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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avträdets arkitektur / Architecture of the privy

Sidgwick, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetet ”Avträdets Arkitektur” utgår både från en problematisering av vår tids användning av vattentoaletten och använder också utedassets arkitektur som generator för projektet. Avträdet är en bortglömd byggnad, som kan berätta mycket om hur vi levt förr, men framförallt ett exempel på en arkitektur som för människan närmare naturen. Det är framförallt denna aspekt som legat till grund för detta projekt. Arbetets frågeställning har varit: Hur kan en arkitektur, som tar avstamp i det traditionella utedasset, bidra till att minimera samhällets vattenförbrukning och samtidigt addera sinnliga kvaliteter till den arkitektoniska upplevelsen i en bostad? Efterforskningen har innefattat hur rening av vatten fungerar, vilka miljökonsekvenser de för med sig och vilka alternativ som finns, samt utedassets funktion, utseende och historiska värden. Arbetet har resulterat i en ny typologi, ett slags större radhus, på Gotland. Tack vare ett gemensamt, mer lokalt, reningsverk och en toalettlösning som baseras på en vakuumlösning med urinseparation kan man bättre ta tillvara på resurser och minska användningen av vatten. Byggnaden inspireras på flera sätt av utedassens utseende och funktion, exempelvis genom att integrera kalla och varma utrymmen och en ständig närhet till naturen. / The thesis "Architecture of the privy" is based on both questioning our contemporary use of the flush toilet as well as using the privy as a generator for the project. The outhouse is a forgotten building, which can tell a lot about how one lived in the past, but above all an example of an architecture that brings us closer to nature. It is primarily this aspect that has been the base for the architectural question. The working question of this thesis has been: How can an architecture, which uses in the traditional outhouse as a generator, help to minimise society's water consumption and at the same time add sensual qualities to the architectural experience in a house? The research has included how purification of water works, the environmental consequences they bring and what the alternatives are, as well as the privy’s function, appearance and historical values. The work has resulted in a new typology, a kind of larger row house, in Gotland, Sweden. Thanks to a common, more local, wastewater treatment plant and a toilet solution based on vacuum with urine separation, one can better utilise resources and reduce the use of fresh water. The building is in many ways inspired by the appearance and function of the privy, for example by integrating cold and warm spaces and a constant proximity to nature.

De la Chambre de commerce de La Rochelle aux bureaux de Versailles, les relations commerciales entre droit romain et Europe du Nord au XVIIIe siècle : la voile rochelaise dans l'ombre de la Hanse / From the La Rochelle Chamber of commerce to Versailles offices, trade relationship between Roman law and Northern Europe during the 18th century

Martin, Nicolas 03 December 2013 (has links)
Créée en 1719 pour lancer une nouvelle représentation de la sphère « commerciale » au sein de la généralité, la Chambre de commerce de La Rochelle, point central d’une organisation institutionnelle complexe, participe activement à la vie politique et économique du royaume. Malgré la rivalité organique qui la fragilise, cette neuvième chambre parvient finalement à se présenter comme l’interlocuteur privilégié du négociant et son plus fervent défenseur. En tant qu’intermédiaire entre les rouages du pouvoir et les maisons de commerce, elle devient le pilier du négoce de la généralité et aussi sa mémoire, en collectant une abondante correspondance et de nombreux écrits touchant au commerce. Inscrite dans une logique de participation mais aussi de contestation, sa défense des intérêts locaux au sein du vaste intérêt national trouve tout particulièrement à s’exprimer dans les relations commerciales avec l’Europe du Nord. Certes, les préoccupations essentielles du commerce sont ailleurs, dans la mesure où ce circuit maritime ne saurait rivaliser en importance avec le trafic colonial et la traite négrière. Pour autant, les négociants rochelais n’entendent pas se résigner à la situation de fait qui prévaut dans la route du Nord : des denrées coloniales et des marchandises françaises fort convoitées par l’espace septentrional, mais transportées presque exclusivement sous pavillon étranger. Connus pour être de « grands disputeurs et faiseurs de mémoires », les Rochelais ne manquent pas d’analyser au fond les causes de la crise du commerce direct entre le Nord de l’Europe et le royaume. Ils dénoncent non seulement la mainmise quasi hégémonique des Anglais et des Hollandais sur cette voie d’échanges, mais également les mesures adoptées par les bureaux de Versailles qu’ils jugent trop timides. Cette réalité, expliquée jusqu’alors par des considérations d’ordre économique, politique et culturel, se colore de tout autres teintes si l’on prend en considération la norme juridique. Analysée à plusieurs niveaux et dans plusieurs dimensions, cette dernière révèle une inégalité de traitement manifeste entre négociants français et étrangers. Ententes diplomatiques, traités internationaux, législation douanière, cadre institutionnel, toutes les composantes de la règle de droit jouent un rôle important dans le fonctionnement de ce circuit maritime. Toutefois, la corrélation entre la règle de droit et le commerce du Nord ne saurait être appréhendée par la seule étude des échanges avec le port de La Rochelle. Le regard doit se porter également vers les modèles institutionnels et douaniers septentrionaux. Or ces derniers confirment que la spécificité de la norme juridique dans certains États du Nord constitue un élément déterminant de cette carte maritime. Et au-delà de ce constat, l’analyse attentive de l’un des plus anciens monuments du droit maritime médiéval, par ailleurs à l’origine de la ligue hanséatique, conduit à une singulière découverte : ce texte, connu sous le nom de « Lois de Visby » laisse transparaître, dans le berceau même de l’Europe du Nord, une très nette influence romaine. / Created in 1719 to launch a new representation of the "trade” sphere within the general population, the La Rochelle Chamber of Commerce, the central point of a complex institutional organization, participates actively in the political and economic life of the kingdom. In spite of the organic rivalry which weakens it, this ninth Chamber succeeds finally in becoming the privileged representative of the trader and its most fervent supporter. As the middleman between the wheels of power and the trading companies, it becomes not only the mainstay of popular trade, but also its recorder, by collecting numerous items of correspondence and papers relating to trade. In a policy of both participation and dispute, its defense of local interests within the vast national interest is especially to be found in business relations with Northern Europe. Admittedly, the main trade concerns are elsewhere, as this maritime circuit could never compete in importance with colonial traffic and the slave trade. For all that, the Rochelais traders do not intend to give up - which is shown in the route to the North: colonial commodities and French products, strongly desired by the North, but transported almost exclusively under a foreign flag. Famous for being "big debaters and memory makers", the Rochelais do not fail to analyze the root causes of the direct business crisis between Northern Europe and the kingdom. They denounce not only the almost hegemonic control that both the English and the Dutch have over these trade routes, but also the measures adopted by the Versailles offices which they consider too timid. This reality, explained until then, by economic, political and cultural considerations, looks completely different if we consider the legal rule. Analyzed on several levels and in several dimensions, the latter reveals an obvious disparity of treatment between French and foreign traders. Diplomatic agreements, international treaties, customs legislation, institutional framework, all the components of legal rule, play an important role in the functioning of this maritime circuit. However, the correlation between legal rule and trade with the North could not be explained merely by the observance of trade exchanges with the port of La Rochelle. The northern institutional and customs models must also be examined. And yet these models confirm that the specificity of legal rule in some Northern States constitutes a determining element of this maritime chart. Furthermore, the careful analysis of one of the oldest monuments of medieval maritime law, at the origin of the Hanseatic league, leads to a singular discovery: this text, known by the name of "Lois de Visby" shows clearly, in the cradle of Northern Europe, a very clear Roman influence.

O regime jurídico do contrato de transporte marítimo de mercadorias / The legal basis of the contract of carriage of goods by sea

Gama, Mariana Casati Nogueira da 18 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianaGama.pdf: 821073 bytes, checksum: 402b9864ba857f81db2e8321d820abb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-10-18 / The legal basis of the contract of carriage of goods by sea is the main object of the present work. The choice of this topic was influenced by the great importance that it presents and by the little prominence that the current Brazilian doctrine grants to it. Furthermore, due to the increase of the Brazilian exportation, the subject-matter is each time more appreciated by the national courts. In the present work were considered not only rules of domestic law, mainly represented by the Civil Code of 2002, but also principles of international law represented by two international conventions about the subject: the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading (Brussels Convention, of 1924), and the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (the Hamburg Rules, of 1978). Certain rules of comparative law had also been indicated mainly when the subject is not regulated by the domestic legal system. Finally, it was made an analysis of two other kinds of economic exploitation of the ship: the chartering contract (time and voyage charter) and the bare boat charter, comparing them to the contract of carriage of goods by sea, and although they present some contact points with the contract, they differ from it. / O regime jurídico do contrato de transporte de mercadorias por via marítima é o principal objeto de estudo do presente trabalho. A escolha do tema foi influênciada pela grande importância que apresenta e devido ao pouco destaque que a doutrina brasileira atual lhe concede. Ademais, em função do aumento das exportações brasileiras, a matéria é cada vez mais apreciada pelos tribunais nacionais. No presente ensaio foram abordadas não somente as normas de direito interno, representadas principalmente pelo Código Civil de 2002, mas também as normas de direito internacional, consubstanciadas em duas convenções internacionais sobre a matéria: a Convenção Internacional para a Unificação de Certas Regras em Matéria de Conhecimentos (Convenção de Bruxelas, de 1924) e a Convenção das Nações Unidas para o Transporte de Mercadorias por Mar (Regras de Hamburgo, de 1978). Foram também indicados dispositivos de direito comparado, principalmente quando a matéria não for abordada pelo ordenamento jurídico pátrio. Por fim, foi feita uma análise de outras duas formas de exploração econômica do navio: o contrato de afretamento (por tempo e por viagem) e a locação, confrontando-as com o contrato de transporte marítimo de mercadorias, que, embora apresentem alguns pontos de contato, não se confundem com o contrato, objeto de comparação.

Herrväskan Primus : produktutveckling för Ödins Garveri

Sjöberg, Edvin January 2011 (has links)
I denna rapport redovisas ett examensarbete av Edvin Sjöberg utfört i samarbete med Ödins Garveri i Visby. Projektets mål har varit att ta fram ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny axelremsväska i läder för män. Väskan är konstruerad för att vara materialbesparande, hållbar och elegant. Faktainsamlingen ger en översikt av de vanligaste sätten att bereda och garva skinn, sömnadsteknik och tillverkningsteknik. Målgrupps- och marknadsanalys har varit vägledande för utformningen av slutprodukten och stort fokus har lagts på modell- och skissarbete. Slutprodukten är en herrväska med mycket hög materialkvalité, formgivning inspirerad av klassiskt herrmode och med väl planlagda och genomtänka detaljer. / This report presents a thesis of Edvin Sjöberg performed in collaboration with Ödins Tannery in Visby.  The project's goal has been to develop a manufacturing base for a new leather shoulder bag for men. The bag is designed to be easy to produce without material loss, to be durable and stylish.  The essay provides an overview of the most common ways to prepare and tan hides, sewing techniques and manufacturing technologies. Audience and market analysis has aided the design of the finished product and focus has been placed on model and sketch work.  The end product is a bag made from high quality materials, design inspired by classic men's fashion and with well-planned and thoughtful details.

Världsarvet rasar : Visby ringmur och liknande försvarsanläggningar / Fall of the world heritage

Thuvesson, Paul, Johnsson, Daniel, Emilsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
En del av Visby ringmur rasade i februari 2012. Detta examensarbete tar upp ringmurens konstruktion och lösningar på hur man skall kunna återuppbygga muren på ett kulturhistoriskt korrekt sätt. Rapporten tar även upp andra murkonstruktioner och lösningar som man har använt sig av på liknande murar runt om i Europa. För att beskriva olika lösningar som förklarar hur försvarsmurar är uppbyggda och som kan ge inspiration till lösningar i uppbyggnaden av Visby ringmur. Liknande konstruktioner och murverk som har studerats närmare är Eketorp, Gråborg, Torsburgen, Roms stadsmur, Tallinns stadsmur och Kronobergs slottsruin.

Smlouvy o námořní přepravě zboží, odpovědnost dopravce / Contracts of Carriage of Goods by Sea, Liability of the Carrier

Píšová, Libuše January 2008 (has links)
This thesis defines the most important transport documents used in the carriage of goods by sea. It describes the way how they are used and the functions they perform. The main emphasis is focused on the bill of lading which is mostly used in the liner shipping and on the Charter Party, which is the basis of the realization of the tramp shipping. The thesis gives a comprehensive overview of a complicated international legislation of the liability relations in the maritime transport, which are differently regulated in the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg rules at present. There is also provided a basic overview of the maritime transport risks and the possibility of their coverage in order to reduce the negative impact of eventual damages.

En gropkeramisk rundtur på Gotland : GIS-analyser av gropkeramiska lokaler på Gotland och osteologiska bedömningar av resursutnyttjande / A Pitted Ware round-trip on Gotland : GIS-analyses of Pitted Ware Culture sites on Gotland and osteological assessments of resource utilisation

Eriksson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to expand on the understanding of the resource utilisation on the 19 Gotlandic Pitted Ware Culture sites: Ajvide, Alvena, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum,Gumbalde, Hau, Hemmor, Hoburgen, Ire, Kinner/Tjauls, Rangvide, Barshalder, Stenstugu,Stora Förvar, Sudergårds II, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The study utilises theoretical frameworks such as Site Catchment Analysis, Site Territorial Analysis and Optimal ForagingTheory and is based on two main questions: Which animals did the diet on each site consist of? And are there any apparent connections between diet and topography/environment? To answer these questions, osteological records have been studied to get an idea of the animal food resources utilised on each site. ArcGIS has also been used to create height- and soil maps with contemporary shorelines which show how the sites were located in the middle Neolithic Gotlandic landscape. The study has shown that most sites appear to have included a variety of animals like pig/boar, cattle, sheep/goat, fish, seal, porpoise and birds in their diet. The sites with the lowest number of confirmed animals also tend to have undergone the least archaeological investigation, suggesting that further excavations on these sites might unearth more animal species. Additional discoveries show a small albeit noticeable emphasis on marine animal resources, especially porpoise, on southern sites. Sites located in areas mostly consisting of sandy, meager soils also show an increased marine resource utilisation. This might suggest that the area around these sites were somewhat barren and lacking in terrestrial prey animals.

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