Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pragmatism"" "subject:"pragmatisme""
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An Evaluation of some Curriculum Principles in Terms of Certain Basic Philosophic ConceptsRay, Mary Tom 08 1900 (has links)
The writer's problem as reported in this thesis is to make an analysis of certain curriculum principles in terms of five selected basic philosophic concepts: pragmatism, instrumentalism, humanism, rationalism, and idealism.
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Om lärarskapets moraliska dimension : ett perspektiv och en studie av lärarstuderandes nätbaserade seminariesamtalHögberg, Sören January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, an educational perspective called the moral dimension of teaching is developed. The work includes a theoretically informed discussion from a pragmatist point of view in which the concept of pedagogical rhythm is introduced. The concept captures the need for teachers to regularly shift their intentions and occasionally act in contradictory ways as a consequence of the moral which emerges from interaction in pedagogical situations. Using this perspective, criteria are developed for the characteristics of discussions of the work of teachers, which are desirable in order for students in pre-service teacher education to have opportunities to develop their teachership. Secondly, the educational perspective as it is conceptualised serves as a theoretical framework for a study of discussions taking place in net-based seminars among students in teacher education. The study consists of 14 recorded seminars in which discussions of the work of teachers are analysed in terms of content and direction for reflection. The result of the analysis is a construction of four different focal points for processes of making judgements: existential, performative, critical and professional. Mainly the performative, and to some extent the critical, focal points appear to be supported by the net-based environment, although potential for the professional focal point is found when available tools in net-based settings are used in deliberate ways. Finally, based on these four focal points, possible future predispositions among student teachers are deliberated. Student teachers’ future opportunities to develop a moral and epistemological authority are discussed, as well as teachers’ general opportunities to exercise professional responsibility. The conclusion emphasises that a perspective such as the one developed in the dissertation is important, as it creates an understanding for the need to educate student teachers to exercise a form of responsibility that goes beyond being accountable to society.
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Transformativa kunskapsprocesser för verksamhetsutveckling. : En feministisk aktionsforskningsstudie i förskolan. / Transformative knowledge processes for organisational developmenet. : A feminist action research study in preschool.Gillberg, Claudia January 2009 (has links)
This doctoral thesis had two purposes. 1. To study some preschool teachers’ possibilities to develop a gender aware pedagogy by applying theories of organisation, profession and collaboration. 2. To do qualitative research by drawing on principles of research for social justice, as a contribution to the development of methodology in feminist educational action research. The following research questions helped elucidate these purposes: How do preschool teachers create space for reflection and knowledge processes over time? What individual and collective actions do preschool teachers take over time? How can this study contribute to organisational development? Feminist pragmatism served as the philosophical underpinning for feminist action research (FAR) as a methodology and method. The preschool teachers were regarded as agents for change in their own pedagogic and organisational practices. Over a three-year period meetings were conducted on a regular basis. One-on-one interviews, group interviews, numerous emails, telephone calls and some observations completed the data collection. The analytical research narrative emerged by linking the preschool teachers’ actions to their ambiguous professional status. Actions were interpreted by applying the principles inherent in FAR, what, who and critical incidents over time. The absence of professional recognition from the municipal employer and parents for the preschool teachers was evident. Since the preschool teachers needed professional recognition, they experienced the collaborative nature of this study of great value as it conferred legitimacy for their professional development. There emerged meaningful pedagogic change over time, which emphasised the temporal aspect of organisational change from the bottom up. Collective actions began to take root in a shared value system. The design of the project – to collaborate with an outside ally – was decisive in regard to creating space for reflection and collective actions. Collective actions were possible due to the courage of individual participants who dared break silences surrounding organisational injustices. In conclusion, it can be stated that organisational change over time is indeed possible by practising radical openness for agency. Transformative knowledge processes can be achieved provided that genuine offers of participation are issued and well received. By elaborating on terms such as action, participation, emancipation, social justice and knowledge, a methodological contribution could be made to feminist action research. / Denna avhandling hade två syften. 1. Att i ett organisations-, professions- och pedagogiskt samverkansperspektiv studera några förskollärares möjligheter och hinder för utvecklingen av en genusmedveten pedagogik. 2. Att bedriva kvalita-tiv forskning utifrån antaganden om forskning för social rättvisa, som ett bidrag till metodologiutveckling. Följande frågeställningar belyste dessa syften: Hur skapar förskollärare utrymme för reflektion och kunskapsprocesser över tid; vil-ka individuella och kollektiva handlingar utför förskollärare över tid; vilka bi-drag till verksamhetsutveckling kan en studie av detta slag göra? Med feminis-tisk pragmatism som vetenskapsteoretisk grund tillämpades feministisk aktions-forskning som satte förskollärarnas frågeställningar i centrum. Under tre års tid ägde regelbundna träffar rum för gemensamma reflektioner, utvärderingar och planeringar av pedagogiska handlingar. Enskilda och gruppintervjuer, deltagande observationer samt en stor mängd mejl-, telefon- och brevutbyten kompletterade datainsamlingen. Den analytiska forskningsberättelsen växte fram under åter-koppling till förskollärares handlingar och i ljuset av förskollärares diffusa pro-fessionstillhörighet. Handlingarna tolkades utifrån de i feministisk aktionsforsk-ningsmetodologi inneboende principerna vad, vem och kritiska händelser över tid. Organisations- och professionsteoretiska analyser visade att förskollärarnas handlingar varken erkändes som professionella av den kommunala arbetsgivaren eller föräldrarna. Förskollärarnas behov av professionell erkänsla var stort, men när den uteblev, visade sig det långsiktiga utvecklingsarbetet vara av stort värde, därför att förskollärarna lyckades åstadkomma pedagogiskt sett meningsfulla förändringar, vilket understryker den temporala aspekten av organisatoriska för-ändringar underifrån. Förskollärarnas kollektiva handlingar började rota sig i en gemensam värdegrund. Formen av utvecklingsarbetet - att samarbeta med en al-lierad utifrån - var avgörande för skapandet av utrymme för reflektion och kol-lektiva handlingar. Kollektiva handlingar möjliggjordes i hög utsträckning tack vare enskilda deltagares mod att bryta tystnader om orättvisor i den egna verk-samheten. En slutsats är att det är möjligt att åstadkomma organisatoriska för-ändringar över tid genom en radikal öppenhet för agency. Transformativa kun-skapsprocesser kan åstadkommas om erbjudanden till ett genuint deltagande i ett förändringsarbete lämnas och mottas. Genom en problematisering av termer som handling, deltagande, emancipation, social rättvisa och kunskap gjordes ett me-todologiskt bidrag till feministisk aktionsforskning.
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Samtal, klassrumsklimat och elevers delaktighet : överväganden kring en deliberativ didaktikLarsson, Kent January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study learning through deliberative dialogue, the social climate of the classroom, and certain aspects of student participation in civic education in upper secondary schools, as well as aspects of deliberative didactics. It takes its theoretical point of departure in John Dewey’s texts on democracy and education. An additional perspective on the social and moral aspects of democratic life is provided by Axel Honneth’s studies on disrespect and a morality of recognition. An empirical study is presented in which students and teachers were interviewed in focus groups about their opinions and experiences, on the basis of the aim of the dissertation and the research questions addressed. The analysis reveals a potential to learn civics thorough dialogue and discussion. A dialogue with deliberative qualities is characterized as one with a clearly defined purpose and relevant knowledge content. In the course of such a dialogue, the participants apply and develop certain abilities, some of which are identified in the study. Regarding the social climate in the classroom, especially during learning through dialogue and discussion, several difficulties and problematic situations were mentioned in the focus group interviews. These were problems related to “disturbing silence” and “troubling speech”. Honneth’s theory of moral recognition is in such situations seen as a basis for teachers’ professional reflections and for deliberative dialogues involving teacher and students. Concerning student participation and the civic education classroom as a form of democratic community and a public sphere, both students and teachers interviewed spoke of a balancing act between many different interests, some of which are discussed with a focus on the formation of interests. Other aspects studied are how a sense of community can be created and how the private and individualistic meet the public and common in civic education. It is concluded that the civic education classroom, considered as a public sphere, can be an arena for deliberation and thus develop a sense of community and a deliberative competence for use in a wider citizenship perspective. In the final chapter it is concluded that deliberative didactics can be seen as a didactic dimension of reflexive cooperation. It is characterized as a reflexive approach whereby the teacher invites the students to deliberate on issues of subject content, ways of working, the social climate of the classroom, and different aspects of participation and common interests. It is also argued that the practical cooperation – the actions and their consequences – following from intersubjective speech are as important as the dialogue itself.
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Språkutvecklande arbetssätt inom SO-undervisning / Language development methods in social studies educationLantz, Viktoria, Bengtsson, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
I denna kunskapsöversikt är syftet att undersöka hur det sociala samspelet jämfört med ettpragmatiskt förhållningssätt kan främja språkutveckling i SO-undervisningen. Detta hargenomförts genom att jämföra olika vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna vi valde att undersöka,hämtades från olika databaser, Ebsco, Eric och Google Scholar. Vi valde att bryta ner detsociala och det pragmatiska förhållningssättet i mindre lärandemetoder för att kunnaundersöka vad forskningen säger om språkutvecklande arbetssätt inom SO-undervisningen.Kunskapsöversiktens resultat och slutats visar att det sociala samspelet och det pragmatiskaförhållningssättet kompletterar varandra och går att koppla samman.
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Kontinuerligt lärande förhållbara förbättringar : En fallstudie i hur miljöförbättringsarbete kanbelysa det lärande som sker hoselinstallatörsföretag som arbetar efter konceptetständiga förbättringar / Continuous Learning for Sustainable ImprovementsBrorsson, Ellinor, Bartoletti, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Förväntan på att företag arbetar aktivt med att minska sin miljöpåverkan växer sig större för var dag. Med en miljöcertifiering kan företag visa sig ansvarsfulla inför sina intressenter och chanserna för en säkrad plats på framtidens marknad kan öka. Miljöcertifikat såsom ISO 14001-standarden inkluderar behovet av ständiga förbättringar av en organisations processer och miljöstrategiskt arbete. Begreppet ständiga förbättringar har sitt ursprung i Toyota Motors framgångsrika arbetssätt - kaizen - och innebär att allt kan göras lite bättre än i nuläget. På så sätt klingar det väl med miljöförbäattringsarbete eftersom vi fortfarande är på en resa mot det mest miljövänliga sättet att leva på. Två företag inom elinstallatörsbranchen har genom den webbaserade applikationen System C2 TM utmärkt sig i sitt arbete med ständiga förbättringar inom miljö. Eftersom en framgångsfaktor för ständiga förbättringar är utbildning kan det antas att dessa två företag har genomgått ett lärande som har lett till denna framgång, men vad som kännetecknat detta lärande är inte specificerat. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka vad en sådan utbildning bör innehålla för att inte bara leda till fler miljöförbättringar, utan även för att skapa förutsättningar för ett lärande inom ekologisk hållbar utveckling. För att generera kunskap kring detta genomfördes kvalitativa fokussamtal i två omgångar, med två olika företag. Samtalen analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att en utbildningsinsats som ämnar leda till ett aktivt miljöförbättringsarbete och ett kontinuerligt lärande ska sträcka sig över flera utbildningstillfällen. Tillfällena i insatsen bör ta vara på verksamhetens kunskap genom inklusion av medarbetare, knyta miljöfrågan till verksamheten, drivas av en engagerad ledning och ta vara på medarbetarnas personliga engagemang. Dessutom ställs krav på företagets kultur i form av att den ska vara öppen för ifrågasättande av rutiner samt drivas av en vilja att utvecklas. Resultaten visar även på likheter mellan konceptet ständiga förbättringar och lärande, och vidare föreslås djupare studier kring dessa likheter. Vidare forskning föreslås även i form av att testa de faktorer som detta examensarbete har resulterat i. / The expectations for a company to actively work on reducing their environmental impact are higher today than ever before. With an environmental certification, companies can show their responsibilities towards the environment to their stakeholders, and improve the chances to securing a position on the future market. An environmental certification, such as the standard ISO 14001, includes the need for continuous improvements to an organization’s processes and strategic environmental work. The term continuous improvements origins from Toyota Motors successful way of working - kaizen. It implies that everything can be madea little better than it is right now. This interpretation of continuous improvements goeswell together with environmental improvements in business since we are still on a journeytowards the most sustainable way of living. Two electrical contracting companies have through the web-based application System C2TM excelled in their work with continuous environmental improvements. Since a success factor to continuous improvements has proven to be education, one can assume that the two studied companies have a learning culture in their workplace that has led to this success. However, this learning culture is not specified. The purpose of this study is to examine what a training session in ecologically sustainable development should involve, not only lead to continuous improvements, but also to continuous learning. To generate knowledge about this, a qualitative study has been made. Two focus group conversations with each of the studied companies were made to gather data about their work with continuous environmental improvements. The data from the focus group conversations were analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results show that a training session that aims to lead to continuous improvements and learning within the organization consists of several sessions. The training sessions should make use of the knowledge within the organization, connect the environmental issue to the organization, involve an engaged leadership, and make use of the personal engagement amongst the coworkers. Apart from this, demands on the company culture are being made in order to create a learning organization. The culture should be open to challenge the existing routines and strive to develop the company to the better. The results from this study show that there are similarities between continuous improvements and learning. Suggested as further research is to examine the similarities between learning and continuous improvements. Another example for further research is to test the factors presented in this study, in a training session about ecologically sustainable development.
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Icke-verbal kommunikation i flerspråkiga utbildningsverksamheter för yngre barn : Ur en specialpedagogs och en logopeds synvinkelPalmgren, Louise, Thornblad, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Icke-verbal kommunikation är ett viktigt komplement till det verbala språket, inte främst i utbildningsverksamheter med yngre barn. Syftet med studien är att undersöka en logopeds och en specialpedagogs syn på hur och om icke-verbal kommunikation används medvetet som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i flerspråkiga verksamheter för yngre barn och varför det används. För att ta reda på det har vi genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med en logoped och en specialpedagog samt utgått från John Deweys pragmatiska perspektiv. Genom arbetet har vi kommit fram till att icke-verbal kommunikation är av vikt för att förstärka och förtydliga det verbala språket och att icke-verbal kommunikation är bra för alla men nödvändigt för vissa. Det är upp till pedagogerna att ha den kunskapen för att använda det med ett tydligt syfte för det individuella barnets skull. Slutsatserna som dras i studien visar bland annat att gester, kroppsspråk och olika former av material används som medveten icke-verbal kommunikation i flerspråkiga verksamheter och detta används i situationer under hela dagen i framför allt samspelssituationer, i interaktion, i situationer där något behöver förtydligas samt när någon kommer till en ny språkig miljö. Detta i syfte att skapa förståelse, göra sig förstådd, förtydliga, kommunicera, uttrycka kommunikation på ett annat sätt och för att fungera språkfrämjande. / Non-verbal communication is an important complement to the verbal language in activities with younger children. The purpose of the study is to investigate the views of a speech therapist and a special education teacher on how and if non-verbal communication is used deliberately as a pedagogical tool in multilingual activities for younger children and why it´s used. To find out, we conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews and based our work on John Deweys pragmatic perspective. We have come to the conclusion that non-verbal communication is important to reinforce and clarify the verbal language and that it´s good for everyone but necessary for some. It´s up to the educators to have knowledge, in order to use it with a clear purpose for the individual child´s sake. Some of the conclusions drawn in the study show that gestures, body language and different types of materials are used as conscious non-verbal communication in multilingual activities and is used in situations throughout the day in mainly interaction situations, in interaction, in situations where something needs to be clarified and when someone comes to a new linguistic environment. This is for the purpose of creating understanding, making oneself understood, clarifying, communicating, expressing communication in a different way and to function as a language promoter.
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Effective marketing strategies for township schools in the Gauteng ProvinceMpofu, Ian 01 1900 (has links)
This Mixed Method Research Project examines the possible marketing strategies that can be used to market township schools in the Gauteng province, within an increasingly competitive educational system. These strategies are investigated within the largely unbalanced infrastructural and resource dichotomy that exists between most township schools and the former Model C schools; the results of which has seen among many other challenges, the ever increasing learner migration from the township schools to the former Model C suburban schools. This pedagogical manuscript adopts a case study approach while simultaneously integrating the influences of established research paradigms like pragmatism and enterpretivism. Within the attempt to find the best marketing options for township schools, the project also consciously attempts to identify the challenges (and possible solutions) that the said schools face as they try to market themselves. The benefits of implementing the marketing matrix within the education product are henceforth highlighted within the narrative of the project. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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A Cultural Approach to Crisis Management : Comparison between Sweden and GermanyRichter, Sandra, Lehmann, Stefanie January 2016 (has links)
Problem: Triggered by the present emission scandal of Volkswagen, we came across the fact that corporate crises constitute a revenant topic in the business world. They often entail significant consequences for the affected companies such as reputation damages, financial losses and loss of trust from stakeholders. Also the people working at these companies experience exceptional situations, managers as well as employees on all levels. Corporate crises can be influenced by many factors, for instance through internal triggers like power distance, transparency and communication. These factors can influence the development of a corporate crisis in a positive as well as in a negative manner. Purpose: With the underlying study our goal was to find fostering and hindering factors for corporate crises that are connected to internal processes within multinational companies. Initially we sought to understand which impact organizational structures have on the crisis management in a company. Later in our study, the impact of corporate culture as well as cultural origin emerged and caught our interest. That resulted in a shift of our focus towards the impact of a company’s cultural origin on corporate crisis management. Method: For the underlying master thesis, we conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with 13 companies and investigated the real-life case of Volkswagen through secondary data. Based on that we created 14 case studies. Through a highly explorative iterative process, we further analyzed our collected data going back and forth between our empirical data and emerging theory. Main Findings: Our empirical data suggested that corporate crises can be triggered internally, initiated for example by strict governance, hierarchy and insufficient transparency. Moreover, organizational structures are strongly influenced by the corporate culture of a company. Corporate culture, furthermore, seems to be strongly influenced by the cultural origin of a company, regarding decision-making procedures, responsibilities and communication. Finally, in the perception of our respondents within our empirical study there is a link between the cultural origin of a company and its crisis management. Contribution: Although crisis management constitutes an exhaustive researched topic, we were able to contribute to the area of crisis management with an empirical indicator of the cultural origin of a company constituting an impacting factor for corporate crisis management. This coherence has not been acknowledged by crisis management literature to a meaningful extent so far.
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Multimodal carrier liability in the U.S. and Canada : towards uniformity of applicable rules?Katsivela, Maria-Eleftheria 09 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Droit (LL.D.) et à la Faculté de Droit et de Sciences Politiques de l'Université de Nantes en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur" / From its inception, intermodal transport of goods has served trade, shippers and carriers,
radically increasing transactions of goods worldwide. Multimodal carrier liability rules,
however, have not evolved with the same rhythm and remain fragmented cross-modally and
cross-country. This is also the case of the U.S. and Canada. The need to seek uniformity of
applicable rules in these two countries led us to the comparative analysis of unimodal (landocean)
rules in these two countries. Guided by past failed initiatives (1980 United Nations
Convention on International Multimodal Transport), the European intermodal reality,
transport deregulation, pragmatism, fairness in the relation between the carrier and the
shipper and Law & Economics principles, we used harmonization, codification and
contractualism in advancing our suggestions on uniform multimodal carrier liability rules. / Dès sa naissance, Ie transport intermodal a servi le commerce, les chargeurs et les
transporteurs, augmentant de façon importante le transport des marchandises au niveau
mondial. Pourtant, les règles de responsabilité du transporteur multimodal n'ont pas evolué
au meme rythme et restent fragmentées à travers les modes et les pays. C'est aussi Ie cas des
États-Unis et du Canada. Le besoin de chercher l'uniformité des règles applicables nous a
conduit à l'étude comparée des règles unimodales (terrestres-maritimes) dans ces deux pays.
Guidés par l'échec des initiatives passées (Convention de Nations Unies sur Ie Transport
Multimodal International des Marchandises, 1980), la réalité intermodale europeenne, la
déréglementation du transport, Ie pragmatisme, la justice dans Ie rapport entre le
transporteur et le chargeur et l'analyse économique de droit, nous avons utilisé
l'harmonisation, la codification et le contractualisme en vue d'avancer nos suggestions sur
des règles de responsabilité uniformes du transporteur multimodal.
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