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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samtala som ung(e) : En samtalsanalytisk studie av Mirja Unges dialogstil / To Talk Like Unge : A study of the dialogue style of the author Mirja Unge

Torefeldt, Stina January 2020 (has links)
Mirja Unge is a Swedish author who often writes about young people and the tough situations they face. She writes both plays and short-stories and is acclaimed for her dialogue. The aim of this essay is to examine Unge’s dialogue style and how potential face-threatening situations are portrayed. To reach my aim I pose questions regarding the conversational support in two of Unge’s literary works, the short story Det var igår bara and the play Mariella and compare the result. The dialogues analysed both tackle the sensitive subject of sexual assault, a topic that is potentially face-threatening. The analysis is based on the theoretical and methodical framework of conversation analysis. The conversational support is analysed through “keys” that unlock interesting points in the conversation. The keys in this essay are ‘topic generation’ and ‘topic shifts’. The results show that in the text with the most conversational support (the short story) the subject of assault is avoided and only appear in the characters thoughts. In the play on the other hand there is very little conversational support, but the character tells the whole story in a direct manner. This indicates that the situation in the short story is more face-threatening than in the play. However there are other aspects in the dialogue that makes the conversation difficult for the characters in both stories.

Bortsprungna katter ropar tillbaks! : Håkan Hellströms svar på ett splittrat jags sökande efter mening

Marko Englund, Leo January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Medicinens lyskraft och skuggor : om trosföreställningar och symbolisk makt i habiliteringen 1960-1980 /

Carlhed, Carina, January 2007 (has links)
Disputats, Uppsala Universitet, 2007. / Findes også på internet (PDF-format): http://www.diva-portal.org/diva/getDocument?urn_nbn_se_uu_diva-8327-3__fulltext.pdf. Med litteraturhenvisninger.

Fortællinger om cancer og eksistens i det unge voksenliv / Narratives of Cancer and Existence In the Young Adult Life.

Christensen, Inge January 2005 (has links)
Baggrund : Meget få forskningsprojekter har udforsket den unge voksne cancerpatients mestring. Selvom antallet af unge voksne, som diagnosticeres med cancer er lille, anses det for væsentligt at opnå en kompleks og dyb helhedsforståelse af deres mestring, eftersom prognosen for helbredelse i denne aldersgruppe generelt er god, ogde således efterfølgende forventes at have et helt voksenliv at planlægge og håbe for, leve og mestre. Hensigt : at opnå en fordybet indsigt iden unge voksne cancerpatients levede erfaring af egen mest-ring gennem hendes/hans egne fortællinger med fokus på bevarelse/genskabelse af selvforståelse, virkelighedsforståelse og livsforståelse i behandlingsfasen af cancersygdommen. Metode : Som en væsentlig del af dette forskningsprojekt er udviklet en narrativ hermeneutisk - fænomenologisk forskningsmetode funderet i Paul Ricoeurs filosofi. Otte unge cancerpatienter imellem 21 og 31 år har deltaget i forskningsprojektet.Resultat :Fire metafortællinger om primært eksistentielle mestringstemaer i det unge voksenliv med cancer er vokset frem af deltageres fortællinger. Narrative mestringstemaer i disse er forandring og konstans i det unge voksenliv med cancer, nærhed og afstand i hverdagslivet med cancer, livsmod oglidelse i livetmed cancer, som parvis optræder i en kontinuerlig og samtidig bevægelse/spændingimellem hinanden og den eksistentielle betydning af metaforisk og symbolsk billedsprog og præfigurative, konfigurative og refigurative dimensioner i fortællingen for mestring i det unge voksenliv med cancer. Konklusion : Deltageres mestring fremstår meget situationsbunden, hvor samtidighed og kontinu-erlig bevægelse imellemovenstående mestringstemaer er kendetegnende for den unge voksne cancerpatients mestring, således at de kontinuerligt er/bevæger sig mange steder på samme tid i deresmestring. Deltageres mestring kommer til eksistens gennem fortælling, med tilblivelsen af narrativ identitet i en kreativ, refleksiv efterligning eller gendigtning af begivenheder/erfaringer i det levede liv. Fortællingens mimetiske dimensioner i deltageres samlede fortællinger fremstår således både som væsentlige kendetegn for deltageres fortælleproces og mestringsproces / Background : Very few research projects have studiedthe coping of the young adult cancer patient.Even though the number of young adults diagnosed with cancer is small, it is considered essential togain a comprehensive and deep understanding of the coping of this age group as the prognosis of being cured is verygood. The majority may therefore have a whole adult life to plan and hope for, live and cope with. Purpose : To gain a comprehensive and deep understanding of the lived experience of coping of the young adult cancer patient through personal narratives focusing on preservation/recreation of self-understanding, understanding of realityand understanding of life in the treatment phase of the cancerdisease. Method : As an integral part of this research project a narrative hermeneutic - phenomenological research method based on the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur has been developed. Eight young adultcancer patients have participated in the research project. Result : Four metanarratives about primarily existential coping themes in the young adult life with cancer have developed from the narratives of the participants. Narrative metathemes of these arechange and constancy in young adult life with cancer, nearness and distance in everyday life withcancer, life-force and suffering in life with cancer, which appear in couples in a continuous and simultaneous movement/tension between each other, and the existential meaning of metaphoric andsymbolic figurative language and prefigurative, configurative and refigurative dimensions in nar-ration/narratives for coping in the young adult life with cancer. Conclusion : The coping of the participants appears very situational, in that simultaneity and continuous movement between the above coping themes are characteristics of the coping of the young adult cancer patient, as they continuously and simultaneously are/are moving in many places in their coping. The coping of the participants come to existence through narration/narratives with the creation of narrative identityin a creative,reflective imitation or reinvention of events/ experiences of the lived life. The mimetic dimensions of narration/narratives in the narratives of theparticipants appear thus as essential characteristics of their narration process as well as coping process. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-102-4</p>

Tuberkulose blandt børn og unge i arktis : set fra et grønlandsk perspektiv / Tuberculosis among children and youth in the arctic : from a Greenlandic point of view

Skifte, Turid Bjarnason January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: Tuberkulose er fortsat en sygdom, man skal tage alvorligt i Grønland. Forekomsten er høj med 150-200 tilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere årligt, hvoraf 20-30 % er børn og unge. Trods BCG-vaccination af nyfødte samt en ihærdig indsats med hensyn til kontaktopsporing, behandlings-kontrol, forebyggelse og smitteopsporing har incidensen været vedvarende høj i de seneste 10 år. Formål: at undersøge, hvordan forekomsten af TB blandt børn og unge i Grønland havde udviklet sig fra 1988-92 og til 2002-06. Videre at sammenligne TB incidensen blandt grønlændere med inuitbefolk-ningerne i Alaska og Canada med særligt fokus på territoriet Nunavut, hvor den største andel af canadiske inuit bor. Endelig var det formålet at belyse om de TB-ramte børn og unge adskilte sig fra andre på tilsvarende alderstrin, set i relation til social baggrund og levevilkår, samt endelig at opgøre dækningen af BCG. Materiale og metode: Anmeldelser af TB tilfælde fra 1988-92 og fra 2002-06 blev sammenlignet. Registerdata fra Alaska og Canada blev sammenholdt med data fra Grønland til belysning af forekomsten af TB blandt inuit. Data fra et case-control studie foretaget i perioden fra 1.marts 2004 til 28.februar 2007 bestående af anmeldeskemaer, spørgeskemaer til belysning af sociale forhold og levevilkår samt oplysning om BCG-vaccination fra journaler blev analyseret. Resultater og konklusion: TB incidensen var fra 1988-92 til 2002-06 steget fra 67 til 141 tilfælde pr. 100.000/år. Størst stigning sås blandt børn og unge, idet den forholdsmæssige andel af 0-19 årige steg med 6 %. En stigende andel af TB tilfælde i byerne syntes snarere at være forårsaget af flytning fra bygd til by i de hårdest ramte distrikter end et ændret smittemønster. Inuit i de undersøgte arktiske regioner har stærkt forhøjet TB incidens i forhold til den øvrige befolkning, og incidensen var højest i Grønland. Andelen af TB syge i alderen 0-19 årige var i Grønland 27 %, kun overgået af Nunavut (33 %). De vanskelige levevilkår er fælles for inuit i Nunavut og Grønland, men årsagerne til smittespredning er komplekse. Resultaterne af case-control studiet var pga. den lille population ikke statistisk signifikante, men tyder på en sammenhæng mellem levevilkår og TB, såsom højt antal beboere pr. m² og rygning, som også fundet af andre. Studiet indikerer en beskyttende effekt af BCG hos mindre børn (&lt;10 år). Mange smittede og syge børn er et tegn på aktiv smittespredning, og de smittede børn vil være kilde til fremtidens TB. Der derfor god grund til at følge udviklingen blandt børn og unge nøje, samt at igangsætte initiativer for at bremse fortsat smittespredning. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is still a disease to be taken seriously in Greenland. The occurrence is high with 150-200 cases yearly per 100,000 inhabitants, 20-30 % of these are children and young people. The latest 10 years the incidents have been high continuously, in spite of BCG-vaccination of new-borns, and a persistent effort as regards contact tracing, control of treatment, preventive interventions, and tracking sources of infection. Objective: To examine how the occurrence of TB among children and young people in Greenland has developed from 1988-92 and up till 2002-06. Further to compare the TB incidence among Greenlanders to that among Inuit populations in Alaska and Canada, with special focus on the territory of Nunavut, where the largest share of Canadian Inuit live. Furthermore, it was the intention to examine whether the TB-infected children and young people differed from the population in general at the same age level, in relation to social background and living-conditions, and finally to estimate the coverage of BCG. Material and method: Notifications of TB-cases from l988-92 and from 2002-06 were compared. Register data from Alaska and Canada were related to data from Greenland to illustrate the occurrence of TB among Inuit people. Data from a case-control carried out in the period from March 2004 to February 2007 were analysed, consisting of notification forms, questionnaires regarding social conditions and living-conditions, plus information about BCG from case records. Results and conclusion: The TB-incidence from 1988-92 to 2002-06 increased from 67 to 141 incidents per l00,000. The largest increase was seen among children and young people, as the relative share of 0-19 yearers increased by 6 %. An increasing share of TB incidents in the towns seemed more likely to have been caused by migration from settlement to town in the districts most affected, rather than by a changed pattern of infection. In the arctic regions examined, Inuit people have a strongly increased TB-incidence compared to the remaining population, and the incidence was highest in Greenland. In Greenland 27 % of TB patients were at the age of 0-19 years, and only surpassed by Nunavut (33 %). Difficult living-conditions are common for Inuit in Nunavut and in Greenland, but the causes of the spread of infection are complex. Because of the small population involved, the results of the case-control study were not statistically significant, but they indicate a correlation between living-conditions and TB, such as crowding and smoking, as also found by others. The study indicates a protective effect of BCG on small children (&lt; 10 years). Occurrence of many infected and ill children indicates active spreading of the disease, and the infected children will be the source of TB of the future. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the development among children and young people closely, and to launch initiatives to prevent further dissemination of infection. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-41-2</p><p></p><p></p>

Hvordan vurderer behandlere god sosial kapital som beskyttelsesfaktor for alkoholproblematikk hos unge voksne i behandling? : En intervju-undersøkelse av behandlere ved Voksenpsykiatrisk avdeling Vinderen i Oslo

Olsen, Sven Ivar January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Möjligheternas arena? : barns och ungas samtal om tjejer, killar, känslor och sexualitet på en virtuell arena /

Löfberg, Cecilia, January 2008 (has links)
Disputats, Stockholms universitet, 2008. / Med litteraturhenvisninger.

Svenska handelsanställda ungdomar i Öresundsregionen

Holst, Liselott, Lindgren, Ida January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra hur svenska ungdomar som arbetar inom servicebranschen i Sverige respektive Danmark ser på arbete. Vad driver vissa ungdomar att ta steget över till den danska arbetsmarknaden, medan andra väljer att stanna kvar i Sverige? Avsikten är att undersöka detta utifrån utbildningsbakgrund, kön, social klass, familjesituation och ålder för att se om det finns några samband mellan dessa faktorer och val av land att arbeta i. Vi har gjort en enkätundersökning bland svenska ungdomar som arbetar inom handel i Sverige respektive Danmark. De resultat vi har fått fram visar att de främsta motiven till att arbeta i Danmark för dessa ungdomar är en högre lön och en bättre arbetsmarknad i Danmark. När det gäller inställningen till arbete och till den egna arbetssituationen skiljer sig inte resultaten åt särskilt mycket mellan de två grupperna. Ett resultat som också har framkommit är att rörligheten i Danmarksgruppen är högre än i Sverigegruppen. Med det menar vi att det är fler i Danmarksgruppen som har varit anställda en kortare tid än de i Sverigegruppen. När det gäller att värdesätta karriär är ungdomarna i Danmarksgruppen överlag mer positiva till detta än de i Sverigegruppen. / The aim with this work is to compare how Swedish young people that work within the service sector in Sweden respective Denmark sees on work. What runs certain young people to take the stage over to the Danish labor market, while others choose to stay left in Sweden? The intention is to examine this on the basis of education batch shallow, gender, social class, family situation and age in order to see about there be some connections between these factors and choices of country to work in. We have done a questionnaire survey among Swedish young people that works within trade in Sweden respective Denmark. Those results we have may forward shows that the most front reasons to working in Denmark for these young people are a higher salary and a better labor market in Denmark. When it comes to the attitude to work and to the own working situation divides the results between the two groups not particularly much. A result that also has arrived is that the mobility in Danmarksgruppen is higher than in Sverigegruppen. With it means we that it is more in Danmarksgruppen that has been an employee shorter time than they in Sverigegruppen. When it comes to that value setting career is the young people in Danmarksgruppen överlag more positive to this than they in Sverigegruppen.

Wer sich den Göttern widersetzt, der stirbt jung : Untersuchung der Unvermeidbarkeit des Suizids in Die Leiden des jungen Werthers hinsichtlich der Strömung des „Sturm und Drang“

Andersson, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
Der Ausgang des Romans Die Leiden des Jungen Werther (1774, von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) wird beim ersten Anblick oft als tragische Folge einer unglücklichen und unerwiderten Liebe zu Lotte angesehen. In dieser vorliegenden Arbeit wird der weit erforschten Frage der Unvermeidbarkeit des Suizids im Werk eine alternative Deutung geliefert. Diese ist außerhalb des Romans angesiedelt, und zeigt, dass der Suizid schon in der Epoche angelegt ist.

Det utskrivna barnet : En studie av relationen till barnet som konstruktion i Mare Kandres tidiga författarskap (1984-1991)

Gripfelt, Ylva January 2012 (has links)
This MA thesis analyzes how the protagonists and the narrative structure relates to “the Child” as a linguistic/cultural construction in Mare Kandre’s early authorship (1984-1991). A thematic of children portraits defines this period of Kandre’s writing, which consits of the following works: In a Different Country (1984), The Annunciation (1986), Bübin’s Kid (1987), The Burning Tree (1988) and Aliide, Aliide (1991). Linguistic components, such as the word “child”, the name “Kid” and a reconstruction of the concept of childhood, holds an actuate position in these narratives when they first appear in direct relation to the protagonists. This suggests how generally accepted categories and concepts consciously are at work in Kandre’s writings. Consequently, a category such as “child” can not unproblematically serve as a definition of any of the protagonists, irrespective of their presumptive age. Combining philosopher Judith Butler’s theory of name-calling with theories in the field of Childhood Studies as presented by Susan Honeyman, “the Child” in Kandre’s works is explored through the hypothesis of its function as a name. Close readings reveal how the protagonists, in the encounter with an explicitly cultural or narrative context, are constituted as subjects through the linguistic category “child”. The protagonists can be considered both as subordinated by the conventionally manifested notion of life development as a linear, measurable progress and as introduced to the means which make possible a critical response to that same notion. Since the main protagonists strongly refuse to be defined by the conventions supporting “the Child” as a category, a dialogue is created which gives the narrative its force. That dialogue corresponds to different aspects of the concept of childhood, which place “the Child” as a construction at the heart of Kandre’s narrative composition.

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