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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design gráfico: processo como forma / Graphic design: process as form

Eunice Liu 01 August 2013 (has links)
Criatividade no uso de recursos de impressão, reprodução, gravação, acabamento gráficos, editorial, encadernação e materiais, em design gráfico, denominados processos, é o tema desta pesquisa. A investigação procede de projetos resultantes da prática disciplinar e é documentada por imagem, fotografias, para ciência visual. Estudos técnico, formal (relativo à forma) e projetual investigam relações entre processo e forma, resultando em um repertório de parâmetros e possibilidades. Forma pura é gráfica e a construída, matéria conformada por processos, meios de produção pelos quais se trabalha forma. Conhecimentos de processos são recursos de projeto, e apropriações criativas destes, qualificam um bom design / Creativity in the use of printing, reproduction, engraving, graphic finishings, editorial, binding and material resources in graphic design, denominated processes, is the theme of this research. The investigation is originated by projects, product of disciplinary practice, and is documented by image, for visual science. Technical, formal (related to form), and project studies explore relationships between process and form, resulting in a repertoire of parameters and possibilities. Pure form is graphic and constructed form, material shaped by processes, means of production by which form is tooled. The knowledge of processes is project resources, and creative appropriations of them, qualify a good design

“Jag pallar inte kriga hela tiden. Vem fan är det som krigar för mig när det händer mig någonting?” : En kvalitativ studie om vardagsrasismens uttryck och påverkan på fem kvinnor. / “I can’t fight all the time. Who the hell supports me if something happens to me?" : A qualitative study of the expression of everyday racism and its impact on five women.

Andersson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and explain how five women with a non-European background find the expression of everyday racism in today’s Swedish society, how everyday racism can affect their mental health and how they experience that the Swedish majority population handle and respond to everyday racism. The study is qualitative and was made with semi-structured interviews. The theories used are the theory of everyday racism, "we" and "the Others" and Goffman’s stigma. The results indicate that everyday racism is manifested through the population's ignorance and silence, comments, prejudices and stereotypes and is mainly expressed in arenas where there are many people at the same time. According to the women, the school and the labor market are the two most common arenas for the expression of everyday racism. They witness that the Swedish majority population rarely deal with the occurrence of everyday racism. Their mental health is negatively affected by everyday racism and can lower the individual's self-esteem. The study’s three theories that include everyday racism, “we” and “the Others” and stigma can be applied to the women's stories about their experiences and feelings about everyday racism in the Swedish society.

Etude et prédiction d'attention visuelle avec les outils d'apprentissage profond en vue d'évaluation des patients atteints des maladies neuro-dégénératives / Study and prediction of visual attention with deep learning net- works in view of assessment of patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Chaabouni, Souad 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est motivée par le diagnostic et l’évaluation des maladies neuro-dégénératives et dans le but de diagnostique sur la base de l’attention visuelle.Néanmoins, le dépistage à grande échelle de la population n’est possible que si des modèles de prédiction automatique suffisamment robustes peuvent être construits. Dans ce contexte nous nous intéressons `a la conception et le développement des modèles de prédiction automatique pour un contenu visuel spécifique à utiliser dans l’expérience psycho-visuelle impliquant des patients atteints des maladies neuro-dégénératives. La difficulté d’une telle prédiction réside dans une très faible quantité de données d’entraînement. Les modèles de saillance visuelle ne peuvent pas être fondés sur les caractérisitiques “bottom-up” uniquement, comme le suggère la théorie de l’intégration des caractéristiques. La composante “top-down” de l’attention visuelle humaine devient prépondérante au fur et à mesure d’observation de la scène visuelle. L’attention visuelle peut-être prédite en se basant sur les scènes déjà observées. Les réseaux de convolution profonds (CNN) se sont révèlés être un outil puissant pour prédire les zones saillantes dans les images statiques.Dans le but de construire un modèle de prédiction automatique pour les zones saillantes dans les vidéos naturels et intentionnellement dégradées, nous avons conçu une architecture spécifique de CNN profond. Pour surmonter le manque de données d’apprentissage,nous avons conçu un système d’apprentissage par transfert dérivé de la méthode de Bengio.Nous mesurons ses performances lors de la prédiction de régions saillantes. Les r´esultatsobtenus sont int´eressants concernant la r´eaction des sujets t´emoins normaux contre leszones d´egrad´ees dans les vid´eos. La comparaison de la carte de saillance pr´edite des vid´eosintentionnellement d´egrad´ees avec des cartes de densit´e de fixation du regard et d’autresmod`eles de r´ef´erence montre l’int´erˆet du mod`ele d´evelopp´e. / This thesis is motivated by the diagnosis and the evaluation of the dementia diseasesand with the aim of predicting if a new recorded gaze presents a complaint of thesediseases. Nevertheless, large-scale population screening is only possible if robust predictionmodels can be constructed. In this context, we are interested in the design and thedevelopment of automatic prediction models for specific visual content to be used in thepsycho-visual experience involving patients with dementia (PwD). The difficulty of sucha prediction lies in a very small amount of training data.Visual saliency models cannot be founded only on bottom-up features, as suggested byfeature integration theory. The top-down component of human visual attention becomesprevalent as human observers explore the visual scene. Visual saliency can be predictedon the basis of seen data. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have proven tobe a powerful tool for prediction of salient areas in static images. In order to constructan automatic prediction model for the salient areas in natural and intentionally degradedvideos, we have designed a specific CNN architecture. To overcome the lack of learningdata we designed a transfer learning scheme derived from bengio’s method. We measureits performances when predicting salient regions. The obtained results are interestingregarding the reaction of normal control subjects against degraded areas in videos. Thepredicted saliency map of intentionally degraded videos gives an interesting results comparedto gaze fixation density maps and other reference models.

In situ- und online-Raman-Spektroskopie zur Analyse von Halbleiterheterostrukturen aus ZnSxSe1-x und Gruppe-III-Nitriden

Schneider, Andreas 31 May 2001 (has links)
In situ and online Raman spectroscopy - also known as Raman monitoring - offers the excellent opportunity among other possibilities for the evaluation of Raman spectra to investigate semiconductor layers during their growth without any interruption. Not only the surface properties of such layers can be studied, also simultaneously the substrate and the interface layer/substrate can be analysed. This study presents the analysis of growth processes of ZnS/sub x/Se/sub(1-x)/ and GaN layers as well the investigation of nitrogen doped ZnSe:N. Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) was used for the fabrication of these layers. The analysis of the Raman spectra was focused on the chemical composition of the semiconductor material, the stress in layer and substrate, the incorporation of extraneous atoms like nitrogen radicals into a crystal, the doping and structural order of the semiconductor and as well on the crystalline and amorphous phase of the material. Additionally to the MBE growth processes, the temperature induced resonant Raman scattering of ZnS/sub x/Se/sub(1-x)/ and ZnSe:N and also the desorption, adsorption and phase transition of a-As, a-Se and Sb were studied. Further investigations were undertaken on the nitridation of GaAs(100) by means of a nitrogen plasma generated in an rf-plasma source. The properties and changes of the semiconductor layers and the substrate depending on the layer thickness during growth are evaluated. The results are compared with theoretical models (e.g. spatial correlation model and modified random-element-isodisplacement (MREI) model). / In situ- und online-Raman-Spektroskopie – oder auch Raman-Monitoring genannt – bietet unter anderem die ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit, das Wachstum von Halbleiterschichten ohne Unterbrechung zu verfolgen. Dabei können nicht nur die Oberflächeneigenschaften untersucht werden, sondern es können gleichzeitig auch Informationen über das Substrat und über die Grenzfläche Schicht/Substrat gemacht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Wachstumsprozesse von ZnS/sub x/Se/sub(1-x)/- und GaN-Schichten sowie des stickstoffdotierten ZnSe:N untersucht. Zur Schichtherstellung wurde die Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE) verwendet. Das Hauptaugenmerk wurde dabei auf die chemische Zusammensetzung der Halbleitermaterialien, Verspannungen von Schicht und Substrat, auf den Einbau von Fremdatomen wie Stickstoffradikale in ein Kristall, die Dotierung und die strukturelle Ordnung der Halbleiter sowie deren kristalline und amorphe Phase gerichtet. Neben den MBE-Wachstumsprozessen wurden temperaturinduzierte resonante Raman-Streuung an ZnS/sub x/Se/sub(1-x)/ und ZnSe:N sowie Desorptions-, Adsorptions- und Phasenübergänge von a-As, a-Se und Sb studiert. Die Nitridierung von GaAs(100) mittels eines Stickstoffplasmas aus einer rf-Quelle wurde ebenso untersucht. Die Eigenschaften und Veränderungen der Halbleiterschichten und der Substrate während des Wachstums werden in Abhängigkeit von der Schichtdicke dargelegt. Die Ergebnisse werden mit entsprechenden theoretischen Modellen (z.B. Spatial-Correlation-Modell und Modified Random-Element-Isodisplacement (MREI)-Modell) verglichen.

Kvalitetssäkring i agila team : Hur balanseras kundnytta mot ökad risk för instabil mjukvara? / Quality Assurance in Agile Teams : How is customer value balanced against increased risk of unstable software?

Holmgren, Nils-Ivar, Bergström, Nils January 2022 (has links)
Agile software development aims to minimize risk by using a short and iterative process, a test-centric development approach by continuous integration, and test automation. Scrum aims to maximize collaboration and collective responsibility for quality by using a team approach. Regardless of this, the risk of project failure due to budget and time overruns is still a severe problem in software development projects. Despite the power that testing offers to mitigate these risks, testing remains a challenge to implement in agile teams regarding a test first or a test early context. This qualitative case study of two agile teams with differing approaches to agile methodology aims to provide some clarity on what driving forces contribute to an agile teams’ possibilities or what impediments contribute to an agile teams’ challenges pertaining to “why do we test software”.

”Har det aldrig slagit henne att jag är tyst, men inte beter mig tyst?” : En narratologiskt influerad analys av tystnaden i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden

Larsson, Line January 2022 (has links)
In this paper, I study the silence in Bart Moeyaert’s two novels Kärleken vi inte förstår (eng. It’s Love We Don’t Understand, 1999) and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (eng. Everyone’s Sorry Nowadays, 2018) with the help of Maria Nikolajeva’s theories of narrative perspective. I examine the narrative perspective in relation to the other characters’ appearances – focusing on the narrator’s priorities and voice – as well as how the silence is portrayed. Furthermore, by using a method of close-to-text reading I seek answers to the following questions: how is silence portrayed in Kärleken vi inte förstår and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? What is the role of silence in the previous novels? The last question refers to in what way Moeyaert uses the silence in his novels. Finally, I concluded that the silence in Kärleken vi inte förstår is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is used by the characters as a tool of communication, and on the other hand, it works as a storytelling technique to withhold information from the reader as well as amplify the atmosphere or mood. Moreover, the silence in Alla är ledsna nuförtiden rather has the function of a theme or a motif as it forces the story to move forward. / I denna uppsats studerar jag tystnaden i Bart Moeyaerts romaner Kärleken vi inte förstår (1999) och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (2018) med hjälp av Maria Nikolajevas teorier om berättarperspektiv. Jag utforskar berättarperspektivet i relation till hur de andra karaktärerna framträder – med fokus på berättarens prioriteringar och röst – liksom hur tystnaden gestaltas. Vidare söker jag svar på följande frågor genom att göra textnära läsningar av ovan nämnda verk: hur gestaltas tystnad i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? Vilken funktion har tystnaden i de ovanstående verken? Slutligen kom jag fram till att tystnadens funktion i Kärleken vi inte förstår är dubbel; å ena sidan används den av karaktärerna som ett verktyg för att kommunicera, å andra sidan som ett sätt att, av Moeyaert, undanhålla information från läsaren samt förstärka stämningar. Fortsättningsvis fungerar tystnaden i Alla är ledsna nuförtiden snarare som ett tema eller ett motiv då den tvingar historien framåt.

Characteristics of Contemporary Gag Order Requests in Media Law Reporter Volumes 19 Through 33

Clark, Brad Leavitt 11 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The conflict between the First Amendment and the Sixth Amendment is not new nor is it easily decipherable. Both amendments appear to have absolute priority, yet they appear to conflict (Erickson, 1977). The First Amendment declares unequivocally, "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press[,]" while the Sixth Amendment states with equal force, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed..." (U.S. Constitution, Amendment I, Amendment VI). Free speech and an unrestricted press can lead to a partial jury, but a jury unbiased by the media may mean restricted speech. In the judicial system the debate about how to balance these two competing constitutional rights has raged for decades, but one critical area—the nature and characteristics of requests for judicial "gag" orders—has been largely ignored. This thesis analyzed 103 cases from the Media Law Reporter volumes 19 through 33 (approximately 1991-2005) where gag orders were requested because of pretrial publicity. Those 103 cases were evaluated for the type of case, the reason for the case, when the gag order was requested, who requested the gag order, why they requested the gag order, who opposed the gag order, why they opposed the gag order, and why the gag order was granted or denied. It was found that although the issue of gag orders and their use in trials is not settled there is a general pattern to how they tend to be used. This study found that gag orders are most commonly used by judges in serious criminal trials, particularly at the federal level. Further, these cases usually involved juries, and the targets of the gag order were the parties involved in the trial, not the press.

A Comparison Of Eighth Grade Reading Scores By State And By The Four Census-defined Regions Identified By Naep

Gordon, William, II 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study provided information for policymakers and practitioners by comparing performance of eighth grade students in 2007 on state standardized reading assessments and by the four census-defined regions identified by NAEP. NCLB required states to set their own performance standards and to create their own data collection instruments resulting in increased transparency of student performance data and a lack of uniform accountability systems. The inability of educators, policy-makers, and the general public to make state-by-state comparisons in the area of reading was the catalyst for the study. NAEP data were collected from NCES and state performance data were collected from the USDOE SY 2006-2007 CSPR to determine if a relationship existed between eighth grade students' state scores and NAEP scores in the four census-defined regions. Data were further disaggregated by low socioeconomic students and by nonwhite students. A regression analysis was statistically significant in predicting: a) the state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores, b) the low socioeconomic state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores in the West census-defined region, and c) the nonwhite state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores in all regions. A regression analysis was not statistically significant in predicting low socioeconomic state proficient and above scores from the low socioeconomic NAEP proficient and above scores in the Midwest, South and Northeast regions.

La Romanie orientale : l'empire de Constantinople et ses avatars au Levant à l'époque des Croisades / Oriental Romania : the empire of Constantinople and his avatars in the Levant during the Crusades

Baraton, Édouard 11 June 2018 (has links)
L’empire de Constantinople, après un siècle (969-1085) de domination sur de vastes portions de l’Orient (Cilicie, Chypre, Syrie du Nord et Djézireh), et de rayonnement au-delà jusqu’à Jérusalem, dut reconstituer sa présence dans cet espace à partir de la fin du XIe siècle. L’arrivée de nouveaux acteurs chrétiens autonomes, Francs et Arméniens, compliqua l’équation politique de l’Empire, qui ne devait plus uniquement reconstruire sa domination sur ses anciens sujets, mais aussi compter avec ces forces. L’empire de Romanie vécut en Orient, parallèlement aux Croisades, une intense phase de redéfinition de sa réalité régionale, de ses modalités de fonctionnement et de son rôle politique. Cependant, cette expérience, qui se prolongea sur près de deux siècles, ne saurait se limiter à une simple projection de puissance de Constantinople sur cette périphérie. Malgré les bouleversements qui frappèrent le cœur de l’Empire de 1081 à 1289, la référence impériale se maintint en Orient sous les Comnènes, les empereurs latins et nicéens, puis sous les premiers Paléologues. Le processus ne fut durable que grâce à la redéfinition progressive de l’identité impériale locale. Ses contours varièrent par l’adjonction d’éléments hétérogènes, contribuant à complexifier l’empreinte de l’empire de Romanie en Orient. La Romanie orientale fut une solution à l’équation politique des pouvoirs locaux (la principauté d’Antioche, le comté de Tripoli et les royaumes de Chypre et d’Arménie principalement) pour réussir leur intégration régionale en la conjuguant avec un héritage impérial constantinopolitain, incluant l’Orient helléno-arabe. / The empire of Constantinople, after a century (969-1085) of domination over large part of oriental territories (Cilicia, Cyprus, North Syria and Djezireh) during which it exerted its influence over Jerusalem, had to restore its influence in this space from the end of the eleventh century. The arrival of new autonomous Christian players, Francs and Armenians, complicated the empire’s political equation, which had not just to rebuild his domination over its old subjects, but also had to allow for these forces.The empire of Romanie lived in the East, at the same time of the Crusades, an intense period of redefinition of its regional reality, of its modes of running and of its political role. However, this experience, which lasted for two centuries, can’t be confined to a simple projection of Constantinople’s powerful onto this periphery.Despite the disruptions which hit the heart of the empire, from 1081 to 1289, the imperial reference persisted in the East under the Comneni, the Latin and Nicene emperors, and under the firsts Paleologues.The process was lasting because of the gradual redefinition of regional imperial identity. Its contours were varied by the addition of heterogenic elements, which contributed to complicate the imperial mark in the East.Oriental Romania was a solution to the political equation of local authorities (Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripoli and the kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia mainly) to succeed in their regional integration, combined with an imperial Constantinopolitan heir, including the Hellenic and Arabic East.

Etude des non-linéarité photoréfractives dans les composés semi-isolants III-V et II-VI : influence d'une irradiation électronique

Delaye, Philippe 06 April 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente l'étude de l'effet photorefractif dans le proche infrarouge et, plus particulièrement, l'étude des matériaux sensibles dans cette gamme de longueurs d'onde. la première partie du travail a consiste a étudier les matériaux existants, provenant de la microélectronique, le GaAs et l'InP. Les études réalisées, tant expérimentales que théoriques, ont permis de comprendre leurs propriétés et de mettre en évidence leurs limitations, notamment pour les applications dans la gamme de longueurs d'onde autour de 1,3 m. au vu de ces résultats, nous avons propose une technique d'optimisation des performances de gaas utilisant l'irradiation électronique. L'irradiation induit une légère variation du niveau de fermi, qui doit favoriser l'effet photorefractif a 1,3 m. Les résultats obtenus ont montre que l'effet attendu était fortement contrebalance par la création au milieu de la bande interdite, d'un défaut d'irradiation. L'influence directe de ce défaut a été établie grâce au développement d'un modèle théorique de l'effet photorefractif prenant en compte deux niveaux de pièges profonds. En parallèle a cette étude de l'effet d'irradiation, nous avons travaille sur les composes ii-vi, comme le CdTe. Les premiers cristaux étudiés présentent des gains photorefractifs intéressants avec des faisceaux de faible puissance. Ces résultats confirment les promesses de ces cristaux pour une extension de l'effet photorefractif vers 1,5 m. Pour finir, nous présentons une technique d'amplification du gain photorefractif qui utilise l'application d'un champ alternatif carre. une augmentation du gain d'un ordre de grandeur est obtenue.

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