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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mejora de la satisfacción laboral mediante la motivación inspiracional en trabajadores administrativos del Sistema de Administración de Justicia de Lima, 2021 / Improvement of job satisfaction through inspirational motivation in administrative workers of the Lima Justice Administration System, 2021

Cornejo Farfan, Aurea Natali 18 January 2022 (has links)
La investigación que se presenta a continuación, evalúa el impacto del liderazgo transformacional en la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores administrativos del Sistema de Administración de Justicia de Lima Metropolitana, 2021; así como el grado de satisfacción de los colaboradores, el grado de liderazgo transformacional aplicado por los líderes de área. Igualmente, diferencia si la motivación inspiracional es el componente del liderazgo transformacional que tiene mayor impacto respecto a la satisfacción en el trabajo, y compara los estilos de liderazgo más utilizados. Para llevarlo a cabo, se realizó un estudio cualitativo basado en 338 encuestas realizadas a trabajadores pertenecientes al Sistema de Administración de Justicia de Lima Metropolitana. Los resultados muestran que los niveles para medir la satisfacción laboral corresponden a medio, y que el liderazgo transformacional es aplicado en grado alto. Por su parte, la motivación inspiracional no es el único componente que impacta en la satisfacción laboral, sino que la influencia, tanto la idealizada-atribuida como la idealizada-conductual, también se aplican en grado alto. El estilo de liderazgo más utilizado es el de tipo transformacional; en segundo lugar, el transaccional, seguidos del laissez-faire. Además, la conclusión indica que el impacto ejercido por el liderazgo transformacional en la satisfacción en el trabajo, es positivo pero débil, y la combinación actual de liderazgo transformacional-transaccional aplicado a los trabajadores está alineado con la recomendación de los expertos, que sugieren una combinación de dichos estilos de liderazgo para lograr altos niveles de desempeño y satisfacción en el trabajo. / The research presented below assesses the impact of transformational leadership on job satisfaction of administrative collaborators of the Justice Administration System of Metropolitan Lima, 2021; as well as the degree of employee satisfaction, the degree of transformational leadership applied by the area leaders. Likewise, it differentiates whether inspirational motivation is the component of transformational leadership that has the greatest impact on job satisfaction, and compares the most used leadership styles. To carry it out, a qualitative study was carried out based on 338 surveys carried out among workers belonging to the Justice Administration System of Metropolitan Lima. The results show that the levels to measure job satisfaction correspond to a medium, and that transformational leadership is applied to a high degree. For its part, inspirational motivation is not the only component that impacts job satisfaction, but the influence, both idealized-attributed and idealized-behavioral, are also applied to a high degree. The most used leadership style is the transformational type; second, transactional, followed by laissez-faire. In addition, the conclusion indicates that the impact exerted by transformational leadership on job satisfaction is positive but weak, and the current combination of transactional-transformational leadership applied to workers is aligned with the recommendation of the experts, which I suggest a combination of these leadership styles to achieve high levels of performance and job satisfaction. / Tesis

Satisfacción laboral y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en docentes de universidades privadas de Lima, Perú, 2020

Geldres Ayala, Paul César, San Miguel Ferrer, Milagros Marysol 08 February 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el compromiso organizacional en docentes de universidades privadas Lima, Perú, 2020. La muestra estuvo conformada por 365 docentes de las siguientes universidades: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico y Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Para ello se alinearon y aplicaron de manera virtual los instrumentos de Satisfacción laboral propuestos por Peter Warr, John Cook y Tobby Wall en el año 1979 y para el Compromiso organizacional se tomó como referencia la encuesta propuesta por Allen y Meyer en 1990. Asimismo, se realizó el análisis estadístico tanto descriptivo como inferencial sobre la data recolectada, en donde usamos el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para determinar si las hipótesis planteadas son aceptadas o rechazadas para la presente investigación. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación evidencian una relación significativa, positiva y alta entre las variables de satisfacción laboral y compromiso organizacional. Esto permite señalar que a niveles altos de satisfacción laboral podrían estar relacionados con niveles altos de compromiso organizacional. / The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment in teachers from Peruvian private universities located in Lima in the year of 2020. The studied sample consisted of 365 teachers from the following universities: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Pacific University, and the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. To accomplish our objectives set, first, the Job Satisfaction instruments proposed by Peter Warr, John Cook and Tobby Wall in 1979 were aligned and virtually applied. Second, as for the Organizational Commitment, the survey proposed by Allen and Meyer in 1990 was taken as reference. In addition, both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed on the collected data using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient to determine whether the hypotheses raised are accepted or rejected for the present investigation. The results obtained in the investigation show a significant, positive and high relationship between the variables of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This allows pointing out that high levels of job satisfaction could be related to high levels of organizational commitment. / Tesis

Los factores motivacionales extrínsecos e intrínsecos y su relación con la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de las empresas agroindustriales de la provincia de Virú en el contexto covid-19, año 2020 / Extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors and their relationship with job satisfaction of employees of agroindustry companies in the province of Viru in the context of covid-19, year 2020

Proaño Alvarez, Gloria Ximena, Soto Antil, Karol Antuane 07 January 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación titulada “Factores motivacionales extrínsecos e intrínsecos y su relación con la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de las empresas agroindustriales de la provincia de Virú en el contexto covid-19, año 2020” tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación de los factores motivacionales extrínsecos e intrínsecos con la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de las empresas agroindustriales de la provincia de Virú en el contexto covid-19, año 2020. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, es no experimenta-transeccional y es correlacional pues busca conocer la relación de las variables de estudio. Asimismo, la muestra de análisis es de 383 colaboradores de una población de 68,802 colaboradores y el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta. Además, se obtuvo como resultado una confiabilidad Alpha de Cronbach de 0.994, lo que significa que la relación entre las variables estudiadas es muy elevada. Sumado a ello los resultados de la correlación de Spearman muestran una correlación de 0.984, lo cual representa una correlación positiva perfecta entre las variables. Finalmente, la investigación concluye que los factores motivacionales se relacionan positivamente con la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de las empresas agroindustriales de la provincia de Virú en el contexto covid-19, año 2020. Por tanto, la satisfacción laboral varia en relación directa a medida que los factores motivacionales están o no presentes. / The present research entitled "Extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors and their relationship with job satisfaction of employees of agroindustry companies in the province of Viru in the context of covid-19, year 2020" has as its main objective to determine the relationship of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors with job satisfaction of employees of agroindustry companies in the province of Viru in the context of covid-19, year 2020. This research has a quantitative approach, it is non-experimental-trans-sectional and correlational because it seeks to know the relationship of the study variables. Likewise, the analysis sample is 383 employees out of a population of 68,802 employees and the instrument used was the survey. In addition, a Cronbach's Alpha reliability of 0.994 was obtained, which means that the relationship between the variables studied is very high. In addition, the results of Spearman's correlation show a correlation of 0.984, which represents a perfect positive correlation between the variables. Finally, the research concludes that the motivational factors are positively related to the job satisfaction of the collaborators of the agroindustry companies in the province of Viru in the context of covid-19, year 2020. Therefore, job satisfaction varies in direct relation to the extent to which motivational factors are present or not. / Tesis

Satisfacción laboral y su relación con la intención de rotación obrera en empresas mineras del departamento de La Libertad, 2021

Machuca Leveroni, Janeth Katiuska, Quispe calixto, Eric Harold 06 December 2021 (has links)
En el último año, la Covid-19 ha influenciado de manera negativa en la estabilidad económica de las empresas mineras; por ende, esto ha tenido una repercusión notoria en la satisfacción laboral y la intención de rotación obrera. En nuestro país no existe una tesis que explique la satisfacción laboral y su relación con la intención de rotación obrera en las empresas mineras del departamento de La Libertad en el año 2021. Por ello, es que se hizo necesario realizar la presente investigación en un contexto reciente de pandemia. Asimismo, se utilizó el diseño no experimental y el alcance tipo correlacional simple, así se aplicó un cuestionario de 36 preguntas en total a 343 obreros que trabajen en las mineras Summa Gold Corporation, La Poderosa, Barrick, Perú Minerals y Pan American Silver. En este sentido, se administró un instrumento tipo Likert y se elaboró una matriz operacional de variables que permitieron analizar la confiabilidad de cada ítem y aportaron a la medición del constructo. Se encontró que las dimensiones con mayor tendencia de relación eran en el siguiente orden: satisfacción con las promociones, satisfacción con el reconocimiento y satisfacción con las condiciones de trabajo, cada dimensión se evaluó con la intención de rotación de personal. Los resultados mencionados anteriormente brindan las bases para sustentar el grado de relación que tienen ambas variables para el personal obrero de las empresas mineras del departamento de La Libertad, con el fin de que estas sirvan como referencia para las próximas investigaciones. / In the last year, Covid-19 has negatively influenced the economic stability of mining companies; therefore, this has had a notorious impact on job satisfaction and the intention of worker turnover. In our country there is no thesis that explains job satisfaction and its relationship with the intention of worker rotation in the mining companies of the department of La Libertad in the year 2021. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out this research in a context recent pandemic. Likewise, the non-experimental design and the simple correlational scope were used, thus a questionnaire of 36 questions in total was applied to 343 workers who work in the Summa Gold Corporation, La Poderosa, Barrick, Peru Minerals and Pan American Silver mining companies. In this sense, a Likert-type instrument was administered and an operational matrix of variables was elaborated that allowed the reliability of each item to be analyzed and contributed to the measurement of the construct. It was discovered that the dimensions with the highest relationship trend were in the following order: satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction with recognition and satisfaction with working conditions, each dimension was evaluated with the intention of personnel rotation. The aforementioned results provide the basis to support the degree of relationship that both variables have for the workers of the mining companies of the department of La Libertad, in order that they serve as a reference for future investigations. / Tesis

Trivsel och arbetstillfredsställelse i öppet kontorslandskap : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö i öppet kontorslandskap på en arbetsplats i Försvarsmakten / Well-being and job satisfaction in an open office landscape : A qualitative interview study on the psychosocial work environment in an open office landscape, at a workplace in the Swedish Armed Forces

Borg, Magnus, Eklund, Tomas January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Studien undersöker en arbetsplats i Försvarsmakten och hur arbetsplatsens utformning påverkar den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom trivsel och arbetstillfredsställelse. Kontorsmiljön kan delas in i områden som fysisk utformning av ytor, belysning och rumsindelning samt psykosocial indelning som arbetsbelastning och störningar. Tidigare forskning visar att kontor som är små till medelstora öppna kontorslandskap, med fyra till nio respektive tio till 24 personer, har lägst upplevd hälsa och arbetstillfredsställelse medan arbetstagare med eget kontor av celltyp upplevde högst upplevd hälsa och arbets­tillfredsställelse. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka upplevelsen av trivsel och arbetstillfredsställelse på en arbetsplats med öppet kontorslandskap. Metod: Kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie med fyra respondenter. Resultat: Arbetstillfredsställelsen kan minska genom avbrott i arbetet orsakat av störningar. Trivsel och välbefinnande kan gynnas av en positiv arbetskultur som kan finnas på de arbetsplatser där medarbetare känner en stark samhörighet och kamratskap. Respondenterna trivs på arbetsplatsen tack vare att man uppskattar kollegorna och har goda relationer till dem. Diskussion/Slutsats: Omgivande ljud, rörelser och sociala interaktioner kan innebära avbrott i arbetet och avsaknaden av möjligheten att ha ostörd tid för arbete skapar frustration och minskad arbetstillfredsställelse. Motivationen är uttalat hög hos respondenterna vilket kan tyda på god trivsel. Genom att främja relationer och positiv arbetskultur och genom att skapa meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter kan motivation främjas på arbetsplatsen.Sammanhållningen inom det närmaste arbetslaget lyfts särskilt fram att vara den faktor som uppväger mycket av arbetsplatsens utmaningar. / Introduction: The study examines a workplace in the Swedish Armed Forces and how the design of the workplace affects the psychosocial environment through well-being and job satisfaction. The office environment is divided into the physical design of surfaces, lighting and room division, and psychosocial division such as workload and disturbances. Previous research shows that offices that are small to medium-sized open office landscapes, with four to nine people and ten to 24 people, respectively, have the lowest perceived health and job satisfaction, while workers with their own cell-type offices experienced the highest perceived health and job satisfaction. Aim: The aim was to investigate the experience of well-being and job satisfaction in a workplace with an open office landscape. Method: Qualitative semi-structured interview study with four respondents. Result: Job satisfaction can decrease through interruptions in work caused by disturbances. Well-being can benefit from a positive work culture that can exist in workplaces where employees feel a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie. The respondents enjoy the workplace thanks to valuing colleagues and having good relationships with them. Discussion/Conclusions: Ambient sounds, movements and social interactions can mean interruptions in work and the lack of the possibility of having undisturbed time for work creates frustration and reduced job satisfaction. The motivation is noticeably high among the respondents, which may indicate good well-being. By fostering relationships and positive work culture by creating meaningful tasks, motivation can be enhanced in the workplace. The cohesion within the immediate work team is particularly highlighted as the factor that outweighs many of the workplace's challenges.

Aktivt arbete för framgångsrika organisationer : - en kvantitativ studie om kvinnors och mäns upplevelser av organisatoriska- och psykosociala arbetsvillkor inom IT-branschen / Active work for successful organizations : : A quantitative study of women's and men's experiences of organizational and psychosocial working conditions within the IT industry

Mohmand, Sadaf, Syed, Zara January 2022 (has links)
Den framtida personal- och kompetensförsörjningen inom IT-branschen står inför utmaningar. Föreliggande studie hade som syfte att undersöka om kvinnor och män upplevde olika organisatoriska och psykosociala arbetsvillkor (såsom upplevd organisatorisk rättvisa, arbetsrelaterad stress och arbetstillfredsställelse) inom IT-branschen. Studien har haft som utgångspunkt i att undersöka om den uttalade könssegregeringen inom IT-branschen kan påverka hur kvinnor och män upplever variationer i arbetsvillkor. De arbetsvillkor som studien har belyst är Krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och organisatorisk rättvisa. Resultaten från urvalsgruppen (N=47, varav 20 var kvinnor) visade att det inte förelåg några könsskillnader. Däremot erhölls positiva samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse, organisatorisk rättvisa, arbetskrav och arbetsrelaterad stress. Studien utgick från en kvantitativ ansats med digital enkätstudie som metod. Resultaten baserades på upplevelser från anställda inom totalt tio olika organisationer verksamma inom IT-branschen. Chi-tvåtest, t-test för oberoende mätningar och korrelationer har använts för att analysera datan.

Werksafwesigheid van korrektiewe beamptes te Pollsmoor-gevangenis

Burger, Hanri Jurie 03 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om die verband tussen werksontevredenheid (as gevolg van vervelige- en roetinewerk asook swak bestuursbenaderings) en werksafwesigheid te bepaal. Werksafwesigheid beïnvloed organisasiedoeltreffendheid nadelig omdat daar 'n tekort aan korrektiewe beamptes is as gevolg van die oorbevolking van gevangenes in Pollsmoor-gevangenis. 'n Omvattende oorsig van gepubliseerde literatuur oor werksafwesigheid het die empiriese navorsing van hierdie studie voorafgegaan. Die volgende doelwitte is bereik in hierdie studie, naamlik: * Om die werksafwesigheidsverskynsel by wyse van 'n literatuuroorsig te beskryf. * Om Pollsmoor-gevangenis se werksafwesigheidsyfers en -statistiek aan te toon en die navorsingspopulasie in terme van werksafwesigheidsgroepe te kategoriseer. * Om response rakende die vlak van tevredenheid met die aard van die werk, bestuursbenaderings en ander derde veranderlikes in die werksomgewing, van 'n verteenwoordigende steekproef van die navorsingspopulasie in te win, te ontleed en te beskryf. * Om bevindings en aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van werkstevredenheid met vervelige- en roetinewerk, swak bestuursbenaderings asook derde veranderlikes. Die bevindings van hierdie studie behoort voordelig aangewend te kan word deur die Korrektiewe Dienste en akademiese belangegroepe. Die bevindings van hierdie studie verskaf ook waardevolle inligting oor werksafwesigheid vir toekomstige navorsing. Summary The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between work absenteeism and work satisfaction with boring- and routine work, poor management styles and third variables. The following objectives have been reached in this study, namely: * To describe the work absenteeism phenomenon by means of a literature review. * To show Pollsmoor prison's work absenteeism figures and -statistics and to categorize the research population in terms of work absenteeism groups. * To collect, analyse and describe the responses' pertaining to the level of satisfaction with the nature of the work, management styles and third variables in the work environment, from a representative sample of the research population. * To make findings and recommendations with regards to work satisfaction with boring- and routine work, poor management styles and third variables. The findings of this study could be utilized by Correctional Services and academic interest groups. / Business Management / M.Tech.

Die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika

Pieterse, Hendrika Christina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om insig in die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verkry. Om dit te kon bereik, is eerstens 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie onderneem en is die aard van beroepsmobiliteit, faktore wat 'n invloed op die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers kan he en die gevolge daarvan op maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie verken en beskryf. Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onderneem en is inligting oor die navorsingsonderwerp deur middel van posvraelyste as data-insamelingsinstrument by maatskaplike werkers en maatskaplikewerkorganisasies verkry. Die empiriese studie het aangedui dat maatskaplike werkers meestal aan onrealisties hoe roleise in die werksituasie en hul persoonlike lewens blootgestel is en dat die omgewings waarin hul figureer, soos die werksomgewing en persoonlike omgewings, dikwels as onvriendelik beleef word en dat dit 'n stabiele arbeidsmag verhinder. Faktore wat met die werksomstandighede van maatskaplike werkers verband hou, dra by tot die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers, sowel as faktore wat met persoonlike omstandighede verband hou, terwyl oorplasings en bevorderings ook 'n rol in die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers speel. Interaksie en wedersydse beinvloeding tussen die verskillende faktore vind voortdurend plaas. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die maatskaplike werker, deur beroepsmobiel te wees, poog om 'n passing tussen roldruk en omgewingsdruk te bewerkstellig. Met betrekking tot die gevolge van die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers, is bevind dat maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie positief en negatief beinvloed word wanneer maatskaplike werkers van werk verwissel of ophou om beroepsarbeid te verrig. Tendense kon deur die ondersoek vasgestel word en dit kan hydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teorie oor die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten einde die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verminder en/of te voorkom / This study attempts to gain insight into the occupational mobility of social workers. In order to achieve this, an· extensive literature study was undertaken and the nature of occupational mobility, factors that could affect the occupational mobility of social workers and the consequences thereof on the delivery of social work, the social worker and the social work organisation were explored and described. Secondly, an empirical study was undertaken and information on the research topic was obtained from social workers and social work organisations through postal questionnaires as data gathering instruments. The empirical study indicated that social workers are mostly exposed to unrealistically high role demands in the work situation and in their personal lives and that the environments in which they figure, such as the work and personal environments, are often experienced as unfriendly and that these hinder a stable labour force. Factors related to the working conditions as well as to the personal situations of social workers contribute to the occupational mobility of social workers while transfers and promotions also play a part in the work turnover of social workers. Interaction and mutual influencing between the various factors take place constantly. It is concluded that occupational mobility is the result of the social workers' efforts to bring about a harmony between role and environmental pressures. With regard to the work turnover of social workers, it was found that the delivery of social work service, the social worker and the social work organisation are affected positively and negatively when social workers change jobs or cease to perform professional work. The study was able to pinpoint trends and this can contribute to the development of a theory on the occupational mobility of social workers. Recommendations were made to reduce and/or prevent the occupational mobility of social workers / Social Work / D. Phil. (Maatskaplike Werk)

The Relationship between sense of coherence and emotional intelligence : the case of South African marine officers

McGuire, Amanda Louise 11 1900 (has links)
The study of people's capacity to remain healthy when exposed to constant stressors has long been the focus of research. Stress resistance research has focussed on the adaptive worth of successful coping strategies, certain personality characteristics as well as social support. Two concepts which have gained eminence as contributing to an individual's ability to deal effectively with life's stressors are: (1) Sense of coherence; and (2) Emotional intelligence. The aim of this study was to determine the possible relationship between sense of coherence and emotional intelligence. A once-off cross-sectional survey design was used. The sample population consisted of 54 South African marine officers serving in the merchant navy. The SOC-29 and the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory (BarOn EQ-i) were used as measuring instruments. · Sense of coherence was positively related to emotional intelligence. The results showed that there is a correlation of large effect between total sense of coherence and total emotional intelligence (r = 0,73) in marine officers. The results also showed that there are correlations of large effect between the subscales of the SOC-29 and the BarOn EQi / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Utebliven klientkontakt : - dess påverkan på tillfredsställelse, motivation och effektivitet i arbetet. / Client contact that fails to appear : - it´s effect on satisfaction, motivation and effeciency at work

Backstig, Mathilda, Gustafsson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Klientkontakt utgör en central del i handläggares arbete. Denna studie undersöker och belyser handläggares upplevelser, känslor och inställning vid utebliven klientkontakt och hur detta påverkar handläggares arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsmotivation och arbetseffektivitet. När en klient inte kommer till ett bokat besök eller missköter sin avtalade kontaktfrekvens med sin handläggare, kan “en lucka” uppstå i arbetet där handläggarens tillfredsställelse, motivation och effektivitet i arbetet tenderar att förändras. Denna studie är kvantitativ och lägger vikt vid handläggares perspektiv på utebliven klientkontakt. För att få svar på frågeställningarna samlades data in genom en webbenkät. Enkäten skickades ut till sammanlagt 284 handläggare som är verksamma i Jönköpings län, varav 115 handläggare besvarade enkäten. Resultatet visar att handläggares känsla av stöd vid utebliven klientkontakt och möjligheten att lägga ner så mycket tid på klienten som handläggare anser nödvändigt, är av betydelse för handläggarnas arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsmotivation. För de handläggare som upplever utebliven klientkontakt som ett hinder, tar det också längre tid för att påbörja en ny arbetsuppgift efter insikt om att en klient uteblir från avtalad kontakt. Handläggares möjlighet att utföra sitt arbete, vilket inbegriper upplevelsen att göra ett meningsfullt arbete som klienten har nytta/glädje av, förhindras då klientkontakt uteblir från handläggares vardagliga arbete. / Client contact is a central part of social worker’s work environment. This study examines and highlights social worker’s experiences, feelings and attitude in case of no client contact, and how this affects social worker’s job satisfaction, work motivation and work efficiency. When a client does not come to a booked visit or mismanage his/hers agreed contact frequency with his/hers social worker, "a gap" occur in the work where the social worker’s satisfaction, motivation and efficiency at work tend to change. This study is quantitative and highlights the importance of social worker’s perspective on client contact that fails to appear. To get answers to the questions data were collected through a web survey. The questionnaire was sent out to 284 social workers that are active in Jönköping County, of which 115 social workers responded to the survey. Data were collected from the municipalities of Jönköping County through an online survey. The result shows that the social worker’s sense of support in case of no client contact and the opportunity to spend so much time on the client as the social worker deems necessary, is important for the social workers job satisfaction and motivation. For those social workers that experience client contact that fails to appear as a barrier, it also takes longer to start a new task after the realization that a client fails to appear at the agreed contact. When the client contact fail to appear from social worker’s daily work, it prevents social worker’s opportunity to do their work, which includes to do a meaningful work that the client benefit of and enjoy.

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