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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Des femmes en blanc : La « fabrication » des infirmières / Women in White : the "making" of nurses

Girard, Lucile 05 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’aborder les processus de « fabrication » des infirmières françaises à partir de leur formation initiale. Nous nous demanderons comment une formation unique peut mener à des exercices particuliers ? Dans un premier temps, nous proposerons une socio-histoire du groupe professionnel, éclairant les dynamiques internes du groupe professionnel, notamment en ce qui concerne la formation. Cette dernière est organisée par un groupe professionnel particulier : les cadres formatrices, qui définissent les missions communes à l’ensemble des infirmières et préservent ainsi leur espace d’intervention spécifique. Ensuite, à partir d’un travail de recherche qualitatif et localisé, nous nous intéresserons à la sélection et à la socialisation des futures professionnelles pendant le temps de leur formation. Cette sélection commence dès l’entrée en formation et se poursuit tout au long des études. Nous verrons qu’elle se réalise selon deux logiques : d’une part, les professionnelles préparent les étudiantes à devenir des infirmières « en général », et d’autre part les services repèrent parmi le vivier des étudiantes celles qui pourront devenir des infirmières « en particulier ». Il faudra ensuite qu’elles acceptent cette proposition. / The purpose of this PhD thesis is to understand how French nurses are groomed. We will focus on their initial training. How does a common educational background manage to produce such different practitioners? Firstly, a socio-historical approach of the emergence of this professional group will enlighten its internal dynamics especially regarding the institutional education. The training is held by senior nurses, who define the specific tasks and duties of nurses.In a second step, starting from a qualitative and localized fieldwork, we will aim at understanding the recruitment and socialization of student nurses. Recruiting obviously begins with the nursing school entrance examination but continues on throughout the studies, following two patterns. On the one hand, at school, the senior nurses teach versatile skills. On the other hand, during internships in health institutions, the exercising nurses select the students fit to become nurses in this particular institution.

Coopérer à l’école, l’espoir d’une éducation par l’action collective : le cas d’un collège en région parisienne / Cooperative Learning at school : one example of a school in the Paris area

Baillon, Alexis 20 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’évaluer les possibilités coopératives en classe de collège à partir d’une étude de terrain portant sur un établissement de région parisienne. Partant du constat que l’école française, et plus précisément le collège, ne parvient pas à organiser une action éducative efficace, nous posons l’hypothèse que c’est du fait d’un manque de structures coopératives de base dans la pratique de la classe. Pour répondre à cela, nous soutenons la thèse que la pratique de la classe est déjà imprégnée d’un idéal qui substitue à la forme scolaire traditionnelle, des pratiques polymorphes qui ont pour assises l’interaction et la communication, ce qui permet d’envisager une transformation des pratiques vers plus de coopération. Pour étayer celle-ci, nous avons étudié un établissement de région parisienne pendant plus de deux ans, ce qui nous amené à analyser le point de vue des enseignants par des entretiens semi-directifs, puis nous avons observé la dynamique entre enseignants et groupe d’élèves dans deux ateliers périscolaires se déroulant au sein de l’établissement. Pour pouvoir étudier de manière pertinente des pratiques coopératives nous avons construit le concept de coopération à partir des écrits de John Dewey que nous confrontons à la forme scolaire française tout au long de cette thèse. / This thesis intends to assess the cooperative possibilities in middle school class from a field study on a school in the Paris region. Considering that the French school, specifically middle school, does not manage to organize an effective educational action, we hypothesize that it comes from a lack of basic cooperative structures in classroom practice. To answer this issue, we support the thesis that classroom practice is already impregnated with an ideal that substitutes polymorphic practices to the traditional school form. These practices rely on communication and interaction, this is why it allows us to consider a transformation towards more cooperation. To support this view, we studied a school in the Paris region for over two years, which led us to analyze the teachers’ point of view through semi-directive interviews. We then observed the dynamic between a teacher and a group of students in two extra-curricular workshops being held within the school. To be able to study in a relevant way these cooperative practices, we have built the cooperation concept from the writings of John Dewey which we confront with the French school form throughout this thesis.

Des carrières politiques sous contraintes de genre : le cas des élues en Bourgogne / Political careers and gender : women in Burgundy

Navarre, Maud 18 October 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’analyser l’évolution des rapports de genre au cours de l’exercice des mandats électifs. Il s’agit d’appréhender l’action socialisante des fonctions d’élu à travers la notion de carrière politique genrée. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons les injonctions reposant sur les femmes et les hommes qui candidatent à différentes élections locales. Pendant cette période d’initiation aux rôles politiques, les femmes incarnent le renouvellement tandis que les hommes symbolisent l’expérience. Ces représentations et pratiques genrées varient néanmoins suivant les configurations électorales. La deuxième partie s’intéresse aux processus de sélection des élus selon le genre et à leurs conséquences quant à l’investissement dans les responsabilités électives. Enfin, dans la troisième partie, nous montrons que, pour faire carrière, les femmes doivent concilier habilement les pratiques perçues comme masculines et féminines en politique. / This research concerns the advancement of gender roles and relationships during politician career. We analyze female and male politician socialization in three parts. First, election campaigns introduce to female or male role. They turn women to outsiders whereas men embody experienced politician. Then, selection leads women to lowly work. Finally, they try to highlight their position by claiming a female ethical code. However, to stay or improve their status, they must learn male behaviors too. Nevertheless, they do not wholly forgive female politician ethical code.

Socialdemokratin och den uteblivna omdaningen : En studie över den reformistiska arbetarrörelsens socialiseringssträvanden 1918-1920

Philipsson Svensson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker såväl den svenska som den europeiska socialdemokratins strävan efter att i första världskrigets kölvatten inleda socialiseringens av ekonomin. Denna strävan grundade sig på Andra internationalens tolkningar av Marx och utgjorde under socialdemokratins inledande decennier primärmålet för rörelsen. Uppsatsen syftar till att närmare utreda den politiska och teoretiska kontext inom vilken socialiseringsfrågan kom att aktualiseras mellan åren 1918-1920; vilka modeller som arbetades fram och varifrån dessa var sprungna, samt varför socialiseringsförsöken strandade.

Le transfert de connaissance intra-organisationnel : une approche par les mouvements de mobilité interne / Intra-organizational knowledge tranfer : an investigation through internal mobility

Notais, Amélie 23 October 2009 (has links)
La gestion de la connaissance est devenue un enjeu central pour la compétitivité des entreprises. Elle conduit les chercheurs et les praticiens à s’interroger de plus en plus sur les démarches envisageables pour valoriser, pérenniser, transférer et créer la connaissance organisationnelle. Cette recherche propose d’étudier un évènement de la vie professionnelle du salarié, la mobilité interne, souvent désigné comme un moyen de transférer la connaissance dans l’organisation. La mobilité entraînerait en effet dans son sillage, le déplacement des connaissances du salarié. Complexe, la mobilité interne révèle cependant des réalités diverses induites par sa polymorphie (changement de métier, de service, déplacement géographique, …). En étudiant dans le temps les événements auxquels sont confrontés les salariés mobiles, cette recherche tente d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de transfert de connaissance intra-organisationnel en mettant en exergue le rôle double joué par l’acteur mobile: créateur mais également acquéreur de connaissances. La méthodologie qualitative longitudinale choisie s’appuie sur les récits d’expériences de vingt-cinq acteurs d’une même société recueillis durant soixante-quinze entretiens semi-directifs. Le suivi des acteurs à partir des premiers mois sur leur nouveau poste jusqu’à leur première année d’exercice fournit une approche subjective de ce moment particulier de la carrière professionnelle tout en éclairant les logiques du transfert de connaissance intra-organisationnel. / Organizational knowledge has become a central issue for competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, researchers and practitioners wonder more and more about the activities, which could develop, maintain, transfer and create organizational knowledge. This research proposes to study a particuliar event of the career, internal mobility, often referred to as a means to transfer knowledge in the organization. The mobility could therefore lead to the displacement of employee’s knowledge. Internal mobility is however complex, it reveals different realities induced by its various content (job change, service change, geographical shift, ...). By a longitudinal analysis of the events faced by mobile workers, this research seeks to better understand the processus of intraorganizational knowledge transfert and underlies the both role played by the actor : source but also recipient of knowledge. A longitudinal qualitative methodology is chosen. The data collected are based on the life stories of twenty-five employees from the same company questioned during seventy-five semi-structured interviews. These actors have been accompanied from their first month on the new affectation until their first year. This monitoring provides a subjective approach of this specific moment of an individual’s career and contributes to highlight the logic of intraorganizational knowledge transfer.

Facilities management 'cultural fit' and the socialisation of external service provider employees in client organisations

Aderiye, Yetunde Oluwatoyin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis’ original contribution to knowledge is creating the awareness that facilities management (FM) departments and organisations do not consciously socialise external service provider staff into the client workplace and the development of a framework that can successfully achieve this integration. To provide a solid theoretical background for this framework, it reviews current literature on FM, outsourcing, organisational culture, and organisational socialisation. The aim of this study was achieved with the development of the ‘Cultural Fit’ framework which should go a long way in solving the research problem and answering the proposed question. The study was conducted as a qualitative multi-method design. This was selected because there were obvious gaps in socialisation especially in the FM industry. Qualitative methods are believed to provide richer data and this was adopted to begin closing those gaps through the provision of literary data. The research was conducted using the ethnographic approach because of the focus on culture and to maximise the qualitative approach. Interviews and focus groups are the qualitative methods used to collect this data. Reliability and validity are not always easy to verify but researchers have proposed several methods to improve them. This study employs the triangulation of more than one method of data collection, peer debriefing with colleagues, member checks by confirming the initial results during subsequent data collection and a rich, thick description. The major findings of this study are that organisational socialisation can be successful in socialising external service provider staff into the client workplace despite a current unawareness of its use. This study has developed a framework and guide that can be used to achieve this integration if client organisations and service providers work together to socialise external service provider staff.

Vem bestämmer vem du är? : Identitetsregleringens påverkan på anställdas identitet / Who decides who you are? : The impact of identity regulation on employees identity

Agrell, Sofia, Svensson, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Författare: Sofia Agrell och Paulina Svensson Handledare: Kjell Arvidsson Examinator: Hans Wessblad                                                 Kurs: Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete (kandidat) 15 hp, 2FE78E   Titel: Vem bestämmer vem du är?   Problemformulering: Hur används identitetsreglering för att påverka anställdas identitet?   Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera vilka aspekter av identitetsreglering som används inom organisationer genom att ta reda på vilka medel som används för att påverka de anställdas identitet.   Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ datainsamling. Vid insamlingen av empiriskt material genomfördes semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studien baseras på nio hypoteser som bygger på teoretisk insamlat material  och som sedan provats mot empirin.   Slutsats: Studien har verifierat de nio olika hypoteserna kring hur identitetsreglering sker inom organisationer men också att användandet av de olika hypoteserna sker på olika nivåer. Studien visade att vissa hypoteser används mer än andra. Genom samhörighet och socialisation regleras identiteten hos den anställde lättare. Även värderingar och utbildningar visade sig vara ett effektivt medel för att påverka individens föreställningar och leda individen mot organisationens mål. Social identitet och grupper har en betydande roll för hur individer identifierar sig och studien påvisade att reglera anställda genom att delegera dem till en enhetlig grupp. Studien har även visat att en centralstyrd organisation kan forma de anställda lättare genom att använda tydliga regler som medel.

Heliga platsers mening : En litteraturstudie med fokus på fyra olika teorier.

Oinas, Charlotte January 2017 (has links)
Studien fokuserar på att reda ut heliga platsers mening för religiösa människor enligt fyra teorier. Teorierna undersöks med frågeställningarna hur heliga platsers mening kan se ut och vilken mening de har. Genom litteraturstudien presenteras fyra olika teorier med vitt spridda publiceringsår och inriktningar gällande heliga platser och dess mening. De olika faktorerna som enligt teorierna ger människan mening handlar om religion som fenomen, begär av helighet, symbolspråk, identitet och socialisation. Tillsammans belyser inriktningarna att meningen har flera källor och beröringspunkter. Den vida spridningen på årtal av teoriernas publicering visar en förändring gällande värderingar i hur man ser på den religiösa människan och vad som anses ge mening hos sakrala platser. Studiens resultat visar att mening inte är något konkret och det kan förstås utifrån olika perspektiv.

Jogo, processos de socialização e mimese... Uma análise sociológica do jogar infantil coletivo no recreio escolar e suas relações de gênero / Play, socialisation\'s processes and mímesis... A sociological analysis of children\'s collective play in the scholar break and it\'s gender relations

Tamara Grigorowitschs 17 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em uma investigação teórico-sociológica a respeito das relações entre jogo infantil coletivo, processos de socialização e desenvolvimento do self; o conceito de mimese revela-se fundamental para analisar tais relações enfatizando seu caráter criativo e processual. Ao final, analisa alguns jogos observados no recreio escolar com o objetivo de elucidar e ilustrar a parte teórica do trabalho. / This study consists in a theorical-sociological investigation on the relations between child´s colective play, socialisation´s processes and development of the self. The concept of mimesis turn out to be fundamental to analyse such relations emphasizing its creative and processual character. At the end, it analyses some plays observed in the scholar break to elucidate and illustrate the theoretical part of the study.

As mutações da experiencia militante : um estudo a partir do movimento hip hop de Campinas, São Paulo

Moreno, Rosangela Carrilo, 1979- 09 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Fonseca de Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T17:58:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moreno_RosangelaCarrilo_M.pdf: 6051635 bytes, checksum: d1dd83a776d1dad98429fb258b491eb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho discute a militância de jovens rapper negros que se engajaram na criação da Casa do Hip Hop de Campinas, uma instituição patrocinada pela prefeitura da cidade, nas mãos do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) entre 2001 a 2004. A pesquisa busca compreender a origem da militância política dos rappers expressa por sua adesão ao rap, visto como uma prática artística e política e pelas alianças que eles conseguiram estabelecer com os políticos eleitos da cidade a fim de criar a Casa. Partindo da definição bourdieusiana de socialização como internalização das condições objetivas de existência, a dissertação revela os processos pelos quais foram criadas as disposições para o envolvimento desses jovens com a música e com o protesto político. Mostra-se como a experiência de mobilidade social ascendente na geração dos pais, ainda que modesta, favoreceu a construção de fortes ambições por parte dos jovens. A impossibilidade de construção de um futuro através da escolarização, por falta de boas oportunidades escolares, assim como uma experiência precoce com o racismo no ambiente escolar e no contato direto com a polícia, conduziu-os em direção ao mercado cultural, onde tentaram construir uma carreira como rappers, visto por eles, no momento, como uma saída possível para a privação econômica, ao mesmo tempo em que mantinham suas origens negras e sua dignidade. Baseado na teoria de campo de Bourdieu a pesquisa considera a trajetória dos rappers a partir do momento em que, confrontando-se a uma forte oposição dos rappers estabelecidos na cidade, eles entram no campo da política organizada associando-se com um vereador negro da cidade, filiado ao PT, que os ensina os elementos básicos da ação política organizada. Como resultado, os jovens rappers criam uma associação que se tornou percebida pela mídia e pela prefeitura como o movimento hip hop de Campinas. Como tal, eles puderam ter sucesso nas negociações com a Secretaria Cultural da cidade para a criação da Casa do Hip Hop de Campinas, assegurando empregos públicos chaves na instituição. O processo de institucionalização foi seguido por uma crise culminando com a cisão do grupo e com o redirecionamento das ambições dos jovens em direção a empregos públicos mais estáveis, renunciando à carreira como rappers / Abstract: This work looks into the political activism of young black rappers engaged in the creation of the «House of Hip Hop », an institution sponsored by the city government of Campinas, São Paulo, held by the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) between 2001 and 2004. The research seeks to explain the origins of the rappers? political activism, expressed by (i) their adhesion to rap as an artistic and political endeavour and (ii) the alliances they were able to make with the city's elected politicians in order to create the House. Drawing on Bourdieu's discussion of socialisation as internalisation of the objective conditions of existence, the dissertation discusses the processes by which the dispositions towards both music and political protest were created. It shows that an experience of modest upward social mobility in the parents generation provided the youth with strong ambitions. The impossibility of building a future through schooling for lack of good school opportunities, coupled with an early experience of racism in the school environment and in contacts with the police in the streets, directed them towards the cultural market, leading them to try to build a career as rappers. This was seen by them, at the time, as a possible way out of economic privation while keeping their black roots and dignity. Developing Bourdieu's theory of fields, the research takes into account the rappers? trajectoires from the moment when, after meeting with strong opposition from the established rappers in the city, they enter the field of organised politics, associating themselves with a black city councilmember (« vereador ») affiliated with the PT, who taught them the basics of organised political action. As a result, the rappers created an association that became perceived by the media and by the government as the hip hop movement of Campinas. As such, they could successfully negotiate with the appointed City Secretary of Culture the creation of the House of Hip Hop and secure for themselves key public jobs in this institution. The process of institutionalisation was followed by a group crisis culminating with a cleavage among the members and with the redirection of the youth ambitions towards the more secure public jobs, thus renouncing to the rapper career / Mestrado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Mestre em Educação

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