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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leva här och nu : Ungas privata pensionssparande fritt från psykologiska fallgropar / Live here and now : Young people's private pension savings free from psychological pitfalls

Andersson, Malin, Di Luca, Valentina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De yngre generationerna, individer födda efter år 1990, står inför stora utmaningar och riskerar att erhålla sämre pensioner än dagens pensionärer, vilket ställer höga krav på att inkludera ett privat pensionssparande. Trots att det privata pensionssparandet i dagsläget är mer aktuellt än någonsin är det fortfarande ovanligt förekommande bland de yngre generationerna. Att individen kringgår ett aktivt beslutsfattande gällande sin pensionssituation innebär att agerandet avviker från den rationella teorin och livscykelhypotesen. För att komma närmare verkligheten och göra de underliggande resonemangen mer beteendemässigt realistiska bör teorin anpassas efter praktiken och större hänsyn tas till beteendepsykologiska bias.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att skapa en ökad förståelse för de yngre generationernas inställning till och agerande för deras privata pensionssparande med utgångspunkt i en analys av de beteendepsykologiska biasen kort- och långsiktigt fokus, självdisciplin, övermod och social interaktion.  Metod: För att säkerställa att studiens insamlade empiri kunde uppfylla studiens syfte med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen genomfördes åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer från de yngre generationerna. Under djupintervjuerna med respondenterna uppmanades de att reflektera över sin upplevda verklighet för att på så sätt möjliggöra ett sammanförande av teori och praktik och därmed göra förståelsen för pensionssparbeslut mer verklighetsförankrad.  Slutsats: Den goda inställningen och den därmed uppkomna sparviljan bland respondenterna återspeglas inte i ett gynnsamt agerande då ingen av de tillfrågade i denna studie ännu har inkluderat ett sparande specifikt till den privata pensionen. Det kan konstateras att de faller offer för beteendepsykologiska fallgropar. Studien påvisar att lusten av att leva här och nu i kombination med att det kortsiktiga tänket är mycket starkare än det långsiktiga, motarbetar ett pensionssparande. För vissa är detta en konsekvens av deras självupplevda bristande självdisciplin och för andra är det en influens av övermod som motarbetar. Vad gäller social interaktion ger respondenterna tecken på att den både kan anses vara främjande eller motarbetande beroende på förmedlarens framställning och egna agerande. / Background: The younger generations, individuals born after 1990, face major challenges and risk receiving worse pensions than today's pensioners, which places high demands on including private pension savings. Even though private pension savings are currently more relevant than ever, it is still uncommon among the younger generations. The fact that the individual circumvents active decision- making regarding their pension situation means that the action deviates from the rational theory and life cycle hypothesis. In order to get closer to reality and make the underlying reasoning more behaviorally realistic, the theory should be adapted to practice, and greater consideration must be given to behavioral psychological bias.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of the younger generations' attitudes and actions regarding their private pension savings based on an analysis of the behavioral psychological bias of short- and long-term focus, self-control, overconfidence, and social interaction.  Method: To ensure that the empirical data collected by the study could fulfill the purpose of the study with the support of the theoretical frame of reference, eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals from the younger generations. During the in-depth interviews with the respondents, they were asked to reflect on their perceived reality in order to enable a merge of theory and practice and thus make the understanding of pension savings decisions more reality based.  Conclusion: The good attitudes and the willingness to save among the respondents is not reflected in a favorable action as none of the respondents in this study have yet included any savings specific for the private pension. It can be stated that they fall in these behavioral psychological pitfalls. The study shows that the desire to live here and now in combination with the fact that short-term thinking is much stronger than long-term thinking counteracts pension savings. For some it is a consequence of their self-perceived lack of self-control and for others it is an influence of overconfidence that counteracts. Regarding social interaction, the respondents give signs that it can be considered both promoting or counteracting depending on the mediator's framing and own actions.

Har du koll på din pension? : Skillnaden mellan 90-talisters pensionsförväntningar, förutsättningar och pensionsförberedelser ur ett beteendepsykologiskt perspektiv

Björn, Rasmus, Wagnberg, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: 90-talister i Sverige står inför två tuffa val: att arbeta fram till 70–71-års åldereller att offra vissa angelägenheter idag för att kunna spara en relativt stor summa av sinlön till den framtida pensionen. Dagens pensionärer visar ett missnöje för sin ekonomiskasituation och med tanke på de sämre förutsättningarna som föreligger för 90-talister gällerdet att ta tag i pensionsförberedelser i tid för att ha någon chans att uppnå entillfredsställande pensionssituation. Trots det har det visat sig att unga vuxna skjuter framproblemet till framtiden och prioriterar mer kortsiktiga mål, samtidigt som de förväntarsig en tillfredsställande pensionssituation. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att, med utgångspunkt i en analys av de beteendepsykologiskafallgroparna övertro, ostrich effect och influerande av andra, skapa en djupare förståelseför det potentiella gapet mellan 90-talisters pensionsförväntningar och potentiellapensionssituation. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte och få en djupare förståelse för hur debeteendepsykologiska fallgroparna influerar det potentiella gapet valdes en kvalitativmetod med tio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom intervjuerna kunde författarna få enbättre insikt i respondenternas subjektiva verklighet. Slutsats: Studien visar att det i många fall finns ett gap mellan pensionsförväntningar ochen potentiell pensionssituation och att faktorer inom de utvalda beteendepsykologiskafallgroparna både kan bidra till ett ökat och minskat gap. Gapet är stort hos majoritetenav respondenterna, på grund av de genomgående höga förväntningarna. Trots attförväntningarna ofta är för höga i jämförelse med respondenternas förutsättningar ochpensionsförberedelser, går det att skilja på ett positivt och negativt gap. Det viktigaste äratt börja spara i tid, och faktorer såsom självförtroende på egen förmåga och att ta hjälpav en finansiell rådgivare främjar ett pensionssparande och bidrar på så sätt till ett positivtgap, medan faktorer som att tro sig vara bättre än andra och prokrastinering hämmaragerandet och bidrar till ett negativt gap. / Background: Young adults in Sweden face two tough choices: to work until the age of70-71 or to sacrifice certain wants today in order to save a relatively large amount of theirsalary for future retirement. Today's pensioners show dissatisfaction with their financialsituation and, given the inferior conditions that exist for young adults, it is important tostart with retirement preparations in time to have any chance of achieving a satisfactorypension situation. Nevertheless, it has been shown that young adults postpone the problemuntil the future and prioritize more short-term goals, while expecting a satisfactoryretirement situation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to, based on an analysis of the behavioralpsychological bias of overconfidence, ostrich effect and influence of others, create adeeper understanding of the potential gap between young adults’ retirement expectationsand potential retirement situation. Methodology: To fulfill the purpose of the study and gain a deeper understanding of howthe behavioral psychological biases influence the potential gap, a qualitative method withten semi-structured interviews was chosen. Through the interviews, the authors were ableto gain a better insight into the subjective reality of the respondents. Conclusion: The study shows that, in many cases, there is a gap between retirementexpectations and a potential retirement situation and that factors within the selectedbehavioral psychological biases can contribute to both an increased and a decreased gap.The majority of the respondents have a large gap, due to the consistently highexpectations. Despite the fact that the expectations are often too high in comparison withthe respondents’ conditions and retirement preparations, it is possible to distinguishbetween a positive and a negative gap. The most important thing is to start retirementsavings on time, and factors such as self confidence and taking the help of a financialadviser promote retirement saving and thus contribute to a positive gap, while factorssuch as believing oneself to be better than others and procrastination inhibits action andcontributes to a negative gap.

"Girl Math" - sanning eller konsekvens? : En beteendefinansiell studie om unga kvinnors och mäns finansiella tankesätt / "Girl Math" - truth or consequence? : A behavioral financial study on the financial mindset of young woman and men.

Lemón Palmborg, Tove, Hedmo, Emily January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att undersöka vad som skiljer sig mellan unga kvinnors och mäns finansiella tankesätt i form av mottagligheten för kognitiva snedvridningar, samt huruvida dessa snedvridningar är relaterade till sparbeteende. Som följd av en mansdominerad finansmarknad tillsammans med andra faktorer har kvinnors och mäns ägande genom åren, och fram tills idag skiljt sig åt. Att kvinnor sparar mindre än män, vilket visar sig redan vid ung ålder, ger avtryck i deras framtida ekonomi. Det förstärker även fördomar om kvinnors finansiella beteenden vilket kan bli en bromskloss för kvinnors avancemang på finansmarknaden. “Girl math” är ett fenomen som trendar på sociala medier och handlar om kvinnors finansiella kognitiva snedvridningar och förstärker befintliga fördomar. Frågan som vi ställer oss är hur väl dessa girl math-påståenden om kvinnors finansiella beteende stämmer överens med verkligheten, är girl math sanning eller konsekvens? De kognitiva snedvridningar som undersöks i studien är mental accounting, sunk cost fallacy och opportunity cost neglect. För att studera detta utformade vi en onlinestudie riktad till individer inom åldersspannet 18-30 år. Deltagarna fick svara på frågor kopplade till tre kognitiva snedvridningarna som är framträdande inom girl math samt deras sparbeteende. Tillvägagångssättet för analysen var genom en OLS-regression med flera förklaringsvariabler mot de beroende variablerna. Resultaten indikerar att unga kvinnor är mer mottagliga för mental accounting jämfört med unga män, något som går i linje med tidigare forskning. Däremot kan variabeln kön inte förklara mottagligheten för sunk cost fallacy eller opportunity cost neglect. Det finns inte heller något signifikant samband mellan mottagligheten för våra tre kognitiva snedvridningar och könsskillnader i sparande. Våra resultat mynnar ut i att fenomenet girl math delvis är sanning som troligen uppstått som konsekvens av samhällets finansiella normer och stereotyper. / This study aims to investigate the differences between young women's and men's financial mindsets in terms of susceptibility to behavioral biases, and whether these biases are related to savings behavior. As a result of a male-dominated financial market, along with other factors, women's and men's ownership has diverged over the years, and until today. The fact that women save less than men, which is already evident at a young age, has an impact on their future finances. It also reinforces prejudices about women's financial behavior, which can become a barrier to women's advancement in the financial market. “Girl math” is a phenomenon trending on social media that addresses women's financial behavioral biases and reinforces existing prejudices. The question we ask is how well do these girl math claims about women's financial behavior match reality, is girl math truth or consequence? The behavioral biases examined in the study are mental accounting, sunk cost fallacy and opportunity cost neglect. To study this, we designed an online study aimed at individuals in the age range 18-30 years. Participants were asked to answer questions related to three behavioral biases prominent in girl math and questions about their savings behavior. The approach to the analysis is through an OLS regression with several explanatory variables against the dependent variables. The results indicate that young women are more susceptible to mental accounting compared to young men, which is in line with previous research. However, the variable gender cannot explain the susceptibility to sunk cost fallacy or opportunity cost neglect . There is also no significant relationship between susceptibility to the three behavioral biases and gender differences in savings. Our results conclude that the phenomenon of girl math is partly true and has probably arisen as a consequence of societal financial norms and stereotypes.

« J’suis pas raciste, mais… » : une étude expérimentale de l’influence de l’identité autochtone et des biais cognitifs des évaluateurs sur le processus d’évaluation du risque et des besoins

Dauphinais, Léanne 12 1900 (has links)
L’évaluation du risque de récidive et des besoins criminogènes, à l’aide d’instruments actuariels, joue désormais un rôle intégral dans le système de justice canadien. Les résultats à ces évaluations orientent plusieurs décisions concernant la prise en charge correctionnelle, notamment les besoins en matière de traitement et les possibilités de libération. Considérant les implications importantes de ces évaluations, il est primordial de s’assurer de l’impartialité des instruments utilisés, sans quoi il peut être possible de perpétuer la discrimination systémique vécue par certains groupes ethnoculturels. Au Canada, plusieurs études suggèrent que les instruments actuariels sont moins efficaces pour prédire la récidive auprès de contrevenants issus des peuples autochtones. Certains auteurs soutiennent que ces différences dans la capacité prédictive des instruments pourraient être dues à la présence de biais dans l’évaluation. Peu d’études se sont intéressées à l’effet des biais cognitifs des évaluateurs sur le processus d’évaluation. Ainsi, cette étude a pour objectifs d’étudier, d’une part, l’effet de l’identité autochtone et, d’autre part, l’effet des biais cognitifs des évaluateurs sur le processus d’évaluation et les décisions en matière de traitement. Pour ce faire, un devis expérimental assignant aléatoirement 83 participants en criminologie à un Agent Virtuel Autonome (AVA) pouvant prendre la forme d’un adolescent caucasien ou d’un adolescent autochtone a été préconisé. Les personnages sont identiques en tous points sauf en ce qui a trait à leur origine ethnoculturelle. Les participants se sont entretenus avec l’AVA et ont par la suite dû procéder à l’évaluation du risque de récidive et des besoins criminogènes du personnage à l’aide du YLS/CMI et la rédaction d’un rapport d’évaluation détaillant le plan d’intervention qui serait envisagé pour le personnage. Les données ont ensuite été comparées selon l’identité ethnoculturelle du personnage, et des modèles de modération ont été utilisés afin d’évaluer l’effet des biais cognitifs sur le processus d’évaluation selon l’identité ethnoculturelle du personnage. Les résultats mettent de l’avant qu’il existe plusieurs différences dans le processus d’évaluation dépendamment de l’identité autochtone, qui engendrent une évaluation plus sévère de ce dernier, en plus de suggérer que les biais cognitifs des participants les amènent à favoriser le personnage blanc. Les implications pratiques et théoriques de ces résultats sont discutées. / Actuarial assessments of reoffending risk now play an integral role in the Canadian justice system. The results of these assessments guide many correctional management decisions, including treatment needs and opportunities for release. Given the far-reaching implications of these assessments, it is vital to ensure the impartiality of the instruments used, otherwise it may be possible to perpetuate the systemic discrimination experienced by certain ethno-cultural groups. In Canada, several studies suggest that actuarial tools are less effective in predicting recidivism among Aboriginal offenders. Some authors argue that these differences in the predictive capacity of the instruments could be due to the presence of biases in the assessment process. Few studies have investigated the effect of assessors' cognitive biases on the assessment process. Thus, the aims of this study are to investigate, on the one hand, the effect of aboriginal identity and, on the other, the effect of appraisers' cognitive biases on the assessment process and treatment decisions. To this end, an experimental design randomly assigning 83 criminology students to an Autonomous Virtual Agent (AVA) that could take the form of a Caucasian or Aboriginal adolescent was preferred. The characters are identical in all respects except for their ethnocultural origin. Participants interviewed the AVA, assessed the character's risk of recidivism using the YLS/CMI, and wrote an assessment report detailing the intervention plan that would be considered for the character. Data were then compared according to the character's ethno-cultural identity, and moderation models were used to assess the effect of cognitive biases on the assessment process according to the character's ethno-cultural identity. Results suggest that there are several differences in the evaluation process depending on aboriginal identity, leading to a more severe evaluation of the latter, as well as suggesting that participants' cognitive biases led them to favor the white character. The practical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.

The effects of anxiety on visual attention for emotive stimuli in primary school children

Kelly, Lauren January 2014 (has links)
Anxiety can be advantageous in terms of survival and well-being, yet atypically high levels may be maladaptive and result in the clinical diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. Several risk factors have been implicated in the manifestation of clinical anxiety, including cognitive biases. In recent years, a plethora of research has emerged demonstrating that anxious adults exhibit biases of attention for threatening stimuli, especially that which is biologically relevant (e.g., facial expressions). Specific components of attentional bias have also been identified, namely facilitated engagement, impaired disengagement, and avoidance. However, the majority of studies have focused on the spatial domain of attention. Furthermore, the area is under-researched in children, despite research demonstrating that symptoms relating to clinical and non-clinical anxiety follow a stable course from childhood through to adolescence and adulthood. Consequently, the aim of this thesis was to investigate how anxiety affects children’s visual attention for emotive, particularly angry, faces. In order to provide a more comprehensive understanding, the current research involved examining the role of temporal and spatial attention utilising rapid serial visual presentation with the attentional blink, and the visual probe paradigm, respectively. The main hypothesis was that high state and/or trait anxiety would be associated with an attentional bias for angry, relative to positive or neutral faces in both the temporal and spatial domains. In relation to the temporal domain, key findings demonstrated that high levels of trait anxiety were associated with facilitated engagement towards both angry and neutral faces. It was further found that all children rapidly disengaged attention away from angry faces. Findings related to the processing of angry faces accorded with the main hypothesis stated in this thesis, as well as research and theory in the area. The finding that anxious children preferentially processed neutral faces in an attentional blink investigation was unexpected. This was argued to potentially reflect this stimulus type being interpreted as threatening. Key findings regarding the spatial domain were that high trait anxious children displayed an early covert bias of attention away from happy faces and a later, overt bias of attention away from angry faces. The finding that high trait anxiety was linked to an attentional bias away from happy faces in a visual probe task was also unexpected. This was argued to potentially reflect smiling faces being interpreted as signifying social dominance, thus resulting in the viewer experiencing feelings of subordination and becoming avoidant and/or submissive. To conclude, this thesis has enhanced current knowledge of attentional bias in both the temporal and spatial domains for emotive stimuli in anxious children. It has demonstrated that higher levels of trait anxiety moderate children’s allocation of attentional resources to different stimulus types, whether these are threatening, positive, or neutral. This has important implications for evaluating past research in adults and children, and for further developing theoretical models of attentional bias and anxiety. It also offers important clinical implications, since attending towards or away from specific stimuli may affect the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders. Recently, a treatment that aims to modify attentional bias in anxious individuals has begun to be developed. In light of the present findings, it may be necessary to review this treatment so that anxious children are re-trained in the specific biases of attention demonstrated here.

Action antidumping et droit de la concurrence dans l’Union européenne / Anti-Dumping action and competition law in the european union

Reymond, Damien 08 July 2014 (has links)
Le droit de l’Union européenne appréhende les comportements d’entreprises en matière de prix par des règles antitrust et par une législation contre le dumping. Ces deux réglementations diffèrent à de nombreux égards. Elles poursuivent des objectifs différents : défense des intérêts de certains concurrents européens versus promotion de la libre concurrence au bénéfice des consommateurs. Cependant, toutes deux contribuent à protéger la loyauté de la concurrence (i.e. promotion d’une certaine homogéniété des conditions de concurrence). Elles appréhendent des pratiques tarifaires différentes : les marchés concernés sont définis différemment (produit concerné exporté depuis un pays tiers et produit similaire fabriqué par l’industrie de l’Union versus marché de produit et marché géographique en cause) et les caractéristiques des entreprises concernées sont également différentes (aucune forme d’accord entre entreprises ou de pouvoir de marché minimum requis par la législation antidumping) ; le dumping discriminatoire n’équivaut à aucun prix discriminatoire anticoncurrentiel, et le dumping à perte n’est pas l’équivalent du prix prédateur ni de tout autre prix bas anticoncurrentiel. Nonobstant leurs différences, les deux réglementations doivent coexister paisiblement. Pourtant, les opportunités de biais protectionnistes dans la détermination du dumping préjudiciable sont toujours nombreuses dans la législation antidumping et la pratique de la Commission. En outre, la mise en oeuvre de la législation antidumping peut être néfaste pour la concurrence dans le marché intérieur via l’incidence des procédures et des mesures antidumping et les effets anticoncurrentiels de certains comportements d’entreprises dans le cadre des procédures antidumping ou environnant ces dernières. De telles incidences nocives pour la concurrence sont déjà réduites par des dispositions telles que la règle du droit moindre et la clause d’intérêt public (intérêt de l’Union), mais pourraient et devraient l’être davantage. / European Union law addresses pricing practices of undertakings through antitrust provisions and an anti-dumping legislation. These two sets of regulations differ in many respects. They pursue different aims: protection of the interest of some European competitors versus promotion of free competition for the benefit o f consumers. However, they both hept to ensure fair competition (i.e. promotion of alevel playing field). They address different pricing practices: the markets concerned are differently defined (concerned product exported from one third country andsimilar product produced by the Union industry versus relevant product and geographic markets) and the characteristics of the undertakings concerned are also different (no sort of agreement between undertakings and no minimum market power required in anti-dumping law); price discrimination dumping in not equivalent to any anti-competitive price discrimination and below cost dumping is not equivalent to predatory pricing or to any other low anti-competitive price. Not with standing their differences, both sets of regulations have to coexist peacefully. Yet, opportunities of protectionist biases in the determination of injurious dumping are still numerous in the anti-dumping legislation and Commission’s practice. Moreover, the enforcementof the anti-dumping legislation may negatively affect competition in the internal market through the impact of the anti-dumping proceedings and measures and the anti-competitive effects of some undertakings’ behaviors within the ambit of, or surrounding the anti-dumping proceedings. Such harmful effects on competition of the anti-dumping action are already reduced by provisions such as the lesser duty rule and the public interest clause (Union interest), but could and should be further reduced.

A regulação da previdência complementar fechada sob a perspectiva da economia comportamental: e a adesão automática como proposta para a mitigação de vieses cognitivos

Martins, Luis Felipe Lopes 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luis Felipe Lopes Martins (lopesmartins.luis@gmail.com) on 2016-01-29T21:26:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulação da Prev. Compl. Fechada sob a Perspeciva da Econ.pdf: 1574022 bytes, checksum: 838f7519247a9eb766f1fd72df335260 (MD5) / Rejected by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br), reason: Favor submeter novamente, pois faltou a ficha catalográfica. on 2016-02-11T17:32:48Z (GMT) / Submitted by Luis Felipe Lopes Martins (lopesmartins.luis@gmail.com) on 2016-02-11T17:50:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulação da Prev. Compl. Fechada sob a Perspeciva da Econ. Comportamental - Luis Lopes Martins.pdf: 1600447 bytes, checksum: bda49ea57d8454add667b598daa8a61b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-02-16T17:20:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulação da Prev. Compl. Fechada sob a Perspeciva da Econ. Comportamental - Luis Lopes Martins.pdf: 1600447 bytes, checksum: bda49ea57d8454add667b598daa8a61b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-02-16T18:58:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulação da Prev. Compl. Fechada sob a Perspeciva da Econ. Comportamental - Luis Lopes Martins.pdf: 1600447 bytes, checksum: bda49ea57d8454add667b598daa8a61b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-16T18:59:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regulação da Prev. Compl. Fechada sob a Perspeciva da Econ. Comportamental - Luis Lopes Martins.pdf: 1600447 bytes, checksum: bda49ea57d8454add667b598daa8a61b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / The present dissertation looks into the use of measures as the automatic enrolment in the pension funds regulation from the perspective of the loosening of the concept of rationality, based on the Law and Behavional Economics. The work is initiated by the historical evolution of Brazilian pension funds’ regulations. It analyzes the systemic impacts created by changes to the pension pillars, particularly to the first one (public pension). In view of these changes and the increasing relevance of the second pillar (occupational pension) to ensure the welfare, this dissertation aims to analyze the possibility of occurrence of cognitive biases in complementary pensions-related decisions. Those cognitive biases can lead individuals to choose options that do not maximize their welfare, for reasons such as inertia, procrastination and optimism, unlike the predicted by the rationality assumption of the neoclassical economic theory. The outcomes analyzed indicate the necessity of regulatory measures to mitigate these cognitive biases, which should be mainly the adoption of a choice arquitecture that can induce the welfare maximization, without limit the individual freedom of choice. Those measures, however, specially the automatic enrollment, are intended to alleviate the cognitive biases, being censurable its adoption in pension plans with predominance of other reasons to the low levels of enrollment, as distrust in the fund administration. Moreover, is needed to respect certain criteria in the automatic enrollment implementation, in order to ensure that this instrument is used only when cognitive biases that reduce the welfare are observed, as well that the option that people are being nudged to is a gainful option, at least most of the times. At end, it is verified the legality of these measures using the standard of proportionality, which allows to identify the limits to the regulatory intensity. / A presente dissertação investiga a utilização de medidas como a adesão automática pela regulação da previdência complementar fechada a partir da flexibilização do conceito de racionalidade, tendo como base a Análise Econômica e Comportamental do Direito. Inicia-se o trabalho pela evolução histórica da regulação da previdência no Brasil, avaliando os impactos sistêmicos das alterações ocorridas no primeiro pilar previdenciário (regimes básicos). Em virtude dessas alterações e do crescimento da relevância do segundo pilar de previdência social (Previdência Complementar Fechada) para a manutenção do bem-estar, analisa-se a possibilidade de ocorrência de vieses cognitivos que implicam desvios de racionalidade dos indivíduos nas decisões relativas à previdência complementar. Esses vieses cognitivos podem fazer com que indivíduos escolham alternativas que não maximizam seu bem-estar, por razões como inércia, procrastinação e superotimismo, ao contrário do que aponta o pressuposto de racionalidade da Economia Neoclássica. Os resultados analisados conduzem à necessidade de adoção de medidas regulatórias capazes de mitigar esses desvios de racionalidade, na forma de adoção de arquitetura de escolhas que induzam à maximização do bem-estar individual, sem limitar a liberdade individual dos envolvidos. Essas medidas, entretanto, especialmente a adesão automática aos planos de benefícios, destinam-se à mitigação de vieses cognitivos, sendo criticável sua adoção em planos de previdência onde observa-se predominância de outras razões para baixos níveis de adesão, como desconfiança em relação à gestão do plano. Ademais, faz-se necessário respeitar certos critérios para sua implementação, a fim de garantir que esse instrumento somente seja utilizado quando se observar vieses cognitivos que prejudiquem significativamente o bem-estar, bem como que a opção à qual os indivíduos estão sendo induzidos é vantajosa, ao menos na grande maioria das vezes. Ao final, verifica-se a juridicidade dessas medidas, à luz da proporcionalidade, norma que permite identificar os limites para a intensidade regulatória.

Comprendre et prévenir l’erreur récurrente dans les processus de décision stratégique : l’apport de la Behavioral Strategy / Understanding and preventing recurring errors in strategic decision processes : a Behavioral Strategy approach

Sibony, Olivier 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les erreurs récurrentes et systématiques dans les processus de décision stratégique sont fréquentes ; et les théories actuelles des organisations sont insuffisantes pour les expliquer. La « Behavioral Strategy » suggère de lier ces erreurs à la psychologie des décideurs, et notamment à leurs biais cognitifs. Toutefois, cette vision suppose de connecter le niveau d’analyse de l’individu et celui de l’organisation. Nous proposons pour ce faire un niveau « méso », la routine de choix stratégique (RCS), où interagissent la psychologie des décideurs et les décisions stratégiques. Après avoir distingué trois types de RCS, nous formulons des hypothèses d’intervention sur celles-ci visant à prévenir les erreurs stratégiques. Nous illustrons ces hypothèses par six cas pratiques, en testons certaines par une étude quantitative, et analysons les préférences qui conduisent les dirigeants à les adopter ou non. Nous concluons en discutant les implications théoriques et pratiques de notre démarche. / Many types of strategic decisions result in recurring, systematic errors. Extant theories of organizations are insufficient to account for this phenomenon. Behavioral Strategy suggests that an explanation may be found in the psychology of decision makers, and particularly in their cognitive biases. This, however, calls for a link between individual-level cognition and affects, and organization-level choices. We propose “Strategic Choice Routines” as a middle level of analysis to bridge this gap, and identify three broad types of Strategic Choice Routines.This leads us to formulate hypotheses on how Strategic Choice Routines can be modified to minimize strategic errors. We illustrate these hypotheses through case studies; test some of them quantitatively; and analyze preferences that drive their adoption by executives. Finally, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications.

Racionální Iracionalita v USA / Rational Irrationality in the USA

Kleňha, Jan January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, the theory of rational irrationality is used to explore the incentives behind seemingly irrational beliefs held by a large part of the contemporary American society towards anthropogenic climate change. Applying causal analysis, three questions are answered: "is it rationally irrational for people to be indifferent towards climate change?" "Are Americans inherently more likely than others to hold irrational beliefs about global issues such as climate change?" If so, "is this phenomenon rooted in certain values that constitute the American identity?" The author focuses on specific "American values" and uses statistics and recent empirical studies to find correlations and causality between those values and the exhibited behavior of individuals, while discussing its possible causes and implications. The study concludes that the root cause of irresponsibility of the American citizen towards climate change is a lack of social mechanisms rewarding individuals for holding epistemologically accurate beliefs. The author then proposes a set of general measures to be prioritized in order to improve social reward mechanisms in the American society. If implemented, those measures should be able to effectively enforce epistemic rationality in the U.S. political debate, which is desirable...

Decision Makers’ Cognitive Biases in Operations Management: An Experimental Study

AlKhars, Mohammed 05 1900 (has links)
Behavioral operations management (BOM) has gained popularity in the last two decades. The main theme in this new stream of research is to include the human behavior in Operations Management (OM) models to increase the effectiveness of such models. BOM is classified into 4 areas: cognitive psychology, social psychology, group dynamics and system dynamics (Bendoly et al. 2010). This dissertation will focus on the first class, namely cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is further classified into heuristics and biases. Tversky and Kahneman (1974) discussed 3 heuristics and 13 cognitive biases that usually face decision makers. This dissertation is going to study 6 cognitive biases under the representativeness heuristic. The model in this dissertation states that cognitive reflection of the individual (Frederick 2005) and training about cognitive biases in the form of warning (Kaufmann and Michel 2009) will help decisions’ makers make less biased decisions. The 6 cognitive biases investigated in this dissertation are insensitivity to prior probability, insensitivity to sample size, misconception of chance, insensitivity to predictability, the illusion of validity and misconception of regression. 6 scenarios in OM contexts have been used in this study. Each scenario corresponds to one cognitive bias. Experimental design has been used as the research tool. To see the impact of training, one group of the participants received the scenarios without training and the other group received them with training. The training consists of a brief description of the cognitive bias as well as an example of the cognitive bias. Cognitive reflection is operationalized using cognitive reflection test (CRT). The survey was distributed to students at University of North Texas (UNT). Logistic regression has been employed to analyze data. The research shows that participants show the cognitive biases proposed by Tversky and Kahneman. Moreover, CRT is significant factor to predict the cognitive bias in two scenarios. Finally, providing training in terms of warning helps participants to make more rational decisions in 4 scenarios. This means that although cognitive biases are inherent in the mind of people, management of corporations has the tool to educate its managers and professionals about such biases which helps companies make more rational decisions.

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