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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av sexualitet efter genomgången bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturstudie / Women’s experiences of sexuality after breast cancer treatment : A literature review

Östman, Felicia, Olsson, Tove January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnor som genomgår bröstcancerbehandling kan erhålla strålbehandling, cytostatika, endokrin behandling och/eller total eller delvis borttagande av bröst. Sjukdomen och behandlingen kan innebära stor påverkan på kvinnors hälsa och livssituation och ge stora effekter på sexuell funktion och sexuell hälsa.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av sexualitet efter genomgången bröstcancerbehandling. Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats genomfördes. Sökningar i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO genererade resultat ur vilket kvalitativa studier inkluderades. Innehållsanalys användes för att analysera studierna, flertalet koder återkom som kondenserades till kategorier som vidare kondenserades till teman. Resultat: Resultatet baserades på åtta kvalitativa och mixed-method studier som undersökte kvinnors sexualitet relaterat till bröstcancerbehandling. Dataanalysen sammanställdes slutligen i fyra teman; fysiska förändringar som påverkar sexualiteten,emotionella konsekvenser, sociala konsekvenser av den förändrade sexualiteten och stöd och coping. Slutsats: Många kvinnor upplever en förändrad kroppsbild och sexuell dysfunktion som ger påverkan på livsstil och partnerrelation. Både negativa och positiva konsekvenser förekommer och vid partnerrelation är kvaliteten av denna avgörande för kvinnans välmående. Kvinnorna erfar också bristande kunskap och stöttning från vården, vilken är beroende av kunskap och kompetens inom ämnet.

Telekrig i moderna konflikter - en framgångsrik eller överskattad förmåga? : En kvalitativ studie om telekrigföringens framgångar på det moderna slagfältet

Säfström, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The ability to use electronic warfare and conduct operations within the electromagnetic spectrum has since the 20th century gained a prominent role in modern warfare and is today largely viewed as a vital part of it. This view though is based on a field of research which mainly consists of studies lacking a problematizing or critical standpoint. This study therefore undertakes the task to question the consensus of electronic warfare as a vital part of the modern battlefield, to gain an understanding whether this view is only based on theoretical suggestions or due to it also being successful when applied in conflicts. This is done by investigating two cases: The Gulf War and Russia’s war in Georgia, by a qualitative research from a theoretical standpoint off Antoine Bousquet’s theory of military technology and its creation of perception.  The result show that electronic warfare has been mostly successful when applied in conflicts, while demanding to apply with great success. The study opens to a broader field for future studies with questions which remains unanswered. Was its successfulness due to technical developments, tactical applications or an enemy who lacks experience and education to effectively handle it?

Påverkar Premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) och Premenstruell dysforisk störning (PMDS) en kvinnas livskvalitet? : En litteraturöversikt ur ett globalt perspektiv / Does Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) affect a woman's quality of life? : A literature review global perspective

Lidholm, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Kvinnorelaterade sjukdomar är underrepresenterade inom forskning, Premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) och premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom (PMDS) är två av de. Premenstruella besvär orsakar konsekvenser för drabbade individer samt samhället i stort och är ett dolt folkhälsoproblem. Idag lider 75 procent av alla dessa kvinnor i fertilålder av någon grad av PMS och PMDS drabbar 3-5 procent av den kvinnliga befolkningen, vilket påverkar dessa individer psykiskt, fysiskt samt emotionellt. Mörkertalet är stort inom båda tillstånden då många kvinnor väljer att inte söka vård, till stor del på grund av rädslan för att inte bli tagen på allvar vilket resulterar i många odiagnostiserade individer. Syfte: Syftet med denna strukturerade litteraturstudie är att belysa den problematik kvinnor som lider av PMS eller PMDS ställs inför och hur det påverkar deras livskvalité. Metod: Metoden var att sammanställa tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar till en litteraturstudie. Resultat: Resultatet belyser de symtom samt problematik som kvinnor upplever under PMS och PMDS. Upplevelsen är även att samhället samt sjukvården inte tar PMS och PMDS på allvar. Erfarenheter som framkommer är att de inte får det stöd som de önskas samt bristen på kunskap i samhället samt hos partnern. Slutsats: Kvinnor saknar förståelse samt hjälp för sin problematik från både samhället, sjukvården och partner. Den faktor som påverkar mest negativt är stress. Samhället har förutfattade meningar om PMS och PMDS som inte stämmer överens med verkligheten. Mer kunskap samt forskning är nödvändigt för att kunna ge dessa kvinnor rätt resurser till en god livskvalitet. / Introduction: Women-related diseases are underrepresented in research. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Syndrome (PMDS) are two of them. Premenstrual disorders cause consequences for affected individuals and society at large and are a hidden public health problem. In 2021, 75 percent of all women of childbearing age suffer from some degree of PMS and PMDS affects 3-5 percent. Manifestations of PMS and PMDS are mental, physical and emotional. There are a large percentage of unreported cases who experience PMS and PMDS, however, these women may choose not to seek care, due to the fear of not being taken seriously. Thus, many womenare undiagnosedand experience many difficulties, which affects theirachieving a good quality of life. Method: The method was to compile ten scientific articles for a literature study. Results: The results shed light on the symptoms and problems that women experience during PMS and PMDS. The results also show that society and healthcare professionals do not take PMS and PMDS seriously. Other aspects that emerge are that women do not receive the support they want due to lack of knowledge in society. Conclusion: Women lack understanding and help for reproductive problems from both society, healthcare professionals and partners. One factor that affects most negatively is stress. Society has preconceived notions about PMS and PMDS that do not correspond to reality. More knowledge and research are necessary to be able to give these women the right resources for a good quality of life.


Rosenblom Petersson, Jeanette January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Swedish penal code has viewed self-induced temporary insanity, caused by intoxication, depending on which Sociology of Punishment is currently active. Starting from a lenient view of drug-induced insanity in the Middle Ages towards a harsher penal climate today.  Aims: This thesis aims to investigate how the Courts of Appeals views self-induced temporary insanity. Specifically, the investigation highlights how the courts navigate between the conflicting rationalities governing criminal intent on the one hand and drug abuse on the other. Results: A thematic analysis using NVivo showed that the Court of Appeals verdicts are inconsistent regarding sentencing when addiction is involved. The results also show a lack of knowledge about addiction as an illness within the Court of Appeals and that the courts sentence substance abusers much harder than others with temporary insanity. The thesis concludes that the Rule of Law is at risk when inconsistent verdicts are commonplace.

Detecting Signal Corruptions in Voice Recordings for Speech Therapy / Igenkänning av Signalproblem i Röstinspelningar för Logopedi

Nylén, Helmer January 2021 (has links)
When recording voice samples from a patient in speech therapy the quality of the recording may be affected by different signal corruptions, for example background noise or clipping. The equipment and expertise required to identify small disturbances are not always present at smaller clinics. Therefore, this study investigates possible machine learning algorithms to automatically detect selected corruptions in speech signals, including infrasound and random muting. Five algorithms are analyzed: kernel substitution based Support Vector Machine, Convolutional Neural Network, Long Short-term Memory (LSTM), Gaussian Mixture Model based Hidden Markov Model and Generative Model based Hidden Markov Model. A tool to generate datasets of corrupted recordings is developed to test the algorithms in both single-label and multi-label settings. Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used as the main features. For each type of corruption different ways to increase the classification accuracy are tested, for example by using a Voice Activity Detector to filter out less relevant parts of the recording, changing the feature parameters, or using an ensemble of classifiers. The experiments show that a machine learning approach is feasible for this problem as a balanced accuracy of at least 75% is reached on all tested corruptions. While the single-label study gave mixed results with no algorithm clearly outperforming the others, in the multi-label case the LSTM in general performs better than other algorithms. Notably it achieves over 95% balanced accuracy on both white noise and infrasound. As the algorithms are trained only on spoken English phrases the usability of this tool in its current state is limited, but the experiments are easily expanded upon with other types of audio recordings, corruptions, features, or classification algorithms. / När en patients röst spelas in för analys i talterapi kan inspelningskvaliteten påverkas av olika signalproblem, till exempel bakgrundsljud eller klippning. Utrustningen och expertisen som behövs för att upptäcka små störningar finns dock inte alltid tillgänglig på mindre kliniker. Därför undersöker denna studie olika maskininlärningsalgoritmer för att automatiskt kunna upptäcka utvalda problem i talinspelningar, bland andra infraljud och slumpmässig utsläckning av signalen. Fem algoritmer analyseras: stödvektormaskin, Convolutional Neural Network, Long Short-term Memory (LSTM), Gaussian mixture model-baserad dold Markovmodell och generatorbaserad dold Markovmodell. Ett verktyg för att skapa datamängder med försämrade inspelningar utvecklas för att kunna testa algoritmerna. Vi undersöker separat fallen där inspelningarna tillåts ha en eller flera problem samtidigt, och använder framförallt en slags kepstralkoefficienter, MFCC:er, som särdrag. För varje typ av problem undersöker vi också sätt att förbättra noggrannheten, till exempel genom att filtrera bort irrelevanta delar av signalen med hjälp av en röstupptäckare, ändra särdragsparametrarna, eller genom att använda en ensemble av klassificerare. Experimenten visar att maskininlärning är ett rimligt tillvägagångssätt för detta problem då den balanserade träffsäkerheten överskrider 75%för samtliga testade störningar. Den delen av studien som fokuserade på enproblemsinspelningar gav inga resultat som tydde på att en algoritm var klart bättre än de andra, men i flerproblemsfallet överträffade LSTM:en generellt övriga algoritmer. Värt att notera är att den nådde över 95 % balanserad träffsäkerhet på både vitt brus och infraljud. Eftersom algoritmerna enbart tränats på engelskspråkiga, talade meningar så har detta verktyg i nuläget begränsad praktisk användbarhet. Däremot är det lätt att utöka dessa experiment med andra typer av inspelningar, signalproblem, särdrag eller algoritmer.

Predicting the Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions Using Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning / Prediktering av följderna från störningar i en försörjningskedja med användning av statistisk analys och maskininlärning

Andersson, Hannes, Sjöberg, John January 2023 (has links)
The dairy business is vulnerable to supply chain disruptions since large safety stocks to cover up losses are not always a viable option, therefore it is crucial to maintain a smooth supply chain to ensure stable delivery accuracies. Disruptions are unpredictable and hard to avoid in the supply chain, especially in cases where production errors cause lost production volume. This thesis proposes the use of machine learning and statistical modelling together with data from Arla to predict when a shortage will occur and its duration to allow proactive decision making to mitigate the consequences of the disruption. The aim of this thesis is to create one predictive model for delay and one for duration based on data from multiple products and explore how the features and methods used can capture the product specific characteristics in the data and thereupon improve the models. The model used for evaluating these factors was a random forest classifier, and permutation feature importance was used to determine the relevant features for the models. The issue of having imbalanced data was handled by first grouping the data and then applying the oversampling method SMOTE. The two models were trained on different datasets where the duration model was trained on all disruptions and the delay model was only trained on a subset were a shortage have occurred. One finding was that applying SMOTE yielded the best results. The best duration model had an accuracy of 62% with precision and recall of 79% and 76% respectively for the majority class, but very low for the other classes with a combined average of 21% and 24%. The most important feature for the duration was the the quotient describing the lost production. The best delay model had an accuracy of 62% with more accurate predictions over all classes and an average precision and recall of 59% and 57%. The most important feature for the delay was how often a product is produced. / Mejeribranschen är sårbar för störningar i försörjningskedjan eftersom stora säkerhetslager för att täcka förluster inte alltid är ett genomförbart alternativ, därför är det avgörande att upprätthålla en smidig försörjningskedja för att säkerställa stabila leveransnivåer. Störningar är oförutsägbara och svåra att undvika i en försörjningskedja, särskilt i de fall där produktionsfel orsakar minskad produktionsvolym. Denna uppsats föreslår användning av maskininlärning och statistisk modellering tillsammans med data från Arla för att prediktera när en brist kommer att uppstå i förhållande till störningen samt bristens varaktighet för att möjliggöra proaktiva beslut som förmildrar konsekvenserna av störningen. Målet med denna uppsats är att skapa en prediktiv modell för fördröjning och en för varaktighet baserad på data från flera produkter och undersöka hur de variabler och metoder som användes kan fånga produktspecifika egenskaper i data och därav förbättra modellen. Modellen som användes för att utvärdera dessa faktorer var en random forest klassificerare, och permutation feature importance användes för att utvärdera de använda variablerna för modellerna. Obalanserad data hanterades genom att först gruppera datan och sedan tillämpa översamplingsmetoden SMOTE. De två modellerna tränades på olika data där varaktighetsmodellen tränades på alla störningar och fördröjningsmodellen endast tränades på de fall där en brist uppstått. En slutsats var att tillämpning av SMOTE gav de bästa resultaten. Den bästa varaktighetsmodellen hade en noggrannhet på 62% med precision och recall på 79% respektive 76% för majoritetsklassen men mycket lägre för de andra klasserna med en genomsnittlig precision och recall på 21% och 24%. Den viktigaste variabeln för varaktigheten var kvoten som beskriver den förlorade produktionen. Den bästa fördröjningsmodellen hade en noggrannhet på 62% med stabilare prediktioner över alla klasser och en genomsnittlig precision och recall på 59% och 57%. Den viktigaste variabeln för fördröjningen var hur ofta en produkt produceras.

3+1 Approach to Cosmological Perturbations : Deriving the First Order Scalar Perturbations of the Einstein Field Equations / Kosmologisk störningsräkning utifrån 3+1 formalismen : Härledning av första ordningens skalära störningar av Einsteins fältekvationer

Wilhelm, Söderkvist Vermelin January 2016 (has links)
Experimental data suggest that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on sufficiently large scales. An exact solution of the Einstein field equations exists for a homogeneous and isotropic universe, also known as a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. However, this model is only a first approximation since we know that, locally, the universe has anisotropic and inhomogeneous structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. In order to successfully introduce inhomogeneities and anisotropies to the model one uses perturbative methods. In cosmological perturbations the FLRW universe is considered the zeroth order term in a perturbation expansion and perturbation theory is used to derive higher order terms which one tries to match with observations. In this thesis I present a review of the main concepts of general relativity, discuss the 3+1 formalism which gives us the Einstein field equations in a useful form for the perturbative analysis, and lastly, I derive the first order scalar perturbations of the Einstein field equations.

Bankers resiliens vid större kriser : En studie av hur banker hanterar störningar i kortsystem

Yesilkayali, Selin, Aref, Abed January 2018 (has links)
Today’s society is built upon different infrastructures; structured and integrated systems that are available generally. The consequences of an infrastructure that has stopped working may lead to detrimental implications for the dependent entity – critical infrastructure of said kind are called critical infrastructures. If a payment system would happen to cease to work, a bullwhip-like effect would occur within the financial infrastructure. To create resilience, i.e. the ability to counteract or rehabilitate such an event, is a methodology that may assist the society in handling crises such as these in a more efficient manner. The purpose of this study is to examine the banking sectors resilience in the context of disruptions within card payment systems. The study has been conducted with the help of interviews by different stakeholders working within the banking sector in Sweden. The collected data has been completely confidential. This study is of an exploratory nature, thus a qualitative research method has been applied. The interviews have been recorded and transcribed, and lastly analyzed. The conclusions drawn from the results and analysis has shown that the banks have knowledge of core principals of resilience. The banks resilience principals do differ from the principles conveyed in theoretical literature – while maintaining a unified view of said principles among themselves in the financial sector. The banks are prepared for short-term crises that may emerge, but they do not seem particularly prepared for long-term - more rare – crises. / Dagens samhälle är uppbyggt av många olika infrastrukturer, med infrastruktur menas ett system som är allmänt tillgängligt. Följderna av en infrastruktur som har slutat att fungera kan leda till något stort då en störning kan påverka flera delar i samhället, detta kallas för kritisk infrastruktur. Skulle betalningssystemet sluta fungera uppstår det störningar i den finansiella infrastrukturen. Att skapa resiliens, d.v.s. förmågan att motstå eller återhämta sig från olika kriser som kan uppstå i samhället, är en arbetsmetod som kan hjälpa samhället att hantera kriser på ett effektivare sätt. Syftet med studien är att undersöka bankers resiliens mot störning i kortsystem. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med representanter från banker i Sverige och insamlade svar behandlas konfidentiellt. Denna studie är en explorativ studie med kvalitativa forskningsmetoder och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och slutligen analyserades. De slutsatser som dras från resultat och analys är att bankerna har kännedom om resiliens och arbetar med resiliens principerna. Bankernas resiliens principer skiljer sig från principerna i teorin, dock har bankerna ett gemensamt synsätt på resiliens. Bankerna är förberedda för kortvariga kriser som kan uppstå men inte för långvariga kriser då de anser att långvariga kriser är sällsynta.

Barn till föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa : Barndom och uppväxtvillkor / Children of parents with a mental illness : Childhood conditions and challenges

Skerfving, Annemi January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to – from a child perspective and with children as informants – describe and analyze childhood conditions for children whose parents suffer from severe mental illness. The method used is qualitative – 28 children, 10 boys and 18 girls, 7–18 years old, were interviewed about their parents’ mental disorder; the family situation and their own personal life – in school and during free time. The analyses are based on Sociology of Childhood and Family Sociology. Previous studies have, to a great extent, focused on the risk the children run of developing mental health- and social problems and what helps them to grow up healthy. The increased risk of mental health- and social problems has been well confirmed, but also that preventive interventions can contribute to resilience in the children. Although some studies have explored children’s experiences of their parents’ mental illness and the challenges they meet, research from a childhood perspective, has so far been scarce. The results of this study reveal different degrees of emotional, physical and social exposure for the children. Their childhood conditions were related to gender, relations, communication, problem load and social situation of the family. If the parent with a mental illness was a woman, the situation for the child was often more exposed than if it was the father – most likely due to parental roles and expectations on men and women in the Swedish society at that time. Girls seemed more emotionally involved in the parents’ problems than boys, especially if the parent with a mental illness was a father. Most of the parents were divorced or had never lived together. Parental conflicts complicated the life of the children, who were expected to have maintained relationships to both parents. Lack of communication about the parent’s mental disorder in - and outside the family - was common. The children were often uninformed about the parent’s problems.  If hindered to pass information between and outside their two homes, they were left to handle difficult, sometimes dangerous, situations with the mentally ill parent, alone. The home was not always the safe place for rest and recovery, as homes are expected to be. The heavier the total problem load of the family, the more exposed was the child. Most exposed were children whose both parents had severe problems – mental illness or addiction. They were often placed in out of home care, for longer or shorter periods. The kind and degree of exposure the children experienced varied. Four kinds of childhood sceneries could be recognized: (1) the well organized childhood, where the parent’s mental health problem was mainly an emotional burden for the children; (2) the complicated childhood, where the parents conflicts and inability to protect the child made the child either too involved or too lonely in handling the problems that the parent’s mental illness caused them; (3) the problematic childhood where the parent’s mental illness was not the only problem in the family, but factors like the other parent’s drinking, siblings’ problems, social and economical difficulties added to the burden and (4) the exposed childhood where none of the parents was able to take care of the child. Knowledge and openness, about the parents’ problems, seemed to increase competence and decrease feelings of guilt and responsibility for the parent. All of the children stood forward, not as passive victims, but as competent agents in their own lives – although often more or less powerless because of their dependence of their parents and other adults around them. It was clear, though, that there is a need for professionals in adult psychiatry, social services, school and preschool, to pay attention to the children of parents with mental health problems and see to that they get the information and support they need. Keywords: Children, childhood conditions, children as agents, parental mental illness/mental disorders, mental health knowledge, exposed life situations, competence.

Tools for Outcome-informed management of mental illness : Psychometric properties of instruments of the Swedish clinical multicenter Quality Star cohort

Ivarsson, Bo January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the psychometric properties of three global user subjective measures of the ”The Quality Star” clinical review model: Consumer Satisfaction Scale, Global Quality of Life scale, and Perceived Global Distress scale. The mental health implementation context of this review model emphasizes the client as an agent of change, taking part in shared decision making in an empowered role as collaborative partner to the professional clinicians. In Paper I study the patient self-rating Consumer Satisfaction Scale gave results comparable to those obtained by independent interviewer assessors. Out of cost-effective perspective professional time is saved and logistics simplified. In Paper II the visual analogue self-rating Global Quality of Life scale was shown to have satisfactory test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity with the “Life as a whole” item of Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life (MANSA). The patients’ conceptualizations of the scale based on associative findings with a number of validating instruments were consistent with expected areas of concern for Serious Mentally Ill persons. Similarly, in Paper III the visual analogue scale the Perceived Global Distress scale, showed acceptable clinical test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity with the MANSA item, “How satisfied are you with your mental health”. In associative analyses it was found that depressive, anxiety, interpersonal and existential elements contributed to the patient´s conceptualization of the construct. In Paper IV, a previous finding suggesting that women were more satisfied with the health care and had better social functioning compared to men was further elaborated investigating the discriminative properties of the subjective instruments. In the multi-centre cohort of 2552 patients it was possible to detect differences between genders and functional levels professionally assessed with the split version of Global Assessment of Functioning rating scale. The General discussion underlines that although subjective measures tend to have strong interrelations, supporting earlier findings, one has to use multiple measures for an optimal management of mental illness as the subjective outcome ratings have to be individually interpreted in a feed-back dialogue with the patient and be compared to observational assessments.

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