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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃國堅, HUANG, GUO-JIAN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的 本研究有三個目的﹕(一)引進日本「權利奱換方式」之產權處理觀念,並本法制「 恆定性」及「不得不變性」之原則,在修改現有法令最少的原則下,建立適合我國體 質的產權處理模式。(二)產權處理成功之關鍵,除權利之變換設計外,就是權利價 值之評估。故本研究第二個目的就是嘗試擬定一套產權評估之方法。(三)「權利變 換方式」之產權處理模式除在都市更新之應用外,相關方面是否也有值得應用者?本 研究最後想探討的就是這一點。 三、參考文獻 本研究係搜集中、日二國有關「權利變換方式」及都市更新等相關書籍、研究報告及 統計資料,比較研究發現,日本之權利變換方式似可解決我國都市更新問題之癥結。 惟國內相關之文獻尚屬粗略,尤其在產權處理方面,迄無系統性之論列,故關於權利 變換方式之述論,大抵以日本資料為主。 三、研究方法 本研究採「文獻回顧法」及「歸納」、「演繹」之方法,搜集、比較、檢討並檢驗相 關文獻資料及各國制度,以建立適合我國之產權處理制度。 四、研究內容 本研究之重點有四﹕(一)檢討我國都市更新之問題點,並比較各國制度,結果以日 本之「權利變換方式」最能解決我國之問題。(二)研擬以權利變換方式推行都市更 新之產權處理模式之應用。 五、研究結果 (一)建立權利變換方式之產權處理模式及產棤評價方法。 (二)前揭模式及方法,除適用於都市更新外,在合建、聯合開發,取得公共設施保 留地及開發新市區等方面猶有可行之處。


程小綾, Cheng,Hsiao-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟與政治關係日益密切的今日,經濟表現是否會影響選舉結果已成為學者所關切的議題。目前西方國家,特別是美國,針對中央層級選舉經濟投票行為方面之研究已有高度共識,即經濟表現不佳,會對執政黨的選情不利。至於地方經濟表現對州長選舉有無影響的實證結果,則較為分歧。本文將經濟投票理論應用至台灣縣市長選舉,以台灣21個縣市在1989年至2001年4屆的縣市長選舉作為研究對象,探討致使地方首長選舉結果出現政黨輪替的可能變數,已彌補現有文獻僅考量政治層面、以及中央層級選舉之不足。 經由Probit模型估計後發現,地方失業率於選舉年惡化並不會影響縣市長選舉結果;反而是全國失業率對選舉結果有顯著影響。一般而言,總統政黨執政之縣市皆較非總統政黨執政之縣市不易發生政黨輪替,但若全國失業率於選前攀升,則前者所享有的相對優勢會因此而降低,連帶使其被輪替的機率提升。至於另一全國經濟指標物價膨脹率,則不如全國失業率有影響力,即使物價於選舉年上漲,總統政黨執政縣市出現政黨輪替的機率,亦未有隨之提升的態勢。 另外,在政治變數部分,現任者競選連任有利於現任執政政黨於選戰中勝出;府會是否同黨對選舉結果則無顯著影響。而本文依據邊際效用遞減法則提出的假設亦得到證實,即一黨連任屆數與其發生政黨輪替的機率呈正向關係。 最後,關於時間及縣市虛擬變數部分,本文發現,2001年14屆縣市長選舉發生政黨輪替的機率為4屆之首;而21縣市中,則以嘉義縣、屏東縣、新竹市、台中市、台中縣及基隆市,分居最易發生政黨輪替縣市的前五名。 / Substantial scholarly attention has been at the relationship between economic conditions and election outcomes in most western democratic countries, especially in the United States. Most Studies focused mainly on presidential or congressional elections have indicated a solid evidence that the worse economic conditions will be unfavorable to the incumbents to win the elections. Compared with those coincide conclusions, the results about economic voting in state elections are more discrepancy. This paper applies the economic voting theory to analyze the county magistrates and city mayors elections in Taiwan and uses a county-and city-level panel data from 1989 to 2001 to examine the possible factors which cause the party rotation of the county magistrates and city mayors elections. After estimating Probit model, the primary finding is that the local unemployment rates have no impact on election outcomes of the county magistrates and city mayors. Instead, the national unemployment rates have a significant effect on election outcomes. Generally, the probabilities of party rotation of the counties and cities ruled by the president’s party are lower than others. However, this advantage will be damaged as the national unemployment rate is higher in the election year than that in the previous year. As to the inflation rates, the other national economical index, are not as influential as the national unemployment rates. For all rising in the election year, the probabilities of party rotation won’t go up. Additionally, about the political variables, the incumbents are more likely to defeat the challengers and renew their term of office; it has no significant impact on election outcomes whether the incumbent governors and city or county councils are of the same party. The hypothesis which derives from the law of diminishing marginal utility is also proved. The longer the governing party rules the county or city, the higher the probability of party rotation for this county or city. Finally, the probability of party rotation of the 14th county magistrates and city mayors election is the highest from 1989 to 2001. Chiayi County, Pingdong County, Hsinchu City, Taichung City, Taichung County and Keelung City are the top five ones of the twenty-one counties and cities in terms of the frequency of party rotation.

Analýza využití pokročilých nástrojů v budoucí podobě tržního segmentu elektroenergetiky / Analysis of the use of advanced tools in the future form of the electricity market segment

Štefek, Martin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces distributed generation in context of future state of electricity markets. The subject of the thesis is to introduce new trends in electricity markets, such as flexibility, prosumers, aggregator and energy communities. Moreover, the thesis describes blockchain technology and its utilization in future state of electricity markets.

Aplikace Petriho sítí v oblasti projektování informačních systémů / Petri Nets Application in Domain of Information Systems Project Planning

Němec, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with Petri nets application in domain of information systems project planning. The design describes the basic concepts of project and portfolio management, standards and methodologies. Is introduced the concept of project, portfolio and resource modelling through Object-oriented Petri Nets. Then schedulling is implemented and tested. Finally, the extensions are discussed.

Förvalta och förnya : Några folkmusikers tankar kring personlig färgning i musiken / Preserve and renew : Some folk musicians' thoughts about interpretation in the music

Lätt, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att få en djupare inblick i hur några få svenska folkmusiker resonerar kring begreppen bevarande, förankring och interpretation i den svenska folkmusikaliska traditionen – i det egna musicerandet såväl som i den egna undervisningen. Definitioner av och resonemang kring traditionsbegreppet i relation till begreppen bevarande, förankring och interpretation utgör studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter. För att få svar på mina forskningsfrågor har jag intervjuat fyra av Sveriges, i olika mån erfarna och framträdande musiker och lärare inom den folkmusikaliska genren, med kvalitativ intervju som metod. Genom att analysera resonemang kring dessa begrepp är avsikten att presentera en sammanställning av vad som är av störst betydelse i det egna musicerandet samt i den egna undervisningen för dessa personer.  Samtliga informanter värderar interpretation mycket högt såväl i det egna musicerandet som i den egna undervisningen. Vidare fann jag vissa skillnader i hur informanterna uttryckte sig om värdet av bevarandet och förankringen i den folkmusikaliska traditionen. Samtliga informanter var dock överens om att förankringen i någon mån finns med såväl i det egna musicerandet som i den egna undervisningen. Tankarna som berör traditionsbevarande presenteras och i studien går att få en bild av ett visst avståndstagande från begreppet. Informanterna talar hellre om förankring, förmedling och förvaltande än bevarande av musiken. / The goal with this study is to illuminate the thoughts of a selected number of Swedish folk musicians and teachers regarding conservation, anchoring and interpretation in the Swedish folk music tradition – in their own music making as well as in their own teaching. Definitions of and reasoning around the terms of traditions in relation to the concepts mentioned above, is the basic theoretical principles of the study. In order to get answers to my research questions I have interviewed four Swedish folk musicians and teachers with different experience, with qualitative interview as my method. The intention of analyzing the informants’ thoughts related to these concepts is to present a compilation of what is most significant in their own music making and in their own teaching.  All informants value interpretation very high in their own music making and teaching. Further, I also found certain differences in how the informants express themselves regarding the value of conservation and anchoring in the folk musical tradition. Nevertheless, all informants agreed upon that the anchoring is included in their own music making and their own teaching to some extent. When questions concerning the concept of conserving traditional music is presented to the informants in the study, a certain amount of distancing towards the concept itself is clear; the informants rather talk about anchoring, conveying and preservation of the music.

Into the blues : Exploring color through a new cultural scene in Lövholmen

Ullert, Freja January 2023 (has links)
I have embarked on a journey (that will never end) to explore color. Inspired by Maggie Nelson’s blunt and anecdotal ways of writing about the color blue (2017), I have searched for more aspects of color than I intuitively knew before.  What do I want with color? How much color is needed to make an effect? How do you combine theory with intuition? What approaches are there when working with color, and which to choose? What sort of knowledge is color and how do we create qualitative discussions about and with it? Will I ever be satisfied?  The questions are asked in the context of renewing the interior of building 21, Smedjan or Smälten in Lövholmen. Its name Smälten comes from its industrial history as a smelter, producing resin in paint and varnishing products for Wilhems Beckers between 1944-1973. While Lövholmen is facing a lot of changes, the area has plenty of housing plans but fewer plans for cultural needs or activities.  The city of Stockholm released a report in 2019 stating that we lack modern contemporary dance stages. Since Smälten is situated just next to Färgfabriken I think it well suited to serve as an extended cultural meeting point, providing a new platform for artistic expression and social interaction. A space to be shared for cultural activities that hold an audience, such as lectures, performances, art gatherings, film screenings or a contemporary dance stage.    This project is about a journey of exploring color, but also the programming of a modern contemporary stage while renewing and taking care of a building from within, a building enriched with an industrial history.


Vice President Research, Office of the January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Partner satisfaction and renewal likelihood in consumer supported agriculture (CSA) : a case study of The Equiterre CSA network

Achuo, George January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Partner satisfaction and renewal likelihood in consumer supported agriculture (CSA) : a case study of The Equiterre CSA network

Achuo, George January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Les espaces du catholicisme francais contemporain : dynamiques communautaires polarisées et recompositions d’un paysage religieux éclaté : (1980-2013) / The aeras of contemporary French catholicism : polarized community dynamics and recompositions of a fragmented religious scene : (1980-2013) / Espacios del catolicismo contemporáneo francés : recomposiciones y dinamicas de un paisaje religioso fragmentado : (1980-2013)

Herbinet, Vincent 03 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser dans la contemporanéité (1980-2013) la trajectoire du catholicisme, dans le sillage de la microhistoire, par l’étude de ses acteurs, de ses territoires et de ses communautés, des modes de gouvernement ecclésial. Nous mettrons en lumière le paradoxe du tissu de l’Eglise locale qui se dilate et se morcelle, mais aussi se contracte et se polarise, obligeant l’Ordinaire, dans son gouvernement, à penser un changement de paradigme : passer du défi de la proximité à celui de l’unité, compte tenu de la pluralité des communautés et des territoires associés. Nous étudierons, pour appuyer nos analyses, les diocèses de Rennes, Autun et Fréjus-Toulon. Un glissement de la logique d’enclos à la dynamique de pôles centralisateurs sera appréhendé, parfois en tensions, par les acteurs d’Eglise, à la lumière de quatre enjeux structurant l’argumentation : le « biotope » (rural/urbain), la diversité communautaire, le militantisme et la question de l’identité (statuts des clercs, coresponsabilité, modalités de l’évangélisation, communautarisme…).L’histoire et la géographie sociale permettront de renouveler les problématiques de l’appartenance spatiale et religieuse en partant d’interrogations sur le territoire selon des indicateurs précis : réseaux de fidèles et des militants, apport des nouvelles communautés (effectifs, choix pastoraux, gouvernement), options épiscopales en faveur de tel territoire ou tel groupe ecclésial… Pour l’historien, l’espace peut être considéré comme un outil heuristique, dans lequel des changements d’échelle se sont imposés dans le temps court. En délimitant nos recherches (1980-2013), nous voulons nous attarder à l’intérieur d’espaces qui ne possèdent plus la relative homogénéité que l’histoire leur prêtait avant le XXème siècle.Nos recherches s’inscrivent dans une structure en trois parties. La première partie se veut avant tout contextuelle, à la lumière de la postmodernité et de la sécularisation qui modifient les modes d’appartenance à une religion déclarée par beaucoup en soins palliatifs. Nous analyserons les liens étroits entre le catholicisme et ses modes d’insertion territoriale (rural/urbain) à partir de nos diocèses de référence. Nous présenterons les dé/recompositions des formes de militantisme dans le diocèse de Rennes, terreau d’Action catholique de plus en plus stérile et laissant la place à une militance familialiste très urbaine.La seconde partie de la thèse abordera les enjeux de la gouvernance ecclésiale dans les trois diocèses d’étude. Nous étudierons, dans le temps court, l’évolution du « munus regendi » des évêques et des prêtres avec le croisement des générations, avec le principe de coresponsabilité et le développement différencié selon les diocèses du diaconat permanent et des laïcs en mission ecclésiale. Nous développerons tout particulièrement le cas toulonnais pour lequel peu d’études approfondies ont été réalisées.Enfin, la troisième partie mettra l’accent sur la problématique du développement croissant d’un catholicisme attestataire polarisé en quête de visibilité. Nous analyserons la genèse du Renouveau et sa trajectoire dans le diocèse de Rennes. Nous nous pencherons particulièrement sur la communauté de l’Emmanuel, sur sa promotion de la nouvelle évangélisation et l’intégralisme de ses modes pastoraux. Ensuite, fort d’une certaine fécondité sacerdotale et d’un dialogue chaotique avec Rome (Motu proprio en 1988 et 2007), la galaxie traditionaliste très hétéroclite reste le cadre de mutations contemporaines que nous étudierons dans les diocèses de Rennes et d’Autun. Enfin, nous changerons d’échelle en nous focalisant sur la ville-sanctuaire de Paray-le-Monial, pôle militant et laboratoire incubateur d’un « nouveau catholicisme », sur l’articulation entre les différents territoires (ville, sanctuaire, paroisse) et les acteurs en place. / This thesis aims at analysing, in the contemporary world (1980-2013), the trajectory of catholicism, in the wake of microhistory, through the study of its actors, its territories and its communities, the modes of ecclesial government. We will highlight the paradox of the fabric of the local Church which expands and fragments, but also contracts and polarizes, forcing the Ordinary, in his government, to think of a paradigm shift: from the challenge of proximity to the one of unity, taking into account the plurality of communities and associated territories. To support our analyses, we will study the dioceses of Rennes, Autun and Frejus-Toulon. A shift from the logic of enclosures to the dynamics of a centralizing pole will be apprehended, sometimes in tension, by Church actors, in the light of four issues structuring the argument: « biotope » (rural/urban), community diversity, activism and the question of identity (status of clerics, co-responsibility, modalities of evangelization, communautarism...).History and social geography will enable us to renew the problems of spatial and religious belonging by starting from questions about the territory according to precise indicators: networks of the faithful and militants, the contribution of new communities (numbers, pastoral strategies, government), episcopal options in favour of a particular territory or ecclesial group... For the historian, space can be considered as a heuristic tool, in which changes of scale have been imposed in short time. By delimiting our research (1980-2013), we want to focus on the interior of aeras that no longer possess the relative homogeneity that history lent them before the 20th century.Our research are presented in a three-part structure. The first part is intended above all to be contextual, in the light of postmodernity and secularization, which modify the modes of belonging to a religion declared by many in palliative care. We will analyse the close links between Catholicism and its modes of territorial integration (rural/urban) from our dioceses of reference. We will present the recompositions of the forms of militancy in the diocese of Rennes, a breeding ground for Catholic Action that is increasingly sterile and leaving room for very urban familyist militancy.The second part of this thesis will address the issues of ecclesial governance in our three dioceses of study. We will study, in the short time, the evolution of the « munus regendi » of bishops and priests with the crossing of generations; with the principle of co-responsibility and the differentiated development according to the dioceses of the permanent diaconate and of the laity in ecclesial mission. We will particularly develop the Toulon case for which few in-depth studies have been carried out.Finally, the third part will focus on the problem of the growing development of a polarized Catholic witness in search of visibility. We will analyze the genesis of the Renewal and its trajectory in the diocese of Rennes. We will look particularly at the Emmanuel community, its promotion of the new evangelization and the fundamentalism of its pastoral modes. Then, with a certain priestly fruitfulness and a chaotic dialogue with Rome (Motu proprio in 1988 and 2007), the very heterogeneous traditionalist galaxy remains the framework of contemporary mutations that we will study in the dioceses of Rennes and Autun. Finally, we will change scale by focusing on the city-sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial, militant pole and laboratory incubator of a « new Catholicism », on the articulation between the various territories (city, sanctuary, parish) and the actors in place. / La modernidad desafía "parroquia civilización". Los cambios en espacial e institucional llevada a cabo por la Iglesia católica, entre ellos diócesis, son simples adaptaciones renovadas o por el contrario, inauguran un proceso de desarrollo en el centro de nuevas áreas de distribución, en particular con el creciente impacto de los nuevos jugadores? Las iglesias se vacían todas partes en Francia, pero las comunidades y diócesis han recuperado algunos lugares para hacer los pilares de las nuevas formas de práctica religiosa, si es posible, la supervivencia no sólo de la institución, sino también la transmisión de la fe. ¿Cuál es el proceso? ¿Es sostenible en el tiempo? ¿Con qué herramientas?

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