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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I mitten av två kulturella världar : En kvalitativ studie om andra generationens invandrares livsvillkor och tillhörighet / A qualitative study on second generation immigrants’ living conditions and belonging

Nilsson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur andra generationens invandrare upplever sin tillhörighet samt hur deras livsvillkor påverkas av att bo i ett stigmatiserat område. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metodansats där fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats med hjälp av teoretiska utgångspunkter som Vanessa Mays teori om tillhörighet, Erving Goffman och Loic Waquants stigmateorier och Thomas Scheffs teori om sociala band. Resultatet visar att informanterna känner sig stigmatiserade dels för att de har utländsk bakgrund och dels för att det finns en territoriell stigmatisering genom deras bostadsområde. Informanternas föräldrar har inte alltid lyckats bli integrerade i Sverige, vilket även påverkar informanterna. Föräldrarna behöver ha en tillhörighet som då främst har blivit hemlandets kultur, som informanterna i olika grad tar efter. De flesta känner därför tillhörighet till sina föräldrars kultur och hemland, vilket också påverkar att informanterna föredrar umgänge med personer som har en liknande bakgrund. / This research addresses the understanding of how second generation immigrants perceive their sense of belonging and how their living conditions are affected by living in a stigmatized area. The study has been done with a qualitative method, where five semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The collected material has been analyzed with the help of Vanessa May’s theory of belonging, Erving Goffman and Loic Waquant’s stigma theories and Thomas Scheff’s theory of social ties. This research presents that the informants in some ways feel discriminated and stigmatized, partly because of their foreign background and partly because there is a territorial stigma through their residential area. The parents of the informants have not always managed to become integrated in Sweden, which affects the young people. As a result of this, the parents retain more of the culture of their home country, which the informants then have inherited. The majority of the informants feel that they belong to their parents culture an homeland, they then prefers to interact with people with similar background.

Vad har jag för identitet egentligen? : En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att leva med dubbla kulturtillhörigheter hosandra generationens invandrare med kinesiskt ursprung

Hermez, Sandra, Huang, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Second-generation immigrants have attested to different experiences they encountered during their upbringing, which were marked by two cultural affiliations. They are regularlyre minded by society that they are not real "Swedes" even though they are born and raised in Sweden in the same way as their Swedish friends. The study aims to examine the second generation of Chinese in Sweden and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences of having dual cultural affiliations, one of which is internalized from home and the other originates from society. The study also aims to examine how second-generation Chinese people identify with their environment and cultural groups and how their ethnic identity is shaped and changed based on their cultural affiliations. Previous research within this subject has studied other ethnic groups of second-generation immigrants abroad and come to conclusions that have contributed to an understanding of our study. This study, which is based on six qualitative semi-structured interviews with second-generation Chinese between the ages 22-34, has been analyzed based on a the oretical framework consisting of Goffman'sdramaturgical perspective, Bourdieu's theory of habitus and Jenkin's theory of social identity.The results show three experiences linked to dual cultural affiliations amongsecond-generation Chinese: cultural clash, feeling ashamed of their heritage culture and in-betweenship. Furthermore, the study shows that individuals adapt to the different culturalcontext in which they find themselves and that their ethnic identity is shaped by different factors that result in them having different identities. The study shows that they have gone from being insecure about their ethnic identity to feeling proud of it. / Andra generationens invandrare har vittnat om olika upplevelser som de stött på under sin uppväxt som präglats av två kulturtillhörigheter. De blir regelbundet påminda av samhället att de inte är riktiga “svenskar” trots att de är födda och uppväxta i Sverige på samma sätt som sina svenska vänner. Studien syftar till att undersöka andra generationens invandrare i Sverige med kinesiskt ursprung och få en djupare förståelse för deras upplevelser av att ha dubbla kulturtillhörigheter, varav den ena är internaliserad från hemmet och den andra har sitt ursprung från samhället. Studien avser även att undersöka hur andra generationens invandrare med kinesiskt ursprung förhåller sig till sin omgivning och sina kulturella grupper samt hur deras etniska identitet formas och förändras utifrån sina kulturtillhörigheter. Tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet har studerat andra folkgrupper av andra generationens invandrare utomlands och kommit med slutsatser som bidragit till en förståelse för vår studie. Denna studie som baseras på sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med andra generationens invandrare med kinesiskt ursprung i åldrarna 22–34 år har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, Bourdieus teori om habitus och Jenkins teori om social identitet. Resultatet visar tre upplevelser kopplat till dubbla kulturtillhörigheter hos andra generationens invandrare med kinesiskt ursprung:kulturkrock, känna skam över sin arvskultur och mellanförskap. Vidare visar studien attindividerna anpassar sig till de olika kulturella kontexterna de befinner sig i och att deras etniska identitet formas av olika faktorer som resulterar i att de får olika identiteter. Studien visar att de har gått från att vara osäkra på sin etniska identitet till att känna sig stolta överden.

Icke-religiositetens (o)lika uttryck : En komparativ sekundäranalys mellan icke-religiösa etniskt svenska och icke-religiösa andra generationens invandrare

Mukhtar, Tania January 2018 (has links)
The group known as “non-religious” have in recent time received attention in sociology of religion due to the need of presenting a more accurate and nuanced image of these individuals.  In the following study, young adults who ascribe themselves as religious to a low degree are investigated through quantitative analysis on previously collected survey material from the project Religion som resurs? (2008).  The study examines what reasons the respondents have stated for assigning themselves a religious affiliation, and to what degree they value the importance of religious tradition in their lives. Furthermore, the study includes a comparative analysis of two non-religious groups which were ethnic Swedes and Swedish born second-generation immigrants whose parents originate from outside of Scandinavia. The purpose of this comparison is to detect whether non-religiosity is expressed differently depending on ethnic background. Finally, the study also examines how the two groups differ in the degree of religious socialisation during their childhood years. Due to restrictions in method and material, this study can only show correlation or lack thereof in regard to the respondents’ answers, rather than explain what the causes behind the differences between the two non-religious groups are. The results were constructed through cross-tabulation of the two groups and six questions from the mentioned survey. In analysing the results, the theories used are socialisation theory as it is expressed by Berger & Luckman, but more so theories developed by Day (2011) from her qualitative study. The analysis uses Days categorisation of nominalist identities, belief orientations and the term which she calls performative belonging. The results of this essay show that the majority of both groups did not grow up exposed to religious socialisation, however a larger share of the second-generation immigrants than the ethnic Swedes stated that they did. Furthermore, almost twice as many second-generation immigrants than ethnic Swedes ascribe themselves a religious affiliation to a high degree. As for why the respondents ascribe themselves a religious affiliation, the reasons, and the degree of which the respondents agree to these reasons, differ slightly between the two groups. The biggest differences which can be seen is that the second-generation immigrants ascribe themselves a religion based on their relationships with family. Finally, regarding the respondents’ opinions on tradition, the results show that they have varied opinions on the question of how important traditions are, but that religious tradition largely does not affect their life-view.

En studie över etnisk boendesegregation i Sverige : Med fokus på andra generationens invandrare

Soyal, Bejna Dilsen January 2016 (has links)
The study is a qualitative study that aims to examine how foreign-born parents affect second-generation immigrants choice of form of housing and residential areas and what differences there are between Swedish native-born and foreign-born parents. The study also examines how ethnicity affects young adults' choice of housing and residential area and the importance of second-generation immigrants attitudes towards segregated areas in the future have. The study focuses on the residential neighbourhoods of Sätra located in Gävle and Vivalla located in Örebro. Both neighbourhoods are million program areas but in different ways. The data collection consisted of ten people, five women and five men. The method asked specific questions and then interviewees spoke about themselves and how they perceive housing segregation. The selection has been made strategically thus the people that have been interviewed are born in Sweden and have parents that are born abroad. Also all of the interviewed individuals live in segregated areas. There is a lot of prejudice in the media and the public about segregation and the vulnerability of segregated areas. The results shows five women and five men’s own experiences and thoughts about living in segregated residential areas, having foreign- born parents, how both have affected them and their views of ethnic segregation. / Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie där intervjuer kommer göras för att jag somforskare ska kunna befinna mig i den sociala miljön som analyseras. Studien syftar tillatt granska hur utlandsfödda föräldrar påverkar andra generationens invandrares val avbostadsform och bostadsområde samt vilka skillnader det finns mellan inlandsfödda ochutlandsfödda föräldrar. Samt hur etnicitet påverkar unga vuxnas val av bostadsform ochbostadsområde och vilken betydelse andra generationens invandrares inställning tillboendesegregerade områden i framtiden har. För att utföra arbetet har en fallstudieanvänts. Anledningen till att en fallstudie har använts är för att arbetet ska utföras underen tidsbegränsad period. I studien ligger fokus på bostadsområdena Sätra och Vivalla,det dessa två områden har gemensamt är att de är segregerade på olika sätt och ärmiljonprogramsområden. Datainsamlingen bestod av tio personer, fem kvinnor och femmän. I studien tas intervjupersonernas erfarenheter, tankar och upplevelser med ochmetoden går ut på att ställa bestämd frågor och sedan har intervjupersonerna fått pratautifrån sig själva och hur de själva upplever ämnet. Urvalet är strategiskt, detintervjupersonerna har gemensamt är att de själva är födda i Sverige och harutlandsfödda föräldrar från olika länder samt bor i segregerade områden. Detförekommer mycket fördomar av media och människor utifrån på grund avsegregationen och utsattheten som råder i områdena. Resultatet visar fem kvinnor ochfem mäns egna erfarenheter, upplevelser och tankar av att bo i bostadsområdena och attha utlandsfödda föräldrar, hur det har påverkat dem och hur de ser på den etniskaboendesegregationen.

Stuck in Limbo : A qualitative analysis regarding the effects of living in deprived neighborhoods on the citizenship of the second-generation immigrants in Bäckby.

Gergis, Faris Henry January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews that were conducted with six highly educated young second-generation immigrants from the deprived neighborhood of Bäckby in Västerås. By aiming to understand how the participants portray their substantive citizenship and its impact upon political participation as an essential pillar of Swedish democracy, the author focused upon how the participants described their perceived discrimination, sense of belonging, transnationalism, and political participation. The answers were transcribed using the intelligent verbatim method and coded deductively based on a wide range of relevant literature. Among many findings, the study showed that the participants were aware of the bright barrier framing their place of comfort as well as they were highly attached to Bäckby. However, the majority of the participants considered the homeland to be a country outside of Sweden. Peregrinus citizenship was the outcome of the author's interpretations of the participants' substantive citizenship, which also was a possible explanation of the low interest in politics that the participants illustrated through their answers. Among the study's conclusions was stated that the second-generation immigrants are not only a risk group because of social risk factors present within the deprived neighborhood, but also because of the similar factors present outside of it. / Det här examensarbete är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med sex högutbildade unga andra generationens invandrare från den eftersatta stadsdelen Bäckby i Västerås. Genom att försöka förstå hur deltagarna framställer sitt substantivmedborgarskap och dess inverkan på det politiska deltagandet som en viktig pelare i den svenska demokratin fokuserade författaren på hur deltagarna beskrev sin upplevda diskriminering, känsla av tillhörighet, transnationalism och politiskt deltagande. Svaren transkriberades med hjälp av den intelligenta Verbatim metoden och kodade deduktivt baserat på ett brett spektrum av relevant litteratur. Bland många fynd visade studien att deltagarna var medvetna om den ljusa barriären som inramade sin komfortplats och de var mycket fästa vid Bäckby. Majoriteten av deltagarna ansåg dock att hemlandet var ett land utanför Sverige. Peregrinus medborgarskap var resultatet av författarens tolkningar av deltagarnas substantivmedborgarskap, vilket också var en möjlig förklaring till det låga intresse för politik som deltagarna illustrerade genom sina svar. Bland studiens slutsatser uppgavs att andra generationens invandrare är inte bara en riskgrupp på grund av sociala riskfaktorer som finns inom det utsatta området, utan också på grund av liknande faktorer som finns utanför det.

Främling i mitt egna land : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare / Stranger in my own country : A qualitative study of the identity creation of second-generation immigrants

Kazem, Hedil, Maida, Cucovic January 2021 (has links)
Socialt arbete inkluderar ofta individer som på något sätt lever utanför det normativa samhället. Fall som berör perosner med utländsk bakgrund kan ofta missförstås eftersom den Eurocentriska ideologin inte alltid är rådande för alla. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vuxna födda på 90-talet med två utrikes födda föräldrar skildrar sin identitet smat vilken inverkan miljön har haft på deras identitetskapande. Med denna studie vill vi även få en ökad kunskap om fårgor som rör identitet i förhållande till etnicitet och hur andra generationens invandrare påverkas av benämningen invandrare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer födda i Sverige med olika kulturell bakgrund. För att få ett bredare perspektiv har vi ställt frågor om hur deras etniska bakgrund har påverkat deras skapande av identitet i det svenska samhället. Vår analys bgger på det empiriska materialet som även vidare kopplas till den tredje identiteten och andra relevanta teoretiska begrepp som; attributionsteorin, människans behov av tillhörighet och kulturell identitet och dess tillhörighet. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att omgivningen spelar en viktig roll i repondenternas identitetsbildning. Respondenternas etnicitet var avgörande i vilken utsträckning de känner tillhörighet till det svenska samhället. Den etniska bakgrunden bidrog således till en känsla av utanförskap då samhället inte tillät dem att identifiera sig som de ville. Sammanfattningsvis visade den insamlade empirin på att intervjupersonerna växt upp med två kulutrella världar som varit betydande för processen av identitetsskapandet. Deras dubbla kulturella band har varit en kärn faktor i hur dem skildrar sin identitet. Respondenterna ansåg deras dubbla kulturella band som en svårighet i deras unga dagar då ett sökande efter tillhörighet aldrig upphörde. Men beskrev den som en tillgång i dagens läge då de funnit sig själva och sin plats i samhället. / Social work often includes individuals who in some way live outside the normative society. Cases involving people with a foreign background can often get misunderstood because the Eurocentric ideology is not always prevalent for everyone. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adults born in the 90s with two foreign-born parents portray their identity and what impact the environment has had on their identity creation. With this study, we also want to gain a increased knowlegde of issues concerning identity in relation to ethnicity and how second-generation immigrants are affected by being referred to as immigrants. We have conducted qualitative semistructured interviews with six people born in Sweden with different cultural backgrounds. To get a broader perspective, we have asked questions about how their ethnic background has affected their identity creation in swedish society. Our analysis is based on the empirical material which is also further linked to the third identity and other relevant theoretical concepts such as; the attribution theory, man's need for belonging and cultural identity and its belonging. The results of our study have shown that the enviroment plays a significant role in the respondents' identity formation. The respondents' ethnicity was decisive in the extent to which they felt a sense of belonging to swedish society. The ethnic background thus contributed to a feeling of exclusion as society did not allow them to identify themselves as they wished. In summary, the collected empirical evindence showed that the interviewees grew up with who cultural worlds that were significant for the process of identity creation. Their dual cultural ties have been a core factor in how they portray their identity. The respondents considered their dual cultural ties to be a difficulty in their young days when a search for belonging never ceased. But described it as an asset in today's situation when they have found themselves and their place in society.

Att förklara tillit till polisen : En studie om första och andra generationens invandrares tillit till den svenska polisen / Explaining trust in the police : A study of first and second-generation immigrants' trust in the Swedish police

Parmar, Ramandeep, Fekre, Ibrahim January 2022 (has links)
This thesis presents a quantitative study of trust in the police amongst first and second-generation immigrants in Sweden. Previous research suggests that the most socio-economically vulnerable groups in society trust the police the least. People with immigrant backgrounds tend to a larger extent belong to these groups. Yet, few studies have examined trust in the police amongst immigrants within a Swedish context. The aim of this study is divided into two parts. Firstly, the study aims to examine if there are differences in trust in the police between first and second-generation immigrants, and the majority population of Sweden. Secondly, there is an attempt to explain any differences found using the procedural justice model and performance theory. Using data from the European Social Survey (n = 1497), a series of regression analyses are performed to first examine differences between the groups, and then examine whether perceptions of procedural justice and police performance have a mediating effect on first and second-generation immigrants' trust in the police. The findings suggest that first generation immigrants report slightly higher trust in the police, while second generation immigrants report lower levels of trust. Further, perceptions of procedural justice do not mediate trust in the police amongst those with immigrant backgrounds. However, perceptions of police performance mediate both first and second-generation immigrants’ trust in the police, but in opposite directions. The thesis is concluded with a discussion about key findings, limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

"Jag Är Jugge, Ingen Snack Om Saken" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur första och andragenerationens invandrare från f.d Jugoslavien upplever sin nationella identitet / I am from Yugoslavia, no question about it : A qualitative study on how first- and second-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience their national identity

Emina, Dapo January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience and precive their national identity. Furthermore to understand differences and similarities between first-generation and second-generation immigrants based on inbetweenship. Previous research has shown that people with one or more cultural backgrunds tend to develop more fluid identity in comparson to people who only have one cultural backgrund. Furthermore, previous research has also shown that people with immigrant background or a multi-ethnic background tend to end up in betweenship, to greater extent. To achieve the study`s purpose and answer the research questions I have chosen to conduct a qualitative interview study based on semi-structured interviews with first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia living in Sweden. The theories used in the study to analyze the result were inbetweenship and national identity as a grounded conceptual definition.  The results showed that first-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia did not perceive themselves as Swedes, but in all cases referred to their ethnic origin when speaking about their national identity and identity perception. The results also showed that second-generation immigrants partly experienced their identity in similar way. However, second-generation immigrants tended to experience their identity as Swedish and not in relation to their ethnic origin in half of the cases.

Att vandra mellan två kulturella världar : En kvalitativ studie om andra generationens invandrares etniska identitet

Jalal, Barwa, Ahmed, Bawar January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and gain an understanding of the second-generation immigrant's ethnic identity. To carry out our survey, we used the qualitative approach, more specifically interrogations. In total, 6 people were interviewed between the ages of 18–29 years. All participants were born and raised in Sweden with one or both of the parents born abroad. The theoretical basis of the essay is socialbehaviorism and social constructivism. Previous research, also our results show that the mother tongue, parents, residential area and social circle are recurring aspects that are important for the design of the ethnic identity. Our result, unlike previous research, shows that the appearance is also an important factor for the design of the ethnic identity. Our conclusion is that there is an ambivalence and rootlessness among the respondents, which is due to the lack of being part of a larger whole. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka och få en förståelse för andra generationens invandrares etniska identitet. För att genomföra vår undersökning använde vi oss av den kvalitativa ansatsen, närmare bestämt interjuver. Sammanlagd intervjuades 6 personer i åldrarna 18–29 år. Samtliga deltagare var födda och uppväxta i Sverige med en eller både föräldrarna födda utomlands. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter är socialbehaviorismen och socialkonstruktionivsmen. Tidigare forskning och även vårt resultat visar att modersmålet, föräldrarna, bostadsområde och umgängeskrets är återkommande aspekter som har betydelse för konstruerandet av den etniska identiteten. Vårt resultat till skillnad från tidigare forskning visar att även utseendet är en viktig faktor för skapandet av den etniska identiteten. Vår slutsats är att det finns en ambivalens och rotlöshet hos respondenterna som beror på avsaknaden av att vara en del av en större helhet.

Jedna si jedina : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kollektiv bosniakisk identitet, antagonism och skolgång i Sverige efter de jugoslaviska krigen / You are the One and Only : A qualitative interview study on collective Bosniak identity, antagonism and schooling in Sweden after the Yugoslavian wars

Andersson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
This study is a qualitative interview study that examines antagonism, identity and collective memory among second generation immigrants from Bosnia & Herzegovina. The study is based on an existential history use-perspective and social constructivist socialization theory. The study shows that the Bosniak identity is seldom defined by their history and the Yugoslavian wars but rather by language and traditions. In addition, the results indicate that the Bosniak identity has been assimilated to a large extent into the Swedish majority culture. The results also show that antagonism against other ethnic groups in the Balkans mainly occurs among first-generation immigrants while the descendants do not relate to a large extent to the war crimes and atrocities that occurred against Bosnian Muslims. Instead, they express empathy and sympathy for their parents’ experiences of these traumas. The respondents also experienced a nonchalance towards their background in Swedish history teaching where their history was neglected in favor of other wars and genocides. While the respondents suspected a fear of conflict among teachers to account for the area, they also told examples when teachers failed in the relational pedagogy and homogenized the individuals by letting them represent an entire conflict and ethnic group. Overall, the study shows that the use of history is not a recurring phenomenon among second-generation Bosniak immigrants, and their attitude focuses on individuals rather than groups. In the didactic part of the study, the results emphasize that history teachers might need to self-educate based on the students' background to create a meaningful education and create a history awareness among students.

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