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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivity Probační a mediační služby ČR v rámci alternativních trestů / Activities of the Probation and Madiation Service of alternative sentences

Konečný, Roman January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract Thesis deals with the implementation of elements of restorative justice in the Czech criminal law, especially in the prison system. The work identifies and analyzes the basic problems of the Czech prison system and their impacts on public policies in the Czech Republic, especially overcrowding of jails, and the way, how the state, and especially through the Probation and Mediation Service, solves this problem. This work analyzes, how successful is the implementation of alternative punishments, what tools the state has to reducing the number of people in prisons and how to reduce overcrowding in jails. In the work I also identify the role of the Probation and Mediation Service in the issue of alternative sanctions. In the work I also suggest, how to solve these problems.

Trest domácího vězení jako nástroj trestní politiky / House arrest as an instrument of penal policy

Králová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, dealing with "House arrest as an instrument of penal policy", reflects problems of ineffective system, increasing the number of prison sentences imposed, exceeding prison capacities and consequential violation of fundamental human rights. In response to improperly configured system of penal policy, in 2010 a new Act no. 40/2009 Coll., The Penal Code was implemented, introducing new institute of house arrest to the Czech justice system. Philosophy of house arrest is in punishing the perpetrator, while maintaining positive relationships that would be otherwise disrupted by his imprisonment. Presented thesis evaluates the implementation of the punishment, reflects benefits, disadvantages and actual barriers in its successful implementation, using expert interviews.

Fastighetsmäklarinspektionens påföljdssystem : InförandeaverinranochFMI:stillsynsmetoder / FMI:s sanctions & supervision methods

Sagmen, Cemal January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har ägnats åt att undersöka FMI:s påföljdsystem och tillsynsmetoder under  tidsperioden  2007  till  2016.  Utifrån  FMI:s  statistik  har  orsaker  till  disciplinära  påföljder, orsaker till anmälningar, antal hanterade ärende samt antal disciplinära åtgärder kartlagts. Den  nya  fastighetsmäklarlagen  infördes  2011.  Lagändring  innebar  bland  annat  att  en  ny  disciplinär  påföljd,  erinran,  togs  i  bruk.    Förändringen  av  statistiska  data  under  åren analyserades för att utvärdera eventuell inverkan på fastighetsmäklarbranschen.  Det läggs extra blickfång på förändringen i påföljdsystemet och dess effekter. Tidsperioden som granskats delades upp i två femårs perioder, det vill säga 2007 till och med 2011 samt 2012 till och med 2016. Diverse analytiska data över jämförelser på de två femårsperioderna har presenterats för att kunna identifiera skillnader mellan de olika perioderna. FMI:s  tillsynsmetoder  har  framställts  och  fördelning  mellan  de  olika  tillsynsmetoderna  har  redogjorts. FMI:s och andra myndigheternas hantering av anonyma anmälningar har utretts och presenterats i rapporten. / In this thesis has FMIs sanction system and regulatory methods between 2007 and 2016 has examined.  Distribution  of  different  reasons  for  disciplinary  actions,  different  reasons  for  notifications, quantity of handled cases and quantity of disciplinary actions has charted by utilizing statistics since 2007. Evolution of statistic data under those years has explored and possible  influence  on  them  has  been  investigated.  Those  values  before  and  after  law  amendment at 2011 has also been examined in order to analyze the influence of the new laws effect on sanction system and regulatory methods. A new discipline sanction called reminder has introduced thru the new real estate agent law (FML 2011:666). It imposed extra focus on the change at sanction system and its effect for the branch. Time period has been divided in two five years periods, 2007-­‐2011 and 2011-­‐2016.  Various  analytical  data  for  the  comparison  of  those  five  years  periods  has  been presented in order to identify the difference between those periods. FMIs  regulatory  methods  have  been  produced  and  distributions  between  those  different  regulatory  methods  have  been  narrated.  The  management  of  anonymous  notification  by FMI and other government bodies has been investigated and presented in the report.

Compliance Elliance Journal: Compliance between Adaption and Advance

Stefano, Michele de, Papathanasiou, Konstantina, Schneider, Hendrik 12 June 2023 (has links)
Compliance organization and compliance function must constantly evolve and be adaptable, both through further development within the company and changes in the political and legal situations in which companies operate. In this issue, we kick off with a piece of thought in which Michele DeStefano (Content Curator) engages with experts from compliance practice, including Markus Endres (Advisory Board CEJ) on the question: What role can and should compliance play in digital transformation in the enterprise? From a legal perspective, it is clear that determining the 'role' of compliance is exceedingly relevant, if only because of liability. Furthermore, our authors in this issue deal with the 'Monaco Memo' and its significance for antitrust investigation in the USA and with the continuing relevant topic of sanctions compliance. In addition, our authors from Austria and Liechtenstein describe the implementation of an effective compliance management system in the company and the Compliance Officer’s duty to monitor.

La privatisation de la répression pénale / The privatization of criminal law

Joseph-Ratineau, Yannick 06 December 2013 (has links)
Il est traditionnellement admis que le droit pénal a pour fonction de défendre l’intérêt général, ce qui explique le rôle prééminent de l’État tout au long du processus répressif. Pourtant, l’analyse du droit positif met en exergue une extension de la fonction normative du droit pénal en direction des intérêts privés, individuels ou collectifs qui ne peut que bouleverser les fonctions traditionnellement assignées à la responsabilité pénale et à la sanction pénale qui l’accompagne. Parce que les intérêts privés concurrencent l’intérêt général dans l’ordre des valeurs protégées par les textes d’incrimination, les règles de la responsabilité pénale et les fonctions de la sanction pénale sont désormais sollicitées pour résoudre des litiges entre particuliers, et assurer la réparation du dommage causé par l’infraction. Parce que la configuration des acteurs au procès pénal n’est que le reflet des valeurs protégées par la norme pénale, l’introduction des intérêts privés dans le champ de protection de la loi pénale a naturellement entraîné une mutation de la répartition traditionnelle des rôles processuels du juge et des parties dans le procès pénal au profit des parties privées. Même si cette mutation a trouvé dans l’influence du modèle européen de procès équitable le terreau favorable à une telle évolution, celui-ci n’a joué qu’un rôle catalyseur dans l’ascension des parties dans la maîtrise de la direction de l’instance pénale comme dans la maîtrise de la matière litigieuse ; la véritable cause de ces évolutions. / It is traditionally allowed that the criminal law has as a function to defend the general interest, which explains the preeminent role of the State throughout the repressive process. However, the analysis of the substantive law puts forward an extension of the normative function of the criminal law in the direction of the private interests, individual or collectives which can only upset the functions traditionally assigned with the criminal responsibility and with the penal sanction which accompanies it. Because the private interests compete with the general interest in the order of the values protected by the texts from incrimination, the rules of the criminal responsibility and the functions of the penal sanction from now on are requested to solve litigations between individuals, and to ensure the compensation for the damage caused by the infringement. Because the configuration of the actors to the criminal trial is only the reflection of the values protected by the penal standard, the introduction of the private interests into the field of protection of the criminal law naturally involved a change of the traditional distribution of the processual roles of the judge and parts in the criminal trial with the profit as of private parts. Even if this change found in the influence of the European model of fair trial the compost favorable to such an evolution, this one played only one catalyst part in the rise of the parts in the control of the direction of the penal authority as in the control of the litigious matter; the true cause of these evolutions, it is the privatization of penal repression.

法益理論的憲法基礎 / On Constitutional foundation of legal-good theory

鍾宏彬, Chung, Hung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在實質法治國裡,法益保護是刑法正當性的起點,法益侵害是實質犯罪概念之首位且必要元素。詳言之:刑法每個罪都可以分為行為規範與制裁規範兩部分,以這區分為基礎來觀察──形式上,法益是會受行為在因果關係上侵害的、因此被以行為規範保護的客體,而行為規範本身受到制裁規範的保護;實質上,憲法定義的法益,是社會和平生活中,人格自由發展的外在、真實(即可受因果侵害的)、基本條件。這個定義的功能不在於表列出特定的法益清單,因為人格發展的條件與時俱變,它的功能是供作憲法上的審查步驟與學術批判的施力點。正確認識憲法對各種基本自由的保護意旨,是正確建構法益理論的前提,而以法益理論為基礎的犯罪理論精緻化,提供法治國一個自我檢討、深化的契機。 / In a state under the rule of law, the very beginning of legitimation of criminal law is protection of legal-good (in German: “Rechtsgut”). Infringing legally-protected-good constitutes the first and necessary element of substantial concept of crime. In detail: Every criminal article can be separated into two parts, behavior norm and sanction norm, and can be observed under this distinction. – Formally, legal-good is protected by behavior norm, because it is causal damageable by human conducts, whereas behavior norm itself is protected by sanction norm. Substantially, legal-good as a concept defined by the Constitution implicates the external, real (i.e. causally damageable) and basic requirements for personality development in a peaceful social life. The function of this conceptual definition is not aim at listing a specific catalog of legal-good, because requirements for personality development change with time. Its very function is to serve as constitutional reviewing procedures of criminal law and pivot for academic criticism. Proper comprehension of the objective of constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms is the premise of proper construction of legal-good theory. On the other hand, refinement of criminal doctrines based on legal-good theory provides an opportunity for a state under the rule of law to self examine and thoughts deepen.

中共對聯合國干預制度之政策 / China's policy toward UN's use of intervention

許志吉, Hsiu, Chih-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本論文選擇聯合國最主要採取的三種干預制度:成立國際法庭、部署維和行動、以及實施制裁措施等,透過統計與分析中共在安理會中對於相關決議案的投票記錄與發言記錄,來探討聯合國採取這些干預措施的特性,以及中共對於這些干預制度的政策特性。我們可以發現到,雖然這三種干預制度都各自有不同的憲章依據,其實施對象與運作特徵也都有所差異,但從聯合國的實踐結果來看,這些措施作為安理會處理危及國際和平與安全情勢的工具,是被視為一套整體的實施策略來運用的。同時也發現到,中共的政策作為與策略考量,確實是展現了其所宣稱的「立場堅定,策略靈活」的特性,尤其是到了冷戰結束以後,對於聯合國的干涉議題上,中共的作為開始展現了更多的彈性,亦即對於聯合國干預措施,展現了更大的配合程度,顯現出中共對於這些議題的利弊得失策略已經有所轉變,將對於不干涉原則的堅持,轉而為要求聯合國在進行干預時,必須具有合法性。 聯合國所實施的干預措施,有其現實考量的必要性,但也都產生了關於侵犯國家主權與介入內部事務的疑慮,因此,對聯合國而言,對這些機制進行必要的改革,已經獲得極大的共識,而對在安理會擁有否決權力的五常任理事國而言,同樣肩負著如何增進聯合國行動的效率,以及維護國家體系運作的基本原則,尤其對中共而言,如何在建立負責任大國的形象,以及爭取國家利益方面獲得平衡,更是當前中共外交政策的重要課題。

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal Proceedings against Legal persons

Chovanec, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Chovanec, Š. Criminal proceedings against legal entities Criminal proceedings against legal entities represent a significant innovation for Czech criminal procedure law. Adoption of Act nř 418/2011, about Criminal liability of legal entities and criminal proceedings against them, is considered as acceptance of the world's phenomenon of enactment of the institute of Criminal liability of legal entities. The lawmaker had chosen a special regulation for criminal proceedings against legal entities which however does not describe the issues solely. So the Penal Code is considered subsidiary applicable regardless it does regulate criminal proceedings against a natural person. The author of this text deals with risks and potential problems connected to this construct. The author of this text describes selected aspects of criminal proceedings against legal entities from its beginning to the enforcement proceeding.

Ženská kriminalita / Women's Criminality

Říhová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Thesis is to expound and describe the topic of female criminality. The Thesis is divided in three main parts: the first is focused on description of female criminality through explaining important criminological theories and also through description of the size, dynamic and structure of female criminality in the Czech Republic. The second part of my thesis is concerned with sentenced women in prisons with the focus on specific issues of imprisonment of women. The last part is dedicated to the issue of prevention of females' criminality and also of use of alternative sanctions as solution of woman criminality.

La théorie des nullités dans la doctrine après le Code civil / The theory of nullity in the doctrine after the Civil Code

Barry, Mohamed 30 September 2013 (has links)
Peut-on parler d’une théorie des nullités dans la doctrine après le Code civil ? C’est à cette question que l’on a cherché à répondre dans ce travail. En effet, la réponse, habituellement, apportée à cette dernière appelle des précisions. Selon cette réponse, après le Code civil, il y a eu une théorie des nullités dans la doctrine. D’abord, il y a eu une doctrine classique qui est composée, majoritairement, d’auteurs du XIXème siècle. Ensuite, à coté de cette doctrine, il y a eu une doctrine dite moderne, composée majoritairement d’auteurs du XXème siècle. Si, pour construire une théorie générale des nullités, la doctrine classique a utilisé l’état de l’acte, la doctrine moderne elle, elle a utilisé le critère lié au but de la règle violée. Dans ce travail, on a cherché à renouveler cette réponse, d’une part en mettant en évidence les limites de l’idée d’une doctrine classique ou moderne et d’autre par en montrant l’inadéquation de ces théories générales, construites par les auteurs après le code civil, au droit positif. Ce qui nous a permis de proposer d’abandonner toute vision globale sur doctrine et sur la théorie des nullités. Aussi, on a proposé de remplacer cette vision globale par une conception diverse des nullités. Une conception diverse d’abord, en ce qui concerne la doctrine, dans la mesure où il n’y a pas d’un coté la doctrine classique et de l’autre la doctrine moderne. Mais aussi une conception diverse en ce qui concerne la théorie des nullités elle-même, dans la mesure où il n’y a pas une seule théorie pour tous les types de contrats, mais des théories diverses qui épousent les spécificités de chaque contrat. Telles sont les conclusions auxquelles nous sommes parvenus à l’issue de ce travail. / Can we speak of a theory of nullity in the doctrine after the Civil Code? This is the question we sought to answer in this work. Indeed, the answer usually given to the latter requires clarification. According to the response after the Civil Code, there was a theory of nullity in the doctrine. First, there was a classical doctrine which is composed mainly of lawyers of the nineteenth century. Then, next to this doctrine, there was a doctrine called modern, composed mainly of lawyers of the twentieth century. If, to construct a general theory of nullity, the classical doctrine has used the state of the act, the modern doctrine, she has used the criterion related to the purpose of the rule breached.In this study, we sought to renew this response, first by highlighting the limits of the idea of a classic or modern doctrine and the other by showing the inadequacy of these general theories, built by the authors after the Civil Code, the positive law. This allowed us to propose to abandon any overall vision and doctrine on the theory of nullity. Also, it was proposed to replace this global vision by various design nonentities. A diverse design first, with regard to doctrine, to the extent that there is no one side the classical doctrine and other modern doctrine. But also various design regarding the theory of nullity itself, insofar as there is no single theory for all types of contracts, but various theories that espouse the specifics of each contract.These are the conclusions we have reached the end of this work.

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