will aim to understand the complexity of the concept of decentralization with regard to the construction of the state in Mali. To carry out this analysis, we will adopt the dialectical method. This will enable us to understand how decentralization, understood as a tool and modality of territorial organization, mobilizes "moments" of the formation of the state which appear as necessarily reciprocal and can be the object of a double use between unity and pluralism. This technical tool offers the means for a political instrumentalisation that will form the use of decentralization in Mali as well as the possibility of a reflexivity of the local interests in the implementation of the decentralization likely to inform this practice legally. In this sense, decentralization develops initially within the framework of the Malian state within a process in which the state finds itself - or meets itself - in the negation of local identities; the price to be paid will be the irremediable loss of one's own identity. In this dialectical perspective, the first phase of decentralization expresses the transition from the state "in itself" to the "for itself" state in Mali. This first phase will be characterized by the integration of decentralization into a "political grammar" [Part One]. It is this initial dissonance inherent in the very constitution of the state that implies the second phase of instrumentalization of decentralization in Mali. The latter will thus be apprehended no longer in a political perspective but will give rise to a legal reappropriation of decentralization that should promote the integration of these differences and territorial singularities in the Malian state [Part Two]. It is this dialectic that, in our opinion, is expressed by the Malian use of decentralization and the influence of the Tuareg problem that will push this system to its limits: this concept appears as a plastic tool that must evolve in the light of conjunctures and allows State continuity in the long term.

Vita varma relationer : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur 'vita' och 'icke vita' barn och föräldrar representeras i läromedel

Lönnroth, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur barn och föräldrar med olika hudfärg och varierad etnisk tillhörighet representeras i ett urval av läroböcker. Böckerna behandlar olika aspekter av barns utveckling och ingår som kurslitteratur på utbildningar inom socialt arbete, psykologi och pedagogik i Sverige.Undersökningen är genomförd med hjälp av Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursteori. I analysen undersöker jag vilka budskap om barn och föräldrar som texterna och bilderna förmedlar samt hur dessa budskap förhåller sig till redan existerande diskurser. Förstärker eller utmanar författarna befintliga stereotypa koloniala diskurser? Analysen av materialet visar att författarna medvetet eller omedvetet traderar rasistiska föreställningar om ’den Andre’ och om ’icke vita’ medan ’vita’ får representera det ’normala’ och det normativa. Författarna lägger bland annat ansvaret för ’icke vita’ barn och vuxnas utanförskap på den enskilde individen eftersom författarna inte beaktar strukturella orsaker till att människor blir exkluderade. Analysen visar också att författarna hämtar det som skall exemplifiera ’ickeväst’ från rurala miljöer, ofta från ’stamfolk’, från extremt fattiga slumområden och från andratidsperioder vilket gör jämförelserna ytterst problematiska. Genom detta urvalsförfarande jämförs ofta den mest rurala platsen på exempelvis den afrikanska kontinenten med en urban europeisk miljö, vilket skapar en dikotomi mellan det ’moderna väst’ och det ’omoderna övriga’. Då de undersökta läroböckerna ingår i utbildning för blivande socionomer riskerar författarnas syn på etnicitet och hudfärg att cementera fördomar som försvårar det sociala arbetet, exempelvis mötet med barn och föräldrar med annan bakgrund än ’vit svensk’.Utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv är det viktigt att utbildningsinstitutioner uppmärksammar läromedel som saknar ett mångfaldsperspektiv och en bred representation då det kan blinödvändigt att komplettera undervisningen genom att bredda representationen med andra mer inkluderande bilder och beskrivningar. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate how children and parents with different skin color andethnicities are represented in a selection of textbooks. The books deal with various aspects of children's development and are included as course literature in educations in social work, psychology and pedagogy in Sweden. The study is based on a critical discourse theory as described by Norman Fairclough. In the analysis, I investigate how texts and images in the books relate to already existing discourses about race and ethnicity and I further on discuss how such ideas could affect a broader social practice. Do the authors reinforce existing stereotypical images or do they challenge and transcend them? The analysis of the material demonstrate that the authors, consciously or unconsciously, reproduce racist discourses and stereotypical notions about ‘non white’ children and parents. Among other things, the authors place the responsibility for exclusion on the individual, as the authors do not include structural explanations in their answer to why some people are or feel excluded. The authors draw their conclusions about ‘non west’ children and parents belonging to non white groups, on examples collected from rural environments, often from 'tribal peoples' or extremely poor slum areas, and from other time periods. Through this selection procedure, rural places on the African continent, are compared to an urban European environment, which creates a dichotomous image of the world: The 'modern West' and the 'oldfashioned Rest'. As the textbooks examined are included in education for future social workers, the authors' representations of ethnicity and skin color risk reinforcing prejudices that might affect social work in practice. It is important for educational institutions to pay attention to teaching materials that lack a diversity perspective, and it might be necessary to supplement the teaching by broadening the representation with other descriptions and images.

Umrisse eines normativen Autokratiebegriffs als systemtheoretische Skizze

Zerm, Pablo Michael 23 September 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit macht sich auf die Suche nach den Umrissen eines normativ fundierten Autokratiebegriffs. Begründet ist dieses Unterfangen mit der Beobachtung eines immanenten demokratischen Imperativs in den aktuellen Herrschaftskonzeptionen und Regimetypologien. Als Denkraum dient Niklas Luhmanns Theorie-Architektur der soziologischen Systemtheorie. Die Annahme ist, dass sich mit einer solchen Perspektive der Blick auf die Grundelemente des politischen Systems öffnen, die dann zu einer funktionalen Vernunft-Quelle führen um Autokratie neu zu definieren. / Based on the observation of an immanent democratic imperative in contemporary regime typologies and concepts, this work is in search for contours of a normative definition of autocracy. Niklas Luhmann's theoretical foundations serves as epistemological means to explore functional sources of Vernunft and to overcome metaphysical or natural justifications of order. The assumption is that such a perspective exposes fundamental elements of political systems and their systemic functions for a reformulation of autocracy.

Principales factores internos y externos que intervienen en el desarrollo de la exportación del musgo sphagnum con destino a EE.UU durante los años 2015-2019

Castro Mallqui, Yuleysi Geraldine, Chile Pacco, Lady Mirella 03 April 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación busca analizar los principales factores internos y externos que intervienen en el desarrollo de la exportación del musgo específicamente Sphagnum con destino a EE.UU. En tal sentido, la investigación considera como objetivo principal analizar los factores internos y externos que influyeron en las exportaciones de dicho producto en el periodo de los años 2015-2019. Por lo cual, se realizó el manejo de la información primaria considerando como base principal los antecedentes epistemológicos en bases de datos destacadas, bases de datos bibliométricas y bancos de datos (todas consideradas fuentes confiables y reconocidas); además, la búsqueda de bases teóricas que respaldan el tema de investigación; también, la detección de la realidad problemática evidenciando el problema principal y los problemas específicos; además, la investigación plantea argumentos que justifican el presente estudio, analizado la documentación e información del sector e inquiriendo en la base teórica que sustente el tema de investigación. Para la presente investigación, se consideró un enfoque cualitativo, logrando la obtención de datos a través de 15 entrevistas a directivos y colaboradores del MINAGRI, PROMPERÚ, MINCETUR, especialistas en internacionalización del sector agrícola y presidentes de las empresas exportadoras de musgo Sphagnum. Finalmente, se utilizó el software Atlas. Ti y la técnica de triangulación de datos, contrastando los antecedentes y de la información obtenida en el marco teórico y el resultado de las entrevistas para poder obtener una discusión, en base a la que se realizó las conclusiones y recomendaciones correspondientes. Finalmente, los principales factores que intervienen en el desarrollo de la exportación del musgo Sphagnum con destino a EE.UU en el periodo de 2015-2019 fueron: proceso de secado, comercio justo, uso de tecnología y normatividad. En base a ellos, los resultados del estudio, servirá para contribuir a futuras investigaciones que aborden el tema de investigación, ya sea desde la misma u otra perspectiva. / This research seeks to analyze the main internal and external factors that intervene in the development of the export of Sphagnum moss specifically to the US In this sense, the main objective of the investigation is to analyze the internal and external factors that influenced the exports of said product in the period of the years 2015-2019. Therefore, the management of primary information was carried out considering as the main basis the epistemological antecedents in prominent databases, bibliometric databases and data banks (all considered reliable and recognized sources); in addition, the search for theoretical bases that support the research topic; also, the detection of the problematic reality showing the main problem and the specific problems; In addition, the research raises arguments that justify the present study, analyzing the documentation and information of the sector and inquiring into the theoretical basis that supports the research topic. For the present investigation, a qualitative approach was considered, obtaining data through 15 interviews with managers and collaborators of MINAGRI, PROMPERÚ, MINCETUR, SERFOR, specialists in internationalization of the agricultural sector and presidents of the exporting companies of Sphagnum moss. Finally, the Atlas.ti software and the data triangulation technique were used, contrasting the antecedents and the information obtained in the theoretical framework and the results of the interviews in order to obtain a discussion, based on which the conclusions were made. and corresponding recommendations. Finally, the main factors that intervene in the development of the export of sphagnum moss to the US in the period 2015-2019 were: drying process, fair trade, use of technology and regulations. Based on them, the results of the study will serve to contribute to future research that addresses the research topic, either from the same or another perspective. / Tesis

La joie : une émotion qui se dilate dans la lutte et l’altérité : le désir réflexif de Goliarda Sapienza

Orhon, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine le potentiel des joies fécondes, à travers la prose de l’auteure italienne Goliarda Sapienza. Nous verrons comment l’arrimage des désirs réflexifs à des luttes émancipatrices est au centre de son roman d’apprentissage L’Art de la joie. Il s’agira de baliser une caractéristique essentielle de l’émotion joyeuse : sa capacité de dilatation physiologique, individuelle et collective. De ce fait, nous affirmons que la joie et le bonheur agissent comme de véritables synonymes antinomiques. Reconnaissant l’immense pouvoir induit par la joie, nous proposons une réconciliation de la raison et de l’émotion, à contre-courant des injonctions du bonheur et de la psychologie positive. Dans l’importance qu’elle accorde aux doutes, au combat et à la peine, nous verrons aussi comment Sapienza fait figure de rabat-joie, posture rhétorique de résistance développée par Sara Ahmed, qui dénonce l’illusion des dogmes aliénants. / Through the prose of the Italian author Goliarda Sapienza, this master’s thesis examines the potential of fecund joy. We will see how the alignment of reflexive desires with emancipatory struggles is central to his novel, L’Art de la joie. We shall examine the guiding, essential characteristic of joy: its capacity for physiological growth and expansion, on an individual and collective level. As a result, we affirm that joy and happiness act as actual contradicting synonyms. Recognizing the immense power induced by joy, we propose a reconciliation of reason and emotion, contrary to the admonition of happiness and positive psychology. In a rhetorical resistance developed by Sara Ahmed, who denounces the illusion of alien dogmas, we will see how Sapienza appears to be a damper by examining the importance she attaches to doubts, struggles and pain.

Les normes constitutionnelles programmatiques en France et en Italie : contribution à l'identification d'un concept / The programmatic constitutional norms in France and Italy : contribution to the identification of a concept

Rebourg, Émilie 17 January 2013 (has links)
Sujet à trop d’indéterminations en France, le concept de NCP a nécessité une analyse comparative fondée sur l’expérience italienne afin d’en identifier les contours et, par la suite, d’étudier sa place dans le droit. Il en ressort que les NCP renvoient à une multiplicité de catégories normatives de caractère axiologique et téléologique, servant de stratégie politique et structurant le système juridique. Par ailleurs, l’introduction de la forme programmatique dans les Constitutions modernes mêle l’indétermination de la norme dans son énonciation moderne au droit dans sa déclinaison traditionnelle. Les programmes ont ainsi du mal à trouver leur place dans le droit. Les NCP semblent a priori être privées d’effet juridique ; leur formulation imprécise ne mettrait en place que de simples objectifs. Toutefois, leur développement dans l’espace juridique paraît suffisamment important pour qu’il ne soit pas assimilé à une malfaçon du droit qui entacherait sa pureté. En effet, le concept NCP renvoie à de véritables « normes » constitutionnelles programmatiques dont la normativité reste particulière, signe non pas d’une « crise » du droit mais de son « évolution ». / Still subject to a certain level of vagueness in France, the concept of programmatic constilutional norms (PCN) required acomparative analysis based on the Italian experience in order to identify its trontiers and subsequently study ils place in law. Il appears that the PCN reters ta a multiplicity of normative categories ot axiological and teleological character, serving as political strategy while structuring the legal system. Moreover, the introduction of programmalic form in modern constitutions combines the vagueness of the norm in its modern formulation to the law in ils classical variant. Programs have struggled to find their place in law. The peN seem to be a priori denied of legal effect, their rather vague wordings would only established simple goals. However, their development in the legal space seem important enough 10 avoid PCN to be considered as legal oddities that couk' attend ta the purity of law. Indeed, Ihe concept of PCN connects to real programmatic constitutional norms whose normativity remains peculiar, sign not of a "crisis" of the law, but of its "evolution" .

Two Entwined, Closeted Shirts : A Literary Analysis of Annie Proulx's "Brokeback Mountain" Through a Queer Lens and Its Pedagogical Applicability in the EFL Classroom

Frank, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
This essay focuses on how masculinities are performed and portrayed in Annie Proulx’s novella “Brokeback Mountain” (1997). The thesis argues that through examining the characters’ portrayals of masculinity, readers might develop a deeper, nuanced understanding of gender normativity today. The novella is analysed through a queer perspective with hegemonic gender traits as the main tools for the analysis. The analysis shows how the protagonists Ennis and Jack perform their masculinities in accordance with the heterosexual matrix, while also living in fear of deviating from it. The essay also includes a pedagogical section in which the value of incorporating “Brokeback Mountain” in the EFL classroom is advocated to promote inclusive teaching and question gender normativity. Additionally, the pedagogical implications discuss the relationship between gender normativity and intolerance and homophobia.

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