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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die sprachliche Konzeptualisierung des Eigenen und des Fremden in den aktuellen Parteiprogrammen der SPD und der CDU : Eine linguistische Untersuchung

Ziegler, Barbara January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The present essay examines the linguisitc conceptualisation of otherness in the present party platforms of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD, Social Democratic Party of Germany) and the Christliche Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU, Christian Democratic Union of Germany). The language and the textual structure of their party platforms is analysed, its function described and compared with each other by using representative text excerpts. The theoretical background of this study is grounded in cultural studies. The methodological framework consists of a combination of critical discourse analysis and textual analysis. Criterias of the linguistic analysis are: coherence (including implicit meanings, propositions and presuppositions), modality, thematic roles, deixis and pronouns and keywords. </p><p> </p><p>The study shows that the<em> Other </em>is cleary conceptualized by using binary oppositions whereas those who are reperesented by <em>we</em> can not always be clearly identified. By using both objective and subjective modality authority and legitimacy are linguistically constructed by those who represent <em>we</em>. The analysis shows that stipulations and issues are mentioned which are supposed to be abided by the <em>Others</em> without being justified by those who represent <em>we</em>. Consequently the <em>Other</em> is excluded. Analysing both party platforms shows that the <em>Other</em> is  subcategorized, too. Myths about the <em>Others</em> are confirmed by representing a stereotypical image of the <em>Other</em> through language. However there are differences in the linguistic conceptualization of alterity. The representatives of CDU speak out more explicitly on specific issues concerning the<em> Other</em> than representatives of SPD do. Consequently SPD’s statements concerning the <em>Other</em> are more implicit.</p><p> </p><p>The study shows that meaning is created by language and that myths of the <em>Other</em> are reproduced in political discourse.</p><p> </p></p>

De l’usage de l’altérité dans le management des ressources humaines : entre hétérologie et homologie dans les EIE en Chine / Non communiqué

Duport, Michelle 10 December 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’usage de l’altérité par le management des ressources humaines(MRH) dans les filiales de groupes multinationaux implantées en Chine. Elle s’intéresseautant à l’usage discursif de la prise en compte de l’Autre qu’à son effectivité. Elle recherchele sens des pratiques de management à partir d’entretiens menés sur six années entre 2005 et2010. La réflexion est complétée par une approche historique et des regards disciplinairescroisés sur les modes d’organisation des entreprises en Europe et en Amérique du Nordd’une part et en Chine d’autre part. Les résultats de l’analyse mettent en évidence les incohérences observées dans les pratiques de gestion : entre l’approche discursive sur l’altérité et la création d’une culture-fiction sur laChine, entre l’idéologie affichée d’un management interculturel éthique soucieux des différences culturelles et des pratiques de MRH élitistes et discriminatoires, entre un modèle de management universaliste exporté par les sièges et des organisations parallèles qui s’accompagnent de stratégies de dissimulation mises en place par les filiales, entreomniscience des sièges et volonté d’autonomie des filiales. La question centrale est celle des incohérences : sont-elles inhérentes au management ? La thèse montre une refondation possible du modèle managérial occidental par la confrontation des cultures. / This research concerns the use of alterity by Human Resources Management (HRM) in subsidiaries of multinational groups implanted in China. It is as interested in the discursive use of consideration of others as in its effectiveness. It looks for a sense of management practices from interviews carried out over six years between 2005 and 2010, and is completedby an historic approach and crossed disciplinary scrutiny of organization patterns of companies in Europe and in North America on the one hand and in China on the other hand. The results of these analysis bring certain incoherencies, observed in management practices, to light: between the discursive approach on alterity and the creation of a fictional cultureabout China; between the ideology displayed by an ethical and cross-cultural management worried about cultural differences and elitist, discriminatory MRH practices; between a model of universalist management imposed by headquarters and parallel organizations which carry with them dissimulation strategies organized by subsidiaries; and between the omniscience of headquarter and the desire of autonomy from subsidiaries. The main questionis the one of incoherencies: are they inherent to management? The thesis shows a possible refondation of a Western management model through this confrontation of cultures.

Reconnaissance sociale et intégration des immigrants en milieu rural: le cas du Haut-Lac-Saint-Jean

Morin, Vicki 08 1900 (has links)
Les politiques provinciales en matière d'immigration au Québec s'orientent depuis quelques décennies vers la régionalisation des personnes immigrantes, afin de faire bénéficier aux milieux régionaux et ruraux des avantages de leur présence. La présente étude examine, dans une perspective ethnographique, comment s'articulent les liens entre la reconnaissance sociale démontrée par les Québécois originaires du Haut-Lac-Saint-Jean envers les immigrants qui s'y établissent, et l'intégration de ces derniers à leur nouvelle communauté d'accueil. À travers une recension des variations de l'expérience de l'altérité observées dans le milieu, l'étude révèle les conditions d'émergence de la reconnaissance et les facteurs qui la freinent. / Provincial immigration policies in Quebec are oriented towards the regionalization of immigrants, in order for regional and rural areas to benefit from their presence. This study adopts an ethnographic perspective to examine how social recognition shown by native Quebecers toward immigrants who settle in the Haut-Lac-Saint-Jean area is linked to the integration of the newcomers to their host community. Through a review of the various experiences of alterity observed in the region, my study reveals the conditions that foster the emergence of recognition and the factors that serve to make it less likely.

La dialectique de la reconnaissance : la renaissance d'un thème hégélien dans le discours philosophique du XXème siècle / The dialectics of recognition : the re-emergence of a Hegelian theme in the 20th century philosophical discourse

Abid, Hammadi 16 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la réception plurielle de Hegel dans le discours philosophique du XXème siècle. En prenant comme fil rouge la dialectique hégélienne de la reconnaissance, cette thèse soumet à l’examen ses réappropriations successives chez Kojève, Lacan et Honneth. La première réception de Hegel fût une théorie de l’anthropogenèse qui mettait l’accent sur la lutte pour la reconnaissance et sur la fameuse dialectique du maître et de l’esclave. La reconnaissance de soi atteinte par l’esclave et sa victoire imaginaire ouvrant sur la terre promise de la reconnaissance correspondent à la fin du Temps Historique. Mais à la suite de Kojève, c’est cette version de l’anthropologie hégélienne qui a inspiré la psychanalyse lacanienne. Celle-ci constitue une critique de la conscience de soi considérée comme synonyme d’aliénation imaginaire. Bien qu’indispensable pour la constitution d’un soi et d’un monde stables, la reconnaissance spéculaire de soi est forcément méconnaissance. Contrairement à Kojève et à sa reprise par Lacan, la théorie de la reconnaissance d’Honneth constitue l’envers de la domination puisqu’elle autorise le passage de la tyrannie de l’inconscient et du déni résiduel à une lutte pour la reconnaissance. Son entreprise consiste à renouer avec Hegel, mais celui-ci n’est pas lu comme une pensée de l’historicité, mais celle de la constitution intersubjective de l’autonomie du sujet. Ainsi, l’horizon de la vie éthique ne procède plus d’une dialectique du développement historique, il est inscrit plutôt dans la formation psycho-sociologique de l’identité / The question, which is at the core of this dissertation is the plural reception of Hegel in the philosophical discourse in the 20th century. The guiding line in this study is the Hegelian dialectics of recognition, I then examined in this dissertation its successive reappropriations in Kojève, Lacan and Honneth. The first reception of Hegel was a theory of anthropogenesis, which focused on the struggle for recognition and on the well known dialectic of master and slave. The self-recognition achieved by the slave and by his/her imaginary victory opening onto the promised land of recognition, corresponds to the end of Historical Time. However, after Kojève, it was that version of Hegelian anthropology that inspired Lacanian psychoanalysis. The Lacanian psychoanalysis is a critique of self-consciousness, which is considered as synonymous with imaginary alienation. The specular recognition of oneself, while essential for the formation of a stable self and world, is necessarily misrecognition. Unlike Kojève and his resumption by Lacan, Honneth’s theory of recognition is considered as the opposite of domination since it allows the transition from the tyranny of unconscious and residual denial to a struggle for recognition. Honneth’s gesture consists in returning to Hegel, but the latter is not represented as a thought of historicity, but as the intersubjective constitution of the autonomy of the subject. Thus, the horizon of ethical

Le politique dans les romans de Lindsey Collen / Politics in Lindsey Collen's novels

Perrin, Héléna 29 September 2014 (has links)
Nous avons proposé une approche du concept de politique à partir des romans de Lindsey Collen qui auront servi de toile de fond à notre recherche. Notre étude envisage le politique en trois temps qui sont les trois temps selon lesquels Rancière définit le mouvement politique à savoir, l'état initial appelé police, la remise en question de cet état qui est le fait de la politique et l'option d'ouverture que Rancière appelle le politique. Le premier temps énonce un état (État) initial. C'est la société mauricienne qui sera, dans les romans de Collen, cet « état » initial. Elle sera envisagée sous le jour d'une Infrastructure ou base économique et d'une Superstructure, c'est-à-dire la conjonction des appareils dits répressifs et des appareils idéologiques chargés de maintenir le pouvoir en place. Le deuxième temps marque la prise de position, la rupture désirée de cet « État » initialement exposé. Le troisième temps est le temps du politique, le temps de la « troisième option », celle que nous avons inscrite en parallèle du concept de réel en tant que béance et d'absence d'achèvement. Le politique s'inscrit chez Collen à travers l'agencement de réseaux d'images qui dépassent la réalité pour donner une autre dimension interprétative aux évènements. L'Autre en tant que manifestation du politique intervient avec l'autre lieu ou l'Utopie que Collen expose dans ses romans. L'Autre, c'est aussi le féminin en tant que principe en correspondance directe avec la notion de réel et de politique. Enfin, toujours dans une démarche d'inscription filigranée de l'altérité, nous avons proposé d'explorer les notions du mythe et de la danse. Notre démarche analytique et réflexive aura envisagé le concept de politique sous ces trois angles qui en constituent l'aboutissement. / Our research endeavours to demonstrate politics under these three aspects which constitute its theoretical backbone.We propose an approach of politics as a concept, having chosen Lindsey Collen's novels as background for this study. Our study considers politics under three aspects. The first aspect named “la police” by Jacques Rancière concerns the Mauritian society which is exposed as being a conjuction of economic and repressive apparatuses in charge of preserving the State. These forces fall under two categories namely Infrastructure and Superstructure, which function in order to maintain the State in its initial form. They act as conservative forces.The second aspect of politics involves a scission from this initial state in order to open the way to change and flexibility. Jacques Rancière calls it “la politique”.The third and last moment of politics is an opening towards the unachieved, in echo to the concept of the « real », that is with the abstract and the unknown. In Rancière’s theory it corresponds to “le politique”. Politics intervenes in the novels when Collen makes use of images which transcend reality and confer another dimension to interpretation. We also considered the « other » as a concept in direct equivalence to politics. When referring to the other, we consider issues like utopia, the feminine, myths and dance. All these issues evoke alterity in the sense of bypassing the known in an attempt to open new options.

Mémoire et identité dans les œuvres de Moacyr Scliar (Brésil) et de Régine Robin (Québec, Canada) / Memory and identity in the works of Moacyr Scliar (Brazil) and Régine Robin (Québec, Canada)

Levemfous, Sérgio Israel 28 March 2019 (has links)
Il s’agit d’une étude des œuvres de Moacyr Scliar et de Régine Robin. Les écrits de Moacyr Scliar sont axés surtout autour de la problématique de l’immigration juive au Brésil et de l’adaptation et intégration au milieu de la société brésilienne. Il construit avec humour et légèreté des personnages souvent en conflit interne pour essayer de constituer eux-mêmes une identité composée de traces de mémoires et de la nouvelle réalité qui les entourent. C’est le cas des personnages de ses oeuvres qu’intègrent mon corpus, à savoir, Le Centaure dans le jardin et Sa majesté des indiens. Les écrits de la franco-québécoise Régine Robin comprennent plusieurs domaines de connaissance et suivent une tendance ou un courant d’écrivains québécois qui privilégient dans leurs écrits une idée de construction nationale qui n’a pas le pays comme le centre, mais un abordage identitaire qui renforce et signale l’ample diversité culturelle et ethnique qui compose le Québec. C’est ce qu’ils appellent l’écriture migrante. Notre intérêt est surtout axé sur sa production littéraire, à savoir le roman La Québécoite et son livre de contes L’immense fatigue des Pierres. Cependant, sa production en tant que théoricienne fourni des éléments complémentaires pour l’analyse de ses œuvres littéraires, comme par exemple Le roman mémoriel, Kafka, et La mémoire saturée. Régine Robin et Moacyr Scliar ont en commun le fait de créer dans leurs livres un espace intermédiaire entre les faits et la fiction, et aussi de présenter des expressions de la communauté américaine d’origine juive. De sorte que s’entremêlent, chez eux, une dimension nationale, une dimension régionale, et une dimension communautaire transnationale. / This is a study of the works of Moacyr Scliar and Régine Robin. The writing of Moacyr Scliar mainly focuses on the issue of Jewish immigration to Brazil and on the adaptation and integration into the Brazilian society. He constructs with humor and lightness characters that are often living internal conflicts, trying to constitute themselves an identity composed of traces of memories and the new reality which surrounds them. It is the case of the characters of his works that integrate my corpus, namely, the Centaur in the garden and His majesty of the Indians. The writings of the Quebec-French Régine Robin include several areas of knowledge and follow a trend or a movement of writers in Quebec who favor in their writings an idea of national construction that does not have the country as the center, but rather an identity approach which strengthens and signals the wide cultural and ethnic diversity that makes up Quebec. This is what they call the migrant writing. Our interest mainly focuses on his literary production, namely the novel La Québécoite and his storybook The immense fatigue of Stones. However, her production as a theorist provides complementary elements for the analysis of his literary works, such as The Memory Novel, Kafka, and The Saturated Memory. Régine Robin and Moacyr Scliar have in common the fact of creating in their books an intermediate space between facts and fiction, and also to present expressions of the American community of Jewish origin. In this way, are intertwined in their works a national dimension, a regional dimension and a transnational community dimension.

Compreensão oral no livro didático: o enigma da alteridade e o estranhamento do inglês como língua estrangeira / Listening comprehension in textbooks: the enigma of alterity and the estrangement of English as a foreign language

Marques, Beatriz Herdy Raminelli 12 February 2019 (has links)
O ensino de língua inglesa conta com manuais que prescrevem metodologias para abordar as atividades de compreensão oral. No entanto, no contato com alunos durante a prática docente, percebemos que apesar das prescrições metodológicas muitos aprendizes permanecem com dificuldades na realização seja dos exercícios de compreensão oral do livro didático, seja das provas de proficiência. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o funcionamento das atividade de compreensão auditiva a partir de uma perspectiva semântico-discursiva (ORLANDI, 1983; CORACINI, 1999; PÊCHEUX, 1990), dos estudos culturais (WOODWARD, 2000) e dos estudos pós-coloniais (ANCHIMBE; ANCHIMBE, 2005) e com apoio de conceitos da psicanálise tais como o Outro/outro, o estranho (unheimlich) e o enigma, que empregamos como metáfora das noções de inconsciente e recalque (FREUD, 1996; LACAN, 1998; KOLTAI, 1998). Desse modo, refletimos acerca do livro didático, do papel do professor de inglês e das representações de compreensão auditiva nos dizeres dos alunos e professores entrevistados. / There is a variety of manuals for the teaching of the English language which prescribe Several methodologies in order to address listening comprehension activities. However, by the contact with students during the teaching practice, we realized that despite the strategies many learners still have difficulties in performing either the listening comprehension exercises from textbooks, or the proficiency tests. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the functioning of listening comprehension activities from a semantic-discursive perspective (ORLANDI, 1983; CORACINI, 1999; PÊCHEUX, 1990), cultural studies (WOODWARD, 2000), postcolonial studies (ANCHIMBE, ANCHIMBE, 2005) and based on psychoanalytical concepts such as other/Other, uncanny (unheimlich) and enigma which we use as a metaphor for the notions of unconscious and repression (FREUD, 1996; LACAN, 1998; KOLTAI, 1998). Therefore, we discuss the textbook, the role of the English teacher and the representations of listening comprehension in the speech of the students and teachers interviewed.

Percée de l'ego : Maître Eckhart en phénoménologie / Breakthrough of the ego. Meister Eckhart in phenomenology

Meessen, Yves 17 November 2014 (has links)
Maître Eckhart a donné à penser à trois grands ténors de la phénoménologie : Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida et Michel Henry. Cette présence d'un penseur médiéval, à la fois philosophe et théologien, n'est pas sans poser question dans un contexte contemporain. Une relecture de l'ensemble des occurrences eckhartiennes en phénoménologie conduit à une double constatation. D'une part, son influence est décisive et d'autre part, elle est divergente. Loin d'être anecdotique, le recours à Eckhart concerne la méthode phénoménologique elle-même. Il surgit là où le pouvoir constituant de l'ego fait problème, c'est-à-dire là où la phénoménologie husserlienne devient problématique. Cependant, les solutions apportées par Heidegger et par Henry sont antinomiques, tandis que Derrida reste dans une ambiguïté voulue. Alternative ou non-alternative : ou bien se laisser aller à la temporalité en déconstruisant l'ego, ou bien se détacher du monde pour fonder la subjectivité ; ou bien ne pas choisir entre la temporalité et l'ego. Ce conflit d'interprétations ne peut être démêlé qu'en revenant aux principes herméneutiques que le Thuringien met lui-même en oeuvre. Il en découle une ouverture de l'ego à une altérité transcendantale athématique. Parce que Maître Eckhart élabore une véritable « mystique spéculative », il est possible de penser un contrecoup théologal sur la phénoménologie de Husserl. L'approche des redoutables questions de l'intersubjectivité transcendantale s'en trouve renouvelée. Encore faut-il accepter la percée de l'ego. / Meister Eckhart gave to think of three big tenors of the phenomenology: Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Michel Henry. This presence of a medieval thinker, at the same time a philosopher and a theologian, is not without asking question in a contemporary context. A review of all the eckhartian occurences in phenomenology led to a double observation. On one hand, his influence is decisive and on the other hand, it is divergent. Far from being trivial, the recourse to Eckhart concerns the phenomenological method itself. It appears where the constituent power of the ego makes problem, that where the husserlian phenomenology becomes problematic. However, the solutions brought by Heidegger and by Henry are paradoxical, whereas Derrida stays in a deliberate ambiguity. Alternative or non-alternative: either let go itself in the temporality by deconstructing the ego, either get loose from the world to establish the subjectivity; either do not choose between the temporality and the ego. This conflict of interpretations can be solved only by returning to the hermeneutic principles which the Thuringian operates himself. It follows itself an opening of the ego in an athematic transcendental alterity. Because Meister Eckhart develops a real « mystic speculative », it is possible to think a theologal repercussion on the phenomenology of Husserl. The approach of formidable questions of the transcendental intersubjectivity is renewed there. Still it is necessary to accept the breakthrough of the ego.

Lernen und das Andere / Hochschuldidaktische Erkenntnisse zur Anwendung des Konzeptes der Alterität auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse im akademischen Kontext / Learning and otherness / Findings on why and how to use the concept of alterity when approaching academic teaching and learning settings

Thielsch, Angelika 07 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.


ELAINE LOPES NOVAIS 25 September 2008 (has links)
[pt] A presente Tese de Doutorado tem como objetivo investigar como os sujeitos do contexto escolar constroem discursivamente o conceito de (in)disciplina, compreendendo a linguagem como prática social, onde os indivíduos, situados sócio-historicamente, negociam significados (Fairclough, 1989; Moita Lopes, 1996 e 1998). Partindo da perspectiva bakhtiniana de linguagem (Bakhtin, 1992[1929]), busco reconhecer as vozes que ecoam nos enunciados construídos pelos participantes do contexto escolar - professores, funcionários técnico-administirativos e alunos, bem como a construção da alteridade na escola, isto é, como o outro é representado no discurso dos participantes da instituição analisada. O estudo das diferentes teorias sobre (in)disciplina baseou-se, principalmente, em Foucault (2000[1975]), Aquino (1996), De La Taille (1996) e Vasconcellos (2000 e 2003). Uma descrição da instituição escolar ao longo do tempo é apresentada (Dussel e Caruso, 2002; Hilsdorf, 2006; Bauman, 1998; Sennet, 2004), situando a escola em uma dimensão sócio-histórica, no sentido de melhor compreendê-la, e perceber como certos padrões da vida escolar foram sendo construídos social, cultural e politicamente. A pesquisa baseia-se em um estudo de caso de um colégio público federal de Ensino Fundamental e Médio do Rio de Janeiro e faz um recorte profundo na realidade social desta escola, buscando as diferentes visões dos participantes do contexto escolar sobre questões disciplinares. Entrevistas semiestruturadas e documentos institucionais foram os instrumentos utilizados para gerar os dados da pesquisa. Foram entrevistados professores de diferentes idades, áreas de conhecimento e experiência docente; alunos de diferentes séries; funcionários técnico-administrativos; a diretora adjunta e o diretor da unidade escolar na qual a pesquisa foi desenvolvida. A análise dos dados mostrou que existe na escola analisada uma crise de paradigmas em relação à questão disciplinar, uma vez que esta é uma instituição onde predomina uma visão moderna de educação, embora esteja inserida em um contexto sócio-histórico pósmoderno. Além disso, o discurso documental da escola ecoa a disciplina tradicional, que associa a disciplina à obediência e submissão. Contudo, acompanhando as características da sociedade pós-moderna - fluidez, velocidade, reorganização do tempo e do espaço, adaptabilidade, coexistem atualmente nas escolas a disciplina tradicional e outras visões de (in)disciplina, a saber: liberal, psicologizante e consciente/interativa. A análise dos dados mostrou também que existem diferentes discursos acerca da (in)disciplina no contexto escolar analisado, dentre os quais estão: o discurso dos acordos, que compreende a disciplina como o estabelecimento de contratos negociados entre os participantes da sala de aula; o discurso único, que busca uma consonância monológica, inviável em um mundo polifônico; e o discurso acusatório, através do qual o eu da relação pedagógica é geralmente representado de forma positiva, enquanto o outro, em muitos casos considerado como a família, é representado de forma negativa e responsabilizado pelos problemas disciplinares que ocorrem na escola. Alguns outros temas emergiram nas entrevistas e nortearam o trabalho de análise dos dados: as vozes sociais, que demonstram haver um agitado balaio de vozes no discurso de cada indivíduo (Bakhtin, 1992[1929]), bem como uma multissonância de vozes no discurso dos diferentes participantes do contexto escolar, estando, por exemplo, os alunos satisfeitos com a disciplina da escola, ao passo que os professores demonstram o oposto. As consonâncias, dissonâncias e multissonâncias discursivas observadas no contexto escolar indicam a urgência de uma reflexão ampla, por parte de todos os seus participantes, sobre as questões envolvidas no discurso disciplinas. / [en] This thesis aims at investigating how subjects in the school context discursively construct the concept of (in)discipline. In this research, language is viewed as social practice through which socio-historically situated individuals negotiate meaning (Fairclough, 1989; Moita Lopes, 1996 e 1998). Using the Bakhtinian language perspective (Bakhtin, 1992[1929]), this study aims at recognizing the voices that echo in the discourses constructed by teachers, administrative staff and students. The construction of otherness at school, i.e., how the other is represented in the discourse of different participants of the analyzed school context, is also observed. The discussion of the different theories about (in)discipline was mainly based on Foucault (2000 [1975]), Aquino (1996), De La Taille (1996) and Vasconcellos (2000 and 2003). A historical description of the school institution in different moments is presented (Dussel and Caruso, 2002; Hilsdorf, 2006; Bauman, 1998; Sennet, 2004), situating it in a socio-historical dimension, so as to better understand it and to observe how certain characteristics of school life have been constructed socially, culturally and politically. The research is a case study with focus on a public federal school in Rio de Janeiro, which allows for a deep perspective on the social reality of this specific school through the analysis of different subjects` views about (in)discipline matters. Semi-structured interviews and institutional documents were the research instruments used to gather data for the analysis. Teachers of different ages, areas of knowledge and with different working experience were interviewed, as well as students from different grades, administrative staff, the school principal and a vice-director. The analysis of the data showed that there is a paradigm crisis concerning (in)discipline in the observed school, since this institution reflects a modern view of education, although socio-historically pertaining to a post-modern context. Besides that, the documental school discourse echoes the traditional discipline, which associates discipline with obedience and submission. However, in present day schools, there are also other views of (in)discipline, such as liberal, psychological and interactive, which accompany society`s post-modern characteristics - fluidity, speed, reorganization of time and space. Data analysis also showed that different discourses about (in)discipline are represented in the analyzed context, such as: the discourse of agreements, which considers discipline as the establishment of agreements negotiated by the subjects in the classroom; the uniform discourse, which searches for a monological consonance, impossible in a polyphonic world; and the accusatory discourse, through which the I in the pedagogical relation is constructed positively, while the other, in many cases taken as the family, is represented in a negative way and blamed for the discipline problems. Some other themes appeared in the interviews and guided the data analysis: the social voices, that demonstrate there is a mix of voices in each subject`s discourse (Bakhtin, 1992[1929]), as well as a multissonance of voices among the discourses of the different participants in the school context, showing, for instance, that students are satisfied with the discipline of the school, while teachers demonstrate the opposite. Discursive consonances, dissonances and multissonances observed in the school setting point towards the need for an urgent, comprehensive and reflexive discussion on disciplinary discourse issues, involving all those participating in the educational context.

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