Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pragmatism"" "subject:"pragmatisme""
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Martin Heidegger and the problem of transcendenceLim, Jessica 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour point de départ l’idée du jeune Heidegger selon laquelle le sens de l’être doit être recherché au moyen d’une phénoménologie ontologique, plus précisément par l’analytique existentiale du Dasein et la destruction de l’histoire de l’ontologie ; ou, comme nous l’interprétons, dans la transcendance du Dasein et la transcendance de l’être. L’étude du problème de la transcendance fait l’objet d’une approche phénoménologique, laquelle porte une attention particulière au vécu en tant que tel ainsi qu’aux conditions de possibilité de ce vécu, et repose sur une lecture attentive et critique des œuvres de Heidegger. C’est une telle approche phénoménologique qui nous permettra de mener à bien notre analyse du problème de la transcendance dans le corpus heideggérien. Nous serons par ailleurs en mesure d’aborder le débat opposant à ce sujet la tradition analytique (plus particulièrement l’approche pragmatiste) et la tradition continentale, notre étude s’inscrivant dans le cadre de cette dernière.
Nous proposons ici une phénoménologie du problème de la transcendance qui fait également figure de phénoménologie du sens, de la possibilité et de la normativité. Prenant pour point de départ certaines contributions issues de la tradition continentale, nous soutenons que le sens de l’être peut être compris comme le problème de la transcendance. L’histoire de la philosophie doit être perturbée, déconstruite et repensée afin que le chemin de la philosophie, encore non pensé, puisse être mis au jour. L’accès à cet autre commencement doit être recherché dans la transcendance en tant que telle – de l’appel de la conscience fondé dans la nullité à l’encontre authentique avec la mort et
l’ouverture de la temporalité ; de l’avènement historial de l’être jusqu’à, ultimement, le
refus de l’être et le retrait du rien. L’événement (Ereignis) de l’être est donc compris comme processus de dépassement de soi à partir duquel la transcendance de l’être – ou, comme le formule Heidegger, la fin des questions – est possible. / This thesis takes its starting point from the early Heidegger’s insight that the meaning of being must be sought through an ontological phenomenology, and specifically, through the existential analytic of Dasein and the destruction of the history of ontology, or, as I broadly construe it, the transcendence of Dasein and the transcendence of being. The study of the problem of transcendence is approached phenomenologically, that is to say, with a concern for the lived experience as such and the conditions of possibility of this experience, as well as the close and critical reading of Heidegger’s works. I bring this approach to bear on my investigation of the problem of transcendence in Heidegger’s corpus and to the debate between analytic (especially pragmatist) and continental scholarship within which I situate my study of Heidegger.
I present a phenomenology of the problem of transcendence that is also a phenomenology of meaning, possibility and normativity. Taking my lead from continental readers of Heidegger, I argue that the meaning of being can be understood as the problem of transcendence. The history of philosophy must be disrupted, deconstructed, and rethought such that the unthought path of philosophy is released. The way to the other beginning must be sought in transcendence as such – from the null- based call of conscience, to the authentic encounter with death and the disclosure of temporality, from the historical happening of being, and ultimately, to the refusal of being and the withdrawal of the nothing. The event of being is therefore a self-surpassing process from which the transcendence of being – indeed, the end of questions, as Heidegger puts it – is possible.
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Les pratiques des consultants dans la gestion des risques psychosociaux au travail / Consultants' practices in psychosocial risk managementChakor, Tarik 13 June 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser les pratiques des consultants dans la gestion des risques psychosociaux au travail (RPS). Phénomène au cœur de l'actualité mais mal défini, les RPS peuvent faire l'objet d'une approche restrictive, tendant à individualiser le risque, à limiter la responsabilité de l'employeur et à soigner le travailleur ; ou d'une approche élargie, appréhendant la dimension organisationnelle du risque, étendant la responsabilité de l'employeur et soignant le travail et son organisation. Il s'agit d'un champ stratégique autour de l'imputation de la responsabilité du risque, opposant principalement employeurs et représentants du personnel.Sur la base d'un échantillon de 37 consultants et d'une démarche exploratoire qualitative, ancrée dans le paradigme interprétativiste pragmatique, nous avons souligné l'hétérogénéité de leurs pratiques, pouvant se traduire dans le choix du commanditaire, le profil disciplinaire du consultant, le contexte d'intervention et les modalités de questionnement, d'analyse et de « mise en marche » de la démarche. Il existe ainsi trois « pratiques-type » : les pratiques co-constructives, adaptatives et militantes. Inscrits dans une logique de marché, les consultants sont des acteurs hybrides, oscillant entre co-construction et adaptation, voire militantisme, en fonction des marges de manœuvre et des besoins du commanditaire. Un second terrain d'enquête, un établissement de soins privé ayant eu recours à l'intervention d'un consultant, a permis de mettre en évidence l'une des limites des pratiques des consultants : la « réappropriation stratégique » des préconisations et du contenu du rapport de mission par l'employeur. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze consultants' practices in psychosocial risks (PSR) management. Phenomenon at the heart of news but without consensual definition, PSR have both approaches: a restrictive one individualizes the risk, limits employer's responsibility and promotes individual care; a broader one considers the organizational dimension of the risk, extends employer's responsibility and promotes work and organization care. This is a strategic field around risk responsibility allocation, putting employers against union representatives.We conducted an exploratory qualitative study at the pragmatic interpretativist paradigm, using a consultant sample (n=37). We showed the consultants' practices heterogeneity around customer/sponsor, specialization, context and PSR management characteristics. Three “practices-type” exist: co-constructives, adaptatives and activists practices. Consultants are hybrids actors from the perspective of competitive market logic: their practices fluctuate between co-constructives and adaptatives practices, even activists ones. We also performed a second field work highlighted one limit of consultants' practices: the “strategic re-appropriation”of recommandations by employer.
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Effective marketing strategies for township schools in the Gauteng ProvinceMpofu, Ian 01 1900 (has links)
This Mixed Method Research Project examines the possible marketing strategies that can be used to market township schools in the Gauteng province, within an increasingly competitive educational system. These strategies are investigated within the largely unbalanced infrastructural and resource dichotomy that exists between most township schools and the former Model C schools; the results of which has seen among many other challenges, the ever increasing learner migration from the township schools to the former Model C suburban schools. This pedagogical manuscript adopts a case study approach while simultaneously integrating the influences of established research paradigms like pragmatism and enterpretivism. Within the attempt to find the best marketing options for township schools, the project also consciously attempts to identify the challenges (and possible solutions) that the said schools face as they try to market themselves. The benefits of implementing the marketing matrix within the education product are henceforth highlighted within the narrative of the project. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Perspectives épistémologiques en analyse du comportement : les enjeux du langage et de la cognition / Epistemological perspectives in behavior analysis : the issues of language and cognitionMassin, Julie 03 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis plus de quarante ans, une effervescence théorique est constatée au sein d’un courant actuel de la psychologie connu sous le nom d’« analyse du comportement » concernant les activités relatives au langage et à la cognition. Au vu de la persistance d’une absence de consensus dans ces domaines, ce travail propose une réflexion théorique et épistémologique sur les origines et évolutions de ce courant. Cet élargissement de la perspective permet de considérer les liens entre les principes premiers et les conceptualisations ultérieurement apparues. Ce travail propose alors de voir les difficultés de théorisation du langage et de la cognition en lien avec l’un des axiomes fondateurs : le refus d’inférer des entités internes sur le plan théorique. Il discute ensuite des conséquences d’une réintégration de telles inférences, eu égard à l’une des dimensions épistémologiques historiques de ce courant, celle du pragmatisme, ainsi que vis-à-vis d’une dimension plus éloignée de ses origines, celle du constructivisme. Il présente enfin plusieurs pistes thérapeutiques en tant que développements des conclusions épistémologiques et propose, dans ce cadre, de considérer la logique comme un instrument thérapeutique à part entière. / For more than forty years, a theoretical effervescence has been observed within a contemporary area in psychology, known as “behavior analysis”, regarding the objective of dealing with language and cognition. However, the different propositions explored so far haven’t managed to federate the researchers in the field. Because of the enduring character of this difficulty, the current work puts forward a theoretical and epistemological reflection about the origins and evolutions of this area. The point of view this work brings leads to consider this difficulty of dealing with language and cognition in relation to one of its founding axioms, namely: the refusal of theoretical inferences. It then discusses consequences to reinstate these inferences, regarding one of the historical epistemological dimensions of this area: pragmatism, as well as concerning a dimension more distant from its origins: constructivism. It finally presents several therapeutical tracks as developments of the epistemological conclusions and proposes, in this context, to consider logic as a therapeutic instrument in its own right.
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Critical thinking produces lasting knowledge : A litterateur study on why critical thinking is necessary for student’s development, Illustrated through the high school subject religion and science in religion studiesAnnis, Nicole January 2019 (has links)
This essay will present a discussion about why critical thinking is crucial for student’s long-term development with the subject religion and science in high school religion as an example of how this can be fulfilled. Three different theories will be applied in this essay in order to form a comprehensive discussion. The three different theories presented in the theoretical framework are, John Dewey ‘s pragmatism, Hannah Arendt’s Natality and Paulo Freire’s Marxist theory. The subject religion and science was only recently added to the most updated curriculum, which has led to teachers taking it more seriously. Prior to that it was only a topic, which could or could not have been excluded. Now that it is included in the curriculum, new teaching approaches and learning strategies are necessary because of its density. The relationship between religion and science has several different perspectives and attitudes meaning that student’s can freely adapt their own because basically, no opinion or answer is wrong. Student’s can analyze, think critically and then develop his or her own understandings of the topic. The teacher must remain unbiased when teaching this topic so student’s can eventually develop his or her own creative views and opinions on the subject being studied. The schools curriculum emphasizes the fact that student’s are to develop his or her own creative opinions in life that will eventually contribute to society. The curriculum also stresses the importance of developing critical thinking and the ability to reflect. Critical thinking is a useful skill for all subject and matter and life however, it is not something that can develop on its own. Through reflection, and sufficient amount of guidance, the student’s ability to think critically will develop and progress into life long knowledge. Moreover, new knowledge that is reflected upon and critically analyzed will be memorized competently.
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Educação, emancipação e corresponsabilidade em Karl Otto Apel / Education, emancipation e corresponsability in Karl Otto ApelAquino, José Moacir de 09 May 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica analítico-reflexiva, a possível contribuição da filosofia de Karl Otto Apel no sentido de fundamentar no a priori da comunidade de comunicação para uma perspectiva de educação intencionada na emancipação e na corresponsabilidade. Estruturalmente, este trabalho abrange três partes. Na primeira parte, procura-se compreender a problemática da transformação da filosofia apeliana como abertura para repensar a fundamentação filosófica da educação. São considerados aspectos referentes à retranscendentalização da filosofia no marco do paradigma da linguagem, à recuperação da dimensão pragmática da linguagem na semiótica transcendental de Apel e à pretensão de superação do solipsismo metódico pressuposto na concepção de ciência unitária. Em razão da aparente invisibilidade da questão da educação na filosofia de Apel, inclusive em suas publicações relativas ao campo ético-político, a hipótese guia dessa primeira parte é a suspeita de um déficit de abordagem da filosofia de Apel em relação ao campo da pedagogia e da filosofia da educação. O foco da segunda parte é a especulação acerca de possíveis pontos de desdobramentos da semiótica transcendental, a concepção filosófica original como paradigma de prima philosophia no que tange à razão teorética, para o âmbito da educação. Para tanto, explicita-se o itinerário analítico-crítico de Apel em redor do linguistichermeneutic-pragmatic turn e, em seguida, como contribuição especulativa depreendida da semiótica transcendental, tematiza-se sobre a educação no sentido de uma formação que visa à elevação da humanidade e à autoria do sujeito. A terceira parte trata do entrelaçamento colateral dos conceitos de emancipação, apresentado com a pretensão de esboçar um novo viés da Teoria Crítica ligada à Escola de Frankfurt, e de corresponsabilidade, tematizado no âmbito da ética do discurso de Apel, com a compreensão geral da educação como ciência social da mediação entre teoria e práxis em vista do interesse cognitivo emancipador e da responsabilidade solidária. Com base no a priori da comunidade de comunicação, pretende-se demonstrar que a filosofia de Apel representa uma contribuição relevante para a reflexão de natureza filosófica em meio às abordagens das ciências da educação, à medida que ela fornece a pressuposição última racional dos fundamentos do campo da educação. Como elemento original desse trabalho, defende-se a ideia de que, de modo suplementar à filosofia prática de Apel, a esfera da educação possa figurar, transversalmente aos subsistemas coercitivos da responsabilidade ligados à política, ao direito e à economia, como uma mediação institucional contraestratégica responsável pela formação para a emancipação e corresponsabilidade histórica do homem pelo mundo. A educação pode, então, constituir-se, no sentido da formação que eleva à humanidade e desenvolve o primado judicativo do sujeito com base nos mínimos éticos universais implícitos no jogo hermenêutico-pragmático transcendental de linguagem. Tal via é fundamental para reduzir paulatinamente a diferença radical entre as condições ideais de uma comunidade ilimitada de comunicação e as condições históricas e contingentes da situação da comunidade real de comunicação. Enquanto mediação contraestratégica, a educação pode contribuir na criação das condições sociais suficientes para possibilitar a efetivação da resolução consensual-argumentativa dos problemas teóricos e práticos na sociedade. / This work addresses, through an analytical-reflexive bibliographical revision, the possible contribution of Karl Otto Apels philosophy with the intent of substantiating in the a priori of the communication community a purposeful education perspective in emancipation and corresponsability. Structurally, this work encompasses three parts. In the first part, we seek to comprehend the Apelian philosophy transformation issue as an opening to rethink the philosophical basis of education. We will consider aspects referred to the retranscendentalization of philosophy on what is referenced to the languages paradigm, the recuperation of the pragmatic dimension of language in the transcendental-semiotic of Apel, and to the desire of the surpassing of the methodic solipsism in the conception of unitary science. Because of the apparent invisibility of education in Apels philosophy, even in his publications in the ethical-political field, the guide-hypothesis is the idea of a deficit in the approach of Apels philosophy relating to the field of pedagogy and education philosophy. The second parts focus concerns the speculation on possible unfolding points in transcendental-semiotics, the original philosophical concept as a paradigm of prima philosophia in terms of theoretical reason in the context of education. For that, we clarify Apels analytical-critical itinerary around the linguistic-hermeneutic-pragmatic turn and, following that, as speculative contribution taken from transcendental-semiotics, we argue about education in the sense of a formation that seeks to elevate mankind and the subjects authorship. The third part is about the collateral interweaving of the emancipation concepts, presented with the intent of outlining a new view of Critical Theory, connected to the Frankfurt School, and of corresponsability, in the context of Apels discourse ethics, with the general comprehension of education as a social science of theory and practice mediation, considering the cognitive emancipatory interest and of solidary responsibility. Supported on the communication community a priori, we intend to demonstrate that Apels philosophy represents a relevant contribution to the philosophical reflection in the midst of educational sciences approaches, as it provides the final reasoning of the educational science field. As an unique element in this work, we defend the idea that, in addition to Apels practical philosophy, the educational sphere can appear transversally to the coercive responsibility subsystems, connected to politics, law and economy, as an anti-strategic institutional mediation that results in the formation towards emancipation and historical corresponsability of men throughout the world. Therefore education can be constituted in the sense of formation that elevates to humanity and develops the priority to form a critical opinion of the subjects with a basis on the basic universal ethics implicit in the hermeneutic-pragmatic transcendental game of language. This view is fundamental to slowly reduce the radical differences between an unlimited communication communitys ideal conditions and the eventual situations in a real communication community. As an anti-strategic mediation, education can contribute in creating enough social conditions to make possible the establishing of the consensualargumentative resolution of the theoretical and practical problems in society.
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La pensée et le réel : l'idée de monisme neutre / Thought and reality : the idea of neutral monismCouture-Mingheras, Alexandre 07 December 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail porte sur le monisme neutre et montre qu'il s'agit d'une Idée qui sert de levier pour penser un réel antérieur au partage entre idéalisme et réalisme, avant la scission du monde entre intériorité et extériorité. Nous proposons une relecture des auteurs désignés par Russell lorsqu'il en invente la « catégorie ». Si chez Avenarius il s'agit de sauter par-dessus l'histoire car la logique à son principe est jugée viciée, et que chez Mach toute hypostase se trouve amenée à la fine pointe de sa dissolution identitaire, chez James le temps est le lieu même de déprise du dualisme et de neutralisation catégoriale : nous réinterprétons l'expérience pure comme la transposition sur le plan de l'être, pré-dual, du courant de conscience. Ce premier axe s'achève avec Russell, dont nous montrons qu'il est en réalité moniste neutre lorsqu'il en invente et critique la catégorie, selon un idéal de définitisation qui se trouve aussi bien en terrain gnoséologique (le Je pur se démultipliant à l'infini dans la construction logique du monde physique) qu'en terrain éthique (l'universalisation du désir). Le second axe conduit à la philosophie de l'immanence de Schuppe et Schubert-Soldem, ultime figure de réalisation de l'idée où le réalisme se trouve identifié à l'idéalisme, et l'unité restaurée entre la conscience et le monde. A ce titre, la Immanenzphilosophie constitue une version alternative à l'idéalisme transcendantal husserlien et dont la phénoménologie post-husserlienne retrouve certaines intuitions séminales. / Our thesis examines neutral monism and defends that is an Idea in order to think reality prior to its division between realism and idealism, before the world-split between interiority and exteriority. In the first part we shed a new light on the authors referred to by Russell when he invents the neutral monism category. Avenarius's aim is to abandon history since its logic is considered to be invalidated. Mach, since he wants to deconstruct all kind of hypostasis, is led to the self-destruction of identity. As for James, we propose to construe his notion of pure experience: time serves the purpose to neutralize all categories and to reject dualism, and thus results from the ontologicaltransposition of the psychological thought current. This first part ends with the study of Russell, where we demonstrate that he is more akin to neutral monism when he invented et rejected the term, in accordance with his rationalist ideal of universalization, in the theoretical field (the pure I which can multiply itself in order to logically construct the physical world) as well as in the ethical one (to universalize one's des ire). The second part leads to the philosophy of immanence of Schuppe and Schubert-Soldem: the idea is here realized, by the identification of realism and idealism, the reconciliation between consciousness and world. The Immanenzphilosophie can be regarded as an alternative to Husserl's transcendental idealism where the post-Husserlian phenomenology finds once again some of its seminal intuitions.
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A força normativa dos precedentes: uma abordagem pragmática-discursivaAvoglio, Heitor Pereira Villaça 30 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / This paper focuses on the figure of precedent. Brazilians constitutional and processes reforms lead
off to a new expertise: the system of binding decisions. The primarily founded basis for this new
model is the utilitarian interests and the production targets, which does not seem satisfactory to
itsopposite side: the correct cognition and reasoning of justice. At first, this paper looks into the stare
decisis technique: a sort of a mechanical system that searches the judicial court´s precedents, typical
in countries with Common Law traditions. Reached certain conclusions, the author embraces the
theory ideate by Ronald Dworkin and Robert Alexy, mainly the qualitative assortment between rules
and principles. After a review about the need to rely on a paradigm of discourse, this paper
concludes that that theory of stare decisis and the model proposed by the legislatives reforms are
insufficient in order to propitiate a full understanding of the whole precedent theory, and suggests a
third kind of legal standard of law, endowed with legal force by means of reason, which was first
conceived by Jürgen Habermas doctrine. With this new initial concept, the author proposes a new
figure for the stare decisis cognition, by legal certainty, accountability, argumentative basis, etc. At
last, finishes by rejecting the existing legislative model, arguing that it reveals the revival of a
paradigm which has long surpassed: the judge as the mouth of the law / O presente trabalho enfoca a figura do precedente. As reformas constitucionais e do processo
iniciaram uma nova mentalidade no direito brasileiro: a de um sistema de decisões vinculantes.
Propostos moldes para tal sistema, com base principalmente nos interesses utilitaristas e de metas
de produção, eles não se mostram satisfatórios para o outro lado da moeda: a correta cognição e
fundamentação da justiça. Recorre o trabalho, inicialmente, a uma investigação sobre o stare decisis:
uma espécie de mecânica do sistema de precedentes judiciais nos países de tradição do common
law. Alcançadas certas conclusões, o autor adota a teoria de Ronald Dworkin e Robert Alexy,
notadamente a classificação qualitativa das normas jurídicas entre regras e princípios. Após uma
crítica sobre a necessidade de se apoiar em um paradigma discursivo, o trabalho conclui que esta
teoria e o modelo de súmula vinculante proposto pela reforma não são suficientes para uma
compreensão integral dos precedentes, pelo que propõe seu conceito como terceira espécie de
norma jurídica, dotada de força normativa por meio de razões, com o que muito se buscou em
Jürgen Habermas. Com este novo conceito inicial, o autor propõe novas roupagens às noções de
stare decisis, segurança jurídica, responsabilidade argumentativa, etc., rechaçando por fim o modelo
existente pela razão de se tratar de uma retomada de um paradigma há muito superado: o juiz bocada‐
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Les dynamiques intrapreneuriales des innovations pédagogiques à l’Université : une approche contextuelle / Intrapreneurial Dynamics of Pedagogical Innovation at University : a contextual analysisEwango-Chatelet, Aurélie 22 May 2017 (has links)
Pourquoi et comment la gestion des processus d'innovations pédagogiques se pratique dans les universités françaises? Cette recherche se situe au carrefour de quatre thématiques complémentaires : le management de l'innovation, le management stratégique, l'entrepreneuriat organisationnel ou intrapreneuriat et les systèmes d'innovation. A partir d'une perspective comportementale, la thèse emprunte aussi des concepts issus de divers domaines des sciences sociales, pour identifier et analyser en profondeur les processus de transformations organisationnelles qui sont toujours situés au sein d'un contexte institutionnel donné et qui émergent des interactions entre les processus stratégiques au niveau organisationnel et les processus de changement de pratiques au niveau individuel. Les innovations pédagogiques universitaires en constituent le terrain empirique. L'extrême autonomie et la faible interdépendance fonctionnelle dans les activités d'enseignement à l'université rendent ce terrain particulièrement prometteur pour une étude des processus innovants de l'action collective en contexte organisationnel. / Why and how does management of innovative initiatives proceed in French universities? This research is at the crossroads of four complementary themes: innovation management, strategic management, corporate entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship and innovation systems. This PHD thesis is drawing up a behavioral perspective; also borrows concepts from various fields of social sciences to identify and thoroughly analyze the processes of organizational transformations that are always embedded in a given institutional context and emerge from interactions between strategic processes at the organizational level and change of practices processes at the individual level. The empirical field consists of Innovations in learning and teaching in higher education. Academic Teaching and Learning practices are characterized by autonomy and low interdependence; they represent a promise field for studying innovative process in collective action in organizational context.
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Como os juízes decidem os casos difíceis? A guinada pragmática de Richard Posner e a crítica de Ronald Dworkin / How do judges decide hard cases? Richard Posners pragmatic turn and Ronald Dorkins criticsArruda, Thais Nunes de 06 May 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema a guinada pragmática do juiz norte-americano Richard A. Posner e a aplicação de sua teoria da adjudicação pragmática aos casos difíceis. Para identificar o contexto em que se deu esta virada, apresentaremos em breve síntese a origem do pragmatismo nos Estados Unidos da América, suas implicações filosóficas e jurídicas para os paradigmas duais modernos, e sua influência no realismo jurídico. A virada linguística e da pós-modernidade darão forma a um neopragmatismo, cuja tônica será uma espécie de antifundacionalismo e antiteoria que será adotada por juristas a partir do final da década de 1980. Apresentado este cenário, adentrar-se-á ao trabalho de Richard Posner, destacando-se sua ascensão no movimento da Análise Econômica do Direito até que, influenciado por fragmentos das teorias enunciadas no primeiro capítulo e pelas críticas lançadas à redução do direito ao formalismo econômico, proporá uma releitura das possibilidades e dos limites da aplicação da economia ao direito, adotando uma abordagem mais abrangente e interdisciplinar, próxima ao pragmatismo jurídico. O pragmatismo de Posner terá como pilares a rejeição à autonomia do direito e a problemática da objetividade jurídica, fundamentada no consenso e na indeterminação mitigada do direito, que o levará a defender a impossibilidade de respostas certas aos casos difíceis e a incapacidade da filosofia moral auxiliar o direito. Posner oferecerá daí, uma visão própria de pragmatismo e razão prática, que constituirá o pragmatismo cotidiano e à teoria da adjudicação pragmática, sua relação com os métodos de outras áreas do conhecimento, com o formalismo e a concepção de razoabilidade, bem como a sua aplicação a um caso difícil. No terceiro e último capítulo deste trabalho, serão examinadas as dificuldades da proposta pragmática de Posner apontadas na crítica de Ronald Dworkin, sobretudo sobre o papel da objetividade no direito, a importância da filosofia moral na definição dos fins jurídicos e o perigo da transformação do empreendimento jurídico em um consequencialismo de regras. / This work proposes de analysis of the pragmatic turn of the American judge, Richard A. Posner and application of his theory of pragmatic adjudication to difficult cases. To identify the context in which this turn is given, we present in brief outline the origins of pragmatism in the United States of America, its philosophical implications and legal paradigms for modern dualisms, and its influence on legal realism. The linguistic turn and postmodernism will form a neo-pragmatism, whose keynote will be a kind of antifoundationalism and anti-theory that will be adopted by jurists from the late 1980\'s. Presented this scenario, we will enter into the work of Richard Posner, highlighting its emergence as a pioneer of the movement of Economic Analysis of Law until, influenced by fragments of the theories set out in the first chapter and reviews posted by the reduction of the right to economic formalism, propose a review of the possibilities and limits of application of economics, law, adopting a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, the next legal pragmatism. The pillars of Posner\'s pragmatism will be the rejection of the autonomy of law and legal issues of objectivity, based on consensus and mitigated indeterminacy of law, which will lead to the adoption of the no-right answers thesis to difficult cases and the inability of moral theory to provide a solid basis for legal judgments. Posner then, offer a particular vision of pragmatism and practical reason, which constitute the everyday pragmatism and the theory of pragmatic adjudication, its relation with the methods of other areas of knowledge, with legal formalism and the concept of reasonableness, and its application to a difficult case. In the third and final chapter of this study will examine the difficulties of Posner\'s pragmatic proposal outlined in the critique of Ronald Dworkin, especially on the role of objectivity in the law, the importance of moral philosophy in defining the legal purposes and the danger of transformation of the enterprise legal in a rule-consequentialism.
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