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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framgångsrik undervisning = framgångsrika studier? : Elevperspektiv på undervisning och lärande

Karlsson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka elevers syn på undervisning och lärande. Undersökningen visar vad elever tycker är bra lektioner och när de tycker att de lär sig bäst, samt undersökt detta i relation till skolans styrdokument. Anledningen till detta är att skolans läroplan tillsammans med Skolverkets Allmänna råd ger lärare råd om hur de bör planera och genomföra undervisning för att nå bästa resultat med våra elever. Undersökningen är kvantitativ i form av en enkätundersökning som genomförts som totalundersökning på en gymnasieskola i en mindre kommun i Sverige. Enkäten består av påståenden om undervisning och lärande och är konstruerad utifrån en begreppsdefinition som bygger på svensk skolas styrdokument och aktuell forskning. Resultaten visar att elever lyfter fram tydlighet och relationer som viktigast för god undervisning och effektivt lärande. Undervisningsmetoder framstår som minst viktiga. Resultaten tyder också på att eleverna i stort upplever samma faktorer som avgörande för undervisning och lärande som våra styrdokument förespråkar. / This paper aims to investigate pupil’s views on teaching and learning. I look at what pupils think are good lessons and place this in context with the Swedish school systems steering documents, such as curriculum and general advice from the education authorities; Skolverket. The method of this paper is a quantitative survey including the entire population of pupils at one Swedish upper secondary school in a smaller municipality. The survey consists of statements about teaching and learning constructed from a definition of good teaching based on the Swedish school systems steering documents and current research. The results show that pupils value understanding and relationships as most important for good teaching and effective learning. Methods of teaching are considered as the least important. The results also show that the pupils in large value the same factors as do our steering documents.

Four Shades of Culture - A study of four teachers' perception of culture

Landström, Johanna, Persson, Lecille January 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on four English teachers’ perception of the concept of culture linked to teaching language. Semi-structured interviews were carried out in order to investigate how they perceive culture in relation to both their personal views and the steering documents for the educational system. To gain a more in–depth understanding of their perception we asked them about their own perception of their teaching methods and how they in turn perceive the students’ development with regards to intercultural understanding. We applied Eva Gagnestam’s four descriptions of culture to be able to explore the different ways in which the teachers worked with the concept of culture in the English classroom.

”Den ultimata boken finns inte, jag har letat i 30 år” : En studie om hur gymnasielärare i svenska arbetar med kvinnliga författare verksamma 1900−1940. / “The ultimate book does not exist, I’ve been searching for thirty years” : A study of how upper secondary school teachers of Swedish work with female authors writing in the period 1900−1940.

Thorsell, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how upper secondary school teachers of Swedish work with female authors writing in the period 1900–1940. The research questions concern how upper secondary school teachers work with the female authors, how their work interacts with steering documents and textbooks, whether the teachers show any similarities and differences in their work, and how female authors are treated in the textbooks and steering documents that are used. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with three upper secondary school teachers and one textbook per teacher was analysed together with the steering documents. The study reveals clear similarities and differences in the teachers’ work. The teachers work chronologically, period by period, and they deal with female authors in terms of a societal context, but they do not think that the work with women has any intrinsic value. Textbooks and steering documents have a central role to play in the teaching and are used together with other teaching material. The textbooks have an over-representation of male authors and the female authors are treated on their own, separated from the rest of the text and viewed in relation to male authors. The textbooks maintain a gender system where the man is the norm and the sexes are kept apart. The steering documents explicitly deal with female authors to a small extent and are shown to dictate of fundamental principles for what is considered valuable to consider in school work.

Minoritetsspråkens synliga osynlighet : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och läroböcker belyser minoritetsspråken i Svenska B på gymnasiet

Dahlgren, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta är en kvalitativ uppsats med syfte att ge en inblick i hur ett antal läroböcker och lärare valt att belysa Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk i Svenska B på gymnasiet. Jag har analyserat fem läroböcker böcker i svenska, samtliga utgivna efter år 2000. Analysen visade att alla analyserade böcker utom en har gett minoritetsspråken mycket lite utrymme. Informationen i majoriteten av böckerna fokuserar på vilka minoritetsspråken är och vilka rättigheter de sedan 2000 erhållit. I tre av de analyserade böckerna nämns den historiska aspekten men informationen är ofta tagen ur sin kontext. Till studien intervjuades också tre verksamma gymnasielärare i svenska med avsikten att ta reda hur de tolkar minoritetsspråkens roll i Svenska B. Resultatet visade att samtliga informanter gav minoritetsspråken mycket lite och ibland inget utrymme i Svenska B. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att minoritetsspråken varken i den analyserade litteraturen eller av de intervjuade lärarna gavs vidare stort utrymme.</p> / <p>This is a qualitative essay in order to study how a number of textbooks and teachers illuminate Sweden’s national minority languages in the B-course in Swedish, in the upper secondary school. Five Swedish textbooks, published after year 2000 has been analysed which showed that all books except one gave the minority languages little room and that the information in the majority of textbooks was focused on which languages that are the minority languages and the rights they have received. In three books of five, the historical aspect is mentioned but it is often taken out of its context. For the study I also interviewed three active Swedish teachers with the intention to find out there view on the minority languages role in the Swedish b-course. The result showed that all teachers gave the minority languages very little or sometimes no space at all.</p>

Minoritetsspråkens synliga osynlighet : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och läroböcker belyser minoritetsspråken i Svenska B på gymnasiet

Dahlgren, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ uppsats med syfte att ge en inblick i hur ett antal läroböcker och lärare valt att belysa Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk i Svenska B på gymnasiet. Jag har analyserat fem läroböcker böcker i svenska, samtliga utgivna efter år 2000. Analysen visade att alla analyserade böcker utom en har gett minoritetsspråken mycket lite utrymme. Informationen i majoriteten av böckerna fokuserar på vilka minoritetsspråken är och vilka rättigheter de sedan 2000 erhållit. I tre av de analyserade böckerna nämns den historiska aspekten men informationen är ofta tagen ur sin kontext. Till studien intervjuades också tre verksamma gymnasielärare i svenska med avsikten att ta reda hur de tolkar minoritetsspråkens roll i Svenska B. Resultatet visade att samtliga informanter gav minoritetsspråken mycket lite och ibland inget utrymme i Svenska B. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att minoritetsspråken varken i den analyserade litteraturen eller av de intervjuade lärarna gavs vidare stort utrymme. / This is a qualitative essay in order to study how a number of textbooks and teachers illuminate Sweden’s national minority languages in the B-course in Swedish, in the upper secondary school. Five Swedish textbooks, published after year 2000 has been analysed which showed that all books except one gave the minority languages little room and that the information in the majority of textbooks was focused on which languages that are the minority languages and the rights they have received. In three books of five, the historical aspect is mentioned but it is often taken out of its context. For the study I also interviewed three active Swedish teachers with the intention to find out there view on the minority languages role in the Swedish b-course. The result showed that all teachers gave the minority languages very little or sometimes no space at all.

”Den svarta pärmen” : En socialpsykologisk studie om styrdokumentens betydelse för sociala relationer på ett företag

Robertsson, Monica, Benjaminsson, Evelina January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats har vi undersökt hur styrdokumenten inom ett medelstort företag i Västsverige påverkar organisationskulturen och samspelet mellan personalen. Vårt syfte har varit att öka förståelsen kring hur eller om dessa dokument kan styra och påverka individerna och kulturen inom en organisation. Vi har utgått ifrån ett institutionellt etnografiskt och etnometodologiskt angreppssätt i vår ansats in i fältet. Vi har genom detta sett till dokumenten som en makronivå, translokal nivå och samspelet som en mikronivå, lokal nivå inom företaget. Detta angreppsätt har blivit både vår metodologiska utgångspunkt samtidigt som de även blivit en hjälp i vårt analysarbete med det empiriska materialet. För att förstärka vår analys utifrån metoderna har vi även tagit in Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer samt Johan Asplunds teori om social responsivitet. Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet gjordes utifrån en triangulering av metoder i form av en mindre observation av arbetsplatsen, intervjuer med personal och ledning samt en textanalys av företagets verksamhetshandbok. Resultatet vi kom fram till i denna studie var att styrdokumenten, organisationskultur och samspelet på arbetsplatsen står i relation till varandra där det finns en svårighet i att uttolka vilket som kom först eller vad som påverkar det andra mest. / In this study we have researched how policy and procedure documents in an organisation influences the culture and the social interaction between the workers. Our goal as been to increase the understanding on how these documents can control and influence the individuals and the culture in an organisation. To help us understand our material we have had institutional ethnography and ethnomethodology in our approach. Our approach has helped us to analyse and view these documents from a macro perspective, as a translokal relation and the social interaction from a micro perspective, a local level within the organisation. These methods have also helped us in our analysis, but in order to confirm and strengthen this we have used both Johan Asplunds theory about social responsivitet and Randall Collins interaction ritual chain. In order to collect the empirical data we did an observation of the workplace, interviewed the employees and a text analysis of the policy and procedure documents. The conclusion of the study was that the policy and procedure documents, the organisational culture and the social interaction between the workers were in a close correlation, thus making it difficult to see which of these factors that had the most influence.

Hållbar utveckling i F-3 : En kvalitativ studie om styrdokumentens och lärarnas beskrivningar av undervisning för hållbar utveckling / Teaching for sustainable development in primary school : A qualitative study of steering documents and teachers' descriptions of education for sustainable development

Tavio Viera, Natalie January 2015 (has links)
Previous research has shown that sustainable development is a complex concept that can be difficult to apply in a teaching context. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the concept of sustainable development and education for sustainable development are formulated in school policy documents related to the five teachers' descriptions of how they practice it in reality. I have, based on the purpose of this study issued following questions: What are projected on sustainable development and education for sustainable development in the school curriculum as well as other documents that support school activities? What is included? What is not included? How does the teachers interpret the concept of sustainable development? How does the teachers say that they work with sustainable development in the subjects of social science? What difficulties does the teachers experience with education for sustainable development?  This study is made through a qualitative method based on a contextual analysis and interviews with five teachers. The results show that neither the documents nor the teachers' descriptions of education for sustainable development seem to indicate that sustainable development is seen as a political issue. Rather, the descriptions indicate that sustainable development is seen as a matter of ethics. In both the documents and the teachers' descriptions all levels of sustainable development i.e. local, national and international level are mentioned. Therefore, it is also described as a collective responsibility rather than an individual responsibility. In the teachers' descriptions of sustainable development the environmental dimension is mainly mentioned. The documents on the other hand emphasize all dimensions i.e. the social, economic and environmental. According to the documents these three should be balanced in order for sustainable development to be possible to achieve. Teachers' descriptions of how they work with sustainable development show a more clear vision of education for sustainable development as value mediation compared to what is written out in the documents. The steering documents also emphasize that knowledge of sustainable development is required to enable sustainable development. The difficulties that the teachers’ describe on education for sustainable development is mostly related to the complexity of the concept.  One conclusion of this study is that the documents and the teachers' descriptions of sustainable development and education for sustainable development are quite similar. This despite the few differences mentioned above and the fact that one teacher believes that the directives of the curriculum syllabus is a bit unclear in terms of sustainable development.

Sverigedemokraterna - en textanalys - en granskande analys av ett partis politiska texter

Persson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and present six different texts produced by the Sweden democrats. This examination focuses its attention on the content and the technique of the arguments present in the texts. In addition, the results will be put in relation to the steering documents for the Swedish school system. The aim is to observe common features regarding content and technique present in the texts. More specifi-cally, I will examine how the texts produced by the Sweden democrats pose a problem to the Swedish school system. In this particular study, data were collected through a selection which resulted in six different texts representative for the Sweden democrats. In addition, to display a broader picture of the party, the texts are written by different writers. Having carried out this particular study, certain conclusions can be drawn. To begin with, the texts are comprehensive and treat similar issues, namely anti-multiculturalism and condescension against the establishment. Secondly, there is a difference regarding content depending on the receiver of the text. Finally, there is a discrepancy between the content of the arguments in the analysed texts and the steering documents of the Swed-ish school system. This is particularly noticeable when it comes to multiculturalism and the treatment of foreign people. However, the results also show that there are some similarities regarding maintenance of the Swedish culture.

Identifiering och stöd till elever med dyslexi : En intervjustudie om hur lärare arbetar med att identifiera och stödja elever med dyslexi / Identification and support for pupils with dyslexia : A study about how the teachers work to identify and support students with dyslexia

Jansson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att diskutera och belysa hur några skolor arbetar med attidentifiera och stötta elever med dyslexi och sätta det i relation till skolans styrdokument. Föratt kunna undersöka dessa frågeställningar användes semistrukturerade intervjuer med sexstycken lärare som alla arbetar på olika skolor. Resultaten visar att skolorna arbetar med attkartlägga och följa upp eleverna och att lärarna försöker kompensera elevers svårighetergenom olika pedagogiska stöd och tekniska hjälpmedel. Skolorna arbetar inkluderande och deanpassar undervisningen och lärandemiljön utifrån elevernas olika behov och svårigheter.Resultaten visar också det finns dilemman som lärarna mött under sitt arbete med att hjälpaeleverna med dyslexi så som att skolan ska vara kompensatorisk men samtidigt varainkluderande, tidsbrist, hjälpmedlen kan vara utpekande och att eleverna behöver få endiagnos för att skolan ska få extra resurser. / The aim of the study is to discuss and illustrate how some schools are working to identify andsupport pupils with dyslexia and how it relates to their policy documents. To investigate thesequestions, semi-structured interviews were chosen as the method. Six teachers, all working atdifferent schools, were interviewed. The results show that the school are working to identifyand follow up students, and that educators are trying to compensate for pupils difficultiesthrough a variety of educational supports and assistive technology. Schools working in aninclusive and personalizing the teaching and learning environment according to puppilsdifferent needs and difficulties. The results also show there are dilemmas that educators facedin their effort to help students whit dyslexia as that the school should be compensatory but atthe same time inclusive, lack of time, that the us of aids can become stigmatizing, andstudents need a diagnosis for the school to get extra resources.

"What Are We Going to Do?" : Teachers' voices concerning Steering Documents, Pupils and Colleagues when it comes to planning Religious Education / "Vad ska vi göra?" : Lärares röster angående styrdokument, elever och kollegor rörande planering i Religionskunskap.

Wallner, Lars, Fagner, Ingrid January 2009 (has links)
<p>The essay treats religion teachers’ planning and how this is affected, from the perspective of three different aspects: steering documents, pupils and colleagues. Through interviews with a number of upper secondary school teachers, thoughts and opinions concerning these aspects impact on the planning, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, have been raised. The steering documents have proved to have the strongest influence on planning, while pupils’ and colleagues’ opinions have come second. The authors are in their closing discussion surprised to see the domination of the steering documents and the lack of cooperation between pupils and teachers as well as between teachers when planning.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen behandlar religionslärares planering och hur denna påverkas utifrån tre aspekter: styrdokument, elever och kollegor. Författarna har genom intervju med ett antal gymnasielärare tagit del av tankar och åsikter angående dessa tre aspekters kvantitativa och kvalitativa påverkan på planeringen. Styrdokumenten har visat sig vara den starkaste kraften i planeringen, medan elevernas och kollegornas åsikter kommit i andra respektive tredje hand. Författarna är i sin slutdiskussion förvånade över styrdokumentens starka roll i planeringen och den brist på samarbete mellan både elever och lärare och lärare emellan som blir synliggjord.</p>

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