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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The management of staff development programmes at FET colleges in the Gauteng Province

Geel, Pieter Andrew 30 June 2005 (has links)
The fragmented and unequal system of technical and vocational education and training in South Africa is a consequence of the apartheid era. Since 1994 comprehensive legislation has been introduced to create a transformed system of Further Education and Training (FET) guided by the principles of redress, equity and lifelong learning and aimed at producing graduates who can contribute to making South Africa a key player in the global economy. In particular, the Technical College sector requires transformation. This in turn demands new knowledge, attitudes and skills from college managers and educators. Therefore, relevant staff development programmes is a key instrument of change in colleges. Against this background this study examines the management of staff development programmes in FET colleges in Gauteng Province by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The former addresses the management of change, human resource management, staff development and organisational development with an emphasis on the application of chaos/complexity theory. Moreover, the dynamic FET landscape in South Africa is sketched and FET policies and legislation since 1994 are discussed. The empirical investigation adopts a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, observation and document analysis to gather data from a small sample of participants: educators and members of senior and middle management. Participants were selected by purposeful sampling from three former Technical Colleges (one previously advantaged and two previously disadvantaged) in Gauteng, which have recently merged to create a new multi-campus college, the Tshwane North College. The findings of the interviews present the experience of participants according to six themes: the management of change; communication during change; stakeholder involvement in change; the impact of FET legislation; human resource management and the role of staff development programmes in this process. These findings were integrated with observations of staff development programmes and their management and analysis of key documents. It was concluded that people are complex and may resist change; during change effective communication, stakeholder participation, adequate funding for staff development and its effective management are essential. Recommendations for the improvement of practice are presented based on the findings of the literature and empirical study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Stressprevention & Agil transformation : Prevention av organisatoriska rotorsaker till stress genom införandet av det Agila arbetssättet inom en högteknologisk multinationell svensk koncern

Fritz, Minanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: The Swedish Royal School of Technology (KTH) was hired to conduct a pilot study project on stress prevention, "Stress Prevention Project" in a Swedish high-tech global manufacturing company with headquarters in Sweden. The aim was to identify the root causes of stress among employees at the organizational level and to offer a way to prevent the root causes. The initiative to implement the project came from the HR department in the company. The occupational health department had not been able to lower the costs of sickness and rehabilitation. One of nine divisions was included in this evaluation study. The project was carried out during the years of 2012-2014, and three quantitative stress measurements were carried out using the modern working environment form “Modern Work Life” based of knowledge from KTH and designed by Metodicum. The present study has evaluated the root causes of the division's stress. In the division, it was stated that the risk areas that the division had to work with were: resources, demands, control, support but also leadership and reorganization with implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the form of. The aim was to improve the psychosocial occupational health and to make the production work more efficient. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the effect of stress preventive measures in one of the nine divisions (that were included in the overall project) and the effect of implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the organization. Limitations: The evaluation is restricted to one of the nine divisions. Method: The method is a quantitative and qualitative case study, with a narrative approach. The study includes a division with 200 employees of which data was collected from 18 of these employees in two focus groups interviews. Materials have also been collected from interviews with the division's HR director, section leader, head of unit and head of the organization's business health. The evaluation is based on qualitative data, which were obtained through 3 single interviews and 4 focus group interviews and participant observation. Quantitative data were obtained through three different measurements (between 2012-14). The quantitative data were compared and analyzed with the qualitative data in order to understand the results up to the final measurement 3 (2014). Results: The evaluation of the stress prevention – where the focus was to prevent risk areas including demands, develop resources, control, support and also leadership – showed that introducing and using the Agile working principles had had a significant positive effect on all the risk areas. Additionally, this change in the organization contributed to positive results regarding the efficiency of the production process; a reduction of working hours from 12 months to 2 weeks of action at the same result. The absence due to illness and rehabilitation has been decreasing from 4 % to 0,5-1% right after introducing the Agile methods in the division. However, the results also showed no improvement regarding some other working environment; as conflicts and bullying persisted. This may be due to how the reorganization of the groups was done. It should be clarified that the outcomes may be influenced by the extensive reorganization that took place in connection with the stress prevention project and the introduction of the agile approach. Conclusions - The stress prevention could not have been done efficiently due to other on-going reorganizations in the company and the staff has not been able to follow the recommendation for efficient stress-prevention due to lack of support from the headquarter. That created a crisis in the stress prevention-project group. The agile methods seem to have had a significant good result in all risk areas as resources, demands, control, support and also leadership and the absence has decreased from 4 to 0,5 %. Due to the agile methods have the productions process been shorter from 12 months to 2 weeks.

Zeitschrift zur interdisziplinären Organisationsentwicklung - Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas, Höhnel, Anne 05 March 2012 (has links)
Durch den rasanten wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und sozialen Wandel im Zuge der Globalisierung verändern sich die Bedingungen unter denen Unternehmen produzieren grundlegend. Weltweite Konkurrenz um innovative Produkte, globale Absatzmärkte, flexible Fertigungsnetzwerke sowie internationale Kooperationen sind zentrale Kennzeichen neuer Arbeits- und Produktionswelten. Die Zeitschrift zur interdisziplinären Organisationsentwicklung, kurz ZIO, greift die vielschichtigen Probleme des sozialen Wandels in Organisationen auf. Ihr geht es um eine theoretisch fundierte, disziplinübergreifende Analyse von Organisationskulturen und um den Transfer der Erkenntnisse in die Praxis. Demnach richtet sich die Zeitschrift nicht nur an Forschende, sondern soll ferner auch eine Handreichung für Betriebspraktiker sein. Ziel ist es, eine Vertrautheit mit den spezifischen Problemlagen in Organisationen herzustellen und Unternehmen so zu befähigen, sich adäquat auf Veränderungen einstellen zu können.

Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung an betriebliches Vertrauen

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Vertrauen ist zentrales Element menschlichen Lebens und Arbeitens. Im Alltagserleben wird sichtbar, dass der Aufbau von Vertrauen Zeit, Kraft und Geduld erfordert, wohingegen der Verlust von Vertrauen sich schlagartig einstellen kann. Die Folgen, mit denen sich Unternehmen im Falle eines Vertrauensverlustes bei Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten oder Kunden konfrontiert sehen, können enormen wirtschaftlichen Schaden und den Verlust eines Marktvorsprungs zur Folge haben. Die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen der Psychologie, Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaft analysieren das Phänomen Vertrauen aus verschiedenen Forschungsperspektiven mit je unterschiedlichem Erkenntnisinteresse. Da sich der Begriff also einer einheitlichen Begriffsbestimmung entzieht, wird versucht ihn über die Schnittmengen dieser verschiedenen Betrachtungsweisen näher zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte von Vertrauen beschrieben, die für die Entstehung einer belastbaren Vertrauenskultur in den drei Kulturdimensionen (interpersonal, intraorganisational, interorganisational) von Unternehmen relevant sein können. Die Aufarbeitung und Systematisierung des Forschungsstandes wurde dabei mit dem Ziel vorgenommen, Hinweise auf vertrauensfördernde und vertrauenshemmende Faktoren zu destillieren, letztlich also zur Beantwortung der Fragen nach Bedingungen für die Entstehung, Gewährung und Aufrechterhaltung von Vertrauensbeziehungen in betrieblichen Organisationseinheiten beitragen zu können.:1. Hinführung 1.1 Vertrauen aus soziologischer Sicht 1.2 Vertrauen aus psychologischer Sicht 1.3 Vertrauen aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht 1.4 Schnittmengen des Vertrauensbegriffs aus soziologischer, psychologischer und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Betrachtungsweise 2. Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.1 Bedeutung von Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.2 Forschungsstand zum Thema Vertrauenskultur 2.3 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interpersonalen Kulturdimension 2.3.1 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern sowie innerhalb der Belegschaft 2.3.2 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern während Veränderungsprozessen 2.4 Vertrauen von Mitarbeitern in die Gesamtorganisation (Systemvertrauen) 2.5 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interorganisationalen Kulturdimension – Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmenspartnern sowie Kunden und Lieferanten

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