Spelling suggestions: "subject:"yrkesroll."" "subject:"yrkesroll2.""
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Att skapa mening : En kvalitativ studie av hur sjukhusbibliotekariers yrkesroll förändrades när de startade en biblioterapeutisk Läsklubb för sjuka barn / To create meaning : A Qualitative study of the changed professional identity among hospital librarians as they started a bibliotherapeutic Reading club for sick childrenLindgren, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis is to examine what librarians who work with a biblioterapeutic method called ”Reading club” at a Swedish children´s hospital, think of their own professional identity. I have collected the data for the thesis with help from qualitative, semi-structured interviews and then analyzed the material I gathered by dividing the answers into different themes. In the analysis I then used the themes to structure my work. I have built my results on the theory in Andrew Abbott’s book The system of professions, about how professions clams jurisdiction in different arenas (1988). The librarians in my study describe that their working place, tools and the way they approach the children and youth at the hospital has changed since they started to work with the Reading club. They can clearly see that the reading sessions bring “KASAM” (which means a sense of coherence) to the children. Now, their most important tool is the book and they see it as if the book itself carries KASAM- potential. They have a close cooperation with the play therapy and have made it from the wards in to the rooms of the sickest children. Even though they describe their work as “bibliotherapeutic” they hesitate to call themselves bibliotherapists. To make distance towards nearby occupations they systematically evaluate their work and develop methods to define themselves and their work.
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”Wow, vad jag har längtat efter er profession…” : En enkätstudie om vilka förväntningar lärare i årskurs F-6 har på speciallärare med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling / "Wow, how I have longed for your profession..." : A questionnaire on what expectations teachers in grade F-6 have on specialist teachers with a focus on language, writing and reading developmentKarlsson, Camilla, Olofsson, Annika January 2019 (has links)
En upplevd otydlighet och förvirring kring speciallärarens uppdrag är bakgrunden till denna studie. Genom att ta reda på vad lärarna förväntar sig av professionen kan blivande speciallärare förbereda sig för den verklighet som väntar. Syftet med denna studie är att inom en kommun undersöka vilka förväntningar lärare i årskurs F-6 har på speciallärare med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling. Data har samlats in genom en webbenkät som via rektorer sänts ut till verksamma lärare i årskurs F-6 inom en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige. Som teoretiskt analysredskap har Abbotts (1988) professionsteori använts. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av F-6 lärarnas förväntningar på specialläraren med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling stämmer väl överens med det uppdrag som examensordningen (SFS 2011:186) beskriver. Det finns förväntningar att specialläraren med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling ska utföra uppdrag som tillhör andra professioner i skolan och förväntningar att specialpedagogen ska utföra uppdrag som enligt examensordningen (SFS 2011:186) tillhör specialläraren med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling. Lärarna i årskurs F-6 förväntar sig i mindre utsträckning att specialläraren ska arbeta med att leda pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete i jämförelse med övriga uppdrag och förväntar sig att specialläraren i större utsträckning ska undervisa elever enskilt eller i mindre grupp än stötta elever i klassrummet. Studiens resultat bidrar med fördjupad kunskap kring professionen och vad det finns för förväntningar hos verksamma lärare i årskurs F-6. Insikten förbereder bemötandet av de förväntningar som finns.
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Bibliotekariers resonemang kring arbetet med läsecirklar sett ur ett professionsperspektiv / Librarians’ views on reading group activity from a profession theory perspectiveJönsson, Pia, Lindqvist, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what view librarians have on reading promotion for adults, in particular reading circles, and in which way earlier experiences, education and competence form this view. To what extent, if any, do perceptions of professional identity influence the interest to carry out some kind of reading circles for adults?Our study is based on qualitative interviews with librarians, both those in charge of reading circles in libraries and those who are not. As theoretical starting point we have used Andrew Abbott's work on theory of professions and Jofrid Karner Smidt's thesis on literary preferences and different kinds of mediation of literature. For our analysis we will also use earlier studies on the subject to place our study in a wider context.Our conclusions show that the librarians in our study have an ambivalent view on their profession and professional identity. The reading promotion activity is often seen as the opposite of information technology. The core of their profession is fiction and reading promotion, still they feel very insecure within the field. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Några folkbibliotekariers roll i en ombyggnadsprocess och i en tillfällig nischverksamhet. / Public librarian’s participation in a rebuilding process and in a temporary library work.Fridström, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to get knowledge about how it is to work as a librarian at Gothenburg city library during a rebuilding process and during the time when they have worked in a temporary library so called niche library. Which part did they have in the renovation project and in the niche library? The aim is also to find out how the librarians have experienced their time in the niche library and if it has affected their profession and identity.The method that is used to answer questions of the study is semi-structured interviews with four public librarians. Through comparing previous research in building and rebuilding process I have analyzed the four public librarian’s part in the renovating process and the temporary library. I have analyzed how the librarians have experienced it during the time in the temporary library and how it has affected their profession and identity.The four librarians have been divided in different groups during the improvement process to discuss requests how they want it to look like in the library. In the end of the rebuilding process the librarians were rearranged into new groups based on competence and interest. The librarian’s requests have not always been fulfilled because of different participants have had different opinions. Because of some of the librarian’s short employment period and their activity in the professional field they have not been affected so hard by the reorganization. The librarians have had the opportunity to develop their work at the temporary library. But the temporary library has affected some of the librarian’s profession in a negative way and they have not had the opportunity to use so many identities as before as at the central library. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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"Allt det där ska samsas i ett och samma yrke" : en studie om folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentiteter / "You have to fit in all that in one and the same job" : a study of public librarians' professional identitiesCarlsson, Kerstin January 2007 (has links)
This Master’s thesis concerns the public librarian’s professional identity. The complexity of the mandates of the public librarian, and the public library, raises questions on how librarians understand their professional identities. The empirical material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews with librarians. Two theoretical approaches are used in the analysis of the material with a focus on the public librarians’ knowledge and professional role. The informants’ statements are categorised according to different models. The results reveal that the librarians express various attitudes, some of them contradictory, for instance, towards the users of the library. Some tensions characterise the professional identity of the public librarian, for example, between practical and theoretical orientations. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Att själv hamna på bårenKalju, Sylvia, Eskilsson, Erika January 2009 (has links)
Fåtalet studier beskriver vårdpersonal som patientgrupp. Inga studier är funna som skildrar ambulanspersonals erfarenheter av att vårdas inom det egna yrkesområdet. Därför genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med sju informanter för att besvara frågan: Hur kan ambulanspersonal uppleva att vara patient i ambulanssjukvården? I resultatet beskriver informanterna två roller när de drabbas av akut sjukdom eller skada: en patientroll och en patientroll där yrkesrollen har inflytande. Patienter med yrkeserfarenhet inom ambulanssjukvård fortsätter tänka som vårdare och har därför svårt att komma in i patientrollen. Detta kompliceras ytterligare om vårdaren backar i sin vårdarroll och blir kollega. Det framstår som viktigt att vårdarna ser patienterna som individer och hjälper dem in i patientrollen. Patienterna vill känna sig trygga med att sekretess bibehålls. De upplever behov av att bli delaktiga i vården utan att känna ansvar för den. I vårdandet av dessa patienter framstår det som särskilt viktigt att följa behandlingsriktlinjerna samt känna till hur människor kan agera i chock. Vårdaren behöver också vara medveten om sin möjlighet att ta kontroll över situationen och hjälpa patienten i en situation då denne ibland inte förmår ta välgrundade beslut. Det behövs ett professionellt, medvetet vårdande där sunt förnuft och naturligt vårdande inte är tillräckligt. Studien tillför nya dimensioner om hur patienter som själva arbetar inom ambulanssjukvård kan uppleva patientrollen utifrån sina specifika yrkeskunskaper. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård
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Bibliotekariers uppfattningar om Bibliotek 2.0 : En fenomenografisk undersökning / Librarians’ Conceptions of Library 2.0 : A Phenomenographic StudyBernhem, Anna, Kuster, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
In the library community there is a continuous discussion about enhancing user interactivity on library websites, according to the principles of Web 2.0, called Library 2.0. The purpose of this thesis is to study how librarians conceive Library 2.0. The focus is on the study of the librarians’ conceptions of user interactivity on the website, and if the librarians conceive that their professional role is affected by Library 2.0. The study is implemented methodologically by interviewing six librarians and using phenomenography as an approach. The result showed several variations of descriptive conceptions that were divided into two conceptive categories. These two categories, A and B, are seen from three perspectives, the library as an institution, the librarians’ professional role and the librarians’ view of the user. Conception category A showed that Library 2.0 influences to a great extent, category B showed that Library 2.0 influences to a small extent. Examples of that influence are that Library 2.0 is a state of mind that permeates all library work. The professional role will be more individualized and that Library 2.0 will affect the relationship between librarian control and user influence. The user perspective shows conceptions that the social interaction will benefit in a democratic manner. The conceptions that Library 2.0 will influence to a small extent are not as prominent. The difference between category A and B indicates that Library 2.0 is conceived as something ideological as opposed to a technical tool. The results exhibit that Library 2.0 influences the library and the librarian. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Om framtiden vet vi intet : en undersökning av hur Bibliotek 2.0 påverkar folkbibliotek och bibliotekarier / About the future, we know nothing : a study of how Library 2.0 affects public libraries and librariansBergström, Per January 2010 (has links)
The point of departure for this thesis was an article written by Christer Hermansson (2008). He thinks that librarians, following the development of Library 2.0 and the change of public libraries, have strayed away from what he believes should be the focus of the library: Literature. The aim of this thesis is to study how librarians in six Swedish libraries perceive their occupational roles. How does the increased user control, which is seen as part of Library 2.0, affect the tasks of libraries and librarians? The material used in this study was acquired using a qualitative interview technique in which six librarians working in public libraries with experience of IT, mediation and purchase of literature partook. The interviews were analyzed by comparing the empirical material to theories of librarian models (Klasson 1991) respectively Community of practices (Sundin 2003). The results showed that there are different conceptions among the participating librarians regarding whether their occupation roles and the public library activity has changed/been affected by Library 2.0. Some librarians thought that the occupation role has changed, but not because of 2.0. Others meant that the core of the occupation role has not been changed; they use old working methods in new ways. It´s still too early to tell how the development of Library 2.0 will affect libraries and the tasks of librarians, the technology has not developed far enough yet in most Swedish public libraries.
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Klassifikation och ordning / Classification and orderPetersson, Johan January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis concerns the relationship the librarianhas to the libraries classification system. The system itselfis made by librarians for librarians and is only used bylibrarians. This raises the question of how the librariansrelate to their own system to create order. The empiricalmaterial consists of five in-depth interviews with librarians.Two theoretical approaches were used in the analysis of thematerial with one focus on the librarian’s professional rolland the other on the postmodern theories about humansneed for order. The results point towards that not alllibrarians see the classifications system as a part of theirown profession. Certain diversity can be seen between thelibrarians opinion in the mater of the classificationssystems importance in their professional role. Thelibrarians agree however that the order in the library musthowever be maintained. The librarians agree that as long asthere are needs of arranging the physical mediums of alibrary the classification system will remain. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Biblioteksassistent : En yrkesroll i förändring / Library assistant : A changing professional roleSavazzi, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Little attention has been paid in the literature to libraryassistants in Swedish public libraries. In this bachelor thesis,the professional role, work duties, career prospects and statusof library assistants are examined at two public libraries.Because of a scarcity of published information on thedevelopment of this profession in Swedish public libraries,retired library assistants, as well as currently employedlibrary assistants, librarians and a library head wereinterviewed.Since the ‘80s, work duties of library assistants havechanged, with a reduction in some of the more manualaspects of library work, the development of new duties and,overall, an increasing similarity in the duties performed bylibrary assistants and librarians.Additionally, the public perception of library assistants as acategory distinct from librarians was investigated bydistributing questionnaires to library patrons. Contrary toexpectations prompted by statements in the literature, asubstantial portion of visitors was found to be aware of thetwo separate categories.Library assistants at Swedish libraries have no careerprospects, unless they undertake studies in their own freetime and at their own cost, and obtain a librarian degree. Adifference between the situation of library assistants inSweden and corresponding professional categories in a fewother countries is that, at present and for several years, noformal education for library assistants has been available inSweden. Plans for a reintroduction of such education wereindefinitely shelved in 2004, principally because of theopposition of librarians’ professional associations and tradeunions. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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