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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undersökning av variationer i materialegenskaper och deras inverkan på skärbarheten hos stål / Investigation of variations in material properties and their effect on the machinability of steel

Fulöp, Mark, Karlsson, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Ett av samhällets viktigaste industriellt framställda material är stål som oftast vidareförädlas av verkstadsindustrin genom bland annat spånskärande bearbetning. Stål kan skilja sig i dess skärbarhet vilket brukar bedömas utefter verktygsslitage och kan påverkas av faktorer som kemisk sammansättning och hur det framställs. Dessa faktorer kan variera och därmed skapa problem med standardisering av skärverktyg och skärdata. Syftet med denna studie är att få en bättre förståelse kring hur varierande materialegenskaper och olika framställningsprocesser av stål kan påverka dess skärbarhet. Detta har uppnåtts genom en fallstudie på stålsorten 100Cr6 via en sammanställning av materialcertifikat, jämförelse av två olika stålleverantörers framställningsprocesser och skärtester genomförda i EPIC - Innovation & Technology Center. Resultaten som visade på variationer i materialegenskaper och skärbarhet bidrar till forskningen kring skärande bearbetning. Genom denna forskning kan slöserier av material (i form av kasserade detaljer) och skärverktyg (i form av oregelbunden förslitning) minimeras vilket följaktligen kan minska belastningen på miljön.

Undervisning i förskolan : Vägen till fakta- och färdighetskunskaper ur kognitionspsykologiskt perspektiv / Teaching in preschool : The path to facts and skills from a cognitive psychological perspective

Villnersson, Svetlana January 2021 (has links)
Undervisningsbegreppet infördes inom förskolan i lagform 2010, och i styrdokumentet från 2018 betonas att undervisningen ska utveckla fakta- och färdighetskunskap. Detta upplevdes av verksamheten som något nytt som man inte hade arbetat med tidigare. Det visar sig dock att en viss undervisning sannolikt alltid har funnits i förskolan, men den har inte varit medveten och endast fragmentarisk. För att kunna utveckla fakta- och färdighetskunskap har den mänskliga hjärnan vissa biologiska förutsättningar vid informationsbearbetning, och det krävs kunskap av de som undervisar för att uppfylla dessa förutsättningar. Förutsättningarna har i studien har kallats faktorer som påverkar kognitivt lärande hos barn genom undervisning ur ett kognitionpsykologiskt perspektiv. I studien undersöks med innehållsanalys statliga utredningar och styrdokument med avseende på vilken information som dessa innehåller om ovanstående faktorer. Studien är gjord i ett historiskt perspektiv och omfattar den period där staten har haft inflytande på förskolans verksamhet, dvs år 1940 fram till idag. Resultaten i studien presenteras i diagram och analyseras teoretiskt utifrån normer om synen på lärandet, synen på hur verksamheten struktureras och på vilket sätt det uttrycks i dokumenten i respektive tidsepok. Resultaten jämförs med, och kompletterar, tidigare forskning om förskolans läroplaner och nutidshistoriska studier om förskolan. I resultaten framkommer att det finns viss information om de undersökta faktorerna i de tidiga dokumenten från den undersökta perioden, men i de senare dokumenten är det många faktorer som inte kan uttydas. Dokumenten ger alltså förskollärarna litet eller inget stöd eller vägledning i arbetet att skapa lärosekvenser som är avgörande vid undervisning i fakta- och färdighetkunskap. Detta gäller även förskolans läroplan från 2018. Denna kunskap måste alltså förvärvas på annat, t ex genom utbildningsystemet.

Om bearbetning : En undersökning av äganderätt och ersättning vid identitetsförändrad egendom

Forsberg, Fabian January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

An approach for systematic process planning of gear transmission parts

Bagge, Mats January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to find and develop methods that enhance and support the creation of evolvable master process plans with possibilities to challenge productivity and meet changing design requirements. The condition for achieving this is primarily that both the fundamental thinking and the results behind a process plan can be described. How should this be done? The focus is laid on process planning of gear transmission parts for heavy vehicles like trucks and coaches. Process planning is the activity where design and manufacturing are brought together with the common target to achieve both a competitive product and production process. There are many factors that influence the process planner when a new product or process shall be introduced for production. Process planning is, in most cases, performed by an experienced, skilled person but without any defined methodology or way of working. Much of the process planning is based on the retrieval of solutions already used. Much research effort has been devoted to developing systems for computer-aided process planning (CAPP). Yet CAPP systems have not been accepted and spread over a wide front within the manufacturing industry, much because of the functional incompleteness combined with the difficulties of adopting knowledge and changing requests. A method for systematic process planning is proposed as a way to perform and describe the procedure of creating a process plan. The method facilitates the interpretation and understanding of the plan, not only immediately for the process planner responsible, but also for designers, engineers, researchers and other interest groups involved in a manufacturing process. In the last chapter is a case study regarding manufacturing of a bevel gear pinion presented to exemplify use of the proposed method for systematic process planning. / KUGG

Akustisk emission vid skärande bearbetning från den adhesiva mekanismen som funktion av förslitningsutvecklingen

Lundell, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The adhesive mechanism is one of the most significant degradation processes of the edge in metal cutting. Although knowledge about adhesion and edge buildup (BUE) has increased in recent years, there are still areas that are less explored. The adhesion has a regularity in the form of clusters: In a cluster, the chips vibrates with a certain frequency. The frequency varies with several influencing factors. In this thesis, a possible connection between acoustic signals and wear of the cutting edge is researched. Audio signals from cutting edges with varied wear must be analyzed. To investigate the adhesive mechanism, the machining process turning will be used. The cutting edge is analyzed optically with a microscope. According to previous research, the adhesive wear has been shown to be mostly dependent on the cutting speed. The size of the stagnation zone depends largely on the friction angle and the shear plane angle, where the friction angle changes depending on the rake angle and the shear plane angle changes depending on the cutting speed. Adhesion wear has been shown to be a fatigue process. This thesis aims to investigate the development of the adhesive mechanism towards the wear status of the tool. The end goal is to construct a model that explains what happens in the wear zones on the edge and to detect changes in the acoustic signal from the cutting zone that occurs during adhesion wear. The cutting zone sound from two cutting tools with different cutting times is used in Fourier analysis. Insert number two will be worked until chipping occurs and examined optically with a microscope between each cycle to verify if chipping was present. One chip was examined after each cycle under a microscope to see if residues from the insert got stuck on the chips. Cycle number one with insert number one (new edge) shows no clear adhesive mechanism while cycle number one with insert number two shows a clear adhesive mechanism. The same cutting speed is achieved during cycle number five and number 18 with cutting tool number two. The frequency increases 11% and the amplitude decreases 42% from cycle number 5 to cycle number 18. Chipping occurred in cutting tool number two after 25 cycles. The frequency of the adhesive mechanism increases, and the amplitude decreases when the insert wears. A reasonable hypothesis is that the surface that is welded together becomes larger with increased wear: The spring in the adhesive system becomes stronger while the mass remains constant. A hypothesis that the amplitude of the adhesive mechanism is low during cycle number one with insert number one may be due to the fact that the workpiece used was at room temperature. No significant degeneration has occurred of the chip surface.

Salt-roasting of snack pellets : a study on the effects of a novel processing technique on product quality attributes and acrylamide content

Ekdahl, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Snacks are often associated with chips and expanded snack products that generally known for their characteristic texture. These products are normally high in calories with a low content of nutrients and are therefore perceived as unhealthy by many consumers.In addition to their low nutrient content, they might be a source of acrylamide,which has been classified as human carcinogen by the European Food Safety Authority. The growing demand for healthier snack foods has led manufactures to begin experimenting with new processing techniques.  The aim of the study is to evaluate product qualities as affected by two different processing techniques of snack pellets. The more conventional expansion method of deep frying in oilis compared to roasting, using salt as a heat conductor. In order to evaluate the effect of salt-roasting, analyses of salt, fat, water and acrylamide content has been carried out. A sensory triangle test was conducted to determine if there is a difference in texture between snacks expanded using the two processing techniques.  Results indicate that salt-roastingmay have a positive effect by reducing the level of acrylamide in the product. Furthermore, salt-roasting provides a snack pellet with a lower fat content. However, the salt-roasting technique results in a higher salt content in the snack as compared to deep frying. The results from the triangle test shows that there was a significant (p=<0.005) difference between the texture of deep fried and roasted snack pellets. Based on the qualitative commentary of the panelists,  the salt-roasted snack pellets are smaller in size and have a harder and more compact texture compared to the deep fried ones.It is important to point out that results of the study are limited and should only be considered as indications.

Hur humor utspelar sig på polismyndigheten : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker polisens emotionella bearbetning och gränssättning / How the humor plays out within the police authority : A qualitative study examining theemotional processing and boundary setting amongst police officers

Augustsson, Jakob, Nyrén, Nellie January 2023 (has links)
This study is based on six semi-structured interviews with police officers regarding how humor is used by the police. The purpose of the study was to understand and explain how humor is being used between colleagues within the police force and how it is used towards the public. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding on how humor helps the police officers to handle the emotions that they encounter on a daily basis. We will also explain the moral boundaries for this social group and where the transgression for these gets too big. We explain these factors by analyzing them with the help of Goffmans (2020) Dramaturgical perspective and Hochschild’s (2003) research about emotional management.   In conclusion, the results of the interviews showed that humor that is used between colleagues is used to distance themself from tragic encounters at work. The humor that is used towards the public has the purpose to calm down stressful situations as well as gain a sort of relationship with them. These are both positive aspects of how the humor is being used by police officers, hence it gains a sense of unity within the police force and helps them cope with difficult situations. The result also showed that the moral boundaries in humor were different if you were male or female. The male officers answered that they did not have a clear line when the transgression became too big, as long as it did not become offensive toward someone else in the group. The women on the other hand all spoke about the importance of speaking up if the jokes went too far, in order to mark the line on what's okay to joke about.               Key words: Police, humor, processing, venting, cohesion, emotional management, boundary setting, moral boundaries

Kartläggning av databehov inom Scania Motortillverkning : Förberedelser inför digitalisering / Mapping of the key data needed at Scania Engine Manufacturing Preparing for Digitalization

Zong, Jianing, Shi, Yi January 2018 (has links)
I dagens samhälle befinner sig tillverkningstekniksindustrin i en övergångsfas på väg in i en digital era. Till skillnad från Industry 3.0 som involverar automatisering av enstaka maskiner och processer omfattar Industry 4.0 digitalisering och uppkoppling av alla aktiviteter i sin värdekedja. Mängden av tillgängliga data ökar hela tiden. Målet med detta examensarbete var att ta reda på vad digitalisering kan tillföra till Scanias motortillverkning med fokus på förbättring av nuvarande KPI:er (Key Performance Indicator). För att säkerställa att det ovanstående målet uppfylls formulerades nedanstående frågeställningar: • Hur kan Scania Motortillverkning förbättra KPI i bearbetningsprocesser genom insamling och analys av data från maskiner? o Vilka faktorer påverkar Scanias nuvarande KPI? o Vilka av dem har potential att utvecklas vidare eller styras genom införande av digitalisering? o Vilka maskindata är nödvändiga att samlas in för att öka KPI:er och på vilket sätt kan data samlas in? För att besvara frågorna och identifiera vilka data som kan tillföra nytta, användes främst kvalitativa metoder. Data samlades in från olika aspekter av genom praktik, observationer, intervjuer och studiebesök. För att kunna dra generella slutsatser och för att bekräfta hypoteser från de kvalitativa studierna utfördes även en kvantitativ studie som utförs på vevstakeline, genom sortering och analys av de befintliga insamlade data i dagens produktion. Efter en litteraturstudie kombinerad med intern informationssamling, kunde fokusområdet avgränsas ytterligare till OPE (Overall Production Effectiveness) som är väsentlig för produktiviteten och ofta inte når målvärdet i nuläget. Genom en analys av PUS (Produktionsuppföljningssystem) kunde faktorer som har en negativ inverkan på OPE tas fram. Genom intervjuer med olika funktioner inom Scania kunde författarna identifiera många konkreta parametrar, vilka kan fördelas till tre kategorier, Maskindata, Verktygdata och Processdata. En teknisk skanning av verktygs- och maskintillverkare genomfördes också för att kunna redogöra för vilka data som är möjliga att samla in med befintliga insamlingsmetoder.  Resultatet från detta examensarbetet bildar en utgångspunkt för att kunna digitalisera Scanias motorbearbetning, digitaliseringen kräver en del nya investeringar som författarna anser komma att löna sig på många plan. / The manufacturing industry is undergoing a transformation into a digital era. Industry 4.0 comprises digitization and connection of all aspects of its value chain, which results in more data being available and collected. The purpose of this degree project is to investigate the benefits that digitalization can bring to Scania’s engine manufacturing, with focus on improving the current KPIs (Key Performance Indicator). The following questions were formulated to ensure that this purpose could be reached: • How can Scania’s engine manufacturing improve KPIs in machining processes by collecting and analyzing data from machines?o What factors affect Scania’s current KPIs? o Which of the factors has the potential to develop further or control through the implementation of digitization? o Which machine data needs to be collected in order to improve KPIs and how can this data be collected? To answer these questions and investigate which data can be of use, a primarily qualitative method was initiated during the project. Information was collected from various aspects involved in production. This was done through observations, interviews and study visits. A quantitative study has also been performed to improve the generalizability of the thesis, by sorting and analyzing the existing collected data in the production line of the connecting rod. By combining literature studies with internal information gathering, the authors could further define the focus area to OPE (Overall Production Effectiveness), which is significant for productivity, and often does not reach the target value for Scania. Through an analysis of the data gathering from PUS (Production Follow-up System), factors that had a negative impact on OPE could be identified. The authors could also produce many concrete parameters by utilizing results from interviews of various functions within Scania. The parameters can be divided into three categories, Machine data, Tool data and Process data. A technical scan of tool and machine supplier has also been conducted to specify what data is possible to collect with the existing technology. The result of this degree project creates a starting point for digitalization of Scania’s engine manufacturing, which also results in potential new investments. According to the estimation of the authors, these investments will prove to be profitable on many levels over time.

Incorporation of Plasticizers through Refining into Wood Pulp : A Potential Route For Bio-based Thermoplastic Materials

Chartrain, Victor Eric Pierre January 2023 (has links)
Fibers are interesting materials alternative to replace conventional fossil-based plastics, as they are bio-based and do not lead to CO2 emissions. Due to their limited ductility, it is difficult to use them to make complex three-dimensional shapes. This problem has already been addressed in previous research studies but the processing conditions used here were never tried before. In this thesis, the incorporation of low molecular plasticizers onto the fibers is investigated to obtain a more ductile fiber-based material. More precisely, Paper and Fiber Research Institute (PFI) refining is used to mechanically treat the fibers and help the sorption of glycerol, urea, polyethyleneglycol (PEG), or polyvinylalcohol (PVA), followed by the formation of sheets from the modified pulp. However, it has been found that only small amounts of plasticizers were retained by this process. The refining itself on the fibers without additives enhanced fibrillation and developed mechanical bonding between the fibers, which resulted in increased strength and ductility. Also, the hot pressed (HP) drying technique was found to yield denser and stronger papers, compared to the non-pressed (HP) drying technique. As a comparison, the incorporation of plasticizers through ultrasonication and its effect on the paper properties were also considered from a previous study within the same research group. It has been found that this mechanical treatment retains more plasticizers than refining but yields different paper properties (especially an increased ductility). All these results suggest that PFI refining should be studied more in-depth by performing at least one process optimization cycle where less dilution takes place. / Fibrer är ett intressant, alternativt material att ersätta konventionella, fossila plaster. Men deras begränsade plasticitet gör det svårt att forma mer avancerade tredimensionella former. Detta problem har man adresserat i tidigare forskning, men bearbetningsförhållandena utvärderade i denna studie har inte testats tidigare. I denna uppsats studeras integrering av små molekylära mjukgörare in i fibrer för att framställa ett mer plastiskt, fiber-baserat material. Mer precist, Papirforskninginstituts (PFI) bearbetning används för att mekaniskt bearbeta fibrerna och underlätta sorption av glycerol, urea, Polyethylenglykol (PEG) och Polyvinylalkohol (PVA) följt av arkning av den bearbeta pappersmassan. Det har visats att i denna process bibehålls endast små mängder av mjukgörare på fibrerna. Dock har den mekaniska bearbetning i säg effekt på fibrerna, då den leder till defibrillering, och förstärker interaktionerna mellan fibrerna vilket leder till ett starkare och segare material. Utöver det, visar studien att värmepressningen (HP) som torktekning ger ett mer homogent resultat gällande arkens kvalitet. Som jämförelse användes en tidigare studie av samma forskargrupp som använt ultraljudsbehandling som medel att inkorporera mjukgörare och hur den behandlingen påverkade arken. Den behandlingen leder till högre retention av mjukgörare vilket leder till andra pappersegenskaper, speciellt högre duktilitet. Dessa studier visar att PFI bearbetningen behöver studeras i mer detalj för att se om det är en lämplig bearbetningsmetod och därför bör minst en till cykel med optimeringar göras för att se om högre halt mjukgörare kan bibehållas.

Ökad effektivitet och kännedom: En studie om kameraövervakning i bearbetningsprocesser på Volvo GTO Skövde / Increased efficiency and awareness:A study of camera monitiored machining processes at Volvo GTO Skövde

Rang, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Volvo Group Trucks Operation är ett världsledande företag inom lastbilsindustrin. På Volvofabriken i Skövde tillverkas motorerna till bland annat lastbilar och bussar. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka möjligheten till kameraövervakning i processen för att förenkla avvikelsehanteringen samt att ta fram en teknisk lösning till detta. Det finns många fördelar med kameraövervakning i processerna, bland annat att kunna se vad som händer inne i maskinerna och genom detta ha möjlighet att analyserna cykeltider och få bättre kännedom om processen. För att få reda på i vilket utsträckning kameraövervakning i processerna är tillåtet hölls ett möte med en förhandlingsledare för fackförbundet If metall. Resultatet av mötet var positivt, det krävs en MBL-förhandling för att dokumentera syftet, som inte får vara att övervaka medarbetarna. Genom intervjuer kunde det fastställas vad medarbetare krävde av systemet och för att få en bild över vad det finns för kameralösningar på marknaden gjordes studiebesök och benchmarking. En lösning kunde sedan väljas ut och valet landade på mjukvara och hårdvara från kameraföretaget Axis. Slutsatserna av examensarbetet är att kameraövervakning i bearbetningsprocesser skulle bidra till fler utredda avvikelser i maskinparken, en stabilare process och ett säkrare logistikflöde världen över. / Volvo Group Trucks Operation is a world-leading company in the trucking industry. The engines for trucks and buses, among other things, are manufactured at the Volvo factory in Skövde. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of implementing camera monitoringin the process to simplify deviation management and develop a technical solution for it. There are advantages to camera monitoring in the processes, such as being able to see what is happening inside the machines and, through this, being able to analyse cycle times and gain a better understanding of the process. To determine the extent to which camera monitoring in the processes is allowed, a meeting was held with a negotiation leader from the labor union If Metall. The result of the meeting was positive, and it was determined that an agreement under the Co-Determination Act (MBL) is required to document the purpose, which should not be to monitor the employees. Through interviews, the requirements of the employees for the system were established, and to gain an overview of the camera solutions available on the market, site visits and benchmarking were conducted. A solution was then chosen, and the selection landed on software and hardware from the camera company Axis. The conclusion of the thesis is that camera monitoring in the machining processes would contribute to a higher number of investigated deviations in the machine park, a more stable process, and a safer logistics flow worldwide.

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