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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PAULO DE CARVALHO JUNIOR 01 April 2014 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho investiga o emprego de podcasts de programas de rádio e televisão da Alemanha nas aulas de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira em níveis B2 e C1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas no Ensino Médio. Através desta tecnologia, é possível ter acesso rápido e gratuito a materiais autênticos de áudio ou vídeo, de forma que professores passam a ter um leque mais amplo de recursos para suas aulas e alunos passam a ter contato com a língua produzida com outros fins, que não didáticos. Considerando as proposições apresentadas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, os níveis de referência descritos no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas e os objetivos traçados no Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Quadro de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira para as escolas no exterior), o trabalho discute o potencial e as limitações do uso desta tecnologia como ferramenta no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira no contexto escolar. A partir dos pressupostos da Teoria da Atividade, o trabalho procura investigar de que forma a implementação dos podcasts afeta o sistema da atividade da aula de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira nas perspectivas de professores e alunos em uma escola bilíngue da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] This dissertation investigates the use of podcasts in high school classes of German as a Foreign Language (GFL), in levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. This technology provides for quick and free access to authentic audio or video materials taken from German radio and TV programs, so that teachers have a wider range of resources for their classes and students have contact with the language which was produced for purposes other than pedagogical ones. Considering the proposals in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National High School Curricular Parameters), the levels of reference of the Common European Framework of References for Languages, and the goals set in the Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Framework German as a Foreign Language for schools abroad), this study discusses the potential and the limitations of the use of this technology as a tool for teaching and learning GFL in a bilingual school. Based on the principles of Activity Theory, this work aims to investigate how the implementation of podcasts affects the activity system of GFL classes from the teachers’ and students’ perspectives in a bilingual school in Rio de Janeiro.

Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Clinical Skills - Simulatoren für die Lehre in der Tiermedizin

Aulmann, Maria 20 September 2016 (has links)
Einleitung Studierende der Veterinärmedizin müssen neben umfangreichem theoretischem Wissen zahlreiche praktische Fertigkeiten erlernen. Da jeder Einzelne in seinem eigenen Tempo lernt, besteht ein großer Bedarf an Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Kadaver und lebende Tiere sind selten in ausreichender Menge verfügbar und lebende Tiere sind zudem aus Gründen des Tierwohls nur eingeschränkt zu verwenden. Simulationsmodelle (Modelle von Organismen / Körperteilen) können hier Abhilfe schaffen. Kommerziell erhältliche Modelle sind sehr kostenintensiv und für die Tiermedizin noch nicht flächendeckend erhältlich. Zunehmend werden selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modelle in der Tiermedizin verwendet. Aufgrund des Mangels an publizierten Daten zu ihrem Einsatz besteht intensiver Forschungsbedarf. Ziele der Untersuchungen In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob einfache, selbst entwickelte Simulationsmodelle (low-fidelity Modelle) erfolgreich in der Lehre eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zwei selbst entwickelte und gebaute Simulationsmodelle evaluiert (Studie 1) und ihr Einsatz in Kombination mit anderen Lehrmedien untersucht (Studie 2). Materialien und Methoden In Studie 1 wurden zwei low-fidelity Modelle zur kaninen Intubation und Katheterisierung entwickelt und evaluiert. Es wurde ein Studiendesign genutzt, das die erworbenen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination) am toten Hund vergleicht. Achtundfünfzig Studierende (4. FS) erhielten eine theoretische Einführung zur Intubation und wurden randomisiert auf drei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) übte am kommerziell erhältlichen Intubation Training Manikin, Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) am entwickelten low-fidelity Modell und die Textgruppe las einen Text, der die Intubation beim Hund beschreibt. Siebenundvierzig Studierende (10. FS) durchliefen dasselbe Studiendesign zum Thema Katheterisierung der Hündin. Sie nutzten das kommerziell erhältliche Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, das selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modell und Lehrtexte. In Studie 2 wurde die Vermittlung zweier spezifischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und Simulationstraining evaluiert. Zwei anleitende Potcasts zu Intubation und Katheterisierung und die oben beschriebenen Modelle wurden innerhalb eines crossover-Studiendesigns genutzt. In dieser Studie sind Potcasts audio-visuell aufbereitete Animationen mit Schritt für Schritt – Anleitungen und Informationen. Die erworbenen praktischen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen, die sich in der Art der theoretischen Vorbereitung unterschieden, wurden in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE) am toten Hund verglichen. Ein Fragebogen erfasste das Feedback der Teilnehmer. Sechzig Studierende (2. FS) wurden randomisiert auf eine Potcast- und eine Textgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Potcastgruppe sah sich das anleitende Potcast an, die Textgruppe bereitete sich anhand eines Lehrtextes vor. Im Anschluss hatten beide Gruppen separate Übungseinheiten an den low-fidelity Modellen ohne Betreuung durch Lehrende. Ergebnisse In Studie 1 schnitten alle Übungsgruppen signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppen. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) und Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) unterschieden sich weder bei der Intubation noch bei der Katheterisierung signifikant in ihren Leistungen. In Studie 2 schnitt die Potcastgruppe beim Thema Intubation signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppe, beim Thema Katheterisierung ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Insgesamt hatte das Simulationstraining den Studierenden Spaß gemacht, das Lernen ohne Betreuer wurde jedoch als Herausforderung empfunden. Schlussfolgerungen Es ist davon auszugehen, dass low-fidelity Modelle genauso geeignet für das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten sein können wie high-fidelity Modelle. Das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und low-fidelity Modellen sollte durch Betreuer ergänzt werden, anstatt als alleiniges Lehrmedium für Studierende des ersten Studienjahres Verwendung zu finden. Eigenständiges Lernen klinischer Fertigkeiten, angeleitet durch Potcasts bietet eine Möglichkeit für vertiefendes und wiederholendes Training höherer Semester. Der Einsatz von Simulationsmodellen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung wächst seit wenigen Jahren stetig. Diese Arbeit leistet einen zeitgerechten Beitrag bei der Evaluierung von Simulationstraining. / Introduction Students of veterinary medicine are expected to acquire various practical skills in addition to a wide range of theoretical knowledge. There is a strong demand for training opportunities, as every individual learns and acquires practical skills at individual pace. For reasons of animal welfare concerns and availability, live animals and cadavers cannot always be used for clinical skills training. Simulation models, which are models of organisms or body parts can be a considerable alternative for clinical skills training. Models that are commercially produced often have a high price and are not available for all skills. Self-made models are increasingly used in veterinary education. Because there is few published data regarding their use, more scientific research is required. Aims of the Investigation The objective of this study was to determine, if self-made low-fidelity models can be successfully used in veterinary medical education. For this purpose, two self-made low-fidelity models were evaluated (study 1) and their use in combination with other teaching tools was analyzed (study 2). Materials and Methods In study 1, two self-made low-fidelity models for simulation of canine intubation and canine female urinary catheterization were developed and evaluated. We used a study design that compares acquired skills of two intervention groups and one control group in a practical examination (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination). Fifty-eight second-year veterinary medicine students received a theoretical introduction to intubation and were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (high-fidelity) was then trained on a commercially available Intubation Training Manikin, group 2 (low-fidelity) was trained on our low-fidelity model, and the text group read a text describing intubation of the dog. Forty-seven fifth-year veterinary medicine students followed the same procedure for training urinary catheterization using the commercially available Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, our self-made model, and text. Outcomes were assessed in a practical examination on a cadaver using an OSCE checklist. In study 2 we evaluated the teaching of two specific clinical skills using potcasts and low-fidelity simulation training. Two instructional potcasts describing intubation and catheterization and both low-fidelity models described above were used. In our study, potcasts are audio-visual animations that provide the learner with step by step information and instruction on a clinical skill. We used a crossover study design and compared the acquired practical skills of two intervention groups after a different theoretical preparation. A survey captured the participants’ feedback. Sixty first year veterinary medicine students were randomly allocated to two groups, a potcast group and a text group. The potcast group watched a potcast while the text group read an instructional text for preparation. Then both groups had separate self-directed training sessions on low-fidelity models. Outcomes were assessed in practical examinations on a cadaver using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) checklist. Results In study 1 all intervention groups performed significantly better than the text groups. Group I (high-fidelity) and group II (low-fidelity) for both intubation and catheterization showed no significant differences. In study 2 the potcast group performed significantly better than the text group in study intubation but no significant differences were observed in study catheterization. Overall, participants enjoyed clinical skills training but experienced self-directed learning as challenging. Conclusion Low-fidelity models can be as effective as high-fidelity models for clinical skills training. Clinical skills training using potcasts and self-directed low-fidelity simulation training should be complemented by supervisor or peer instruction rather than used as exclusive tool for teaching first year veterinary students. We assume though, that self-directed learning instructed by our potcasts can be a valuable chance for deepening and repetitive training of higher semesters. The use of simulation models in veterinary education has been consistently increasing in the past few years. This study is an important, timely contribution to the evaluation of simulation based education.

Análisis comparativo del uso de elementos narrativos en los podcast moloko y sin paltas podcast / Comparative analysis of the use of narrative elements in moloko and sin paltas podcast

Cosignani Lema, Raffaella María 21 June 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso de los elementos narrativos a través de los programas de los famosos podcasts peruanos Moloko y Sin Paltas, y las estrategias discursivas que lleva a los podcat al éxito en las plataformas digitales y streaming, las cuales han sido un escenario fundamental para su desarrollo. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se van a presentar e identificar qué estrategias narrativas son las más utilizadas en los podcasts, comparando estrategias de comunicación y elementos narrativos en los podcasts elegidos. Luego se identificarán las diferencias que existen en el discurso narrativo de Moloko podcast y Sin Paltas podcast, para así explicar la interacción y la relación con sus seguidores y oyentes. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se utilizará el método cualitativo, aplicando un paradigma de investigación de carácter interpretativo y naturalista, en base a la recolección y análisis de datos obtenidos a través de la audición de los podcasts emitidos en situaciones y fechas trascendentes. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que los podcasts son una nueva forma de comunicación cómo desarrollo de la era digital. Los podcasts se han convertido en una herramienta versátil, libre de parámetros estipulados, donde sus elementos y el discurso narrativo, dejan de lado a las grandes cadenas de comunicación, para apostar por los medios de comunicación independientes. / The following research aims to analyze the use of narrative elements through the programs of the famous Peruvian podcasts Moloko and Sin Paltas, and the discursive strategies that lead the podcasts to success in digital and streaming platforms, which have been a fundamental scenario for their development. To carry out this research, we will present and identify which narrative strategies are the most used in podcasts, comparing communication strategies and narrative elements in the chosen podcasts. Then, the differences that exist in the narrative discourse of Moloko podcast and Sin Paltas podcast will be identified, in order to explain the interaction and relationship with their followers and listeners. For the development of this research, the qualitative method will be used, applying an interpretative and naturalistic research paradigm, based on the collection and analysis of data obtained through the listening of podcasts broadcasted in transcendent situations and dates. The results of this research indicate that podcasts are a new form of communication as a development of the digital era. Podcasts have become a versatile tool, free of stipulated parameters, where its elements and narrative discourse, leave aside the big communication chains, to bet on independent media. / Trabajo de investigación

Hotspot Detection for Automatic Podcast Trailer Generation / Hotspot-detektering för automatisk generering av podcast-trailers

Zhu, Winstead Xingran January 2021 (has links)
With podcasts being a fast growing audio-only form of media, an effective way of promoting different podcast shows becomes more and more vital to all the stakeholders concerned, including the podcast creators, the podcast streaming platforms, and the podcast listeners. This thesis investigates the relatively little studied topic of automatic podcast trailer generation, with the purpose of en- hancing the overall visibility and publicity of different podcast contents and gen- erating more user engagement in podcast listening. This thesis takes a hotspot- based approach, by specifically defining the vague concept of “hotspot” and designing different appropriate methods for hotspot detection. Different meth- ods are analyzed and compared, and the best methods are selected. The selected methods are then used to construct an automatic podcast trailer generation sys- tem, which consists of four major components and one schema to coordinate the components. The system can take a random podcast episode audio as input and generate an around 1 minute long trailer for it. This thesis also proposes two human-based podcast trailer evaluation approaches, and the evaluation results show that the proposed system outperforms the baseline with a large margin and achieves promising results in terms of both aesthetics and functionality.

The Pleasure in Paradox: The Negotiation Between Agency and Admiration in the Disney Fan Community

Butler, Alissa Nicole 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The feasibility of using audio podcast mobile technology to teach research writing in open distance learning : case of University of South Africa

Madiope, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The research aimed to assess the feasibility of using podcasts in mobile devices to teach research proposal writing for masters’ students of University of South Africa. To aid in this, a general objective was developed which was supported by specific research objectives that guided the study. The research looked at the evolution of open distance learning (ODL) including the use of M-learning. I reviewed literature on the history of podcasts as an entertainment tool being highlighted as a revolution in the academic world especially in the area of distance learning. To create a foundation to give strength to the use of podcasts, theories of education were evaluated and criticised to give reason and foundation for the use of podcasts as a technology to support teaching and learning in ODL. All major aspects of learning were traversed in the theoretical aspect. This is in a bid to assess the ability of the use of podcasts to meet the needs of the learners. A methodology for conducting the research that included the deployment of a pilot project for the research proposal writing module in year 2011-2012 class was developed and justified accordingly. The use of both qualitative and quantitative methods was necessitated by the objectives of the research. This was implemented at data collection and analysis stages of the research. The analysis was fruitful and successful for that matter, giving reasonable backing to the proposal by the researcher of adopting the use of podcasts using mobile devices. The analysis deemed the pilot project successful for the period within which it was operated. Hurdles or challenges were present and the study gives them as majorly, the lack of sufficient skills to handle the content of the website, that is, generally, the use of the technology. Also, the study pinpoints that the availability of mobile devices is also a challenge that the students will face. Recommendations were derived from the challenges and include a framework that should be used in creating a podcast support system that will be based on the findings to create a successful project. Regarding the objectives of the study, the conclusion that indeed it is feasible to use podcasts to teach research proposal writing in Unisa is valid. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

The feasibility of using audio podcast mobile technology to teach research writing in open distance learning : case of University of South Africa

Madiope, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The research aimed to assess the feasibility of using podcasts in mobile devices to teach research proposal writing for masters’ students of University of South Africa. To aid in this, a general objective was developed which was supported by specific research objectives that guided the study. The research looked at the evolution of open distance learning (ODL) including the use of M-learning. I reviewed literature on the history of podcasts as an entertainment tool being highlighted as a revolution in the academic world especially in the area of distance learning. To create a foundation to give strength to the use of podcasts, theories of education were evaluated and criticised to give reason and foundation for the use of podcasts as a technology to support teaching and learning in ODL. All major aspects of learning were traversed in the theoretical aspect. This is in a bid to assess the ability of the use of podcasts to meet the needs of the learners. A methodology for conducting the research that included the deployment of a pilot project for the research proposal writing module in year 2011-2012 class was developed and justified accordingly. The use of both qualitative and quantitative methods was necessitated by the objectives of the research. This was implemented at data collection and analysis stages of the research. The analysis was fruitful and successful for that matter, giving reasonable backing to the proposal by the researcher of adopting the use of podcasts using mobile devices. The analysis deemed the pilot project successful for the period within which it was operated. Hurdles or challenges were present and the study gives them as majorly, the lack of sufficient skills to handle the content of the website, that is, generally, the use of the technology. Also, the study pinpoints that the availability of mobile devices is also a challenge that the students will face. Recommendations were derived from the challenges and include a framework that should be used in creating a podcast support system that will be based on the findings to create a successful project. Regarding the objectives of the study, the conclusion that indeed it is feasible to use podcasts to teach research proposal writing in Unisa is valid. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Where There's Smoke: Fire Narratives From the Long American Century

Ryan Schnurr (16626339) 25 July 2023 (has links)
<p>This project argues that industrial fires have the capacity to illuminate the complex entanglements (political, ecological, economic, etc.) of life in the era of industrial capitalism. It retells and reframes the stories of five such fires, each off which shines a light on the networks of social, political, technological, economic, and ecological relationships in particular communities at particular moments. It thus contributes to the interdisciplinary fields of American Studies and the environmental humanities, furthering our understanding of the unfolding experience of industrial capitalism in the twentieth and twenty-first century United States. It takes the form of a public humanities project and is produced for a popular audience, using journalistic, literary, historical, and other techniques to tell the stories of these fires. In doing so, I also hope to contribute to the expansion of public humanities scholarship and help foster a thriving and creative future for the humanities both in academia and beyond.</p>

Black Food Trucks Matter: A Qualitative Study Examining The (Mis)Representation, Underestimation, and Contribution of Black Entrepreneurs In The Food Truck Industry

Ariel D Smith (14223191) 11 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Food trucks have become increasingly popular over the last decade following the Great Recession of 2008. Scholars have begun to study the food truck phenomenon, its future projected trajectory, and even positioning it within social justice discourse along cultural lines; however, scholarship has yet to address the participation of Black entrepreneurs in the food truck industry.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The objective of this dissertation is to expand the perception of Black food entrepreneurs within the food truck industry by interrogating how Black food truck owners are misrepresented, under analyzed, and underestimated. Using a series of interdisciplinary qualitative methods including introspective analysis, thematic coding analysis, and case studies, I approach this objective by addressing three questions. First, I analyze movies and television to understand where Black-owned food trucks are represented in popular culture and how they are depicted. In doing so, we come to understand that Black business representation, specifically Black food truck representation consistently falls victim to negative stereotypes. These stereotypes can influence the extent to which Black food truck owners are taken seriously and seen as legitimate business leaders in their community. Second, I interview 16 Black food truck entrepreneurs to understand why the mobile food industry appealed to them and how it has become a platform for them to explore other opportunities. Finally, I review eight cities that have launched Black food truck festivals and parks within the last 6 years to gain an understanding of the collective power wielded by Black food truck owners and its impact Black communities. Moreover, this dissertation challenges the myth that collectivism does not exist among Black entrepreneurs and the Black community broadly.</p>

A Pedagogy of Holistic Media Literacy: Reflections on Culture Jamming as Transformative Learning and Healing

Stasko, Carly 14 December 2009 (has links)
This qualitative study uses narrative inquiry (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988, 1990, 2001) and self-study to investigate ways to further understand and facilitate the integration of holistic philosophies of education with media literacy pedagogies. As founder and director of the Youth Media Literacy Project and a self-titled Imagitator (one who agitates imagination), I have spent over 10 years teaching media literacy in various high schools, universities, and community centres across North America. This study will focus on my own personal practical knowledge (Connelly & Clandinin, 1982) as a culture jammer, educator and cancer survivor to illustrate my original vision of a ‘holistic media literacy pedagogy’. This research reflects on the emergence and impact of holistic media literacy in my personal and professional life and also draws from relevant interdisciplinary literature to challenge and synthesize current insights and theories of media literacy, holistic education and culture jamming.

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