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閩南菜姑的研究. / Vegetarian women in southern Fujian / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Min nan cai gu de yan jiu.January 2007 (has links)
After China adopted the reform and open door policy in early 1980s, thanks to their knowledge on Buddhism, their familiarity of religious rituals, and their experience in temple management, vegetarian women have doubled their efforts not only to transmit their traditions their next generation but also to establish the authentic Buddhist image of temples in Southern Fujian. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The research is carried out according to the discussions on (1) the gender and power relations within the religious institutions that were re-presented and re-produced by renaming vegetarian women as Brahma-carya upasika, and (2) the influences of being identified as Brahma-carya upasika on the life and religious practice of these vegetarian women. From a bifocal perspective, the study demonstrates that women are victim as well as agent within a religious organization in a patriarchal society. It has been discovered that vegetarian women in Southern Fujian have been suppressed yet they have also made use of the opportunities of changing their identity since the late Qing Dynasty. Study results also show that [vegetarian] women in Southern Fujian have adopted obedient attitudes instead of revolutionary means to establish their space and women culture. This could be considered as their expedient means and power yet indicates their powerlessness under the patriarchal society and religion. In other words, they have employed the least powerful approach to conducting their religious life and maximizing their power for self-development. / This thesis, based on historical, textual and field studies, explores a special religious group of vegetarian women (Caigu in Chinese) in Southern Fujian. The research is focused on examining their identify transformation as a religious group to a Buddhist organization along the process of societal change from the end of the Qing up to present time. The key issues discussed in this thesis are as following: (1) the process of institutionalization of the vegetarian women into mainstream Buddhist, (2) the elements that have exercised influences on the religious identity of vegetarian women, (3) temple managements, daily activities and religious rituals, and (4) the relationship between vegetarian women and the mainstream Buddhism in contemporary China. / 劉一蓉. / 呈交日期: 2005年8月. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(p. i-xvi (4th group)). / Cheng jiao ri qi: 2005 nian 8 yue. / Adviser: Wai Lun Tam. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: A, page: 2616. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (p. i-xvi (4th group)). / Liu Yirong.
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Síndromes hipertensivas na gestação no Brasil: estudo a partir dos dados da pesquisa \"Nascer no Brasil: inquérito nacional sobre o parto e nascimento\", 2011-2012 / Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Brazil: study from \"Born in Brazil\" survey, 2011-2012Queiroz, Marcel Reis 16 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: As síndromes hipertensivas na gestação (SHG) afetam grande parte das gestantes com uma proporção cada vez maior. É responsável por desfechos negativos importantes para mulheres e bebês, sendo a primeira causa de morte materna no Brasil. As fontes de dados para as SHG em estudos epidemiológicos são exames clínicos ou registros profissionais (cartão de pré-natal ou prontuário hospitalar). Entretanto essas fontes podem ser de difícil acesso para alguns estudos, fazendo necessário conhecer a validade para SHG autorreferida no Brasil. Os fatores tradicionalmente associados às SHG são primiparidade, multiparidade, diabetes, sobrepeso e obesidade, idades nos limites da vida reprodutiva, hipertensão crônica e histórico de SHG. Entretanto fatores socioeconômico-demográficos figuram ocasionalmente entre os fatores associados às SHG. Para orientar políticas públicas, é necessário estudar a ocorrência das SHG no Brasil e seus fatores associados com dados de abrangência nacional. Objetivos: Avaliar a validade da informação autorreferida para SHG, analisar os fatores associados às SHG no Brasil e examinar a invisibilização do efeito da interseccionalidade entre variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com análise secundária da pesquisa \"Nascer no Brasil: Inquérito Nacional sobre o Parto e Nascimento\", realizada em 2011-12. Foram entrevistadas 23.940 puérperas e coletadas informações de seus prontuários e cartões de pré-natal. Para estimar a validade da informação autorreferida sobre SHG foram estabelecidas sensibilidade, especificidade e coeficiente kappa, assumindo por padrão ouro os registros profissionais como padrão ouro, estratificando por variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas e obstétricas. Foi investigada a associação entre a SHG e variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas, estilo de vida, estado de saúde e obstétricas por meio de regressão logística. Resultados: A Ocorrência das SHG foi 11,14% segundo os registros profissionais e 15,87% quando autorreferida. A sensibilidade foi 75%, especificidade foi 90% e coeficiente kappa foi 0,545 (IC95% 0,525 - 0,566) valor considerado de força moderada. A validade da SHG autorreferida foi melhor entre as mulheres brancas, das regiões Sul e Sudeste, que utilizaram financiamento próprio pela assistência ao parto, estrato econômico Classe B ou A, que passaram por uma cesariana na última gestação e ensino médio completo ou mais. A validade foi pior entre mulheres com indicação de cesariana por SHG. Após regressão logística, idade da mãe (β1 = 1,052 [IC95% 1,039-1,065]), IMC (β1 = 1,162 [IC95% 1,148-1,176], histórico pessoal de hipertensão gestacional (OR = 4,041 [IC95% 3,345-4,883]), diabetes (OR = 1,615 [IC95% 1,354-1,926]) e gestação múltipla (OR =2,035 [IC95% 1,288-3,215]) permaneceram independentemente associadas às SHG. Ter tido 1 ou dois partos anteriores (OR = 0,386 [IC95% 0,33-0,452]) e multiparidade (OR = 0,336 [IC95% 0,26-0,434]) apresentaram efeito protetor quando comparadas às primíparas e fonte de pagamento privada (OR = 0,841 [IC95% 0,708-0,998]) e ensino superior completo (OR = 0,652 [IC95% 0,494-0,860]) diminuem a chance de desenvolver uma SHG. As variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas como raça/cor da pele, escolaridade, fonte de pagamento, escore socioeconômico e região de residência apresentam grande sobreposição. Conclusões: A validade da informação autorreferida é moderada, com importantes variações que denotam iniquidades na comunicação entre profissionais e usuárias. As variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas apresentam grande interação por sobreposição, perdendo a significância estatística. A interseccionalidade entre raça/cor da pele, escolaridade, fonte de pagamento, escore socioeconômico e região de residência produz um grupo de mulheres de maior vulnerabilidade. As iniquidades na atenção a gestação e parto revelam a necessidade de pesquisas, ações e políticas públicas que busquem alterar a situação de adversidade vivenciada pelas mulheres na maternidade. / Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) affect many pregnant women with an increasing proportion. It is responsible for significant negative outcomes for women and babies, and for most maternal deaths in Brazil. The data sources for HDP in epidemiological studies are clinical examinations or professional records (antenatal card or hospital medical records). However, these sources may be difficult to access for some studies, making necessary to know the validity for self-reported HDP in Brazil. The factors traditionally associated with SHG are primiparity, multiparity, diabetes, overweight and obesity, age at reproductive life limits, chronic hypertension and history of HDP. Socioeconomic-demographic factors occasionally appear among the factors associated with HDP. Therefore, it is necessary to know the occurrence of HDP in Brazil and its associated factors through a national study with recent information. Objectives: To evaluate the validity of the self-reported information for SHG, to analyze the occurrence and associated factors with HDP in Brazil and to reflect on the invisibility of the intersectionality effect among socioeconomic-demographic variables. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, a secondary analysis of the \"Birth in Brazil\" survey, conducted in 2011-12. 23,940 postpartum women were interviewed and information was collected from their medical records and antenatal cards. To estimate the validity of self-reported information on HDP, sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient was established, with professional records as gold standard, stratified by socioeconomic-demographic and obstetric variables. The association between SHG and socioeconomic-demographic variables, lifestyle, health status and obstetric variables were investigated through logistic regression. Results: The occurrence of HDP was 11.14% according to professional records and 15.87% when self-referenced. The sensitivity was 75%, specificity was 90% and kappa coefficient was 0.545 (95% CI 0.525 - 0.566) considered as moderate. The validity of self-reported SHG was better among white women from the South and Southeast regions, self-financing, Class B or A economic stratum, cesarean section and more education. Validity was worse among women with cesarean section indicated for HDP. After logistic regression, greater maternal age, higher BMI, personal history of gestational hypertension, diabetes, multiple gestation and primiparity remained independently associated with HDP. Women who payed for care and more educated had a decreased chance of developing a HDP. Socioeconomic-demographic variables present great overlap. Conclusions: The validity of self-reported information is moderate, with important variations that denote inequities in communication between professionals and women. The socioeconomic-demographic variables present great interaction by overlapping, losing the statistical significance. The intersectionality of these characteristics produces a group of women of greater vulnerability. Inequities in attention to pregnancy and childbirth reveal the need for research, actions and public policies that seek to change the situation of adversity experienced by women when they experience motherhood.
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Enjeux de l’enseignement de la génétique humaine : ses représentations dans les manuels scolaires et chez les enseignants, dans 19 pays / The teaching of Human Genetics in 19 countries : the representation of genetics in textbooks and teachers’ conceptionsCastera, Jérémy 23 March 2010 (has links)
Les connaissances de génétique humaine viennent d’évoluer profondément avec un changement de paradigme majeur : l'émergence de l'épigénétique, en rupture avec l'ère du «tout génétique». L’objectif de notre recherche est d'analyser jusqu'à quel point ces changements se sont opérés dans l’enseignement secondaire en biologie dans 19 pays. Nous interrogeons les relations entre science et société et plus précisément entre connaissances scientifiques, valeurs (par exemple celles qui fondent les idéologies innéistes, sexistes, voire racistes) et pratiques socioculturelles(spécifiques aux pays, à leurs systèmes éducatifs, aux religions). Cette thèse relève de la didactique de la biologie. Sa première partie présente d’une part et de façon succincte quelques connaissances de génétique humaine pour situer ce changement récent de paradigme et d’autre part, le contexte didactique de ce travail fortement lié à l’analyse des conceptions chez les enseignants et dans les manuels scolaires.La seconde partie est consacrée à la méthodologie. Élaborée conjointement avec les différentes équipes du projet BIOHEAD-CITIZEN, elle se compose d’une grille d’analyse pour les manuels scolaires et d’un questionnaire de 10 pages pour analyser les conceptions des enseignants. L’outil statistique des analyses multivariées est présenté de façon simple pour permettre à un lecteur non averti d'en maîtriser le sens.La troisième partie présente et discute les résultats, qui sont de deux types :- Analyse critique des manuels scolaires. Dans la majorité d'entre eux, ont été identifiés des indices montrant un ancrage de conceptions innéistes, souvent implicites. Par exemple, les images de jumeaux monozygotes suggèrent dans tous les pays que leur façon de s'habiller serait déterminée par leurs gènes. D’autres indices, en revanche, différencient les pays entre eux. Par exemple le syntagme programme génétique, aujourd'hui fortement contesté par les scientifiques, reste très présent dans certains pays (France, Finlande, Liban, etc.), alors qu'il a récemment disparu dans les manuels scolaires tunisiens, et qu'il n'est traditionnellement pas utilisé dans d'autres pays (ex-union soviétique).– Analyse des conceptions d'enseignants de 19 pays à propos du déterminisme génétique des performances et traits humains (7050 enseignants du primaire et du secondaire, de lettres et de biologie). Ces conceptions illustrent de fortes interactions entre les valeurs des enseignants et leurs connaissances sur l’hérédité. Il existe des différences importantes entre les pays. Par exemple des pays d’Europe méditerranéenne (France, Italie, Portugal) sont moins innéistes que les pays non européens. En Finlande, les enseignant(e)s sont à la fois plus innéistes qu'en France,mais tout aussi féministes. De façon plus générale, les conceptions des enseignants varient significativement avec leur degré de croyance et de pratique religieuse mais indépendamment de la confession religieuse. Elles varient aussi en fonction de leur âge, de leur sexe et de leur niveau d’étude. Au total, nos analyses mettent en évidence des systèmes de conceptions : les plus innéistes sont en même temps les plus créationnistes quant à l'évolution, et correspondent à certaines opinions politiques, religieuses et sociales.La conclusion insiste sur l'importance pour les enseignants de prendre conscience de la complexité de ce qu'ils enseignent en génétique humaine. La formation des maîtres gagnerait à les familiariser avec une approche critique des manuels qu'ils utilisent, mais aussi de leurs propres conceptions, en particulier en sachant identifier les interactions, fréquentes en génétique humaine,entre valeurs et connaissances scientifiques. / The rise of epigenetics as a major new paradigm for human genetics has profoundly transformed the field, marking a rupture with the “all genetics” era. The aim of our research is to analyze the effect of these changes for biology teaching in secondary education in 19 countries. We examine the relationship between science and society and more specifically between scientific knowledge, values (e.g. those associated with innatist, sexist or racist ideologies) and socio-cultural practices (specific to countries, their educational systems, and religions).This thesis is in the didactics of biology. The first part briefly presents some elements of human genetics to help situate the new paradigm, as well as introducing the educational context of this work, which highlights the analysis of conceptions among teachers and school textbooks.The second part is devoted to methodology. Developed in collaboration by the 19 teams of theBIOHEAD-CITIZEN project, it consists of a framework for analysing textbooks and the useof a 10-page questionnaire to assess teachers' conceptions. The statistical tool of multivariate analysis is then presented in a widely accessible manner. The third part presents and discusses the results, which are of two types:- Critical analysis of school textbooks. The majority of them still contained innatist conceptions, although often only implicit, as with images of monozygotic twins suggesting in all countries that their way of dressing is determined by their genes. However, other elements differed from one country to another. For example, the term "genetic program", now strongly challenged by scientists, is still regularly used in some countries (France, Finland, Lebanon,etc.), while it has recently disappeared from Tunisian textbooks, and has never been widely used in some others (like the former Soviet Union).- Analysis of teachers' conceptions about genetic determinism for human traits and performances in 19 countries (7,050 primary and secondary school teachers, in literature and biology). These conceptions illustrate the close interaction between teachers’ values and their knowledge about heredity. There are important differences between countries; for example,teachers in Southern Europe (France, Italy, Portugal) are less innatist than outside Europe. In Finland, the teachers are more innatist than in France, but not more sexist. More generally ,teachers’ conceptions vary significantly with their degree of belief in God and religious practice, irrespective of religious denomination. Conceptions also vary according to age, sex and level of education. Overall, our analysis highlights the concept of a ‘system of conceptions’: the most innatist groups are also the most creationist, and are characterized by certain political, religious and social features.The conclusion emphasizes the importance for teachers of becoming aware of the complexity of human genetics. Teacher-training needs to include a critical approach not only to textbooks, but also of the teachers’ own conceptions, helping them to identify interactions between values and scientific knowledge.
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Har kvinnan synliggjorts mer? : en jämförelse av rubrikerna i två bibelöversättningarHedman, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur översättarna bakom de två bibelöversättningarna valt att framställa de gammaltestamentliga kvinnorna i rubrikerna. Den övergripande frågeställning som jag kommer att besvara i den här uppsatsen är:</p><ul><li>På vilket sätt skiljer sig rubrikerna mellan de två översättningarna åt i hur kvinnor betonas?</li></ul><p>Min följdfråga är:</p><ul><li>Kan en eventuell förändring härledas från de direktiv som låg till grund för översättningsarbetet?</li></ul><p>Utifrån den övergripande frågeställning kommer jag att undersöka de rubriker som kvinnor nämns i med utgångspunkt i det som en del av feministteologerna strävar efter, nämligen att synliggöra kvinnan. Min hypotes är att kvinnan har synliggjorts mer i och med den nya bibelöversättningen.</p>
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Har kvinnan synliggjorts mer? : en jämförelse av rubrikerna i två bibelöversättningarHedman, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur översättarna bakom de två bibelöversättningarna valt att framställa de gammaltestamentliga kvinnorna i rubrikerna. Den övergripande frågeställning som jag kommer att besvara i den här uppsatsen är: På vilket sätt skiljer sig rubrikerna mellan de två översättningarna åt i hur kvinnor betonas? Min följdfråga är: Kan en eventuell förändring härledas från de direktiv som låg till grund för översättningsarbetet? Utifrån den övergripande frågeställning kommer jag att undersöka de rubriker som kvinnor nämns i med utgångspunkt i det som en del av feministteologerna strävar efter, nämligen att synliggöra kvinnan. Min hypotes är att kvinnan har synliggjorts mer i och med den nya bibelöversättningen.
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Sex-role stereotypes and academic subject preferences among Form 3 boys and girls in co-educational and single-sex Anglo-Chinesesecondary schools in Hong KongWong, Kit-kwan, Heidi., 黃潔君. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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Determinanten Gruppenbezogener MenschenfeindlichkeitFehser, Stefan 29 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit setzt sich mit Abwertungsmechanismen und Ressentiments auseinander. Es wird ausgeführt, was unter Vorurteilen zu verstehen ist und welche sozialpsychologischen Prozesse damit einhergehen. Weiterhin wurden exemplarisch zehn verschiedene Vorurteilsformen vorgestellt sowie das Konzept Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit erläutert, wonach der Kern einer ‘Ideologie der Ungleichwertigkeit‘ als allgemeine Charakteristika ursächlich hinter allen Ressentiments steht. Ein starker Fokus wurde in dieser Arbeit auf eine Erforschung möglicher Ursachen von Vorurteilen gelegt. Neben einer Reihe von Theorien über den Einfluss soziodemographischer Charakteristika, wurden die Konzepte der Relativen Deprivation, des Autoritarismus und der Anomia ausführlich behandelt. Die empirischen Auswertungen belegen, dass Autoritarismus als zentrale erklärende Variable für das Vertreten von Vorurteilen zu verstehen ist. Zusammenfassend kann ausgeführt werden, dass Menschen mit geringem Bildungsgrad und Personen, die in Ostdeutschland leben, besonders stark dazu neigen autoritäre Einstellungen zu vertreten, was nahezu deterministisch mit der Abwertung von schwachen Gruppen einhergeht.
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"Somewhere under the rainbow": the interplay of race and gender African-American military students' experiences in Hawaii public schoolsHairston, Kimetta R January 2004 (has links)
Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references. / Electronic reproduction. / Also available by subscription via World Wide Web / x, 243, 14, [20] leaves, bound forms 29 cm
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Differences in the making : the construction of gender in Australian schooling / Judith GillGill, Judith January 1991 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 396-422 / v, 422 leaves ; 31 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Education, 1992
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“Please don’t show me on Agataliiko Nfuufu or my husband will beat me like engalabi (long drum)”: young women and tabloid television in Kampala, Uganda / Please don't show me on Agataliko Nfuufu or my husband will beat me like engalabi (long drum)Nakacwa, Susan January 2014 (has links)
The “tabloid TV” news genre is a relatively new phenomenon in Uganda and Africa. The genre has been criticised for depoliticising the public by causing cynicism, and lowering the standards of rational public discourse. Despite the criticisms, the genre has been recognised for bringing ‘the private’ into a public space and one of the major ‘private’ issues on the public agenda is women and gender equality. Given these critiques, this study set out to interrogate the meanings that young working class women in Kampala make of the tabloid television news programme Agataliiko Nfuufu and to ask how these meanings relate to the contested notions of femininity in this urban space. In undertaking this audience reception study I interviewed young women between the ages of 18-35 years by means of individual in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The study establishes that Agataliiko Nfuufu is consumed in a complex environment where contesting notions of traditionalism and modernity are at play. The study also establishes that while mediating the problems, discomforts and contestations of these young women’s lives, Bukedde TV1 operates within a specific social context and gendered environment where Agataliiko Nfuufu is consumed. The study concludes that the bulletin mediates the young women’s negotiations and contestations, but it provides them with a window into other people’s lives and affords them opportunities to compare, judge and appreciate their own. Furthermore, the gendered roles and expectations in this context have become naturalised and have achieved a taken-for-grantedness. Therefore, patriarchy has been legitimised and naturalised to the extent that the respondents define themselves largely in relation to male relatives, and marriage. While the women lament the changes that have taken place in their social contexts which disrupt the natural gender order, they construct themselves as subjects of the prevailing discourses of gender relations that see men as powerful and women as weak and in need of protection.
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