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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

消費者觀看美妝Youtube之動機與業配影音對購買意願之影響效果 / Customers’ Motivation Toward Watching Cosmetic YouTube and the Influence of Sponsor Video On Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions

劉曼綺, Liu, Man Chi Unknown Date (has links)
現代的行銷管道已經不同於以往,不會只透過單一的行銷管道與消費者做溝通;相反的,行銷人員較常使用整合行銷溝通的方式,透過全方位的溝通媒介,向消費者傳遞廣告資訊。除了傳統的溝通媒介以外,更誕生了不同的新興媒體,像是Youtube影片行銷、論壇口碑行銷等等。本研究將鎖定在美妝產業,並研究新興媒體之一的Youtube平台,探討消費者觀看美妝Youtube的動機,以及廠商利用Youtube業配影片對於消費者購買意願的影響究竟為何。本研究盼給予未來品牌商找Youtuber合作影片實務上的建議。 本研究使用質化訪談焦點團體的方式,訪談對象篩選標準為平常會觀看美妝Youtuber且擁有上妝習慣的女性消費者,以四人一組的方式,總共進行一場前測,兩場正式測驗,共訪談12位女性,研究結果歸納如下: 1. 觀看美妝Youtube的動機為獲得產品新知識、使用心得和學習化妝技巧。 2. 教學性的內容行銷業配影片較受觀看者喜愛,並可以減少對於業配影片的排斥感。 3. 教學性的業配影片同時有要加強產品的介紹以免模糊焦點。 4. 觀看者很在乎Youtuber是否具有「誠懇」、「親和力」、「相似性」、「聲音真誠」等特質。 根據研究結果,本研究將針對Youtuber和品牌廠商提供實務建議,同時也提供未來研究參考。 / Marketing channels have evolved over the years. Nowadays, marketers can use a number of channels to communicate with and approach their target consumers. While the word of mouth (WOM) has always been the way to promote a product, new ways of Integrated Marketing Communications, such as the use of Social Media including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, have widened the reach of marketers and product endorsements. Thus, this thesis focuses on one of the new marketing channels - YouTube Marketing, particularly studying Youtube videos in the Beauty Industry. The study aims to find out what motivates a consumer to watch videos made by Beauty YouTubers, and whether video sponsorships influence a consumer’s willingness to purchase the merchandise. This study adopts focus group interviews to collect qualitative data. Individuals who have make-up everyday and frequently watch Beauty Youtube Videos were invited to be the respondents. We arranged four people in a group, and there are one pre-test interview and two official interviews, the amount of interviewees are twelve in total. Results and discussions are summarized as follows: A. The motivation of watching Beauty YouTubers’ videos are getting new product information, reviews and learning makeup skills. B. People prefer the sponsored videos with educational contents as it decreases their boredom toward sponsored videos. C. To avoid blurring the focus, sponsored videos with educational content should enhance the details of product usage and characteristics. D. Those Beauty YouTubers who are considered persuasive by YouTube Viewers have the following characteristics: Honesty, affinity, similarity, and sincere tones and attitudes. The study provided pratical advice, notes, and tips for YouTubers, Beauty Brands, as well as further research suggestions on the new channel of social media marketing.

Hřešení / Sinning

Velebová, Leona January 2020 (has links)
MyVice speaks about the guilt I feel regarding the amount of beauty products I own. About these Things I collect and I just cannot control how many I buy... About my addiction to the rituals connected to these Things. About the obsession with beauty products within our homes. About the daily beauty rituals of a woman which are meant to produce the final result of appearance that she really was Born Like This... About the advertising connected with beauty industry. About beauty product testing on the internet. About being superficial and the senselessness of it. The final result is made of a video projection connected to art installation and book publication.

Der Videocampus Sachsen - strategische Potentiale und juristische Rahmenbedingungen

Lauber-Rönsberg, Anne, Bergert, Aline, Hartlaub, Anneliese 26 August 2016 (has links)
Der Videocampus Sachsen (VCS) ist eines von fünf strategischen Handlungsfeldern der Landesinitiative Bildungsportal Sachsen (vgl. AKeL 2015, S. 2). Es handelt sich um ein ebenen- und fachbereichsübergreifendes Verbundprojekt von acht sächsischen Hochschulen zum Aufbau/Betrieb einer gemeinsamen Videoplattform. Gefördert durch das SMWK entsteht aktuell eine Machbarkeitsstudie, die u.a. aktuelle Nutzungsbedarfe, technische Möglichkeiten, Geschäftsmodelle wie auch didaktische Potentiale in den Blick nimmt. Im Beitrag werden Idee, Notwendigkeit und Nutzenerwartung des VCS ausgeführt. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Integration medienrechtlicher Überlegungen. Es werden einerseits exemplarisch die Ergebnisse der juristischen Expertise vorgestellt, andererseits anhand konkreter Einsatzszenarien sogenannte rechtliche Fallstricke identifiziert und diskutiert.

The creamy crack : An anthropological on the natural hair community in Sweden

Vierimaa, Maija January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores the impact that dominating Swedish aesthetic norms and beauty standards have on the subjective experiences of Afro-Swedes and their hair. Also, it examines why Afro-Swedes who previously have been straightening their hair have chosen a natural hair style. Moreover, the thesis also discusses which influence Youtube has in encouraging women to 'go natural'. The research is based on semi-structured interviews of seven women. The study is located at the theoretical meeting-point between hair, ethnicity, and the social and agentic body, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, digital anthropology. It explores the social dimension of hair and how hair, as a part of the body, has the capacity to participate in the creation of social meaning and also, enables agency in the social world. It shows that hair practices and styling strategies can be symbolic, social and agentic and that hair can manifest social and cultural order. Also, it opens up for further questions regarding Afro-Swedes and their hair in relation to beauty standards, normativity and representation, on the societal level as well as the individual.

Shreds: zur Geschichte und Stilistik parodistischer Overdubbing-Videos auf YouTube

Förster, Felicitas 05 July 2017 (has links)
Auf der Videoplattform YouTube finden sich hunderte sogenannter Shreds. Das sind Videos, die das Bildmaterial präexistenter Musikperformances mit einer neuen Tonspur kombinieren, und zwar mit humoristischer Intention. Hier wird erstmals die Geschichte der Shreds umfangreich nachgezeichnet und ihre stilistischen Ausprägungen untersucht. / The video platform YouTube hosts hundreds of so-called shreds: videos that combine footage of preexisting musical performances with a new soundtrack, always with a humoristic intention. The present study examines the history of shreds and their stylistic devices for the first time ever.

"Good luck trying to cancel me" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Youtube-profilen Logan Pauls reparationsstrategier under Aokigahara-incidenten / ”Good luck trying to cancel me” : A qualitative content analysis of Youtube-profile LoganPaul’s image repair strategies during the Aokigahara incident

Levinsson, Maja, Elf, Tilde January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur Youtube-profilen Logan Paul agerade under en kris orsakad av det som populärkulturen kallar cancelkultur. Tre av Logans Youtube-videor undersöktes för att studera vilka reparationsstrategier och visuella element han använde sig av i videorna publicerade efter Aokigahara-incidenten. För att analysera det empiriska materialet tillämpades en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med utgångspunkt i Benoits teori om reparationsstrategier och Hearits apologia-teori, samt en visuell analys med verktyg grundade i semiotik. Studiens resultat visade på att Logan använt en rad olika försvarsstrategier, men att han använt olika strategier i olika faser av hans kriskommunikation. I den första videon fann vi att fokus låg på mortifikation, den andra videon kretsade kring korrigerande åtgärder, och den tredje videon innehöll mycket nedtonande av kränkning. I video 1 och 2 använde sig Logan av visuella element för att bygga upp en mer allvarlig stämning, för att sedan i den tredje videon återintroducera tittarna till hans normala och mer avslappnande videouppbyggnad. Det observerades även att Logan initierade ett annat tillvägagångssätt för att möta kritik under den tredje videon. Han var fortsatt ångerfull och erkände skuld, men detta kombinerades med en sorts machoattityd och barnslighet. Denna nya reparationsstrategi valde författarna att benämna som ”Love me or hate me”. Av resultatet dras slutsatsen att Logans kriskommunikation och reparationsstrategier lyckades rädda hans rykte, då han behöll sina tittare och publicerar videos som vanligt. / This study aims to examine how the Youtube profile Logan Paul acted during a crisis caused by what today's media landscape calls cancel culture. Three of Logan’s Youtube videos were examined to study the image repair strategies and visual elements used in the videos published after the Aokigahara incident. To analyze the empirical material, a qualitative content analysis is applied based on Benoit’s image repair theory and Herait’s apologia theory, as well as a visual analysis with tools based on semiotics. The result of the study showed that Logan use a number of different image repair strategies, but that he used different strategies in different phases of his crisis communication. In the first video we found that the focus was on mortification, the second video revolved around corrective actions, and the third video contained a lot of reducing offensiveness. In videos 1 and 2, Logan used visual factors to set a more serious mood, to then in the third video begin to reintroduce the viewers to his normal and more casual video structure. The study also observed that Logan initiated a different approach to meet criticism in the third video. He remained remorseful and admitted guilt, but this was combined with a kind of ambiguity and childishness. The authors named this new image repair strategy “Love me or hate me”. In the result, it is concluded that Logan’s crisis communication and image repair managed to save his reputation, as he retained his subscribers and is publishing videos as usual.

"Tänk så mycket hopp du kan ge till människor som känner som du" : En netnografisk text- och bildanalys om kvinnliga gemenskaper på Instagram och YouTube / "Think about how much hope you can give to people who feel like you do" : A textual and visual netnographic study about female virtual communities on Instagram and YouTube

Högstedt, Moa January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the functions and effects of virtual communities on Instagram and YouTube and discusses the communication process between Swedish female social media influencers and their followers. With a qualitative research design, where I analysed both the textual and visual posts on Instagram and YouTube, I found that the virtual communities can function as a place where people find like-minded people and where they can affirm their own self imagine and experiences, specifically in relation to questions regarding LGBTQIA+ and body positivity. The study operationalises Horton and Wohl’s (1956) concept of Parasocial Relationships which describes the phenomena where people form intimate and close relationships with media people they watch on television. By analysing my material through theoretical frameworks from Goffman (2020; 1979), West and Zimmerman (1987) and Deutsch (2007), I also found that Instagram and YouTube functions as places where norms of femininity and love are constructed, deconstructed, and reproduced. The study concludes that social media (platforms), specifically the virtual communities established and maintained by (social media) influencers, play a vital role in how users understand themselves and other people. Social media can in such a way operate as an institution that helps to both deconstruct and reproduce normative ideals about femininity and sexuality depending on how influencers do gender and portray themselves on their social media profiles.


DIOGO VINICIUS ROSAS MARINHO 16 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho faz uma introdução básica aos temas Cadeias de Markov e Matriz de Leontief visando mostrar aplicações práticas de sistemas lineares e matrizes com foco na aplicação no Ensino Médio brasileiro. Para tal, revisou-se as bases teóricas necessárias para o aluno ser capaz de entender e resolver problemas com estes temas. Em complemento, apresenta-se uma proposta de introdução à álgebra linear com geometria analítica, assim como a forma de cobrança da álgebra linear em concursos militares no Brasil. Com o uso de vídeos e ferramentas online, criando caminhos mais amistosos em assunto tão teórico, demonstra-se como o Youtube pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa na visualização de problemas abstratos envolvendo a álgebra linear. / [en] This work makes a basic introduction to the themes Markov Chains and Leontief Matrix aiming to show practical applications of linear systems and matrices with a focus on its application in Brazilian High School. To achieve this goal, the theoretical bases necessary for the student to be able to understand and solve problems with these themes has been revised. In addition, we present a proposal to introduce linear algebra with analytical geometry, as well as the way of taking linear algebra in military tests in Brazil. With the use of videos and online tools and creating friendlier paths on such a theoretical theme, it is demonstrated how Youtube can be a powerful tool in visualizing abstract problems involving linear algebra.

Influencer endorsement via Youtube: Vilka faktorer påverkar konsumenters vilja att köpa skönhetsprodukter? : En kvantitativ replikationsstudie på den svenska marknaden. / Influencer endorsement via Youtube: What factors influence consumers' willingness to buy beauty products? : A quantitative replicative study on the Swedish market.

Alhoumsi, Walaa, Gamil, Nadine January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka inflytandet av influencers på sociala medier (SMI), elektronisk word-of-mouth (e-WOM) och upplevd kvalitet på svenska konsumenters köpintention vid skönhetsprodukter som rekommenderas av skönhetsinfluencers på Youtube. Det för att bidra till kunskap som företag kan utgå ifrån när de skapar sina marknadsföringsstrategier. Studien är en replikering av en studie av forskarna Rosaria och Luthfia (2020) som genomfördes i Indonesien och därmed användes samma metod: en kvantitativ metod via en webbaserad enkät. Den besvarades av 127 respondenter varav 91 uppfyllde urvalskriterierna då de var kvinnor mellan 17-30 års ålder som följer en skönhetsinfluencer på Youtube. Resultatet visade att SMI och upplevd kvalitet för sig har ett signifikant inflytande på köpintention, förutom e-WOM. Det visade också att alla tre har samtidigt ett signifikant inflytande på köpintention. När det gäller framtida forskning skulle det vara intressant att genomföra en kvalitativ studie om samma faktorer för att få en djupare förståelse om varför dessa faktorer har ett inflytande. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of social media influencers (SMI), electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) and perceived quality on Swedish consumers' purchase intention when it comes to beauty products recommended by beauty influencers on Youtube. This is to contribute to knowledge that companies can use as a starting point when creating their marketing strategies. The study is a replication of a study conducted by researchers Rosaria and Luthfia (2020) in Indonesia and thus the same method was used: a quantitative method via a web-based survey. It was answered by 127 respondents, of which 91 met the selection criteria as they were women between the age of 17 and 30 who followed a beauty influencer on Youtube. The results showed that both SMI and perceived quality have a significant influence on purchase intention, except for e-WOM. They also showed that all three factors collectively have a significant influence on purchase intention. In terms of future research, one suggestion would be to conduct a qualitative study on the same factors to gain a deeper understanding of why these factors have an influence.


CARLYLE SANTOS JUNIOR 14 November 2019 (has links)
[pt] Os debates acerca de questões relativas à orientação sexual e identidade de gênero têm sido colocados na arena pública para compreender comportamentos, a relação com o corpo, os anseios e as dificuldades enfrentados por gays, lésbicas, travestis, transexuais e transgêneros (LGBT) na sociedade brasileira. São indivíduos que desafiam e desestabilizam a ordem vigente assentada na heteronormatividade e no binômio masculino e feminino e, a partir disso, buscam reconhecimento para garantir direitos e o fim de inúmeras violações. Em decorrência disso, as narrativas jornalísticas buscam captar com mais amplitude e empatia o caráter político e público de temas ligados à diversidade sexual e de gênero. Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a seção Deu na semana, abrigada no canal do YouTube Põe na Roda, que trata-se de um noticiário na plataforma de vídeos que reúne notícias sobre a população LGBT. Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender como a internet e as redes sociais reconfiguraram os modos de produção, circulação e recirculação de notícias trazendo novos atores em um contexto de jornalismo participativo e ativista. E, sob a luz de teorias do jornalismo, como a do Gatekeeping (WHITE, 1950) e do Newsmaking (TUCHMAN, 1978), investiga-se como a seleção de notícias, articulada à apreensão de critérios de noticiabilidade da grande imprensa, ajuda a construir uma nova realidade da população LGBT a partir de novos enquadramentos e recortes de temas ligados à conquista de direitos, representatividade, luta contra homofobia e apoio à causa LGBT. / [en] Discussions on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity have been put in the public arena to understand behaviors, the relationship with the body, the yearnings and the difficulties faced by gays, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and transgender (LGBT) people in society Brazilian. They are individuals who challenge and destabilize the prevailing order based on heteronormativity and the male and female binomial, and, from this, seek recognition to guarantee rights and the end of numerous violations. As a result, the journalistic narratives seek to capture with greater amplitude and empathy the human, political and public character of themes related to sexual and gender diversity. This dissertation looks at the Deu na Semana section, housed in the YouTube channel Põe na Roda. This is a news video on the video platform that gathers news about the LGBT population. In this sense, we seek to understand how the internet and social networks have reconfigured the ways of production, circulation and recirculation of news bringing new actors in a context of participatory and activist journalism. And, under the light of journalism theories, such as Gatekeeping (WHITE, 1950) and Newsmaking (TUCHMAN, 1978), one investigates how news selection, articulated to the seizure of noticiability criteria of the major press, helps to build a new reality of the LGBT population from the frameworks and cuts of themes related to the conquest of rights, representativeness, fight against homophobia and support for the LGBT cause.

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