Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial forms"" "subject:"cocial norms""
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Social Conflict and the Emergence of NormsWinter, Fabian 22 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance UsageKroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.</p>
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Sickness absence in Sweden : A study of early retirement and sickness absenceNajafi, Maja, Wollbratt, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis has been to analyse seven major factors that tend to influence the rate of early retirement in Sweden. The scope of data was gathered for every municipality in Sweden. Economic theories of labour supply, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and the Insurance Model were used to analyse the empirical results. In the analysis, earlier studies of the rate of sickness absence were important and used as a framework in choosing the explanatory variables for the econometric model. The analysed variables were; average income, average sickness days, educational level, foreign born, public sector employment, unemployment and the share of women in the population. As a consequence of the rift that occurred in 2003, when the average sickness days decreased and disbursed early retirements simultaneously increased, the relationship between these two variables was given special attention. The empirical findings confirmed our conjectures and were consistent with earlier research. Average income and the level of education were negatively related to the rate of early retirement. Moreover foreign born, average sickness days and unemployment showed a positive relation to early retirement. The relationship between average sickness days and early retirement had statistically changed and decreased between the years. A possibility is that other factors, such as changed social norms and increased stress in society (which are difficult to measure in a statistical and economical sense) might have become more relevant in explaining the rate of early retirement.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att analysera sju viktiga faktorer som tenderar att påverka graden av förtidspensionering i Sverige. Data omfånget insamlades för alla kommuner i Sverige. Ekonomiska teorier om arbetsutbud, Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection och Insurance Model användes för att analysera de empiriska resultaten. I analysen var tidigare studier utav graden av sjukfrånvaro viktig och användes som ramverk i valet av de förklarande variablerna till den ekonometriska modellen. De analyserade variablerna var; medelinkomst, genom-snittliga sjukdagar, utbildningsnivå, utlandsfödda, offentligt anställda, arbetslöshet och andelen kvinnor i befolkningen. Som en konsekvens utav den klyfta som uppstod 2003, när de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna minskade och utbetalda förtidspensioner samtidigt ökade, gavs sambandet mellan dessa två variabler speciell uppmärksamhet. De empiriska iakttagelserna bekräftade våra förväntningar och stämde överens med tidigare forskning. Medelinkomst och utbildningsnivå var negativt relaterade till graden av förtidspensionering. Dessutom var utlandsfödd, genomsnittliga sjukdagar och arbetslöshet positivt relaterade till förtidspensionering. Relationen mellan de genomsnittliga sjukdagarna och graden av förtidspensionering hade statistiskt sätt ändrats genom att ha minskat mellan åren. En tänkbar förklaring till detta skulle kunna vara att andra faktorer, såsom skiftande sociala normer och en ökande stress i samhället (vilka är svåra att mäta statistiskt och ekonomiskt) kan ha blivit mer relevanta i att förklara graden av förtidspensionering.</p>
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Social networking sites (SNSs) are an increasingly popular channel for communication among college students. Often students disclose more freely via social networking sites than they would in other situations. These disclosures commonly include information about engaging in risky health behaviors (e.g., binge drinking). Study 1 examined students’ impression management goals and self-presentation tactics specifically related to self-disclosures of drinking behavior on SNSs. Findings suggest that students use differing self-presentation tactics across various SNSs in order to achieve their impression management goals and to avoid consequences associated with disclosing about risky health behaviors to certain audiences. Study 2 sought to develop and measure SNS communication about alcohol related activities (SNCAA). It used the theory of normative social behavior as framework for investigating and predicting SNCAA. Additional variables that predict SNCAA were also identified. Findings demonstrate partial fit of the TNSB as a framework for explaining SNCAA. The overarching results of this project suggest a need for interventions aimed at reducing students’ SNCAA as well as increasing their overall knowledge about privacy and safety online.
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Young Australian Women with Breast Cancer: Perspectives of their Illness ExperiencesConnell, Shirley Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
Young women with breast cancer have been found to experience their disease more negatively and more intensely than their older counterparts. However 'young' is not uniformly defined within the literature. Studies have reported on a wide range of ages considered to be 'young', such as samples simply divided by menopausal status or other researcher-defined parameters. For the purpose of this study, young women with breast cancer were defined as those diagnosed at 40 years of age or younger. The overarching aim of the study was to explore the problems faced by this group of young women using qualitative methodology, guided by constructionist epistemology, and grounded in symbolic interactionism and social constructionism. The study was conducted longitudinally, with data collected three times over a 12-18 month period using one-to-one in-depth semi-structured interviews. Baseline data were collected in the first phase of the study (n=35). A sub-group of participants (n=13) were chosen to be followed twice more approximately six months apart, which made up the next two phases. Themes derived from the literature guided the first phase of the study, data collection and analysis. Data analysis was performed after each data collection phase, with findings informing the next phase/s of the study. Thematic and content analysis were utilized in regards to the analysis of the first phase of the study, providing a framework identifying the most pressing concerns, such as those centred around children and partners, emotional aspects and negative physical consequences of treatment. Interrelationships between these themes were apparent. Findings suggest that the emotional support needs of this group of young women remains a challenge. Basic analytical principles of data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions guided the following phases of the analysis. NUD*IST (N6) software was utilized to help undertake in-depth analysis of all follow-up data. The literature concentrates on infertility as a concern for young women with breast cancer, however the study found that fertility per se was a concern for this group of women. Issues of maintained and regained fertility were reported, i.e., concerns surrounding suitable, safe and reliable contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding after breast cancer. Over time, perceptions of fertility changed. Decisions related to unplanned pregnancies and breastfeeding were particularly onerous. The study also provided other insights into the participants' lives. Body image is suggested to be of greater concern for younger women with breast cancer than their older counterparts. Perceptions of breast symbolism, societal and personal, were explored, as were perceptions of the external portrayal of their bodies. In addition, the participants reported how their experience of breast cancer differed from that of older women with breast cancer, e.g., to be and dress more sexually. Theories and notions of social constructionism and the social construction of the body helped explain the participants' experiences. The women were acutely aware of the sexual importance society placed on women's breasts. Social norms and expectations and cultural trends, that is the youth and beauty culture, were found to greatly influence the participants' perceptions and hence decisions made. Prosthesis use and breast reconstructive surgery were viewed as normalising efforts undertaken by participants to reduce stigma related to breast loss/disfigurement and to enhance body image. The findings from this study provide a greater understanding of the issues, concerns and experiences of young women with breast cancer and provide information that could be utilized in the redesign of educational/information resources to provide these women with relevant information. Currently available support services may also benefit from these findings as greater understanding of these women's experiences may facilitate and promote the provision of more age-appropriate support for young women with breast cancer diagnosed in the future.
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Faktorer och attityder som påverkar mammor vid amning : En enkätundersökning / Factors and attitudes that affect women's breastfeeding : A web baset questionnaireHayatlah, Amal, Ekblom, Annette January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amning medför flera fördelar för både mamman och barnet. I Sverige finns en rekommendation på exklusiv amning upp till sex månader och fortsatt amning under det första levnadsåret eller längre kombinerat med långsam introduktion till annan mat. Amning kan påverkas av flera faktorer som fysiologiska, psykologiska och samhälleliga. Syftet: var att undersöka olika faktorer som påverkar mammors amning och deras attityder till amning. Metod: En kvantitativ metod användes där data samlades in med hjälp av en webbenkät som delades på Facebook i olika mammagrupper. Frågorna var utformade enligt: bakgrund, barnet, amningsbeteende och åsikter. Inklusionskriterierna var mammor med minst ett barn på 0-5 år. Data analyserades med Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis och Chi-2 test. Signifikansnivån fastställdes till p-värdet 0,05. Resultat: Totalt besvarades 676 enkäter, medianåldern var 31 år med 25:e och 75:e percentilen (28 respektive 34 år). Majoriteten (n = 478, 71%) av deltagarna hade universitetsutbildning. En stor andel av mammorna hade tänkt amma längre än sex månader (n = 292, 43%). Av de mammor som avslutat amningen (n = 232) var det 34% som ammade kortare än vad de planerat, och 42% som ammade längre de planerade. Faktorer som påverkade amningen var; attityder, utbildningsgrad, bekvämlighet och rekommendationer för amning. Slutsats: Många mammor hade en positiv inställning till amning och dess fördelar samtidigt som 34% av deltagarna ammade kortare än vad de hade planerat. Genom tidig intervention och utbildning kan mammor amma så länge som de har tänkt sig. Fler studier behövs för att utforska den stora variationen av attityder kring amning. / Background: Breastfeeding contributes to various benefits for mothers as well as for children. In Sweden, there are recommendations for exclusive breastfeeding which is six months and continued breastfeeding during the first year or longer, with a slow introduction to solid food. Breastfeeding can be influenced by several factors such as physiological, psychological and social factors. Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate various factors that effects women's breastfeeding and their attitudes towards breastfeeding. Method: A web based questionnaire was distributed through the social media platform Facebook in various motherhood forums. The questions were designed according to background, the child, breastfeeding behavior and opinions. The inclusion criteria were mothers with at least one child aged 0-5 years. The data was analyzed with Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square. The significance level was set to p-value 0.05. Results: A total of 676 questionnaires were answered, the median age was 31 years with the 25th and 75th percentile (28 and 34 years respectively). The majority (n = 478, 71%) of the participants had a university education. Many women had planned to breastfeed for longer than six months (n = 292, 43%). Among those who stopped breastfeeding (n = 232) 34% breastfed for a shorter time than what they had planned and 42% breastfed for a longer time than they had planned. Factors that affected their breastfeeding were attitudes, degree of education and comfort and the recommendations in Sweden. Conclusion: There is a positive attitude towards breastfeeding and its benefits. Yet, 34% of the participant’s breastfed for a shorter duration than they had planned. Through early intervention and education, women can breastfeed for as long as they have in mind. More studies are needed to explore the wide variety of attitudes regarding breastfeeding.
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Les effets de masquage dans l'expression de la représentation sociale des immigrés. : étude du rôle de quelques facteurs intervenant dans la (dé)légitimation et le (dé)masquage de croyances pro et contre-normatives.Dumay, Raquel 26 January 2012 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse aux variables susceptibles de favoriser ou d'inhiber l'expression de croyances contre-normatives intervenant dans le champ de la représentation sociale des immigrés. On étudie plus précisément l'impact de la protection normative accordée à ce groupe social, de la capacité d'adaptation à leur société d'accueil qui leur est attribuée mais également de la filière universitaire d'appartenance des sujets interrogés sur les stratégies sociocognitives de masquage et de démasquage mises en place dans l'expression de la représentation. On s'attend à ce que ces trois facteurs interagissent avec la variable consigne de passation, en atténuant voire en annulant dans certains cas les différences classiquement observées entre les conditions où les sujets répondent en leur nom propre (hypothèse de masquage) et celles où ils s'expriment au nom d'un autrui de substitution (hypothèse de démasquage). Les résultats des recherches empiriques révèlent comme prévu des effets différenciés de la variable consigne de passation selon les modalités des facteurs testés, confirmant l'implication de processus d'ordre normatif dans les effets de la substitution. En outre, les liens observés entre protection normative attribuée aux immigrés et capacité d'adaptation perçue confirment l'existence de logiques de justification et de légitimation qui semblent présider à l'orchestration des phénomènes de masquage et de démasquage dans l'expression des représentations sociales de groupes minoritaires. / We are interested in the context of this Phd thesis to the variables that can facilitate or inhibit the expression of counter-normative beliefs working in the field of social representation of immigrants. We study more precisely the impact of normative protection given to this social group, the perceived ability to adapt to their host society they are assigned but also the academic affiliation of respondents on the socio-cognitive strategies of masking and unmasking set place in the expression of representation. It is expected that these three factors interact with the answering instruction, mitigating or even cancelling in some cases the differences typically observed between conditions where subjects respond in their own name (masking hypothesis) and those where they express an opinion on behalf of a substitute other (unmasking hypothesis). The results of empirical research show as expected differential effects of the answering instruction under the terms of the factors tested, confirming the involvement of a normative process in the effects of substitution. Moreover, the observed associations between normative protection granted to immigrants and their perceived adaptability confirm the existence of justification and legitimation processes that seem to govern the orchestration of the phenomena of masking and unmasking in the expression of social representation about minority groups.
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Do virtual platforms impact user behavior? An experimental comparison between messages on the company's website and Facebook page.Lopes, Pedro Henrique de Mendonça 14 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Lopes (pedroyucky@gmail.com) on 2014-12-19T17:37:15Z
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dissertacao_pedrohmlopes_facebook-vs-website.pdf: 1519392 bytes, checksum: dc06ac128d0fe6b1fb246fdd8d498edb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-01-07T11:12:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
dissertacao_pedrohmlopes_facebook-vs-website.pdf: 1519392 bytes, checksum: dc06ac128d0fe6b1fb246fdd8d498edb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-01-09T18:02:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
dissertacao_pedrohmlopes_facebook-vs-website.pdf: 1519392 bytes, checksum: dc06ac128d0fe6b1fb246fdd8d498edb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-09T18:04:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
dissertacao_pedrohmlopes_facebook-vs-website.pdf: 1519392 bytes, checksum: dc06ac128d0fe6b1fb246fdd8d498edb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-11-14 / Companies have looked for many new ways to communicate with their customers. In the current scenario, Facebook has proven to be an efficient communication tool between consumers and businesses. This study aims to understand the differences in the complaint messages sent to companies, through an experiment that measured the emotional tone and the lack of formality in each message received by the website and the Facebook page of the company. As expected, people are more informal on Facebook. However, contrary to our intuition, participants tended to display more emotions on the company website. The social norms theory and the impression management contributed to explain the phenomena found. / As empresas têm procurado encontrar diversas novas maneiras de se comunicar com seus clientes. No atual cenário, o Facebook tem se mostrado uma eficiente forma de comunicação entre consumidores e empresas. Este estudo busca entender as diferenças nas reclamação enviadas para empresas, através de um experimento que mede o nível de emoção e comprometimento com a formalidade em mensagens recebidas através do website e a página do Facebook da empresa. Como esperado, as pessoas são mais informais no Facebook. Porém, contrariando nossa intuição, tendem a demonstrar mais emoções no website da empresa. A teoria de normas sociais e de gestão de auto-imagem ajudaram a explicar os fenômenos encontrados.
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Casablanca, une "ville à l'envers". Urbanités métropolitaines au prisme de la marginalité sociale au Maroc / Casablanca, an "inside out city". Metropolitan urbanities throught the social marginality in MoroccoAnglade, Marie-Pierre 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les mécanismes d’ajustement des différentes urbanités en présence à Casablanca, principale métropole du Maroc, par le biais de l’étude de l’appropriation d’espaces publics par des pratiques déviantes. La question des rapports mutuels entre les citadins déviants et l’ensemble des acteurs de la ville (citadins ordinaires et acteurs institutionnels de l’aménagement), incarnée dans le processus d’aménagement urbain du centre-ville à partir de 2002, permet de mettre en évidence l’importance de la visibilité de la transgression des normes sociales. Ces projets contraignant les citadins déviants à réadapter leurs lieux de vie à l’injonction à une urbanité policée sont analysés au regard des limites des compétences des citadins en situation de vulnérabilité et interrogent l’aménagement dans sa capacité à intégrer toutes les composantes sociales de la ville. Dans une démarche de type ethnographique, explorer l’articulation du lien social à la morphologie urbaine permet de comprendre les transformations des valeurs à l’oeuvre dans des situations de déviance, révélatrices de changements affectant les formes familiales et l’ensemble de la société marocaine, pour les hommes et les femmes en quête d’individuation. / This research is a study of the adjustment of different urbanities present in Casablanca, Morocco’s main metropolis, where public spaces are appropriated by city-dwellers for their deviant practices. The issue of mutual relations among the city-dwellers and all the city stakeholders (ordinary city-dwellers and institutional players involved in planning) embodied in the urban planning process of the city center since 2002 highlights the importance of visibility of the transgression of social norms. The development projects, which force deviant city-dwellers to readjust their living places to a constraining civilized urbanity, are analyzed in terms of the limitations of the competencies of these city-dwellers, who are in a vulnerable situation. The projects also call into question urban planning in its ability to incorporate all the social components of the city. Using an ethnographic approach to explore the relationship of social ties with urban morphology helps to understand the transformations of values at play in situations of deviance, which reveal changes in family structure and the entire Moroccan society for men and women in search of individuation.
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Teknik och design som motstrategi till sexuella trakasserier online : En kvalitativ studie av erfarenheter och lösningar på sexuella trakasserier online utifrån ett användarperspektiv / Technology and design as a counter-strategy for sexual harassment online : A study of experiences and solutions of sexual harassments online from a user perspectiveAhlström, Sofia, Hansson, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Digital platforms such as social media are big part of people's everyday life and social network. Recent studies shows that the ability to act anonymously on social media has increased harassment behaviors online. For marginalized groups, digital platforms are important for the act of freedom of speech and harassments online can limit these groups in the digital environment. Within the framework of this study we found, that there is a lack of studies that specifically research sexual harassments online and what different factors that may have an impact on the problem. Therefore, the aim for this study was to research what values, attitudes and emotions users of social media services experiences online. We wanted to research, from a user perspective, what existing counter-strategies options are provided on social media against sexual harassments online, and if there are other technical design solutions for social media interfaces. Within the framework of this essay we have conducted a focus group interview and a participatory design workshop. The empirical data that was collected has been analysed with different theories such as power, resistance, empowerment in design, master suppression techniques in social media, feminist HCI and social norms and participatory design. The study also use previous research on harassment on social media to further understand the empirical data for the analysis. In this study there are findings from the focus group that has been placed in three different themes. 1) The importance of social relationships for counter-strategies against sexual harassment online. 2) Social norms and normalization of sexual harassment online. 3) The importance of technical aspects for dealing with sexual harassment online. Our study shows that the counter-strategies options on social media services today are not sufficient enough for these different aspects. The participatory design workshop in this study resulted in eight possible technical design solutions. These solutions can be implications for design on social media interfaces and can work as counter-strategy tools against sexual harassments online. This study only research one focus group, therefore the study can be used as a basis for further research. By including users with participatory design methods, values made from users of social media in relation to sexual harassments online can unfold and hopefully decrease the problem.
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