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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odling på bostadsgårdar : grönare gårdsrum för granngemenskap och biologisk mångfald

Forsvik, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Stadsodling har allt oftare börjat påtalas i städers styrdokument, till exempel Stockholms stad, som en strategi för att främja social och ekologisk stadsutveckling. Familjebostäder, ett av Stockholms allmännyttiga bostadsföretag har vidare fått som verksamhetsdirektiv att arbeta med stadsodling i sin verksamhet. Genom en kvalitativ studie av tre av Familjebostäders bostadsgårdar, där en stadsodling har startats på en av gårdarna, undersöks boendes möjligheter att odla. Detta konkretiseras i hur stadsodling på innergårdar kan skapa sociala mervärden för brukarna och bidra till ekologiska värden på/i gården, som en del av stadens övergripande grönstruktur. Studien undersöker även åtgärdsbehov och utvecklingsmöjligheter för Familjebostäders arbete med planering och förvaltning av sina innegårdar framöver. Underlaget till studien utgörs av en litteraturstudie, fallstudie och intervjuer som en del av fallstudien. Totalt har 33 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med två särskilt sakkunniga inom stadsodling, fyra tjänstepersoner från Familjebostäder och 27 boende, varav fem stycken är brukare av stadsodlingen. Studien visar att hyresgäster kan involveras i odling på sin gård genom att initiativet till odling kommer antingen centralt, organiserat av förvaltaren, eller att initiativet kommer från de boende själva, vilket förutsätter att förvaltaren kan bemöta sådana initiativ. De ekosystemtjänster som odling kan skapa på gårdar, är främst kulturella - men även till viss del stödjande och reglerande ekosystemtjänster. Organisatoriskt sett kan Familjebostäder i sin verksamhet systematisk arbeta med att inkludera boende i frågor som handlar om deras utemiljö i allmänhet och stadsodling i synnerhet, både i ett kortsiktigt och långsiktigt perspektiv. Slutligen bidrar studien till en slutsats och diskussion om hur brukarmedverkan i boendes närmiljö och odling kan bidra till social aktivitet och som en målpunkt på gården. Gårdar som är interaktiva upplevs som trivsamma av sina hyresgäster, leder till möten mellan grannar och främjar ekosystemtjänster och biologisk mångfald i allmänhet. Av de tre studerade gårdarna har gårdens struktur visat på vissa skillnader i de boendes intresse för att odla. / Urban agriculture has begun to be mentioned much more frequently in city policies as a strategy for striving towards socially and ecologically sustainable cities, with the city of Stockholm being one example. Familjebostäder, one of Stockholm’s municipal housing agencies, have furthered this by starting a directive which will implement urban agriculture into their organisation. This study has been conducted through a qualitative assessment of three of Familjebostäder’s innergardens, one of which has already had urban agriculture recently started. The focus of the study is to assess how urban agriculture on such innergardens can spur social values for users and contribute to ecological values for the yard/ shared space as part of the city’s green infrastructure. The study will also explore how Familjebostäder can be more proactive with their implementation of urban agriculture in the organisation, and integrate it with the execution and maintenance of their yards. The execution of the study consists of a literary review and case studies comprising of interviews. In total, there were 33 semi-structured interviews conducted, two of which were carried out with interviewees who have expansive knowledge surrounding urban agriculture, four representatives from Familjebostäder and 27 tenants, five of whom are currently using the garden. What the study shows is that tenants can be involved in urban gardening in their yard, whether the initiative comes from the housing organisation or whether the tenants themselves take their own initiative. The latter requires that the housing organisation can meet and enable initiatives of that kind. Ecosystem services that can be generated, in this context, are mainly cultural ecosystem services but also to some extent supporting and regulating ecosystem services. Seen from an organisational perspective, Familjebostäder can systematically improve how tenants can get involved and engaged with their courtyard and urban agriculture both in the short and long term. To conclude, the outcome of the study forms a discussion about how co-creation of the local outdoor space management and gardening can become a point of interest and a central social activity between neighbours. An interactive outdoor environment creates a space perceived as pleasant by their tenants and of which support ecosystem services and biodiversity in general. The typology of the housing and the three respective courtyards has shown that there is some variance in tenant interest of starting agricultural activities.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer för fastighetsägande bolag / Critical Success Factors for Property Owning Companies

Arafat, Dalill, Czerkinsky, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
Stockholm upplever en ökad urbanisering, en fastighetsbransch som är i ständig tillväxt, denlängsta bostadskön i historien och en vakansgrad på kontorsfastigheter som är rekordlåg. Denintensiva marknadskonkurrensen tvingar fastighetsorganisationer att anta strategier för attsäkerställa överlevnad, tillväxt och utveckling i en snabbväxande miljö. I detta avseende blirorganisatoriska metoder och tekniker ett särskilt viktigt forskningsämne. Fastighetsföretagensframgångar bör fånga samtligas uppmärksamhet då dessa är av stor vikt för ett områdesekonomiska och sociala liv.Denna studie placeras i detta teoretiska ramverk och syftar till att identifiera framgångsfaktorernaför fastighetsägande bolag i Stockholmsregionen, ur ett allmänt samt förvaltningsperspektiv.Studien siktar även på att undersöka eventuella skillnader i kritiska framgångsfaktorer beroendepå vilken typ av fastigheter företagen är specialiserade inom. Vidare lyfter studien fram eventuellaskillnader i kritiska framgångsfaktorer beroende på geografiska lägen samt om det finns enpåverkan i beslut för fastighetsägande bolag att expandera på nya orter. För att uppnå studienssyfte har författarna intervjuat sex fastighetsbolag relaterade till förvaltningssektorn i Stockholmsamt Hans Lind, f.d. professor i fastighetsekonomi på KTH. Intervjuer administrerades via telefonsamt möten med respondenter. Den studerade modellen ger en översikt som kan, på ett översiktligtsätt, användas av företag för egen analys av framgångsfaktorer.Forskningen presenteras i fyra huvuddelar. Den första delen går igenom fastighetsindustrinsegenskaper i Stockholm, specificerar forskningsproblemet samt fastställer den konceptuellaanalysen av fastighetsbranschens interna faktorer. Den andra delen består av en litteraturstudie omkritiska framgångsfaktorer i allmänhet samt i en förvaltningsmiljö. Den tredje delen fastställermetoden och tolkningen av resultaten som följer de genomförda intervjuerna. Slutligen avslutasrapporten med en allmän slutsats samt rekommendation. Slutsatsen visar att en gemensam kritiskframgångsfaktor för samtliga fastighetsägande bolag är att erbjuda en lokal närvaro inom sinabestånd. En större skillnad i kritiska framgångsfaktorer har inte visats sig finnas mellan studeradefastighetssektorer. Vidare anser samtliga bolag att det finns en skillnad i kritiska framgångsfaktorerberoende på geografiskt läge, dock påverkar det inte beslutet huruvida man ska man expandera tillnämnda läge eller inte. / The real estate industry in Stockholm is in growth, urbanization is continuous, the housing queueis longer than ever before and the vacancy rate for office spaces is at a record low. The intensivemarket competition forces real estate organizations to adopt strategies to ensure survival, growthand development in a fast-growing environment. In this regard, organizational methods andtechniques has become a prioritized field of study. The real estate companies' success should catcheveryone's attention as these are of great importance for the economic and social life of an area.This study is placed in this theoretical framework and aims to identify the critical success factorsfor property owning companies in Stockholm, both from a holistic and property managementperspective. The study also aims at investigating any differences in critical success factorsdepending on what type of real estate the company is specialized in. Furthermore, the studyhighlights if there are any differences in critical success factors depending on geographicallocations and whether it has an influence on property companies’ decisions on whether to expandin new locations. The methodology of the study includes interviews with six real estate companiesrelated to the property management sector in Stockholm, as well as Hans Lind, ex professor in realestate economics at KTH. The interviews were administered by phone calls and personal andrecorded meetings with respondents. The model studied provides an overview that can easily beused by companies for internal analysis of critical success factors.The research is presented in four main parts. The first part encompasses the characteristics of thereal estate industry in Stockholm, specifies the research problem and determines the conceptualanalysis of the real estate industry's internal factors. The second part consists of a literature studyon critical success factors in general and in a facility management environment. The third partestablishes the method and interpretation of the results that follow the conducted interviews.Finally, the report ends with a general conclusion and recommendation. Our conclusion indicatethe existence of a common critical success factor for all property-owned companies participatingin the study: to offer local presence within owned holding. There is no significant variation amongcritical success factors depending on the companies included in study. Furthermore, all companiesconsider that there is a difference in critical success factors depending on geographical location,but it does not affect the decision whether to expand to said position or not.

Bostadsrättsföreningars ekonomiska incitament till 3D – bildning : En explorativ studie om hur bostadsrättsföreningars ekonomiska incitament påverkas av det institutionella ramverket / Economic incentives for housing cooperatives to implement three-dimensional property formation : An exploratory study on how housing cooperatives' financial incentives are affected by the institutional framework

Vestring, Isak, Svalhede Fanberg, Jonatan January 2024 (has links)
Fastighetsmarknaden utvecklas i samverkan mellan ekonomi, lagar och regler. En förändring i det institutionella ramverket kan därmed ge förutsättningar för en förändring ifastighetsmarknaden. Denna studie fokuserar på hur de ekonomiska incitamenten förbostadsrättsföreningar att genomföra tredimensionell fastighetsbildning påverkas avförändringar i det institutionella ramverket. Studien fokuserar även på bakomliggandefaktorer till bostadsrättsföreningars genomförande av 3D-delning och utreder för- ochnackdelar för olika tillvägagångssätt och hur processen kan optimeras. För att besvara syftetmed studien har en explorativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts.Resultaten visar att det främsta incitamentet till att genomföra en 3D-delning av lokalytanär att förbättra skattesituationen för föreningen och dess medlemmar. Vilkettillvägagångssätt som är mest fördelaktigt beror på specifika faktorer i byggnaden ochföreningen. Studien visar att försäljning av lokalytan genererar kapital och är ett mindrekrävande alternativ som begränsar ekonomiska risker, men att föreningar med högkompetens kan välja egen förvaltning för att maximera värdet och behålla kontroll. Förföreningar med dåliga driftnetton kan det vara fördelaktigt att först förvalta själva för attsedan sälja när driftnettona förbättrats. Om lokalytan avyttrats har det visats fördelaktigt attbehålla en liten del av lokalytan som ger ett stadigt kassaflöde, samtidigt som äkthetuppnås. Det framgår att komplexiteten i det institutionella ramverket sannolikt minskarbenägenheten för föreningar med låg fastighetsrättslig expertis att genomföra en 3D-delning. Avslutningsvis visar studien att avskaffandet av lättnadsreglerna 2016 har påverkatde ekonomiska incitamenten mest, och att optimering av förrättnings- ochtransaktionsprocessen kräver hög kompetens. / The real estate market develops through the interaction of economics, laws, and regulations. A change in the institutional framework can thus create conditions for a change in the realestate market. This study focuses on how economic incentives for housing cooperatives toimplement three-dimensional property formation are affected by changes in the institutionalframework. The study also examines the underlying factors for housing cooperatives'implementation of 3D division and investigates the advantages and disadvantages ofvarious approaches and how the process can be optimized. To address the purpose of thestudy, an exploratory study with semi-structured interviews was conducted.The results show that the main incentive for carrying out a 3D division of the local area isto improve the tax situation for the association and its members. The most advantageousapproach depends on specific factors in the building and the association. The studyindicates that selling the local area generates capital and is a less demanding option thatlimits financial risks, but associations with high competence may choose self-managementto maximize value and retain control. For associations with poor net operating incomes, itmay be beneficial to manage themselves first and then sell when net operating incomeshave improved. If the local area is sold, it has been shown advantageous to retain a smallpart of the local area that provides a steady cash flow while achieving authenticity. Itappears that the complexity of the institutional framework likely reduces the willingness ofassociations with low property law expertise to carry out a 3D division. Finally, the studyshows that the abolition of the relief rules in 2016 has had the most impact on economicincentives, and that optimizing the decision-making and transaction process requires highcompetence.

Självrisk vid driftupphandling : En fallstudie om entreprenörens konstnadsansvar, självrisk, vid felavhjälpande underhållsåtgärder / Deductible for operational procurement : A case study of contractors costs, deductibles, for corrective maintenance

Fuhr, Jessie, Laaksonen, Ester January 2014 (has links)
Sedan outsourcing blev vanligare på den svenska marknaden har det även blivit vanligt att i förvaltning upphandla sin drift i konkurrens. I ett mycket tidigt skede uppmärksammandes en problematik med samarbetet mellan beställare och driftentreprenör som innebar att fakturahanteringen mellan parterna var omfattande och tidkrävande. För att bland annat minska administrationen upprättades en självriskmodell som många beställare idag tillämpar i kontrakten, vilken innebär att driftentreprenören ersätter felavhjälpande underhållsåtgärdskostnader upp till ett visst gränsbelopp.  Syftet med fallstudien är att undersöka modellens uppbyggnad och tillämpning samtatt analysera vad beställare och entreprenör anser om självriskmodellen. Studien bygger främst på primär insamlad data genom ett antal intervjuer med främst en beställare, Locum samt en sekundär datainsamling i form av en enkätundersökning besvarad av verksamma entreprenörer inom branschen. För att bibehålla det offentliga fastighetsbeståndet och för att se till brukarens bästa måste en förståelse finnas mellan beställare och entreprenör. Den lösningen som idag finns för att upprätthålla kvalité och service i en funktionsupphandling är att använda självriskmodellen. För beställaren fungerar modellen som ett incitament att funktionskraven uppnås och för att minska fakturahanteringen. Hur modellen uppfattas på marknaden med positiva och negativa aspekter skiljer sig markant beroende på vilka personliga erfarenheter en part har av den. / Since outsourcing became more common in the Swedish market, it has also become common for the management to procure its operation competitively. In a very early stage there was a problem recognized, the invoice between client and contractor was extensive and time consuming. Partly to reduce administration a deductible model was established which many clients today applies to the contracts. This means that the operating contractor himself may replace corrective maintenance action costs up to a certain amount. The purpose of this case study is to examine the model's structure and implementation, as well as to analyze clients and contractors consider of the deductible model. The study is based on primary data collected through a number of interviews with primarily client and a secondary data collection in the form of a questionnaire answered by contractors within the industry. In order to maintain the public housing stock and to ensure the patient's best interests there must be an understanding between the client and the contractor. The solution to maintain quality and service in a procurement function the client uses today the deductible model. The model serves as an incentive for the client to make sure the functional requirements are achieved and to reduce invoice processing. How the model is perceived in the market with positive and negative aspects differ markedly depending on the different experiences of it

Determination of system and processes employed by the property industry to manage information ethics in Gauteng South Africa

Moropane, Itumeleng Vanessa 10 1900 (has links)
The South African property sector is characterised by property practitioner firms that fail to comply with the Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) code of conduct and firms having inefficient systems which are unable to combat hacking and cybercrime in the sector. Although property practitioner firms have systems and processes in place, there are still instances of unethical behaviour. Failure to prevent client personal information from being leaked is still a major problem in the sector, this issue can be addressed by demonstrating due diligence with respect to safeguarding sensitive information. The accuracy of information is also a problem in the sector and requires firms to resort to analysing collected data before capturing it, in order to maintain accuracy. The sector encounter illegal access to systems including breaking the password protected websites and password protection on a computer system. The objectives for this study were to investigate the extent to which firms enforce Information Ethics (IE), explore the systems and processes put in place by firms to enforce IE and to explore the challenges experienced by the firms in the Gauteng province when enforcing IE. The study was qualitative in nature and indepth interviews were conducted to gather information from five managers and five employees within the firm situated in Gauteng province. The study found that these property practitioner firms enforce IE to a certain extent. These firms use (22) systems and processes to enforce IE and experienced (5) challenges during the enforcement of IE. The study concludes that these property practitioner firms enforce IE using different systems and processes and experience challenges during enforcement. The list of IE enforcement systems and processes and challenges identified in this study will assist policy makers in compiling IE policies. The findings will also assist firms in IE enforcement and reduction of IE enforcement challenges. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Fastighetsförvaltningsbolags definition av BIM som objektbaserad informationsbärare : En fallstudie av BIM användning vid Nya Karolinska Solna

Abdelmomen Samir Abdeljawad, Najmadin January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore how property management companies view of Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a working method in property management process, and to explore the companies efforts at BIM in terms of the level of detail on BIM object implementation in property management. The study includes both companies that have and do not have contributions in BIM. The exploration was aimed at two companies and their varying ways of working to inform the needs of BIM in property management. The purpose of the study was also to give a clear picture of how BIM tools should be defined in the management process. The work was used of qualitative methods to answer the questions first consisted of a literature review, interviews and case study. The case study was about BIM implementation in New Karolinska Solna. The result showed that the definition of BIM in property management companies is not clear yet. The companies have intended to use BIM, but they are not there yet, there should be a type of requirements list that works with planning and production and benefit from using BIM in the property management. According to respondents, most of the common reasons why BIM was not used were because the approach of the tool. There is no proper structure or common working method of how the tool would be applied. Many literature sources including respondents claimed that BIM seemed good and have a good potential to be the future work process. BIM leads to improved work environment, improved sustainability development, good marketing, increased quality in work, time savings, and improved project management. As a suggestion as to how BIM could be implemented, it can be described in a few steps, which is status analysis, identify the benefits of BIM, start implementing on a smaller scale, follow up continuously, improve and expand the work and last but not least Integrate information. The conclusions that can be drawn from the results and literature study were that BIM can improve the quality management of the properties, but it is important to find a reasonable level of BIM implementation as well as a suitable detail level of BIM-model.

資源再生產業智慧資本經營-以金屬回收類企業為例 / The Research on Intellectual Capital Management of Recycling Industry in Taiwan

羅晶華, Lo, Chin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
90年代歐美國家,對於人口增加、土地面積驟減、過量電子產品等所帶來的環境問題日益重視。歐洲最早發起「延伸生產者責任制」,透過制訂法律與政策提升資源再生利用的效率。並且陸續頒佈WEEE廢電機電子指令、RoHS有害物質限用指令、REACH化學品限制、ELV廢車輛指令等,透過污染控制、回收利用、減廢、污染預防、清潔生產等步驟,朝零污染方向進行,顯示資源再生的重要性。 資源再生產業在台灣為新興產業,規模以中小企業形式居多,雖然經營回收事業容易,但要經營技術層次較高的再生事業則需獲得政府許可證使得成為再生機構。近年來資源再生廠商利用廢棄物資源再生的技術,提煉出黃金、白銀、鉑等貴金屬,隨著全球原物料價格高漲,其所生產的二次原材料行情提升整體產值,預估到2010年總產值為580億台幣。 智慧資本目前普遍被認為是企業能形成競爭優勢的無形資產總和,即企業能用來作為開創財富的知識、資訊、智慧財產、經驗等。找出適合企業的智慧資本項目,讓企業投入在重要項目而獲取價值成為企業的重要課題。本文主要研究資源再生產業智慧資本經營方式,探討一般經營策略與智慧財產管理,對智慧資本運用與累積的影響。總結文獻探討與個案訪談分析的結果,根據研究問題,主要研究發現如下: 一、 資源再生產業為一特許經營行業,其經營需獲得政府所頒發之許可同意,同時易受上游產業廢棄物種類以及全球環保再生法規的影響。 二、 智慧財產需要透過企業策略與功能性活動執行才能提升成為智慧資本。 三、 策略目標不同將會影響智慧資本各構面投入的重要性判斷。 四、 智慧資本經營必須搭配策略與智慧財產管理制度才能達到創造、保護、管理、運用之功效。 五、 資源再生產業的智慧資本經營必須考量各國差異產生在地化的經營型態。 / Since the 1990s, the United States and the European Union (‘’EU’’) have become aware of the crucial environmental problems stemming from overpopulation, reducing residential areas, and growing quantities of end-of-life electronics. To protect the environment and diminish the impacts of household consumption and production, the EU took initiatives to devise environment policies and came up with the idea of Extended Producer Responsibility(‘’EPR’’), a strategy designed to promote the integration of environmental costs associated with products throughout their life cycles into the market price of the products. This concept is inspiring in the waste management, and urging industries to think over recycling process and use recyclable materials to produce products. Moreover, there are four important directives and policies in effect in the Europe, such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (‘’WEEE’’), Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (‘’RoHS’’), End-of Life Vehicles Directive (‘’ELV’’), Registration, and Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (‘’REACH’’). Those legislations and standards are intended to encourage companies to voluntarily adopt environmental management systems or procedures to minimize waste and emissions and to meet the goal of zero pollution. Recycling industry in Taiwan is an emerging industry and many of them are small and medium enterprises. To operate recycling business, companies have to acquire the certificate of waste management from the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. Recently, some recycling companies make it technologically possible for kinds of wastes or unwanted products to be recycled. They have developed technologies to recover from waste to precious metals like palladium, platinum, gold, or silver. Those precious metals are valuable secondary raw materials and will contribute good revenues to recycling market. Therefore, the value of recycling market in Taiwan is estimated to rise to NT$5.8 billion by 2010. Intellectual capital is widely considered as a firm’s intangible assets and is often a major determinant of the companies’ profits. It plays a crucial role in business management and needs to be analyzed in a systematic way to find out the appropriate components. This research focuses on how the companies in recycling industry manage their intellectual capitals, and how the generic strategies and the intellectual property management influence the way of creating and accumulating the intellectual capitals. The important findings of this research are as follows (extraction): 1. Recycling industry is a kind of franchising business and needs to acquire the government’s agreement to operate. The development of this industry is highly influenced by the kinds of wastes of the upstream industries and the global environment legislation. 2. Intellectual assets will be converted into valuable intellectual capital by the implementation of business strategy and functional activities. 3. Different goals of strategy bring about different priorities for the resources input of intellectual capitals. 4. To achieve the goal of value creation, protection, management, and execution, the intellectual capital management needs to combine with strategy management and the intellectual property management. 5. The intellectual capital management in recycling industry must include the consideration of different local business environments of different countries.

Porovnání manželských majetkových režimů v českém a francouzském právu / A comparison of the property regimes of spouses in Czech and French law

Mackuliaková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
A comparison of the property regimes of spouses in Czech and French law The aim of this masters thesis was to compare property regimes of spouses in Czech and French legal systems. The thesis is dealing with different aspects of "marital estate regime" under the Czech Civil Code, "legal regime" under the French Civil Code and the "legal regime" under the new Czech Civil Code effective from 2014 In addition, the aim was also to examine whether the legislators of both countries based the legal texts on similar premises. In cases of missing positive legal norms, the thesis examined whether practice or case law leads the legislators to conclusions similar or completely different in the respective legal systems. The secondary objective was to compare existing and new Czech Civil Code and evaluate the progress in the approach to the institute of marital estate. The marital property law has to face traditionally two interests, namely individual interest of each spouse and the common interest of the conjugal union. It is important to reconcile these two interests to such extent that common interests will be given sufficient protection, but on the other hand, to extent not as restrictive as to cause aversion to the institution of marriage itself. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing...

Model finančního řízení podniku a jeho efektivní implementace / Finance Management Model of Company and His Efficient Implementation

Heralová, Olga January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to design finance management model and then to test it in real company operated in field of facility management (property and asset management in the field of real estate’s). Designed model works with instruments of financial analysis and investment management. Key hypothesis of the model tells that return on equity should by higher or equal in comparison to weighted average cost of capital. This hypothesis is used not only for effective financial management of the company but also for its smaller units (business centres). Part of the dissertation is definition how to implement and use the model (31 steps for the implementation). Designed model (and hypothesis as well) is verified on the case study.

生技製藥智慧資本與研發管理對策 -以台灣新創製藥公司為例 / Intellectual Capital and R&D Management Strategy for Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study on New Pharmaceutical Ventures in Taiwan

洪嘉鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,傳統製造業所看重的有形資本已不足以維持企業優勢,無形的智慧資本在新型態的企業競爭中所扮演的角色日顯重要。各行各業都有無形資產,種類性質因產業而異,傳統製造業重視營業秘密、商譽,高科技產業的專利則是公司競爭力的核心,而屬於知識高度密集產業的生技產業更需要重視智慧資本的管理。生技產業的結構複雜,價值鏈長、分工專業、產品開發期漫長,在產品成功上市之前的開發時期中,公司資產多屬於無形的智慧資本,無法從傳統的財務報表觀察其真正的企業價值。相較於其他產業,生技公司更必須訴求於正確的無形資產管理方式,方能成功兌現其智慧資本。 本研究先藉由文獻回顧統整台灣生技產業的相關現況、過去相關智慧資本管理研究以及研發管理等議題,歸納出一般性共識與管理原則。接著依循這些重點,訪談三家台灣生技公司的經理人,包括台灣微脂體、中裕新藥與因華生技,深入了解台灣產業經營實務與現況,探討其智慧資本中的人力、組織與關係資本在個案公司內的蓄積方式,從研發管理模式、組織制度設計與智財管理等面向進行綜合比較。 本研究認為研發能量與知識管理在組織制度中的蓄積,是台灣業界經營管理上常見的盲點,台灣生技新藥業者多重視新技術的研發,普遍對智慧資本其他面向的重視程度不高,但對生技產業而言,扣除資金與技術後,公司的長期競爭力往往都是在組織發展的過程中累積而來的,忽視知識管理與組織制度的養成,對於企業長久發展有關鍵性的負面影響。研究中的個案最終都必須往累積組織資本的方向邁進,若不針對組織資本的蓄積設計恰當的管理方法,為研發人才設計合適的制度與生涯發展管道,將研發團隊的知識能量內化為企業自有資產,只期望以短期的數據績效取得資金支持,忽視智慧資本的管理與培養,並非生技產業長久經營之道。建議生技公司除了聘僱專業經理人處理資金與股東的關係外,也要重視研發長與策略長在組織中的地位,大膽給予權利,調整組織的運作模式,設計出能累積公司能量的專案管理流程,才是生技公司創造競爭力之本。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, the tangible assets highly-valued by traditional manufacturing industry is no more enough solely to maintain industrial competency. Intangible intellectual assets become more and more important in modern commercial competitions. The intangible assets exist and vary according to different industries. Traditional manufacturing industry looks highly upon trade secrets and brand reputation while patent is the core competency to high-tech companies. Biotech industry belongs to a high knowledge-intensive business and should emphasize more on the management of intellectual assets. Biotech industry is characterized of a complicated system, a long value chain, specialized divisions of labor, and a prolonged timeline of product development. The company assets before the successful commercialization of a product are usually intangible intellectual property and a biotech company during this period cannot be accurately evaluated from traditional financial reports. Hence, compared to other business, biotech companies should resort more actively to appropriate intangible intellectual asset management to achieve a successful redemption of its intellectual assets. This thesis will firstly through the literature study depict the current condition of Taiwan biotech industry and important issues on intellectual asset management and R&D management, inducing several principles of management. Further, the study proceeds with the principles induced to examine three new ventures in Taiwan, Taiwan Liposome Company (TLO), TaiMed Biologics, and InnoPharmax. The discussion will elaborate the practice of intellectual asset management of biotech industry in Taiwan, analyzing and comparing the accumulation of human capital, organizational capital, and relationship capital in the three cases. The study proposes that Taiwan biotech companies usually neglect the accumulation and management of R&D capacity and knowledge in the enterprise organization system. The companies in question invest their resources mostly on the development of new technology and less on other intellectual assets. However, in the long run, the competency of a biotech company accumulates while the organization develops, other than the financial capital and technology. The depreciation of knowledge management and organization system will cause fatal influences on the company. The cases in the thesis must eventually develop their own organizational capital. Biotech companies need to devise appropriate management for organizational capital and preferable career paths for researchers and engineers, to internalize the knowledge capacity of the research team into the company assets. It is not beneficial to a biotech company in the long run to expect financial supports with short-termed achievements, instead of the management and cultivation of intellectual assets. It is advised that other than hiring professional manager for investor relations, the biotech company should pay more attention to the function of CRO and CSO in the organization and sufficiently authorize them into full play. It should also focus on the operation of the organization, adjusting and devising program management to accumulate knowledge capacity, to firmly establish the core competency in a biotech company.

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