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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

OM SAMTIDA UPPLOPP : Teoretiska perspektiv på strukturellt och direkt våld.

Lindahl, Rasmus January 2012 (has links)
I norra London startade, den sjätte augusti 2011, ett av de största upploppen i modern tid. Syftet med denna teoretiska uppsats är att - inspirerat av londonupploppen - diskutera olika teoretiska sätt att förklara och förstå händelserna ifråga, med särskild fokus på relationen mellan strukturellt och direkt våld. Styrande teman är socialt utanförskap, skam och vanmakt. Analysen indikerar att det sociala utanförskap som strukturellt våld och relativ deprivation skapar är grogrunden för vanmakt och skam – två känslor som är intimt förknippade med direkt våld. En central iaktagelse är att när människans möjligheter till gemenskap direkt eller strukturellt hämmas, skapas en sociopsykologisk miljö där riskerna för direkt våld intensifieras.

液態新聞:新一代記者與當前媒介境況─以Zygmunt Bauman「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎 / Liquid Journalism and new generation of reporters in Taiwan: A narrative approach based on Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of Liquid Modernity

華婉伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以社會學家Zygmunt Bauman的「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎,討論社會「液化」過程中新聞工作本質有何轉變,並探究當前未曾經歷台灣新聞產業蓬勃、初入行即面臨新聞價值、專業與勞動條件不穩定狀態的新一代記者,如何看待新聞工作及其自身角色意涵。   Bauman指出,當前社會在由固態現代性過渡至液態現代性過程中具「時空關係轉變」、「資本與勞動力分離」、「生產者社會轉向者消費社會」及「權力運作方式改變」等特質。本研究循此討論新聞工作之本質於「時間與速度」、「傳受雙方關係」、「工作穩定性」及「媒體組織角色」等面向的轉變,並以敘事探究之方式蒐集新一代記者的工作故事,分析其對新聞工作及自身角色的認知。   研究結果發現,當前新聞工作深陷伴隨媒體科技而來的速度競賽中,使報導傾向快速淺薄,記者個人工作成果亦難以累積。而由於媒體組織內未能提供穩定薪資成長或以裁員及短期約聘為營運手段,促成當前新聞工作的高流動性與低穩定性。且當前媒體組織與新聞記者之權威地位常賴閱聽人/消費者之觀看與評價而確立,使新一代記者改視新聞工作為提供資訊之「服務業」。   此種媒介境況影響著新一代記者對自身角色的認知:工作不穩定使其須時時關注自身表現能否被組織看見並達成期待,凸顯其為「組織中之工作者」;當其應組織要求執行業配等額外工作時,又須「兼具記者、廣告與業務之角色」;在組織頻以商業利益主導人事策略之際,則迫使其屢「以商業價格衡量自身價值」,認為「便宜又好用」是其未被裁員或受聘雇之緣由,無法感受自身的不可替代性。   但另一方面,當前媒體境況中的新一代記者亦「期待改變並尋求突破」,希冀藉由接觸新的人事物刺激思維且提升能力,並於固有工作中尋找突破之可能;而於媒體環境及記者社會地位不佳之際,他們仍「對自身表現充滿期許」,認為須每日拿出成績、努力獲得挖角加薪之機會與他人肯定;新一代記者亦認為新聞工作「具影響力與個人意義」,個人的興趣與工作成就感是其繼續工作之動力。   綜上所述,液態現代性社會中的速度競賽、勞資分離、消費者社會以及對輕盈流動與彈性靈活的追求顯皆促使整體媒介境況變遷,改變新一代記者與新聞工作、媒體組織及閱聽人/消費者間之關係。而新一代記者對自身角色的理解一方面受媒體組織內的工作形態與工作穩定性之影響,另方面則反映其在具流動靈活的液態現代性社會中猶能積極工作的心境。

Ter atitude : escolhas da juventude líquida : um estudo sobre mídia, educação e cultura jovem global

Schmidt, Saraí Patrícia January 2006 (has links)
A mídia impressa foi o foco central deste estudo, que se centrou na análise de revistas e, simultaneamente, na discussão das mesmas por um grupo de acadêmicos de Comunicação Social. A pesquisa busca compreender como uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” — disseminada amplamente na mídia — acaba por mostrar as fraturas de um conceito historicamente construído como o de “juventude”; ou seja, busco analisar a importância da expressão “ter atitude”, na medida em que, por meio dela, podemos observar o quanto características dadas como “imutáveis” para caracterizar os jovens vêm se modificando, vêm se dissolvendo.Tendo como referência teórica privilegiada os estudos de Zygmunt Bauman, desenvolvi análises que colocam em relevo a estreita relação entre a cultura jovem e a globalização. Tal articulação permitiu‐me estruturar discussões sobre os conceitos que emergiram como centrais na tese: juventude líquida, ambivalência e identidade. Dois conjuntos de materiais constituíram o corpus de análise da pesquisa. O primeiro conjunto foi composto por materiais extraídos da Revista MTV (especialmente, editoriais e campanhas publicitárias). O segundo conjunto resulta das discussões desenvolvidas junto a dois grupos de acadêmicos do curso de Comunicação do Centro Universitário Feevale. A investigação evidenciou de que maneira uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” encontra num universo igualmente ambivalente (o dos jovens) um lócus notável para sua efetivação, e analisou de que forma e por quais caminhos ela acaba por encontrar no universo jovem um meio singular e sugestivo para seu implemento. / Printed media has been the central focus of this study, which has concentrated on both the analysis and discussion of magazines by a group of students of Social Communication. The research is an attempt to understand how an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” – widely spread in media – has ended up uncovering fractures of a historically built concept such as “youth”. I have tried to analyze the importance of the phrase “showing attitude” in the sense that, through it, we can observe how features viewed as “immutable” that characterize youths have both changed and dissolved. Having the studies carried out by Zigmund Bauman as a privileged theoretical reference, the analyses have emphasized the strict relationship between young culture and globalization. Such articulation has allowed for structuring discussions about the concepts that emerged as central to this thesis: liquid youth, ambivalence and identity. Two sets of materials have constituted the corpus of analysis. Materials extracted from MTV Magazine (especially editorials and advertising campaigns) composed the first set. The second set resulted from discussions developed with two groups of Communication students of Centro Universitário Feevale. The investigation has evidenced the way an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” has reached a remarkable locus in an equally ambivalent universe (that of young people) so as to take effect. It has also analyzed how and in which ways that phrase has found a singular and suggestive means, in the young universe, to be implemented.

Individens identitetsskapande genom osynliga märken : En studie om identitetsstimulans för månadsgivare till Amnesty International Sverige

Bengtsson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between the individual and their monthly donation to the INGO Amnesty International Sweden as a process of identity stimulation. Problematizing how consuming a brand whichdoes not give anything concrete back to the individual communicates through core values in order to strengthen identity. The study uses theories from Zygmunt Bauman, Sidney Levy, Lilie Chouliaraki and Ronald E. Anderson. According to research for the relationship between the individual and brand there has been a shift where the individual choses brands from other parameters than function, rather this is made from its representation. Therefore consuming brands is an expression for identity. Furthermore research about charity organizations states that there has been a shift in how they communicate and affect individuals’ need to reduce suffering - identity stimulation - as a consequence of neoliberalism. The study is constructed through a qualitative methodology that collects empirical data from responsive- and flexible deep interviews, with respondents who donates monthly to Amnesty International Sweden and are in the age gap between 18-30 years old. The study does not aim for a generalization of the result, rather it investigates how identity can be stimulated through Amnesty International Sweden using concepts as self-oriented, others-oriented and reduce suffering. The result proves what have been stated by former theories, were the relationship between the individual and brand functions as an identity stimulation through different aspects such as identification and distance, the individual as a product and ways to materialize this. However, there has been a clear shift in the individuals awareness of online and offline behaviour which affects how they present themselves as a product. As pointed out earlier by theories from Bauman and Levy, the resultemphasizesthat the individual consumes a brand that represents themselves and strengthens their identity individually and to their social environment. Lastly,the study discuss its result of new individual behavior online and offline as a consequence of neoliberalism and how research within media- and communication studies can further help us understand how communication technology and political forces can affect each other in regards of individual behaviour. The study and its result is situated in the junction between the digital communicative sphere and constant political changes.

Ter atitude : escolhas da juventude líquida : um estudo sobre mídia, educação e cultura jovem global

Schmidt, Saraí Patrícia January 2006 (has links)
A mídia impressa foi o foco central deste estudo, que se centrou na análise de revistas e, simultaneamente, na discussão das mesmas por um grupo de acadêmicos de Comunicação Social. A pesquisa busca compreender como uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” — disseminada amplamente na mídia — acaba por mostrar as fraturas de um conceito historicamente construído como o de “juventude”; ou seja, busco analisar a importância da expressão “ter atitude”, na medida em que, por meio dela, podemos observar o quanto características dadas como “imutáveis” para caracterizar os jovens vêm se modificando, vêm se dissolvendo.Tendo como referência teórica privilegiada os estudos de Zygmunt Bauman, desenvolvi análises que colocam em relevo a estreita relação entre a cultura jovem e a globalização. Tal articulação permitiu‐me estruturar discussões sobre os conceitos que emergiram como centrais na tese: juventude líquida, ambivalência e identidade. Dois conjuntos de materiais constituíram o corpus de análise da pesquisa. O primeiro conjunto foi composto por materiais extraídos da Revista MTV (especialmente, editoriais e campanhas publicitárias). O segundo conjunto resulta das discussões desenvolvidas junto a dois grupos de acadêmicos do curso de Comunicação do Centro Universitário Feevale. A investigação evidenciou de que maneira uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” encontra num universo igualmente ambivalente (o dos jovens) um lócus notável para sua efetivação, e analisou de que forma e por quais caminhos ela acaba por encontrar no universo jovem um meio singular e sugestivo para seu implemento. / Printed media has been the central focus of this study, which has concentrated on both the analysis and discussion of magazines by a group of students of Social Communication. The research is an attempt to understand how an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” – widely spread in media – has ended up uncovering fractures of a historically built concept such as “youth”. I have tried to analyze the importance of the phrase “showing attitude” in the sense that, through it, we can observe how features viewed as “immutable” that characterize youths have both changed and dissolved. Having the studies carried out by Zigmund Bauman as a privileged theoretical reference, the analyses have emphasized the strict relationship between young culture and globalization. Such articulation has allowed for structuring discussions about the concepts that emerged as central to this thesis: liquid youth, ambivalence and identity. Two sets of materials have constituted the corpus of analysis. Materials extracted from MTV Magazine (especially editorials and advertising campaigns) composed the first set. The second set resulted from discussions developed with two groups of Communication students of Centro Universitário Feevale. The investigation has evidenced the way an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” has reached a remarkable locus in an equally ambivalent universe (that of young people) so as to take effect. It has also analyzed how and in which ways that phrase has found a singular and suggestive means, in the young universe, to be implemented.

A relação das novas mídias de comunicação e o esporte: rupturas e conflitos para a formação moral a partir da representação social do futebol

Moioli, Altair [UNESP] 30 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-13T14:50:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-10-30Bitstream added on 2014-08-13T18:00:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000764835.pdf: 2192483 bytes, checksum: b06f2cbdc52dae3bbfe4bef5a58cefad (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A formação da sociedade, num viés pós-moderno, está marcada pelas inovações tecnológicas, onde as mídias virtuais provocam intensas mudanças nos modelos de comunicação, nas formas dos contatos e das relações interpessoais, provocando um deslocamento do sujeito para diferentes ambientes, desterritorializando suas ações. Os contatos com diferentes territórios do cotidiano, do esportivo e do virtual, intensificam mudanças na percepção do sujeito moral. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a percepção moral dos atletas adolescentes de futebol em diferentes cenários; e, ainda, verificar como percebem a moralidade a partir de dilemas vivenciados no ambiente esportivo. Para tanto, este estudo teve o suporte metodológico da pesquisa de natureza básica, com uma abordagem qualitativa e objetivo descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas por meio da rede social virtual Facebook, com a participação de 13 atletas (idades entre 16 e 18 anos) praticantes de futebol em campeonatos oficiais. Os procedimentos adotados para a análise e codificação dos dados tiveram como base a Análise Temática consorciada pela Análise de Discurso. Os resultados indicaram que os atletas entrevistados vivenciam experiências mediadas por diferenças contextuais e temporais, atravessadas pela atuação de lideranças de sujeitos reais (técnicos/dirigentes), idealizados (pais/mães) e virtuais (comunidades reais/fakes). Eles representam um personagem diferente para cada ambiente – real ou virtual – que carrega subjetividades específicas e deixam marcas na constituição do atleta jovem e, portanto, desse novo sujeito moral. Deste modo, conclui-se que, a relação dialética do atleta com os diferentes ambientes lhe fornece a possibilidade de relativizar as ações destituídas de valor moral. O descompasso entre as projeções e interpretações de princípios e valores, onde em cada... / The formation of the society, in a post-modern view, is marked by technological innovations, where the virtual media causes intense changes in communication patterns, forms of contacts and relationships. It causes the displacement of the subject to different environments, and it changes their actions to undefined places. The contacts with different areas of daily life - sports and virtual places - intensify changes in the moral subject’s perception. The main objective of this work was to analyze the moral perception of adolescent soccer athletes in different scenarios, and check how they perceive morality from the dilemmas they experience in the sports environment. Therefore, this study is a basic nature research, with qualitative approach and descriptive purpose. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. They were conducted in the social networking site Facebook, with the participation of 13 athletes (aged 16 to 18 years) who play soccer in official championships. The procedures adopted for the analysis and the coding of the data were based on Thematic Analysis and Discourse Analysis. The results indicated that the athletes interviewed lived experiences mediated by both temporal and contextual differences, crossed by the actions of real subject leaders (coaches / managers), idealized leaders (mothers / fathers) and virtual ones (real / fake communities). They represent a different character for each environment - real or virtual - that carries specific subjectivities and leave marks on the constitution of the young athlete, consequently, on the contitution of the new moral subject. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the dialectical relationship of the athlete with different environments gives them the ability to relativize the actions without moral value. The gap between projections and interpretations of principles and values, which is differently manifested in each territory, leaves the athlete naked and without...

Ter atitude : escolhas da juventude líquida : um estudo sobre mídia, educação e cultura jovem global

Schmidt, Saraí Patrícia January 2006 (has links)
A mídia impressa foi o foco central deste estudo, que se centrou na análise de revistas e, simultaneamente, na discussão das mesmas por um grupo de acadêmicos de Comunicação Social. A pesquisa busca compreender como uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” — disseminada amplamente na mídia — acaba por mostrar as fraturas de um conceito historicamente construído como o de “juventude”; ou seja, busco analisar a importância da expressão “ter atitude”, na medida em que, por meio dela, podemos observar o quanto características dadas como “imutáveis” para caracterizar os jovens vêm se modificando, vêm se dissolvendo.Tendo como referência teórica privilegiada os estudos de Zygmunt Bauman, desenvolvi análises que colocam em relevo a estreita relação entre a cultura jovem e a globalização. Tal articulação permitiu‐me estruturar discussões sobre os conceitos que emergiram como centrais na tese: juventude líquida, ambivalência e identidade. Dois conjuntos de materiais constituíram o corpus de análise da pesquisa. O primeiro conjunto foi composto por materiais extraídos da Revista MTV (especialmente, editoriais e campanhas publicitárias). O segundo conjunto resulta das discussões desenvolvidas junto a dois grupos de acadêmicos do curso de Comunicação do Centro Universitário Feevale. A investigação evidenciou de que maneira uma expressão ambivalente como “ter atitude” encontra num universo igualmente ambivalente (o dos jovens) um lócus notável para sua efetivação, e analisou de que forma e por quais caminhos ela acaba por encontrar no universo jovem um meio singular e sugestivo para seu implemento. / Printed media has been the central focus of this study, which has concentrated on both the analysis and discussion of magazines by a group of students of Social Communication. The research is an attempt to understand how an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” – widely spread in media – has ended up uncovering fractures of a historically built concept such as “youth”. I have tried to analyze the importance of the phrase “showing attitude” in the sense that, through it, we can observe how features viewed as “immutable” that characterize youths have both changed and dissolved. Having the studies carried out by Zigmund Bauman as a privileged theoretical reference, the analyses have emphasized the strict relationship between young culture and globalization. Such articulation has allowed for structuring discussions about the concepts that emerged as central to this thesis: liquid youth, ambivalence and identity. Two sets of materials have constituted the corpus of analysis. Materials extracted from MTV Magazine (especially editorials and advertising campaigns) composed the first set. The second set resulted from discussions developed with two groups of Communication students of Centro Universitário Feevale. The investigation has evidenced the way an ambivalent phrase such as “showing attitude” has reached a remarkable locus in an equally ambivalent universe (that of young people) so as to take effect. It has also analyzed how and in which ways that phrase has found a singular and suggestive means, in the young universe, to be implemented.

Community in a Liquid Modern Era

Flaherty, Jeremy S. 05 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The predominant theorists of community in American sociology define community as either geographically confined local solidarities or as networks or relatively close primary ties. These definitions fail to recognize the realities of modern life, let alone life in the context of a global economy. Community according to the earliest community sociologists was a way of organizing society wherein all the social interactions necessary to the reproduction of daily life were embedded in moral relationships, which were historically primary ties located within local solidary communities. With modernity, most of these social interactions have been removed from those moral relationships, and now occur on in a global marketplace where individuals feel no moral responsibility for the consequences of their actions. In such a context, today's predominant theories are no longer viable. In order for community sociology to remain relevant, we need an approach to community which reincorporates all of interactions necessary to daily life and that recognizes the social costs of modernity. The three articles in this dissertation together offer critiques of today's predominant theoretical approaches—the Community Saved and Community Liberated arguments, as Barry Wellman has named them—and provide an alternative that is suited to social life embedded in a global marketplace. The alternative is based on an honest reading of the so-called Community Lost argument—honest in that it is not biased by the straw men built up by the Community Saved and Community Liberated proponents—and extends that argument to include the work of several late-modern theorists (particularly, Zygmunt Bauman and Ulrich Beck). This revived version of the Community Lost argument allows us to address directly all the social interactions necessary to community and to understand the relevance of local solidarities and networks of primary ties as centers of moral proximity.

Att köpa sex i vardagspusslet - en studie om personer som köper sexuella tjänster och lever i en parrelation

Grönvall, Ylva January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur personer som köper sexuella tjänster beskriver och söker förståelse för sina handlingsmönster. Fokus ligger på personernas intima relationer och praktiska vardag. Datainsamlingen har skett i form av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med män som både köper sexuella tjänster och lever i en parrelation. En kvalitativ metod har använts med en poststrukturalistisk forskningsansats. De teoretiska ramar och perspektiv som empirin har analyserats utifrån grundar sig på modernitetsteorier som omfattar olika former av kommersialisering och kommodifiering av intima relationer. De huvudsakliga resultaten av studien ger en uppfattning om vilken funktion köp av sexuella tjänster fyller för informanterna, hur den praktiska organisationen och genomförandet av köpen går till samt hur informanterna därvid förhåller sig till sin partner och sin relation. Vidare ger resultaten en förståelse för hur köp av sexuella tjänster relaterar till privat och kommersiell sexualitet, hur informanterna förhåller sig till tillämplig svensk lagstiftning samt vilka värderingar de har i fråga om köp av sexuella tjänster. Analysen visar hur informanterna på individuella, relationella och strukturella nivåer navigerar och förhandlar kring olika aspekter av intimitet och konsumtion i relation till köp av sexuella tjänster när en samtidig parrelation föreligger. / The aim of the study is to explore how purchasers of sexual services describe and explain their behavioural patterns, with a focus on their intimate relations and everyday life. Data was collected in semi-structured interviews with nine male participants who purchase sexual services and are currently in a relationship. Using a qualitative method, a poststructuralist research approach was applied. The empirical findings were analysed within theoretical frameworks and viewpoints based on modernity theories, encompassing various forms of commercialization and commodification of intimate relations. The principal results of the study present an idea of what functions the purchases of sexual services fulfil for the participants, how the purchases are organized and carried out, and how the behaviour affects their attitudes towards current partners and relations. Furthermore, the results give an understanding of how purchases of sexual services relate to private and commercial sexuality, what concerns the participants have for applicable Swedish legislation, and what moral values they hold regarding purchases of sexual services. On individual, relational and structural levels, the analysis shows how the participants navigate and negotiate around various aspects of intimacy and consumption in connection to purchases of sexual services outside a current relation.

Wandering Through Intellectual Ashes : National Identity and the Southern Question in Postwar Marxist Italian Film. A Postcolonial Visual Ontology

Veglia, Matilde January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is crafted as an explorative theoretical essay, which aims to disclose the continuities and shifts in constructions of Italian post-war identity through the lenses of Marxist theory and postcolonial film analysis. The research will attempt to locate three paradigmatic cases of post-war Italian cinema and their authors in relation to the historical context, as well as coeval political and theoretical developments in the country. In order to produce a cartography of the Italian social landscape and its spaces of marginality and exclusion, the reader will be guided through this analysis by following the adventures of a paradigmatic character type, whom I will call “the wanderer”, a figure whose itinerant quality reflects the marginality of a social position and attitude that can be summed up by as the “art of getting by” (l’arte di arrangiarsi). As I will show, this position and attitude play a central role in defining a particular identity in relation to established social norms. To trace the transformation of this character, then, is also to trace transformations in the nation’s self-understanding in relation to class, race, gender, and the external world. My interpretation is built on two main theoretical premises. The first one is Gayatri Spivak’s contention that the importance of aesthetics, and aesthetic education, lies in their capacity to mediate between idealism and empiricism, or ethics and social reality. The second premise follows Fredric Jameson’s hypothesis about the creative quality of realism as an aesthetic paradigm, assuming that its primary aim and function is not a representative one, but one of active re-creation of the social reality anew. For me, these two premises are linked by the primary role they assign to aesthetic representation – as connected with imagination – in creating new grounds for social change.

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