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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Sunset Supply Base long term COTS supportability, implementing affordable methods and processes

Murphy, Michael W., Barkenhagen, Michael E. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis represents a cross Systems Command (NAVSEA/NAVAIR) developed product. The product - the Sunset Supply Base (SSB) system - provides a complete system for addressing the risks and supportability issues involved with Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products in Navy combat and support systems. The SSB system was implemented on three Navy combat weapon systems at various phases of the product development life cycle. The main body provides to the Program Management Offices (PMO) and other decision makers, a high level summary of performance expectations. Appendix A - The Sunset Supply Base Architecture - identifies at a high level of abstraction a collaborative architecture providing a roadmap for design and development of the SSB system. Appendix B - The Systems Engineering Development and Implementation (SEDI) plan - is a prescriptive or "How to" manual describing activities that have been used to successfully implement the SSB system. Appendix C - Business Case Analysis (BCA) - presents the data collected as a result of SEDI plan implementation then addresses the business/programmatic attributes showing the viability and value proposition possible through the SSB system. Appendix D - The Marketing Plan for the SSB system - defines methods and practices necessary to establish the SSB system as the alternative of choice. / Chemical Engineer, United States Navy / Systems Engineer, United States Navy


許永生 Unknown Date (has links)
後PC時代的特色應可描述為“透過網路架構與無線通訊,完成資訊、通訊、家電等3C設備的整合,並普遍化、生活化,形成網路經濟社會”,而IA(Information Appliances)就是在這股3C整合的過程中逐漸孕育而成,後PC時代正是由IA這股具體的原動力打造出來,它代表著此一嶄新時代的來臨。當進入“後PC時代”,它也表示了“透過網路收發資訊”是未來生活真正的重心,而行動資訊存取的需求逐漸增加,PDA(Personal Digital Assitance)的風行,帶動了這個產業的興起。基於這個理由,本研究的動機是「希望對PDA產業的生態作一番深入瞭解」與「台灣PDA產業的發展機會在那裡?」。 本研究希望能探討台灣在過去PC相關硬體製造上稱霸世界的原因與關鍵成功因素,再進一步探究往後的路該怎麼走。後PC時代的明星產業、產品、企業要如何走?總結以上,推導出本研究之主要目的包括:一.以IA產業結構的發展與產品的研發為探討主體,整合以往PC發展之經驗,運用典範轉移與經驗傳承,建立優質管理模式與原有優勢及能耐延續。二.以PDA產品為例,對國內外企業經營PDA產品所投入資源,進行分析驗證,並提供業界完整思考與資訊經營策略與法則。三.針對台灣PDA廠商之經營模式,進行內在條件的分析與外在環境的背景分析,運用資訊產業關鍵成功因素,設定企業的策略性定位,找到贏的策略,希望能再創台灣資訊王國之美譽。 本研究架構將探討在快速變遷的資訊產業環境下,台灣PDA廠商如何進行適切的業務型態選擇策略,以鞏固市場並取得競爭優勢。本研究採取企業經營策略理論,以多重構面來衡量廠商的核心能力、競爭優勢,探討廠商如何以最佳策略決擇,來因應產業環境變化、強化爭優勢,進行合適的業務型態,利用定性的個案研究法,深入了解廠商的核心能力與採用的經營策略發展情形,由多重構面的分析整理,找出最佳經營策略與最適之廠商業務經營型態。

技術創新組織之設計原則—台灣科技業代工廠轉型到品牌經營之案例分析 / The design principles of technology innovation organization - The case study of Taiwan high tech compnaies which transform from OEM to brand

彭啟峰, Perng, Chiy Ferng Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對臺灣以技術創新作為策略發展主軸的企業案例,以五芒星模型(Five Star Model),分析其從代工轉為品牌經營商時,在組織設計上,所採取的措施和手段,作為後進者依循的組織設計原則。 五芒星模型,以策略、組織結構、流程、薪酬制度和人力資源五大組織設計的基本元素,分析各項元素中組織設計的原則。而本文以華碩電腦、宏達國際電子兩家分別在個人電腦及手機業內卓然有成的臺灣企業作為分析案例。觀察他們在從代工,轉型到品牌經營商時,在策略、組織結構、流程、薪酬制度以及人力資源上,所採取的行動,並將這五大組織設計元素分析出來的結果,作歸納整理,形成一套可資遵循的準則,俾使後續臺灣其他有心以技術創新作為發展品牌的廠商,能夠在進行組織變革時,依著此準則,降低失敗的風險,提高成功的可能。 / This thesis will focus on Taiwanese enterprises which run their business with innovative technologies. We try to analyze these cases with Five Star Model. Figure out what they have done during their organization changes for transition from OEM to OBM. Through the five basic elements in the model, we could easily observe their actions and build the rules for those who want to find organizational design guidance. The Five Star model list Strategies, Organization Structure, Process, People, and Reward System, as the five basic elements in organization design. Researchers could use this model to analyze the enterprise and identify the organization design principles. In this thesis, Asustek Computers, and HTC are the enterprise which we are interested in. They both are the outstanding Taiwanese companies in PC and Mobile phone categories. Both companies are famous on their innovation thinking and design. They also do the same thing to change their business model – from OEM to OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). We observe their actions in the transition from OEM to OBM, and use Five Star Model to analyze their policy in strategies, organization structure, process, people, and reward systems. Try to identify what they have done and list their organization change thinking in these categories. We will build the guidance through Five Star Model, and provide them to those who want to use the same scheme to build their own brand. Lower the risk of failure and promote the chances to be successful.

實施PLM對企業提昇研發流程管理能力之影響分析-以電子科技業為例 / Analysis of the impacts for RD workflow management capability on the implementation of PLM — An empirical study on Hi-Tech Electronics Company

蔡本源, Tsai,Ben Unknown Date (has links)
回顧台灣的經濟發展軌跡,過去五十年努力以赴快速提升國民所得,逐步邁入已開發國家之林,如今台灣廉價勞力優勢逐漸被東南亞和中國等國家取代,台灣產業也開始朝向高科技、高附加價值產業發展,電子資訊產業為了持續保有全球市場競爭力,開始致力提升企業的產品開發能力,持續進行創新性產品開發,創造企業價值,這是台灣電子資訊產業建立全球競爭力的重要因素之一。 在經濟發展過程中,台灣電子產業致力於產品升級和企業轉型,擺脫複製組裝或OEM(委託生產製造),邁向ODM(委託設計製造)和OBM(自有品牌) ,促使產品研發能力提昇並持續擁有國際競爭優勢,於全球性激烈競爭市場環境中生存,並在全球產業分工模式中佔有一席地位。如何在最短期間推出品質、功能、價格皆能滿足市場需求,以維持其競爭優勢,成為台灣產業界共同關心的課題。 在全球化產業競爭日愈激烈的今日,台灣製造業除了有效運用大陸低廉生產勞動成本的競爭優勢,本身也應該從原有代工製造的型態,發展成具有代工設計能力,並且結合垂直產業價值鏈上的所有廠商,進行產品的協同設計開發,使產業核心能力互相連結,發揮創新的能力。『協同式產品商務模式』若能建立在兩岸三地的經貿合作網路中,則台商可以將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,達成及時溝通互動及智慧分享的目的,將產品的開發時程大幅縮短,同時也可節省不少溝通成本,進而為企業建立競爭優勢。 本研究從產品生命週期管理系統(PLM:Product Lifecycle Management)的用途與發展歷程觀察;台灣電子產業內外部研發職能現況,及企業內部研發活動與外部夥伴組織協同設計面臨的管理瓶頸,還有從企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統的目的及期望觀察;關鍵成功因素(CSF) 研究方法運用在PLM專案實施過程中,藉由審視實際個案導入的手法分析企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統後;企業內部各功能性組織及外部夥伴組織(客戶及供應商)協同設計活動,透過協同資訊服務網,將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,及時溝通互動及智慧分享,逐項分析企業於策略面、作業面、管理面、組織面、資訊科技面的流程管理改善效益,期待在全球電子科技業分工議題上,藉由資訊科技的整合及溝通,兩岸産業分工由産品生産階段的分工走向研發與創新、營運、製造、行銷等功能性的分工走向,為台灣電子科技業盡一份心力。 / Taiwan’s economic development track shows that the country in the past 50 years bolstered its national income, and gradually becoming one of the developed countries in the world. And now, Taiwan’s once competitive labor is replaced by cheap labor in Southeast Asia and China. This prompted Taiwanese companies to switch to high tech and high value added industries. In their attempt to maintain its competitive edge in world market, Taiwan electronics and IT companies escalated their research and development ability on enterprise products. Creating values through consistent innovative product design is one key factor by which Taiwan electronic and IT industry players compete in the world market. In its economic development, Taiwan electronics enterprises thrived in product upgrading and business transformation. They moved away from assembly production or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) businesses, and move toward ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) and OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). Improved research and product design capability became their competitive edge in the global market, allowing them not only to survive amongst the cutthroat competition, but also to play a key role in global collaborative markets. It is the common focus of Taiwanese IT companies to keep ahead of global competition by delivering cost effective, quality, feature rich products in the shortest lead time. In face of the increasing competitive the global market today, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing companies bolster their strength by migrating from OEM to ODM businesses, and vertically integrating satellite companies in China, fully leveraging China's cheap labor and low cost resources. This collaborative production and business model, combining the core competence of all industries from both camps, brings out a new creative and powerful force. If this collaborative production and business model can be built on the economic and trade networks across the strait, then, Taiwanese enterprises can effectively integrate all its operational information in the same platform, linking up intelligence databases and interactive, real time communication. As a result, Taiwanese industries can shorten a great deal of product development lead time and reduce communication costs. This brings Taiwan further ahead in global competition. This research aims to layout the groundwork for Taiwanese enterprises to expand from collaborative production to functional collaborations, including R&D, operating, manufacturing, sales and marketing, by analyzing the current workflow management through case study of PLM implementation. This research results shall be supported by the following coverage: 1)Observation on system implementation and progress of PLM. 2)Purpose and expectation of Taiwanese enterprises in implementing PLM (product life cycle management). 3)Current functions of Taiwan electronic companies’ in house R&D units and external cooperative partners. 4)Bottlenecks in managing in house R&D, their activities and their cooperation with external engineering teams. 5)The role of Critical Success Factor (CSF) in the implementation of PLM. 5) Activities of internal design functional units collaborating with alliances, both vendors and customers, utilizing collaborative information service platform to effectively integrate a wide range of cross the strait operations, and linkage of interactive communication channels and sharing of real time knowledgebase database. 6) Analyze the enterprise’s tactics, the operations, the managements, the organization and Information technology aspect to improve their RD workflow management superiority item by item.

委外代工廠選擇程序之研究---以多國公司為例 / Contract Manufacturer Selection Process—The Case of Multinational Enterprises

黃智源, Huang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
為了在競爭的環境中生存甚至是成長,企業可能會採取外包策略,請外部廠商負責處理非核心業務,而專注企業之有限資源於具有核心競爭力的活動。如何選擇外包廠商對於外包策略的執行成效有深切的影響,因為外包廠商會直接影響到企業價值鏈的最終產出結果。因此,本論文採取個案研究法對三家跨國公司進行深度訪談,以了解電子業之品牌廠商對於委外代工廠(製造服務供應商或研發製造服務供應商)的選擇程序與評估項目。 根據研究結果,本論文提出一套一般性的委外代工廠選擇程序。依照所考慮的委外代工廠種類之不同,該選擇程序建議五至六個階段(Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making),同時建議各階段應考慮的評估項目。本論文亦根據研究結果,對於欲建立委外代工廠選擇程序之品牌廠商以及委外代工廠提出相關建議。 / In order to survive and even to grow in the competitive environment, enterprises may adopt outsourcing strategy to focus on their core competency and to have external suppliers to handle the other activities. How to select a proper outsourcing supplier is very critical to the implementation of outsourcing strategy because outsourcing suppliers will affect the final outcome of the whole value chain very much. Therefore, this thesis studies in the electronic industry to understand the process and evaluation criteria of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to select contract manufacturers (which are electronic manufacturing services, EMS, providers or original design manufacturers, ODMs). Case study is applied as the research method and three multinational companies are in-depth interviewed for this study. Based on the research results, a general contract manufacturer selection process is proposed. This general process has five to six stages (Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making), depending on the kind of contract manufacturers under consideration. Corresponding evaluation criteria are also recommended for usage in each stage of the selection process. According to the research results, recommendations are made for OEMs which are planning to establish a contract manufacturer selection process and for contract manufacturers which are being surveyed.

Relación cliente-proveedor como ventaja competitiva en la industria del automóvil. Aplicación al clúster del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana

Collado Fuentes, Antonio 29 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de más de un siglo de historia de la industria del automóvil, los cambios tecnológicos y la externalización de algunos procesos productivos, han precisado que los proveedores de los grandes constructores desarrollaran nuevas y mayores capacidades. Con ello también se han establecido unas relaciones colaborativas más activas entre los diferentes agentes que forman parte de la industria del automóvil. Recientemente se anunciaba una revolución en la movilidad, la cual generaría cambios disruptivos en la industria del automóvil. Cambios que vendrían provocados por las nuevas normativas de emisiones contaminantes, la necesidad de hacer unas ciudades más habitables y sostenibles, así como la conectividad, los vehículos de conducción autónoma y la movilidad compartida (Neckermann, 2015). Los nuevos requisitos y necesidades suponen un entorno de grandes incertidumbres. Esta situación está provocando el debate en la industria del automóvil la cual ha de hacer frente a importantes retos tecnológicos, manteniendo su competitividad, a la vez que debe continuar satisfaciendo a sus clientes. Una de las claves para mantener el éxito y la competitividad de las empresas que conforman la industria del automóvil pasa por su capacidad en adaptar sus cadenas de valor a dichos cambios. Esto significa establecer cadenas de valor responsivas capaces de afrontar los cambios y oscilaciones a las demandas de los mercados. Ante ese panorama, cabe preguntarse si la industria del automóvil, ubicada en España, está preparada para afrontar las necesidades actuales y futuras de un mercado cada vez más cambiante. En caso contrario, conviene conocer qué acciones deberían emprender para mantener el atractivo que ha llevado a los grandes constructores, y también a importantes proveedores de primer nivel, a continuar realizando inversiones como las que se han llevado a cabo en las últimas décadas. Con este fin, en este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado la situación de los constructores de automóviles y el modo en que éstos establecen sus relaciones con los proveedores que conforman la industria auxiliar. A lo largo de esta tesis se han ido identificando aquellos factores que influyen en dichas relaciones. Los cuales abarcan desde la comunicación interempresarial y la confianza mutua, hasta las actividades para la introducción de la industria 4.0, o el desarrollo y adquisición de nuevas capacidades y competencias. Se ha tenido en cuenta también la influencia de esas relaciones en la mejora de las cadenas de valor responsivas. Asimismo, se ha realizado una revisión de las Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras - en adelante AEIs -, o clústers del automóvil organizados en España y la labor que estos ejercen en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones cliente-proveedor. La contribución más relevante del presente trabajo es la aportación a la industria del automóvil establecida en España del estado del arte del modo en que se desarrollan las relaciones entre la industria auxiliar y sus clientes, es decir, con los OEMs o los proveedores de nivel superior. Asimismo, se incluye el papel que desempeñan los clústers del automóvil o AEIs en esas relaciones. Mediante el estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo realizado de las empresas proveedoras, así como de los clústers existentes en España, se ha identificado la existencia de cadenas de valor responsivas que contribuyen a la competitividad de la industria automotriz. Al mismo tiempo se ha establecido la fortaleza y debilidad de los diferentes clústers y el rol desempeñado. Finalmente, esta tesis sugiere la continuación de este trabajo de investigación ampliándolo a los OEMs para identificar el rol de liderazgo que desempeñan en la gobernanza de los clústers y la dependencia de las estrategias establecidas por sus sedes centrales. / [CA] Al llarg de més d'un segle d'història de la indústria de l'automòbil, els canvis tecnològics i l'externalització d'alguns processos productius han precisat que els proveïdors dels grans constructors desenvoluparen noves i majors capacitats. Amb això també s'han establit unes relacions col·laboratives més actives entre els diferents agents que formen part de la indústria de l'automòbil. Recientment s'anunciava una revolució en la mobilitat, la qual generaria canvis disruptius en la indústria de l'automòbil. Canvis que vindrien provocats per les noves normatives d'emissions contaminants, la necessitat de fer unes ciutats més habitables i sostenibles, així com la connectivitat, els vehicles de conducció autònoma i la mobilitat compartida (Neckermann, 2015). Els nous requisits i necessitats suposen un entorn de grans incerteses. Aquesta situació està provocant el debat en la indústria de l'automòbil, la qual ha de fer front a importants reptes tecnològics, mantenint la seua competitivitat, alhora que ha de continuar satisfent als seus clients. Una de les claus per a mantindre l'èxit i la competitivitat de les empreses que conformen la indústria de l'automòbil passa per la seua capacitat a adaptar les seues cadenes de valor a aquests canvis. Això significa establir cadenes de valor responsives capaços d'afrontar els canvis i oscil·lacions a les demandes dels mercats. Davant aqueix nou panorama, cal preguntar-se si la indústria de l'automòbil, situada a Espanya, està preparada per a afrontar les necessitats actuals i futures d'un mercat cada vegada més canviant. En cas contrari, convé conéixer quines accions haurien d'emprendre per a mantindre l'atractiu que ha portat als grans constructors, i també a importants proveïdors de primer nivell, a continuar realitzant inversions com les que s'han dut a terme en els últims anys. A aquest efecte, en aquest treball de recerca hem estudiat la situació dels constructors i com aquests estableixen les seues relacions amb els proveïdors que conformen la indústria auxiliar. Al llarg d'aquesta tesi s'han anat identificant aquells factors que influeixen en aquestes relacions. Els quals abasten des de la comunicació interempresarial i la confiança mútua, fins a les activitats per a la introducció de la indústria 4.0, o el desenvolupament i adquisició de noves capacitats i competències. Així com la influència d'aqueixes relacions en la millora de les cadenes de valor responsives. També s'ha realitzat una revisió de les Agrupacions Empresarials Innovadores - d'ara en avant AEIs -, o clústers de l'automòbil organitzats a Espanya i la labor que aquests exerceixen en l'enfortiment de les relacions client-proveïdor. La principal contribució d'aquest estudi és l'aportació a la indústria de l'automòbil establida a Espanya de l'estat de l'art en les relacions que manté la indústria auxiliar amb els seus clients, es dir OEMs i Tiers de nivel superior, així com el paper que exerceixen en aquestes relacions els clústers de l'automòbil o AEIs. Mitjançant l'estudi qualitatiu i quantitatiu realitzat de les empreses proveïdores, així com dels clústers existents a Espanya, s'ha identificat l'existència de cadenes de valor responsives que contribueixen a la competitivitat de la indústria automotriu. Al mateix temps s'ha establit la fortalesa i feblesa dels diferents clústers i el rol que exerceixen. Finalment, aquesta tesi suggereix la continuació d'aquest treball de recerca ampliant-lo als OEMs per a identificar el rol de lideratge eixercit en la governança dels clústers i la dependència de les estratègies establides per les seues seus centrals. / [EN] Throughout more than a century of history of the automobile industry, the technological changes and the outsourcing of some production processes, have required that the suppliers of the most important automobile manufacturers develop new and greater capacities. Within this new environment, more active collaborative relationships have also been established between the different agents that are part of the automotive industry. Recently, it was announced a revolution in mobility, which would generate disruptive changes in the automotive industry. Changes that would be caused by the new regulations on polluting emissions, the need to make cities more liveable and sustainable, as well as the connectivity, the autonomous driving vehicles and the shared mobility (Neckermann, 2015). The new requirements and needs represent an environment of great uncertainties. This situation is causing the debate in the automotive industry, which must face important technological challenges, while maintaining its competitiveness, and continuing to satisfy its customers. One of the keys to maintain the success and competitiveness of the companies that make up the automotive industry is their ability to adapt their value chains to these changes. This means establishing responsive value chains capable of dealing with changes and oscillations to the demands of the markets. In front of this new panorama, it is worth wondering if the automobile industry, located in Spain, is prepared to face the current and future needs of an increasingly changing market. If not, it is important to know what actions they should take to maintain the attractiveness that has led important car manufacturers, as well as major first level suppliers, to continue making investments such as those that have been carried out in recent past years. For this purpose, in this research work it has been studied the situation of the automobile manufacturers and how they establish their relationships with the suppliers that make up the supply industry. Throughout this thesis, those factors that influence these relationships have been identified, from inter-company communication and mutual trust, to the introduction of industry 4.0 activities, or the development and acquisition of new skills and competencies. Identified as well, are the influence of these relationships in the improvement of responsive value chains. A review has also been carried out of the Innovative Business Groups - hereinafter AEIs -, or those automobile clusters organized in Spain and the task they carry out in strengthening customer-supplier relationships. The contribution of this study is the report to the automotive industry established in Spain of the state of the art in the relationships that the auxiliary industry maintains with its customers, i.e.: OEMs and Tiers 1, as well as the role that automotive clústers or AEIs play in these relationships. Through the qualitative and quantitative study carried out of the supplier companies, as well as of the existing clusters in Spain, the existence of responsive value chains that contribute to the competitiveness of the automotive industry has been identified. At the same time, the strength and weakness of the different clusters and the role played have been established. Finally, this thesis suggests the continuation of this research work, extending it to OEMs to identify their leadership role in the governance of the clusters, and the dependence on the strategies established by their headquarters. / Collado Fuentes, A. (2022). Relación cliente-proveedor como ventaja competitiva en la industria del automóvil. Aplicación al clúster del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182418

Minimization of Noise and Vibration Related to Driveline Imbalance using Robust Design Processes

Al-Shubailat, Omar 17 August 2013 (has links)
Variation in vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) response can be caused by variability in design (e.g. tolerance), material, manufacturing, or other sources of variation. Such variation in the vehicle response causes a higher percentage of produced vehicles to have higher levels (out of specifications) of NVH leading to higher number of warranty claims and loss of customer satisfaction, which are proven costly. Measures must be taken to ensure less warranty claims and higher levels of customer satisfactions. As a result, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have implemented design for variation in the design process to secure an acceptable (or within specification) response. The focus here will be on aspects of design variations that should be considered in the design process of drivelines. Variations due to imbalance in rotating components can be unavoidable or costly to control. Some of the major components in the vehicle that are known to have imbalance and traditionally cause NVH issues and concerns include the crankshaft, the drivetrain components (transmission, driveline, half shafts, etc.), and wheels. The purpose is to assess NVH as a result of driveline imbalance variations and develop a tool to help design a more robust system to such variations.

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