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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformation Capability : Improving the ability to change in public organizations

Ilmerstedt, Freddy January 2021 (has links)
Changes take place every day in business and society. Some are relatively slow like for example changes related to globalization, demographics, and the environment. Other changes related to technology can be faster and more disruptive. Some events, like the Covid-19 pandemic, are especially disruptive and may trigger rapid changes with extensive impact. Regardless of the change it is valuable for organizations to be able to adapt. The public sector is now challenged by increasing cost pressures, an ageing population, new demands from various groups as well as new workforce requirements and this creates a need for transformation. Previous research with regards to transformation capability focused on concepts like dynamic capabilities, organizational ambidexterity, organizational change capacity, organizational change competence, or organizational agility but there seem to be a lack of studies of the concept specifically related to the public sector. In addition, a recent study by the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise concluded that the research area is fragmented and that it lacks studies on how employees can contribute to organizational change competence. The purpose of this thesis was thus to investigate how transformation capability of public sector organizations can be improved from an employee- or actor perspective. To explore the research question a qualitative and explorative method was used. Theoretical literature related to transformation as well as transformation capability, was used to build knowledge around the study topic. Two different surveys with open-ended questions were used to collect data from the Swedish public sector organization selected for the study. The first survey was used as a probe to build some initial understanding of transformation practice in the organization. The second one focused specifically on how different actors could contribute to improve transformation capability. The results gave a good general overview of how the transformation capability can be improved from different actor perspectives related to the organization. By using the results together with the existing theoretical frameworks of transformation capability a new more people-centric model of transformation capability was proposed and used to explore ways of improvement. The conclusion was that transformation capability of public sector organizations can be improved by leveraging the performance measures, the actors, the process, the culture/mindset, and the technology that are involved in transformation work. A proactive, collaborative and cross-organizational approach to improvement of transformation capability over time should decrease the risk for negative effects from future disruptions and create a more viable and sustainable organization.

E-learning v českém mimoškolním prostředí / E-learning in Czech non-school corporations

Baslová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The overall theme of this thesis is the electronic training of employees (volunteers) in Czech non-school organizations. The main objects are the organizations' satisfaction with e-learning methods, benefits and obstacles that organizations face while implementing and using e-learning and forms of e-learning that are distinctive for Czech non-school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated first to explaining the term "e-learning" and followed by its brief history. Subsequently, different approaches to classification of e-learning are summed up. One of the chapters follows the work of David A. Kolb - especially his theory of experiential learning including learning styles and their use in the development of e-learning in organization. In the practical part of the thesis the current state of e-learning in the Czech non-school organizations is explored (with the use of a survey). First, the methodology is presented, followed by an analysis of collected data and answering of seven stated research questions with the goal to clarify different aspects of the use of e-learning in Czech non-school organizations. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Tillitsbaserat Ledarskap & dess Praktiker : En kvalitativ studie om hur tillitsbaserat ledarskap uttrycks i praktiken / Trust Based Leadership & It ́s Practices :  A qualitative study on how trust-based leadership is expressed in practice

Idriz, Mediha, Ligic, Zlatan January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och analysera hur Tillitsbaserad Styrning och Ledning kommer till uttryck i praktiken inom offentlig sektor med fokus på de organisatoriska förutsättningarna ur ett individperspektiv. Inledningsvis ges en introduktion och bakgrund till begreppen New Public Management och Tillitsbaserad Styrning och Ledning. Därefter presenteras studiens problemområde och en sammanfattning av tidigare forskning. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på diskursen kring idén om tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning och introducerar de centrala teoretiska begreppen: idéresan, översättning och praktikteori, vilka används som analytiska verktyg för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Metodologin för studien beskrivs, inklusive insamlingen av empiri genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta sektionschefer. Resultaten från den tematiska analysen av empirin presenteras och visar att sektionscheferna medvetet arbetar utifrån tillitsbaserat ledarskap och betonar betydelsen av tillit i deras ledarskap. Dock, varierar implementeringen av tillitsbaserat ledarskap på lokal nivå beroende på olika organisatoriska förutsättningar. Avslutningsvis presenteras rekommendationer för framtida forskning inom området. / The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze how Trust Based Governance and Leadership is expressed in practice within the public sector with a focus on the organizational conditions from an individual perspective. Initially, an introduction and background to the concepts of New Public Management and Trust Based Governance and Leadership is given. Next, the study's problem area and a summary of previous research are presented. The theoretical frame of reference builds on the discourse of Trust Based Governance and Leadership, and introduces the central theoretical concepts: idea travel, translation process, and practice theory, which are used as analytical tools to analyze the empirical material. The methodology of the study is described, including the collection of empirical evidence through semi-structured interviews with eight section managers. The results from the thematic analysis of the empirical evidence are presented and show that the section managers consciously work based on Trust Based Leadership and emphasize the importance of trust in their leadership. However, the implementation of Trust Based Leadership at the local level varies depending on different organizational conditions. Finally, recommendations for future research in the area are presented.

Employee Retention Management genom det psykologiska kontraktet : En komparativ studie om vad lärare i fristående och kommunala skolor värderar högst i sin anställning / Employee Retention Management through the psychological contract : A comparative study about what teachers in private and public schools value in their employment

Dahlborg, Josefine, Pettersson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är av stor vikt för organisationer att arbeta med employee retention management för att maximera sina chanser att behålla sin personal. Att förlora medarbetare leder till höga kostnader för bland annat nyrekrytering och upplärning. Dessutom uppstår en kompetensförlust. Idag råder en stor lärarbrist i Sverige vilken förväntas öka ytterligare de kommande åren. Det är alltså inte enbart kostsamt för skolor att förlora sina lärare; det är också riskfyllt då det riskeras att den kompetens som krävs inte finns att tillgå på arbetsmarknaden.Syfte: Studien avser att förklara vilken faktor i psykologiska kontraktet som anses vara viktigast när lärare väljer att kvarvara i sin anställning samt i vilken ordning de undersökta faktorerna föredras av de medverkande lärarna. Därtill ämnas att studera vilka skillnader och/eller likheter som finns i vad lärare på kommunala respektive fristående skolor värderar.Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie utgår från teorier om employee retention management och studiens huvudteori är det psykologiska kontraktet som har sin grund i social exchange-teorin. De faktorer i det psykologiska kontraktet som studeras är möjligheter till karriärutveckling, stöd från och kommunikation med chefer, lön och finansiella belöningar, möjligheter till lärande och utbildning, social atmosfär och relation till kollegor, balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt arbetsinnehåll.Metod: Studien är genomförd med kvantitativ metod bestående av enkätundersökning. Därtill används en komparativ design för att söka finna eventuella likheter och/eller skillnader mellan vad lärare på fristående och kommunala skolor värderar i sin anställning.Slutsats: Social atmosfär och relation till kollegor är den faktor i det psykologiska kontraktet som av de svarande lärarna anses vara den viktigaste till att de väljer att kvarvara i sin anställning – både vad gäller rangordning av faktorernas medelvärden och vid val av den allra viktigaste faktorn samt för lärare i både fristående och kommunala skolor. På samma sätt är möjligheter till karriärutveckling den faktorn som anses minst viktig i alla dessa avseenden, vilket skulle kunna förklaras av det faktum att läraryrket inte är karriärfokuserat. Den största skillnaden som återfinns i studien är att faktorn stöd från och kommunikation med chefer värderas högre av lärarna på de fristående skolorna än lärarna på de kommunala skolorna. / Background: It is of great importance for organizations to focus on employee retention management in order to maximize their chances to retain their employees. Losing employees results in high costs for recruitment and training etcetera. In addition, there will be a loss of competence. Today there is a shortage of teachers in Sweden which is expected to grow larger in the coming years. Not only is the loss of employees expensive; it is also critical because of the risk of not being able to find the right competence on the labormarket.Purpose: Present study aims to examine which factor in the psychological contract teachers consider being the most important when choosing to stay in their present employment and in which order the examined factors are preferred by the participating teachers. Moreover, the purpose of this study is also to investigate whether there are similarities and/or differences between what teachers in public and private schools value.Theory: This study originates from theories about employee retention management and the main theory is the psychological contract which in turn originates from the social exchange theory. The studied factors in the psychological contract are career opportunities, support from and communication with supervisors, salary and financial rewards, training and development opportunities, social atmosphere and relationship with co-workers, worklife balance, and job content. Method: This study was conducted through a quantitative method using a questionnaire. In addition, a comparative design was used in order to find which similarities and/or differences that exist between what teachers in private and public schools value in their employment.Conclusion: Social atmosphere and relationship with co-workers is the factor in the psychological contract that the teachers in this study consider to be the most important when they choose to remain in their employment – both when ranking the factors’ means and when choosing the single most important factor and also for teachers in both public and private schools. Similarly, the factor career opportunities is the least important factor in all these regards, which could be explained by the fact that the teaching profession is not career focused. The greatest difference between the two sectors is found in the factor support from and communication with supervisors where the teachers in the private schools find this factor more important than the teachers in the public schools do.

GR-технологии в формировании имиджа Свердловской области: анализ практик общественных организаций : магистерская диссертация / GR-technologies in formation of image of Sverdlovsk region: analysis practician of public organizations

Фроленко, А. Д., Frolenko, A. D. January 2015 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена поиску эффективных методов коммуникации между общественными и культурными организациями, с одной стороны, и властью, с другой, при работе над формированием имиджа региона. Как показало проведенное исследование в Свердловской области, несмотря на богатство ее культурных ресурсов, доминантным является физико-географический имидж. Причина этот на наш взгляд лежит как в отсутствии у властей представления о том, каким должен быть имидж региона а так же в непоследовательности и стихийности культурной политики. В этих условиях основной используемой общественными организациями GR технологией остается выстраивание личной коммуникации с лицом, принимающим решение. Для улучшения коммуникативной стратегии общественных организаций по взаимодействию с органами власти нами были разработаны предложения, в основе которых лежит расширение своего влияния на власть посредством СМИ, союза с другими общественными структурами и активного участия в политической жизни. / The master thesis is devoted to search of effective methods of communication between the public and cultural organizations, on the one hand, and the power, with another, during the work on formation of image of the region. As showed the conducted research in Sverdlovsk region, despite richness of its cultural resources, physiographic image is prepotent. The reason this in our opinion lies as in absence at the authorities of idea of what has to be image of the region and also in inconsistency and spontaneity of cultural policy. In these conditions the main technology used by public organizations GR there is a forming of personal communication with the person making the decision. For improvement of communicative strategy of public organizations for interaction with authorities we developed offers which cornerstone expansion of the influence on the power by means of mass media, the union with other public structures and active participation in political life is.

Роль молодежных организаций в гармонизации межэтнических отношений и профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде на примере Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / The role of youth organizations in the harmonization of interethnic relations and the prevention of extremism among young people on the example of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk region

Фоменко, М. А., Fomenko, M. A. January 2022 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Роль молодежных организаций в гармонизации межэтнических отношений и профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде на примере Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области» состоит из введения, двух частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части представлены особенности роли молодежных организаций в профилактике экстремизма в молодежной среде: основные понятия, теоретические подходы, проанализированы межэтнические отношения в молодежной среде: основные понятия и пути их гармонизации посредством молодежных организаций. В практической части описывается разработка программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений с привлечением потенциала молодежных организаций Североуральского городского округа, обозначены особенности реализации и анализ программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений в учреждении по работе с молодежью на примере Муниципального казенного учреждения «Объединение молодёжно-подростковых клубов Североуральского городского округа. В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. Цель исследования – разработка программы по профилактике экстремизма и гармонизации межнациональных отношений с привлечением потенциала молодежных организаций Североуральского городского округа Свердловской области. Объем работы составил 94 страницы. В работе содержатся 4 таблицы, 8 рисунков, 1 приложение. В библиографическом списке представлен 61 источник. / The master's thesis "The role of youth organizations in the harmonization of interethnic relations and the prevention of extremism among young people on the example of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk region" consists of an introduction, two parts, conclusion, bibliography, appendices. In the theoretical part, the features of the role of youth organizations in the prevention of extremism in the youth environment are presented: basic concepts, theoretical approaches, interethnic relations in the youth environment are analyzed: basic concepts and ways of their harmonization through youth organizations. The practical part describes the development of a program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations with the involvement of the potential of youth organizations of the North Ural city district, outlines the specifics of the implementation and analysis of the program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations in the institution for youth work on the example of the Municipal state Institution "Association of Youth and Adolescent clubs of the North Ural City District. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set. The purpose of the study is to develop a program for the prevention of extremism and the harmonization of interethnic relations with the involvement of the potential of youth organizations of the North Ural City District of the Sverdlovsk region. The volume of work was 94 pages. The work contains 4 tables, 8 figures, 1 appendix. The bibliographic list contains 61 sources.

Para a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira: implica??es dos contextos cultural, gerencial e pol?tico de uma empresa estatal federal brasileira / Toward the introduction of meritocracy in career management: the implications of the cultural, managerial and political contexts in a Brazilian federal state-owned company

PESTANA, Rayner Carvalho 03 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-25T18:52:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Rayner Carvalho Pestana.pdf: 3842091 bytes, checksum: 6249d189977450bb8ee9dbbc3e59483d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-25T18:52:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Rayner Carvalho Pestana.pdf: 3842091 bytes, checksum: 6249d189977450bb8ee9dbbc3e59483d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-03 / The transformation of the Brazilian Public Management, specifically about the adoption of modern tools for human resources, has been happening since the last century and the concern about the introduction of meritocracy in career management is still considered a recurring theme. An evidence of that is the guidance from management and control department of federal state-owned companies to adopt meritocracy in their career management systems. The organization studied here, although already have passed thirteen years of validity of its current jobs and salaries plan, seems not yet to have been able to establish career management policies based on meritocracy. Due to the problem presented, the main objective of this research focused on raising the implications of the organizational context of a Brazilian federal state-owned company, dependent on the Treasury, for the introduction of meritocracy in career management. An applied qualitative research was carried out, configured in the form of a single case study to map the features of the current cultural, managerial and political contexts and to interpret their implications in the adoption of meritocracy as an organizational value. The research subjects were purposefully selected, among managers and career employees, and interviewed based on a script and from a photograph (photo elicitation) to reveal the current context. The field data were subjected to an inductive hermeneutic analysis. Based on these results, it can be inferred that meritocracy in career management, understood as ?a set of criteria, adopted by an organization that has on individual performance, effort and results, the fundamental pillars for granting promotions and progressions to its employees in their own careers?, is not yet explicitly manifested in the studied company. It was perceived that the company is set as a political arena type and that the current alternative process of granting promotions and progressions has been working as a fundamental mechanism for the on going internal power dynamics. On the context found, some manager actions were proposed to contribute to the implementation of meritocracy in career management. It can be considered, as a contribution to the field, the opportunity for reflecting on the negative implications of the penetration of management values in human resources, regarding: uncritical transfer of tools from the private sector to the public one; defense of entrepreneurship discourse that considers the career management as sole responsibility of the professional; only financial and quantitative focus on performance evaluations; and probability of management tools not resulting in professional development but only in the control and exploitation of the individual. For future research it is suggested i.e.: to investigate what commitment means to the organizational members in order to connect it to the company's concepts raised in the study; to analyze meritocracy from the psychological contract breach viewpoint; and to expand this study to other public organizations dependent or not on the Treasury, to ascertain the implications of cultural and managerial traits and the power dynamics for the adoption of meritocracy in career management. / A transforma??o da Administra??o P?blica Brasileira, no que tange ? ado??o de ferramentas modernas de gest?o de pessoas, vem ocorrendo desde o s?culo passado e a preocupa??o com a meritocracia na gest?o de carreira se configura como um assunto ainda recorrente. Como prova disso, destacam-se as orienta??es do ?rg?o de gest?o e controle das empresas estatais federais para que elas adotem a meritocracia nos seus sistemas de gest?o de carreira. A organiza??o aqui estudada, embora passados treze anos de vig?ncia do atual plano de cargos e sal?rios, parece ainda n?o ter conseguido instituir pol?ticas de gest?o de carreira calcadas na meritocracia. Diante do problema apresentado, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa se concentrou em levantar as implica??es dos tra?os provenientes do contexto organizacional de uma estatal federal brasileira, dependente do Tesouro Nacional, para a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira. Realizou-se pesquisa aplicada de natureza qualitativa, configurada em forma de estudo de caso ?nico para mapear os tra?os do contexto cultural, gerencial e pol?tico vigentes e interpretar suas implica??es na ado??o da meritocracia como um valor organizacional. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram selecionados pelo m?todo proposital, entre gerentes e empregados de carreira, e entrevistados mediante roteiro e a partir de uma fotografia (elicita??o fotogr?fica) que revelasse o contexto vigente na ?tica dos mesmos. Os dados de campo foram qualitativamente analisados de forma hermen?utico-indutiva. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a meritocracia na gest?o de carreira, entendida como ?o conjunto de crit?rios, adotado por uma organiza??o, que possui no desempenho, no esfor?o individual e nos resultados alcan?ados os pilares fundamentais para a concess?o de promo??es e progress?es dos empregados em suas respectivas carreiras?, n?o ?, ainda, praticada explicitamente na empresa estudada. Revelou-se que a empresa se configura como uma organiza??o do tipo arena pol?tica e que o vigente processo alternativo de concess?o de promo??es e progress?es tem funcionado como um mecanismo fundamental na din?mica interna de poder. Diante deste contexto, foram propostas a??es de forma a contribuir com a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira. Considera-se como contribui??o ? ?rea a oportunidade de reflex?o sobre as implica??es da penetra??o de valores do management na gest?o de pessoas, relativas a: transfer?ncia acr?tica de ferramentas do setor privado para o p?blico; defesa do discurso do empreendedorismo, pressupondo a gest?o de carreira como responsabilidade unicamente do profissional; perspectiva apenas financeira e quantitativa das avalia??es de desempenho; e probabilidade das ferramentas de gest?o n?o resultarem no desenvolvimento profissional, mas no controle e explora??o do indiv?duo. Para aprofundamento em futuras pesquisas, sugere-se, dentre outras a??es: investigar o conceito de comprometimento na organiza??o, conectando-o ?s concep??es da Empresa levantadas no estudo; analisar a meritocracia a partir da ?tica da quebra do contrato psicol?gico; e expandir a presente pesquisa a outras organiza??es p?blicas dependentes ou n?o do Tesouro, a fim de evidenciar as implica??es dos tra?os culturais e gerenciais e da din?mica de poder existentes na ado??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira.

Upper echelon, cluster development and performance : A study of governance and shared value strategy in Swedish institutions of higher education / Upper echelon, klusterutveckling och prestation : En studie kring styrning och shared value-strategi i svenska universitet och högskolor

Urzander, Jakob, Larsson, Mårten January 2015 (has links)
Background: The "introduction of new public management" in institutions of higher education has brought a measurement-minded form of governance based on "doing more with less". At the same time, universities have increasingly become institutions where documentation proving the conformation to norms of society is more important than the actual outcomes of the organization. A more viable strategic mind set based on the core goals of higher education is therefore required in order to increase the congruence between stated goals and outcomes. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the demographics in boards and top management teams in higher education affect performance through the mediating role of cluster development. Method: This thesis has an abductive research approach as we emanate not only from previous theoretical discussions on public governance, upper echelon and cluster development, but also from a qualitative pilot study where we explore the cluster development concept in the university context. Our quantitative study is a cross-sectional study based on partly a survey sent to most directors and managers in higher education in Sweden, and partly independent data collection from financial reports and other sources. Results and conclusion: The results are based on a small sample with few observations which imply that we cannot draw strong conclusions based on our statistical findings. We can however discern different indications of relationships between certain demographic diversity factors in boards and top management teams and certain aspects of cluster development. There are however mixed indications regarding the relationship between cluster development and university performance. / Bakgrund: Införandet av new public management i universitet och högskolor har fört med sig ett mätningsfokuserat styre som bygger på "att göra mer med mindre". Samtidigt har lärosätena allt mer blivit institutioner där dokumentation som styrker samhällets krav är viktigare än det faktiska utfallet i organisationen. En mer livskraftig strategisk utveckling som baseras på de verkliga målen för högre utbildning krävs därför för att öka kongruensen mellan uppsatta mål och utfall. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur demografiska egenskaper i styrelser och ledningsgrupper inom universitet och högskolor påverkar prestation genom klusterutveckling. Metod: Denna uppsats har en abduktiv forskningsansats eftersom vi inte endast utgår ifrån tidigare teoretiska diskussioner om offentlig styrning, upper echelon och klusterutveckling, men också från en kvalitativ förstudie där vi utforskar klusterutveckling i universitetssammanhang. Vår kvantitativa studie är en tvärsnittsstudie baserad på dels en enkät som skickats till de flesta styrelseledamöter och medlemmar i ledningsgrupper i alla svenska universitet och högskolor i Sverige. Den är även dels baserad på självständig datainsamling från årsredovisningar och andra källor. Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten baserar sig på ett litet urval med få iakttagelser vilket innebär att vi inte kan dra säkra slutsatser utifrån våra statistiska analyser. Vi kan dock urskilja olika indikationer på samband mellan vissa demografiska mångfaldsfaktorer i styrelser och ledningsgrupper och vissa aspekter av klusterutveckling. Det finns dock blandade resultat om förhållandet mellan klusterutveckling och universitetens och högskolornas prestation.

Employer branding inom offentliga organisationer : Sjuksköterskors värdering av attribut vid val av arbetsgivare / Employer branding in public organizations : Nurse’s valuating of attributes when choosing employers

Johnsson, Cecilia, Lundberg, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Offentliga organisationer har ofta begränsade finansiella resurser att förhålla sig till. Med den ökade konkurrensen på arbetsmarknaden om kompetent personal finns ett behov för även offentliga organisationer att arbeta med dess attraktivitet gentemot intressenter. Syftet med studien var att erhålla ökad förståelse för hur attribut värderas av yrkesgruppen sjuksköterskor och således påverkar valet av arbetsgivare. De identifierade attribut som studien undersökte var: ledarskap, lön, stimulans, lojalitet, status, arbetstider, fysisk aktivitet och relationer. Vidare ämnade uppsatsen undersöka om det kliniska basåret, som är ett försök från arbetsgivarens sida att uppnå ökad attraktivitet, har förbättrat organisationens förmåga att attrahera sjuksköterskor till organisationen. Detta gjordes för att erhålla ökad kunskap och förståelse kring vilka attribut som faktiskt anses attraktiva av yrkesgruppen och därmed kan öka de anställdas benägenhet att vilja stanna kvar inom organisationen, och på så vis är önskvärda för arbetsgivaren att ta hänsyn till i arbetet med organisationens employer brand. Studien utgjordes av en deduktiv metod och genomfördes på legitimerade sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter som när studien genomfördes gick termin fem och sex. Föreliggande studie bekräftar delar av tidigare forskning och gav indikationer om att de undersökta attributen faktiskt är av betydelse i val av arbetsgivare. Studien gav även indikationer att organisationens attraktivitet är beroende av vad medarbetare och externa aktörer kommunicerar för typ av information om den. De fem högst värderade attributen vid val av arbetsgivare var enligt studien: lojalitet, relationer, lön, arbetstid och stimulans. Studien indikerade att det kliniska basåret inte motsvarar respondenternas förväntningar och inte heller bidrar till organisationens attraktivitet i nämnvärd utsträckning. Som tidigare studier visar kan organisationens attraktivitet utgöra en nyckelvariabel i avgörandet om en potentiell medarbetare kommer intressera sig för organisationen eller inte. / Public organizations often have limited financial resources and need to take them into consideration when managing the establishment. There is a need for public organizations to work with attractiveness towards stakeholders because of the, now, increasing competition for qualified personnel. The purpose of this study is to obtain an increased comprehension of how various attributes are valued by nurses and thus affect the choice of employers. The identified attributes to be examined are the following: Leadership, wages. stimulus, loyalty, status, working hours, physical activity and relationships. Furthermore, this paper aim to investigate whether the introductionprogram ”Kliniskt basår”, which is an employer’s attempt to achieve increased attractiveness, has improved the organization’s ability to attract nurses to their working force. This study is conducted to better understand, and gain knowledge about, which attributes stakeholder and employers take in to consideration when deciding to stay with-in an organization. The result would therefore be desirable for the employer to take into deliberation when designing the organizations employer brand. This study has a deductive approach and was conducted on licensed nurses and nursing students, which had at the end of the study passed semester five and six. The present study confirms parts of previous research and provides indications that the investigated attributes are of importance when choosing employers. The study also provides indications that the organizations attractiveness depends on the employees, and other external stakeholders portrayal of it. According to the study, the five most valued attributes in the choosing of employers are loyalty, relationships, wages, working hours and stimulus. The study indicates that the examined introduction program does not correspond to the expectations of the respondents; neither does it contribute to the attractiveness of the organization. As previous studies show, the appeal attractiveness of the organization may be a key factor in determining whether a potential employee will be interested in the organization or not.

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