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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur Konzeption fiktiver Frauenfiguren in deutschsprachiger Fanfiktion: Mary Sue und der Modus des femininen Schreibens / Conception of fictional female characters in German fanfiction: Mary Sue and “feminine writing“

Tassone, Ilaria January 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht die Motive zur Konzeption fiktiver Frauenfiguren in deutschsprachiger, moderner Fanfiktion. Die Fragestellung wird aus Perspektive der Psychologie, Soziologie und der feministischen Literaturwissenschaften betrachtet. Insbesondere die Bewegung des feminine writing nach Cixous dient als Ausgangspunkt vorliegender Untersuchung. Eine textnahe Analyse deutschsprachiger Fanfiktion bestätigt befindliche Forschungsresultate der Psychologie, Sozialwissenschaften und écriture feminine zu Konzeption und Funktion von Frauenfiguren in der Fiktion. Demnach beschreibt die fiktive Figur ein harmonisierendes Bindeglied auf einer Metaebene zwischen fiktiver und realer Welt. Die fiktive Figur artikuliert das Bedürfnis nach Befreiung, der Schreibprozess dient dem Aspekt der Neudefinition und Selbstverwirklichung.

Smoothieböcker är bara för kvinnor. En diskurs- och semiotisk analys av sju framsidor på smoothieböcker

Blychert, Ida January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras sju stycken framsidor på smoothieböcker publicerade mellan år 2007 och 2016. Syftet är att undersöka hur dessa riktar sig till en kvinnlig målgrupp genom sin formgivning. Uppsatsen grundar sig i ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv som kompletteras med teorier kring semiotik, färg, typografi och bild. Analysen sker i två steg där en semiotisk analys följs av en diskursanalys. I denna kan tre stycken diskurser kring kvinnligheten och smoothietrenden urskiljas: 1) Nyttighet, 2) Lyx, avslappning och njutning och 3) Kvinnligheten. Dessa budskap förstärks även genom färg- och typografival samt titelformuleringar på framsidorna. Slutligen problematiseras dessa resultat genom en diskussion kring vad detta kan ha för konsekvenser på såväl samhälle som individen samt designerns ansvar i formgivningen.

Representações do feminino em Dom Casmurro e The Turn of the Screw /

Gualda, Linda Catarina. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Cleide Antonia Rapucci / Banca: Heloísa Helou Doca / Banca: Sérgio Augusto Zanoto / Resumo: Esta dissertação objetiva investigar como se constrói a representação feminina nas obras Dom Casmurro e The Turn of the Screw, tendo como ponto de partida as personagens Capitu e a governanta, respectivamente. Os ideais femininos apresentados são criações masculinas e por isso merecem atenção especial. Ambas as personagens fazem referência a uma construção social que tem a ver com a distinção masculino/feminino, colocando a mulher numa posição de inferioridade e veiculando uma imagem negativa dessas mulheres adúltera e insana. Estamos interessados nesses estereótipos de mulher que se constroem a partir dos mitos concebidos e se incorporam ao gênero dando-lhes um caráter de naturalidade. Acreditamos que tais representações equivalem, no contexto das obras, a uma apropriação do olhar masculino sobre o corpo feminino. Machado de Assis e Henry James não captam apenas a alma da mulher, mas também transferem essa criação para a superfície da palavra com a qual esses enredos, narrados em primeira pessoa, se constroem. Por fim, com auxílio da linha feminista da crítica literária que se preocupa com a questão da mulher consumidora de uma literatura produzida por homens, pretendemos gerar uma reflexão a respeito da identidade de gênero criada e veiculada sob uma ótica masculina. / Abstract: This dissertation intends to investigate how the feminine representations are built up in the novels Dom Casmurro and The Turn of the Screw, whose starting points are the characters Capitu and the governess, respectively. The feminine ideals are masculine creations and so they deserve special attention. Both characters refer to a social construction that is related to the distinction between masculine/feminine, which includes the woman in an inferior position and projects a negative image of these women adulterous and insane. We are interested in these stereotypes of women that are built from established myths and are incorporated into gender showing a character of naturalness. Concerning the novels context, we believe that these representations are equivalent to an appropriation of the masculine view over the feminine body. Machado de Assis and Henry James grasp not only woman’s soul, but they also transfer their creations to the word surface, with which the plots in first person are built. To conclude, with the support of the feminist literary criticism which deals with the issue of women as consumers of a literature produced by men, we intend to encourage a reflection about gender identity created and presented according to a masculine view. / Mestre

Itinéraires d’un genre. Variations autour du Bildungsroman dans la littérature nigériane contemporaine / Itineraries of a Genre. Variations on the Bildungsroman in Contemporary Nigerian Literature

Courtois, Cédric 20 September 2019 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, l’un des traits distinctifs de la littérature nigériane tient dans son utilisation du genre littéraire du Bildungsroman , dont cette thèse considère les différentes évolutions chez les romancières et romanciers dits de la troisième génération. En examinant une vingtaine de romans, de Waiting for an Angel (2002) de Helon Habila à Freshwater (2018) d’Akwaeke Emezi, ce travail se propose de brosser un portrait panoramique d’un pan de la littérature nigériane ultra-contemporaine par le prisme du Bildungsroman. Prenant appui sur les études de genre, cette étude considère tout d’abord les différentes variations féminines d’un genre littéraire au penchant androcentrique. Les réécritures féminines du Bildungsroman mettent en lumière le développement (ou son échec) d’un point de vue et d’une voix individuels alors que les héroïnes tentent de (se) construire un moi unifié. La tendance allégorique du Bildungsroman sous sa forme traditionnelle est également centrale, et l’Histoire de la nation nigériane, depuis la guerre civile (ou guerre du Biafra, 1967-1970), jusqu’au début des années 2000, est au cœur des intrigues tissées par les ouvrages du corpus : la Bildung des protagonistes se fait en parallèle de celle de la nation. Enfin, au XXIè siècle, les frontières nationales ne semblent plus être tout à fait pertinentes pour les romancières et romanciers nigérians qui, de par leur propre expérience en tant qu’individus, détaillent les nouvelles conditions de développement dans une société mondialisée, multiculturelle, ou transculturelle, où les frontières (géographiques, identitaires, génériques) tendent à s’estomper voire à disparaître. Nous proposons donc de nous interroger sur l’existence d’une spécificité nigériane du Bildungsroman en ce début de XXIè siècle. / Since the beginning of the 2000s, one of the distinctive features of Nigerian literature has been the use of the literary genre of the Bildungsroman . This thesis considers the different evolutions of this genre among male and female third-generation Nigerian novelists. It examines more than twenty novels, from Waiting for an Angel (2002) by Helon Habila to Freshwater (2018) by Akwaeke Emezi, thereby providing a picture of contemporary Nigerian fiction. This study aims at analysing contemporary Nigerian fiction through the genre of the Bildungsroman. By using gender theory, it considers the feminine variations on an androcentric genre. These feminine rewritings put forth the development (or lack thereof) of the heroines from an individual viewpoint as they try to build a unified self. The allegorical tendency of the traditional Bildungsroman is also central, and the History of the Nigerian nation, from the civil war (or Biafra war, 1967-1970), to the beginning of the 2000s, is at the heart of the plots woven by the novels chosen in the corpus: the Bildung of the protagonist parallels the Bildung of the nation. Finally, in the 21st century, national borders do not seem to hold any longer for the third-generation writers who, because they experience mobility themselves, describe the new conditions of development in a globalized society, which is increasingly multicultural or transcultural; borders (whether they be geographical, linked to identity, or generic) tend to fade away, or disappear. This thesis examines whether or not a Nigerian specificity of the Bildungsroman exists in the 21st century.


VIVIANE ANDRADE PEREIRA 15 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] Partindo das postulações de teóricos que investigam a conjugalidade e a contemporaneidade, e de conceitos da teoria psicanalítica, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar as representações de família e maternidade, tendo em vista as transformações da subjetividade feminina na atualidade. O contexto da pós-modernidade e da globalização aparece como pano de fundo para refletir sobre família, amor, feminino e a representação psíquica de filhos para as mulheres. A indagação principal girou em torno da questão de como mulheres casadas lidam com a ausência de filhos, no contexto das reconfigurações do papel da mulher na sociedade contemporânea. Participaram do estudo nove mulheres heterossexuais, residentes, com seus parceiros, no interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com idades entre 42 e 54 anos, casadas, no mínimo há cinco anos, sem filhos. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, a partir de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado, que contemplou temas relevantes visando a atingir os objetivos propostos. Para a avaliação do material coletado foi utilizado o método de análise de conteúdo, tal como proposto por Bardin (2010). Os resultados obtidos apontaram para dois principais conjuntos de questões que se entrelaçam de maneira complexa. O primeiro ressalta o fato de que, no contexto das transformações da sociedade e, consequentemente, do papel da mulher, não ter filhos não significa um fracasso no projeto de ser mulher, mas, sim, uma escolha defensável discursivamente. Por outro lado, o segundo pontua que, apesar de todas as mudanças e dos novos arranjos familiares, a questão e os dilemas de ser, ou não ser, mãe ainda comparecem como centrais para a subjetividade feminina, e, muitas vezes, o sentimento amoroso ainda se atrela ao padrão romântico, levando a perceber os filhos como essenciais para o modelo de felicidade conjugal. / [en] Starting from the theoretical studies that address the conjugality and contemporaneity and concepts of psychoanalytic theory, this study aimed to investigate the representations of family and motherhood, in view of the transformation of the female subjectivity today. The context of postmodernity and globalization appears as a backdrop to reflect on the ideas of family, love, female world and psychic representation of children for women. The main question was to understand how married women deal with the absence of children in the context of the reconfiguration of the role of women in contemporary society. The study informants were nine heterosexual women living with their partners within the state of Rio de Janeiro, aged among 42 and 54 years old, married at least for five years and without children. A qualitative methodology, based on interviews with semi-structured questions, which included relevant issues in order to achieve the proposed objectives, was used. And for the evaluation of the collected material it was used content analysis method, as proposed by Bardin (2010). The results pointed to two main sets of issues that are intertwined in complex ways .The first highlights the fact that, in the context of changes in society and, consequently, the role of women, not having children does not mean a failure in being a woman project, but rather a defensible choice. On the other hand, the second points out that, despite all the changes and new family arrangements, the question and the dilemma of to be or not to be mother still attend as central to female subjectivity, and often, the feeling of love still harnessed to the romantic standard, leading to perceive children as essential to the marital bliss model.

Rational Femininity and Emotional Masculinity in Golding’s Lord of the Flies / Rationellt feminint tänkande och emotionellt maskulint tänkande i Goldings Lord of the Flies

Mavromatis, Stefanos January 2021 (has links)
This paper argues that in Golding’s Lord of the Flies feminine thinking is rational and masculine thinking is emotional. This essay provides historical background that presents the general patriarchal view of femininity during 20th century England of being seen as the inferior-emotional gender with intellectual limitations. By examining gender roles during the era that the setting of the novel takes place, what the terms feminine and masculine thinking indicate and by applying these terms, this paper categorises Piggy’s, Ralph’s and Jack’s behaviour and way of thinking. Furthermore, this paper argues that feminine thinking and feminine group-oriented logical behaviour are more advantageous, while the masculine individualistic emotionally driven thinking and behaviour cause some key problems. This essay’s goal is not to claim the superiority of one gender over the other but to question some of the masculine actions that Ralph and Jack engage in, by comparing them to the feminine actions that Ralph and Piggy engage in.

Styr genus valet av Cover Story? : En fortsatt studie på projektet Cover Story, där genusaspekten kommer upp till ytan på ett intressant sätt.

Hawsho, Melissa January 2009 (has links)
Cover Story is a project, which students at Lillholms - and Ekholms School worked in during spring and fall of 2009. Several school subjects were integrated in project; social studies, art and Swedish, to empower the students to create, implement and design a magazine. The purpose of the project was to give the students the opportunity to fantasize about the future and their dreams by creating their very own Cover Story. During the project I realized that the student’s selection of magazine genre had a direct relation to the gender of the students themselves. The boys mostly chose motor and car sports magazines as their Cover Story. The girls on the other hand preferred to choose dog and fashion magazines. Today there are an endless number of magazines in different interests, genres and professions. For instance, the magazine called Frida, which is directed to young girls, writes about various music groups, trends and gossip. The magazine called Autobilsport, which is mostly directed to men, covers news about upcoming cars and the latest audio equipment. In other words, there is a notion of masculinity and femininity even in the selection of magazines. My natural interest of this behaviour drove me to further study the subject and to get closure to this already started work. This study is written in order to analyze students' and teachers' thoughts about the gender aspect in relation to the project. The method used to collect data and information has been through interviews, questionnaire surveys and field observations. All materials have been developed in order to give deeper answers to the questions sought. The answers that emerged have then been analyzed in relation to selected theories. Whether the gender has been a significant factor in the students' choice of a Cover Story is difficult to answer. During the investigation it was discovered that the students themselves led their choice not only according to their interests and dreams, but also according to the selection of magazines that were at hand. The teachers argued that ideas are everywhere in society and not only in newspapers. However, the teachers have not been allowed to challenge or encourage students' choice of Cover Story. / Cover Story är ett projekt, som elever på Lillholms – och Ekholmsskolan arbetade med, under våren och hösten 2009. I projektet integrerades olika skolämnen som: samhällskunskap, bild och svenska, för att eleverna skulle kunna skapa, göra och designa en egen tidskrift. Projektets syfte var att eleverna skulle få fantisera över framtiden och sina drömmar genom att skapa en alldeles egen Cover Story. Under projektets gång upplevde jag att genus var en tydlig förekommande företeelse, i samband med elevernas val av tidskriftsgenre. Pojkarna valde till mestadels motor- och bilsporttidningar som deras Cover Story. Flickorna däremot valde gärna hund- och modemagasin. Idag finns oändligt många tidskrifter inom olika intressen, genre och yrkeskategorier som till exempel Frida, som skriver om olika musikgrupper, trender, skvaller och riktas till unga tjejer. Ett annat exempel är Autobilsport, som skriver om kommande bilar, senaste ljudutrustning och riktas oftast till män. Med andra ord finns en föreställning om manligt och kvinnligt även i valet av tidskrifter. Att forska vidare föll mig ganska naturligt, för att få möjlighet att avsluta ett påbörjat arbete. Denna studie är skriven i syfte att analysera elevers och lärares tankar kring genusaspekten i relation till projektet. Metoden som använts för att samla data och information, har varit intervjuer, enkätundersökning och fältobservationer. Allt material har tagits fram i syfte att ge djupare svar på de frågor som ställts. De svar som framkommit har sedan analyserats i förhållande till utvalda teorier. Huruvida genus styrt elevernas val av Cover Story, är svårt att besvara. I samband med undersökningen har det framkommit att eleverna själva styrt sina val utifrån de tidningsurval som funnits till hands, men också utifrån sina intressen och drömmar. Lärarna menade dock att föreställningar finns överallt i samhället och inte bara i tidningar, dock har de inte fått ifrågasätta eller uppmuntra elevernas val av Cover Story. / Cover Story

Walking the Highwire of Representation: Ethical Representation and Feminine Gaze in Historical Fiction

Steinkuhl, Lauren Elisabeth 02 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A Thesis is Not a Diary and Other Myths

Wolf, Erin Irene January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fotbollsspelande flickor och emotionella pojkar : En läromedelsanalys i svenska ur ett genusperspektiv / Soccer playing girls and emotional boys : A teaching material analysis in Swedish from a gender perspective

Gustafsson, Ronja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka läromedel för svenskämnet i årskurs 3 ur ett genusperspektiv med avseende på gestaltningen av pojkar och flickor. Anledningen till undersökningen är på grund av avsaknaden av obligatorisk granskning av läromedel inom skolväsendet. Metoden som använts är en läromedelsanalys där både bild och text har analyserats. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar där den första delen är en kvantitativ analys följt av en längre kvalitativ analys. Läromedlet som analyserades, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, stred mot flertalet av de traditionella könsmönster som finns i samhället samtidigt som några könsnormer bekräftades. Ett exempel på de bekräftade könsnormerna som presenterades i läromedlet var hur vissa flickor gestaltades i långt hår och rosa färgklädsel. Resultatet visade att flickor presenterades fler gånger än pojkar i både text och bild. Både kategorin pojkar/män och flickor/kvinnor överskred de traditionella könsmönster som finns i det litterära och samhället. Detta visas i läromedlet genom att flickor spelar fotboll och pojkar är emotionella. / The purpose of this study were to examinate teaching materials designed for the third grade teaching in the Swedish subject from a gender perspective regarding the presentation of boys and girls. The reason for this study is due to lack of compulsory reviews of teaching material in the school system. The method used is a teaching material analysis where both image and text have been analyzed. The analysis is divided in two parts where the first part is a quantitative analysis followed by a longer qualitative analysis. The analyzed teaching material, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, challenged many of the traditional gender patterns that exist in the society, while other gender norms were confirmed. An example of a confirmed gender norm presented in the teaching material was girls portrayed with long hair and pink clothing. The results showed that girls were presented more times than boys in both text and image. Both the categories’ boys/men and girls/women challenged the traditional gender patterns that exist in the literature and society by presenting girls playing soccer and emotional boys.

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